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oard Member Handbook2020
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Welcome and congratulations on your commitment of service to Central San!
We appreciate your willingness to serve in this critical role of guiding the District on
important issues. You are not alone in this incredible endeavor. Highly skilled and
professional staff is here to assist you by providing valuable information to help with
your decision-making. I will be your primary point of contact as you go through the
orientation process.
This handbook is intended to help you understand your role as a Board Member.
Although designed primarily for new Board Members, this update is provided to the
entire Board. We hope you will find it useful during your tenure on the Central San
Throughout the handbook are references to supporting documents. All of these
documents can be found in the electronic library of key documents that we call our
digital "DASHBOARD" in Dropbox,which may be accessed by Board Members at any
time. The library includes the most recent budget, strategic plan, rate study, regulatory
reports, memoranda of understanding with bargaining groups, calendars, staff contacts,
and many other items of interest to Board Members. My office will assist in setting up
your Dropbox profile so this information can be readily available to you.
Since the COVID-19 shelter-in-place order began in March 2020, all Central San Board
and Standing Committee meetings have been held via Microsoft Teams. I will
coordinate with you to get you set up so that you can participate in these virtual
meetings during the pandemic.
Again, thank you for your willingness to serve in this important capacity. We trust you
will find your elected position rewarding and an opportunity to make a significant
impact on the communities we serve.
We look forward to working with you.
Katie Young
Secretary of the District
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Table of Contents
SECTION 1. Overview . I
What is a Special District?.....................................................................................................1
Who Governs Central San?....................................................................................................2
How is Central San Organized?............................................................................................2
SECTION 2. Introduction
Healthand Safety Code...........................................................................................................3
California Government Code................................................................................................3
Ralph M. Brown Act (Open Meeting Law).........................................................3
Public Records Act (Public Access to Information).......................................3
Political Reform Act (Conflict of Interest) ........................................................4
Assembly Bill 1234 (Ethics)...................................................................................4
Assembly Bill 1661 (Sexual Harassment Prevention).................................4
Ordinances (District Code) ...................................................................................................4
General Manager Authority..................................................................................................5
SECTION 3. lFinancial Overview
Expenditures ..............................................................................................................................6
UnfundedLiabilities ................................................................................................................6
Board Members' Duties and Responsibilities................................................................8
Board Members Have No Individual Authority..............................................8
Termof Office ..............................................................................................................8
President and President Pro Tem Roles and Duties...................................................9
PresidentPro Tem.................................................................................................. 10
BoardCommittees................................................................................................................. 10
StandingCommittees............................................................................................. 10
AdHoc Committees ................................................................................................ 10
Board Liaisons and Representatives to Outside Agencies..................................... 11
Liaisons to Cities, Towns and County.............................................................. 11
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Representatives to Outside Agencies and Organizations........................ 11
Board Members Represent the Entire Community.................................... 11
Board Members' Role in Community Outreach......................................................... 12
Handling Inquiries/Complaints from Customers....................................... 12
Handling Inquiries from Media and Outside Organizations................... 12
Board Members' Roles in Emergency Situations....................................................... 12
Board Member Meetings with General Manager....................................................... 13
Executive Management Team........................................................................................... 13
General Manager's Role........................................................................................ 14
Secretary of the District's Role........................................................................... 14
SecretaryPro Tem................................................................................................... 15
District Counsel's Role........................................................................................... 15
SECTION 5. Board Meetings
Typesof Meetings.................................................................................................................. 17
Regular......................................................................................................................... 17
Special.......................................................................................................................... 17
Emergency.................................................................................................................. 17
Adjourned................................................................................................................... 17
ClosedSessions....................................................................................................................... 18
Timing.......................................................................................................................... 18
Attendees.................................................................................................................... 18
Confidentiality.......................................................................................................... 18
Report Out of Closed Session.............................................................................. 18
BoardAgenda.......................................................................................................................... 18
Paperless/Electronic Agenda Packets............................................................. 18
Regular Meeting Time and Order of Business.............................................. 19
Placing an Item on a Board Agenda................................................................................21
Items Originating from the General Manager...............................................21
Items Originating from a Board Member.......................................................21
Items Originating from the Public.....................................................................21
Other Supporting Documentation....................................................................22
PowerPoints and Presentations........................................................................22
Preparingfor Meetings........................................................................................................22
Parliamentary Procedures...................................................................................22
Transacting Business on an Item......................................................................23
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Items Not on the Agenda.............................................................................23
Board Member Absences......................................................................................24
Minutes/Videotaping of Board Meetings.....................................................................24
Mileage and Other Reimbursements......................................................26
Dual-Coverage - Health Flexible Spending Arrangement Option........27
LifeInsurance ...........................................................................................................28
Deferred Compensation........................................................................................28
Healthand Wellness...............................................................................................28
Benefits Upon Separation from Service..........................................................28
Survivor Benefits Upon Separation from Service.......................................29
Annual Review of Board Member Compensation and Benefits...........................29
• N 7. Conferences, Training, Reporting Requirements M
Mandatory Ethics Training..................................................................................30
Mandatory Sexual Harassment Prevention Training................................31
Public Records Act Training................................................................................31
Reporting Requirements.....................................................................................................32
Conflictof Interest...................................................................................................32
FPPC Form 700 -Statement of Economic Interests........................32
Conflict of Interest Reporting at Board Meetings.............................33
Expense Reimbursement- Filing Expense Reports...................................34
Meetings Attended at Public Expense - Reporting at Board Meetings 34
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SewerScience ...........................................................................................................35
Delta Discovery Voyage.........................................................................................35
CentralSan Academy............................................................................................................36
Environmental/Community Events...............................................................................36
Treatment Plant Tours........................................................................................................36
Virtual Treatment Plant Tours & Speaking Engagements.....................................36
Internet Communications/Social Media.......................................................................36
Pipeline Customer Newsletter..........................................................................................36
Board Members and Community Outreach.................................................................37
BoardPolicies (BPs) .............................................................................................................38
Administrative Procedures (APs) ...................................................................................38
SECTIONOther Information and Resources - 0
Acronyms & Glossary of Terms........................................................................................40
Digital Dashboard - Board Member Access to Key District Documents..........40
Professional Organizations and Other Useful Websites.........................................40
"nting New Board Members
Adherence to Brown Act Begins upon Election.........................................................42
Assuming Office Form 700.................................................................................................42
BoardMember Bios..............................................................................................................42
BoardMember Photos.........................................................................................................42
Building Security/Access Control Cards.......................................................................42
Calendaring and Scheduling..............................................................................................43
Central San Email Accounts...............................................................................................43
Electronic Device Support..................................................................................................43
Human Resources Paperwork..........................................................................................43
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Oath of Office/Swearing In.................................................................................................44
Plant/Facilities Tour.............................................................................................................44
Reception for Newly-Elected Board Members...........................................................44
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This handbook describes the methods, means, customs and practices that the Board
employs in exercising its authority, complying with various legal requirements, working
with the public and District staff, and otherwise conducting Central San's business.
References are given throughout the handbook to other Central San publications
containing supplementary information and, in some sections, specific references to outside
publications are provided.
What is a Special District?
Independent special districts are public agencies formed by local residents to provide many
of the services people use every day and they provide only the services their residents
desire within a designated, limited boundary. They are governed by a legislative body,
usually a Board of Directors, whose members are either elected or appointed to fixed
terms. Regularly scheduled meetings are held where citizens are encouraged to voice their
concerns, ask questions, and provide feedback on the services they receive. Dependent
special districts, on the other hand, are governed by other existing legislative bodies, such
as a city council or a county board of supervisors. About two-thirds of the state's special
districts are independent.
In Contra Costa, there are 46 independent special districts providing a wide variety of cost-
effective community services. These include:
• wastewater collection, treatment • hospital
and reuse (Central San's focus) • parks and recreational services
• drinking and irrigation water • conservation of natural resources
• fire protection • vector control
• flood control • cemeteries
The State government oversees special districts in several ways. For example, special
districts must submit annual financial reports to the State Controller. Special districts must
also follow state laws pertaining to public meetings, bonded debt, public record keeping,
and elections.
Just over a quarter of the special districts in California are enterprise districts. Enterprise
districts deliver services that are run like a business enterprise: they charge customers for
their services. Because Central San charges people who use its sewer services, it is an
enterprise district. Virtually all water and wastewater, solid waste, and hospital districts
are enterprise districts. (Special districts that are not enterprise districts rely solely on
taxes to fund their operations.)
As an independent special district that is also an enterprise district, Central San is a locally
controlled government agency that is responsible directly to the people it serves.
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Who Governs Central San?
A five-member Board is the legislative body that governs Central San; sets the District's
policies; hires the General Manager, District Counsel, and Secretary of the District; and is
ultimately responsible and accountable to the people of the District. It exercises these
powers pursuant to the Sanitary District Act of 1923 (Health and Safety Code Sections
No one Board Member has any individual authority since only the Board as a whole can
exercise authority. Using authority provided in the Health and Safety Code or delegated by
the Board,the General Manager is responsible for the day-to-day business of Central San
and is accountable to the Board.
How is Central San Organized?
Central San is organized into three departments:
• Administration,
• Engineering and Technical Services, and
• Operations.
Currently, there are 291 budgeted, full-time employees, plus an additional two positions
which will expire in two years. All employees are led by a General Manager,three
Department Directors, and 13 Division Managers.
Supporting Documents
The supporting documents listed below may be found in the Dropbox digital DASHBOARD
in the subfolders indicated in [brackets]:
1-A Fiscal Year(FY) 2020-21 Central San Budget [BUDGET]
Summarized information on the following topics can be found
at the page numbers referenced:
• Vision, Mission &Values (pg. 5)
• About Central San (pg. 16)
• Organizational Structure (pg. 22)
• Strategic Plan Summary(pg. 28)
• Administration Department (pg. 78)
• Engineering and Technical Services Department(pg. 115)
• Operations Department(pg. 135)
• Capital Improvement Program (pg. 165)
• Ten-Year Capital Improvement Plan (pg. 263)
• 2017 Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan (pg. 264)
1-B FY 2020-22 Strategic Plan [STRATEGIC PLANS]
1-C Organization Chart [ORG CHART]
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SECTION 2. Introduction to Governing Laws and Regulations
The laws and regulations affecting Central San can be found in a number of places,
including the California Constitution, federal and state statutes, and local ordinances.
Judicial decisions that interpret and frequently resolve conflicts related to these laws and
regulations may also affect Central San.
