HomeMy WebLinkAbout05.b. Receive quarterly financial review for quarter ended December 31, 2020 Page 1 of 41 Item 5.b. CENTRAL SAN Y-109-ITMEN ME February 23, 2021 TO: FINANCE COMMITTEE FROM: KEVIN MIZUNO, FINANCE MANAGER CHRISTOPHER THOMAS, FINANCE ADMINISTRATOR REVIEWED BY: PHILIP R. LEIBER, DIRECTOR OF FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION ROGER S. BAILEY, GENERAL MANAGER SUBJECT: RECEIVE QUARTERLY FINANCIAL REVIEW FOR QUARTER ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2020 Attached is the Quarterly Financial Review for the second quarter of Fiscal Year 2020-21 ended December 31, 2020. The Executive Summary (Section 1) of the attached report includes an analysis of financial results and the investment portfolios for the quarter. Strategic Plan Tie-In GOAL THREE: Fiscal Responsibility Strategy 2—Ensure integrity and transparency in financial management ATTACHMENTS: 1. FY 2020-21 Second Quarter Financial Report February 23, 2021 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 90 of 178 Ou rterly "16, 0 0 'D Fin Review CENTRAL SAN • • CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA nci _ r n -• i i 7 I 1 l f I � � - y� - ies �.� y. � i " r t t!?e Quorter Ended December 31 , 2020 49MILCENTRAL SAN 5019 IMHOFF PLACE,MARTINEZ,CA 94553-4392 Budget-to-Actual Financial Report Quarter Ending December 31, 2020 Table of Contents Section1 -Executive Summary................................................................................................................................................................................................1 Section 2 -Financial Results Summary by Fund................................................................................................................................................................4 Section 3 - Operations&Maintenance Fund Revenues RevenuesSource-Summary..............................................................................................................................................................................................................5 RevenuesSource- Detail.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................6 Expenses Expensesby Type-Summary............................................................................................................................................................................................................7 Expensesby Type- Detail....................................................................................................................................................................................................................8 Expenses by Organizational Unit- Summary(Department) .............................................................................................................................................10 Expenses by Organizational Unit- Detail (Division).............................................................................................................................................................11 Section 4-Sewer Construction Fund Revenues Revenuesby Source- Summary.....................................................................................................................................................................................................12 Revenuesby Source- Detail............................................................................................................................................................................................................13 Expenses ExpensesSummary(by Program).................................................................................................................................................................................................14 ExpensesDetail (by Project)............................................................................................................................................................................................................15 Section 5 -Self Insurance Fund Revenuesby Source.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................19 Expensesby Type.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................20 February 23, 2021 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 92 of 178 49MILCENTRAL SAN 5019 IMHOFF PLACE,MARTINEZ,CA 94553-4392 Budget-to-Actual Financial Report Quarter Ending December 31, 2020 Table of Contents Section 6-Debt Service Fund Revenuesby Source.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................21 Expensesby Type.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................22 Section 7-Investment Portfolio Reports Operations&Maintenance Fund....................................................................................................................................................................................................23 SewerConstruction Fund..................................................................................................................................................................................................................24 SelfInsurance Fund.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................25 Section 8-Financial Performance Metrics 0&M Fund Cashflow Forecast.........................................................................................................................................................................................................26 SewerConstruction Fund Cashflow Forecast...........................................................................................................................................................................27 StaffingTrends.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................28 Cost per Million Gallons of Wastewater Treated.....................................................................................................................................................................29 CapitalSpending Trend......................................................................................................................................................................................................................30 Milesof Pipeline Constructed/Renovated..................................................................................................................................................................................31 February 23, 2021 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 93 of 178 49MILCENTRAL SAN 5019 IMHOFF PLACE,MARTINEZ,CA 94553-4392 Budget-to-Actual Financial Report Quarter Ending December 31, 2020 Section 1 -Executive Summary Quarterly Financial Highlights Included in this consolidated report are quarterly budget-to-actual financial reports as well as the investment portfolio reports for the second quarter of FY 2020-21 ended December 31, 2020. The underlying reports present unaudited quarterly results for the Running Expense (0&M), Sewer Construction, Self-Insurance, and Debt Service funds. Operating&Maintenance Fund 0&M Fund results for the second quarter show total expenditures are $39.8 million, which is approximately $5.8 million (12.7%) under the projected year-to-date budget. While this favorable expense variance is larger than the favorable year-to- date budget variance reported in the prior year for the same time period of $4.4 million (9.9%), it has contracted from the 18.9% variance reported in the previous quarter of this fiscal year. While the full-time employee vacancy rate of approximately 5.5% has reduced slightly from the prior quarter (7.8%), it is still well over the assumed vacancy factor in the FY 2020-21 budget of 2.0%. Furthermore, costs for retiree benefits, split between the benefits and unfunded liabilities expense categories pursuant to actuarial assumptions, are temporarily behind schedule following Central San's transition to a third-party administrator for processing of eligible Medicare reimbursement