Board Room President Pro Tem
Thursday, November 19, 2020 PAUL CAUSEY
1:30 p.m. ViISDADR wM
Open Session — Board Room
(Video recorded)
In accordance with the Governor's Executive Order N-29-20, which suspended certain
requirements of the Brown Act due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, all Board Members
participated in this meeting via teleconference. Members of the public were provided
options to participate in the meeting as provided on the agenda.
A regular meeting of the Board of Directors was called to order by President McGill at
1:30 p.m. Secretary of the District Katie Young called roll:
PRESENT(via videoconference): Members: Causey, Pilecki, Williams, McGill
ABSENT: Members. Nejedly
President McGill called for a moment of silence in honor of all essential workers during the
COVID-19 pandemic. Member Causey dedicated the moment of silence to the Central San
Board of Directors for all their hard work and dedication during the pandemic.
A public comment was received by email during the meeting from Dr. Scott Rafferty
regarding the Board's recent transition to a division-based electoral system. Ms. Young
read the comments into the record during Item 15.
These summary minutes are supplemented by a corresponding video recording available on the District's
website at centralsan.org.
Book 68— Page 222
November 19, 2020 Board Meeting Minutes— Book 68-Page 223
1. Approve the following:
a. November 4, 2020 Special Board meeting minutes
b. November 5, 2020 Regular Board meeting minutes
2. Authorize the General Manager to: 1) amend an existing professional consulting
services agreement with Emtec Consulting Services LLC in an amount not to exceed
$350,000, increasing the cost ceiling to $2,715,000; and 2) execute a contract with a
term not to exceed three-years in an amount not to exceed $400,000 for ongoing
system support for the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System Replacement,
District Project 8250
3. Authorize the General Manager to: 1) amend an existing professional consulting
services agreement with Oracle Consulting Services LLC in an amount not to
exceed $175,000, increasing the cost ceiling to $525,000; and 2) execute a five-year
contract in the amount not to exceed $280,000 for long-term support for the
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System Replacement, District Project 8250
4. Authorize the General Manager to execute a pre-purchase contract with APG-
Neuros for three electric blower systems and special services in an amount not to
exceed $2,998,000 under the Electric Blower Improvements, District Project 10015
5. Authorize the General Manager to execute two professional engineering service
agreements with Bay Area Coating Consultants, Inc. and JDH Corrosion
Consultants, Inc. for a three-year term in an amount not to exceed $250,000 each to
provide specialty coating inspection services for capital improvement projects
6. Authorize the General Manager to continue to waive the volumetric fee for
commercial recycled water truck fill program customers up to a limit of 100,000
gallons per year, per customer for calendar years 2021 and 2022
7. Adopt Resolution No. 2020-054 accepting the Grant of Irrevocable Offer of
Dedication of a sanitary sewer easement offered by Vital Building & Enterprises,
Inc., as related to Job 6688, located in the Town of Danville, and authorizing staff to
record documents with the Contra Costa County Recorder
8. Adopt Resolution No. 2020-055 accepting offer of dedication of sanitary sewer
easements in the City of San Ramon as depicted on Subdivision Map 9456, related
to Job 6643, and authorizing staff to record documents with the Contra Costa
County Recorder
November 19, 2020 Board Meeting Minutes— Book 68-Page 224
9. Adopt Resolution No. 2020-056 authorizing execution of quitclaim deeds for existing
easements to California Pacific Bank, the Dale L. and Felicidad G. Giberson 2009
Family Trust, or the current property owners at that time of recording the quitclaim
deeds, for properties known as Seclusion Valley located in the unincorporated area
of Lafayette, related to Job 6619, and authorizing staff to record documents with the
Contra Costa County Recorder
10. Adopt Resolution No. 2020-057 authorizing the execution of a common use
agreement for installation of a community wall over a sanitary sewer located in the
Town of Danville
BOARD ACTION: Motion was made by Member Causey and seconded by Member
Pilecki to adopt the Consent Calendar as recommended. Motion passed by
unanimous roll call vote of the Board Members present.