State statutes are typically enacted by the Legislature in a series of"codes." General
descriptions of some of the primary laws that govern Central San are provided below.
Health and Safety Code
The Board of Directors is the governing body of Central San and derives its authority from
that portion of the Health and Safety Code known as the Sanitary District Act of 1923
(Sections 6400-6830). Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (Central San) was formed in
1946 under this Act and has provided wastewater services within its service boundaries
since that time.
California Government Code
The California Government Code contains a number of provisions relating to the
organization of local agencies, as well as land use, planning, and employee relations
matters. These include the following:
Ralph M. Brown Act (Open Meeting Law)
Sections 54950-54963 of the California Government Code comprise the Ralph M.
Brown Act, enacted by the Legislature in 1953. (Supporting Document 2-A.) More
commonly known as the "open meeting law,"the Brown Act requires that Board
deliberations be conducted openly and that Board actions be taken openly. It
contains a myriad of detailed and technical requirements governing the conduct of
meetings of local agencies, as well as the conduct of the governing officials of those
agencies. Board Members must become familiar with the Brown Act in order to
effectively execute their duties.
Two publications that provide helpful information for interpreting the Brown Act
are available in the digital DASHBOARD. (Supporting Documents 2-13 and 2-C.)
Public Records Act (Public Access to Information)
California Government Code Sections 6250-6276.48 contain the series of statutes
encompassed in the California Public Records Act (PRA) which was enacted in 1968.
It was designed to give the public access to information that enables them to
monitor the functioning of their government. The fundamental precept is that
governmental records shall be disclosed to the public upon request unless there is a
legal basis not to do so. A summary of the PRA is available in the digital
DASHBOARD. (Supporting Document 2-D.)
The Secretary of the District's office processes all PRA requests received on behalf of
Central San and conducts periodic in-house trainings with respect to this legislation.
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Political Reform Act (Conflict of Interest)
Sections 81000-91014 of the California Government Code embody the Political
Reform Act of 1974. Under this Act, all California government decision-makers are
subject to conflict of interest laws, which generally require that decision-makers
cannot personally gain from their decisions. The California Fair Political Practices
Commission (FPPC) is responsible for oversight of these laws. Board Members must
periodically report all economic interests within Central San's jurisdiction on forms
furnished by the FPPC. (See Section 7.)
Assembly Bill 1234 (Ethics)
Sections 53234-53235.2 of the California Government Code incorporate the
provisions of Assembly Bill 1234 which became effective January 1, 2006. Among
other things, this law requires that Board Members receive two hours of ethics
training within six months of taking office and every two years thereafter, and
mandates certain reporting requirements. (See Section 7.)
Assembly Bill 1661 (Sexual Harassment Prevention)
Section 53237.1 of the California Government Code incorporates the provisions of
Assembly Bill 1661 which became effective January 1, 2017. The law requires that
Board Members receive two hours of sexual harassment prevention training within
six months of taking office and every two years thereafter. Senate Bill 396,which
became effective January 1, 2018, added a new element to the training regarding
gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation.
Ordinances (District Code)
Ordinances are the laws of a local agency. Once adopted by the Board, the entire ordinance
(or summary) is published in a local newspaper. It is only after the required publication
period has been met that the ordinance becomes effective. Some ordinances require a
simple majority vote; others, such as those setting fees or sewer service rates, require four
affirmative votes. An ordinance is an action that can be repealed or amended only by a
subsequent ordinance.
Central San's ordinances have been indexed and recorded into the "District Code," a
compilation and codification of the existing ordinances adopted by the Board since 1946.
The current District Code is available online at:
https:llwww.municode.com/library/ca/central contra costa sanitary district/codes/cod
e of laws?nodeld=TIT1GEPR
Some ordinances are codified,which means they are incorporated into the language of the
District Code, and others are uncodified,which may be incorporated by reference in the
District Code. Examples of uncodified ordinances are those that are adopted annually to set
the sewer service charge and other fees. The District Code is comprised of the following
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Title 1 - General Provisions
Title 2 -Administration
Title 3 - (Not currently used)
Title 4 - Personnel
Title 5 - Permits and Licenses
Title 6 - Fees and Charges
Title 7 - Real Property and Improvements
Title 8 - (Not currently used)
Title 9 - Sewers
Title 10 - Source Control (Pretreatment)
Title 11 - Recycled Water
Resolutions memorialize formal action taken by the Board and are retained as part of
Central San's records. They also may be a vehicle through which the Board expresses its
opinion or policy on a matter. Unlike ordinances, resolutions have no publishing
requirement and are usually effective immediately upon adoption, unless otherwise stated.
Board Policies
Board Policies are adopted by the Board and are more fully explained in Section 9.
General Manager Authority
The General Manager has been delegated certain authority under various other District
documents such as the Central San Budget, the District Code, and Memoranda
of Understanding. In addition, the Board has adopted Board Policy No. BP 037 - Delegation
ofAuthority to the General Manager which consolidates and clarifies the Board's delegation
of authority to the General Manager to help ensure the efficient operation of Central San.
(Supporting Document 2-E.)
Supporting Documents
The supporting documents listed below may be found in the Dropbox digital DASHBOARD
in the subfolders indicated in [brackets]:
2-A Brown Act(GC Sections 54950-54963, as of November 17, 2020) [BROWN ACT]
2-B 2016 Open & Public V.A Guide to the Ralph M. Brown Act(revised April 2016),
published by the League of California Cities [BROWN ACT]
2-C The ABCs of Open Government Laws, published by the Institute for Local
Government [BROWN ACT]
2-D The People's Business-A Guide to the California Public Records Act(revised
2-E BP 037-Delegation of Authority to the General Manager[GM AUTHORITY BP 037
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SECTION 3. Financial Overview
Fiscal Year
Central San operates under a fiscal year budget cycle beginning July 1 and ending June 30.
Expenditures are reviewed monthly by the Board Finance Committee before they are
approved by the full Board.
Financial Statements
Financial statements are reviewed quarterly by the Board Finance Committee before they
are received by the full Board. The financial package includes results for the four funds
(Operations and Maintenance, Sewer Construction, Self-Insurance and Debt Service).
The Board adopts a yearly budget, typically at the first Board meeting in June. A detailed
budget book is prepared and presented to the Board prior to adoption. Central San
management is accountable for variances and adhering to budget constraints. A Board
Policy (BP 037) addresses delegated authority to the General Manager for contracting,
spending and other related matters.
Unfunded Liabilities
The District has unfunded liabilities for both the Contra Costa County Employees'
Retirement Association (CCCERA) pension and the Other Post-Employment Benefits
(OPEB) Trust (for retiree healthcare). Significant progress has been made in recent years
in bringing these liabilities under control. Unfunded pension liabilities have been brought
down from a high of$142.5 million in 2012 to $70.7 million as of December 31, 2018 (and
down to $60.4 million inclusive of$10.3 million of assets as of June 30, 2020 in a Pension
Prefunding Trust established by the Board in 2017). As of December 31, 2018, Central
San's pension funding status was brought to 84%, or 85.8% inclusive of Pension
Prefunding Trust assets totaling$10.3 million on June 30, 2020. Funding for OPEB
obligations was 87% as of June 30, 2020.
Central San continues to make strong progress toward addressing its unfunded obligations
based on Board directed efforts which have included:
• In each of the past several years, supplemental payments have been made to
CCCERA, the pension prefunding trust, or the OPEB trust, above and beyond those
• Central San also participates in a prepayment program for its retirement
contributions to CCCERA,which gives plan sponsors the option of paying all of their
estimated retirement contributions in exchange for a discount on the employer's
contribution rate.
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• Establishment during Fiscal Year (FY) 2017-18 of an IRS Code Section 115 pension
prefunding trust for additional contributions toward pension obligations apart from
direct contributions to CCCERA, which give added benefits of allowing for increased
pension funding flexibility to manage required CCCERA pension funding
requirements in the context of managing sewer service charge rate volatility, and to
make contributions toward pension obligations without the risk of"super-funding"
concerns (which would require full pension contributions even as CCCERA funding
status is brought closer to 100%).
• Adoption of two Board Policies in 2020: BP 041 - Pension Funding, and BP 042 -
Other Post-Employment Benefits(OPEB) Funding. The Pension Funding policy
contains a matrix which calls for additional contributions to be made at specified
funding shortfalls.
On July 27, 2020, Central San paid $18.6 million to CCCERA toward its FY 2019-20
contributions, which included the $12.1 million budgeted toward the District's UAAL. Staff
keeps the Board apprised of the status of Central San's unfunded liabilities in the quarterly
financial reporting package, and through discussions at periodic financial planning
Supporting Documents
The supporting document listed below may be found in the Dropbox digital DASHBOARD in
the subfolder indicated in [brackets]:
3-A FY 2018-19 Central San Budget [BUDGET]
Summarized information on the following topics can be found at the
page numbers referenced:
• Budgeting Calendar, Process, and Spending Authorities (pg. 23)
• Financial Overview(pg. 35)
• Financial Planning Policies (pg. 37)
• Financial Summary(pg. 45)
• Self-Insurance Program (pg. 157)
• Capital Improvement Program (pg. 165)
• Debt Program (pg. 281)
3-B BP 041 — Pension Funding [BOARD POLICIES]
3-C BP 042—Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) Funding [BOARD POLICIES]
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SECTION 4. Role and Duties
Board Members' Duties and Responsibilities
The Board is the legislative body that holds governing authority for Central San, and its
roles and responsibilities are listed below.
• Develop and evaluate policies for Central San;
• Establish and oversee Central San's finances, budgets, programs and performance;
• Provide the resources needed by management and staff to carry out District policy;
• Determine the vision, mission,values and goals of Central San; and
• Appoint and conduct annual performance evaluations of the General Manager,
District Counsel, and Secretary of the District.
The Board has adopted Board Policy No. BP 023 - Board Ethics and Conduct which sets
forth its standard of conduct. (Supporting Document 4-A.)
Apart from his or her normal function as part of the Board, each individual Board Member's
role and responsibilities include the following:
• Act as liaison between and establish relationships with outside agencies and the
• Represent the interests of Central San's customers; and
• Participate in ceremonial events as District representative.
Board Members Have No Individual Authority
The Board of Directors is the unit of authority within the District. Apart from his or
her normal function as a part of this unit, Board Members have no individual
authority. As such, they may not individually commit Central San to any policy, act
or expenditure.
Term of Office
Board Members are elected for four-year terms. Elections are held on the first
Tuesday in November of even-numbered years and are consolidated with Contra
Costa County. Terms are staggered,with either two or three seats elected during
alternating election cycles.
