HomeMy WebLinkAbout09.a. Receive AgLantis/CoCo San Sustainable Farm 2019 Annual Report and update Page 1 of 28
Item 9.a.
September 3, 2020
From July 20, 2020 REEP
On May 18, 2020, the AgLantis 2019 Annual Report for the CoCo San Sustainable Farm was presented
to the Real Estate, Environmental, and Planning (REEP) Committee, who requested that a more
extensive 5-Year Plan be brought back with more descriptions and timelines. After communicating this
request to Dr. Carolyn Phinney, Executive Director for AgLantis, she provided the following updated 5-
Year Plan for review.
From May 18, 2020 REEP
Central San approved the Lease Agreement (Lease)with AgLantis for the CoCo San Sustainable Farm
Project (Farm) on April 17, 2014 with a 10-year term that expires on April 16, 2024. The terms of the
Lease provide for an Annual Report and an updated Business and Strategic Plan to be submitted annually
by April 1 st of each year. AgLantis submitted its 2019 Annual Report on April 1, 2020, and included its
planned activities for the following year.
Staff prepared the attached table, which outlines the first three year's performance goals and compares
with AgLantis' progress described in the Annual Report. I n summary,AgLantis has made progress/met
each of the six goals outlined for Year 3 (2019).
Capital I mprovements accomplished by AgLantis for 2020 are noted below, however the first three goals
require the County Public Works to approve a permit. Final comments were received in March 2020, but
the COVI D-19 Shelter-in-Place order may delay these construction activities.
1. 1 nstall recycled asphalt road about 70 feet onto the farm
2. Install recycled asphalt pad for greenhouse, barn, and container
3. Install waterline to Hoop Greenhouse
4. Install more irrigation to fields on new planting beds
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The lease terms require that performance goals for Years 4, 5, and 6 be submitted and approved by the
Board. AgLantis submitted the following 5-Year Plan. Board input is requested to approve these
performance metrics.
AgLantis 5-Year Plan
Food Equity. We are going to change our focus to developing the field crops, because of the
extraordinary increased need for food, with expected national food shortages. Over the next five years we
hope to put about 8-10 acres of crops into production. That requires irrigation to be installed, beds to be
cut, developed, weeded, planted, maintained, harvested and distributed.
Education. We will continue to educate the community through social media outreach. If possible, we will
have interns this summer and every summer. If possible, we will continue on farm educational events and
presentations in the community. We teach our volunteers and we plan to continue to involve hundreds of
people, if the public health situation allows.
Environment. We will continue to practice regenerative agriculture to demonstrate the value of these
practices. We will continue to teach the community methods that they can protect the environment and
about other environmental protection issues such as recycled water. If possible, we will continue to have
students engaged at the farm and demonstrate Integrated Pest Management and other sound
environmental practices.
Economic Development. We also hope that we will be able to erect the Solar Light greenhouse and
begin to equip and start some operations. Full operation will necessitate connecting to an energy source,
probably a PG&E pole on the North end of the farm. Irrigation to the greenhouse must be installed to
Fund-raising. We are attending John F. Kennedy University's (JFKU) Fundraising Academy (now
online). We are creating a fund-raising plan.Among other strategies, we want to make a video about the
farm and create a crowd-funding campaign, as well as continue to raise money through grants, special
events and other methods we have used in the past. We will continue to seek in-kind contributions from the
Strategic Plan Tie-In
GOAL ONE: Customer and Community
Strategy 1—Deliver high-quality customer service
GOAL TWO: Environmental Stewardship
Strategy 3—Support regional development of local water supply
1.AgLantis 2019 Annual Report submitted April 1, 2020
2. Lease Terms Performance Table
3. Updated 5-Year Plan with Aspirational Goals
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Attachment 1
CoCo San Sustainable Farm
Submitted April 1, 2020
REPORTING PERIOD: January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019
AgLantis and the CoCo San Sustainable Farm have four major foci:
1) Food Equity and Public Health
2) Environment
3) Education
4) Economy
1) Food Equity and Public Health
Urban farming with recycled water which is otherwise wasted, can provide a fresh produce to
feed those suffering from hunger and poor nutrition. One of the primary purposes of the CoCo
San Sustainable Farm is to grow fresh produce and donate or sell it for a low cost to the
Contra Costa/Solano Food Bank, local non-profits who distribute food to poor and/or local
schools and students needing food. We have not charged anything for non-profits, schools
and needy students. A few volunteers have purchased produce. We have not sold to the
general community.
