HomeMy WebLinkAbout17.c. Committee minutes-FINANCE 12-15-20 Page 1 of 8
Item 17.c.
jdf A- hom
January 7, 2021
Attached are minutes of the above Committee meeting.
1. Minutes of 12-15-20 meeting
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PHONE: (925)228-9500
Tuesday, December 15, 2020 FAx 3�2-oI92
2:00 p.m.
Executive Conference Room
5019 Imhoff Place
Martinez, California
(All attendees participated via videoconference)
Chair Mike McGill
Member Tad Pilecki
David Alvey, Audit Partner, Maze & Associates
Roger S. Bailey, General Manager
Katie Young, Secretary of the District
Phil Leiber, Director of Finance and Administration (left after Item 8.)
Jean-Marc Petit, Director of Engineering and Technical Services (left after Item 8.)
Danea Gemmell, Planning and Development Services Division Manager (left after
Item 4.a.)
John Huie, Information Technology Manager (left after Item 4.b.)
Stephanie King, Purchasing and Materials Manager
Edgar Lopez, Capital Projects Division Manager
Kevin Mizuno, Finance Manager
Christopher Thomas, Finance Administrator
Shari Deutsch, Risk Management Administrator
Donna Anderson, Assistant to the Secretary of the District
Amelia Berumen, Senior Administrative Technician (left after Item 4.a.)
1. Notice
This meeting was held in accordance with the Brown Act as in effect under the State
Emergency Services Act, the Governor's Emergency Declaration related to COVID-
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19, and the Governor's Executive Order N-29-20 issued on March 17, 2020 that
allowed attendance by Board Members, District staff, and the public to participate and
conduct the meeting by teleconference, videoconference, or both. The agenda
included instructions for options in which the public could participate in the meeting.
2. Call Meeting to Order
Chair McGill called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m.
3. Public Comments - None.
4. Items for Committee Recommendation to the Board
a. Review and recommend approval of expenditures incurred November 6,
2020 through December 3, 2020
Staff responded to questions posed in advance of the meeting by Member
Pilecki and during the meeting by both Committee Members regarding the
expenditures listing. The Committee expressed satisfaction with staff's
Several noteworthy topics arose during the discussion as follows:
Requirement for Board Review of Expenditures Listing: Chair McGill
recalled that District Counsel Kent Alm had advised in the past that Board
review of the expenditures listing was required under the Government Code.
Based on his experiences with other agencies, Mr. Mizuno said it is typical
for a Board or City Council to review an entity's expenditures. While the
level of review may vary, Mr. Mizuno said Central San's practices appear to
be among the most thorough.
Accounts Payable Controls Review: Chair McGill requested an update on
internal controls related to the general accounts payable process, including
significant modifications made due to having recently implemented the
accounting modules of the new Oracle Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
system. Member Pilecki concurred, adding that he was pleased with what
he has seen thus far in terms of controls related to the new system.
Status of Replacement of Internal Auditor. Mr. Leiber noted that the
departure due to the relocation last March of temporary Senior Internal
Auditor Erica Brooks-Peters coincided with the onset of the COVID-19
pandemic. Therefore, recruitment for her replacement was put on hold
because of the difficulties of a new staff effectively conducting audit work and
communicating with employees working off site. However, the recruitment
process was recently reinitiated and candidates have been scheduled for
interview next week. He said it is hoped that one or two audits can be
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completed this fiscal year, including an audit to provide assurance that
systems and controls are working as intended after the transition to the new
ERP system.
Approval Authorities in New Oracle ERP System: Chair McGill said he would
find it useful to learn about the levels of approval authority embedded in the
ERP system and how that process works. Staff agreed to provide
information on that process (the signature matrix) in the near future.
Audit Controls in Oracle ERP System: Mr. Mizuno explained that Mr. David
Alvey from Maze & Associates, the District's outside auditing firm, would be
presenting a recap of the audited financials under Item 4.c. He pointed out
that one of the audit requirements is to review the internal control
environment and any changes that have occurred. Next year, as part of
Maze's risk assessment procedures for the FY 2020-21 financials, the top
risk will likely be Central San's transition to the new Oracle ERP system. So,
as part of next year's audit, it is fully anticipated that Maze will be doing an
extensive review of the design and implementation of internal controls with
the new system.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board approval. The Committee
also requested an update on general accounts payable internal
controls and the approval process in the new Oracle ERP system.