In November 2020, Central San began the transition from an at-large election
system to a division-based election system. Under the at-large election system, all
five Board Members represented all constituents in the District. With division-
based elections, the District has been divided into five separate election areas -
called "divisions" - and voters residing in each area will select one representative to
serve on the Board. This new election system will commence with the 2022 election.
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The three Board Members elected in 2020 will continue to serve at large for four-
year terms. The two Board Members elected in 2022 will be the first to represent
their respective division as part of the by-district election system,with the
remaining Board Members continuing to serve at large. In 2024, the three Board
Members who are elected will each represent the division in which they reside, thus
completing Central San's transition to by-district election.
Swearing In
Newly-elected or re-elected Board Members are usually sworn in at the first Board
meeting in December after the results of the November election are certified by the
Registrar of Voters.
President and President Pro Tem Roles and Duties
In December, the Board votes to appoint a President and President Pro Tem whose one-
year terms begin in January.
The Board President has no additional powers beyond those of any other Board
Member. The following are the role and responsibilities of the Board President:
• Serve as presiding officer at all Board meetings;
• Maintain proper conduct of Board meetings;
• Run effective and efficient meetings, including but not limited to ensuring
appropriate opportunities for public participation and managing the
• Keep the Board focused on the discussion at hand and true to its proper
role and responsibility;
• Avoid diversions from the agenda or disruptions in the conduct of District
• Maintain proper and appropriate parliamentary procedure (Rosenberg's
Rules of Order) and agenda management (e.g. ensure that actions are
taken with proper motions and seconds);
• Acknowledge and diplomatically facilitate appropriate public
participation in the activities of the Board;
• Vote, discuss, and make motions the same as other members of the
Board; however, the President only makes motions and seconds motions
on occasions when other Board Members are reluctant to do so;
• Allow the other Board Members to complete their comments on an item
before offering his or her own;
• Keep the meeting discussions focused on properly-noticed agenda items
and steadfastly move the Board toward making decisions;
• Sign various Board-approved documents on behalf of the Board;
• Recommend appointments to Standing Board Committees,Ad Hoc
Committees and representatives to outside agencies and cities; and
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• Act as official representative of Central San for ceremonial purposes.
The President recommends and the Board approves appointments to the Standing
Board Committees and representation to cities and outside agencies. Traditionally,
the appointments are for one-year terms.
President Pro Tem
The President Pro Tem performs all the duties of President in his or her absence.
Board Committees
Board Committees act in an advisory capacity to the full Board.
Standing Committees
Currently,there are four Standing Committees:
• Administration Committee
• Engineering&Operations Committee
• Finance Committee
• Real Estate, Environmental &Planning Committee
Standing Committees are comprised of two Board Members (Chair and Member).
Appointments to standing or other committees are generally proposed by the Board
President-Elect and voted on at the end of each calendar year for the following year.
Committee Charters are contained in Board Policy No. BP 013 -Standing Committee
Protocols, Guidelines and Charters. (Supporting Document 4-B.)
Committee meetings are usually held at the Headquarters Office Building (HOB) in
Martinez and generally occur once or twice a month. Typically, each Committee will
set its annual roster of meetings at its first Committee meeting in January. The
timing of the meetings depends on the needs of Central San and the convenience of
the Committee Members.
Committee agendas are prepared and posted in accordance with the Brown Act and
action minutes are prepared after each meeting. The action minutes are generally
included in the next Board agenda packet and a brief report may be given by the
Committee Chair at the meeting.
In the event that a Committee Member is unable to attend a scheduled meeting, the
meeting is usually rescheduled unless time-sensitive matters require action, in
which case the Board President may appoint an Alternate Committee Member for
that meeting.
Ad Hoc Committees
From time to time, the Board may create ad hoc committees as needed. These differ
from standing committees in that they are not subject to the Brown Act and have
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limited scope and duration. The President appoints members to ad hoc committees.
In recent years, Central San has formed ad hoc committees for such matters as the
COCO San Sustainable Farm and the complete update of the District Code.
Board Liaisons and Representatives to Outside Agencies
Liaisons to Cities, Towns and County
Board Members are appointed to act as liaisons to all cities and towns within
Central San's service area and to Contra Costa County, as listed below:
Alamo Moraga
Concord Crinda
Contra Costa County Pacheco
Danville Pleasant Hill
Lafayette San Ramon
Martinez Walnut Creek
Examples of typical Board liaison activities include periodic meetings with the
Mayor and/or City Manager (usually accompanied by the General Manager) and/or
presentations at a city council meeting on the state of the District.
Representatives to Outside Agencies and Organizations
Board Members may also be appointed as representatives or liaisons to the
following outside agencies:
• California Special Districts Association - Contra Costa Chapter (CCSDA)
• Contra Costa Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCC)
• Contra Costa Water District (CCWD)
• Dublin San Ramon Services District (DSRSD)
• East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD)
• East Bay Regional Park District (EBRPD)
• Mt. View Sanitary District (MVSD)
• Pleasant Hill Recreation and Park District (PHR&PD)
• Valley Water (formerly Santa Clara Valley Water District)
Board Members receive a stipend for attendance at meetings or events at which
they formally represent Central San in their capacity as liaison or representative
when District business is being conducted.
Board Members Represent the Entire Community
While the Board President appoints individual Board Members as liaisons to the
County, cities and various outside agencies and organizations within Central San's
service area, until the 2022 election, all Board Members continue to represent
customers in the entire service area. Therefore, they act for the community as a
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A current list of Board Committee assignments and Board liaison/representative
appointments is available in the digital DASHBOARD. (Supporting Document 4-C.)
Board Members' Role in Community Outreach
As stated above, Board Members are appointed to act as liaisons for each city and town
within the service area and as representatives to various other organizations and agencies.
Board Members also choose whether to attend functions, in addition to staff, as appropriate
within their liaison areas and may choose to make presentations to city councils.
Handling Inquiries/Complaints from Customers
If a Board Member receives a complaint or concern from the public, it is generally
recommended that he or she refer the customer to the General Manager or
Secretary of the District for appropriate handling.
Handling Inquiries from Media and Outside Organizations
If a Board Member receives an inquiry from a member of the media, the call should
be referred to the Communication Services Division, which acts as the District Public
Information Officer, to assure any response is consistent with other District
messaging. Central San has identified the following trained District spokespersons
who are equipped to respond to inquiries from the media, outside organizations and
members of the community:
Emily Barnett- Communications &Intergovernmental Relations Manager
Phone: 229-7310 (office); 378-0355 (cell)
Email: ebarnett(@centralsan.org
Chris Carpenter- Community Affairs Representative
Phone: 229-7316 (office); 212-2631 (cell)
Email: ccarpOcentralSan.org
Board Members' Roles in Emergency Situations
Central San's Emergency Management program is comprised of four elements: 1) plan
development and maintenance; 2) training and exercises; 3) supplies and equipment; and
4) coordination with other agencies. Emergency plans include Central San's:
• Emergency Operations Plan;
• Local Hazard Mitigation Plan; and
• Continuity of Operations Plan.
Periodically, staff provides the Board with presentations regarding Central San's
preparations for responding to an emergency, such as a natural disaster, to provide the
Board Members with updates to the program and to go over the protocols and practices to
follow during a real emergency.
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In a real emergency the District may proclaim a local emergency and/or activate the
Emergency Operations Center (EOC). The primary EOC is the Multi-Purpose Room at
District Headquarters and the backup EOC is the Crew Room at the Collection System
Operations offices in Walnut Creek.
In general, the Board President and the Board Members have a minimal role in emergency
operations. During an emergency, Board Members should be available to support the
Director of Emergency Services and the activities of the EOC.
The list below, excerpted from the Emergency Operations Plan, provides examples of
support the Board Members may provide in an emergency:
• Be available when the General Manager (or designee) and/or Secretary of the
District (or designee) establishes contact with you to receive a briefing on the
nature and status of the emergency.
• Remain informed on nature and status of the emergency.
• Hold Board meetings as required to address legal or policy issues arising from
the emergency.
• Ratify Proclamation of Local Emergency at a special Board Meeting within seven
(7) days after its issuance by the Director of Emergency Services.
• Continue the proclaimed Local State of Emergency as warranted by the event
and as required by law.
Board Member Meetings with General Manager
The General Manager regularly meets one-on-one with each Board Member, usually
monthly. The General Manager's Executive Assistant arranges these meetings, which may
be held at Central San offices or offsite, at whatever time and location is preferable for each
Board Member.
Executive Management Team
The Executive Management Team consists of three positions: General Manager, Secretary
of the District, and District Counsel. All three positions are appointed by and report
directly to the Board. Annual performance appraisals are scheduled automatically in
September of each year in accordance with Resolution No. 2015-027. It is excerpted below:
1. As defined in Section 4.23.030 of the District Code, the Executive
Management Team consists of the General Manager, District Counsel,
and Secretary of the District.
2. Performance appraisals by the Board of Directors for each member of
the Executive Management Team will be scheduled automatically in
September of each year.
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3. The Board of Directors may, if desired, schedule additional, interim
performance appraisals of any member of the Executive Management
General Manager's Role
The terms and conditions of the General Manager's employment are expressed in a
contract with the District. That contract provides that the incumbent shall perform
all duties and assume all obligations of the office of General Manager described in
the job classification and shall be subject to all pertinent provisions of the
ordinances, resolutions, rules, regulations and all other lawful orders and directives
of Central San or the Board.
The District Code states that the General Manager shall:
A. Establish departments and organize the functions of Central San,-
an;B. Recommend rules and regulations for adoption, including specifications and
requirements controlling the construction, repair, maintenance and
operation of sewage systems, recycled water systems, and Household
Hazardous Waste Collection Facility;
C. Collect fees and charges, issue permits, and maintain records of all
The job classification for the position of General Manager is approved by the Board
and specifies the required minimum qualifications, knowledge, skills and abilities as
well as the duties of the position. The General Manager delegates many duties to
Department Directors, managers and staff. In doing so, the General Manager
remains accountable to the Board.
Secretary of the District's Role
The terms and conditions of the Secretary of the District's employment are
expressed as a contract with the District. The job classification for the Secretary of
the District is approved by the Board and specifies the required minimum
qualifications, knowledge, skills and abilities as well as the duties of the position.