Harvest Donated: Our first year of production provided overwhelming proof of concept. Our
years of building soil fertility paid off with productivity many times greater than normal for an
urban farm, according to Dr. Rob Bennaton the University of California Cooperative
Extension Bay Area Urban Agriculture Advisor for Contra Costa and Alameda counties. From
8 @ 300' X 30" rows, approximately 10,000 pounds of fresh produce was donated to the
Contra Costa/Solano Food Bank (501 c-3); White Pony Express (501 c-3); Mt. Diablo High
School Nutrition Class; and Diablo Valley College students. Several hundred pounds were
given to volunteers or purchased by volunteers. We grew a wide variety of crops including:
peas, beans, zucchini, winter squash, tomatoes, potatoes, kale, lettuce, pumpkins, chard,
peppers, eggplant, melons, cabbage, broccoli, Romanesco, cauliflower, cabbage, beans, dill,
basil, rosemary and other herbs. We were excited to see that our organic seed and seedlings
flourished in our amended soil and grew abundantly in recycled water. The only crop that did
not succeed in these conditions was carrots, which prefer sandy soil. The quality of the
produce was very good.
Extrapolating to growing field crops on about 10 acres, we could eventually grow more than
250,000 pounds of produce or more to donate to the community, assuming we had the
resources needed. We had about 300,000 hungry or nutritionally challenged people in Contra
Costa County before the pandemic. This has increased many fold in recent weeks. There are
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AgLantis Annual Report for 2019
5000 acres of buffer lands around Contra Costa sanitary/sanitation districts. Others could
now replicate our model, no matter how poor their current soil. Our sanitary/sanitation
districts have the capacity to make a huge impact on nutritional poverty in the county,
assuming we can get people to eat the nutritious food (which is someone else's job!). We
believe this is one reason that the 2019 Water Reuse Conference in San Diego honored this
2019 International Water Reuse Conference Poster, San Diego, CA
We need to purchase a small tractor to bring the farm into full production or hire a farmer who
has one. Realistically, the fantastic productivity of the soil, after years of cover crops and
amendment along with the recycled water have raised the possibility of massive crop output
beyond our wildest imagination. We would like to either hire a farmer or perhaps do some
sort of share-cropping with a farmer. Currently, local businesses have donated tractor work.
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AgLantis Annual Report for 2019
Some 2019 Crops: Kale, Cucumbers, Zucchini,
Eggplant, Cucumber, Winter Squash
Farm Infrastructure 2019:
Irrigation System: A volunteer from EcoMulch in Pacheco (right) has
trenched about 300' extension of the main line using EcoMulch's --
equipment. We have purchased the recycled water line, valves, valve
boxes, drip line and other equipment needed to extend. We need to
build the planting beds before we install the line and the valves and
boxes and drip line, as the beds determine exact location. Building the
planting beds requires a tractor. a
We have asked Chris Gray of County Quarry and Grant Hamiton of
EcoMulch if they will volunteer to bring a tractor and build some beds
for us, after soil dries. We have received an estimate from Trenchless
in Pacheco to set up the main line and build beds for approximately
$70,000 which is currently outside our budget. We also will trench and
extend recycled water line to our new propagation greenhouse. These
are high priority tasks for 2020.
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AgLantis Annual Report for 2019
Fence: Alta Fence of Pittsburg, CA finally completed installing the remaining fence and gates
on the East and North sides of the farm. Fostering a business on the Northern Waterfront of
Contra Costa County, a goal of the Community Development Funds we received from the
40' High-Cube Storage Container: We purchased a 40' high-cube storage container for our
tools, generator, and other equipment. This is critical for construction of the Solar Light
greenhouse, because theft of tools would cause a work stoppage and higher costs. Concord
Councilman Edi Birsan helped us buy the container at a discounted price from a local
Concord company, contributing to fostering and showcasing local businesses, which was a
goal of the Community Development Funds we received from the County.