Upon completion of the above item, the Committee proceeded to Item 4.c. to
accommodate Mr. Alvey.
b. Receive October 2020 Budget-to-Actual Financial Overview
Mr. Mizuno summarized the information included with the agenda materials.
Member Pilecki said the monthly financials used to include a comparison
graph showing budgeted-versus-actual expenditures for both Operations &
Maintenance (O&M) and Capital. He found that information to be a valuable
tool because it illustrates trends. Staff said it would incorporate the graphs in
future reports.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board receipt and the inclusion
of the above-referenced graph in future monthly reports.
C. Review draft Position Paper to accept (1) the audited comparative
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for the fiscal years ended
June 30, 2020 and 2019 performed by Maze & Associates, and (2) the
independent auditors' memorandum on internal control and required
communications for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2020
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Mr. Mizuno stated that Central San's basic financial statements are turned
into the CAFR by adding a 10-year statistical section at the end. He
highlighted several features and figures from the CAFR, noting that the
District won the Government Finance Officers Association's (GFOA)
certificate of achievement for excellence in financial reporting for last year's
report, for the 20th straight year, and staff intends to apply for the same
award again for the current CAFR (FY 2019-20). The following topic arose
during the discussion that followed Mr. Mizuno's comments:
Differences in Accounting for Large Capital Expenses: In response to a
question from Chair McGill, Mr. Mizuno confirmed that large capital
expenditures are not capitalized and depreciated until the underlying project
is complete. There are differences in how these expenses are accounted for
in the regular interim financial statements versus the CAFR. Chair McGill
asked how the expenses appear on the books before a project is completed.
Mr. Mizuno said that generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) do not
allow capital expenditures to be expensed in the CAFR, as is done in both
the budget and the interim financial statements. For purposes of the CAFR,
all the District's funds, including the Section 115 Pension Prefunding Trust
Fund, are consolidated, those expenses are then "unscrambled"and shown
separately in the CAFR. Within the CAFR, Mr. Mizuno said a management
discussion and analysis section explains why the numbers are different.
Mr. Alvey added that the CAFR is accounted for using a full accrual basis
and must reflect long-term accruals. In contrast, the budget process uses a
modified cash or modified accrual process, which looks forward on a short-
term accrual basis.
Mr. Mizuno introduced Mr. Alvey, Audit Partner of Maze & Associates, who
reviewed the audit results and the auditor's opinion.
Mr. Alvey said that each year the auditors assess the internal control
environment. This year, they did a full disbursement testing and reviewed
procurement cards transactions for five employees in January and October
to assure they were complying with the Purchasing Policy and that the
transactions were properly authorized and approved. He reiterated
Mr. Mizuno's earlier comments regarding changes resulting from the Oracle
ERP system implementation, noting that his staff incorporated new
processes instituted by Central San during the shelter-in-place orders that
commenced in March 2020 by performing audit procedures of transactions
incurred in that timeframe given the heightened internal control risk.
Chair McGill sought to clarify that Maze &Associates performed some spot
checks during the shelter-in-place orders and, if something had looked out of
place, Maze would have investigated to make sure no systematic problems
were occurring. Mr. Alvey said yes, and if anything had been found, it would
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have been brought to the Board's attention in the form of a material
weakness or significant deficiency finding.
Mr. Alvey said he was pleased to report that Central San's basic financial
statements received an unmodified, clean opinion from Maze &Associates
for Fiscal Year 2019-20, the highest level achievable, and he expressed his
congratulations. He reported that they did not have any material
weaknesses or significant deficiencies in internal control to report. He and
his staff had no disagreements with management and staff did not attempt to
impede the audit. Other than challenges associated with the shelter-in-place
orders, where a number of employees began working remotely, he and his
staff experienced no difficulties performing the audit. There were no unusual
transactions and no new General Accounting Standards Board (GASB)
disclosures were required for the fiscal year audited. He said the financial
statements were in good order and the District is on track to receive the
GFOA award again for this CAFR. Finally, he concluded that the audit
results were a testament to an internal control environment that could
withstand changes such as those that occurred this year with the pandemic.
