HomeMy WebLinkAbout06. Conduct public hearing to consider Solar Power Purchase Agreement Page 1 of 14 Item 6. CENTRAL SAN BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER MEETING DATE: NOVEMBER 5, 2020 SUBJECT: CONDUCTA PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER AWARDING A POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT TO REC SOLAR COMMERCIAL CORPORATION, FIND THAT THE POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT IS EXEMPT FROM CEQA, AND AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE A POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT WITH REC SOLAR COMMERCIAL CORPORATION FOR A SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM ON CENTRAL SAN'S LAGISS PROPERTY SUBMITTED BY: INITIATING DEPARTMENT: MELODY LABELLA, RESOURCE RECOVERY ENGINEERING AND TECHNICAL SERVICES- PROGRAM MANAGER PDS-RESOURCE RECOVERY REVIEWED BY: JEAN-MARC PETIT, DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNICAL SERVICES Roger S. Bailey Kenton L. Alm General Manager District Counsel ISSUE 1) California Government Code (GC) Section 4217.12 requires public agencies to hold a public hearing when considering award of energy services contracts; and 2) Board of Directors (Board) authorization is requested for the General Manager to execute a proposed power purchase agreement (PPA). BACKGROUND On May 7, 2020, the Board authorized staff to proceed with procurement for a solar PPA that would offset all remaining grid power purchases across Central San's operation in atypical year. A PPA would allow Central San to contract with a third-party provider to design, build, finance, operate, and maintain a November 5, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 32 of 150 Page 2 of 14 solar photovoltaic system for the term of the agreement, while providing a minimum guarantee on production in exchange for monthly payments tied to the amount of energy generated. The benefits of entering into a PPA include: • Low upfront costs. • Electricity costs for power generated would be fixed pursuant to the terms of the PPA. • Provider qualifies for incentive programs that Central San, as a public agency, does not, resulting in reduced installation costs as compared to contracting directly for installation. • Provider would be responsible for maintenance of the system over the term of the agreement to provide the guaranteed level of production. • Monthly payments would be less than estimated energy costs through Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) and Marin Clean Energy (MCE). On June 30, 2020, staff posted a Request for Proposals (RFP) on PlanetBids for a PPA for a 1.75 megawatt solar array on Central San's Lagiss Property at the north end of Blum Road in Martinez. On July 29, 2020, staff received five electronic proposals. An Evaluation Committee, comprised of representatives from both Central San and Central San's solar consultant ARC Alternatives (ARC), scored the proposals and staff invited the solar firms with the top four highest-scoring proposals to participate in a one-hour interview on Microsoft Teams on August 14, 2020. After taking the proposal scores and interviews into consideration, the Evaluation Committee recommended proceeding to award with REC Solar Commercial Corporation (REC Solar). After making that determination, staff became aware that prevailing wages would apply to the PPA. Upon discovering this requirement, staff notified the four teams and requested updated PPA pricing to clarify compliance with prevailing wage requirements, by the close of business on Friday, September 18, 2020. After considering the updated pricing received from three of the four vendors by the indicated deadline, the Evaluation Committee recommends proceeding to award with REC Solar due to several significant strengths in their proposal, including they: • Proposed a strategic implementation approach resulting in the lowest-risk path forward for Central San. • Offered a competitive PPA price that will result in nearly$6.5 million in savings over the term of the agreement. • Took few exceptions to the proposed PPA that staff provided as part of the RFP. The attached presentation provides additional details on the procurement process and highlights the strengths of REC Solar's proposal. At its October 15, 2020 meeting, the Board voted unanimously to set November 5, 2020 as the date to conduct the required public hearing to consider awarding a PPA to REC Solar. A notice of the public hearing was published two weeks in advance, on October 22, 2020, in both the East Bay Times and San Ramon Valley Times, in accordance with the public noticing requirements in GC 4217.12. PROPOSED FACILITY Upon Central San's Board making a California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) determination and approving the project (anticipated on April 15, 2021), REC Solar will be given notice to proceed with installation of a 1.75-megawatt solar array on Central San's Lagiss property. KEY PPATERMS • Energy Pricing: $0.0866 per kilowatt-hour with no cost escalation over the entire term of the agreement. • Agreement Length: 25-year term with an optional 5-year extension at mutually agreed upon terms. • Purchase Option: Central San can purchase the solar photovoltaic system prior to the termination of the P PA. November 5, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 33 of 150 Page 3 of 14 • Production Guarantee: Includes minimum delivery of at least 90% of the expected annual power output. • Early Termination Fees: If Central San decides to terminate the PPA without cause prior to completion of the 25-year term, Central San would be responsible for paying an early termination fee. GC Section 4217.12(a) allows for public agencies to enter into energy service contracts and any necessarily related facility ground leases on terms that its governing body determines are in the best interests of the public agency if the determination is made at a regularly scheduled public hearing, public notice of which is given at least two weeks in advance, and if the governing body finds: 1. That the anticipated cost to the public agency for thermal or electrical energy or conservation services provided by the energy conservation facility under the contract will be less than the anticipated marginal cost to the public agency of thermal, electrical, or other energy that would have been consumed by the public agency in the absence of those purchases. 2. That the difference, if any, between the fair rental value for the real property subject to the facility ground lease and the agreed rent, is anticipated to be offset by below-market energy purchases or other benefits provided under the energy service contract. Since Central San will not be executing a ground lease for this PPA and, instead, will be handling the use of Central San's Lagiss property through a section called, "Grant of Access Rights" in the PPA, GC Section 4217.12(a)(2) does not apply. However, the intent of this provision is still met by the significant savings Central San will realize in executing the PPA. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Staff has concluded that this solar vendor selection is exempt from CEQA under Central San's CEQA Guidelines Section 15262 since it allows for further planning and feasibility studies for possible future actions which Central San has not approved, adopted, or funded, and the outcome of these tasks will not have a legally binding effect on later activities. Approval of this action will establish the Board's independent finding that this agreement is exempt from CEQA. Central San will conduct an environmental evaluation of any environmental-altering, physical project that is proposed in the future as a result of these studies to determine the need for any additional CEQA documentation. ALTERNATIVES/CONSIDERATIONS There are two alternatives that the Board could consider: 1. The Board could decide to not enter into a PPA with REC Solar and instead continue to purchase grid power from PG&E and MCE. Since this PPA is anticipated to save Central San nearly$6.5 million in 25- year energy costs, this alternative is not recommended. 2. The Board could decide to move forward with a different purchasing mechanism for this solar array, namely buying the system outright and implenting it as a Capital Project. In addition to high competition for capital dollars right now, Central San, as a public agency, cannot take advantage of the tax credits available to private providers, which would result in a higher cost for the system. For these reasons, this alternative is also not recommended. FINANCIAL IMPACTS As mentioned above, Central San stands to save nearly$6.5 million in power costs by executing the PPA with REC Solar. In moving to this next step in the procurement process, staff would amend ARC's as- November 5, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 34 of 150 Page 4 of 14 needed professional consulting services contract (under staff authority)to add an additional $50,000 to support procurement and implementation of the project from now through the Board's consideration of a CEQA determination and project approval, which is estimated to take place in Spring 2021. Since ARC is under an as-needed contract, if the project is halted at any point prior to that milestone, staff would stop their work and discontinue spending any remaining contract budget for their assistance. I n addition to ARC's support, the cost for Central San's CEQA consultant to complete the required environmental review documentation will be an estimated $20,000. COMMUNITY OUTREACH Within one week of issuing the RFP for the PPA, Central San's Communications staff mailed out letters about the project to the residents in the Blum Road neighborhood and created a webpage (www.centralsan.org/solar)with more details about the project on Central San's website. There has been no neighborhood opposition or concerns expressed about the project. