HomeMy WebLinkAbout09.a. Receive FY 2019-20 Strategic Plan Annual Report Page 1 of 43 Item 9.a. CENTRALSAN jdf A- hom CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT September 18, 2020 TO: HONORABLE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM: CHRISTINA GEE, MANAGEMENT ANALYST REVIEWED BY: PHILIP LEIBER, DIRECTOR OF FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION ROGER S. BAILEY, GENERAL MANAGER SUBJECT: RECEIVE FISCAL YEAR 2019-20 STRATEGIC PLAN ANNUAL REPORT Attached is Central San's Fiscal Year (FY) 2019-20 Strategic Plan Annual Report, summarizing staff achievements from July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020 with relation to the the FY 2018-20 Strategic Plan. This item was reviewed by the Administration Committee at its September 8, 2020 meeting. Hard copies of the final report will be distributed to the Board at a later date. ATTACHMENTS: 1. FY 2019-20 Strategic Plan Annual Report 2. Presentation September 18, 2020 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 95 of 154 Page 2 of 43 rj i N .a CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT September 18, 2020 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 96 of 154 Page 3 of 43 � w r I 141 September 18, 2020 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 97 of 154 Page 4 of 43 r • • tkr'' rri 4r. �n • sap i' • September 18, 2020 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 98 of 154 Page of Corword Pleasant Hill Clayton Walnut Creek t Oakland H�adoUar`Mr Treatment Plamr it HW i GOAL 6 GOAL 1 H HW Colrection OnlyEmbrace Provide exceptional technology, customer service and innovation,and maintain an excellent environmental reputation in the sustainability community GOAL 5I Fiscal Year GOAL 2 Maintain a r 1 1 Strive to meet reliable regulatory infrastructure k GOALSrequirements GOAL 4 OAL 3 Recruit,develop, Be a fiscally September 18, 2020 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 99 of 154 and retain a highly responsible trained and safe and effective workforce wastewater utility Page 6 of 43 STRATEGIC PLAN FY 2018-20 000 Oi 0000 a 00p00 GO OG Effective Utility Management A Ye!nL'w Wow sno Waswale,U,.Iffl 5 4WWA EF- AW NACWA September 18, 2020 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 100 of 154 Page 7 of 43 PROVIDE EXCEPTIONAL CUSTOMER SERVICE AND . MAINTAIN AN EXCELLENT REPUTATION IN THE COMMUNITY Build External Customer Relationships and Awareness - ♦ Responded to 6,795 Permit Counter customer service ` phone calls and 4,531 emails. Bongo a ♦ Received and cleared over 28,341 USA locating requests on time. ' ♦ Responded to 285 collection system service requests. ♦ Responded to 39 Public Records Act requests. ♦ Oversaw over 44,000 visits to the Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility(HHWCF) and Residential Recycled Water Fill Station by residents, small businesses, reuse customers, retail partners, and fill station users. ♦ Collected 1,693,000 pounds of household hazardous waste (HHW). ♦ Collected 10,400 pounds of pharmaceuticals. ♦ Remodeled lobby (pictured above) to install a customer restroom, new lobby furniture and signage, and an open floor plan. ♦ Grew social media following on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram by about 43%. ♦ Presented results of customer research to assess awareness, i y satisfaction, desire to learn more about Central San, and methods of best receiving information. j ♦ Received 66 applications for the next session of Central San Academy. v ♦ Increased number of students served with the recently developed state and national award-winning student education program, i Pipe Protectors. ♦ Hosted intra-agency information exchanges with Monterey One Water and City of Oakland staff. ♦ Updated 2014 Standard Specifications for Design and Construction to broaden the topics covered and reorganize the information to be more user friendly. ♦ Engaged kids and the young-at-heart in the spring lre� Pipeline to upcycle plastic produce stickers into art (pictured),to show off their artistic skills and W b help Central San keep the stickers out of the f ow sewer system. ♦ Ran 641 cable TV and online Wipes Clog Pipes commercial programming spots, reaching 63%of service area households. qL 'A ♦ Developed "Maintaining a Reliable Infrastructure—The Collection System," "Pipe Protectors," and "Wipes Fail 'Flushable'Test"videos to communicate District information. - 5 September 18, 2020 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 101 of 154 PROVIDE EXCEPTIONAL CUSTOMER SERVICE AND Page 8 of 43 Weis 71 MAINTAIN AN EXCELLENT REPUTATION IN THE COMMUNITY two Foster Employee Engagement and Interdepartmental Collaboration ♦ Deployed a survey to assess employee engagement levels. ♦ Replaced both intranet sites to improve internal communication and update the Plant Information Management System. ♦ Continued to hold cross-divisional committee meetings, including the Information Technology (IT) Leadership, Succession Planning, and Smart Initiative Steering Committees. ♦ Continued to publish the Lateral Connection monthly employee newsletters. ♦ Processed 525 procurement requests while maintaining an average 5-star rating on internal customer satisfaction surveys, as measured by the ticketing system also used for IT Helpdesk requests. ♦ Provided Records Program services to all departments, including updating retention schedules, indexing over 350 new records boxes, and creating and printing over 1,500 new file folder labels. Maintain a Strong Reputation in the Community ♦ Advocated at the state and national levels on issues affecting Central San. High Customer ♦ Created the "Wipes Are Costly to Sewer Agencies in California" map Satisfaction (pictured on page 11) as a compelling visual case study of wipes' impact. Ratings Maintained ♦ Continued to meet with city managers and other stakeholders to discuss 100% for the potential construction impacts to the community. Walnut Creek Sewer ♦ Board Members continued to present at council meetings and attend Renovations, Phase 13 interagency events. ♦ Staff continued to take roles in various professional organizations to 94% for the South present at conferences, network with peers, and increase visibility. Orinda Sewer ♦ Director of Finance &Administration obtained representation on the Renovations, Phase 7 County's Treasury Oversight Committee. 93% for the ♦ General Manager served on the boards of National Association of Clean A Lafayette Sewer Water Agencies (NACWA), California Association of Sanitation Agencies Renovations, Phase 13 (CASA), WateReuse, and John Muir Health to strengthen ties to the water sector and the community Central San serves. r 'IT'ater Resources1 I Achievement • • • . California Special Districts Leadership Foundation Transparency Certificate of Excellence of • • for 9th consecutive kJovernment Finance Officers Association (GFOA) Certificate of Achievement ---Reporting for • consecutive year) * Excellence in IT Practices Award from Municipal Information Systems Association of California for the • consecutive Award* National Environmental Achievement • nd Education for Pipe Protectors * CASA 1 • • • • • • • • • • Pipe Protectors California • • •n (CWEA) SF Bay Section Community Outreach Award for Best Use of Social Media and Large Project of the Year Award for Pipe Protectors + 1st Place in CWEA Statewide Awards 1 Community Engagement and • of •cial Media Award 1 Community Engagement and •utreach: Project of • •- Protectors 0 Community Engagement and Outreach: Film Festival: Adventures with Toot:The Lab 1 Community Engagement and • Power Fail Response 1 Community Engagement and • Oil to the Auxiliary Boilers September 18, 2020 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 102 of 154 6 PROVIDE EXCEPTIONAL CUSTOMER SERVICE AN&ge 9 of 43 MAINTAIN AN EXCELLENT REPUTATION IN THE COMMUNITY . IF • . • • COVID-19 Response ♦ Ensured essential services remained intact while following state and local health orders to provide a safe and healthful working environment. ♦ Swiftly closed or suspended public-facing services, including the customer lobby, HHWCF), Residential Recycled Water Fill Station, Environmental Services Inspections, school programs, events, and tours. ♦ Implemented a customer relief program through a one-year - - - waiver of incremental sewer service charge (SSC) rate Feedback from a Customer adjustment, saving about $30 for residential customers, 'P_efuvwAiwg ou.rchrovaraUU fwav�ziaUU strapped i about 5%from commercial customer bills, and returning schools for the sewage fees assessed while thea actuall I about $180,000 to K-12 schools to reflect decreases in � were � closed is what reall� gof vu� attevutiovti. yourpubl,ic spirit is exevuplar�, avid we water use for the time period they were closed. all appreciate Uour support o f our households awd ♦ Assisted CASA with the creation of amulti-agency the buswmsses we all weed to COVID-19 response video. covvtiwue to moivee this area a great place to live." ! ♦ Modified operations for employee and customer safety 0 Maintained daily Permit Counter operations via phone - - - - and e-mail accessibility and the addition of convenient online payment options. 