The District Code states that the Secretary of the District shall:
A. Make independent decisions as necessary to implement Board requests,
decisions and official actions;
B. Serve as custodian of the official records of Central San;
C. Attend meetings of Central San Board and such additional Committee
meetings, conferences and hearings as may from time to time be required;
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D. Produce as appropriate the minutes and official records of Board and
Committee actions, including those in closed session meetings, with the
restriction that minute books recording the topics discussed and decisions
made in closed session meetings shall be considered confidential and not
subject to disclosure under the California Public Records Act, Government
Code Section 6250 et seq.;
E. Participate and coordinate with management group in meetings and projects.
The Secretary of the District acts for the Board Members in a variety of executive,
administrative, legal and record-keeping functions, and is part of Central San
Management Team. These functions include preparation of Board and Committee
agendas and minutes; compliance with applicable regulations, including the Health
and Safety Code, Brown Act and Public Records Act; records management; elections;
adherence to Fair Political Practices Commission requirements; ethics compliance;
maintenance of Board Policies and related Administrative Procedures; and special
Secretary Pro Tem
The Secretary Pro Tem performs all the duties of Secretary of the District in his or
her absence.
District Counsel's Role
Unlike the other two Board-appointed positions, the District Counsel is not an
"employee" of Central San. The terms and conditions of the District Counsel's
employment are expressed as a contract between the District Counsel, his or her law
firm, if applicable, and the District.
The District Code states that the District Counsel, under direction from the Board,
and in coordination with the General Manager:
A. Shall act as attorney for the District as required in all matters affecting
District affairs, except in those areas, or subject matters,where special
counsel are from time to time employed and special responsibilities assigned
to said special counsel.
B. Shall, within the foregoing limitation, and in fulfilling duties as attorney for
the District: attend meetings of the District Board and such additional
committee meetings, conferences and hearings as may from time to time be
required to provide legal counsel and guidance; oversee application of the
Brown Act to District meetings and maintain records in conformance with
said Act; prepare opinions as to applicable law when required by the
circumstances, or requested by the District Board or General Manager;
prepare such legal documents, including contracts and conveyances, as may
be required, and to prosecute and defend such litigation as the interest of the
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District shall require; assist officers and employees of the District by advice
upon legal matters related to the administration of the District, and engage in
such research, studies and reports as may be indicated in the progress of his
or her work.
C. May practice law independent of District work in an office maintained at his
or her own expense, including necessary stenographic and research services;
provided, however, that such practice, and the clients represented therein,
shall not conflict with his or her responsibility to the District.
The District Code also states that the District Counsel shall be admitted to practice
law in California and have an active membership in the California State Bar. In
terms of experience, the District Code states that District Counsel shall have two
years' comprehensive experience in the law of special districts, eminent domain,
state and federal environmental protection, state and federal grant administration,
legislative draftsmanship, and conduct of public hearings.
Supporting Documents
The supporting documents listed below may be found in the Dropbox digital DASHBOARD
in the subfolders indicated in [brackets]:
4-A BP 023-Board Ethics and Conduct[BOARD POLICIES]
4-B BP 013-Standing Committee Protocols, Guidelines and Charters [BOARD
4-C Current List of Board Committee and Liaison/Representative Appointments
[APPOINTMENTS (Committees & Liaison)]
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SECTION 5. Board
Types of Meetings
The principal type of meeting at which District business is conducted is a regular
Board meeting. Per the District Code, regular Board meetings are held on the first
and third Thursday of each calendar month in the Board Room at 5019 Imhoff Place,
Martinez, California. Regular Board meetings begin at 1:30 p.m. A schedule of
meeting dates is approved each fall by the Board for the next calendar year. The
most recent Board calendar is available in the digital DASHBOARD. (Supporting
Document 5-A.) State law (the Brown Act) requires that agendas for regular Board
meetings be posted in a public place and on Central San's website at least 72 hours
prior to the meeting.
Occasionally, special Board meetings are held to discuss a particular topic, conduct a
workshop or study session or, if necessary, hold a meeting at a time or date other
than a regularly scheduled Board meeting. Special Board meetings generally must
be convened within Central San's service area. State law requires that agendas for
special Board meetings be provided to the local newspaper and be posted in a public
place and on Central San's website at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.
When it has been determined that an emergency exists, an emergency meeting of
the Board may be called. The Brown Act defines an emergency as a crippling
activity,work stoppage or other activity,which severely impairs public health,
safety, or both. Absent a dire emergency, notice must be given to the media at least
one hour prior to the meeting. In the case of a dire emergency, notice need only be
provided at or near the time that notice is provided to members of the Board. A dire
emergency is a crippling disaster, mass destruction, terrorist act, or threatened
terrorist activity that poses peril so immediate and significant that requiring a
legislative body to provide one-hour notice may endanger the public health, safety,
or both, as determined by a majority of the Board.
In addition to the above three meeting types,the Board may adjourn a regular or
special meeting that has been called to order to another time, place, and date if the
business of that Board meeting has not been completed and/or if the Board's
deliberations would benefit from re-convening the meeting at another time or in
another location. If less than a quorum is present, Board Members present can
adjourn the meeting to another date,time and place. If all Board Members are
absent, the Secretary of the District may declare the meeting adjourned to a stated
time and place.
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Closed Sessions
Meetings of the Board are either fully open or fully closed; there is nothing in between.
The Brown Act strongly favors open meetings; private discussions among a majority of the
Board Members are prohibited, unless expressly authorized under the Brown Act. Closed
sessions are an exception to open meeting requirements, and the authority for such
sessions has been narrowly construed. The fact that material may be sensitive,
embarrassing or controversial does not justify application of a closed session unless it is
authorized by a specific exception. The most commonly cited exceptions at the District
relate to litigation, real estate negotiations, public employment, labor negotiations, and
public security.
Closed sessions are generally held immediately following the regular business
portion of a Board meeting but may also be scheduled at some other designated
Only individuals having an official role in the closed session subject matter may
The Brown Act explicitly prohibits the unauthorized disclosure of confidential
information acquired in a closed session by any person present. It is incumbent
upon those attending closed sessions to protect the confidentiality of those
Report Out of Closed Session
Following a closed session, most final decisions must be reported out in open
session and the votes for or against any final decisions must be provided. District
Counsel generally makes these reports.
Board Agenda
Meeting agendas specify the date, time and location of the meeting and, according to the
Brown Act, must contain "a brief general description of each item of business to be
transacted or discussed at the meeting." It should be clear from the agenda wording what
will be discussed and what action is being proposed so members of the public can
determine whether to monitor or participate in the meeting. The Brown Act generally
prohibits any action or discussion of items that are not on the agenda.
Paperless/Electronic Agenda Packets
An agenda is distributed to all Board Members in advance of every Board and
Committee meeting. The Board uses paperless agenda packets and District-owned
iPads are furnished to Board Members to facilitate access to electronic agenda
packets and other reference documents. See Board Policy No. BP 014 - District-
Owned Mobile Computing Devices for Board Members (Supporting Document 5-13).
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Board agendas, including backup material, are delivered electronically to each
Board Member on the Friday preceding the regular Thursday Board meeting.
The complete agenda packet is also posted on Central San's website (centralsan.or�)
the same day.
Committee agenda packets are generally distributed electronically to all Board
Members several days in advance of each meeting. Committee agenda packets are
also posted to Central San's website (centralsan.=).
Regular Meeting Time and Order of Business
The regular meeting time and order of business for Board meetings are established
by resolution of the Board and may be changed as needed. The most recent
resolution was adopted by the Board on July 21, 2016 (Resolution No. 2016-021). It
is excerpted below:
WHEREAS, the Ralph M. Brown Act and the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
Code provide that the time of regularly scheduled District Board meetings be
established by resolution; and
WHEREAS, the established time of regular District Board meetings may be changed
from time to time as necessary by resolution of the Board of Directors to accommodate
the interests of the public or the District, or to accommodate scheduling requirements;
WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 143, relating to order of business for District Board
meetings, ordained that the order of business shall be established by resolution and
may be changed from time to time by resolution.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra
Costa Sanitary District("District') as follows:
Section 1. Effective August 4,2016, the open and public portion of regular meetings of
the District Board of Directors shall begin at 1:30 p.m. on the first and third Thursdays
of each month. Closed sessions are generally held after the regular business portion
of the agenda.
Section 2. Regular meetings of the District Board of Directors shall generally take
place in the Meeting Room at 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, California, unless otherwise
stated on the agenda and as permitted by the Ralph M. Brown Act.
Section 3. The time of regular District Board meetings may occasionally be changed to
accommodate the interests of the public or the District, or to accommodate scheduling
Section 4. Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be scheduled on an as-
needed basis with proper notification.
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Section 5. The order of business on Board meeting agendas will generally be as shown
on ExhibitA to this resolution, noting that headings under which there are no matters
to be considered at a particular meeting may not appear on the agenda for that
Section 6. The Board President may take any item out of order at the meeting.
a. Pledge of Allegiance
b. Introductions
AWARDSAND PRESENTATIONS(including presentations by outside guest speakers
for non-action topics)
a. General Manager
1) Reports(on non-action topics)
2) Announcements
b. Counsel for the District
C. Secretary of the District
d. Board Members
1) Committee Minutes
2) Reports and Announcements
3) Requests for Stipend/Reimbursement or Conference Attendance
4) Other Items(if any) (specific Board Member-originated items)
ANNOUNCE CLOSED SESSION(pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.7)
Headings under which there are no matters to be considered at a particular meeting
may not appear on the agenda for that meeting.
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Placing an Item on a Board Agenda
Items Originating from the General Manager
Most of the items on the agenda originate from the General Manager and District
staff. Staff maintains a detailed list of upcoming agenda items that is updated after
every Board and Committee meeting. Typical agenda items include the following:
• Policy direction from the Board;
• Public hearings;
• Items with over-arching policy implications (e.g. budgeting, strategic
planning, labor negotiations);
• Actions required by law (e.g. consolidation of District elections, amending
the Conflict of Interest Code, appropriations limits);
• Actions on the overall implementation of a Board-approved project or
program (e.g. award of construction contracts, consideration of an
environmental review document, etc.);
• Discretionary decisions for which authority has not been delegated to the
General Manager; and
• Informational items to update the Board on topics of interest.
Items Originating from a Board Member
Board Members may request that an item be placed on a future Board agenda by
making a request during the Board meeting, most often under "Requests for Future
Agenda Items." If a majority of Board Members concur with the request, staff will
place it on the list of upcoming agenda items and track it for an appropriate meeting.