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION The Real Estate, Environmental and Planning (REEP) Committee reviewed this matter at its October 12, 2020, meeting and supported staff's recommendations to set and conduct a public hearing to consider award of a PPA to REC Solar. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION 1. As required by California Government Code Section 4217.12: a. Conduct a public hearing to consider award of Power Purchase Agreement to REC Solar Commercial Corporation; b. Find that the notice of this public hearing held was given at least two weeks in advance of this public hearing; c. Find that the terms of the Power Purchase Agreement with REC Solar Commercial Corporation are in Central San's best interest; d. Find that the anticipated costs to Central San for electrical energy provided by the Power Purchase Agreement will be less than the anticipated marginal cost to Central San for other energy that would have been consumed by Central San in the absence of the Power Purchase Agreement; and e. Find that Government Code Section 4217.12(a)(2) is not applicable to this agreement. 2. Find that the Power Purchase Agreement is exempt from CEQA. 3. Authorize the General Manager to execute a Power Purchase Agreement with REC Solar Commercial Corporation for a solar photovoltaic system on Central San's Lagiss property. Strategic Plan Tie-In GOAL ONE: Customer and Community Strategy 2—Maintain a positive reputation GOAL TWO: Environmental Stewardship Strategy 4- Reduce reliance on non-renewable energy November 5, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 35 of 150 Page 5 of 14 GOAL THREE: Fiscal Responsibility Strategy 1—Maintain financial stability and sustainability ATTACHMENTS: 1. Presentation November 5, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 36 of 150 Page 6 of 14 n + CENTRAL SAN SOLAR ENERGY POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT =:Yw. Melody LaBella, P.E. Resource Recovery Program Manager Board Meeting _- November 5, 2020 1 Russell Driver SOLAR 5 • � PROCUREMENT kk Central San Board Meeting Farc CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT November 5, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 37 of 150 1 Page 7 of 14 Presentation Overview • Procurement Method (Government Code 4217) • Summary of Central San's Solar Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) Procurement Overview of proposals received by Central San • Summary of the evaluation process • The recommended PPA provider • Review of the proposed system location • Updated project financial analysis based on selected PPA pricing Updated implementation schedule 3 Procurement Method • California Government Code (GC)4217 ➢ Code applies to government agencies in California ➢ Allows award of energy savings projects without a competitive solicitation ➢ Code requirement: projects must be found to save more than they cost at a public hearing • Central San solar Request for Proposals (RFP) process under GC 4217 ➢ Conduct competitive solicitation with more flexibility than typical public works projects— "best value" ➢ Central San can use its choice of relevant evaluation criteria, ensuring the results are in the best interests of the District ➢ Criteria set forth in RFP balance qualifications, approach,technical solution, project risks, and price/savings ➢ Evaluation considerations align with known success factors from other solar projects 4 November 5, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 38 of 150 2 Page 8 of 14 Summary of Central San's Solar PPA Procurement Central San released an RFP on 6/30/20. • The RFP asked for proposals for a solar project to be implemented on the Lagiss property. • What Central San requested/specified: ➢ Ground-mounted solar system using fixed tilt or tracking mechanism oma. , aM:�.�� a°o•. � ➢ Battery storage optional �,n,raerNr-, ➢ PPA pricing for a 25-year contract term Energy production targets, not system size ➢ Identified site constraints and preferred system locations,consistent with initial CEQA work and known easements r Project implementation approach recognizing interconnection and CEQA requirements and timeframes 5 What Central San Received • Five proposals were received on 7/29/20 • Variety of proposers in terms of size, location, and experience • Proposers: ➢ Distributed Solar Development ��� v ➢ ENGIE 29 JUL 2020 ➢ REC Solar ➢ Renewable Properties ➢ Safari Energy - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - • None of the proposers offered battery storage systems • All pricing lower than what was assumed in the Feasibility Study 6 November 5, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 39 of 150 3 Page 9 of 14 Evaluation Process Proposal Evaluation • Evaluation Committee determined shortlist based on initial evaluation of proposals, per the following criteria ➢ Experience and Project Team (25 points) ➢ Project Approach and Technical Solution (25 points) ➢ Economics/Project Savings (40 points) ➢ Financial