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06. Receive update and provide direction re sewer lateral disconnection in Martinez
Page 1 of 14 Item 6. CENTRAL SAN BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER MEETING DATE: MARCH 4, 2021 SUBJECT: RECEIVE UPDATE AND PROVIDE DIRECTION TO REMEDYA SEWER LATERAL DISCONNECTION AT 2367 AND 2369 PACHECO BOULEVARD IN MARTI NEZ SUBMITTED BY: INITIATING DEPARTMENT: EDGAR J. LOPEZ, CAPITAL PROJECTS ENGINEERING AND TECHNICAL SERVICES- DIVISION MANAGER CAPITAL PROJECTS DANEA GEMMELL, PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION MANAGER REVIEWED BY: JEAN-MARC PETIT, DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNICAL SERVICES Roger S. Bailey Kenton L. Alm General Manager District Counsel ISSUE A shared private sewer lateral situation exists in the City of Martinez beginning at 2357 Pacheco Boulevard, to 2367, and to the next neighbor at 2369 (a duplex). These three properties have been in Central San's service area and paid sewer service charges for several decades since the City of Martinez sewer system was annexed into Central San. See Attachment 1 for an overview map. BACKGROUND At the January 7, 2021 Board meeting, staff announced that a sewer service spill emergency situation had taken place in Martinez at three properties on Pacheco Boulevard. The Collection System Operations Division responded and has installed a temporary gravity side sewer so the affected upstream properties March 4, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 78 of 131 Page 2 of 14 could continue to receive service. However, a permanent solution is still being evaluated with the Central San sewer and the private side sewers. Information on record is limited since the sewer main was inherited from the City of Martinez in the late 1960s when Central San was asked to assume control of their system. Three houses were affected, all built between 1927 and 1930. No as-built, record drawings exist for this sewer main. However, this particular sewer main was discovered in 1999 when the downstream portion was renovated. The sewer main runs under the sidewalk and terminates at a cap (not a manhole) in front of 2357 Pacheco Boulevard. All three houses are connected to a "manifold" lateral, a portion of which runs under the house at 2357. It is important to note that there is an undeveloped upstream lot, which may need to be connected in the future. Per District Code and Standard Specifications, shared laterals are not allowed. However, legacy situations exist that are required to be brought up to code as sewer work or capacity demands occurs (e.g. home addition or remodel). On February 18, 2021, the Board was provided an update via General Manager Announcement indicating that the Capital Projects Division has reviewed the past documentation for the Pacheco Boulevard Improvements Project (Pacheco Project), completed in the late 1990s, and has estimated a very high likelihood that up to 10 other similar situations may exist based on the record drawings. The intent of the Pacheco Project was to install a new replacement sewer on Pacheco Boulevard and reconnect side sewers to the new alignment in the middle of the public street and abandon the original sewer that was under the sidewalks. There was a joint project between the City of Martinez and Central San. It was part of a larger sewer renovation project that did not identify other potential shared side sewers.At the time of the Pacheco Project, the public sewer main serving the 2357, 2367, and 2369 Pacheco Boulevard properties was not shown on Central San maps. Because of complications with the contractor and the difficulty with design changes, the sewer main relocation was stopped at Bush Avenue and did not continue further toward the three properties in question. ALTERNATIVES/CONSIDERATIONS Consideration of Public Sewer Main Replacement or Extension: Staff is currently evaluating the alternatives for replacing the community common lateral including a minor extension of Central San's sewer main that was not addressed in the Pacheco Project. Due to the challenging site conditions, staff is evaluating engineering options to provide permanent sewer service to all three parcels upstream from the sewer main. Staff has been reviewing the information available to evaluate sewer design alternatives to serve the two upstream lots (2367 and 2369), including a sewer main extension under the sidewalk which would terminate at an upstream manhole. However, there is not enough space in the sidewalk to allow a variance for three long laterals to serve the upstream lots. It was concluded that to serve those upstream lots, other alternatives need to be considered. The Capital Projects Division has designed a new public sewer main on Pacheco Boulevard. The intersection of Bush Avenue and Pacheco Boulevard has many utilities, including several underground telecommunication conduits, water lines, gas, electrical, and others. There are two possible alignments, both include replacing the sewers in place. The design will not be complete until potholing can verify the location and any conflicts with the utilities. Staff believes it would be feasible to install a new sewer main and estimates the total costs to be $230,000, which includes design, construction management, construction estimate ($165,000), and contingency. This estimate does not include any costs for side sewer work on private property. Typically, Central San does not install sanitary sewer mains and other sewer facilities for private use. March 4, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 79 of 131 Page 3 of 14 However, per District Code Section 6.20.400, "In certain cases, the public interest and public safety may require the District itself to design and construct public sewage facilities for an existing or proposed development...the District shall adopt a reimbursement fee structure for full reimbursement of any and all costs associated with installation of local street sewers...and other sewer facilities." Additionally, California Health & Safety (H&S) Code section 5471(c) supports the use of rate revenue to be "used only for the acquisition, construction, reconstruction, maintenance, and operation of water systems and sanitation, storm drainage, or sewerage facilities...However, the revenue shall not be used for the acquisition or construction of new local street sewers or laterals as distinguished from main trunk, interceptor, and outfall sewers." Traditionally, property owners are responsible for the cost of extending a public main to provide sewer service. As indicated by Statute and District Code, typical fee revenue for payment of the costs to provide local street sewers is not appropriate. The theory behind this limitation is that new development typically supports itself in these efforts. However, this situation is somewhat different because these properties have been receiving sewer service and paying the associated Central San sewer service charges for over fifty years. Both 2367 and 2369 are longstanding customers, starting in 1967 when the Martinez sewer system was annexed; however, they were connected using a substandard method. A shared lateral serving three properties would never be allowed by Central San's engineering standards today. The events that led to their disconnection from the sewer system are unfortunate, and there is benefit in protecting the public health and the environment by Central San leading the design and construction of a permanent solution. Central San can expedite a suitable design, the permitting process, and constructing the sewer main and associated connections to minimize the time that the bypass is in place. A. Public Sewer Main Extension (PS ME)Alternatives The following three alternatives are options for the PSME only and do not address private sewer sewers. Options for private sewer are described later in this Position Paper. Alternative 1 A - Central San designs, constructs and finances PSME remedy Both 2367 and 2369 are longstanding customers, starting in approximately 1969 when the Martinez sewer system was annexed; they were connected using a substandard method that is deficient, including the existing public sewer serving 2357. Central San could expedite a suitable design, the permitting process and replace the PSME to minimize the time that the bypass is in place. Funding would be from the sewer construction fund and paid by the Collection System Sewer Renovation - Phase 1, District Project 8451. This alternative was recommended by the Real Estate, Environmental and Planning (REEP) Committee when it considered the matter on January 11, 2021. Alternative 2A- Central San designs and constructs PSME remedy and seeks reimbursement from property owners Similar to Alternative 1 A, Central San would take the lead to design and construct the permanent PSME solution. Staff would work with the owners of 2367 and 2369 for reimbursement of all costs for the extension and offer a financing arrangement to ensure an affordable solution. Financing would be similar to Central San's Contractual Assessment District (CAD) program and the Alhambra Valley Assessment District program. For a variety of reasons, including the requirement of minimum of five (5) property owners for CADs, the use of a customized Central San-sponsored reimbursement may be more appropriate in this situation. This approach would require cooperation with one or more property owners. The extension portion is estimated at$45,000. Alternative 3A-Property owners responsible for permanent PSME remedy Traditionally, the property owners are responsible for the cost in extending a public main to provide sewer service. As indicated by Statute and District Code, typical fee revenue for payment of the March 4, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 80 of 131 Page 4 of 14 costs to provide local street sewers is not appropriate. The theory behind this limitation is that new development typically supports itself in these efforts. However, this situation is somewhat different because these properties have been receiving sewer service and paying the associated Central San sewer service charges for over fifty years. Staff currently has no knowledge if the current property owners have the ability to design, construct and finance the appropriate facilities in a timely manner. Consideration for Private Side Sewers: Shared side sewers on private property is not a new issue for Central San and has been seen during sewer renovation projects on occasion. However, the costs to repair or install new side sewers is the responsibility of the property owners since Central San does not own side sewers per the District Code. Staff does not currently have authority to enter these properties, design and construct private sewage facilities and does not recommend we do so in this instance. Private sewage facilities can be complicated and may involve working under the home on house plumbing in the crawlspace, which is a concern at 2367 Pacheco Boulevard since the shared system was installed under the residence.An estimate of up to $15,000 is expected to provide private facilities by a third-party contractor hired by the property owners. B. Private Side Sewer (PSS)Alternatives Alternatives exist concerning the private sewage facilities that are in line with Central San's standard practices to date, which include the following: Alternative 1 B - Property owners responsible for permanent PSS remedy Central San staff could approach the two property owners at 2367 and 2369 to clarify their responsibilities relative to private sewer laterals and that property owners have the ability to coordinate with their own contractor or contract separately with Central San's contractor for the private side sewer work. In the past, coordinating the PSS work with Central San's activities has proven to be less costly to property owners. Costs are typically lower for private work since there is no requirement for paying prevailing wages and, if coordinated with Central San, usually will result in less restoration and associated permitting costs. Staff currently has no knowledge if the current property owners have the ability to hire and finance the work in a timely manner. Alternative 2B - Central San offers financing for PSS remedy Similar to Alternative 1 B, the property owners will take the lead to hire a contractor to construct the permanent private side sewer. Staff could work with the property owners of 2367 and 2369 for reimbursement of all costs. Central San could offer financing to ensure an affordable solution for the PSS. This could be financed using the pilot Septic-to-Sewer(S2S) Financing Program recently approved by the Board. Alternative 3B - Central San reimburses owners for all costs of PSS remedy Similar to Alternative 2B, property owners would take the lead for the permanent solution and hire a contractor to install the PSS. Staff could work with the property owners of 2367 and 2369 for reimbursement of all costs from Central San, and staff would ensure an affordable solution and that costs are recovered. FINANCIAL IMPACTS The cost to provide a replacement sewer and extension to 2367 and 2369 is estimated to be $230,000 and would be funded from the Collection System Sewer Renovation - Phase 1, District Project 8451. The cost of the financing the private side sewers at 2367 and 2369 is estimated to be up to $7,500 each or$15,000 in total. March 4, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 81 of 131 Page 5 of 14 COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION As stated above, the REEP Committee considered this matter at its January 11, 2021 meeting. The Committee recommended that Central San design and construct a remedy consistent with Alternative 1 A. Since then, however, more clarity for the private sewage facilities have been provided. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION Central San has temporarily provided sewer service to 2367 and 2369 but a permanent solution is required. Staff seeks direction from the Board on how to proceed with this situation. The three alternatives for Public Sewer Main Extension (PSME) (1 A, 2A, 3A) and the three alternatives for Private Side Sewers (PSS) (1 B, 2B, 3B) may not be the only alternatives. Staff seeks the Board's direction on the preferred potential approaches for both PSME and for PSS: A. Regarding Public Sewer Main Extension (PSME): Alternative 1 A: Determine that it is in the public's interest and public safety warrants that Central San proceed with design and construction of the public sewage facilities and pay for the improvements; or Alternative 2A: Determine that it is in the public's interest and public safety warrants that Central San proceed with design and construction of the public sewage facilities, with the expectation of full reimbursement of costs from the property owners with the option of financing them over time, secured by the property tax; or Alternative 3A: Determine that this is a private matter that is the responsibility of the property owners to resolve. B. Regarding Private Side Sewer (PSS) Financing: Alternative 1 B: Determine that Private Side Sewers, in this case, are a private matter that the property owners need to resolve with the guidance of Central San as done in the past; or Alternative 2113: Central San can offer options of financing over time using the S2S Financing Program, secured by the property tax and paid for by the property owners; or Alternative 3113: Central San to reimburse all costs to the property owners for the private sewage facilities. Strategic Plan re-In GOAL ONE: Customer and Community Strategy 1—Deliver high-quality customer service GOAL TWO: Environmental Stewardship Strategy 1—Achieve 100% compliance in all regulations GOAL THREE: Fiscal Responsibility Strategy 1—Maintain financial stability and sustainability March 4, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 82 of 131 Page 6 of 14 ATTACHMENTS: 1. Shared Lateral Disconnection Map 2. Presentation March 4, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 83 of 131 4 ` _ X Material/Lining Change Point 4 2346 , Valve �¢ 5CEN1 AVE 2336 , Junction Structure '` •. '� 2344 SCE NICAVE - -2340° *- SCENIC-AVE Manholes SCENIC AVE J 0 Active Tentative Diversion-Active s-p c 1310 M25 35 -d :+ 28 5 Drop-Active Drop-Tentative xASaa Metering-Active 2315 "` Abandonment Scheduled PSH C4 Renovation Scheduled .