claims in July 2020, which is a function that was previously administered in-house. These budgeted other post-employment benefits (OPEB) costs are expected to catch up to budgeted projections by the close of the fiscal year as billings from the new third-party administrator catch up. In the aggregate, the 0&M Fund is reporting total revenues of $25.5 million, which results in a modest favorable revenue variance with of approximately $0.2 million (0.6%) above total estimated year-to-date revenues. The primary driver for this overall positive revenue variance is sewer service charges, Central San's primary revenue source. Sewer service charges exceed the year-to-date budget estimate due to development and commercial account wastewater flows being slightly higher than projected when developing the FY 2020-21 budget. An analysis presented to the Board in October 2020 estimated that total FY 2020-21 sewer service charges are projected to come in over budget by approximately $0.9 million, of which $0.4 million (44%) would be the 0&M Fund's share. While other non-operating revenues are reporting negative year-to-date 11Page February 23, 2021 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 94 of 178 49MILCENTRAL SAN 5019 IMHOFF PLACE,MARTINEZ,CA 94553-4392 Budget-to-Actual Financial Report Quarter Ending December 31, 2020 Section 1 -Executive Summary estimated budget variances in the aggregate, these appear to be largely attributable to timing issues and be diminished in the second half of the fiscal year. Sewer Construction Fund Sewer Construction Fund results for the second quarter show total capital project expenditures of$28.3 million, or 32.2% of the total adopted budget of$88.0 million. When including roll-over capital project appropriations from the prior year of$21.0 million, the capital spending rate drops to 26.1% of total FY 2020-21 Board authorized appropriations of $108.6 million. When comparing actual capital expenditures to the year-to-date budget projection which incorporates historical "s-curve" trends, total year-to-date capital spending is at 55.7%, below the targeted 90% line. On the positive side, projects are realizing cost savings due to very competitive bids being received in the current economic environment. These lower bids benefit the capital program by reducing future spending on some capital projects, leaving resources for new projects not included in the FY 2020-21 adopted budget (i.e. building and infrastructure improvements to mitigate COVID-19 pandemic risks) or existing projects in the District's Ten-Year Capital Improvement Plan such as the Solids Handling Project which is expecting higher than originally anticipated costs. On the revenue side, the Sewer Construction Fund is currently reporting revenues of $41.8 million, reflecting a modest but favorable year-to-date variance of$1.0 million (2.4%). This favorable revenue variance is largely attributable to sewer service charges and ad valorem property tax revenues coming in above the year-to-date projections. Furthermore, as noted previously, an analysis presented to the Finance Committee on September 22, 2020 estimated that total FY 2020-21 sewer service charges are projected to come in over budget by approximately$0.9 million, of which $0.5 million (56%) would be the Sewer Construction Fund's share. Investment Portfolio Highlights In accordance with Section 53646 of the California Government Code as well as Central San's Investment Policy, the Finance Division is required to submit an investment report to the General Manager and Board of Directors at least quarterly. The investments held by Central San on December 31, 2020 are presented in separate Investment Portfolio Reports for each fund 2 1 P a g e February 23, 2021 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 95 of 178 49MILCENTRAL SAN 5019 IMHOFF PLACE,MARTINEZ,CA 94553-4392 Budget-to-Actual Financial Report Quarter Ending December 31, 2020 Section 1 -Executive Summary on pages 23-25 of this consolidated report. Pursuant to the Investment Policy and state law, the Investment Portfolio Report presents the following information: type of investment, issuer, date of maturity, par (or face) and dollar amount invested on all securities, as well as the current market value as of the date of the report. Through the second quarter of FY 2020-21, the 0&M Fund has generated Investment Income of $93,820, barely under the year-to-date revenue estimate of $95,000. The Sewer Construction Fund is reporting Investment Income of $167,948, exceeding the year-to-date revenue estimate of$146,750 by 14.4%. As of December 31, 2020, Central San continues to hold the bulk of its investment portfolio, or $75.0 million, in Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) state investment pool, which is the maximum amount permitted to be held in the pool. The remaining investments are held in short-term United States Treasury Bills and Federal Agency Securities yielding far less than LAIF given the current market environment for short-term fixed income instruments permissible for investment by Central San's investment policy and state law. Central San's investment portfolio is in compliance with the Board's adopted policy regarding investments as of the quarter ended December 31, 2020. Furthermore, as a statement of compliance, Central San is expected to meet expenditure requirements for the next six (6) months from a combination of maturing investments and FY 2020-21 budgeted revenues. 3 1 P a g e February 23, 2021 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 96 of 178 AgOLCENTRAL SAN 5019 IMHOFF PLACE,MARTINEZ,CA 94553-4392 Budget-to-Actual Financial Report Quarter Ending December 31, 2020 Section 2 -Financial Results Summary by Fund Annual YTD Budget YTD YTD YTD Variance Annual Realized Category Budget Actual Variance($) (%] Budget (%) Fund Revenues 0&M $ 25,292,936 $ 25,451,289 158,353 0.6% $ 65,432,162 38.9% Sewer Construction 40,799,548 41,794,852 995,304 2.4% 94,952,902 44.0% Self Insurance 516,025 476,885 (39,140) -7.6% 582,050 81.9% Debt Service 1,384,683 2,517,605 1,132,922 81.8% 2,517,605 100.0% Total $ 67,993,192 $ 70,240,630 $ 2,247,438 $ 163,484,719 Fund Expenses 0&M $ 45,558,169 $ 39,753,394 5,804,775 12.7% $ 90,666,338 43.8% Sewer Construction 50,910,891 28,344,262 22,566,629 44.3% 108,595,770 26.1% Self Insurance 576,750 311,159 265,591 46.0% 1,153,500 27.0% Debt Service 134,886 134,886 - 0.0% 777,605 17.3% Total $ 97,180,696 $ 68,543,701 $ 28,636,995 $ 201,193,213 YTD Budget-to-Actual Revenues by Fund YTD Budget-to-Actual Expenses by Fund $zooapoo $LJ50A00 835,000,000 81500A00 $20,000,000 �° $1,250A00 � $1,000,000 515,000,000 $750,000 s10—o00 $500,000 $.U. $S,000,00o $_ ", / $ o&m sewer Conse,ux,on selllnsuance De semee 0&M $ewerWrsvuRlon $elllnmran,e Oebl servire Fund Fund 4Page February 23, 2021 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 97 of 178 AgOLCENTRAL SAN 5019 IMHOFF PLACE,MARTINEZ,CA 94553-4392 Budget-to-Actual Financial Report Quarter Ending December 31, 2020 Section 3 - Operations & Maintenance Fund Revenues by Source - Summary Level Annual QTD QTD QTD QTD Variance YTD YTD YTD YTD Annual Budget Category Budget Actual Variance($] (%) Budget Actual Variance($) Variance(%) Budget Realized(%) Operating Revenues: Sewer Service Charge Revenue $ 23,280,099 $ 23,681,936 $ 401,837 1.7% $ 23,292,198 $ 23,746,457 $ 454,259 2.0% $ 44,527,762 53.3% Sewage Treatment Cost Sharing - - - - (46,215) (46,215) 15,760,000 -0.3% Miscellaneous Service Charge 307,269 236,662 (70,607) -23.0% 517,038 376,474 (140,564) -27.2% 2,177,000 17.3% Non-Operating Revenues: Permit and Inspection Fees 505,600 500,086 (5,514) -1.1% 1,011,200 984,272 (26,928) -2.7% 2,022,400 48.7% Other Non Operating Income 188,750 120,176 (68,574) -36.3% 377,500 296,481 (81,019) -21.5% 755,000 39.3% Investment Income 47,500 38,443 (9,057) -19.1% 95,000 93,820 (1,180) -1.2% 190,000 49.4% Total Revenue $ 24,329,218 $ 24,577,303 $ 248,085 1.0% $ 25,292,936 $ 25,451,289 $ 158,353 0.6% $ 65,432,162 