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04.b. (Handout) Updated Presentation
Item 4.b. (Handout) Updated Presentation �r CAPITAL PROJECTS UPDATE AND OVERVIEW wA � ENGINEERING AND OPERATIONS COMMITTEE JANUARY 99, 2029 Jean-Marc Petit, P.E. Director of Engineering and Technical Services p Pumping sFeoons [—'service area Pittsburg s.rnr srstvm — rile—plor Line Iz 24•) { aRiaB2 Trunk Line[2 19"44'] F—M ain ' Y Ou[fail w.- N C "�� Concord Clayton r ........�..�. riretla��— ' reek �` rr, •, : --,.;� •� _ gar =41 1 J� .cob b � f ., . Califomia ban n r' DETAIL AREA 2 1 eS 9erkeley �ori naa ' ffT 0 Oakland Oaan,on N - • a- jCCCSDPulna5Wlon. - � �AlF'.�.Ce�`sa�Mia�.�yraeNu Pumping Stations ' 3 CENTRAL SAN MARTINEZ PLANT SITE dt . a . -Mal = 4- - �► a 2 CENTRAL SAN'S RECYCLED WATER PROGRAM (RETAIL AND WHOLESALE) • Central San also owns and - = operates a recycled water distribution system called "Zone 1 • In 2020, Central San sold 213.9 million gallons of recycled water V., • Wastewater Treatment Plant uses about 1.5 million gallons per day of recycled water • Auto Truck Fill Station • Residential Fill Station 15 DETAIL A.Y...ltl�hn AREA r..N 14 miles of pipe -------— — CENTRAL SAN � .�1 cccso Reereba NRler srelem _ 1 6 3 LOOKING AT limaCENTRAL SANCOMPREHENSIVEJ COMPLETEDWASTEWATER MASTER PLAN THIS PROJECT COORDINATED SEVERAL MAJOR MASTER PLANNING EFFORTS Dynamic Collection Treatment Collection � System Master Plant Master Recycled System �% plan Plan Water Model / Comprehensive 1 Wastewater Master Plan (CWMP) �� SD CWMP MAJOR DRIVERS =0000� Descriptions 1 Aging Infrastructure Maintain performance and reliability of existing assets to ensure reliable treatment of wastewater Increase capacity and redundancy of existing facilities to 2 Capacity accommodate wastewater flows(wet weather)and loads. Projects that would be required to accommodate planned growth are not included in the CIP Reliably comply with regulatory requirements that are designed 3 Regulatory to protect human health and the environment&Plan for anticipated future regulatory requirements Minimize life-cycle costs,maximize benefits,and achieve 4 Sustainability economic stability through optimization,resiliency,resource recovery,and energy projects 1 9 CWMP EXECUTIVE SUMMARIES Public Outreach Summary Technical Executive Summary EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 77 _ Technical Executive Summary COMPREHENSIVE WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN ' 10 5 • .ALSLCENTRAL SAN CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan Share this page v Since 1946,Central Son hos provided safe and reliable wastewater 000 CENTRAL$AN collection and treatment for residents in central Contra Costa County. Today we serve nearly half a million residents and over 