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AgLantis Annual Report for 2019
Hoop Greenhouse:
Volunteers erected our hoop greenhouse, which is considered a temporary structure and thus
we did not have to wait for a permit to finally have a greenhouse. We hired a carpenter to
complete the greenhouse and we primed it with paint from the Central San Household
Hazardous Waste Facility, demonstrating the value to the community of the HHW facility.
Solar Light Greenhouse: The donation of the Solar Light Greenhouse by AgraTech has
been a Public Works processing nightmare because of the slow turnaround time for each
submission. Although there is great potential for the greenhouse to add value to the farm and
demonstrate hydroponics growing for the County, the great success of the field crops
suggests that focusing our efforts on field crops may yield more produce to donate for the
immediate, escalating emergency food needs of the community. The Solar Light greenhouse
is a very long-term project to get up and fully functional.
Land Use Permit: The Land Use Permit has been updated three times since AgLantis took
the lead on the processing. The first update was extensive, involving many changes,
including major revision to the site layout (e.g., moving the greenhouse to the North end of
the farm, close to the PG&E pole with 3-phase power needed to run the greenhouse fans).
Our updates responded to Public Works' comments and requests. After each resubmission,
Public Works made additional new comments and requests. Each time it takes Public Works
a very long time to respond — averaging about 6 months. Our engineer, Mike Milani, P.E., is
addressing the most recent comments, which we hope will be the last round. He will respond
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to the latest letter which arrived mid-March 2020. The questions and comments do not
appear to be too difficult to address, but we never fail to be surprised by the barriers
encountered from Public Works. Mike Milani's work schedule is clearly impaired by the
Governor's Stay at Home orders, to protect us from the pandemic, so we cannot estimate
turnaround time.
Fire and Water Tanks: We resubmitted our Fire plans, responding to comments from the
Fire Marshall. The Fire Marshall approved our fire plans, including plumbing plans and road
design and other improvements. And the new fire chief approved our use of recycled
water in our five 5,000 gallon storage tanks which have been delivered. The water tanks are
empty and awaiting approval from Public Works of location and the rest of the project.
Surveying: Three individuals licensed to survey have donated their time and staked out
some areas of the site (led by Steve Gigoux, L.S.). They laid out the areas for preliminary
clearing and grubbing. These are the areas around the Water Tanks and High Cube
Container and some areas that have cover crops. These areas will be cleared when we have
Public Works approval for the locations and are ready to lay recycled asphalt. This will be the
first step, once we received approval.
Road: County Quarry has donated recycled asphalt and promised to build the farm roads as
soon as we have Public Works approval.
Structural Engineering Upgrades for California Building Code: A structural engineering
firm was hired in 2019 to provide the list of necessary parts to upgrade the greenhouse to
current California Building Code. They will send a letter to update the date on their specs and
plans to be submitted, if needed.
Building Permit. After all of the other departments have approved, we will obtain our
Building Permit for the AgraTech Solar Light Greenhouse. We hope to obtain this in 2020.
2) ENVIRONMENT: Protection and Enhancement
Ecological Restoration, Fertility and Hydrology: We spent many years building soil fertility
and restoring the hydrology of the barren dirt that was imported from all over the county prior
to our taking possession of the property. We were able to obtain approximately 30 acre-feet
of mulch from EcoMulch in Pacheco and another approximately 10 acre-feet of organic horse
manure (no drugs), most of which was spread by County Quarry. EcoMulch spread almost all
of the remaining manure in 2019. We are keeping some for miscellaneous farm needs.
The carbon and nitrogen from the mulch and nitrogen from the manure increase soil organic
matter (SOM), which has built the fertility necessary to sustain plant life. One only needs to
look at the farm road which did not receive this treatment and the astonishingly verdant
growth on the areas treated to see the success. The mulch and manure have also begun to
restore the hydrologic cycle on this land by dramatically increase water content of the soil
even in dry months. Heavy rains are now absorbed by the farm without visible runoff. The
planting beds, paths and fields are not muddy, even after a downpour. The soil is now acting
like a giant sponge, holding the rains and retaining moisture even in the dry season.