38.9% Year-to-Date Revenues by Source $25,000,000 $20,000,000 $15,000,000 $10,000,000 $5,000,000 _ Sewer Service Charge Revenue Sewage Tmanuent Cost Sharing Miscellaneous Service Charge Permit and Inspection Fees Other Non Operating Income Investment Income $(5,000,000) Revenue Source Category -YTD •YTD Budget Actual 5 � Page February 23, 2021 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 98 of 178 AgOLCENTRAL SAN 5019 IMHOFF PLACE,MARTINEZ,CA 94553-4392 Budget-to-Actual Financial Report Quarter Ending December 31, 2020 Section 3 - Operations & Maintenance Fund Revenues by Source - Detail Level Annual QTD YTD Budget QTD QTD QTD Variance YTD YTD YTD Variance Annual Realized Category Budget Actual Variance($) (%) Budget Actual Variance($) (%) Budget (%) Sewer Service Charge Revenue Sewer Service Charge Counter $ 21,999 $ 26,010 $ 4,011 18.2% $ 43,998 $ 83,670 $ 39,672 90.2% $ 88,000 95.1% Sewer Service Charge County 22,740,000 22,833,223 93,223 0.4% 22,740,000 22,833,223 93,223 0.4x/0 43,951,362 52.0% Sewer Service Charge Direct 528,000 826,451 298,451 56.5% 528,000 833,311 305,311 57.8% 528,000 157.8% Sewer Service Charge Prior (9,900) (3,747) 6,153 -62.1% (19,800) (3,747) 16,053 -81.1% (39,600) 9.5% Sewage Treatment Cost Sharing - - - - (46,215) (46,215) 15,760,000 -0.3% Miscellaneous Service Charges Septic Tank Dumping 12,500 9,051 (3,449) -27.6% 25,000 30,352 5,352 21.4% 50,000 60.7% Sales 250 - (250) -100.0% 500 50 (450) -90.0% 1,000 5.0% Other Service Charges 47,500 - (47,500) -100.0% 95,000 11,504 (83,496) -87.9% 190,000 6.1% Recycled Water 105,000 168,393 63,393 60.4% 210,000 268,482 58,482 27.8% 420,000 63.9% Satellite Water Recycling 15,500 - (15,500) -100.0% 31,000 - (31,000) -100.0% 62,000 0.0% Stormwater Program 97,500 51,039 (46,461) -47.7% 97,500 51,039 (46,461) -47.7% 390,000 13.1% Household Hazardous Waste 29,019 8,178 (20,841) -71.8% 58,038 15,047 (42,991) -74.1% 1,064,000 1.4% Permit&Inspection Fees Permit/Application Fees 150,000 139,229 (10,771) -7.2% 300,000 280,118 (19,882) -6.6% 600,000 46.7% Main Lines Inspection Fees - - - - - Plan Review - - - - - - Overtime Inspection 3,600 4,318 718 19.9% 7,200 5,280 (1,920) -26.7% 14,400 36.7% Side Sewer Inspection 292,500 310,796 18,296 6.3% 585,000 637,638 52,638 9.0% 1,170,000 54.5% Industrial Permit Fees 25,750 33,011 7,261 28.2% 51,500 33,011 (18,489) -35.9% 103,000 32.0% New Industry Permit Fees 3,750 1,249 (2,501) -66.7% 7,500 3,898 (3,602) -48.0% 15,000 26.0% Annexation Charges 30,000 11,483 (18,517) -61.7% 60,000 24,327 (35,673) -59.5% 120,000 20.3% Other Non-Operating Income MVSD P2 Program 6,000 2,354 (3,646) -60.8% 12,000 2,354 (9,646) -80.4% 24,000 9.8% Pretreatment Program Fine 500 - (500) -100.0% 1,000 - (1,000) -100.0% 2,000 0.0% Lease Rental Income 179,750 132,383 (47,367) -26.4% 359,500 303,426 (56,074) -15.6% 719,000 42.2% Miscellaneous Income 2,500 (25,628) (28,128) -1125.1% 5,000 (28,271) (33,271) -665.4% 10,000 -282.7% Right of Way Fees - 11,067 11,067 - 18,972 18,972 - Investment Income 47,500 38,443 (9,057) -19.1% 95,000 93,820 (1,180) -1.2% 190,000 49.4% Total Revenues $ 24,329,218 $ 24,577,303 $ 248,085 1.0% $ 25,292,936 $ 25,451,289 $ 158,353 0.6% $ 65,432,162 38.9% 6 1 P a g e February 23, 2021 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 99 of 178 AgOLCENTRAL SAN 5019 IMHOFF PLACE,MARTINEZ,CA 94553-4392 Budget-to-Actual Financial Report Quarter Ending December 31, 2020 Section 3 - Operations & Maintenance Fund Expenses by Type - Summary QTD YTD Budget QTD QTD QTD Variance YTD YTD YTD Variance Annual Realized Category Budget Actual Variance($) (%) Budget Actual Variance($) (%) Budget (%) Salaries&Wages $ 9,885,798 $ 9,014,106 $ 871,692 8.8% $ 19,771,596 $ 17,942,231 $ 1,829,365 9.3% $ 39,543,191 45.4% Employee Benefits 2,886,293 2,625,143 261,151 9.0% 5,772,587 5,150,388 622,199 10.8% 11,545,173 44.6% Retiree/Unfunded Liability Costs 3,956,754 4,162,832 (206,078) -5.2% 7,913,508 7,346,405 567,103 7.2% 15,827,016 46.4% Purchased Property Services 1,583,644 1,637,794 (54,149) -3.4% 3,167,289 2,432,429 734,860 23.2% 6,334,577 38.4% Other Purchased Services 1,576,369 1,393,006 183,363 11.6% 3,152,739 2,036,419 1,116,320 35.4% 6,305,477 32.3% Supplies&Materials 2,366,575 2,154,110 212,465 9.0% 4,733,150 3,894,020 839,130 17.7% 9,466,300 41.1% Other Expenses 298,651 114,718 183,933 61.6% 1,047,302 951,503 95,799 9.1% 1,644,604 57.9% Total Expenses $ 22,554,084 $ 21,101,708 $ 1,452,376 6.4% $ 45,558,169 $ 39,753,394 $ 5,804,775 12.7% $ 90,666,338 43.8% Year-to-Date Expenses by Type $20,000,000 $18,000,000 _ $16,000,000 $14,000,000 $12,000,000 $10,000,000 $8,000,000 $6,000,000 $4,000,000 $2,000,000 $_ Salaries&Wages Employee Benefits Retiree/Unfunded Purchased Property Other Purchased Supplies&Materials Other Expenses Liability Costs Services Services Department ■YTD ■YTD Budget Actual 7Page February 23, 2021 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 100 of 178 AgOLCENTRAL SAN 5019 IMHOFF PLACE,MARTINEZ,CA 94553-4392 Budget-to-Actual Financial Report Quarter Ending December 31, 2020 Section 3 - Operations & Maintenance Fund Expenses by Type - Detail Period Period Period Variance Period Variance YTD YTD YTD YTD Annual Category Budget Actual ($) (%) Budget Actual Variance($) Variance(%) Budget %Used Salaries&Wages FTE Regular Pay $ 9,347,250 $ 8,591,364 $ 755,886 8.1% $ 18,694,500 $ 17,106,082 $ 1,588,418 8.5% $ 37,389,000 45.8% Temporary Pay 76,493 - 76,493 100.0% 152,986 - 152,986 100.0% 305,971 0.0% Premium Pay 695,843 407,572 288,270 41.4% 1,391,685 808,029 583,656 41.9% 2,783,370 29.0% Board Fees 13,663 15,170 (1,507) -11.0% 27,325 28,120 (795) -2.9% 54,650 51.5% Other (247,450) (247,450) 100.0% (494,900) (494,900) 100.0% (989,800) 0.0% Total Salaries&Wages 9,885,798 9,014,106 871,692 8.8% 19,771,596 17,942,231 1,829,365 9.3% 39,543,191 45.4% Employee Benefits Leave Accruals - 107,264 (107,264) 0.0% - 175,950 (175,950) 0.0% - 0.0% Insurance Premiums 1,848,649 1,663,218 185,431 10.0% 3,697,298 3,416,777 280,521 7.6% 7,394,596 46.2% Employer Taxes 142,090 139,892 2,198 1.5% 284,180 286,575 (2,395) -0.8% 568,359 50.4% Employer Retirement Contributions 1,889,829 1,518,988 370,840 19.6% 3,779,657 3,176,716 602,941 16.0% 7,559,314 42.0% OPEB Contributions 410,250 479,341 (69,091) -16.8% 820,500 690,667 129,833 15.8% 1,641,000 42.1% Other Benefits 11,575 - 11,575 100.0% 23,150 - 23,150 100.0% 46,300 0.0% Benefit Adjustments (1,416,099) (1,283,560) (132,539) 9.4% (2,832,198) (2,596,296) (235,902) 8.3% (5,664,396) 45.8% Total Employee Benefits 2,886,293 2,625,143 261,151 9.0% 5,772,587 5,150,388 622,199 10.8% 11,545,173 44.6% Unfunded Liability Costs Pension 3,124,754 3,473,305 (348,551) -11.2% 6,249,508 6,350,368 (100,860) -1.6% 12,499,016 50.8% OPEB 925,250 689,527 235,723 25.5% 1,850,500 996,037 854,463 46.2% 3,701,000 26.9% UAAL Vacancy (93,250) - (93,250) 100.0% (186,500) - (186,500) 100.0% (373,000) 0.0% Total Unfunded Liability Costs 3,956,754 4,162,832 (206,078) -5.2% 7,913,508 7,346,405 567,103 7.2% 15,827,016 46.4% Purchased Property Services Repairs&Maintenance 1,022,600 1,018,342 4,258 0.4% 2,045,201 1,774,301 270,900 13.2% 4,090,401 43.4% Hauling&Disposal 253,606 244,157 9,449 3.7% 507,213 151,691 355,521 70.1% 1,014,425 15.0% Security 162,700 185,952 (23,252) -14.3% 325,400 195,713 129,687 39.9% 650,800 30.1% Rentals 47,675 72,216 (24,541) -51.5% 95,351 115,090 (19,740) -20.7% 190,701 60.4% Cleaning 97,062 114,101 (17,039) -17.6% 194,125 192,609 1,516 0.8% 388,250 49.6% Construction - 3,025 (3,025) - 3,025 (3,025) - Total Purchased Property Services 1,583,644 1,637,794 (54,149) -3.4% 3,167,289 2,432,429 734,860 23.2% 6,334,577 38.4% 8 1 P a g e February 23, 2021 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 101 of 178 AgOLCENTRAL SAN 5019 IMHOFF PLACE,MARTINEZ,CA 94553-4392 Budget-to-Actual Financial Report Quarter Ending December 31, 2020 Section 3 - Operations & Maintenance Fund Expenses by Type - Detail (Continued) QTD YTD Budget QTD QTD QTD Variance Variance YTD YTD YTD Variance Annual Realized Expense