0 Served 266 students in education programs on Zoom (pictured). - 0 Held 2 virtual treatment plant tour Q&As on Zoom. " 0 Created a virtual plant tour on centralsan.org using new 360-degree photos and audio guides. 0 Restricted sewer construction projects from performing activities .,. in backyard easements. 0 Pivoted community outreach for the Lafayette Sewer Renovations project °} ' to an online format. �} REOPENING AN IMPORTANT SERVICE •• "• ••" • • '' • ' • ' COVID-19 Operating schedule • - • • •.• . • • • • ►Serving byAppointment ONY - fQl d ld�'fIL'Rtt[j0 C0:CeriN isan Irq hN, - Objectives for FY 2020-21 ♦ Plan the 75th Anniversary event, to be held as allowed by the public health and safety situation. ♦ Hold a virtual or live fifth session of Central San Academy. ♦ Continue to coordinate interdepartmentally on major projects such as the Solids Handling Facility Improvements Project and the ERP software replacement. 7 September 18, 2020 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 103 of 154 PROVIDE EXCEPTIONAL CUSTOMER SERVICE AND Page 10 of 43 MAINTAIN AN EXCELLENT REPUTATION IN THE COMMUNITY Average onsite response time for <20 minutes 30.46 minutes* collection system emergency calls, during working hours Average onsite response time for <40 minutes 34.32 minutes* • collection system emergency calls, after hours Average customer service rating for emergency calls >_3.8 3.84 out of 4.0 out of 4.0 Median customer satisfaction rating >95% 96% on construction projects Median customer satisfaction rating >95% 100% ro on permit counter interactions 000 Number of students served by education programs >4, 6,189 per year 1111 New employees attending annual customer service 100% 100% training within 6 months of employment Participants in Plant/HHW Facility tours >500 783 and District presentations r >30 N/A- 2020 Academy Participants in citizens academy, Central San Academy session will be held virtually in per ssesfall 2020** Purchasing internal customer survey rating of >70% 100% satisfactory or better Awards or recognitions achieved 10 16 *Performance may have been affected by modified working schedules to adhere to social 40 distancing mandates due to COVID-19, impacting the fourth quarter of the FY. **2020 in-person Academy postponed due to COVID-19. r Target met Performance met or exceeded the target Work in progress/ Performance fell short of the target, which is a stretch goal because: Stretch goal • Current and past performance is not within reach of the target, and/or • Performance is affected by circumstances beyond Central San's control Work inro ress Performance fell short, but within reach, of the target ept - Page 104 of 154 • A STRIVE TO MEET REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS Page 11 of 43 Strive to achieve 100% permit compliance in air, water, land, and other regulations ♦ Achieved 22nd year of continuous 100%compliance with all NPDES permit requirements governing wastewater discharge. ♦ Revised the programmable logic controller (PLC) program to improve waste heat boiler (WHB) level control on both furnaces and installed hardware on the furnace No. 1 WHB control loop, adding stability during operation and allowing maintenance to be performed on the PLC without a furnace burnout. ♦ Initiated District-wide Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Program revamp efforts. ♦ Submitted Title V permit renewal application to Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD). ♦ Submitted 2019 Five-Year Review Report for Soil Cap to Department of Toxic Substances. ♦ Obtained regulatory permits for Outfall Improvements Project, Phase 7. ♦ Developed health risk reduction strategies in preparation for compliance with BAAQMD Rule 11-18. ♦ Environmental & Regulatory Compliance Division Manager served as liaison to CASA Legislative Committee, presented at Water Environment Foundation Nutrient Symposium, and completed term as Chair of the Bay Area Clean Water Agencies (BACWA) Executive Board, leading BACWA through the adoption of the second Nutrient Watershed Permit and the recruitment of its new Executive Director and Assistant Executive Director. Communications and Government Relations Manager was reappointed to California Special Districts Association legislative committee. • Staff served in leadership roles as co-chairs for pre-treatment and permits committees. Gave a tour of the Collection System Operations (CSO) facilities to 13 members of the State and Regional Water Quality Control Boards to help familiarize the members with Central San's operations. Worked with the Division of Safety of Dams to obtain a "low hazard" determination for clearwell dam. ♦ Supported the CASA-sponsored wipes proper labeling legislation, AB 1672. ♦ Maintained 2019 anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions below the Cap and Trade inclusion threshold. Chemists on the Water /viEach month, Central San conducts thousands of laboratory ' tests to ensure that the water being returned to the environment is safe and clean. These tests include monthly water sampling from four locations in Suisun Bay where effluent is discharged. Although not required, these tests help ensure Central San I is doing its part to protect the estuary and its wildlife. Chemists measure temperature, pH, conductivity, and other " characteristics that indicate the general health of a water body. They also test for ammonia, phosphorous, and other nutrients that are commonly associated with wastewater and which can negatively impact an ecosystem. Central San's ongoing testing has not found significant f differences between the water at the outfall pipe and the 9. water in other parts of the bay - an indicator that there is limited impact to the environment. September 18, 2020 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 105 of 154 Page 12 of 43 TQRV UIREMENTS r r Strive to minimize the number of - sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs) ♦ Responded to 22 SSOs. ♦ Cleaned 769 miles of sewers. ♦ Completed 17,238 work orders on schedule 94.40%of the time. I. = ♦ Performed 19.8%of all cleaning work on hotspots. • Closed circuit televised 151 miles of sewers. ♦ Began reviewing 6-month, 1-, 2-, 3-, 5-, and 7-year frequency cleaning schedules for **--� l �� optimization. MONO r .. Comply with all federal, state, and local regulations related to District administration Simulatin Overflows in Hous ♦ Adopted a new Internal Audit Function When an overflow occurs, Board Policy. required to report it to the state. To train staff to ♦ Completed 2 internal audits. estimateflow ratesby ht ' different ' ' ' ♦ Updated the Delegation of Authority to staff designed and ' an ' the General Manager Board Policy. which can produce ' 'ws at rates ' ♦ Conducted employee workshops on 1 to 200" gallons per minute, throughvariousoutlet Ethics Compliance, Brown Act, and In addition to the Public Records Act and Board Member crews will a chart ' training on sexual harassment prevention. field. .- . _ each maintenance hole they may encounter in of the few wastewater • Coordinated biennial review of 20 existing the encies to " ve Board policies and amendments to its own permanent, simulator, .- theirs with 11 Board policies. sharinpartner need.encies in ♦ Developed a new records destruction policy and Records Program Handbook. COVID-19 Response ♦ Increased outreach in the midst of nationwide rises in overflows due to wipes. ♦ Strategically prioritized pipeline cleaning schedules to ensure service and combat overflows despite reduced staffing. • Communicated and complied with local county and state health orders to keep essential workers safe. Objectives for FY 2020-21 ♦ Bid and award capital projects needed to meet regulatory requirements: 0 Filter Plant and Clearwell Improvements - Phase 1A, which will include replacing critical electrical gear and increase reliability at recycled water storage facilities. 0 Solids Handling Facility Improvements, which will include air pollution control equipment needed to reliably comply with current air regulations. 