HomeMy WebLinkAbout15.a. Committee Minutes-Real Estate, Environmental & Planning 09-21-20 Page 1 of 14 Item 15.a. CENTRALSAN SANITARYjdf A- hom CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA , . October 1, 2020 TO: HONORABLE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM: KATIE YOUNG, SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT SUBJECT: SEPTEMBER 21, 2020 - REAL ESTATE, ENVIRONMENTAL & PLANNING COMMITTEE - CHAIR PILECKI AND PRESIDENT MCGILL Attached are minutes of the above Committee meeting. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Minutes of 09-21-20 meeting 2. (Handout) Item 4.a. Presentation 3. (Handout) Item 4.b. Presentation 4. (Handout) Item 4.c. Reference Map October 1, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 85 of 104 Page 2 of 14 Zvi CENTRALSAN CENTRAL • R• COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT 5019 • BOARD OF DIRECTORS: SPECIAL MEETING OF THE MICHAEL R.MCCILL President CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA TAD J PILECKI SANITARY DISTRICT President Pro Tem REAL ESTATE, ENVIRONMENTAL PAUL HCAUSEY JAMES A.NEJEDLY & PLANNING COMMITTEE DAVID R. WILLIAMS MINUTES PHONE: (925)228-9500 FAX.- (925)372-0192 www.centralsan.org Monday, September 21 , 2020 8:00 a.m. 2ND Floor Conference Room 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, California (All attendees participated via videoconference) Committee: Chair Tad Pilecki Member Mike McGill Guest: Russell Driver, ARC Alternatives (left after Item 4.a.) Staff. Roger S. Bailey, General Manager Katie Young, Secretary of the District Jean-Marc Petit, Director of Engineering and Technical Services Danea Gemmell, Planning and Development Services Division Manager Melody LaBella, Resource Recovery Program Manager Edgar Lopez, Capital Projects Division Manager (left after Item 4.c.) Lori Schectel, Environmental and Regulartory Compliance Division Manager Mary Lou Esparza, Labratory Superintendent (left after Item 4.e.) Tim Potter, Environmental Compliance Superintendent (left after Item 4.c.) Dan Frost, Senior Engineer (arrived during Item 4.b., left during Item 4.c.) Nitin Goel, Senior Engineer (arrived during Item 4.b., left during Item 4.c.) Russ Leavitt, Engineering Assistant III 1. Notice This meeting was held in accordance with the Brown Act as in effect under the State Emergency Services Act, the Governor's Emergency Declaration related to October 1, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 86 of 104 Page 3 of 14 Real Estate, Environmental & Planning Committee Minutes September 21, 2020 Page 2 COVID-19, and the Governor's Executive Order N-29-20 issued on March 17, 2020 that allowed attendance by Board Members, District staff, and the public to participate and conduct the meeting by teleconference, videoconference, or both. The agenda included instructions for options in which the public could participate in the meeting. 2. Call Meeting to Order Chair Pilecki called the meeting to order at 8:07 a.m. 3. Public Comments None. 4. Agenda Items *a. Receive update on Solar Energy Project procurement schedule Ms. LaBella provided a brief presentation regarding the Solar Energy Procurement Schedule (attached). She stated that a Position Paper will be brought to the Board at the October I**meeting to set a public hearing for November 5, 2020 to consider awarding a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA). Member McGill inquired what were the attributing factors for better projected savings on this new solar project as compared with Central San's previous PPAs at the Collection System Operations (CSO) facility and the Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility (HHW). Ms. LaBella stated that the new solar project involves ground-mounted panels, which are cheaper to install than the installations at CSO and HHW. In addition, she added that the price for solar panels has come down over the years. Mr. Driver added that compared to previous District projects, the price is less due to the much larger project size. Chair Pilecki requested a news release occur after the PPA is approved. **Post-Meetinq Addendum The public hearing for the solar project will be set on October 15 for a November 5, 2020 hearing. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update. *b. Receive update on request from Marathon Refinery to consider potential wastewater discharge to Central San Mr. Petit presented an overview of the preliminary evaluation of possible discharge streams that Central San may receive from the refinery, as attached. There was a lengthy discussion about the various types of streams October 1, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 87 of 104 Page 4 of 14 Real Estate, Environmental & Planning Committee Minutes September 21, 2020 Page 3 the District could be receiving and be able to treat. Staff ran two computer BioWin models of stream, labeled 1 (full strength, containing high biological oxygen demand and nutrient load) and 5 (domestic strength equivalent following pre-treatment). Preliminary results indicated that stream 1 would be difficult to treat at the District without plant modifications for the activated sludge secondary process, and that stream 5, with certain caveats and depending on more details about the waste characteristics, may be able to be received. Mr. Petit answered several questions from the Committee. Member McGill inquired if Marathon Refinery was included in the District's service area and was paying property taxes even without using the service. Mr. Bailey stated that he believed refineries are subject to property tax. Staff would have to check if Marathon pays ad valorem taxes. Mr. Leavitt stated that portions of the Marathon property are included in Central San's boundaries and/or within its sphere of influence. A discussion on the costs and financial impact on the District followed. Mr. Bailey advised that if the Board were to decide to accept the request and Central San treated the discharge, neither the ratepayers, nor the District's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDS) permit should and would not be affected. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update and provided input to staff. *c. Receive verbal update on status of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations, District Project 8252; and a recreational vehicle (RV) dumping station proposal Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Ms. LaBella provided a brief update on the project and stated that the County has no interest at this time in adding electric vehicle charging stations at the fueling station near Central San's treatment plant campus, since they have other locations with access to a greater number of potential users. She inquired of the Committee's interest and direction for staff to continue researching the feasibility to install charging stations within Central San's treatment plant for employee use only. Member McGill opined that staff should not expend any further effort on this matter and instead focus on a holistic overview of other environmental projects. Chair Pilecki offered that staff should spend more time on other projects, such as the RV dumping station and showers for the homeless. October 1, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 88 of 104 Page 5 of 14 Real Estate, Environmental & Planning Committee Minutes September 21, 2020 Page 4 RV Dumping Station Mr. Lopez provided the Committee with the attached preliminary layout to add a potential RV dumping station on site. The intent is to use a portion of the treatment plant that was formerly used as a contractor's staging area for the dumping station; therefore, the cost would be minimal and the design could be included in a future capital project as an alternate bid item. Mr. Bailey advised that an alumnus from the Central San Citizens Academy reached out to him regarding a need for an RV dumping station. He said it would be a hands-free operation. However, he advised that a there should be a policy provision in place in the event of a spill or discharge. Ultimately, he said the decision rests with the Board. Following discussion of current RV dumping service operations in the District's service area, it was determined that there are only a few such facilities geared toward public use. In response to a question from Member McGill, Mr. Potter advised that with the continued homeless situation, illegal dumping has been a big problem. Chair Pilecki suggested that staff poll customers in the next Pipeline edition to gauge interest for an RV disposal site. He also requested staff contact the thirteen County jurisdictions to determine their support/non-support for a potential RV dumping station. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update and provided input to staff. d. Review draft lease terms for use of District-owned property by Contra Costa Topsoil Ms. Gemmell reviewed the presentation included in the agenda material and provided the lease agreement terms. It was noted that the rate will be 10% higher than their current agreement to bring the cost to the present market rate. Reaching the market rate will occur after the fifth year. In response to a question from Chair Pilecki, Ms. Gemmell stated that the tenants are comfortable with the increases. Member McGill requested an update on all District buffer properties at a future meeting. Ms. Gemmell advised that staff intends to bring a buffer property policy to the Administration Committee in the near future. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the information and provided input to staff. October 1, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 89 of 104 Page 6 of 14 Real Estate, Environmental & Planning Committee Minutes September 21, 2020 Page 5 e. Receive update on the most recent meeting of the Bay Area Clean Water Agencies (BACWA) Ms. Schectel reviewed the memorandum included in the agenda materials. Ms. Schectel also discussed a technical meeting BACWA held September 18 with the Regional Water Board, at which Mr. Petit made a presentation to the BACWA members and to representatives of the San Francisco Regional Water Control Board during the "Pardee" (named after Pardee Dam East Bay Municipal Utility District) Virtual meeting on nutrients, showing load variability and potential permit implications. Ms. Schectel advised that BACWA is planning the annual meeting for 2021, which will be virtual. She will provide the Committee with the details when available. She also noted the Annual Regional Monitoring Program Annual Meeting will be virtual on October 6, 2020. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the information. 5. Announcements None. 6. Suggestions for future agenda items a. Receive list of upcoming agenda items and provide suggestions for any other future agenda items As mentioned in Item 4.d. above, Member McGill requested an update on District buffer properties, including the pump stations. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the list and provided input to staff. 7. Future scheduled meetings Monday, October 12, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. Monday, November 2, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. Monday, December 14, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. 8. Adjournment— at 9:30 a.m. * Attachments October 1, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 90 of 104 Page 7 o"21/20 (Handout) Item 4.a. SOLAR ENERGY PROCUREMENT SCHEDULE -_ Melody LaBella, P.E. Resource Recovery Program Manager REEP Committee Meeting j September 21 , 2020 SOLAR ENERGY PROCUREMENT SCHEDULE October 1 , 2020, Board meeting Setublic hearing for November 5, 2020, to p 9 consider awarding a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) on Consent Calendar ���� October 12, 2020, REEP Committee Meeting ���� Review Position Paper for November 5, 2020, ��� Board meeting November 5, 2020, Board meeting, Conduct public hearing to consider awarding a PPA Authorize the General Manager to execute a PPA IZ October 1, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 91 of 104 1 Page 8 OPW21120 QUESTIONS? CENTRALSAN October 1, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 92 of 104 2 Page 9 of 14 (Handout) Item 4.b. PRELIMINARY EVALUATION OF POSSIBLE DISCHARGE OF VARIOUS STREAMS OF MARATHON MARTINEZ REFINERY TO CENTRAL SAN WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT Jean-Marc Petit, Director of Engineering &Technical Services Real Estate, Environmental, and Planning Committee Meeting SEPTEMBER 21, 2020 MARATHON PROJECT TIMELINE • Received request from Marathon to potentially discharge industrial waste to Central San • Met with Marathon Refinery Representative on 9/3/20 videoconference call • Follow up correspondence regarding industrial waste discharge permit • Issued task order to HDR under As Needed Treatment Plant to evaluate impact of various strength on existing WWTP • Follow up meeting with Marathon afternoon of 9/21/20 Finalizing Projert DesignFirst Renewable Diesel ProductionnCapadlyonline Stakelric� �_ Submit Permd Desired Receipt Capacity online a[ Applications 8 of Approvals to Engagement Slings Start Construction 17mbpd Now 10/1/2020 10/1/2021 20 2022 Mid to tat 23 2 - . October 1, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 93 of 104 1 Page 10 of 14 MARATHON MARTINEZ FACILITY rRenewable LPG Reneweole Soyhea Dmse1 Plant 1 ti Renewable Naphtha �, F Potential growth H yd,at—luny mills, to Renewade JCI Rendered Fats nyd•oycn.8�[�mes Renewable Diesel ,To PTU Corn Cil Renewable biodiesel is a drop-in for fossil diesel. Renewable is fully de-oxygenated and considered superior to biodiesel. PTU: Pre-Treatment Unit _ ` s N®r POSSIBLE DISCHARGE STREAMS PROVIDED BY MARATHON MARTINEZ REFINERY Conceptual Wastewater Stage 1:New WWTP Stage 2:Existing WWTP Treatment Alternatives I— — — — — — — — — — — - '— — — — — — — I 2 Recovered Oils/Fats I I IF: II %..l...... 1A 4 I FlotationDissolved Air ...... 