Type Budget Actual ($) (%) Budget Actual Variance($) (%) Budget (%) Purchased Professional,Technical& Other Services Professional Services 182,050 289,308 (107,258) -58.9% 364,100 448,339 (84,239) -23.1% 728,200 61.6% Technical Services 809,145 354,066 455,079 56.2% 1,618,290 679,013 939,277 58.0% 3,236,580 21.0% Other Purchased Services 585,174 749,633 (164,459) -28.1% 1,170,349 909,067 261,281 22.3% 2,340,697 38.8% Total Purchased Professional,Technical &Other Services 1,576,369 1,393,006 183,363 11.6% 3,152,739 2,036,419 1,116,320 35.4% 6,305,477 32.3% Supplies&Materials Utilities&Fuel 1,172,413 1,186,601 (14,189) -1.2% 2,344,825 2,021,260 323,565 13.8% 4,689,650 43.1% Chemicals 383,500 452,022 (68,522) -17.9°/% 767,000 860,074 (93,074) -12.1% 1,534,000 56.1% General Supplies 810,663 515,487 295,176 36.4% 1,621,325 1,012,686 608,639 37.5% 3,242,650 31.2% Total Supplies&Materials 2,366,575 2,154,110 212,465 9.0% 4,733,150 3,894,020 839,130 17.7% 9,466,300 41.1% Other Expenses Insurance&Risk Management - - - 0.0% 450,000 450,000 - 0.0% 450,000 100.0% Memberships 157,070 82,543 74,526 47.4% 314,140 451,242 (137,103) -43.6% 628,279 71.8% Training&Meetings 128,769 22,235 106,534 82.7% 257,538 43,096 214,442 83.3% 515,075 8.4% Miscellaneous Other 12,813 9,940 2,873 22.4% 25,625 7,165 18,460 72.0% 51,250 14.0% Total Other Expenses 298,651 114,718 183,933 61.6% 1,047,302 951,503 95,799 9.1% 1,644,604 57.9% Total Expenses $ 22,554,084 $ 21,101,708 $ 1,452,376 6.4% $ 45,558,169 $ 39,753,394 $ 5,804,775 12.7% $ 90,666,338 228.1% 9 1 P a g e February 23, 2021 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 102 of 178 AgOLCENTRAL SAN 5019 IMHOFF PLACE,MARTINEZ,CA 94553-4392 Budget-to-Actual Financial Report Quarter Ending December 31, 2020 Section 3 - Operations & Maintenance Fund Expenses by Organizational Unit- Summary (by Department) QTD YTD QTD QTD QTD Variance YTD YTD YTD Variance Annual % Category Budget Actual Variance($) (%) Budget Actual Variance($] (%) Budget Used Department Executive Governance $ 766,097 $ 674,282 $ 91,815 12.0% $ 1,532,194 $ 1,293,888 $ 238,306 15.6% $ 3,064,387 42.2% Administration 5,408,591 5,410,976 (2,385) 0.0% 11,267,182 9,646,638 1,620,544 14.4% 22,084,363 43.7% Engineering and Technical Services 4,655,846 3,626,847 1,028,999 22.1% 9,311,692 7,243,480 2,068,211 22.2% 18,623,383 38.9% Operations 11,355,729 10,889,501 466,228 4.1% 22,711,457 20,854,791 1,856,666 8.2% 45,422,914 45.9°/% Recycled Water Program 367,823 500,103 (132,281) -36.0% 735,645 714,598 21,047 2.9% 1,471,290 48.6% Total Expenses $ 22,554,084 $ 21,101,708 $ 1,452,376 6.4% $ 45,558,169 $ 39,753,394 $ 5,804,775 12.7% $ 90,666,338 43.8% Year-to-Date Expenses by Department $24,000,000 $22,000,000 $20,000,000 $18,000,000 $16,000,000 $14,000,000 $12,000,000 $10,000,000 $8,000,000 $6,000,000 $4,000,000 $2,000,000 Executive Governance Administration Engineering and Technical Operations Recycled Water Program Services Department ■YTD ■YTD Budget Actual 10 � Page February 23, 2021 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 103 of 178 AgOLCENTRAL SAN 5019 IMHOFF PLACE,MARTINEZ,CA 94553-4392 Budget-to-Actual Financial Report Quarter Ending December 31, 2020 Section 3 - Operations & Maintenance Fund Expenses by Organizational Unit- Detail (by Division) QTD YTD Budget QTD QTD QTD Variance YTD YTD YTD Variance Annual Realized Organizational Unit Budget Actual Variance($) M Budget Actual Variance($) ("/o) Budget M Executive Governance Office of the General Manager $ 375,395 $ 183,687 $ 191,708 51.1% $ 750,790 $ 364,504 $ 386,285 51.5°/% $ 1,501,579 24.3°/% Office of the Secretary of the District 249,695 404,787 (155,092) -62.1% 499,390 802,896 (303,506) -60.8% 998,779 80.4°/% Board of Directors 141,007 85,808 55,199 39.1% 282,015 126,488 155,527 55.1% 564,029 22.4°/% Administration Office of the Director of Finance and Administration 144,758 153,986 (9,228) -6.4% 289,516 294,120 (4,603) -1.6% 579,032 50.8°/% Finance Division 564,203 425,973 138,230 24.5% 1,128,405 845,709 282,696 25.1% 2,256,811 37.5% Human Resources Division 2,239,622 2,543,545 (303,923) -13.6% 4,479,244 3,864,115 615,129 13.7% 8,958,488 43.1% Purchasing Division 501,542 355,539 146,003 29.1% 1,003,085 660,702 342,382 34.1°/% 2,006,169 32.9°/% Risk Management Program 294,616 242,299 52,317 17.8% 1,039,232 908,144 131,088 12.6% 1,628,463 55.8% Public Info/Comm.Services&Intergov Relations Division 532,020 467,753 64,267 12.1% 1,064,041 883,346 180,695 17.0% 2,128,081 41.5% Information Technology Division 1,131,830 1,221,881 (90,051) -8.0% 2,263,660 2,190,502 73,158 3.2% 4,527,320 48.4% Engineering&Technical Services Office of the Director of Engineering& Technical Services 283,171 143,834 139,337 49.2% 566,342 377,066 189,276 33.4% 1,132,683 33.3°/% Planning&Developmental Services Division 1,861,941 1,567,534 294,407 15.8% 3,723,883 2,972,611 751,271 20.2% 7,447,765 39.9% Capital Projects Division 220,793 (159,304) 380,097 172.2% 441,585 (165,786) 607,371 137.5% 883,170 -18.8% Environmental&Regulatory Compliance Division 2,289,941 2,074,783 215,159 9.4% 4,579,883 4,059,590 520,293 11.4% 9,159,765 44.3% Operations Office of the Director of Operations 258,835 434,511 (175,676) -67.9% 517,670 493,799 23,871 4.6% 1,035,340 47.7% Collection System Operations Division 3,729,142 3,357,897 371,244 10.0% 7,458,283 6,752,988 705,295 9.5% 14,916,566 45.3% Treatment Plant Operations Division 3,452,883 3,596,987 (144,105) -4.2% 6,905,765 6,840,363 65,402 0.9% 13,811,530 49.5°/% Treatment Plant Maintenance Division 3,914,870 3,500,105 414,764 10.6% 7,829,739 6,767,642 1,062,097 13.6% 15,659,478 43.2°/% Recycled Water Recycled Water-General 40,925 44,298 (3,373) -8.2% 81,850 65,071 16,779 20.5% 163,700 39.8% Treatment Plant 176,975 259,499 (82,524) -46.6% 353,950 375,058 (21,108) -6.0% 707,900 53.0% Distribution System 78,588 94,737 (16,149) -20.5% 157,175 125,572 31,603 20.1% 314,350 39.9% Residential Fill Station 55,835 101,570 (45,735) -81.9% 111,670 148,896 (37,226) -33.3% 223,340 66.7°/% Satellite Water Facility 15,500 - 15,500 100.0% 31,000 - 31,000 100.0% 62,000 0.0% Total Expenses $ 22,554,084 $ 21,101,708 $ 1,452,376 6.4% $ 45,558,169 $ 39,753,394 $ 5,804,775 12.7% $ 90,666,338 43.8% 111 Page February 23, 2021 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 104 of 178 _,&&OCENTRAL SAN 5019 IMHOFF PLACE,MARTINEZ,CA 94553-4392 Budget-to-Actual Financial Report Quarter Ending December 31, 2020 Section 4 - Sewer Construction Fund Revenues by Source - Summary Annual QTD YTD Budget QTD QTD QTD Variance Variance YTD YTD YTD Variance Annual Realized Category Budget Actual ($) (%) Budget Actual Variance($) (%) Budget (%) Sewer Service Charges $ 29,764,399 $ 30,052,433 $ 288,034 1.0% $ 29,779,798 $ 30,133,638 $ 353,840 1.2% $ 56,673,402 53.2% Other Capital Revenues 9,259,875 10,450,396 1,190,S21 12.9% 11,019,750 11,661,214 641,464 5.8% 38,279,S00 30.S% Total Revenue $ 39,024,274 $ 40,502,830 $ 1,478,556 3.8% $ 40,799,548 $ 41,794,852 $ 995,304 2.4% $ 94,952,902 44.0% Year-to-Date Revenues by Source $35,000,000 $30,000,000 $25,000,000 $20,000,000 $15,000,000 $10,000,000 $5,000,000 Sewer Service Charges Other Capital Revenues Revenue Source Category •YTD •YTD Budget Actual 12 Page February 23, 2021 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 105 of 178 AgOLCENTRAL SAN 5019 IMHOFF PLACE,MARTINEZ,CA 94553-4392 Budget-to-Actual Financial Report Quarter Ending December 31, 2020 Section 4 - Sewer Construction Fund Revenues by Source - Detail Annual QTD YTD Budget QTD QTD QTD Revenue YTD YTD YTD Revenue Annual Realized Category Budget Actual Variance($) (%) Budget Actual Variance[$) (%) Budget (%) Sewer Service Charges(SSC) Over-the-Counter $ 27,999 $ 32,918 $ 4,919 17.6% $ 55,998 $ (17,030) $ (73,028) -130.4% $ 112,000 -15.2% County Allocated 29,077,000 29,060,466 (16,534) -0.1% 29,077,000 29,193,181 116,181 0.4% 55,939,802 52.2% Direct Billed 672,000 963,819 291,819 43.4% 672,000 962,256 290,256 43.2% 672,000 143.2% Prior Year Adjustment (12,600) (4,770) 7,830 -62.1% (25,200) (4,770) 20,430 -81.1% (50,400) 9.5% Other Capital Revenues Facilities Capacity Fees-Gravity Zone 1,500,000 2,296,853 796,853 53.1% 3,000,000 2,967,333 (32,667) -1.1% 6,000,000 49.5% Facilities Capacity Fees-Pump Zone 65,500 36,898 (28,602) -43.7% 131,000 85,251 (45,749) -34.9% 262,000 32.5% Capacity Use Charge 25,500 55,631 30,131 118.2% 51,000 57,067 6,067 11.9% 102,000 55.9% Secured Property Tax 7,500,000 7,924,907 424,907 5.7% 7,500,000 8,287,485 787,485 10.5% 15,940,000 52.0% Investment Income 73,375 94,895 21,520 29.3% 146,750 167,948 21,198 14.4% 293,500 57.2% Other Government Revenue-Concord - - - - - - 15,300,000 0.0% Overtime Inspection 2,000 962 (1,038) -51.9% 4,000 4,644 644 16.1% 8,000 58.1% Plan Review 27,750 27,265 (485) -1.7% 55,500 57,242 1,742 3.1% 111,000 51.6% Main Lines Inspection Fees 65,500 12,829 (52,671) -80.4% 131,000 36,720 (94,280) -72.0% 262,000 14.0% Miscellaneous Income 250 979 729 291.6% 500 979 479 95.8% 1,000 97.9% Contractual Assessment District(CAD) Reimbursements (824) (824) - (3,456) (3,456) Total Revenues $ 39,024,274 $ 40,502,830 $ 1,478,556 3.8% $ 40,799,548 $ 41,794,852 $ 995,304 2.4% $ 94,952,902 44.0% 131Page February 23, 2021 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 106 of 178 _,&&OCENTRAL SAN 5019 IMHOFF PLACE,MARTINEZ,CA 94553-4392 Budget-to-Actual Financial Report Quarter Ending December 31, 2020 Section 4 - Sewer Construction Fund Capital Expenditures Summary (by Program) A B C(A-B) D E F(D+E) G(C+D+E) H 1(F-G) Cumulative Cumulative Total Project FY 2020-21 FY 2020-21 FY 2020-21 FY 2020-21 FY 2020-21 FY 2020-21 Prior Year Prior Year Carryforward to Adopted Budget Adjusted Approved Actual Remaining Budgets Actuals FY 2020-21 Budget Adjustments Budget Expenditures Expenditures Budget Collection System(CS) $ 26,135,211 16,613,427 9,521,784 40,165,000 40,165,000 49,686,784 15,624,908 34,061,876 Treatment Plant(TP) 57,316,451 50,455,867 6,860,584 32,334,000 32,334,000 39,194,584 8,601,835 30,592,749 General Improvements(GI) 14,234,483 12,051,118 2,183,365 3,925,000 3,925,000 6,108,365 3,446,341 2,662,024 Recycled Water(RW) 9,186,894 7,180,857 2,006,037 9,500,000 9,500,000 11,506,037 671,178 10,834,859 CIB Contingency 2,100,000 2,100,000 2,100,000 2,100,000 Total $ 106,873,039 $ 86,301,269 $ 20,571,770 $ 88,024,000 $ $ 88,024,000 $ 108,595,770 $ 28,344,262 $ 80,251,508 Capital Improvement Budget Quarterly Results by Program $50,000,000 $45,000,000 $40,000,000 $35,000,000 $30,000,000 $25,000,000 $20,000,000 $15,000,000 $10,000,000 $5,000,000 Collection Treatment Plant General Recycled Water CIB Contingency System(CS) (TP) Improvements (RW) (GI) Program ■Approved Expenditures ■Actual Expenditures 14Page February 23, 2021 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 107 of 178 AgOLCENTRAL SAN 5019 IMHOFF PLACE,MARTINEZ,CA 94553-4392 Budget-to-Actual Financial Report Quarter Ending December 31, 2020 Section 4 - Sewer Construction Fund Capital Expenditures Detail (by Project) A B C(A-B) D E F(D+E) G(C+D+E) H I(F-G) Cumulative I Cumulative Total Project FY 2020-21 FY 2020-21 FY 2020-21 FY 2020-21 E72020-21 FY 2020-21 Prior Year Prior Year Carryforward to Adopted Budget Adjusted Approved Actual Remaining Budgets Actuals FY 2020-21 Budget Adjustments Budget Expenditures Expenditures Budget TYPE CS Collection System 5991 PH Sewer Renovation Phase 2 460,000 282,761 177,239 500,000 500,000 677,239 - 677,239 *6534 Harper Lane Area CAD 800,000 630,606 169,394 - - 169,394 - 169,394 *6679 Coredell Drive CAD 123,443 74,406 49,037 - - 49,037 - 49,037 7367 Concord Main Metering Station 250,000 261,196 (11,196) - - (11,196) 77,257 (88,453) 8419 Collection System Planning LT 1,185,000 1,142,217 42,783 200,000 200,000 242,783 50,669 192,114 8436 Moraga/Crossroads PS Project 8,347,000 6,251,197 2,095,803 14,040,000 14,040,000 16,135,803 4,835,642 11,300,161 8442 PS Equipment Piping Replacement PH2 164,000 128,719 35,281 200,000 200,000 235,281 142,649 92,632 8443 LG Diameter Pipe line Inspection 765,000 86,284 678,716 530,000 530,000 1,208,716 28,951 1,179,765 8444 Force Main Inspection Program 125,000 2,791 122,209 500,000 500,000 622,209 7,184 615,025 8447 Pump Station Security Improvement 207,000 - 207,000 75,000 75,000 282,000 - 282,000 8448 Manhole Modifications 1,207,925 1,207,925 - 400,000 400,000 400,000 13,950 386,050 8449 Collection System Modeling Support 303,000 142,992 160,008 120,000 120,000 280,008 7,827 272,181 8450 Development Sewerage Support 2,232,316 2,233,149 (833) 900,000 900,000 899,167 391,289 507,878 8451 C.S.Sewer Renovation 535,527 - 535,527 4,027,000 4,027,000 4,562,527 367,073 4,195,454 8456 Danville Sewer Ren.Ph.3 4,280,000 1,246,127 3,033,873 - - 3,033,873 2,308,650 725,223 8457 Pump Station Upgrades-Ph.2 550,000 406,949 143,051 2,400,000 2,400,000 2,543,051 649,295 1,893,756 8458 Martinez Sewer Renov.Ph.6 600,000 584,406 15,594 4,500,000 4,500,000 4,515,594 2,393,103 2,122,491 8459 Lafayette Sewer Renov.Ph.14 600,000 491,002 108,998 4,600,000 4,600,000 4,708,998 1,597,209 3,111,789 8460 WC Sewer Renov.Ph.14 600,000 726,465 (126,465) 4,573,000 4,573,000 4,446,535 2,093,558 2,352,977 8461 So.Orinda Sewer Ren.Ph.8 600,000 536,740 63,260 - - 63,260 135,763 (72,503) 8462 SR Pumping Station Flow Diversion 200,000 177,495 22,505 - - 22,505 14,010 8,495 8463 No.Orinda Sewer Renov.PH.8 500,000 - 500,000 - - 500,000 176,848 323,152 8464 Martinez Sewer Renov.Ph.7 500,000 - 500,000 - - 500,000 89,816 410,184 8465 WC Sewer Renov.Ph.15 500,000 - 500,000 - - 500,000 226,914 273,086 8466 Danville Sewer Ren.Ph.4 500,000 - 500,000 - - 500,000 17,251 482,749 TBD Cured-In-Place Pipe Contract FY 2020-25 - - - 600,000 600,000 600,000 - 600,000 TBD Contractual Assessment Dist.Proj Fin. - - - 500,000 500,000 500,000 - 500,000 TBD Large Diameter Piping Renov.Prgrm. - - - 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 - 1,500,000 Rounding Total CS Program $ 26,135,211 16,613,427 9,521,784 40,165,000 - 40,165,000 49,686,784 15,624,908 34,061,876 *Italic Projects open but notinClBfor20/21 TBD New Projects in FY 2020-21 151Page February 23, 2021 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 108 of 178 AgOLCENTRAL SAN 5019 IMHOFF PLACE,MARTINEZ,CA 94553-4392 Budget-to-Actual Financial Report Quarter Ending December 31, 2020 Section 4 - Sewer Construction Fund Capital Expenditures Detail (by Project), Continued A B C(A-B) D E F(D+E) G(C+D+E) H I(F-G) Cumulative Cumulative Total Project FY 2020.21 1 FY 2020-21 FY 2020.21 FY 2020-21 FY 2020.21 FY 2020-21 Prior Year Prior Year Carryforward to Adopted Budget Adjusted Approved Actual Remaining Budgets Actuals FY 2020-21 Budget Adjustments Budget Expenditures Expenditures Budget TYPE TP Treatment Plant *6172 Sludge Blending Tank Repair 776,000 674,408 101,592 - - 101,592 (4,870) 106,462 7304 Instr&Controls PLC Upgrade 500,000 477,709 22,291 120,000 120,000 142,291 28,975 113,316 7315 Applied Research and Innovations 857,274 355,560 501,714 500,000 500,000 1,001,714 15,207 986,507 7317 Plant Control System Network Upgrades 885,000 869,250 15,750 - - 15,750 27,590 (11,840) 7322 Fire Protection System Ph.2 1,406,000 1,406,958 (958) - - (958) 17,427 (18,385) 7328 Influent Pump Electrical improvements 1,410,000 1,532,562 (122,562) 3,500,000 3,500,000 3,377,438 218,921 3,158,517 7339 T.Plant Control Syst.1/0 Replacement 2,470,000 1,514,443 955,557 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,955,557 732,379 1,223,178 7341 WC/Grayson Creek Levee Rehab 300,000 285,097 14,903 250,000 250,000 264,903 2,125 262,778 7348 Solids Handling Facility Improvements 15,984,000 12,967,778 3,016,222 4,000,000 4,000,000 7,016,222 549,739 6,466,483 7349 Aeration&Energy Upgrade 5,000,000 2,740,289 2,259,711 2,550,000 (1,750,000) 800,000 3,059,711 510,836 2,548,875 7351 Mechanical&Concrete Renovation 11,444,000 14,246,181 (2,802,181) 2,603,000 2,603,000 (199,181) 748,745 (947,926) 7352 UV Disinfection Upgrades 1,100,000 716,324 383,676 250,000 250,000 633,676 24,791 608,885 7353 Outfall Improvements Ph.7 920,000 611,317 308,683 5,100,000 