�. � •` - Unlocated 0 -HEW B D y MULPSS-Active 2369 , y MULPSS-Tentative -236 r c PACHECD P4CHEC0 t • F Sewer Fittings 23.11 235' LND BLVD X Bend PACHECO 1 P CHECO . _ BLVD BLVDr ■ Cap 2345 • Coupling PACHECO _ /T Reducer LVAD �. l Wye • `• Fi 1 Network Structures Access Vault M23 * Influent Structure &VGP� Ft CP31 © Lift Station Metering Station � Y� 4��+ Open Inlet(Holding Basins Only) Pump Station i - - Valve Structure ir Cleanouts n ■ Rodding Inlet,Active Notes ntain View Sanitation District k1� (] Rodding Inlet-Tentative #2357,2367,2369 Pacheco Blvd X Rodding Inlet-AbandonmentSchedi a Rodding Inlet-Unlocated(Structures t$ Cleanout-Active 'i ■ Pressure Relief-Active Pressure Relief-Unlocated(Structur 710• +4 '� This map is a user generated static output from Central San's ATTACHMENT 1 CENTRAL SAN 0 25 50 Feet Geoportal and is for reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate,current,or otherwise reliable. N Map Created On:1/6/2021 Map Projection:WGS84 Shared Lateral Disconnection Page 8 of 14 ATTACHMENT 2 h RECEIVE UPDATE AND PROVIDE DIRECTION TO REMEDY A SEWER LATERAL DISCONNECTION AT 2367 - AND 2369 PACHECO BOULEVARD IN MARTINEZ Board Meeting March 4, 2021 �1 b Edgar J. Lopez, P.E. Capital Projects Division Manager �#h ISSUE A shared private sewer lateral situation exists in the City of Martinez beginning at 2357 Pacheco Boulevard, to 2367, and to the next neighbor at 2369 (a duplex). These three properties have been in Central San service area and paid sewer service charges for several decades since the City of Martinez sewer system was annexed into Central San. � z 1 March 4, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 85 of 131 • • ■ ':'occco rCl c �. Fl2Ch -0 Blvd's. \.s.i• .O .. �; 7 11il ;`� .gin:"'' � - •�..�.�' �,�,_ Y�:i►:`.4r��aR. OT.:i 7� +•� fir_ ���•;�'ti�".•�c7` ire `�"ti`i� LocATiON MAP 23577 2367, AND 2369 PACHEco MARTINEZ, 7001jpiik Page 10 of 14 BYPASS PUMPING AT 2367 PACHECO BLVD. U 4 ACENTRALSAN � 5 BYPASS HARD-PIPED TO NEAREST MANHOLE AT 2311 PACHECO BLVD. CENTRALSAN s:..:.r 3 March 4, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 87 of 131 Page 11 of 14 CONSIDERATIONS FOR RECONNECTION TO SEWER SYSTEM Consideration of Public Sewer Main Replacement or Extension: Staff is currently evaluating the alternatives for replacing the community common lateral including a minor extension of Central San's sewer main that was not addressed in the Pacheco Project. Due to the challenging site conditions, staff is evaluating engineering options to provide permanent sewer service to all three parcels upstream from the sewer main. Consideration for Private Side Sewers: Shared side sewers on private property is not a new issue for Central San and has been seen during sewer renovation projects on occasion. However, the costs to repair or install new side sewers is the responsibility of the property owners since Central San does not own side sewers per the District Code. PUBLIC SEWER MAIN EXTENSION (PSME) ALTERNATIVES •Alternative 1A- Central San Designs, Constructs and Finances PSME Remedy •Alternative 2A- Central San Designs and Constructs PSME Remedy and Seeks Reimbursement from Property Owners •Alternative 3A- Property Owners Responsible for Permanent PSME Remedy 8 CENTRALSAN 4 March 4, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 88 of 131 Page 12 of 14 PRIVATE SIDE SEWER (PSS) ALTERNATIVES Alternative 1 B - Property Owners Responsible For Permanent PSS Remedy Alternative 2B - Central San Offers Financing For Permanent PSS Remedy Alternative 3B - Central San Reimburses Property Owners for All Costs Associated with Permanent PSS Remedy � 9 RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION Central San has temporarily provided sewer service to 2367 and 2369 but a permanent solution is required. Staff seeks direction from the Board on how to proceed with this situation. The three alternatives for Public Sewer Main Extension (PSME) (1A, 2A, 3A) and the three alternatives for Private Side Sewer (PSS) (1 B, 2B, 3B) may not be the only alternatives. Staff seeks the Board's direction on the preferred potential approaches for both PSME and for PSS. 10 5 March 4, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 89 of 131 Page 13 of 14 RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION A. Regarding Public Sewer Main Extension (PSME): Alternative 1A: Determine that it is in the public's interest and public safety warrants that Central San to proceed with design and construction of the public sewage facilities and pay for the improvements; or Alternative 2A: Determine that it is in the public's interest and public safety warrants that Central San to proceed with design and construction of the public sewage facilities, with the expectation of full reimbursement of costs from the property owners with the option of financing them over time, secured by the property tax; or Alternative 3A: Determine that this is a private matter that is the responsibility of the property owners to resolve. CENTRALSAN RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION B. Regarding Private Side Sewer(PSS) Financing: Alternative 1 B: Determine that Private Side Sewers, in this case, are a private matter that the property owners need to resolve with the guidance of Central San as done in the past; or Alternative 213: Central San can offer options of financing over time using the S2S program, secured by the property tax and paid for by the property owners; or Alternative 313: Central San to reimburse all costs to the property owners for the private sewage facilities. �z CENTRALSAN a,- - 6 March 4, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 90 of 131 Page 14 of 14 QUESTIONS? 13 CENTRALSAN 7 March 4, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 91 of 131