Everything Professor Bethallyn Black, M.A. (long-appointed Contra Costa County Resource
Conservation District Board Member) predicted has been demonstrated.
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AgLantis Annual Report for 2019
Mustard Cover Crop Flourishes
Carbon Sequestration in Soil. AgLantis demonstrates and teaches sustainable methods
that decrease GHG emissions and sequester carbon. We use principles of agroecology and
regenerative agriculture. Much of our public education outreach is about how to increase
carbon sequestration in soil and increase water retention. One of our greatest successes has
been the self-seeding of the cover crops we planted several years ago. Mustard and radishes
(which the NRCS recommended we planttobreak up soil compaction) are abundant.
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AgLantis Annual Report for 2019
Water Reuse, NPK and Micronutrients. The farm demonstrates that recycled water is
fantastic for growing fresh produce. We used no additional fertilizers because Central San's
recycled water has Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium and micronutrients needed to
sustain plant health. Our produce and herbs were vigorous and lush. We utilized an
otherwise wasted resource.
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Bell Beans Beans and Kale
Cover-crops. Cover crops enhance soil organic matter and photosynthesis, taking
atmospheric carbon and transferring it to the micro-organisms that sequester it into the soil.
In addition, mustard, vetch, clover and radishes, bell beans sequester carbon and increase
biomass in soil when cut down and allowed to disintegrate.
Low Electricity Use. Pumping water uses about 10% of the electricity used in the state of
California. Growing food adjacent to a water reclamation facility greatly reduces the GHGs
due to electricity generation for water pumping. Our farm demonstrates the value of placing
urban farms next to water reclamation/recycling facilities, especially on public buffer land.
This dramatically reduces the total amount of electricity required to irrigate crops.
No-till. Tilling releases CO2 into the atmosphere because it kills the micro-organisms that
sequester carbon into the soil as part of the natural carbon cycle. We demonstrate and teach
no-till methods of building soil organic matter.
Integrated Pest Management (IPM), No-pesticides and No Fossil Fuel Based Fertilizers.
We used organic IPM to grow our crops and the produce flourished. Pesticides kill the micro-
organisms that sink CO2 into the soil.
Reducing the Carbon Footprint of Food by Reducing Transportation. By growing right in
the middle of an urban area, we dramatically reducing the GHGs due to transportation miles
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AgLantis Annual Report for 2019
from farm-to-fork. We delivered our harvests to the Food Bank and local schools and
charities within a few miles of the farm.
2019 Summer Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Internship: Mt. Diablo
Unified School District's (MDUSD) WIOA had paid High School student internships in
summer 2019 (https://www.doleta.gov/wioa/). We applied for students and were approved by
the MDUSD Board for 2019-2020 internships. Only one 19-year old student applied, which
gave us an opportunity to pilot the program tailored to that individual student's needs. This
particular student had unusual needs, which will not be detailed due to privacy.
Our student worked on the farm Monday through Thursday and attended a business class at
MDUSD Olympic High School on Friday, all hours paid by the Federal Government. For part
of our training plan, we decided the best support for this student was to help him start college.
We helped him enroll (and we enrolled with him) in Diablo Valley College's Plant Propagation
class, so that he would get college credit for learning what we would otherwise have taught
on the farm. Enrolling this student was quite challenging, as he needed a visit with his
counselor; permission and signatures from his Principal for the high school to pay for the
class and for credit to transfer to the high school; enroll at DVC as a first-time student, enroll
in the class, etc. We also helped him enroll to get Work credit for his work on the farm, which
was hugely barrier-ridden and required a call the Chancellor and Dean's signature.