5,100,000 5,408,683 4,444,576 964,107 7354 TP Security Improvements 705,000 192,270 512,730 550,000 550,000 1,062,730 (1,118) 1,063,848 7355 Odor Control Upgrade Ph.1 - - - 300,000 300,000 300,000 - 300,000 7357 Plant Wide Instrumentation Upgrade 740,000 110,485 629,515 281,000 281,000 910,515 - 910,515 *7360 Existing Plant Facility Drawing 300,000 206,738 93,262 - - 93,262 42,010 51,252 7362 POB Seismic Upgrades 6,589,177 6,718,706 (129,529) - - (129,529) 21,031 (150,560) 7363 Treatment Plant Planning 1,400,000 1,099,028 300,972 400,000 400,000 700,972 137,134 563,838 7364 TP Safety Enhancement Ph.5 1,180,000 41,095 1,138,905 - - 1,138,905 176,879 962,026 7369 Piping Renovation-Phase 10 750,000 47,578 702,422 2,500,000 2,500,000 3,202,422 232,117 2,970,305 7370 Annual Infrastructure Replacement 2,000,000 584,997 1,415,003 1,000,000 1,000,000 2,415,003 134,824 2,280,179 7371 Condition Assess.of Buried Pipelines 250,000 - 250,000 250,000 250,000 500,000 - 500,000 7373 Fire Protection System Ph.3 200,000 176,945 23,055 450,000 450,000 473,055 24,028 449,027 7375 Contractor Staging Improvements 150,000 16,086 133,914 2,550,000 2,550,000 2,683,914 317,463 2,366,451 7376 Emergency Sludge Loadout Facility - 2,864,063 (2,864,063) - - (2,864,063) 1,251 (2,865,314) 10001 UPCAA Urgent Projects FY 2020-25 - - - 600,000 600,000 600,000 156,880 443,120 10008 Laboratory Roof&Seismic upgrades - - - 500,000 500,000 500,000 - 500,000 10009 Hearth Replacement - - - 500,000 500,000 500,000 - 500,000 10010 Air Condiditioning&Lighting Renov. - - - 750,000 750,000 750,000 - 750,000 161Page February 23, 2021 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 109 of 178 AgOLCENTRAL SAN 5019 IMHOFF PLACE,MARTINEZ,CA 94553-4392 Budget-to-Actual Financial Report Quarter Ending December 31, 2020 Section 4 - Sewer Construction Fund Capital Expenditures Detail (by Project), Continued A B C(A-B) D E F(D+E) G(C+D+E) H I(F-G) Cumulative Cumulative Total Project FY 2020-21 FY 2020-21 FY 2020-21 FY 2020-21 FY 2020-21 FY 2020-21 Prior Year Prior Year Carryforward to Adopted Budget Adjusted Approved Actual Remaining Budgets Actuals FY 2020-21 Budget Adjustments Budget Expenditures Expenditures Budget 10010 Air Condiditioning&Lighting Renov. - - - 750,000 750,000 750,000 - 750,000 10011 Plant Electrical Replacement&Rehab - - - 400,000 400,000 400,000 - 400,000 10012 UV Disinfection Replacement - - - 500,000 500,000 500,000 12,923 487,077 10013 UV Hydraulic Improvements - - - 480,000 480,000 480,000 578 479,422 10014 MRC Building Modifications - - - 450,000 450,000 450,000 - 450,000 10015 Electric Blower Improvements - 1,750,000 1,750,000 1,750,000 29,394 1,720,606 Rounding Total TP Program $ 57,316,451 50,455,867 6,860,584 32,334,000 - 32,334,000 39,194,584 8,601,835 30,592,749 *Italic Projects open but not inCIBfor20/21 TBD New Projects in FY 2020-21 TYPE GI General Improvements 8207 General Security and Access 284,977 192,360 92,617 200,000 200,000 292,617 245 292,372 8230 Capital Legal Services 198,665 170,061 28,604 10,000 10,000 38,604 10,708 27,896 8236 District Easements 333,047 242,165 90,882 75,000 75,000 165,882 9,058 156,824 8240 IT Development 3,238,794 2,940,850 297,944 500,000 500,000 797,944 294,739 503,205 8243 Server Room Relocation 2,000,000 2,431,770 (431,770) - - (431,770) 21,883 (453,653) 8250 ERP Replacement 3,705,000 2,449,455 1,255,545 1,200,000 1,200,000 2,455,545 1,972,503 483,042 8251 Cap.Imprvmt Prgm&Budget Imprvmt. 350,000 97,048 252,952 140,000 140,000 392,952 17,764 375,188 *8252 POB E.V.Charging Station 30,000 21,749 8,251 - - 8,251 - 8,251 *8253 COVID-19 Response 200,000 - 200,000 - - 200,000 50,566 149,434 8516 District Equipment Acquisition 976,000 1,051,397 (75,397) 250,000 250,000 174,603 - 174,603 8517 Vehicle Replacement Program 2,918,000 2,514,262 403,738 900,000 900,000 1,303,738 1,028,209 275,529 10003 Property Repairs&Improvements - - - 300,000 300,000 300,000 34,021 265,979 10004 HOB Exterior Repairs - - - 350,000 350,000 350,000 6,645 343,355 9999 Cap.Proj.Clearing(Acct Use Only)** - (59,999) 59,999 - - 59,999 - 59,999 Rounding Total GI Program $ 14,234,483 12,051,118 2,183,365 3,925,000 - 3,925,000 6,108,365 3,446,341 2,662,024 *Italic Projects open but not inClBfor20/21 TBD New Projects in FY 2020-21 171Page February 23, 2021 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 110 of 178 49MILCENTRAL SAN 5019 IMHOFF PLACE,MARTINEZ,CA 94553-4392 Budget-to-Actual Financial Report Quarter Ending December 31, 2020 Section 4 - Sewer Construction Fund Capital Expenditures Detail (by Project), Continued A B C(A-B) D E F(D+E) G(C+D+E) H I(F-G) Cumulative Cumulative Total Project FY 2020-21 FY 2020-21 FY 2020-21 FY 2020-21 FY 2020-21 FY 2020-21 Prior Year Prior Year Carryforward to Adopted Budget Adjusted Approved Actual Remaining Budgets Actuals FY 2020-21 Budget Adjustments Budget Expenditures Expenditures Budget TYPE RW Recycled Water 7306 Zone 1 Recycled Water 632,894 559,616 73,278 100,000 - 100,000 173,278 23,688 149,590 7361 Filter Plant&Clearwell Imprv.Ph.1A 5,989,000 4,755,152 1,233,848 9,000,000 - 9,000,000 10,233,848 595,663 9,638,185 7365 Recycle Water Clearwell Repairs 1,700,000 1,767,313 (67,313) - - - (67,313) - (67,313) 7366 ReW Distribution Syst.Renov.Prgrm. 515,000 15,996 499,004 - - - 499,004 4,662 494,342 7368 Water Exchange Project 350,000 82,780 267,220 - - - 267,220 47,165 220,055 10002 Filter Plant&Clearwell Imprv.Ph.1B - - - 400,000 - 400,000 400,000 - 400,000 Rounding Total RW Program $ 9,186,894 7,180,857 2,006,037 9,500,000 - 9,500,000 11,506,037 671,178 10,834,859 TBD New Projects in FY 2020-21 9990 CONTINGENCY-ALL PROGRAMS 2,100,000 2,100,000 2,100,000 2,100,000 GRAND TOTAL $ 106,873,039 86,301,269 20,571,770 88,024,000 - 88,024,000 108,595,770 28,344,262 80,251,508 181 Page February 23, 2021 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 111 of 178 AgOLCENTRAL SAN 5019 IMHOFF PLACE,MARTINEZ,CA 94553-4392 Budget-to-Actual Financial Report Quarter Ending December 31, 2020 Section 5 - Self Insurance Fund Revenues by Source Annual QTD QTD YTD Budget QTD QTD Variance Revenue YTD YTD YTD Revenue Annual Realized Category Budget Actual ($) (%) Budget Actual Variance($) (%) Budget (%) Subrogation Recoveries $ $ 15 $ 15 $ - $ 35 $ 35 $ - Contribution From 0&M 450,000 450,000 0.0% 450,000 100.0% Insurance Recoveries(HHW) 5,000 - (5,000) -100.0% 10,000 - (10,000) -100.0% 20,000 0.0% Investment Income 28,013 11,855 (16,157) -57.7% 56,025 26,850 (29,175) -52.1% 112,050 24.0% Total Revenues $ 33,013 $ 11,870 $ (21,142) -64.0% $ 516,025 $ 476,885 $ (39,140) -7.6% $ 582,050 81.9% Year-to-Date Revenues by Source $450,000 $400,000 $350,000 $300,000 $250,000 $200,000 $150,000 — $100,000 $50,000 Subrogation Recoveries Contribution From 0&M Insurance Recoveries(HHW) Investment Income Revenue Source Category ■YTD ■YTD Budget Actual 19Page February 23, 2021 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 112 of 178 _,&&OCENTRAL SAN 5019 IMHOFF PLACE,MARTINEZ,CA 94553-4392 Budget-to-Actual Financial Report Quarter Ending December 31, 2020 Section S - Self Insurance Fund Expenses by Type Annual QTD QTD YTD YTD Budget QTD Variance Variance YTD YTD Variance Variance Annual Realized Category QTD Budget Actual ($) (%) Budget Actual ($) (%) Budget (%) Professional Services $ 20,000 $ 63,576 $ (43,576) -217.9% $ 40,000 $ 86,200 $ (46,200) -115.5% $ 80,000 107.8% Technical Services 22,500 - 22,500 100.0% 45,000 1,002 43,998 97.8% 90,000 1.1% Cleaning - 36,887 - 36,887 - Insurance&Risk Management 245,875 50,718 195,157 79.4% 491,750 187,069 304,681 62.0% 983,500 19.0% Total Expenses $ 288,375 $ 151,182 $ 174,080 60.4% $ 576,750 $ 311,159 $ 302,479 52.4% $ 1,153,500 370.7% Year-to-Date Expenses by Type $500,000 $450,000 $400,000 $350,000 $300,000 ' $250,000 $200,000 '' •/ it $100,000 I0, r. $so,000 •• $_ ,'0 Professional Services Technical Services Cleaning Insurance&Risk Management Expense Category -YTD ■YTD Budget Actual 20Page February 23, 2021 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 113 