0 Influent Pump Electrical Improvements, which will replace the variable frequency drives at the Headworks Facility at the treatment plant. ♦ Construct the Outfall Improvements Phase 7, which will inspect and repair the 72-inch final effluent pipeline that travels from the treatment plant to Suisun Bay. September 18, 2020 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 106 of 154 • COAD TWO - • . • . Spreading the Word on Wipes Clog Pipes - v and Putting the Message to the Test ' 4 Wipes are not flushable, no matter what the labels may say. Since 2017, wipes have caused around 20 sewage overflows or stoppages in o �, Central San's service area and were identified as the primary potential blockage issue over 250 times during routine maintenance. To respond, Central San has increased maintenance schedules and installed additional equipment to help break up the wipes. It also created a map (pictured)to help the public understand the impact of improper disposal of these wipes. In collaboration with CASA,the map was included in a presentation to state legislators to highlight the need for improved labeling and performance standards for wipes. With all the misinformation on wipes, Central San, in collaboration with CASA, decided to put their "flushability" to the test. Staff tagged 12 wipes from 10 popular North American brands and 2 imported ones made of natural fiber, plus 1 toilet paper sample, and sent them downstream through 3,000 feet of active sewer line for 30 to 40 minutes. They collected them downstream and compared how well (or not) they broke down in the pipe. LI of the 10 popular brands North American brands were fully or mostly intact after the test, while 1 wipe (made of natural fibers) mostly disbursed. In contrast, the toilet paper and both imported wipe pro ucts completely broke down. All but 1 of the tested products were labeled as flushable or disbursable. This test proved i �1•` so-calledmore than 9 out of 10 times, ,olvm • f. ,,t. : Staff have been using these test results to s r support further education and outreach to customers, encouraging them to dispose * ,� of wipes where they belong: in the trash. r tts. - .s-_•i lr .rte .r _ � _ 10 — Page 14 of 43 STRIVE TO MEET REGULAT QUIRE TS • `�.. AM . National Pollutant Discharge Zero (0)violations Zero (0)violations Elimination System (NPDES) compliance Title V compliance Zero (0)violations 5 violations* Recycled Water Title 22 compliance Zero (0)violations Zero (0)violations 23,038 MT CO2e in <25,000 metric tons calendar year 2019. Anthropogenic GHG emissions (MT) CO2e On track to meet 2020 target. Sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs) <2.5 spills per 100 miles 1.43 spills per 100 miles of pipeline of pipeline Spills to public water <3 6 Percent of spills<500 gallons >95% 80.75% Pipeline cleaning schedules completed on time >95% 94.43%** Pipeline cleaning On >_3% of o ** quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) pipelines cleaned on an 2.44/annual basis Pipeline cleaning >98% 96.57%** QA/QC passing rate Annual Environmental Compliance Inspections and o o *** permitting completed on time 100/ 100/ HHW management compliance Zero (0)violations Zero (0)violations Biennial review of all existing Board policies 100% 100% 11 *The scheduled Solids Handling Facility Improvements Project will install new wet scrubber technology to significantly reduce future violations related to bypass damper openings. **Performance may have been affected by modified working schedules to adhere to social distancing mandates due to COVID-19, impacting the fourth quarter of the FY. 'Non-emergency Environmental Compliance inspections and field work were suspended due to COVID-19. All industrial user permitting activities were completed. September 18, 2020 Special Board Meeting Agenda , Page 15 of 43 GOAL THREE BE A FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE AND EFFECTIVE TY Conduct Long-Range Financial Planning Conducted annual reviews of the following: 0 Current rates and fees, for reasonableness and consistency. 0 Capacity fees, to ensure appropriate fees are assessed and collected. 0 Businesses, to ensure consistent use with existing permits and payment of capacity fees. ♦ Presented alternatives for Board input consistent with debt management policy, fiscal reserve policy, Capital Improvement Plan, and general ratemaking principles at two Financial Workshops and a Public Hearing. ♦ Prepared a State Revolving Fund (SRF) application in the amount of$89.6 million for the Solids Handling Facility Improvements Project.This application was upsized in August 2020 to$173.1 million to reflect the revised project cost and request for funding of other project costs not in the original application. ♦ Spearheaded the establishment of a new Rate Stabilization reserve account in the Running Expense and Sewer Construction funds to help hedge against the adverse impacts of cost pressure volatility on SSC stability, and funded the account with $2.6 million from available FY 2018-19 closeout funds. Issued accurate and timely interim monthly financial reports allowing for diligent monitoring budget and accountability. • Fully funded the Other Post-Employment Benefits actuarially determined contribution and paid an additional $1.25 million (M) toward the unfunded actuarial accrued liability. • Fully funded the actuarially determined contribution requirements determined by the Contra Costa County Employees' Retirement x; Association pension administrator and paid an ■ additional $1.25M toward the Section 115 F' secondary pension trust. ♦ Received the GFOA Certificate of Achievement l for Excellence in Financial Reporting award (pictured) for the 19th consecutive year. ♦ Received the GFOA Distinguished Budget Presentation award for the second consecutive year following Central San's first ever submission 2 years ago. Manage Costs • Successfully transitioned all employees and retirees to CalPERS health benefit plans on July 1, 2019 for $6.1M in annual savings in healthcare costs. • Restructured the chart of accounts based on best practice guidance issued by the GFOA, implementing a more logical parent-child segment structure allowing for greatly improved reporting functionalities. • Received an unqualified audit opinion and zero reported material weaknesses or significant deficiencies in internal controls as part of the annual financial audit. Delivered Benchmarking Study comparing Central San's performance against other water and wastewater agencies statewide and nationwide over 3 fiscal years. ♦ Fully implemented the Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act(UPCCAA)for savings on administrative costs of bidding and streamlining the bidding process for informal projects. Continued to evaluate, design, and manage construction sewer renovation projects in-house at costs below the industry standards or compared to outside services. 13 September 18, 2020 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 109 of 154 BE A FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE AND EFFECTIVE Page 16 of 43 WASTEWATER UTILITY GOAL OWN (It 1 Manage Costs (continued) ♦ Completed cycle counts of warehouse inventory, including counting 5,600 line items for a total piece count of 81,648 and total value count of$2,041,839. ♦ Leveraged spend through annual requirements contracts for 38% of the total procurement spend for goods and services, not including construction, construction-related professional services, and utility payments. This improved efficiency, shortened procurement processing time, and saved money through negotiated pricing contracts. ♦ Utilized the buying power of public entities through sourced cooperative purchasing agreements. ♦ Performed internal audits on residential non-SSC revenues and on contracts for goods and services and professional consulting agreements, which identified opportunities to strengthen internal controls. ♦ Presented the Internal Audit Plan for calendar year 2020 to the Board. ♦ Managed claims aggressively to reduce costs and facilitate resolution, resulting in an average cost per overflow claim of$24,800, meeting the target of<$25,000. ♦ Established pre-loss measures to address or resolve situations affecting Central San's infrastructure. ♦ Conducted and presented results of Risk Control Audit to Management Team. ♦ Developed Enterprise Risk Management planning process and integrated strategic and operational risk registers, with the initial semi-annual report presented in July 2020. ASCOVID-19 Response ♦ Tracked