3 . IMoving Bed I I IBiofilm. ReactorII I -- - I - October 1, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 94 of 104 2 Page 11 of 14 PRELIMINARY WATER QUALITY OF VARIOUS STREAMS PROVIDED BY MARATHON MARTINEZ REFINERY Stream 1 and 1A Stream 3 Stream 5 Flowrate gpm 350-400 350-400 350-400 COD mg/L 12,000—15,000 TBD TBD COD Ib/d 50,000—72,000 TBD TBD BODS mg/L 5,000—7,500 TBD TBD Estimate based on a 0.5 BOD:COD ratio (awaiting lab data) BODS Ib/d 21,000—36,000 TBD TBD TSS mg/L >200 <50 TBD Nearly 100%are volatile Oil and Grease -- TBD <50 TBD pH S.U. 3-4 7-8 7-8 Could be adjusted Temperature OF 135-180 90 TBD Could be reduced(if needed) Orthophosphate mg P/L 200-300 TBD TBD Total Phosphorus mg P/L 200-300 TBD TBD Ammonia mgN/L 50-75 TBD TBD TKN mg N/L 200-400 TBD TBD s CENTRAL SAN OBJECTIVES OF PRELIMINARY EVALUATION 1. Evaluate the capacities of Central San treatment plant processes based upon the simulation (BioWin Modeling) and current operation of the treatment plant performance 2. Evaluate the impact on Central San treatment plant processes with the addition of the Steam 1 (Stream 1 is of high BOD load stream) of Marathon Martinez Refinery 3. Evaluate the impact on Central San treatment plant processes with the addition of the Steam 5 (Stream 5 is assumed to be of similar wastewater quality as of Central San wastewater influent) of Marathon Martinez Refinery 6 October 1, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 95 of 104 3 Page 12 of 14 BIOWIN MODELING IS PERFORMED TO DETERMINE POSSIBLE DISCHARGE OF VARIOUS STREAMS OF MARATHON MARTINEZ REFINERY Model Calibration Calibration Runs Capacity Curves Historical Flows and Loads(2017-2019+) .......:..................:...................;........,........................ r Z Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids Solids Loading Rates WAS, PSL,Cake Oxygen Demand Others 7 CENTRAL SAN HISTORICAL FLOWS AND LOADS (2017-2019) Averaging Period Average Dry Weather Flow 35 246 296 37 0.3 8.7 (Assume it is July-Sept.) Max Month for Dry Season 38 252 305 37 0.3 7.3 (May-Sept.) Average Annual 40 203 253 32 0.3 6.3 Suggest using Average Annual for this iteration(most typical levels) Max Month for Year Round 57 255 305 38 0.3 7.7 *Data limited to 2019 intensive sampling (based on PE samples which are anticipated to be similar to raw influent) 10 W October 1, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 96 of 104 4 Page 13 of 14 STREAM 1 IS OF HIGH BOD LOAD STREAM & STREAM rJ IS ASSUMED TO BE OF SIMILAR WASTEWATER QUALITY AS OF CENTRAL SAN WASTEWATER INFLUENT . . I® Stream 5CMatch Central San Infl Flowrate gpm 400 400 COD mg/L 15,000 406 MBBR:Mainly BOD reduced;5C based on a 0.5 BOD:COD ratio COD Ib/d 72,000 -- BOD5 mg/L 7,500 203 Estimate based on a 0.5 BOD:COD ratio(awaiting lab data). HDR anticipates a lower ratio(e.g.,0.25) BOD5 Ib/d 36,000 -- TSS mg/L 500 253 Nearly 100%are volatile;MBBRs grow volatile solids Oil and Grease -- TBD Central San Infl pH s.u. 3-4 7.5 Could be adjusted Temperature OF 135 90 Could be reduced(if needed) Orthophosphate mg P/L 300 -- Total Phosphorus mg P/L 300 -- Based on TSS;negligible removal in MBBR Ammonia mg N/L 75 32 MBBR convert organic N to Ammonia NOx mg N/L - -- TKN mg N/L 400 48 Based on a 0.67 ammonia:TKN ratio for 5C � 9 CENTRALSAN QUESTIONS? _. . . _ October 1, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 97 of 104 5 .o,. - ..;A D i:j;,L,r�.� I�aI _��j.�,`!•'•':.�;',\.�...-�ti\�':.\:\..\v�r�\�;,` .`vx...�Y,��`•;.^.J :f si\ii 'i+�\,�,r�,,-.-«♦`v.�,,�- .-.'.`- % '-'-A,'o..,Q dc e- --%- =<<.-.�•'� . =-:=G - \%\t` `� �,/ 's\,"s i\\ /-, ,"' t , - 1 1- Q -1 1 / "t-, \ 'k , \ \ 1\ I .a O \t/A�•3: /1 Kandout ... 7/1 Item4c r ----- ----- 2 . \ A`Alternat.ve 211 A` ,05 \ _,3 Fenced Labor For Parking17 Two Lane Vehicle Entry/Exitw/ : Security Gate FF DRiVE - - \ Z r� !lama,�• 'S� '�',�■•�,."I•f�•'I s ,+a.s/s.,,s�,.Ii�Cs;IOr.1�+-IJ -•- -;-�j�'`\\s•.•�_.�� C�_�� ��_�_;-zb�$-II`e i°�1�.I'.j'h�<.i�,,fi.�f-.,•�'t i E�mo-,• n"r--�.` -t n`E,c�gv,e•a;� >��"��\moti;•°'A'`-.` !00 - - - '- ,5. . - /~ !•'� I ��`/\v:1v v vv\/�\•//v /.:�/\"�\'\\i`/\/\ \\ , . .� F',a ------- ---------- --- .. -- ------ - --------- sCosswalk Exit Onl /CzOnly turn ' O , 1V V _Aj Automatic Exit GateEntrance Only key card pedestal and loop detector Path to Guard aaHouse Fenced Labor Force Parking Gua Shack Ak Complex ®c� General Traffic Movement Gate %Q. . er IJ o� 17 1A Pa O /li1�1 I -S`.v-� V• /'a',:'—_.,.."_.'•3.-.-o^_.t:i ae�.sit�.:�t,,'--1,:I s.f_.-„— w,� I--9te� I r�,�:t`F;:\:I;,!,.-Ro�.v,.'��is_::,.x L,W\�I�I,• _V,•, 0\.1-5,1.•, _ O` P„ \ AV, ,w M,y '\a.a.Cfl,j scone,\.aa5\ .3,•,.,.-...ao.n,•�- 000 `- A � 2 lop Ire (C 0000pr __' 17 12 OCz, A�•�„ 21 21 N 211 21 ell S 21,u0 211' \ 223 E \ as or- O 121 U) J i� v L xs •+ _- t� /o 0o i/ii i•� /A� �i/� i_ t SD istrict Pro ect No. CD Field Survey: Drawn: Checked: Date: jCStaging Area Improvements 7375 xxx xxx xxx date = Submitted: Date: Central Contra Costa Drawing No.: SanitaryDistrictReviewed: Date: Survey PRELIMINARY LAYOUTS Section Sheet No. 0 Rev. Date By Description • - - ' ' 1 of 1 October 1, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 98 of 104