of 178 _,&&OCENTRAL SAN 5019 IMHOFF PLACE,MARTINEZ,CA 94553-4392 Budget-to-Actual Financial Report Quarter Ending December 31, 2020 Section 6 - Debt Service Fund Revenues by Source Annual QTD YTD Budget QTD QTD QTD Variance Variance YTD YTD YTD Revenue Annual Realized Category Budget Actual ($) (%) Budget Actual Variance($) (%) Estimate (%) Tax Revenue $ 1,384,683 $ 7517,605 $ 1,132,922 81.8% $ 1,384,683 $ 2,517,605 $ 1,132,922 81.8% $ 2,517,605 Total Revenues $ 1,384,683 $ 2,517,605 $ 1,132,922 81.8% $ 1,384,683 $ 2,517,605 $ 1,132,922 81.8% $ 2,517,605 100.0% Year-to-Date Revenues by Source f,, $3,000,000 '�,,,e''•� ''' $2,500,000 $2,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 Tax Revenue ■YTD ■YTD Budget Actual 21Page February 23, 2021 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 114 of 178 49MILCENTRAL SAN 5019 IMHOFF PLACE,MARTINEZ,CA 94553-4392 Budget-to-Actual Financial Report Quarter Ending December 31, 2020 Section 6 - Debt Service Fund Expenses by Type Annual QTD YTD Budget QTD QTD QTD Variance YTD YTD YTD Variance Annual Realized Category Budget Actual Variance($) (%) Budget Actual Variance($) (%) Estimate (%) Interest Expense $ $ $ $ 134,886 $ 134,886 $ 0 0.0% $ 777,605 17.3% Total Expenses $ $ $ $ 134,886 $ 134,886 $ 0 0.0% $ 777,605 17.3% Year-to-Date Expenses by Type $150,006 $100,006 $50,000 8- Interest Expense YTD YTD Budget Actual 221 Page February 23, 2021 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 115 of 178 AgOLCENTRAL SAN 5019 IMHOFF PLACE,MARTINEZ,CA 94553-4392 Budget-to-Actual Financial Report Quarter Ending December 31, 2020 Section 7 - Quarterly Investment Portfolios Operating&Maintenance Fund QTD Purchase Maturity Daysto Annual Cash BOQ Purchase EOQ EOQ %of Investment YTD Investment No Issuer Type Date Date Maturity Yield Outlay Face Value (Maturity) Face Value Market Value Portfolio Income Income 519 State of Calif. TA—IF n/a n/a n/a (1) $ 36,100,000 $ 20,100,000 $ 16,000,000 $ 36,100,000 $ 36,259,486 100.00% $ 37,979 $ 85,107 (3) $ 36,100,000 $ 20,100,000 $ 16,000,000 $ 36,100,000 $ 36,259,486 100.00% 37,979 85,107 (2) (4) (8) 3,845 8,887 $ 41,824 $ 93,994 Legend: EOQ=End of quarter BOQ=Beginning of quarter YTD=Year to Date Notes (1)Annual yield of Local Agency Investment Fund(LAIF)varies with the composition of the Fund.The estimated yield as of December,2020 was 0.540%. (2)The face value indicates the value of the investment if held until maturity,which is the usual District Practice. (3)The weighted average yield of the total Running Expense portfolio is 0.540%.As the District is a voluntary participant in the County Treasury Pool,this calculation excludes investments purchased after the 15th day of the month,which is the cut-off for month-end reporting by Contra Costa County. (4)The market value of the portfolio on December 31,2020 was$36,259,486.GASB 31 requires adjusting investments to market value.The District will adjust annually,but report market values quarterly. (5)All investments held by the Running Expense Fund comply with Central San's investment policy approved by the Board of Directors[California Government Code§53646(b)(2)] (6)Sufficient liquidity and anticipated revenues are available for Central San to meet budgeted expenditures of the Running Expense fund for the next six(6)months[California Government Code§53646(b)(3)] (7)Of the total investments held in the Running Expense Fund,$3,760,000 is restricted for the Rate Stabilization Fund Account (8)Amount represents interest income from prior period investments. 231Page February 23, 2021 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 116 of 178 AgOLCENTRAL SAN 5019 IMHOFF PLACE,MARTINEZ,CA 94553-4392 Budget-to-Actual Financial Report Quarter Ending December 31, 2020 Section 7 - Quarterly Investment Portfolios Sewer Construction Fund QTD Purchase Maturity Days to Annual Cash BOQ Purchase EOQ EOQ %of Investment YTD Investment No Issuer Type Date Date Maturity Yield Outlay Face Value (Maturity) Face Value Market Value Portfolio Income Income 519 State of Calif. LAW 8/86-2/90 n/a n/a (1) $ 31,500,000 $ 31,500,000 $ (200,000) $ 31,300,000 $ 31,438,280 38.50% $ 43,857 $ 103,915 954 US Treasury Cash MGMT Bill 10/06/20 01/05/21 5 0.081 24,994,944 - 25,000,000 25,000,000 25,000,000 30.75% 4,833 4,833 955 FHLB US Fed Agency 12/23/20 3/24/21 82 0.081 24,994,944 - 25,000,000 25,000,000 24,995,000 30.75% Soo 500 (3) $ 81,489,889 $ 31,500,000 $ 49,800,000 $ 81,300,000 $ 81,433,280 100.00% 49,190 109,248 (2) (4) (8) 14,849 17,459 $ 64,039 $ 126,707 Legend: EOQ=End of quarter BOQ=Beginning of quarter YTD=Year to Date Notes: (1)Annual Yield of Local Agency Investment Fund(LAIF)varies with the composition of the Fund.The estimated yield as of December,2020 was 0.540%. (2)The face value indicates the value of the investment if held until maturity,which is the usual District practice. (3)The weighted average yield of the total Sewer Construction portfolio is 0.336%.The weighted average maturity is.07 years.As the District is a voluntary participant in the County Treasury Pool,this calculation excludes investments purchased after the 15th day of the month,which is the cut-off for month-end reporting by Contra Costa County. (4)The market value of the portfolio on December 31,2020 was$81,433,280.GASB 31 requires adjusting investments to market value.The District will adjust annually,but report market values monthly. (5)All investments held by the Sewer Construction Fund comply with Central San's investment policy approved by the Board of Directors[California Government Code§53646(b)(2)] (6)Sufficient liquidity and anticipated revenues are available for Central San to meet budgeted expenditures of the Sewer Construction fund for the next six(6)months[California Government Code§53646(b)(3)] (7)Of the total investments held in the Sewer Construction Fund,$1,000,000 is restricted for the Rate Stabilization Reserve Account. (8)Amount represents interest income from prior period investments. 241Page February 23, 2021 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 117 of 178 AgOLCENTRAL SAN 5019 IMHOFF PLACE,MARTINEZ,CA 94553-4392 Budget-to-Actual Financial Report Quarter Ending December 31, 2020 Section 7 - Quarterly Investment Portfolios Self Insurance Fund QTD Purchase Maturity Days to Annual Cash BOQ Purchase EOQ EOQ %of Investment YTD Investment No Issuer Type Date Date Maturity Yield Outlay Face Value (Maturity) Face Value Market Value Portfolio Income Income 519 State of Calif. LAW 10/99- n/a n/a (1) $ 7,600,000 $ 7,600,000 $ 7,600,000 $ 7,633,576 100.00% $ 11,111 $ 25,312 (3) $ 7,600,000 $ 7,600,000 $ $ 7,600,000 $ 7,633,576 100.00% 11,111 25,312 (2) (4) (7) 896 1,689 $ 12,007 $ 27,001 Legend: EOQ=End of quarter BOQ=Beginning of quarter YTD=Year to Date Notes: (1)Annual yield of Local Agency Investment Fund(LAIF)varies with the composition of the Fund.The estimated yield as of December,2020 was 0.540%. (2)The face value indicates the value of the investment if held until maturity,which is the usual District Practice. (3)The weighted average yield of the total Self-Insurance portfolio is 0.540%. (4)The market value of the portfolio on December 31,2020 was$7,633,576. (5)All investments held by the Self Insurance Fund comply with Central San's investment policy approved by the Board of Directors[California Government Code§S3646(b)(2)] (6)Sufficient liquidity and anticipated revenues are available for Central Santo meet budgeted expenditures of the Self Insurance fund for the next six(6)months[California Government Code§53646(b)(3)] (7)Amount represents interest income from prior period investments. 