Items Originating from the Public
Members of the public may request in writing to have an item placed on a future
Board agenda or during the public comment portion of a meeting. The Board will
consider such requests and provide direction to the General Manager. The Board
may not discuss a matter brought up by the public at the same meeting at which it is
first mentioned because the Brown Act prohibits discussion of items that have not
been agendized for that meeting. The Board may, however, ask questions sufficient
to clarify the item so that it may be appropriately agendized for a future meeting.
Urgency Items
In rare cases, a legitimate urgent need arises that must be acted upon even though
the item was not on the posted agenda. District Counsel is consulted on all urgency
In order for the Board to take action on an urgency item, two determinations must
be made by a two-thirds vote of the Board Members present (or all Board Members
if less than four are present):
• There is an immediate need to take action; and
• The need arose after the agenda posting deadline.
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An urgency item cannot be considered under this provision if the Board Members or
staff knew about the matter before the posting deadline.
If the above requirements are met, the Board may vote to add the item to the
Agenda Packet
Position Papers
Staff typically prepares a Position Paper (a.k.a. staff report) for every agenda item
requiring Board action. Position Papers provide the Board Members and the public
with relevant information on any particular agenda item.
Other Supporting Documentation
For those agenda items for which a Position Paper is not appropriate, staff will
generally include an explanatory memo.
PowerPoints and Presentations
For most presentations, staff will include a PowerPoint or other presentation
material in the agenda packet so it may be previewed.
Preparing for Meetings
Board Members are expected to prepare for all Board and Standing Committee meetings.
In doing so, Board Members shall (1) identify the need to obtain any supplemental or
clarifying information in order to better prepare or enhance their knowledge to improve
the legislative decision-making process, and (2) communicate same to the General Manager
or the Secretary of the District. Board Members are encouraged to do so as far in advance
of the Board meeting as possible to allow the General Manager and/or Secretary of the
District to be able to provide the requested additional information and to facilitate the
meeting process.
Board Meetings
A simple majority, or three Board Members, constitutes a quorum. If fewer than
three Board Members are present, the meeting may not proceed. It may be
cancelled or adjourned to a future date and time.
Parliamentary Procedures
The Board has adopted Rosenberg's Rules of Order, with amendments that clarify
voting requirements and how abstentions are counted, as the parliamentary
procedures that govern the conduct of Board meetings. See Supporting Documents
5-C(1), Board Policy No. BP 012 - Parliamentary Procedures, and 5-C(2), Cheat Sheet
(Simple Parliamentary Procedures).
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Transacting Business on an Item
During meetings,the Board President announces each agenda item, referencing the
item number and nature of the matter, after which the General Manager generally
provides a brief introduction on the item to be considered.
Consent Calendar
All regular meetings generally include a consent calendar,which is for more routine
items, including those that have been reviewed and recommended for approval by a
standing Board Committee. The consent calendar is typically approved in a single
motion; however, any Board Member or member of the public may pull a consent
calendar item for discussion.
Staff Presentations
The General Manager or staff member may present a report on an agenda item,
including background information, pertinent facts and details, and analyses
conducted by staff. For simpler items, the General Manager and staff are available
for questions without a formal presentation. On occasion, an outside consultant
may present information or be available to respond to questions.
Clarifying Questions
Board Members may ask questions of the presenter. The nature of the questions
and comments are for clarification of the matter and the staff recommendation.
Debates or deliberations occur after public comment, if any.
Each Board Member's place at the Board Room dais has a light switch that, when
switched on, will alert the Board President that the Board Member has a question or
comment. It is appropriate to wait until called upon by the Board President before
Public Comment
Agendized Items
Members of the public may comment on items that are on the agenda as they
come up for discussion. The Board President will ask if anyone present
wishes to comment on the agenda item.
Items Not on the Agenda
For items that are not on the agenda, the public may comment during the
"Public Comment Period." However, as noted above, the Brown Act prohibits
discussion of non-agendized items. In some cases, it may be appropriate for
Board Members to ask questions in order to clarify the matter, so it may be
properly agendized for a future meeting.
The Board may discuss the merits of the item after public comment. During this
time, the Board may ask staff additional questions or seek the advice of the General
Manager and/or District Counsel.
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When the Board President sees that discussions have run their course, he or she
may call for a motion and subsequently a second to the motion. He or she then calls
for a vote on the motion. After hearing the results of the vote,the Board President
announces the vote. The President also has the option of requesting a roll call vote.
Majority Vote
When an item requires a majority vote of the Board, a simple majority of the
quorum is sufficient. In the event that four or five Board Members are
present, three affirmative votes are required to approve most actions. If only
three Board Members are present, two affirmative votes are sufficient to
approve an item requiring a majority vote.
Supermajority Vote
A few actions by sanitary districts must be taken by more than a majority of
the quorum. For example, a two-thirds vote (a.k.a. "supermajority") is
needed to add an urgency item to an agenda, raise fees and charges, place
charges on the tax roll for collection, or adopt a resolution of necessity to
condemn real property. A supermajority requires four affirmative votes.
Staff makes every effort to inform Board Members well in advance when an
item requires a supermajority vote.
Tie Vote
A two-two vote constitutes no action.
Board Member Absences
If a Board Member is unable to attend a meeting, he or she shall notify either the
Secretary of the District or the General Manager as far in advance as possible prior
to the meeting.
Minutes/Videotaping of Board Meetings
The District began videotaping its regular Board meetings in 2015 in accordance with
Board Policy No. BP 020 -Minute Style and Video Recording of Board Meetings (Supporting
Document 5-D.) The recordings are indexed by agenda item and available on Central San's
website shortly after each meeting held in the Board Room. They are retained permanently
and serve to supplement brief action minutes which document:
• Action item motions, seconds and vote counts;
• Summarized comments made by members of the public;
• Key statements made by Board Members; and
• Policy reasons for decisions made.
Minutes are generally scheduled for approval by the Board on the next Board agenda.
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Supporting Documents
The supporting documents listed below may be found in the Dropbox digital DASHBOARD
in the subfolders indicated in [brackets]:
5-A Board Calendar[CALENDAR]
5-B BP 014—District-Owned Mobile Computing Devices for Board Members [BOARD
5-C(1) BP 012—Parliamentary Procedures[BOARD POLICIES]
5-C(2) BP 012—Cheat Sheet(Simple Parliamentary Procedures) [BOARD POLICIES]
5-D BP 020—Minute Style and Video Recording of Board Meetings [BOARD POLICIES]
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SECTION • Compensation
Meeting Stipends
Board Members receive a meeting stipend for each Board and Committee meeting
they attend, according to the rules and regulations set forth in District Code Section
2.04.030 Compensation of Board Members. See Ordinance No. 270 and Resolution
No. 2015-008 (Supporting Documents 6-A and 6-13, respectively).
Board Members are also compensated with a meeting stipend for their service as a
District liaison or as a representative to certain outside agencies,which are listed in
the Resolution.
Compensation is limited to no more than one meeting per day and six meetings per
calendar month, as stipulated in the Health and Safety Code. The current meeting
stipend is $185.
Central San is in the process of transitioning from monthly to biweekly pay
schedule. The new schedule will begin in January 2021. Board Members may
request that their paychecks be auto-deposited. Otherwise they will be mailed to
their home address. Please note that details about the cost of Board Member
benefits are also shown on pay stubs.
Travel Expenses
Central San pays registration, travel and other expenses for Board Members
to attend various conferences throughout the year. Board Members are also
reimbursed for meals up to the daily per diem amount, and for mileage and
expenses in accordance with Board Policy No. BP 008 - Travel Expense
Reimbursement Policy (Supporting Document 6-C).
Itemized receipts for meals and any other expenditures must be submitted
upon return from the trip. See Administrative Procedure No.AP 008 - Travel
Arrangements and Reimbursement Procedure (Supporting Document 6-D).
Please contact the Secretary of the District for assistance with
Mileage and Other Reimbursements
Board Members are eligible for mileage reimbursement for traveling to
qualifying events, such as Board liaison meetings; however, they are not
eligible for mileage reimbursement for traveling to Board and Committee
Any expenses incurred by Board Members to attend functions related to their
position as a Board Member are either paid on their behalf in advance by
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staff or reimbursed afterward. These types of expenses typically involve
registration fees and/or meals for various community events that relate to
Central San business or are of interest and value to the District.
Medical Insurance
Medical coverage is available to all Board Members, their spouse/registered
domestic partner, and qualified dependents. Board Members may select any plan
that is offered by Ca1PERS, except for PORAC,which is a plan that is only open to
members of the Peace Officers Research Association of California. The coverage is
the same as that offered to employees. Central San pays 100% of the premium cost,
up to the family rate, of the "core" plans for Board Members. The two core plans are
Kaiser Permanente and HealthNet SmartCare. If a non-core plan is selected, Board
Members and employees pay the difference between the highest cost core plan and
the plan selected. If a plan is selected that costs less than either of the core plans,
the difference will not be reimbursed.
Dual-Coverage - Health Flexible Spending Arrangement Option
Upon proof of outside medical coverage, Board Members may waive District medical
coverage and participate in Central San's Section 125 Cafeteria Plan (Health Flexible
Spending Arrangement). Participation is voluntary. Central San will contribute
$41.66 per month into a Flexible Spending account for each participant
(contributions are limited under the Affordable Care Act to $500 per year).
Board Members may either receive health coverage or participate in Central San's
Health Flexible Spending Arrangement option,but not both.
Dental Insurance
Central San's group dental insurance is provided by Delta Dental of California. The
coverage is the same as that offered to employees. Central San pays 100% of the
Vision Insurance
Because vision coverage is not included with Ca1PERS medical plans, Central San has
contracted with VSP to provide vision benefit services to employees and Board
Members. This benefit provides for an annual eye exam, as well as a benefit
allowance for prescription glasses and contact lenses. Central San pays 100% of the
In the event of a Board Member's death while in office, a Board Member's surviving
spouse and eligible dependent(s) will continue to receive the same level of medical,
dental and vision coverage as was in effect at the time of a Board Member's death. A
surviving spouse would receive coverage for life (including if he or she remarries)
and any dependent children would receive coverage for as long as the plan allows.
However, no new dependents may be added.
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Life Insurance
Board Members are automatically enrolled in Central San's life insurance plan
through Voya for$50,000 of term life with Accidental Death and Dismemberment
coverage with limits equal to the life insurance amount. An eligible dependent
spouse has $1,500 of coverage; an eligible dependent child up to age 26 has $1,000
of coverage. The coverage also entitles employees and Board Members to the
following additional services at no cost: Funeral Planning and Concierge Services,
Estate Guidance and Will Services, and Travel Assistance and Identity Theft
Protection Services. Central San pays 100% of the premium.