Strength (10 points, scored by Director of Finance and Administration) • Conducted interviews with four shortlisted Proposers on 8/14/20 • Requested updated pricing from all vendors on 9/11/20 to clarify proposer compliance with prevailing wage requirements Recommended PPA Provider • The Evaluation Committee recommends awarding the project to REC Solar. • REC Solar's proposal was particularly strong in the following areas: ➢Their qualifications and experience are deep,with direct experience with ground-mounted systems and Renewable Energy Self-Generation Bill Credit Transfer(RES-BCT)projects in California. ➢REC Solar's approach to implementation recognizes both interconnection and CEQA challenges and phases the work to allow time to understand and mitigate project risks—offering Central San the lowest-risk path forward. ➢Their proposed PPA price is competitive and lower than what was assumed in the Feasibility Study. ➢REC Solar is dedicating part of their stock of solar modules that have been "safe harbored" in 2019, allowing the project to take advantage of the 30%Federal Investment Tax Credit. ➢They are backed by Duke Energy and have the corporate resources and financing to deliver the project. ➢REC Solar identified a very small number of exceptions in their proposal,which will expedite the contract negotiations phase of the project. 8 November 5, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 40 of 150 4 Page 10 of 14 System Location «J ! TRALSAN ` e Figure 2 Benefits Of Location Designated Areas + or Future • Minimizes visual It * Solar Panels impacts t � (A—C) • Avoids existing A 6.fi3urea s ,ads,,„ easements C .A7 ecm RLL ,s.ssNot in District- environmentally owned sensitive areas land ` Petroleum product pipeline `Natural gas transmission pipeline NOTES'. 1.Lofatlom•M.sumnn unwn IIA— x.ems...Pw...e..e.... 1 3 Ereetlrr mwv�riel mu.mr. M N FEer 9 Project Savings — REC Solar vs. Feasibility Study arc • Feasibility study assumed PPA price of$0.105 per kWh vs.REC Solar price of$0.0866 per kWh • REC Solar's pricing results in a total 25-year net benefit of between$4.3 and$8.8 million REL Cumulative Net Benefit Scenarios vs Feasibility Study S>o.ato,mo S5,763^3 S°p6aA6a 58AWAW S]A6]A6] 546esAas S6p6]p6] Sspmpm $6,295f39 SWmpm $6,171,952 33p6]p6] 3166]A6] SUM— So 0 1 3 3 6 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 ]3 13 ]0 15 1fi 11 IB 19 10 31 ]] 33 2A 35 reeve-ery saey —x¢ emse+n e.escena�e —.¢uwepmed Era uo vee —n¢ opurnniesxn�e 10 November 5, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 41 of 150 5 Page 11 of 14 Key PPA Terms • Energy Pricing: $0.0866 per kilowatt-hour with no escalation. Agreement Length: 25-year term with an optional 5-year extension at mutually agreed upon terms. Purchase Option: Central San can purchase the solar photovoltaic (PV) system prior to the termination of the PPA. • Production Guarantee: Includes minimum delivery of at least 90% of the expected annual power output. • Early Termination Fees: If Central San decides to terminate the PPA without cause prior to completion of the 25-year term, Central San would be responsible for paying an early termination fee. 11 Updated Implementation Schedule 9rM1 Quarter lsF Quarter 2nd Quarter 3b Quarter p1M1 Quarter ISS Quarter 2ntl Ta4rNme Dur1— Stag Finish Sep Oct Neu ❑ec lan Feb Mar Apr MaY lun lul Auq Sep Oct Nm Nec Nn Feb M1lar Apr REEPMeeting-Appf v itf Rewmmendm,onfor ld 10/12/20 10/12/20 1 AW cl Board Meeting.5et public Hearing• to 10/15/20 10/15120 Pubticimarmg-C.nt.d F—tmn• 1a 11/5/20 11/5/20 EAeeute Coutrzlt/Project NTP`(N.uceto Proceed)Cid 11/5/20 1115/20 �11L5 Project Design 129d 10/13/20 419/21 CEOA and Community Outreach 240d 518120 4/8/21 County Review and Approval of Permit Set Oil 419/21 4/9121 CEQA Determination a rd Project Approval` ltd 4115121 4/15121 501al PVCnnstructlon 1004 9/1/21 1/18/22 0 Commissioning 44d 12/30(21 3/1122 II!!PI 1 PG&E loteeconnecoon Work SBma 10/16/20 313122 2 COD/Project Complete ICommer loperacionoate)Od 313(22 3/3122 3/3 *Board Action 12 November 5, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 42 of 150 6 Page 12 of 14 PUBLIC OUTREACH Letters were mailed to the Blum Road neighborhood concurrent with the issuance of the RFP. Communications staff created project webpages on Central San's website. Staff received only one inquiry from the Blum Road neighborhood (for more information). There have been no community concerns expressed about the project at this time. ,&LCENTRAL SAN • RESIDENTS Central San Solar Project Poll•.r,on P—annon Cennol Canna Costo Sonirory Dianrice[Central Sen]hoe begun plamvng fere proposed 5-5 acre.1.75-mn—h safar 5,—r 0-46.f4p.ar.rion project on central son-o mad land oe the north and of Blom Road in year nei9h6arhood-Central son in"&the design of ,hi:lo—iae.r,onoe,re -a61e anangy fa«Iiry ro minim:a in prase.on nearby—klansol area.. Canan-h—Zan" ■ If ka+e about r6is or re be added m the i small list,send an email m 4m Cannel San e Saler YW queeriens Proles