In the end, our student learned much about plant biology and we taught our student how to
write a paper for his class credit. Our student received 5 college credits, for which he also
was granted 15 high school credits and another 2 high school credits for the business class
for a grand total of 22 credits for his paid WIOA internship with AgLantis. He had not
previously planned on going to college. He went on to take another Horticulture class in the
fall 2019 and now wants to obtain a 4-year degree in biology. Furthermore, we made great
progress on other personal needs that he brought to our internship. MDUSD was so thrilled
with our internship that they have asked us to take more students this summer.
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AgLantis Annual Report for 2019
Community Education of Volunteers
Hundreds of volunteers came to the farm and we always included an educational component. We
focused on regenerative agriculture methods and the impact on climate change. In particular, we
explained how we regenerated barren soil, the climate benefits of our no-till methods, and how cover
crops sequester carbon in soil. We also talk about the benefits of using recycled water for agriculture,
explaining what recycled water is and why it is safe and how to use safely.
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Volunteers Harvest Crops for
Donation .
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AgLantis Annual Report for 2019
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Diablo Valley
Students Plant
Seeds and
Cuttings for Farm
Crops (Above)
Local Boy
At Farm
able Farm
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AgLantis Annual Report for 2019
EcoMulch Volunteers Spread Manure and Do Weed Abatement
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AgLantis Annual Report for 2019
Community Education Continued:
AgLantis set up a booth at a local school for a major event, where we provided information
about the farm, recycled water, regenerative agriculture and climate change and we had a
hands-on project for the children to plant seeds and take these home to grow.
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We also attended a Boy Scout Troop meeting in Alamo and made a PowerPoint presentation
on the farm and explained the environmental aspects of our work in detail.
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Public Photo of Walnut Creek Boy Scouts
Social Media Educational Outreach: AgLantis has a significant social media public
education reach on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest and reaches the public with
information about recycled water and water reuse, regenerative agriculture, increasing soil
organic matter, carbon sequestration in soil, climate change, restoring hydrologic cycle,
carbon cycle, ecosystem restoration and other environmental topics. We also promote
Central San's Household Hazardous Waste facility. Tens of thousands of people are reached
through social media.
Conferences, Meetings, Urban Ag Classes:AgLantis board members participate in
conferences and other meetings where we promote the farm and Central San's role in
fostering the use of recycled water, regenerative agriculture, integrated pest management,
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AgLantis Annual Report for 2019
fire suppression with restoring the hydrology of the soil with regenerative methods and more.
Those we talk to are generally amazed and impressed that Central San is so forward-thinking
as to support the farm.
Because of our work restoring soil hydrology on the farm, we were invited to participate in a
weekend meeting of leaders from Paradise CA and around the state who are working on
mitigating fire danger with ecological restoration, which was attended by John Laird, former
Secretary of the California Natural Resources Agency and John Liu, Filmmaker and
Ecologist, Founder of Ecosystem Restoration Camps.
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AgLantis Annual Report for 2019
University of California Urban Ag Advisor and Specialty Crops Advisor: AgLantis has
worked with Contra Costa's Urban Ag Advisor and Specialty Crops Advisor to show them the
value of using recycled water for farming. We also have extensively worked on Integrated-
Pest-Management issues with both advisors (shown below hold our farm site plan).
Dr. Rob Bennaton
(left) and Dr.
Kamyar Aram
(right) holding the
farm site plan
Contra Costa County is an urban area uniquely positioned for urban farming with: an
abundance of local recycled water; a perfect Mediterranean climate for growing; deep
agricultural roots/knowledge; existing non-profits working on sustainable food systems; and
an excellent Horticulture program at our local community colleges, which wants to participate.
Our WIOA Internship taught
our student job skills and
was reported to be a life- .
changing experience for 4 •.{- '' `
him. He plans to do another - f
internship with us this
summer and will help train
other interns, teaching him .I
management skills. _
We will have interns work in
our greenhouse, learning
plant propagation andY
growing, greenhouse
management, recycled *^ _
water safety practices and
other skills related to
managing a farm and ' -
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AgLantis Annual Report for 2019
Water reclamation facilities in Contra Costa County discharge approximately 100 million
gallons of water per dry day into the Bay waterways. They also have over 5000 acres of
buffer land. Other sanitary/sanitation districts have expressed interest in replicating our farm.