11. Receive update on Central San's response regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19)
General Manager Roger S. Bailey requested this item be continued to the next
meeting on December 3.
Member Pilecki asked if there was any indication of the timeline for when the
teleconferencing meetings, approved with the Governor's Executive Order, would no
longer be allowed. Mr. Bailey advised that he needed to research that information.
BOARD ACTION: Motion was made by Member Causey and seconded by
Member Williams to continue Item 11 to the December 3, 2020 Board Meeting.
Motion passed by unanimous roll call vote of the Board Members present.
12. General Manager— Reports
a. Receive Fiscal Year 2019-20 Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Program
Annual Report
Household Hazardous Waste Supervisor David Wyatt reviewed the
presentation included with the agenda material.
Member Pilecki expressed his appreciation for the work that staff has
continued to do to keep the HHW Facility open and operating safely. He
requested to be informed when staff will be presenting the Annual Report to
Mt. View Sanitary District (MVSD). Mr. Wyatt indicated that he would be
presenting the HHW Annual Report to MVSD in early December at their
board meeting via Zoom Conference.
November 19, 2020 Board Meeting Minutes— Book 68-Page 225
In response to a question from Member Pilecki about the product being
collected, Mr. Wyatt advised that since the Reuse Room remains closed, the
products received have been properly disposed due to limited storage
capacity at the District.
Member Causey stated he believes having the HHW Facility open is very
important for customers, especially during the pandemic, as many customers
have been cleaning out their homes. He suggested staff also present the
Annual Report to the City of Concord.
BOARD ACTION: Received the report.
b. Receive update on 2015 Information Technology (IT) Master Plan and
preview of focus areas for developing a new IT Master Plan [Continued from
November 5, 2020]
Information Technology Manager John Huie reviewed the presentation
included with the agenda material.
Member Pilecki praised the IT Division for all the improvements made since
the 2015 Master Plan was implemented. He requested that as staff continues
to work on the electronic document management systems to prioritize
programs that are user friendly and easily searchable.
Member Causey complimented the entire IT staff and its leadership and
stated that he was extremely proud of the innovations, progression, and
increased productivity. He stressed that the District should continue to be the
most innovative District as possible and that the new Master Plan should
include how the District's offices might look in the future. He further opined
that the plan should be reviewed every one to two years.
BOARD ACTION: Received the update and provided input to staff.
13. General Manager—Announcements
a. Announcements — November 19, 2020
1) Central San welcomes new employee Nealsen Cayanan, Staff
Engineer in the Capital Projects Division
2) Third Quarter update on Central San's energy use
Member Pilecki requested that the total budgeted energy cost be
added to the quarterly updates.
No further announcements were made during the meeting.
BOARD ACTION: Received the announcements.
November 19, 2020 Board Meeting Minutes— Book 68-Page 226
14. Counsel for the District
District Counsel Kent Alm announced that the agendized closed session will be
deferred to a later meeting.
BOARD ACTION: Received the announcement.
15. Secretary of the District
Ms. Young announced the following upcoming Committee meetings:
Administration — Tuesday, December 1 at 8:30 a.m.
Engineering & Operations — Tuesday, December 1 at 2:00 p.m.
At this time, Ms. Young read into the record the public comment received from
Dr. Scott Rafferty of Walnut Creek regarding the recent transition to a division-based
electoral system under the California Voting Rights Act (CVRA).
BOARD ACTION: Received the announcements.
16. Board Members — Committee Minutes
a. November 2, 2020 — Real Estate, Environmental & Planning Committee —
Chair Pilecki and President McGill
Chair Pilecki stated that the Committee reviewed a spreadsheet of all District-
owned properties, including the plant sites and buffer properties, and
associated leases, which he believes will be a valuable reference tool for staff
and the future Board.
b. November 3, 2020 — Administration Committee — Chair Williams and
President McGill
C. November 3, 2020 — Engineering & Operations Committee — Chair Nejedly
and Member Pilecki
BOARD ACTION: Received the Committee minutes.
17. Board Members - Reports and Announcements
Board Member reports on recent meetings or conferences for which they received the stipend or for
which the District paid their expenses.
a. Member Causey — No report.