Deferred Compensation
Board Members are required to make a minimum contribution of 7.5% of their
compensation to Central San's 457 Deferred Compensation Plan. (This amount is
roughly the equivalent of Social Security and Medicare taxes.) Board Members may
elect to defer all or a portion of their compensation up to IRS limits. Effective July 5,
2018, the 457 Plan was amended to allow Board Members a broader range of
investment options for their contributions.
Health and Wellness
Board Members may utilize Central San's employee gym during working hours and
may participate in the Health &Wellness program activities offered to all
Benefits Upon Separation from Service
Board Members are eligible to enroll in Ca1PERS for District medical coverage, and
the District will pay the PEHMCA (Public Employees Medical and Hospital Care Act)
minimum for Board Members if the following conditions are met:
1. Board Members must contribute (no maximum threshold) to the District's
Section 457 Deferred Compensation Plan as an active Board Member.
2. After separation from Central San,the Board Member must be eligible for and
elect to receive those contributions as an annuity. The current Deferred
Compensation Plan provider, ICMA, has an annuity option available for Board
3. Receipt of the annuity must begin within 120 days of separation.
The balance of the premium costs beyond the PEHMCA minimum must be borne by
the former Board Member.
Board Members may enroll in dental and vision coverage on a self-pay basis upon
separation of service from Central San; however, they are ineligible to purchase
group life insurance.
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Survivor Benefits Upon Separation from Service
The surviving spouse of a Board Member who has separated service from Central
San is eligible for the PEHMCA minimum toward medical coverage and must pay any
premium costs beyond the PEHMCA minimum. Dental and vision coverage is
available on a self-pay basis.
Annual Review of Board Member Compensation and Benefits
In accordance with Resolution No. 2012-018 (Supporting Document 6-E), the Board
conducts an annual review of Board Member compensation and benefits at a public hearing
held during the first quarter of each calendar year. As part of that review, the Secretary of
the District surveys other local agencies and prepares a comparison chart of benefits and
compensation. In March 2020, the Board took a focused look at Board Member
compensation and benefits at its Board Self-Evaluation Workshop. Upon reviewing and
discussing all the survey and other data and the overview of Board Member Compensation
and Benefits-2020 report (Supporting Document 6-F.), the general conclusion was that the
Board Members were comfortable with the current$185 stipend.
The only change that has been made to Board compensation since 2012 occurred in 2016
when the Board eliminated mileage reimbursement for attendance at meetings and events
(unless related to a conference).
Supporting Documents
The supporting documents listed below may be found in the Dropbox digital DASHBOARD
in the subfolders indicated in [brackets]:
6-A Ordinance No. 270, Compensation of Board Members [BOARD COMPENSATION]
6-13 Resolution No. 2015-008, Meeting Compensation and Expense Reimbursement for
6-C BP 008 - Travel Expense Reimbursement Policy[BOARD POLICIES]
6-13 AP 008 - Travel Arrangements and Reimbursement Procedure[BOARD POLICIES]
6-E Resolution No. 2012-018, Annual Review of Board Member Compensation and
6-F Board Member Compensation and Benefits-2020 [BOARD COMPENSATION]
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SECTION 7. Conferences, • Reporting
Board Members may elect to attend various industry conferences throughout the year that
are related to District business. Each year, Board Members are asked to indicate which
conferences they would like to attend from a list provided by the Secretary of the District.
The proposed combined attendance list is then placed on a Board agenda for approval.
Attendance at conferences not authorized at that time must be approved by separate Board
Below are the conferences that are typically included in the list:
• California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA) Winter Conference (January)
• National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA) Winter Conference (February)
• CASA Legislative Conference (February/March)
• WateReuse Annual Conference (March)
• NACWA Water Week(March or April)
• CASA Legislative and Public Policy Forum (April)
• California Water Environment Association (CWEA) Annual Conference (April)
• NACWA Annual Conference (July)
• CASA Annual Conference (August)
• California Special Districts Association (CSDA) Annual Conference (September)
• WateReuse Conference (September)
• Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Annual Conference (WEFTEC)
• California Public Employers Labor Relations Association (CALPELRA) (December)
Mandatory Ethics Training
Board Members are required to receive biennial two-hour ethics training. Initial
training must take place within the first six months of taking office and every two
years thereafter. The training covers subjects such as personal financial gain,
personal advantages and perks, government transparency and fair process.
Training is offered by various outside agencies, including online options. In recent
years all Board Members have preferred completing the training online. Board
Members will be notified when they are due for training.
A Certificate of Completion is issued to each participant upon completion of the
required training. Certificates of Completion and a training log are maintained by
the Secretary of the District. The certificates are also posted on Central San's
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Mandatory Sexual Harassment Prevention Training
Board Members are required to receive biennial two-hour sexual harassment
prevention training. Initial training must take place within six months of taking
office and every two years thereafter. The training includes information and
practical guidance regarding the federal and state statutory provisions covering the
prohibition against, and the prevention and correction of, sexual harassment and
the remedies available to victims of sexual harassment in employment.
Group training is offered in-house every other year and Board Members may satisfy
their training requirement by attending the in-house group training. Training is
also offered by various outside agencies, including online options. Board Members
will be notified when they are due for training.
A Certificate of Completion is issued to each participant upon completion of the
required training. Certificates of Completion and a training log are maintained by
the Secretary of the District. The certificates are also posted on Central San's
Public Records Act Training
The Secretary of the District's office conducts periodic in-house trainings about the
California Public Records Act. Board Members are welcome to participate in these
trainings and should contact the Secretary of the District if they are interested.
In 2018,the Board adopted Board Policy No. BP 033 - Conducting District Business
using Personal Accounts and Devices. (Supporting Document 7-A.) A supporting
Administrative Procedure No.AP 033 - Responding to Public Records Act Requests
(Supporting Document 7-13) has been developed to establish procedures and
guidelines for responding to requests for public records. This Administrative
Procedure applies to Board Members insofar as they may from time to time conduct
District business using personal email or social media accounts and/or on a
personal device, such as a personal computer, tablet or cell phone. Board Members
are strongly encouraged to familiarize themselves with AP 033 Section 2
(conducting a diligent search of personal devices/accounts) and Section 6.e.,which
is restated below:
6.e. Personal Devices and Accounts
District employees and officials are encouraged to avoid conducting District
business using personal mobile devices or on non-District accounts. Since
keeping appropriate records of all District business is always good practice,
this is the best way to ensure that the District has access to Public Records
and protect employees' and officials' privacy.
However, the District recognizes that some District employees and officials
do not always carry a District mobile device and may occasionally need to
use their personally owned mobile device on a non-District account to
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effectively carry out their District functions. In that event, District employees
and officials should endeavor to:
1) Avoid use of texts for District business, and
2) Use a District email account for District business.
If a communication where the content relates in a substantive way to the
conduct of the public's business is received or generated on a personal device
or non-District account, it should be forwarded or copied promptly to a
District email account. District IT staff can assist individuals with this process
as needed.
Reporting Requirements
Conflict of Interest
The Political Reform Act requires financial disclosure of interests by certain
individuals in decision-making positions within state and local government. A
disqualifying conflict of interest exists when a person makes or influences a decision
that will have a material effect on an economic interest connected to that person or
their immediate family. The Political Reform Act gives the Fair Political Practices
Commission (FPPC) the authority to carry out the purposes of the Act.
Board Members, the General Manager, Secretary of the District, District Counsel,
Department Directors, Finance Manager, certain consultants, and other designated
employees within Central San must disclose their economic interests periodically on
forms provided by the FPPC.
FPPC Form 700- Statement of Economic Interests
FPPC Form 700 must be filed by all Board Members as well as others holding
designated positions specified in Central San's Conflict of Interest Code
(Supporting Document 7-C) as follows:
• Within 30 days of assuming office
• Annually by April 1 each year
• Within 30 days of leaving office
All designated filers must file Form 700 each year whether or not there are
reportable interests to disclose. Board Members are required to file their
Form 700s electronically directly with the County through NetFile. The
Secretary of the District will assist in setting up the profile for reporting.
Board Members will be notified directly by the County well in advance when
the filings are due.
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The FPPC website at www.fppc.ca.gov contains helpful information to assist
with preparing Form 700. Questions relating to conflict of interest should be
directed to the FPPC by phone at (866) 275-3772 or by email at
Reporting Gifts
Conflict of interest is a complex issue. Board Members should carefully
consider and monitor "gifts" from any person or organization,whether they
be financial support, loans, event tickets, meals, etc. Many of these gifts may
need to be reported and may present a conflict of interest when considering
and/or voting on projects or issues related to the person presenting the gift.
Basic guidelines are summarized below. Detailed information is available in
the FPPC publication entitled "Limitations and Restrictions on Gifts,
Honoraria, Travel and Loans." (Supporting Document 7-D.)
• A gift is reportable if its fair market value is $50 or more. (Payment of
a guest's meal must also be reported, unless the invitation is
specifically directed to that guest.)
• Multiple gifts totaling$50 or more received during the calendar year
from a single source must be reported.
• A good faith estimate of value must be made ("over $50" is not
• Most officials and employees are prohibited from accepting gifts
totaling more than $500 from a single source in a calendar year.
NOTES: Gifts must be reported on Schedule D of the Form 700. A Gift
Reporting Log that may be used for logging gifts received when attending
conferences or other events. (Supporting Document 7-E.) Also, the FPPC
website has information on a new phone app for California state and local
officials and employees who are required to file Form 700. It helps keep
track of the gifts received in a calendar year and provides a quick and easy
way to populate Schedule D. For more information, go to www.fVpc.org and
type "Gift Tracking App" into the search bar.
Public Documents
Completed Form 700s are public documents and they are available for
inspection on the County's website.
Conflict of Interest Reporting at Board Meetings
Financial interests (including gifts received) may present a conflict of
interest when considering and/or voting on projects or issues on the Board
agenda. Board Members should seek advice from District Counsel and/or the
FPPC to determine if they have a conflict of interest with regard to a
particular decision. Not all conflicts of interest prevent a Board Member from
lawfully taking part in the decision. See Supporting Document 7-F -
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Recognizing Conflicts of Interest,A Guide to the Conflict of Interest Rules of the
Political Reform Act.