Now that we have proof of concept with a high level of product from our land, we can pursue
other districts and encourage them to start farms. The local food bank and non-profits have
experienced great demand since the Covid-19 shutdowns of businesses and our farm is
more important than ever. Crops lie unharvested in fields in Florida, according to the news.
We expect increasing food shortages, as well as an increase from the normal 300,000 people
needing food assistance in our county. We need to foster replications up and running.
Capital improvements planned for 2020 include the following, but are once again dependent
upon Public Works approval for the first three items:
1. Install recycled asphalt road about 70' onto the farm
2. Install recycled asphalt pad for greenhouse, barn and container;
3. Install water line to Hoop Greenhouse;
4. Install more irrigation to fields on new planting beds
5. CoVid19 uncertainties keep us from making extensive predictions
Hundreds people have volunteered in some capacity and some have volunteered many
times. Volunteer activities include, but are not limited to: hoop greenhouse construction; civil
engineering; surveying, trenching, spreading manure, Integrated Pest Management
consulting; installing irrigation, distributing food to Food Bank and other non-profits, teaching,
organic farming consulting, building planting beds, planting seeds, weeding, harvesting,
donating materials, donating trucking; videography, organizing, cooking, serving and
otherwise helping with the events; in addition to all the tasks and jobs completed by the
AgLantis Board members and those who help them directly and indirectly.
Birds were managed by covering most of the property with thick mulch which prevented birds
from reaching worms and weed seeds on all but the road. Subsequently, only an occasional
bird was been seen on the farm. We had a southwest area of the farm under crop production.
Many of our crops were covered with cloth during early growth phase. We heavily watered
the seeds or planted just before rain, which deters birds from eating the seeds. We did not
see birds on our planting beds, whether covered or uncovered. We saw Canadian geese a
few times this winter, but vastly fewer than when the property was an open field of ponds. We
saw a few mammals on the farm this year, including a coyote, a ground squirrel about a
dozen times, and a rabbit twice. We are only at the farm on most Saturday mornings and
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otherwise a couple times per week on a random basis. All of our activities complied with the
ALUC Term sheet.
Contract with Contra Costa County. In March 2017, AgLantis obtained a $50,000 contract
from the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors from the Contra Costa County
Community Benefit Fund toward expenses for anything required to complete the greenhouse.
The contract period was March 7, 2017-March 6, 2019. Some of the funds were invoiced and
dispersed in 2019, completing the contract funds. We purchased needed materials and
equipment such as the 40' High Cube container needed to store tools to prevent theft during
the hydroponics greenhouse build, for which we would be assessed work stoppage and loss
costs. We also purchased the required: redwood framing, fencing, generator, and more. In
addition, the greenhouse contractor did a detailed inventory of the Solar Light Greenhouse
parts and equipment. The inventory showed that about $5000-$6000 of the carbonite glass
that had been first stored outside in a field in Texas and then at Central San needed to be
replaced. This was a small percentage of the carbonite glass. One metal doorway frame
needed repair. Everything else appeared in excellent near-perfect condition! Thus, there has
been only about a 6% loss over more than a decade since shipped from AgraTech to Texas
and then by us to California. The contractor was very surprised by the excellent condition.
2019 Operating Budget: Rent ($1) Insurance ($3,322.11), Taxes and State Fees ($35.00);
Seed and Equipment ($40,936.54), Conferences and Memberships ($80); Permit Fees
($7,216.50); Transportation ($0); Office and Administration ($696.14); Events, Drink, Food,
Entertainment Costs ($171 .57); Fees PayPal & Eventbrite ($52.90) _ $52,511.76
Indirect Contributions: Donations of mulch, compost, spreading compost and manure,
plants, trenching, plowing and irrigation equipment, engineering, surveying, trucking,
transportation costs, legal and financial, teaching time, cooking, planting, weeding,
harvesting, organizing, fund-raising, etc. include thousands of hours of time donated and
many hundreds of professional services, labor, materials and gas and equipment. The
community has generously donated to make this urban farm a reality.