3 000 businesses in 145 square miles.Our servires include supplying This item appears in .17t EXECUTIVE SUMMARY recycled water for parks and golf courses,providing holh commercial Plans&Reports s r� and residential recycled water pickup programs,operating a household hazardous wasle collection facility and running a —� sophisticated water quality lahoratory.Gur core mission is to protect L; _ pu6lic Health and IHe environment,and our customers can count on us for vital services 24 Hours o day,every day. +�-- — 1b Download Executive Summary _ R Download TecHnical Summary COLLECTION SYSTEM MASTER PLAN FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 12 6 DESCRIPTION OF SEWER SYSTEM • 145 square mile service area v • Large collection system • Over 1,540 miles of gravity sewers • 37,000 pipe segments Asset Value=>$2.9 Billion • 31,000 manholes Pla • Pipe Diameters: 4" — 102" $8261M • Oldest Pipe: 1913 (108 years old) Clay $888 M • Pipe Materials: Concrete, Clay, Plastic, and Metal MetallicO Concrete • 18 Pumping Stations $162 M, 974M Million(M) C�I .1113 70.00 E Ch. 60.00 ■SP �Lined-DIP *DIP CAS 50.00 ■ABS ■HDPE ■PVC ■PC „ a0oo C •CMLC ■CML y ■Lined-RCN 30.00 ■RCP ■Lined-AC :AC lined-VCP 20.00 ■VCP 1960-PreserR ..�...� � ■VCP Pre-1960 10.00 �1 hI I I Age{as of 20 161 ~~ _ / 14 7 SEWER REPLACEMENT AND REHABILITATION PROGRAM OVERVIEW i System is Aging - Optimized Rehabilitation & Pipe Conditions Range from Good to �_'}.r; _ Replacement Forecast Very Bad Condition �Y ��� Forecasted CIP: • 64%of pipes are ~` — —$99M in 5 years <50 years old — —$720M in 20 years • CCTV'd 90%of pipes: Forecast will be • 2%-"Very Bad" updated routinely for Developed Data - CIP updates Supported Risk Model o InfoMaster®to i Confirm Sewer Needs Uses ESRI backbone 3� Uses LOF and COF to calculate risk i LOF based on Central laid Ili�ll�lbl hu. n l6,lIIII�_ �.II .Il.=_, ,. i ,, ,., San CCTV and cleaning -- data 15 CALCULATING RISK FOR COLLECTION SYSTEM ASSETS ,r P b isk roba ility rConsequence �F'Busline:IR � of Failure of Failure lExposure (POF) (COF) L (BRE) L�— —�A L— —�A 'A :HighVelocities •Capacity Bottlenecks •Blockages/Overflows Risk Class Example Capital Action Age Hospitals,Schools,Etc. E :Age •Industry High Standard Priority in CIP/Biannual Soil Type Population Density Operational Frequency ®•Railroads/Fault Lines ®•Street Paying Medium Low Priority in CIP/1 In 5 Years Operational Frequency Pipe Failure History Traffic Disruption :Pipe •Community Relations Law 1 in to Years Operational Frequency -Proximity to creeks and Negligible Waitfor a problem to arise •Various techniques water bodies ' 16 8 RISK-BASED, LONG-TERM COLLECTION SYSTEM CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PRIORITIZATION Period I Cost($M) L Mileage 30-20 Yeas $441 184 20-30Years $724 261 — _ \ 30-50Yea,s $1,156 50-75 Years $575 75-100Years $808 - _� r l 1 � �- � ... 