If a conflict of interest has been determined, the Board Member must publicly
identify in detail the interest that creates the conflict following the
announcement of the agenda item to be discussed or voted upon, but before
either the discussion or vote commences. If present at the meeting, District
Counsel may make the announcement, after which the Board Member must
leave the meeting room until discussion and voting on the matter has
Expense Reimbursement - Filing Expense Reports
Local agencies must use expense report forms, and all expenses must be
documented with receipts. These documents are public records subject to
disclosure. The expense reimbursement policy specifies what constitutes a
"reasonable time" within which requests for reimbursement must be submitted.
See Section 6, Travel Expenses, for more information. The Secretary of the District
will help Board Members process their expense reports.
Meetings Attended at Public Expense - Reporting at Board Meetings
Assembly Bill 1234 requires elected officials to give brief reports on meetings
attended at public expense. This report can be either written or oral and should be
given at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting.
Reports from Board Members are agendized, both to remind Board Members of the
obligation to report and to comply with legal requirements. To assist Board
Members with their Assembly Bill 1234 reporting,the Secretary of the District's
Office lists under the REPORTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS section of every regular
Board Agenda all reportable meetings, conferences and other events for each Board
Supporting Documents
The supporting documents listed below may be found in the Dropbox digital DASHBOARD
in the subfolders indicated in [brackets]:
7-A BP 033 - Conducting District Business using Personal Accounts and Devices
7-B AP 033—Responding to Public Records Act Requests[BOARD POLICIES]
7-C Conflict of Interest Code [BOARD POLICIES]
7-D Limitations and Restrictions on Gifts, Honoraria, Travel and Loans (FPPC February
2019) [FPPC]
7-E Gift Reporting Log [FPPC]
7-F Recognizing Conflicts of Interest, A Guide to the Conflict of Interest Rules of the
Political Reform Act(FPPC August 2015 with January 2016 edits) [FPPC]
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SECTION 8. Community Outreach
Central San is an active member of the communities it serves and its comprehensive
Community Outreach program employs a variety of methods to communicate with and
provide information to the public.
Student Education
Pipe Protectors
The Pipe Protectors program is focused on Kindergarten through second grade
student populations, helping develop positive behaviors in our youngest customers.
These behaviors will focus on helping students become aware of how their actions
impact water quality (pollution prevention) and impact Central San's infrastructure
(wipes clog pipes).
Water Wizards
The Water Wizards program is presented each year to hundreds of third through
fifth grade students in the District's service area. The program includes an hour-
long in-class presentation with activities that teach the importance of water, how
wastewater is treated at Central San, and what students and their families can do to
prevent water pollution. Pre- and post-presentation surveys are taken to measure
the success of the program and the knowledge gained.
Sewer Science
The Sewer Science program is presented each year to hundreds of high school
students in the District's service area. It consists of a five-day laboratory experience
that integrates biology, chemistry, physics and math with water quality and
pollution prevention concepts. Wrap-up sessions link the lessons from the lab to
what Central San does for the community. Career opportunities at water sector
agencies are also discussed.
Delta Discovery Voyage
Central San helps sponsor the Delta Discovery Voyage student education program,
which takes an average of 4,000 fifth grade students annually aboard a Marine
Science Institute research vessel to experience a floating laboratory. On this
excursion on the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, students learn about the water in
the Delta, its aquatic life,water conservation, the effects of pollution, and the work
of wastewater agencies to prevent pollution.
Distance Learning
In the wake of school closures caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, Central San
developed a suite of Distance Learning programs to support students at a home.
These activities rely on common household supplies,which ensures that nearly
everyone has the necessary materials available in order to participate. This allows
us to do some great hands-on learning from a distance in order to teach students
about wastewater treatment and pollution prevention.We have supported
hundreds of students remotely since April 2020.
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Central San Academy
Starting in 2016,the District's citizens academy was established. The goal of Central San
Academy is to educate customers about the core services provided by Central San, solicit
their feedback, and inspire them to become ambassadors for Central San and its
environmental messages. Central San Academy is held each spring. It is open to all
members of the public and offers a comprehensive look at the range of services provided
by Central San. The curriculum combines classroom learning, group activities, and live
demos to engage the participants, including a walking tour of our facilities. Board Members
are invited to attend every session. The first class includes a Governance of a Public Agency
presentation typically given by the Board President. The final class features a Board of
Directors Q&A, conducted in a town-hall format; thus, it is agendized as a Board Meeting
and a stipend is paid if a quorum of the Board attends. See Supporting Document 8-A for
information on past sessions of the Central San Academy.
The Board receives an annual update upon the conclusion of every annual session. In 2017
the Board agreed to continue the Academy until further notice.
Environmental/Community Events
District staff communicates pollution prevention messages to thousands of people each
year by participating in community/environmental events such as:
• John Muir Earth Day Festival in Martinez;
• Diablo Valley College Earth Day Event in Pleasant Hill;
• Kaiser Earth Day/Green Fair Event in Walnut Creek;
• Big Wheels Event in Pleasant Hill;
• John Muir Health Green Fairs in Concord and Walnut Creek;
• Tinkers and Thinkers Fair in Pleasant Hill;
• Contra Costa Discovery Day in Concord;
• Contra Costa County Science &Engineering Fair; and
• Bay Area Science Festival in Concord.
Speaking Engagements
Central San's free Speakers Bureau communicates pollution prevention messages and
other relevant information to hundreds of people by speaking to groups such as:
• Leadership Contra Costa • Chambers of Commerce
• American Legion • Community Liaison meetings
• Boy and Girl Scouts • Seniors groups
• Rotary Clubs • Educational institutions and
• Kiwanis Clubs • Realtors' groups
• Garden Clubs
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Treatment Plant Tours
Each year, Central San staff conducts free treatment plant tours showing hundreds of
employees, students (age 11 and above), and members of the public the process and
essential role the treatment plant plays in protecting waterways.
Virtual Treatment Plant Tours & Speaking Engagements
In response to the Contra Costa County Shelter in Place Order, Central San created our
Virtual Treatment Plant Tour, centralsan.org/virtual-plant-tour. This allows us to continue
sharing the processes and essential role our treatment plant plays in protecting waterways
with the general public.We have paired our virtual tour events with virtual speaking
engagements. In this way,we can communicate our pollution prevention messages from a
distance in a compelling and engaging way with community groups across our service area.
Internet Communications/Social Media
Central San's customer website, centralsan.org, provides user-friendly information about
services, programs, and job openings. Central San also shares pollution prevention tips,
news, events, and other timely announcements of interest to the community and customers
via our social media channels:
• Twitter.comICentralSan
• Facebook.com/CentralSanDist
• Instagram.com/CentralSanDist
• YouTube.com/CentralSanDist
• Linkedin.com/company/central-contra-costa-sanitary-district
• Yelp.com/biz/household-hazardous-waste-collection-facility-martinez
See Supporting Document 8-13 for information on accessing Central San's Social Media
Pipeline Customer Newsletter
Each year, Central San publishes and mails two issues of the Pipeline customer newsletter
to all residential and business addresses within its service area (and provides copies to
employees). The newsletter conveys important information to customers about pollution
prevention, overflow prevention, infrastructure improvements, and other topics. Past
issues may be viewed online at centralsan.org/Dost,[pil2eline-newsletter.
Employee Outreach
Central San educates its employees and retirees about pollution prevention and other
outreach messages so they can share this knowledge with family, friends, and the public.
The primary method for doing this is the Lateral Connection employee newsletter,which is
provided to all employees and retirees each month. The Lateral Connection also serves to
keep employees informed and engaged with news from across the agency.
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Central San staff produces several training, public outreach, and educational videos each
year. The public outreach and educational videos are posted on Central San's YouTube
account. They are aired on CCTV and Rossmoor TV as public service announcements, and
sometimes are aired on local cable networks. Videos most often cover pollution prevention
topics and Central San's programs and services, but they are also used to promote special
events. Public videos can be viewed online at www.YouTube.com/CentralSanDist.
Board Members and Community Outreach
As stated in Section 4, Board Members are appointed to act as liaisons for each city within
the District's service area. They also are appointed as representatives to various other
organizations and agencies. Serving as a liaison or representative provides opportunities
for Board Members to reach out to the communities served by Central San to enhance the
District's outreach with regard to its mission and goals.
Central San's 2017 Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan (CWMP) (Supporting
Documents 8-C and 8-D) envisions significant and costly improvements to the District's
infrastructure over the next two decades. Implementing the changes envisioned by the
CWMP will require the commitment of everyone at Central San to help educate the
District's customer base to convey the value and benefits of embarking on such a major
improvement program. Board Members necessarily play a key role in this regard.
Supporting Documents
The supporting documents listed below may be found in the Dropbox digital DASHBOARD
in the subfolders indicated in [brackets]:
8-A Central San Academy [ACADEMY]
8-13 Accessing Central San's Social Media Channels [SOCIAL MEDIA]
8-C Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan Executive Summary[CWMP]
8-13 Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan Technical Executive Summary [CWMP]
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SECTION • Board Policies and Administrative Procedures
The Board sets the principal policies for Central San. The General Manager establishes
administrative procedures to implement the policies set by the Board.
Board Policies (BPs)
Policies are embedded in Central San's Budget, the District Code, Memoranda of
Understanding with bargaining units, and other documents required by federal and/or
state law. These documents, and revisions to them, are approved and adopted by the
In addition to the above, the Board adopts stand-alone policies known as Board Policies.
They are reviewed regularly and revisions are adopted by the Board as needed. All existing
BPs are included in this Section. See Supporting Documents below.
Administrative Procedures (APs)
Administrative Procedures are approved by the General Manager to implement BPS and
establish other internal procedures as needed. APs are revised as needed, such as when
the associated BPs, administrative processes or laws change. Any revisions to APs must be
approved by the General Manager.
Only those APs related to Board Members are provided in this Section (see Supporting
Documents below).
Supporting Documents
The supporting documents listed below may be found in the Dropbox digital DASHBOARD
in the [BOARD POLICIES] subfolder:
BP 001 - Employee Computer Purchase Assistance Program
BP 002 - Diversity Statement
BP 003 - Hiring of District Retirees
BP 004 - Integrated Pest Management
BP 005 -Statement of Investment Policy
BP 006 - Records Program
BP 007 -Teleconferencing
AP 007 -Teleconferencing
BP 008 -Travel and Expense Reimbursement
AP 008 -Travel Arrangements and Reimbursement Procedure
BP 009 - Manager Cell Phone Reimbursement
BP 010 -Contractual Assessment Districts (CADs)
BP 011 - Proposition 218 Notice Protests
BP 012 - Parliamentary Procedures
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BP 013 -Standing Committee Protocols, Guidelines and Charters
BP 014 - District-Owned Mobile Computing Devices for Board Members
BP 015 -Asset Management
BP 016 -Security
AP 016 -Access Control Procedures
BP 017 - Fiscal Reserves
BP 018 -Sick Leave for Temporary Employees
BP 019 - Recycled Water
BP 020 - Minute Style and Video Recording of Board Meetings
BP 021 -Social Media Communication
BP 022 -Alhambra Valley Assessment Districts (AVADs)
BP 023 - Board Ethics and Conduct(Also included in Section 4.)