Chair McGill noted that an unmodified opinion on the District's financial
statements helps assure bondholders that everything is in order. He asked
who else might be interested in this information. Mr. Alvey said anyone with
a vested interest in Central San's financial health, including bondholders for
continuing disclosure purposes. Mr. Mizuno also added that the State
Controller's Office, California Department of Finance, and ratepayers also
are interested parties.
Upon conclusion of Mr. Alvey's remarks, the following topics were discussed:
GASB Pronouncements Potentially Affecting Central San in Future Years:
Member Pilecki asked Mr. Alvey to comment on any forthcoming GASB
pronouncements that may significantly impact Central San. Mr. Alvey said it
appears at this time that none of the new GASBs will have a significant effect
on the District.
• GASB 87— Leases: Member Pilecki noted that the District leases
land from CalTrans, but not for a large dollar amount. Mr. Alvey
acknowledged that it would be subject to disclosure under GASB 87,
which is expected to be effective in Fiscal Year 2021-22.
• GASB 94— Public-Private Partnerships: Member Pilecki noted that
from time to time, Central San has entertained the prospect of
entering into a public-private partnership and may consider such
arrangements again in the future. He asked how GASB 94 would
impact such a decision. Mr. Alvey said this GASB was pronounced to
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be effective in Fiscal Year 2022-23, but new GASB 95 has pushed out
the effective date of all the new GASBs by 12-18 months.
All in all, Mr. Alvey said no GASB pronouncements are expected to have
major impacts on Central San in the near future.
Subfund Balances: Chair McGill asked where the Pension Prefunding Trust
Fund and the Rate Stabilization Fund were located in the CAFR.
• Pension Prefunding Trust: Mr. Mizuno explained that because the
Trust is defined as a secondary trust, its assets are reported within the
assets of the O&M fund on the first line of"Non-Current Assets"on
the balance sheet.
• Rate Stabilization Fund: Since there is no GASB guidance for the
Rate Stabilization Fund, and there is no generally accepted
accounting principle covering such an arrangement, Mr. Mizuno said it
cannot be reported as a restricted fund and Central San, as an
enterprise fund, may not make that determination. Therefore, the
balance of that fund is reported internally in two subaccounts. One is
in the O&M Fund and the other is in the Sewer Construction Fund,
both of which roll up into the unrestricted section along with all other
subfunds, including petty cash. In response to a question from
Mr. Bailey as to how the subfunds are audited, Mr. Mizuno referred to
the footnotes on page S-8 of the CAFR (Summary of Debt Service,
Last Ten Fiscal Years) which reference the contributions to the Rate
Stabilization Fund accounts. He said that neither the introductory nor
statistical sections of the CAFR are audited like the basic financial
statements, but that auditors must perform specific procedures to
ensure their consistency with the audited sections of the CAFR.
Mr. Mizuno clarified that pursuant to the bond indenture, when monies
are deposited into the Rate Stabilization Fund, the District's debt
service coverage decreases; if the account is drawn on, monies are
added to increase debt service coverage.
Corrections/Additions to CAFR: Member Pilecki provided staff with several
corrections to both the draft Position Paper and the CAFR, which staff
planned to describe in a list of changes provided to the Board before the
December 17, 2020, Board meeting at which the Board will be asked to
accept the audited CAFR and the auditors'memorandum on internal control
and required communications for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2020.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board acceptance with the
suggested corrections/changes provided by Member Pilecki.
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Upon completion of the above item, the Committee reverted to Item 4.b. and then to the
remaining agenda items.
5. Other Items
a. Review Risk Management Loss Control Report as of November 30, 2020
Ms. Deutsch briefly highlighted changes from the report presented at the last
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the report.
6. Announcements
a. Chair McGill acknowledged and thanked former Board Members Jim Nejedly
and Paul Causey for their contributions during 2020 as members of this
Committee. If given the opportunity, he said he was sure they would have
thanked staff for their support and effort. Mr. Bailey thanked Chair McGill
and Member Pilecki for stepping in as Committee Members for this meeting.
7. Suggestions for Future Agenda Items
a. Receive list of upcoming agenda items and provide suggestions for any
other future agenda items
1) As indicated during Item 4.a., the Committee requested a review of
general accounts payable internal control and approval processes at
an upcoming meeting.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the list and suggested one item for a
future agenda.
8. Future Scheduled Meetings
Meeting dates for 2021 to be determined
9. Adjournment— at 3:36 p.m.
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