'Aw1 17 100-YEAR SEWER REHABILITATION AND REPLACEMENT FORECAST Period Cost($M) Mileage 0-5 Years $99 38 :50-75 0 Years $180 a0,ao0,0o020 Years $441 184 70,000,000 30 Years $724 281 60,000,000 50 Years $1,156 403 50,000,000 Years $575 206 a0,o00000 75-100 Years $808 276 a 3 30,000,000 11111 201000,000 P 10,000,000 VIII 11 I�IIIIIII���IIII���� N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Forecast Year ' 18 9 WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT MASTER PLAN FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ' 19 .1911 TREATMENT PLANT PROJECTS OVERVIEW Sa N ' 20 10 MAJOR TREATMENT PLANT PROJECTS OVERVIEW BY PHASE AND DRIVERS Q/ ..p1 pYa$pM�]Ounraa (1�QQQ. PCCS"Wml1pv00ana.n l w42 Q ..v'm'v8l'taw Brag 8.nmvVpveOl � i■ LreLnw,IPpet l)wgw,t W{a.a �i / Ewen Np waemer..rn,.Pray.Z t � ;MNviWdf4uaar8mnaa�u N •U14wr PuKp$,e[m lraaeOl YnprpynWy6 Z ] 3/ MlN NpywMme•Ptag7nr0 1 • r.MNw:oelyd comrro lww=+yaw t � l • TP&MKr Errdro.+w�re•kgo�a�m tl 1 • flmlCwrlrvl3ys,um l'V RwMor"w. (DWe Arwyd MreuiwwO RrpMpwMlPipgem l • •Eaapnr�WPl�wm ! � ;/ f4ge.d wer.pe,m,lan Sr�rn Aww.a�ara Q• / Ka Pipupan s1Pa.m.pneKa x+p e pp ps• nen,cancra Steawn nn.nl ulgaa Praww 1 da z Qa •Paw �^•�•� p • a Osm cnn[ra Uayasla•nae.txE2 1 :wbw uo*kCyw Cq.!lrr.r Mr+O N wv Yl.rhpr Pa.•WOO~ • UV Gad—upa.a.e PI:rw9 Exv —hgat 1� ,,7- n:Rem S—My hrawm . D NVAd0-5«aniclgpWs D ■PI -Ww 0--u—UP7� d NLb-wr UPvw. l • /Imme,ne ee Wes�nna° n•e upvaesa l / :�sd:ca,emeneq n,M.y P.wr Frpl.c.eran[ s .CarWIHpMAe'�e[e Q N UV Hr-4.k--nruxvwnts QQ N SK-A"'ir+s�MntlltdMioY[pwmxma 04, / Ca down Aaeeaewn el Mw F01— pQ. wwlP Mw npl.emrm 1 /PIe�[(1➢ar.,wn_a 1.a D lnpwv . (D]N !� �P N-wty b-fun.2 1 • ■F.n.r fl Mr.— • !` IMn�,p FenlyFpexwn.nta•Tea.3 1 • MWrelarr so E-P upws s• //iurwvvM1-wr;a 1 NN9%ea llmdryieaW Fnprmwmn[s ©. 8.arar,pa+er l.Pwrnnnt N flint opoww Bray S.—Wy'� s/ BAH wparr+ar'4 1 2 • A.enwga$N Pa Flukeeim 1 3 • 10.1rrr>tW✓rpd lB+Dwa.COroI1f �i49'^71Mywvlture QPhase l[Ota Syean] 1 2 • •Ur CWwtw•W&Kbo L ,C�Ouwy PMm 21s to 10 revs d'Q• rnee„wnPe VAE'AMv�. ■R.qulnarp Opu� OW2G S Bum�rye�Iay ` P r / 21 MAJOR TREATMENT PLANT PROJECTS OVERVIEW BY PHASE AND DRIVERS (D. .weaa+s Saw.rie Wtiea Owe P1.Cew"woredpl na.nrwg2 nw, Q //PPmp$@pa+rBr?nq S.arwv uPvedv t i/ itielrt Port UV"t� Q/ Eweu+p waw,•Prae.Z t ;NN+oprad Warren B r"n ]�N /M4wu Pwrp$,erin EYma-d YnprprMWw 1 ] e ("Mel Nvibpri l -ft—7.: 1 • 1•Ma�eterdCM *Mraee,aK /5�]l�//1�� / TNW,,Err�uur --Prumce.' o 11 1 • pwtCpreml Sy-"OWgMDr"rw CKDOO rWutl Miec:iwaru Fpboenwnt PW 1 • •EaPp'a.'