Member Pilecki — No report.
Member Williams — No report.
November 19, 2020 Board Meeting Minutes—Book 68-Page 227
President McGill
• November 16, 2020 — California Special Districts Association — Contra
Costa Chapter Meeting (CCSDA) (virtual)
• November 16-20 — California Public Employers Labor Relations
Association (CALPELRA) 2020 Annual Training Conference (virtual)
President McGill also provided a written report covering his announcements
and other meetings. He expressed his gratitude and appreciation for all the
hard work staff put in to completing the recent series of CVRA public
BOARD ACTION: Received the reports and announcements.
18. Board Members - Requests for Stipend/Reimbursement or Conference Attendance
Authorization to receive a stipend for meeting attendance or expense reimbursement not specifically
addressed in the current Board Compensation Resolution, or authorization for conference attendance
not previously approved by the Board.
No requests.
19. Ratify the General Manager's actions under Public Contract Code Section 22050
and Resolution 2020-002 to direct District forces and Mountain Cascade Inc. to
perform emergency work and repair a 30-inch diameter force main located on Bates
Boulevard in Orinda
Director of Engineering and Technical Services Jean-Marc Petit reviewed the
presentation included with the agenda material.
Member Pilecki thanked staff for its quick response to the emergency. He inquired
about the status of the pipe repair and whether the repairs were considered
temporary or permanent. Mr. Petit responded that the project was completed using
techniques such that it is considered a permanent repair.
Member Pilecki stated that there are a number of force mains located along publicly
accessed trails in the San Ramon area and other locations. He asked whether
warning signs were marked for high-pressure lines, and, if not, staff may want to
consider marking them in the future. Field Operations Superintendent Steve Sauter
stated that, unless the pipe has been uncovered or exposed, there are no marked
signs because staff does not want to arbitrarily put a sign without the exact location.
In response to a question from Member Williams, Collection System Operations
Division Manager Paul Seitz advised that in this situation, the line was not marked
and the Underground Service Alert ticket issued by PG&E was for a smaller area
than the actual construction site, which was three times larger. Mr. Bailey added
November 19, 2020 Board Meeting Minutes— Book 68-Page 228
that staff did mark the asset, a gravity line, which was within the area that was
requested, but the area did not locate the force main.
Member Causey asked if a pre-construction meeting was held at the site. Mr. Seitz
said no, adding that an ongoing investigation is underway on the events and any
further actions that may be taken.
President McGill requested a final analysis, including costs, etc. be brought back to
the Board once the investigation is completed.
Mr. Alm stated that the Board should declare the emergency and, therefore, ratify
the General Manager's action to include exemption from the public bidding process.
BOARD ACTION: Motion was made by Member Pilecki and second by Member
Causey to recognize that there was an emergency and to ratify the General
Manager's actions under Public Contract Code Section 22050 and Resolution
2020-002 to direct District forces and Mountain Cascade Inc. to perform
emergency work and repair a 30-inch diameter force main located on Bates
Boulevard in Orinda. Motion passed by unanimous roll call vote of the Board
Members present.
Mr. Seitz thanked the Capital Projects Division, especially Edgar Lopez, Jean-Marc
Petit, Sasha Mestetsky, and Keith Gellerman, who provided a tremendous amount of
support and thorough work. He also thanked Members Causey and Nejedly for their
years of service on the Board and for mentoring and their unwavering support of the
Collection Systems group throughout the years.
ANNOUNCE CLOSED SESSION (pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.7)
District Counsel Kent Alm announced that a closed session would not be held for Item 20.
20. Conference with Legal Counsel — existing litigation pursuant to Government Code
Section 54956.9(d)(1):
• Kappel v. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, et al., Contra Costa County
Superior Case No. C19-01012
November 19, 2020 Board Meeting Minutes—Book 68-Page 229
The meeting was adjourned at 3:01 p.m.
Michael R. McGill, P.E.
President of the Board of Directors
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
County of Contra Costa, State of California
6ht, gb"
Katie Young
Secretary of the District
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
County of Contra Costa, State of California