BP 024 -Occupational Health and Safety
BP 025 - Naming of District Facilities
BP 026 - Legislative Advocacy
BP 027 - Energy
BP 028 -Cost Sharing of Candidate Statements
BP 029 - Debt Management&Continuing Disclosure
BP 030 -Cost of Service Study Frequency
BP 031 - Hiring of Temporary Employees
BP 032 - Reimbursement of Toastmaster Dues
BP 033 -Conducting District Business Personal Accounts and Devices
AP 033— Responding to Public Records Act Requests
BP 034 - Reporting Protocol for Ethics Hotline
BP 035 - Purchasing
BP 036 - Informal Bidding
BP 037 -General Manager Delegation of Authority
BP 038—Climate Change
BP 039—Internal Audit Function
BP 040— Electronic Signatures and Approvals
BP 041 — Pension Funding
BP 042—Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) Funding
Conflict of Interest Code
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SECTION 10. Other Information . Resources
Acronyms & Glossary of Terms
Numerous acronyms and terms are used by Central San staff. Some are common to the
wastewater industry and others are unique to Central San. Supporting Document 10-A
includes a list of commonly used terms and acronyms excerpted from the FY 2020-21
Central San Budget.
Bargaining Units
Central San has three bargaining units, each of which has its own Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU):
• Management Group
• Management Support/Confidential Group
• Employees' Association, Public Employees Union, Local #1
The Management Group MOU is scheduled to expire on December 21, 2021. Both the
Management Support/Confidential Group and the Employees'Association, Public
Employees Union, Local #1 MOUS are scheduled to expire on April 17, 2022.
Copies of the current MOUS can be found in the digital DASHBOARD. (Supporting
Documents 10-B, C and D.)
Board Calendars
Each fall Central San publishes its calendar showing the following year's Board meetings,
District holidays and major conferences. The calendar can be found in the digital
DASHBOARD. (Supporting Document 10-E.)
Digital Dashboard — Board Member Access to Key District Documents
The Secretary of the District's Office maintains an electronic library of key District
documents called a "Dashboard" in Dropbox which may be accessed by Board Members at
any time. The library includes the most recent budget, strategic plan, rate study, regulatory
reports, MOUs, calendars, staff contacts and many other items of interest to Board
Members. A profile will be created by the Secretary of the District's Office to share this
information with new members and a link to Dropbox will be sent electronically.
Professional Organizations and Other Useful Websites
Attached is a listing with links of some of professional industry organizations and other
useful websites. (Supporting Document 10-F.)
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One of Central San's values is to be open, transparent and accessible to the community.
District staff goes to great lengths to assure transparency in every aspect of Central San's
business. Central San's efforts have been rewarded by the California Special Districts
Leadership Foundation with their Transparency Certificate of Excellence in 2013, 2015,
2017 and again in 2019. Each award is effective for two years.
Supporting Documents
The supporting documents listed below may be found in the Dropbox digital DASHBOARD
in the subfolders indicated in [brackets]:
10-A Glossary of Terms, Acronyms and Abbreviations [ACRONYMS &TERMS]
10-B MOU Management Group [MOUs (Current)]
10-C MOU Management Support/Confidential Group (MS/CG) [MOUS (Current)]
10-D MOU Employees' Association, Public Employees Union, Local #1 [MOUs (Current)]
10-E District Calendar[CALENDAR]
10-F Professional Organizations and Other Useful Websites [CONTACT INFO]
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SECTION 11. Orienting New Board
The preceding sections of this handbook presented a high-level overview of information to
help new Board Members get up to speed on Central San as quickly as possible. However,
there are a number of other details that new Board Members would benefit from knowing,
and those are covered in this section.
Adherence to Brown Act Begins upon Election
Newly elected Board Members are subject to the Brown Act immediately upon election,
even though the swearing in does not occur until the first Board meeting in December.
Assuming Office Form 700
New Board Members must file an assuming office FPPC Form 700 -Statement of Economic
Interest-within 30 days of taking office. This filing must be done electronically with the
County through NetFile. The Secretary of the District will provide information to new
Board Members in this regard. Information may also be obtained from the FPPC website at
Board Member Bios
Brief biographical highlights for every Board Member are posted on Central San's website.
They are accessible when clicking on the Board Members' name on the "Board of Directors"
page. The Secretary of the District will work with new Board Members to develop a
suitable bio for uploading to the website.
Board Member Photos
Central San's website portrays a group photo of all Board Members, and individual Board
Member photos appear when clicking on the respective Board Member names on the
"Board of Directors" page. Individual Board Member photos are also framed and mounted
in the lobby of Central San's Headquarters Office Building (HOB) in Martinez. The
Secretary of the District will contact Board Members in advance to arrange a time for
photos to be taken.
Building Security/Access Control Cards
New Board Members will be issued an Access Control Card which allows general access to
the Martinez campus Monday through Friday between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.
Business Cards
District business cards depicting a Board Member's name, title (e.g. "Board Member") and
phone/email information will be provided by the Secretary of the District. Board Members
typically use the cards at conferences and other events they attend on behalf of Central San.
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Calendaring and Scheduling
While regular Board meetings are calendared well in advance, from time to time it becomes
necessary to arrange a special meeting or workshop on relatively short notice. To assist
with this process, the Secretary of the District will periodically request from each Board
Member a list of dates when they expect to be out of town or otherwise unavailable during
the coming months so the dates may be added to their Central San Outlook Calendar.
Central San Email Accounts
Upon election, the IT Division will create a Central San email account for all new Board
Members (e.g. jdoe(@centralsan.org). District Counsel strongly encourages Board Members
to use their District email account for all District business.
Electronic Device Support
The IT Division will purchase an iPad for new Board Members to facilitate electronic
delivery of agenda packets. Each device will be equipped with a cellular data plan at no
cost to the Board Member for conducting District business. Use of the iPads is governed by
Board Policy No. BP 014 - District-Owned Mobile Computing Devices for Board Members.
(Supporting Document 11-A.)
The Secretary of the District will serve as the liaison for this purchase and will also arrange
for any desired training. Ongoing support is available from the IT Division.
Event Attendance
The Secretary of the District will make reservations for Board Member attendance at local
events such as the monthly Contra Costa County Mayors' Conferences and various East Bay
Leadership Council-sponsored events. Flyers typically arrive via email. If a Board Member
wishes to attend an event on behalf of Central San, he or she should contact the Secretary of
the District.
If Central San pays the expenses for attendance at an event, it must be reported out by the
Board Member at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting. The Secretary of the
District tracks these meetings and incorporates appropriate wording into the agenda
sufficient to comply with Board Member reporting requirements under AB 1234.
Human Resources Paperwork
The Human Resources Division will prepare enrollment forms and any other paperwork
necessary to enroll new Board Members in Central San's benefit programs. Questions
about benefits may be directed to the manager of Human Resources at any time. Her
contact information is set forth below:
Teji O'Malley- Human Resources and Organizational Development Manager
Phone: 229-7309 (office); (510) 417-5682 (cell)
Email: tomalley@centralsan.org
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Lapel Badges
The Secretary of the District will provide new Board Members with several personalized
magnetic lapel badges. Board Members typically wear them to events, meetings and
receptions when acting in an official capacity for Central San.
The Secretary of the District will collect any mail directed to Board Members during the
week and will distribute it to the Board Members on the dais on Board meeting days. Mail
received on weeks where no Board meeting is scheduled will be scanned and emailed to
the Board Members on Fridays.
Oath of Office/Swearing In
The Oath of Office is administered by the Secretary of the District at the first Board meeting
in December. New Board Members may invite family and close friends to witness this
Starting in January 2 02 1, Central San will transition from monthly paychecks to biweekly
paychecks. Paychecks may be auto-deposited directly to a Board Member's bank account if
desired. The Secretary of the District will submit a stipend request form to the Payroll
Division on behalf of all Board Members and Board Members will be provided copies.
Plant/Facilities Tour
Shortly after being elected to the Board, the Secretary of the District usually will coordinate
with new Board Members to tour Central San's facilities. During the ongoing pandemic, a
virtual tour of Central San's Treatment Plan is available at centralsan.org/virtual-plant-
tour. A physical tour of the facilities can be arranged once it is safe to conduct the tour in
Reception for Newly-Elected Board Members
The Secretary of the District typically coordinates a reception immediately following the
first Board meeting in December to welcome newly-elected Board Members. The reception
is usually held in the Multi-Purpose Room. Board Members often invite family and close
friends to the reception and will be given an opportunity to say a few words to the
attendees. Due to the ongoing pandemic, this may be a virtual event in 2020.
Opportunities for the required Ethics Training, Sexual Harassment Prevention Training,
and Public Records Act Training are provided through Central San on a regular basis, as
stated in Section 7.
Newly elected Board Members must participate in Ethics Training and Sexual Harassment
Prevention Training soon after taking office. The Secretary of the District will coordinate
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these mandatory trainings. The initial trainings will most likely be offered online through
the California Special Districts Association (CSDA).
Board Members may either participate in the trainings offered by Central San or they may
obtain the required training at a conference or other online course. The CSDA offers all of
these trainings via webinar,workshops or at their conferences. The CSDA also offers a
plethora of other training opportunities on topics of interest to new and existing Board
Members. Board Members are encouraged to visit csda.org for a current list of training
opportunities. The Secretary of the District will coordinate reimbursement for any
relevant trainings.
Questions about the orientation process or any other topic may be directed to the Secretary
of the District and/or General Manager at any time. Their contact information is set forth
Katie Young- Secretary of the District
Phone: 229-7303 (office); (415) 531-1754 (cell)
Email: kyoung0centralsan.org
Roger S. Bailey- General Manager
Phone: 229-7386 (office); (623) 640-1112 (cell)
Email: rbaileyPcentralsan.org
Supporting Documents
The supporting document listed below may be found in the Dropbox digital DASHBOARD in
the [BOARD POLICIES] subfolder:
11-A BP 014 -District-Owned Mobile Computing Devices for Board Members
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