Ppl� Pnolee m oe Prof+.6—ton and epdot-A 6e peered an Ih.ule. ' 13 ANTICIPATED COSTS The following costs are anticipated to take the project from the November 5, 2020, Board meeting to the Board's CEQA Determination and Project Acceptance in Spring 2021 : ARC Alternatives $50,000 Environmental Service (CEQA Consultant) $20,000 November 5, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 43 of 150 Page 13 of 14 BEEP COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION The REEP Committee supported staff's recommendation to: Set and conduct a public hearing to consider awarding a PPA to REC Solar t CENTRAL SAN ' 15 RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTIONS As required by Government Code 4217.12: a) Conduct a Public Hearing to consider award of a PPA to REC Solar; b) Find that the notice of this public hearing held was given at least two weeks in advance of this public hearing; c) Find that the terms of the PPA with REC Solar are in Central San's best interest; d) Find that the anticipated costs to Central San for electrical energy provided by the power purchase agreement will be less than the anticipated marginal cost to Central San for other energy that would have been consumed by Central San in the absence of the power purchase agreement; and Find that Government Code Section 4217.12(a)(2) is not applicable to this agreement. November 5, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 44 of 150 8 Page 14 of 14 RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTIONS - CONTINIL Find that the PPA is exempt from CEQA. Authorize the General Manager to execute the PPA with REC Solar. ' 17 CFNTRAI SAN QUESTIONS? CFNTPAISAN November 5, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 45 of 150 9 CNGie November 5, 2020 Item 6. Public Comment Board of Directors (also read into the record) Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Re: November 5 Agenda Item 06: Conduct public hearing to consider Solar Power Purchase Agreement ********************************************* President McGill, Board of Directors, and District Staff: Thank you for the opportunity to provide Public Comment this afternoon. I'm Kelly Fergusson of ENGIE, a global clean energy company in 70 countries with a bold vision to decarbonize the planet. Locally, my team works out of our downtown Oakland office,just through the Caldecott Tunnel from your board room. We appreciated Central San's consideration of our project during the recent RFP process, and have the utmost respect for your agency and its staff. ENGIE has a deep track record of successful Solar PPA projects for public agencies in California, demonstrating we are a good long-term partner. We think we would be the stronger partner to the District than REC Solar, because of our competitive price, thoughtful legal reply, and our overall track record in the region, including the creation of well-paying construction jobs for local tradespersons. ENGIE's proposal would save the District's ratepayers over$300,000 more than the REC Solar proposal over 25 years, almost 5% additional project savings [as shown in Figure 1]. Cumulative PPA Savings $6,900,000 $300,000 $6,400,000 $5,900,000 $5,400,000 22 23 PPA Year 24 25 —ENGIE Proposal _REC Solar Proposal [Figure 1. ENGIE's proposal would benefit ratepayers by$300,000 more than REC Solar's proposal,an additional 5%in savings.] Regarding the legal review, our response was transparent and thorough, doing what any good long-term partner should do–point out the flaws in the draft agreement.The industry has changed substantially since this agreement was written some years ago, and it contains items that are to Central San's disadvantage. One of the worst risk factors on a PPA project is for the agreement to need to be modified mid-stream during construction. We've seen examples in the industry where agencies set themselves up for problems if they don't start with a strong foundation in the contract. As one small example, we suggested modifying Section 4.4 so that the renewable energy credits would automatically vest in Central San's own account, greatly streamlining the process to the benefit of the District. Evaluating the RFP responses based on the fewest exceptions to the contract may not be in the best long-term interests of the District. And, we note this criterion was not stated in the RFP's Evaluation Criteria. Given our extensive experience in-state, we have an in-depth understanding of the CEQA process and regulatory checkpoints so both parties can manage environmental compliance risk and the risk of project delay. We suggest a third Alternative to the ones proposed in the staff report be: "To select ENGIE as the PPA provider offering the greatest financial benefit to Central San, and to negotiate an agreement that is fair and beneficial to both parties, minimizing project risk to District." Thank you for your consideration. ENGIE 500 12th Street, Suite 300, Oakland, CA 94607 415-405-6673 Kelly.Fergusson(@engie.com