all COVID-19-related costs so all eligible expenses can be included with the reimbursement claim that will be submitted to state and federal assistance programs. ♦ Provided an assessment in the FY 2020-21 budget document of COVID-19 impacts on costs and rates. ~� ♦ Modified business processes as needed to adapt to the pandemic, resulting in optimizations such as the following: 0 Contactless and online payments for Permit Counter customers being helped via email and phone 0 Virtual plant tours 0 Student education programs conducted via Zoom 0 Remote financial deposits 0 Use of electronic signature programs. Objectives for FY 2020-21 ♦ Hire a new full-time Internal Auditor. ♦ Enter into a Financing Agreement for the California SRF loan to help supplement the construction costs of the Solids Handling Facility Improvements Project. ♦ Continue advancing the Enterprise Risk Management model function. ♦ Launch the Finance and Purchasing modules of the new Oracle ERP system and implement electronic business workflows to improve operational efficiency and the effectiveness of internal controls. ♦ Launch Permitting and Community Development modules of the new Oracle ERP system in fall 2020 and Payroll and Budgeting modules in early 2021. ♦ Begin using alternative diesel fuels for CSO vehicles, resulting in cleaner emissions, reduced maintenance, and improved reliability. September 18, 2020 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 110 of 154 14 GOAL THREE BE A FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE AND EFFECTIVE Page 17 of 43 WASTEWATER UTILITY Sewer Service Charge less than average of Bay Area agencies Maintain service affordability Sewer Service Charge plus Target Met Ad Valorem tax less than average of Bay Area agencies Standard and Poor's (S&P) and AAA/Aa1 AAA rating from S&P/ Moody's Credit Ratings Aa1 rating from Moody's Debt service coverage ratio >2.Ox 40 (based on pre-audit FY 2019-20 figures) " Actual reserves as a 174.6% (O&M) ~" percentage of target 100% 167.7% (Sewer Construction) —� (based on pre-audit FY 2019-20 figures) Operating expenditures 93.3% as a percentage of >95% (based on pre-audit FY 2019-20 figures) operating budget Reported material weaknesses or significant deficiencies in internal controls Zero (0) Zero (0) as part of annual financial audit Workers' Compensation <1.0 1.06 experience modifier Temporary modified duty o provided >95/ of recordable 93.3%* (Return to Work Program) injuries Difference in inventory value in Purchasing database vs. value <1% 1.23% submitted to Accounting Accuracy of physical inventory >95% o/ 989 count vs. book value *COVID-19 prevented immediate availability of modified duty for one situation but it was made available as soon as circumstances permitted, with temporary modified duty back at 100% at the end of the FY. R 15 � 20 Sped e 11 4 RECRUIT, DEVELOP, AND RETAIN A HIGHLY TRAINED Page 18 of 43 AND SAFE WORKFORCE Ensure Adequate Staffing and Training to Meet Current and Future Operational Levels ♦ Completed the Classification Study Phase 1, developing naming conventions. ♦ Hosted HR @ Your Service training sessions. ♦ Began offering financial wellness seminars.' ♦ Started presenting monthly wellness seminars on topics related to physical and mental health. ♦ Enhancements to the performance evaluation forms have been approved by the bargaining units, and a PP ! : procedure is being drafted for rollout. ♦ Identified vendor for the implementation of an agency- wide learning management system to centralize tracking of all employee training. ♦ Held the third session of the Management Academy (graduates pictured below), which for the first time I allowed 15 participants from sister public agencies in I addition to the 24 graduates from Central San. k--- ♦ Paired 7 mentees with mentors in the third cycle of the BOOST Mentorship Program. ictur P ♦ Improved Mechanical Maintenance Technician Trainee , Program by updating the training material, adding modules, and modifying the curriculum to better suit learning and development in the subject matter. Mrs, ana _ _ _ In ♦ Added new technical learning libraries content and the team represents _ range of talents implemented training and development checklists. and skills that lift up Central San to its status 0 Several staff members have gained Level I certification as a high-performing in areas of asset condition monitoring techniques. 0 4 staff members obtained Certified Reliability Leader certification. 0 2 Operators-in-Training are currently gaining operational experience and working to complete their in-house training requirements towards advancement to Plant Operator I. ♦ Engaged the next generation of wastewater workers. 0 Created a technical trades internship program and started with two interns from Los Medanos College. 0 Continued coordinating with other agencies to support development of the regional workforce. 0 Held the first student externship program, hosting two students from the University of Michigan. : !� m September 18, 2020 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 112 of 154 16 RECRUIT, DEVELOP, AND RETAIN A HIGHLY TRAfrally of 43 AND SAFE WORKFORCE ♦ Transitioned to Kaiser Occupational Health, Central San's provider for workers' compensation related injuries, for all pre-employment medical activity. ♦ Enhanced hiring process to include a hands-on practical exam for Mechanical Shop recruitments. Enhance Relationship with Employees and Bargaining Units r Facilitated one-on-one meetings between each Board Member and the Executive Committee Members of the Local One and Management Support/Confidential Group _ — - bargaining units to improve dialogue outside of formal negotiations. ♦ General Manager and the Executive Committee r Members of the bargaining units meet quarterly. +r ♦ Began tracking status of resolution of issues arising from the Local One and Management Support/Confidential 'y Group Labor Management Committees. moi ' w qpF i a 7 I Meet or Exceed Industry Safety Standards CSO Division and Administration and Engineering and Technical Services Departments completed calendar year 2019 with zero lost workdays. • Updated the Exposure Control Plan for Bloodborne and Infectious Pathogens. ♦ Oversaw Hazardous Materials Business Plan with no violations. ♦ Had zero Cal/OSHA violations. Launched Safety page on San Central intranet to provide more efficient access to safety information. September 18, 2020 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 113 of 154 RECRUIT, DEVELOP, AND RETAIN A HIGHLY TRAINED Page 20 of 43 AND SAFE WORKFORCE i ry. COVID-19 Response In response to the pandemic and state and local health orders, A. Central San adopted temporary policies and provisions to balance three important objectives: maintaining workforce and public safety, continuing the essential services provided by Central San, and ensuring staff remain productive and maintain their livelihood. Measures adopted to promote these objectives included the following: ♦ Closed facilities to the public and pivoted to services online where possible. ♦ Permitted a large portion of the workforce to telework on an interim basis during the COVID-19 situation and provided the necessary technology to accommodate this. ♦ Adopted and kept updated a COVID-19 Exposure Prevention Plan to serve as the guiding document for preventive measures, hazard assessment and controls, and safe return-to-work protocols, based on Centers for Disease Control and Cal/OSHA guidelines. ♦ Provided COVID-19 related administrative leave through July 1, 2020 to employees who were unable to telework and over the age of 65, or who were at potentially heightened risk of more severe health implications if they were to be exposed. ♦ Secured sufficient masks and other personal protective equipment (PPE). ♦ Enhanced and increased cleaning and disinfection of common areas. ♦ Modified operations to promote social distancing: 0 Administered temporary work schedules to reduce the number of staff in confined spaces such as maintenance areas, vehicles, and other work areas. 0 Reduced mail delivery. 0 Worked as a team to reallocate tasks to limit staff on site (e.g., the Instrument Shop staff took over the Laboratory's testing of dissolved oxygen in the aeration and nitrification tanks). 0 Adopted numerous technologies to mitigate the risk of spreading the virus and facilitate continuation of work, such as Microsoft Teams and DocuSign. 0 Conducted virtual Board meetings. 0 Put the summer student program on hold; internships were unaffected. 