251Page February 23, 2021 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 118 of 178 _,&&OCENTRAL SAN 5019 IMHOFF PLACE,MARTINEZ,CA 94553-4392 Budget-to-Actual Financial Report Quarter Ending December 31, 2020 Section 8 - Financial Performance Metric Charts O&M Fund Cashflow Forecast FY 2020-21 Running Expense Fund Total Cash & Investment Balances (Actuals through December 2020) $60.0 $53.0 $50.0 $49.8 $46.0 $43.3 $42.2 $41.5 $40.0 $38.4 $38.5 $38.7 �7 $39.1 $33.9 $34.8 $34.21 $30.0 29.3 2 $29.6 $24.7 r$25.0 $20.0 $10.0 $0.0 June'20 July August September October November December January February March April May June M Projected Balance* MActual Balance Reserve Target at Year End** NOTES:*Projected balances were generated in July 2020 based on budgeted revenues and expenses for FY 2020-21 and applied to the actual balance at Jun 30,2020 **The Reserve Target at Year End is the minimum balance required at June 30,2021 to comply with the District Policy 261Page February 23, 2021 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 119 of 178 _,&&OCENTRAL SAN 5019 IMHOFF PLACE,MARTINEZ,CA 94553-4392 Budget-to-Actual Financial Report Quarter Ending December 31, 2020 Section 8 - Financial Performance Metric Charts Sewer Construction Fund Cashflow Forecast FY 2020-21 Sewer Construction Fund Total Cash & Investment Balances (Actuals through December 2020) $90.9 $90.0 $87 0 $84.8 $80.0 $5 $71.1 $76.9 $79.1, $76.0 $70.4 $71.8 $70.0 $68.1 $66.1 $68.6 $60.0 ss8.6 66.0 66.1 $60.3 $60.7 $52.1 $52 4 3.9 $50.0 $40.0 $40.1 $30.0 $32.0 $20.0 $10.0 $0.0 June'20 July August September October November December January February March April May June M Projected Balance* MActual Balance Reserve Target at Year End** NOTES:*Projected balances were generated in July 2020 based on budgeted revenues and expenses for FY 2020-21 and applied to the actual balance at Jun 30,2020 **The Reserve Target at Year End is the minimum balance required at June 30,2021 to comply with the District Policy 271Page February 23, 2021 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 120 of 178 _,&&OCENTRAL SAN 5019 IMHOFF PLACE,MARTINEZ,CA 94553-4392 Budget-to-Actual Financial Report Quarter Ending December 31, 2020 Section 8 - Financial Performance Metric Charts Staffing Trends 300 5.5%vacancy Rate 295 290 w 285 280 �a 275 a 270 F7 265 277 3 260 255 250 12/31/17 12/31/18 12/31/19 12/31/20 Quarter Ended ■Filled Positions(FTEs) ■Vacancies(FTEs) 28Page February 23, 2021 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 121 of 178 _,&&OCENTRAL SAN 5019 IMHOFF PLACE,MARTINEZ,CA 94553-4392 Budget-to-Actual Financial Report Quarter Ending December 31, 2020 Section 8 - Financial Performance Metric Charts Cost per Million Gallons of Wastewater Treated Comparative Quarterly 0&M Cost per Million Gallons Treated $5,000 $4,500 $3,895 $3,994 $3,715 $3,907 $4,000 $3,500 $3,000 $2,500 $2,000 $1,500 $1,000 $500 12/31/17 12/31/18 12/31/19 12/31/20 Second Quarter of Fiscal Year 29Page February 23, 2021 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 122 of 178 AgOLCENTRAL SAN 5019 IMHOFF PLACE,MARTINEZ,CA 94553-4392 Budget-to-Actual Financial Report Quarter Ending December 31, 2020 Section 8 - Financial Performance Metric Charts Capital Spending Trend $120 $108.9 Million $100 $80 0 � $60 $50.9 Million $40 $28.3 Million $20 $- 1a�� N4, ,eed`�oe{ o6oroe� ae�'oet ced,`oeC a�aat9 `pt�t9 �atcr N �aJ lake $e'Q �o Qe 1 4e Projected(100%spend) Actual 90%Target Linear(90%Target) 30Page February 23, 2021 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 123 of 178 49MILCENTRAL SAN 5019 IMHOFF PLACE,MARTINEZ,CA 94553-4392 Budget-to-Actual Financial Report Quarter Ending December 31, 2020 Section 8 - Financial Performance Metric Charts Miles of Pipeline Constructed/ Renovated 4.0 3.4 3.5 v 3.0 2.5 u 7 2.5 2.0 1.8 2.0 1.7 v a. 0 1.5 v 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.0 algOlti� 1�I31�ti� 3I31Iti1 6I30Iti1 Quarter Ending ■Actual Construction ■Target("S-Curve"of 6 mi.FY 20-21 Budget Projection) 31Page February 23, 2021 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 124 of 178 ADDITIONAL DASHBOARD DATA (SELECTED DATA ON MATTERS OF CONTINUING BOARD INTEREST) February 23, 2021 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 125 of 178 PENSION AND OPEB LIABILITY AND FUNDING STATUS Million Pension Million $160 100% $90 — — 100% $140 90% $80 90% $120 80% $70 80% 70% $60 70% $100 60% $50 60% $80 50% 50% $40 $60 40% 40% $30 30% 30% $40 $20 20% 20% $20 10% $10 ' ' 10% 0 $`O 0% 0 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 0% r/ 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 UAAL 78 75.8 70.2 68 55.8 54 48.8 13.7 10.4 UAAL 142 121 101 88.2 81.5 74.1 73.9 70.7 Funded% 22% 27% 32% 37% 44% 48% 56% 85% 87% Funded% 56% 63% 70% 75% 78% 81% 82% 84% UAAL Funded% iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilUAAL Funded% Notes: * Pension:2019 figure is based on CCCERA valuation presented 10/2020 to CCCERA Board. ** Pension funded percentage excludes Section 115 Trust Assets(established in FY 2017-18). $10.3 million of Trust assets as of 6/30/20, bringing funded ratio to 85.8% *** OPEB UAAL: Total OPEB Liability less Fiduciary Net Position= Net OPEB Liability. * e � , §ff$ COMPONENTS OF THE PENSION UAAL $70.7 MILLION AS OF 2019 DOWN FROM $74 MILLION AS OF 2018) qA C:_ U =3Q Assumption/Method Changes w a � ) o U M LL Additional UAAL Prepayment to CCCERA Subsequent Actuarial Losses J Q Restart of Amortization - N t C1A Discount Rate from 7.75%to 7.25% N M N i Depooling Implementation U N L Q Actuarial Losses from 2008-2012 U M $(30 000,000) $(20,000,000) $(10,000,000) $- $10,000,000 $20,000,000 $30,000,000 $40,000,000 $50,000,000 Notes: • Pension Pre-Funding Trust assets of$10.32 million (at 6/30/20) are available to further reduce UAAL indicated above. February 23, 2021 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 127 of 178 PENSION URAL PROJECTION Anticipated UAAL with Scheduled Amortization (Blue) and with Additional UAAL Payments to Pension Prefunding Trust to Date and at $1.25 million through 2025 (Red) millions $40 Net Asset $20 Net Liability ($20) ($40) ($60) ($80) 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 ■UAAL(2019 Valuation) ($71) ($62) ($53) ($44) ($38) ($31) ($23) ($14) ($4) $2 B Net UAAL(2019 Valuation) with Pension prefunding Trust offset (62) (51) (41) (30) (22) (13) (3) 7 19 26 Notes: • Based on 2019 CCCERA Valuation. • 2019 had a new layer of$4.3 million added to the UAAL. The projected decline from$74 million to$66 million was offset by this amount to result in a CCCERA valuation of$70.7 million,and$62 million with consideration of Trust assets. • Chart shows scheduled amortization of UAAL(over 18 years for each annual layer of historic UAAL),assuming no additional UAA L is generated. • Second bar shows UAAL offset by Pension Prefunding Trust balance,with continuing$1.25 million discretionary contributions t hrough 2025 (at which point additional contributions are ceased as the UAAL is forecast to be retired by 2025-26).. * Impact on Central San rates lags 18-24 months,so benefit of UAAL being eliminated affects revenue requirement late in the 2020s. February 23, 2021 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 128 of 178 CIB TRANSFERS=CURRENT YEAR #of transfers Cause for Transfers Total Original Project Budgets Compared to Transfers $30,000,000 2 $25,000,000 1 $20,000,000 0 $15,000,000 $10,000,000 ■ U0 ao ■ c ■ `o ■ a ■ v c O v o v o N v U U W 7N ' N ?� N N m v ° v $5,000,000 F.Cost exceeded initial budget a a 0 z ° — 3 v ° 0 3 U° ;Z ~ E.New project scope v O N v LL .E 4OW D. New Project N s z 4,,, ~ C. Developer/CAD or other... B.Cashflow accelerations m $ law A.Bundling/Unbundling a t� C� Notes: There has been one transfer thus far in FY 2020-21 in October,of$1,750,000 related to unbundling the Aeration and Energy Upgrade project ir�teklhe�r�ne2 PegtahatMlEriEbliitt" tiimjikigenda Packet- Page 129 of 178 CIB TRANSFERS SINCE FY 2016=1 7 #of Cause for Transfers Total Original Project Budgets Compared to Transfers transfers 16 $60,000,000 14 12 $50,000,000 10 8 $40,000,000 6 $30,000,000 4 2 $20,000,000 0 $10,000,000 F.Cost exceeded initial budget ■gym ■ o ■ o ■ " ■v - - o E o g .. E.New project scope a ° D. New Project 3 C.Developer/CAD or other cost neutral B.Cashflow accelerations A. Bundling/Unbundling � s w a� ot.�a��� February 23, 2021 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 130 of 178