.WPl�w�wx i T 3 ee,d.d We[� DO—. flinweior� d• / ii.Pipgwan SlParn•Pherp x,e e 1 s Cenrd F.P la.i7 upgeGi ir.1 eM? l • • Weaxae•PK s 9 a • Osprcen[rd uPyeee� Z.1 e-,d a 1 /W*w D"&0 C-syw Cq.l t. It✓4 //Wp['Vl.eh.r Flnw AM�ngx:nnr UV M rf.c[wn U .dri T N ■PrmrS Exemxn rq., 1� /Trxtriwn:Rem Secvmr IRp'o.wmsn,s ]O N wer.n,:e Sewc Wp�eaes Q ■RnFWra knn,,,an wn llp�ean � N le6weary Came Uq•eeaa 1 /MnnWrve P•gy Demerere[nn 2 ••�LYeaeMry�a Sp;rr.e Upped.a l I'll ren:ca,aeon f w rwnr rwpm..ran 2 Dlae.w�i im ruvamanr Q M uv lfrd'eWsl�Prgr.mam: pp Q N so<wor-r•raee,�.n,q„rewM r.Pro•,wr.m 71'QO/ MrPEC.C.AFapMaemee, {x]1 N .se,del�.,�,pnearq,�prwwnwm-�.»z 1 ! .frtr!lnr lnprawm.n[a • !°Araa lfarrip waty bpm/w, 'ft.- 1 • MWrelan rd Eryrgr Vpva4a �• //iPrM lrtpyrwnwSi 1 NN9%aa Meyry Pppryy[maar.a*'� ©. B.ew,ar,Ckr+wr l.Pwn,r+tt Completed or "eel (�+ °°`i"p"""w� 1 x • A+oerP$pi Pi p.kaear� MNaaINCLure ongoing 1 T • *Nw�W.rrtd lBacw+AlnW 1f �j0'9'rg QPhase l[0 m5yean] 1 � • •ur[r dwweWPawwr�t ■ower QPn,:e2rSealo-y..rd Projects OQ• T.eM IPMM$CA[41MppW adP a.,ulatwry pP,K3ffow2a since 2017 rwmmnr r ' 22 11 RECOMMENDED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN 2017-2037 10.RECOMMENDED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN i�x m�n,m�sesc Mrlr.a z.calrNon sr...mlKss.,u.ai s.R r.w....�ucMniM! r.ss.e sr»pcP w,.nm.w..,M.�«r sws axuM mn a ..I.•r..l.w Rrcw.�.. ■C.pec,rrn Syalnn ■Ra.yrl.nw ■Nnnal Imrarrrmrnia CVS�� ■ I 1 23 Tt�.'N itrOPAR111If�W R Rm•i11t V!f Vim! CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN conb.nem e,.�pc� - 10 Yt•_na CIP 20Yrnn CIPS "i�aa�iaa`o` �iiv�oa"`oo"o "�ize�mo `v"r�o"co 12 SUBSTANTIALLY INCREASING INFRASTRUCTUREINVESTMENT ($IN MILLIONS) Prior 10 Years Next 10 Years Average of 30.6 million Average of$86.7 million $120, ono $100, mo $80 w.o $60, $40, __ Sb.e as $20, Son woe/03 FY06/09 FY09/10m0/11 FY11/12 FYIV13FY13/14 FY14/15 FYss/16 FY16/17 Fv17/18 rvWu FYWm niWa rviya FYWn nnlm rvm/a nss/m niyn rvn/m 00n1n 0ca- 1-g4-m.+rA � imwmF 0cu��46 �mammnm •Average Spending Increases by 2.8 times prospectively versus prior 10 years ' 25 PROPOSED; - •0 3. New Total extended to FY 2029-30(Rolling 10 Years &escalated 3%) with Updated Cash Flow In million 2020 Dollars Ten Year CIP 1 2 3 4 1 5 6 7 8 9 10 FY19-20 FY20.21 FY21.22 FY22.23 FY23.24 FY24.25 FY25.26 FY26.27 FY27.28 FY28.29 FY2930 Collections tem $27.1 $40.2 $40.8 $36.0 $39.2 $35.3 $29.6 $34.8 $27.3 $27.1 $25.1 $32.3 $52.8 $57.3 $62.7 $55.3 $45.5 $37.6 $43.0 $36.7 $36.9 $3.9 $2.5 $2.1 $2.1 $2.0 $1.9 $1.8 $1.8 $1.8 $2.5 Rec c Wale, $9.1 $11.7 $11.5 $0.3 $5.3 $11.3 $13.3 $1.3 $0.3 $0.3 Cone enc $2.5 $2.5 $2.5 $2.5 $2.5 $2.5 $2.5 $2.5 $2.5 $2.5 TOTAL FY2020-21 $88,0 $110.4 $109.5 $106.8 $100.4 $90.8 $90.1 $75.9 $68.4 $67.3 $907.5 Proposed CIP 590.0 5zsn Sne c+19/N trio/�i vzx/iz vzz/z3 vzz/ze vz�/za x19/39 cvz9/3o i F c c Oconi�ngeny Oxentletl water ■General ni�_ ..,iis ■i...� i o �.'.'.,.speem '0090-0126 CENTRALSAN 13 Questions r27 14