0 Postponed in-person Central San Academy session and began planning a mini virtual session to take place in the fall. ♦ Required contractors to provide a COVID-19 Protection Plan. ♦ Restricted entry to critical locations such as the Plant Operations Control Rooms. ♦ Created a Cleaning and Disinfection Schedule Matrix to define trigger points based on capacity in employee workspaces and proposed cleaning schedules. ♦ Began developing an Engineering Controls Plan for returning staff to the workplace in a careful and phased manner, with the input of the employees and ALI bargaining unit representatives. ♦ Developed and provided to the Board a financial impact assessment related to COVID-19 productivity impacts. ♦ Launched a Manager Dashboard (pictured) which 58 displays weekly performance data for various divisions and staffing status (hybrid working, teleworking, reserve, 24 onsite, etc.). September 18, 2020 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 114 of 154 Page 21 of 43 GOAL FOUR RECRUIT, DEVELOP, AND RETAIN A HIGHLY TRAINED AND SAFE WORKFORCE Objectives for FY 2020-21 ♦ Launch third Supervisory Academy and hold a series --- r of virtual writing workshops. ♦ Implement the learning management system. ♦ Advance initiatives from recommendations from the y employee engagement survey. ♦ Continue to work collaboratively and keep open lines of communication with bargaining units to resolve workplace issues in their early stages and prevent 1 -- grievances. _ ♦ Continue to modify working schedules and • conditions to reflect social distancing best practices and ensure proper PPE is provided. ♦ Implement additional administrative and engineering . :�, n f b . . t . . .. . .ci n�a -i I ' ' y � community. Central San is committed to continuous improvement in a , team-based environment. d.■r .� Its organizational culture values A employee input and ideas for the { . benefit of its customers. r i .t September 18, 2020 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 115 of 154 RECRUIT, DEVELOP, AND RETAIN A HIGHLY TRAINED Page 22 of 43 AND SAFE WORKFORCE i Average time to fill vacancy <60 days 54 Days (from request to hire) Turnover rate at or below 57.8% American Water Works Association 5.09% industry median (FY 17-18 median) Average annual training hours 15 hours per (external and internal training) full-time equivalent 23.9 hours per FTE employee (FTE) � Actual versus budgeted usage >80% 64%* of training dollars Performance evaluations 100% 100/ completed on time Participation in annual Increase by 10% +14% Wellness Expo each year F L, Internal promotions >25� (excludes entry-level positions) � 69% LT I Formal grievances filed Zero (0) Zero (0) Employee injury and illness lost time incident rate less than 2016 Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) <6.8 2.57 California Sewage Treatment Facilities Rate or *Performance may have been affected by travel restrictions and event postponements due to COVID-19, impacting the fourth quarter of the FY. t ,T 1020 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 11 4 Page 23 of 43 ■ + LTAIRLE TNFRASTRUCTURE Manage Assets Optimally thrr heir Lifecycle ♦ Developed software for a Reliabilit eering Tool to see which assets do not have prev aintenance work order cycles, which have pre maintenance work order cycles, and which have a tenance program assessment performed on ♦ Initiated a valve exercising progra e computerized maintenance management system orks, for •�,� recycled water distribution system I valves. • Added new layers in the geograph mation system, GeoPortal, for annual sewer renov Tanning forecast and large diameter pipelin sion planning information. • Increased accessibility of Asset Man nt and Reliability Engineering information "Don't Just Fix It; Improve It" (DJFI) initiatives, s anagement, new workflows,job plans. Created links in GeoPortal to reliabi lysis information and maintenance program tasks. ♦ Completed 940 services on vehicles uipment to maintain 100% uptime. Finished converting cleaning schedu routine to scheduled to ensure each line has led cleaning date. ♦ Completed 18 DJFI initiatives to incr aintenance effectiveness, lower costs, and incre ipment reliability. ♦ Completed 111 QA/QC Maintenanc er updates to incorporate Maintenance staff's sugg s to work orders. ♦ Trained 3 staff members in perfor of cause - analyses and completed 1 root cau lysis, which will be tracked and monitored in Cityw ong with any action items. ♦ Developed Cityworks templates for ve technologies. ♦ Began development of an Asset Hea icator Tool. n Continued to strategically review ma nce procedures and identify opportunities for contin provement, including failure reporting and corre tion processes. • Made additions to the Asset-Center tenance (ACM) program such as breaker overload t nd winding analyzer programs, which help lower ment down- time costs, increase reliability, incre effectiveness �' :- ,.w of the motor management program hance acceptance testing of new or overha uipment. - ♦ Created dashboards for various ke cs and ACM templates for each technology to onitor, analyze, and act on exceptions. 21 ptember 18, 2020 Social eeting Agenda Packet- Page 117 of 154 Page 24 of 43 MAINTAIN A RELI RASTRUCTURE WC1911 • Saf a Shutoffs: All in Wrro Ire i7 rs•p — dp � r M Y =J. ' ._ Alp �. Facilitate Long-Term Capital Renewal and Replacemew ♦ Constructed a new, more secure Server Room to house IT equipment. ♦ Completed several critical treatment plant projects, including the Treatment Plant Piping Renovations, Phase 9, and Plant Operations Building Seismic Upgrades. ♦ Made significant progress on the Mechanical and Concrete Renovations Project. ♦ Completed sewer renovation projects in Walnut Creek, Lafayette, Orinda, and other nearby communities. ♦ Started several new projects including the Annual Infrastructure Replacement Project;Treatment Plant Piping Renovations, Phase 10; and construction of the Pumping Station Upgrades, Phase 1. ♦ Completed annual Basin A South soil cap seep repairs. ♦ Transitioned e-Builder program management information system to Capital Projects. ♦ Used 3-D modeling to design projects such as the Solids Handling Facility Improvements to help avoid conflicts and construction problems. ♦ Achieved great strides in cataloging as-builts, which are critical for staff to troubleshoot and understand systems, apply Asset Management principles to upgrade or replace equipment, and perform capital design and construction. 0 Over 7,000 Treatment Plant and 3,400 Electrical, Instrumentation and Controls Program sheets are now scanned and stored in various databases. 0 Staff is establishing minimum requirements and 3-D CAD standards for future projects, keeping in mind the potential future of using 4-D, 5-D, and 6-D in the future. Standards assure consistency in drawing production and uniformity in file structure for all drawings. September 18, 2020 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 118 of 154 Page 25 of 43 ■ + MAINTATN A RELTABLE TNFRASTRUCTURE 61L NWNWNM� Protect District Personnel and Assets from Threats and Emergencies ♦ Upgraded the fire protection system in the Plant Operations facilities; diesel storage tanks; and the gas detection.system in the Solids Conditioning Buildin Headworks_and PUMDing Stations. . _. __ Popen action item is less than 60 day *6 DSC reviewed 17 Safety Suggestions in calendar year 2019. ♦ Presented an Emergency Management Program report to the Board. ♦ Updated and presented the Pandemic Response Plan to the Board. ♦ Participated in the Operational Area Council to contribute to creating an effective and multijurisciictional approach to disaster preparedness and planning. ♦ Completed the strategic risk inventory, which serves as the foundation for the ongoing Enterprise Risk Management Program, and presented to the Board in December 2019. ♦ Activated Emergency Operations Center to monitor natural hazard conditions. ♦ Made security improvements to assist with increased treatment plant activity. ♦ Developed scope and design of the pumping stations security improvements. ♦ Upgraded Treatment Plant control network and its equipment to a redundant ring architecture,with work expected to be complete in August 2020. y aw 23 September 18, 2020 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 119 of 154 Page . of INFRASTRUCTUREMAINTAIN A RELIABLE GOAL FfVE Projec omplete completed a challenging two-year condition n effort to estimate the JL remaining useful life of the complex steam and blower system which ■ powers the treatment plant. The assessment included reviewing each of _ i ! the assets' records and inspecting and testing the