Profit (Loss) and Cash Flow: Financial Income and Expenses
Direct Public Support: $43,996.37
Interest: 3.48
TOTAL INCOME: $43,999.85
Expenses: $52,511 .76
TOTAL EXPENSES: $52,511 .76
Cash Assets at the Beginning of the Year: $ 11,100.35
Cash Assets at the End of the Year: $ 2,588.44
Cash Deposits: $5,500
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AgLantis Annual Report for 2019
Non-Monetary Contributions:
Donations Valuation: $2000
Volunteer Hours: 3000 @ $25.43 valuation/hour = $76,290
https:Hindependentsector.or /news-post/new-value-volunteer-time-2019/
Misc. Pro Bono Services Including Equipment: _ $20,000.00
Professional Engineering and Surveying Services Including Equipment: $30,000.00
Donated Mileage: 3000 miles @.58/mile: $1740
Total Estimated Non-Monetary Contributions: $128,030
Balance Sheet: Statement of Financial Position: See Exhibit 1 Attached
5-Year Plan
CoVid-19 creates so much uncertainty that normal plans and predictions are not possible.
Food Equity. We are going to change our focus to developing the field crops, because of the
extraordinary increased need for food, with expected national food shortages. Over the next 5
years we hope to put about 8-10 acres of crops into production. That requires irrigation to be
installed, beds to be cut, developed, weeded, planted, maintained, harvested and distributed.
Education. We will continue to educate the community through social media outreach. If
possible, we will have interns this summer and every summer. If possible, we will continue on
farm educational events and presentations in the community. We teach our volunteers and
we plan to continue to involve hundreds of people, if the public health situation allows.
Environment. We will continue to practice regenerative agriculture to demonstrate the value
of these practices. We will continue to teach the community methods that they can protect the
environment and about other environmental protection issues such as recycled water. If
possible, we will continue to have students engaged at the farm and demonstrate Integrated
Pest Management and other sound environmental practices.
Economic Development. We also hope that we will be able to erect the Solar Light
greenhouse and begin to equip and start some operations. Full operation will necessitate
connecting to an energy source, probably PG&E pole on the North end of the farm. Irrigation
to the greenhouse must be installed to operate.
Fund-raising. We are attending JFKU's Fundraising Academy (now online). We are creating
a fund-raising plan. Among other strategies, we want to make a video about the farm and
create a crowd-funding campaign, as well as continue to raise money through grants, special
events and other methods we have used in the past. We will continue to seek in-kind
contributions from the community.
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EXHIBIT 1: AgLantis
Beginning Balance Sheet
For Year Beginning
Current Assets Current Liabilities
Cash 2588 CPLTD 10002
Inventory 0 Trade Payable 0
Account Receivable 0 Accruals 400
Other Current Assets 0 Taxes Payable 30
Prepaid Expenses/ Deposits 5500 Other 0
Total Current Assets 8,088 Total Current Liabilities 10432
Long Term Assets Long Term Liabilities
Land 0 Term Debt LTP -2
Buildings 105000 Other 0
Equipment 70000 Total Long Term Liabilities -2
Other Fixed Assets 0 Total Liabilities 10432
Accum Depreciation 25000
Total Long Term Assets 150,000 Capital 158,088
Total Owners Equity 158,088
Total Liabilities and Owners
Total Assets 158,088 Equity 147,656
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AgLantis Annual Report for 2019
Exhibit 2: 2020 Operating Budget
Due to Covid-19 Budget is Highly Speculative
For Year Ending
Projected Donations,
Grants & Contracts 80,000
Fixed Costs:
Farmer Salary 6000
Rent 1
Payroll taxes 372
Travel & Ent 300
Prof. &Acctg 1000
Equipment 10000
Insurance 5000
Interest 100
Rep & Maint. 300
Util. & Phone 0
Office &
Administration 4000
Other Taxes 30
Other Expense/Contractors (if build
Solar Light Greenhouse) 50,000
Total Fixed Costs 77,103
Cost of Goods Sold Percentage 0%
Breakeven 77,103
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AgLantis Lease Performance Tracking Sheet
Attachment 2
April 1,2020
1 Amount of Produce provided to Food Bank or other non Pre Business Plan,"Crops from the greenhouse will be available by Year 4 to Yes
commercial institutions provide produce to the Food Bank".