equipment - some of which is over 40 years old - in person. The team used non-destructive methods to test the boilers and the steam piping, allowing them to put equipment immediately back into service after testing. For 100 feet of steam piping, an advanced method called guided ultrasonic wavelength inspection was used. The assessment effort culminated in workshops with the consultants and Central San staff to discuss the results. This multi-divisional effort was an exercise in coordination and a big first step for the Steam and Aeration Blower Replacements Project. • 1 1 • , • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 4 1 • • — Large bypass pipes were installed across the plant to carry wastewater from the primary sedimentatio tanks (PSTs) to the secondary treatment process. This allowed the 72-inch e inspected and any minor repairs to be completed. r" • - • - •••• -•• staff replaced and installed new gates in the PSTs, Distribution Channel, and Pre-Aeration Tanks; replaced and installed new stainless steel upper rails for flights in the PSTs; and completed coating work in the Headworks Wet Wells and tanks. The project was completed in July - `- 2020. irmdA • +i _ • . __ onstruction on this rojeCt began in October 2019 � x� •Y and included the installation of new discharge and silo isolation gates, improvement of ventilation and odor control, and new control systems. staff completed a f � successful test run of the facility. Over 3 days, staff loaded 12 ' !G ruckloads of sludge - about 206 tons -which were hauled to the airfield-Suisun Sewer District for use as biofertilizer. The test * y elped identify a few minor modifications to improve erformance, while also giving Operators a chance to try out the controls. • his project strengthened the POB, constructed anseserver room, and renovated the lobby and permit counter. The lobby is now open space with a reception desk, permit counter, restroom, and new signage and a3 furniture. The seismic work on the POB was completed with employees returning to their work areas in early 2020 - •• •- the Server Room electrical, uninterruptible power supply, and other systems passed testing, and the Fire Marshal 141' issued approval. In July 2020, construction was completed and the new Server Room was up and running. '� - • + MAINTAIN A RELIABLE INFRASTRUCTURE Page 27 of 43 COVID-19 Response In response to state and local health orders restricting construction activities, Central San reviewed all projects ; ' to distinguish which ones are essential for ensuring reliable service and which might be postponed. - s_ In projects that moved forward during the pandemic, contractors . were required to do the following: ♦ Update their company Illness and Injury Prevention Plan to include COVID-19 provisions and associated training. ♦ Have daily COVID-19 safety logs and sign-in sheets. } ♦ Wear PPE. ♦ Provide handwashing and sanitizing stations. ♦ Coordinate work activities to minimize interactions with Central San staff, subcontractors, private residents, and construction management staff. ♦ Post signage reminding of the need for _ I physical distancing. { ♦ Perform temperature checks. Objectives for FY 2020-21 ♦ Utilize a repeatable and comprehensive approach to maintenance that optimizes asset lifecycle based on reliability, cost, and criticality, including continuing to perform additional analyses and defect elimination initiatives on critical equipment and systems. ♦ Drive the development of the ACM Program and integrate with analytics for earliest warning of equipment degradation. ♦ Develop a prioritization model for vertical assets. • Successfully bid and award the Filter Plant and Clearwell Improvements - Phase 1A Project, which will include replacing critical electrical gear and increase reliability at recycled water storage facilities. • Successfully bid and award the Solids Handling Facility Improvements Project, which will include air pollution control equipment needed to reliably comply with current air regulations. ♦ Successfully bid and award the Influent Pump Electrical Improvements Project, which will replace the variable frequency drives at the Headworks Facility at the treatment plant. ♦ Successfully construct the Outfall Improvements Phase 7 Project, which will inspect and repair the 72-inch final effluent pipeline that travels from the treatment plant to Suisun Bay. ♦ Implement the Large Diameter Pipe and Force Main Inspection and condition assessment programs. ♦ Continue implementation of recommendations from security assessment. ♦ Finalize security system design criteria for use in upcoming capital projects. ♦ Complete review and update of the Continuity of Operations Plan. 25 September 18, 2020 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 121 of 154 Page 28 of 43 MATNTATN A RELTARLE T • Safety-prioritized work orders 100% 93% completed on time Regulatory Title V work orders I 100% 91% completed on time I Planned treatment plant preventative maintenance >95% 91% completed on time Planned pumping station Data unavailable preventative maintenance >95% (Pumping Stations will be added ' to Cityworks by the end of 2020 completed on time or early 2021) Uptime for vehicles and equipment 100% 100% >0.5% of assets Miles of pipeline replaced (7.6 miles per year for the 0.35%* next five years starting in (5.25 miles) FY 2017-2022) Capital expenditures 82%* as a percentage of capital budgeted >90% (based on pre-audit cash flow including carry forward FY 2019-20 figures) Information system outages 100% uptime 99.99% uptime** affecting normal business operations Data backup and recovery Zero lost data Zero lost data ' Potable water system y ' monthly testing 100% 100% meets all water quality standards *The COVID-19 pandemic impacted the fourth quarter of the capital program. Some construction timelines were changed to allow contract and safety provisions for COVID-19. **One outage lasting a couple hours. September 18, 2020 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 12 4 EMBRACE TECHNOLOGY, INNOVATION, Page 29 of 43 AND ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY Augment the Region's Water Supple Distributed approximately 222 million gallons of recycled water to Zone 1 customers. Distributed approximately 7.7 million gallons of recycled water through the Commercial Truck Fill Program. Distributed approximately 1 million gallons of recycled water through the Residential Recycled Water Fill Station. ♦ Extended the Memorandum of Understanding with Contra Costa Water District(CCWD) and Valley Water and assigned Board liaisons to continue efforts toward the proposed Refinery Recycled Water Exchange. ♦ Collaborated with Dublin San Ramon Services District (DSRSD)— East Bay Municipal Utility District Recycled Water Authority(DERWA), a recycled water joint powers authority,to approve a project design and support DSRSD in bidding the project for the construction of a Temporary Wastewater Diversion to allow DERWA to divert approximately 1.3 million gallons per day (MGD) of raw wastewater from Central San's San Ramon Pumping Station to DSRSD for the production of recycled water to meet DERWA's peak summer irrigation demand. ♦ Continued to expand internal recycled water use by increasing the number of restrooms and Central San facilities that can benefit from the water source. Reduce Reliance on Non-Renewable Energy ♦ Issued a Request for Proposal (RFP)for a Power Purchase Agreement for a 1.75-megawatt solar energy project on Central San's Lagiss property that meets the cost-effectiveness criteria in Central San's Energy Policy. Continued developing the Strategic Energy Management Program. • Began assisting in the effort to investigate the growing challenge of recycling certain materials to obtain a better understanding of the issue from the agencies in the service area and how it can be overcome. Encourage the Review and Testing of Technology to Optimize and Modernize Business Operations Replacing Central San's CentralSquare/SunGard HTE ERP system with Oracle Fusion Cloud has been a highly complex and time-consuming effort involving conference room pilots, user acceptance testing, closing of configuration gaps, data conversion system documentation, and training staff. The project was already on an aggressive schedule when the pandemic impacted staff availability and consumed any padding built into the project timeline. Despite these challenges, the timeline was largely held intact, with the financial systems being used in a parallel test on July 1, 2020, with full cut-over planned for September 2020. When launched, the new ERP will increase automation, be more user-friendly for employees, make it easier to produce reports, allow for real-time data entry synchronization and authorization, and create more centralized record keeping. This FY, staff performed the following to advance this endeavor: Implemented the first modules, including the Core Human Resources system (Human Capital Manage- ment), the Employee Self-Service module, and much of the Core Financials systems. Completed preliminary design of a biweekly payroll system for launch in December. Began running parallel Oracle and HTE systems on Financials (general ledger, cash management, payables, receivables, fixed assets, expenses, and employee travel reimbursements) and Projects (used for capital project accounting as well as monthly financial reporting) in preparation for the full cut-over which took place in September 2020. September 18, 2020 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 123 of 154 Page 30 of 43 EMBRACE TECHNOLOGY, INNOVATION, AND ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY In addition to the ERP replacement, staff across the organization have continued to use technologies, innovations, and applied research and development to continue to optimize operations. ♦ Maintained Optimizations Program to commit to efficiency, effectiveness, and continuous improvement by tracking and reporting progress and presented Optimizations Program Annual Report to the Board. Formed a Central San Smart Steering Committee to identify projects to optimize operations, improve asset management, increase energy efficiency and safety, and reduce facility management costs. Identified projects under the Central San Smart initiative, nominated project champions, and formed project task forces. • Commenced planning efforts to hold first Innovations Fair to celebrate employees' optimizations and inspire future ideas. Optimized 1-, 2-,3-, and 6-month pipeline cleaning schedules to dispatch CSO staff more efficiently and clean sewers as needed to best prevent overflows. ♦ Continued participation in the Hydrothermal Processing of Wastewater Solids (HYPOWERS) pilot project. Phase 2 is pending funding and Department of Energy approval, which is anticipated in summer or fall 2020. Completed filter column testing to optimize existing granular media filters used for producing Title 22 recycled water. Completed nitrification rate testing, oxygen transfer efficiency testing, and wastewater sampling for improved treatment process modeling and evaluation. ♦ Completed evaluation of a pilot project for new recycled water meter technology(Water Pigeon) and initiated a second trial phase using a new design from the vendor. ♦ Completed business case evaluation for new tertiary membrane filtration to improve recycled water production compared with renovating existing filters. ♦ Obtained new Plant Maintenance tools and equipment to increase work efficiency through ACM, such as RDI Technologies' motion amplification and ultrasound technologies. Piloted and installed infrastructure for mobile supervisory control and data acquisition (Dynac) software. Upgraded Filter Plant, Headworks, and Dewatering PLC programs from 1980s-era software to modern software. ♦ Moved toward smart motor control centers and variable frequency drives controlled over Ethernet. Continued to design and perform constructability reviews using 3-D modeling(pictured) in the Solids Handling Facility V . Improvements Project. • Optimized the plan review workflow for Development Mainline Construction. ' Developed a Septic Parcel Identification web application to assist in identifying parcels that are potential septic conversion candidates. Optimized the Asset Registry by enhancing Geographic Information System data structure through the Pressure Relief Demotion Project, which streamlined the cleaning and inspection process by eliminating duplication of cleaning efforts and decreasing the numbers of work orders needed. Developed a Pipeline Cleaning Schedules web application and analysis tool to optimize how staff cleans the pipes using geospatial location information. September 18, 2020 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 124 of 154 Page 31 of 43 EMBRACE TECHNOLOGY, INNOVATION, AND ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY ♦ Began developing a dashboard using data from Cityworks, which records work orders, estimated labor hours, actual labor hours, when a work order has been completed or closed, and more. This work order table includes over 470,000 records and organizes data by work categories, such as preventive or reactive maintenance, as well as by Maintenance Shops. As Central San continues to amass data on its assets, work orders, and inspections, the ability to easily digest and understand the data will be valuable for decision-making. COVID-19 Response ♦ Began participating in a wastewater COVID-19 research project with Stanford University to better understand the fate and transport of the SARS-COV-2 virus in wastewater. r ♦ Modified operations to reopen the Residential Recycled Water Fill Station safely on June 27, 2020 - in time for the summer irrigation season. ♦ Swiftly designed and implemented new paperless entry and approval workflows for key financial business processes (i.e., payables, procurement cards, online customer payments, remote deposits, etc.) to improve workplace safety, the internal control structure, and operational efficiency. ♦ Implemented electronic signature technology for various business processes, increasing functionality, visibility and tracking, reducing the use of paper, and improving processing time. ♦ Transitioned to online meetings and trainings using Microsoft Teams. ♦ Created dashboards to provide critical insights to help guide staff allocation and resources 0 Emergency Response Dashboard to track staffing resources. 0 Manager Dashboard to track performance, such as feet of sewer mains cleaned, daily influent flow treated, plant maintenance activities performed, permits processed, engineering capital projects in construction or out to bid, safety trainings completed, and other metrics. ♦ Transitioned Central San's student education programs, public tours, and events to virtual formats to continue to reach out to customers about the essential work Central San does (portions of the virtual plant tour are pictured below). Headworks Primary Treatment f y1" IT 1 Wastewater,which is generated by homes and businesses located throughout Central San's service area,flows through a collection system of underground pipes to our Primary sedimentation is o simple proms Found in most wastewater keabnent plants. wastewater treatmeni plant in Martinez- It serves to remove su6stances in the wostewvater that ore lighter or heavier than water. The first process area that the wastewater encounters upon reaching the treatment The primary sedimentation tanks mirror o natural physical proms,similar to when o plant is known as the heodworks.Wastewater also enters the head-arks via septoge swiftly moving river flows into a tranquil lake.As the wafer slows,grease,plastics and }rucks,or"honey trucks-"These trucks deliver their wastewater directly into our system other light substances collect an the water`s surface while henry substances sink to the by pumping their contents into holding tanks below ground. 6oMam as sludge.The difference from nature is that,in the primary sedimentation tanks,we can mechanically collect and remove the bottom sludge and the floota6le This corn6ined wostawuter flow is screened to remove large objects. materials,known as scum. September 18, 2020 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 125 of 154 Page 32 of 43 EMBRACE TECHNOLOGY, INNOVATION, AND ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY Recycled Water Exchange. ♦ Continue working with DERWA and its representatives to complete community outreach and inspect and accept the construction of new diversion facilities to allow the temporary diversion of approximately 1.3 MGD of raw wastewater from Central San to DSRSD for the production of recycled water to meet DERWA's peak summer irrigation demand. Initiate a cost-effective 1.75 MW solar energy project with the selected vendor from the RFP process. Go live with the Purchasing/Contracting/Inventory, Permitting/Community Development, Payroll, and Budgeting ERP modules. • Evaluate and review new Sewer Service Billing software to replace SunGard. Work on at least 3 projects as part of the Central San Smart initiative, including the optimization of the treatment plant asset handover process and development of an asset health indicator tool. Hold Central San's first Innovations Fair to share innovations done to date, communicate what is to come, and inspire employees to further optimize their operations. Develop additional dashboards to show work orders completed or closed, work order trends, and other useful indicators tied to strategic goals, to make data in Cityworks more accessible and actionable. wo -_ - � ; - _�� mss_.`._-•:.�-a-.'k:`.�'-4 ''4^x�i`LS����_. .. .. :_.[�4 may_.�• _ - September 18, 2020 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 126 of 154 30 Page 33 of 43 EMBRACE TECHNOLOGY, INNOVATION, ND ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY �r Metric rgetift Performancellills Gallons of recycled water >240M gallons per year 222M gallons* distributed to external customers >18M kWh per year 22.2M kWh kWh of electricity produced (reported as a rolling average) (reported as a rolling average) kWh of solar power produced >220,000 kWh per year 284,000 kWh at CSO and HHWCF (reported as a rolling average) (reported as arolling average) Reviews or pilot tests >3 per year 8 of new and promising technology Research papers and findings >3 papers or presentations 7** presented per year (3 papers and 4 presentations) t f *Performance may have been affected by the Residential Recycled Water Fill Station being closed due to COVID-19, impacting the fourth quarter of the FY. **1 planned presentation was postponed to October 2020 and 1 was canceled due to COVID-19. 31 Septem I Bo Meeting Agen_ c et- 4 P Page 34 of 43 ji - a i 00p0 • • •0p0� • 0000, • 00p0� September 18, 2020 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 128 of 15 Page 35 of 43 ACRONYMS Asset-Centered Maintenance Household Hazardous Waste • Bay Area Air Quality Management District Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility Bay Area Clean Water Agencies • Hydrothermal Processing of Wastewater Solids California Association of Sanitation Agencies Information Technology Contra Costa Water District Million • Collection System Operations Million Gallons per Day California Water Environment Foundation National Association of Clean Water Agencies Dublin San Ramon Services District— National Pollutant Discharge East Bay Municipal Utility District Elimination System Recycled Water Authority Programmable Logic Controller Don't Just Fix It; Improve It •: Plant Operations Building District Safety Committee Personal Protective Equipment Dublin San Ramon Services District Primary Sedimentation Tank Enterprise Resource Planning Quality Assurance/Quality Control Effective Utility Management Request for Proposal Fiscal Year State Revolving Fund Government Finance Officers Association Sewer Service Charge Greenhouse Gas • Sanitary Sewer Overflow Waste Heat Boiler CONFINED SPACE i 0 Poon REQuiREb 2F7,7,13 rt 33 September 18, 2020 Special Board etin n f 154 Page 36 of 43- i1• _- �lr �t� � __ rs ;f I r jar�f �•� ,� ,h. _ `=rte. .i fw-v. id S rF. 'v � �✓ '��F! 1L .. ' A I 'f MI i Page 37 of 43 fF f f. i 4 Z Jf or �l Zj jp i TT I CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT September 18, 2020 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 131 of 154 • 1 1 77. FY xOrg-x0 �`. FISCAL 1 2019-20 -. Board Meeting September 18, 2020l Christina Gee Management CENTRAL SAN FY 2018-20 STRATEGIC PLAN VI51ON�MI551ON, VALUES GOAL6 GOAL1 Embrace Provide�ceptional ,,ow�.�,�,� technology, customer service and innovation,and maintain an exccellem _ __ __ environmental reputation in the — sustainability community GDALSFiscal YearGOAL2 2018-20- -' Maintain a Strive to meet „�;�'��^� reliable regulatory infrastructureGOALSRAN requirements GOAL4 GOAL3 aecruit,develop, se a Rscauy and retain a highly responsible [rained and safe and effective � workforce wastewater ufility - _ - _ cCCD CENTRAL SAN 9/9/2020 . PROVIDE EXCEPTIONAL CUSTOMER SERVICE AND MAINTAIN AN EXCELLENT REPUTATION IN THE COMMUNITY • Earned high customer satisfaction ratings • 3.84 out of 4.0 average rating on collection system emergency calls • 96% median rating on construction projects • Developed the Pipe Protectors program r and increased the number of students served A • Renewed California Special Districts Leadership Foundation Transparency Certificate of Excellence • • "oo a 3 . PROVIDE EXCEPTIONAL CUSTOMER SERVICE AND MAINTAIN AN EXCELLENT REPUTATION IN THE COMMUNITY • COVID-19 response • Implemented a customer relief program • One-year waiver of incremental sewer service charge rate adjustment • Returned about$180,000 to K-12 schools • Pivoted outreach and education programs to virtual formats • Reopened the Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility ��'��IIIQ x11[xS .W,d.•bae•dr�e� �A. y.-w.e..yn...�w.. w�+.-morin m.dsrRda-v.b Q ' 4 September 18, 2020 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 133 of 154 2 9/9/2020 MCIIII-11 STRIVE TO MEET REGULATORY �7 REQUIREMENTS • Received the National Association of Clean Water Agencies Platinum 22 Award • Responded to 22 sewer overflows • Built an overflow simulator • Environmental & Regulatory Compliance Division Manager completed term as Chair of the Bay Area Clean Water Agencies (BACWA) Executive Board • COVID-19 response • Increased Wipes Clog Pipes outreach • Strategically prioritized pipeline cleaning schedules ! 5 BE A FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE AND EFFECTIVE WASTEWATER UTILITY • Realized $6.1 million in savings from switching to CalPERS healthcare plans for employees and retirees • Prepared an $89.6 million State Revolving Fund (SRF) loan application for the Solids Handling Facility Improvements Project • Restructured the chart of accounts • Achieved 19 consecutive years of receiving the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting • Awarded the GFOA Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for the second consecutive year • COVID-19 response • Tracked COVID-19 costs 6 ' CENTRAL SAN6 September 18, 2020 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 134 of 154 3 9/9/2020 ELCL!LLqLsllglm 10 RECRUIT, DEVELOP, AND RETAIN =� A HIGHLY TRAINED AND SAFE WORKFORCE • Completed the third Management Academy • Paired mentees with mentors in the Mentorship Program • Held the first student externship program • Had zero Cal/OSHA violations • COVID-19 response • Permitted a large portion of the workforce to telework on an interim basis • Provided COVID-19 related administrative leave until July 1,2020 • Adopted a COVID-19 Exposure Prevention Plan • Secured sufficient personal protective equipment I r T Uk, 7 MAINTAIN A RELIABLE INFRASTRUCTURE • Developed a Reliability Engineering Tool • Completed the Treatment Plant Piping Renovations, Phase 9, and the Plant Operations Building Seismic Upgrades • Completed sewer renovation projects in Walnut Creek, Lafayette, Orinda, and other nearby communities • Completed the first phase of condition assessments for the Steam and Aeration Blower Systems Renovations Project • COVID-19 response • Changed construction ' t timelines to allow contract and safety provisions 8 1 8 September 18, 2020 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 135 of 154 4 9/9/2020 EMBRACE TECHNOLOGY, INNOVATION, AND ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY • Implemented the first modules of the new Oracle Fusion Cloud enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, including Core Human Resources and most of the Core Financial modules • Formed a Smart Initiative Steering Committee • Extended the Memorandum of Understanding with Contra Costa Water District and Valley Water and assigned Board liaisons to continue efforts toward the Refinery Recycled Water Exchange • COVID-19 response • Began participating in a wastewater COVID-19 research project with Stanford University • Reopened the Residential Recycled Water Fill Station • Adopted technologies to facilitate social distancing a 9 OBJECTIVES FOR FY 2020-21 • Continue to perform education and outreach • Enter into a Financing Agreement for the SRF loan for the Solids Handling Facility Improvements Project • Implement employee engagement initiatives • Successfully bid and award the Filter Plant and Clearwell Improvements - Phase 1A and Solids Handling Facility Improvements Projects • Launch the Finance, Purchasing, Permitting, Payroll, and Budgeting modules of the new ERP system • Continue to work toward the Refinery Recycled Water Exchange 10 ' 10 September 18, 2020 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 136 of 154 5 9/9/2020 QUESTIONS? 11 September 18, 2020 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 137 of 154 6