1 Construct perimeter fencing around all aboveground In July 2017,AgLantis installed six-foot high chain link fencing along the Runway Yes
improvements(except fencing around green manure crop and Protection Zone(RPZ)as required by COA#15.
some simple farm infrastructure to allow planting)
1 Plant a crop(such as green manure crop)-5 acres In mid-2016,AgLantis started placing 25 acre-feet of wood chip mulch,donated by Alternate Method
PG&E and EcoMulch. In 2017,a large donation of horse manure was placed on top of
the wood chip structure to create a"lasagna compost"on the site.
2 Plant a crop(such as green manure crop)-5 acres A crop was planted on October 3,2018 which included radishes,kale,lettuce and Yes
2 Provide goods to a market or Donate goods to Food Bank or Three harvests of the crops planted were donated to Contra Costa/Solano Food bank Yes
School District(Quantity as forth in Business Plan) totaling more than 200 pounds of greens.
2 Develop a teaching plan curriculum AgLantis provided"Summer Urban Farming Classes"in Summer 2018.A curriculum Yes
has been developed for Summer 2019 classes.Los Medanos College came in Spring
and Fall to learn aout regenerative agriculture and soil carbon sequestration.
2 Increase volunteers participation by 15%from previous year 115 volunteers are needed to comply with this metric.AgLantis reported two to Yes
three hundred people have volunteered in various capacities.
3 Provide remaining fencing around food crops and aboveground Alta Fence completed construction of fence with gates. Yes
3 Provide goods to a market or Donate goods to Food Bank or AgLantis donated approximately 10,000 pounds of produce to Contra Costa/Solano Yes
School District(Quantity as set forth in Business Plan) Food Bank,White Pony Express,Mount Diablo High School Nutrition Class and DVC
student volunteers.
3 Get Building Permit and construct Green House A Hoop Greenhouse,which as a temporary structure did not require permits,was Yes
constructed onsite.The Agra Tech Greenhouse requires a permit.Plans have been
submitted to County Public Works and multiple submittals have taken place towards
a permit.
3 Provide a teaching facility and start sustainable curriculum Teaching is taking place onsite.AgLantis sponsored a Workforce Innovation and Yes
Opportunity Act(WIOA)Internship in the summer.
3 Complete longterm Strategic Plan A 5-Year Plan and 2020 Capital Improvement Plan were submitted with Annual Yes
Report.COVID-19 may impact the goals.
3 Submit Performance Requirements for Years 4,5&6(which A 5-Year Plan was submitted with 2019 Annual Report/Business Plan Submittal. Yes Board input is
shall be subject to approval by District) requested
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Attachment 3
Extend Irrigation Main
Install More Irrigation Zones
Install Drip Lines for More Irrigation Zones
Install Greenhouse Floor and Cover
Install Some Planting Equipment in Propagation Greenhouse
Add Farm Roads as Needed (e.g., East-West)
Work with DVC to grow seedlings for our field crops
Finish Propagation as needed in Propagation Greenhouse
Plant More Rows of Crops
Work with University of California Agricultural Staff(UCANR & UCUFA)to find other groups to develop some land
Continue to Donate Crops to Non-Profits and Schools
PUBLIC EDUCATION: Environment, Soil, Recycled Water, Regenerative Agriculture, Nutrition,etc.
Continue Public Education Outreach Through Social Media
Educate Farm Volunteers
Recycled Art Classes, as possible with Covid 19
Educational Farm Events, as possible with Covid 19
Workforce Investment Opportunity Act (WIOA) Students: Educate per Agreement with MDUSD
Maintain or Extend Cover Crops to Sequester Carbon
Continue Regenerative Agricultural Practices Where Possible
Continue to Promote the Use of Recycled Water
Participate in Economic Development Conferences As Possible
Continue to Work with Engineers to Obtain Public Works Approval for Capital Improvements
Continue to Train WIOA Students
Extend Irrigation Main
Install More Irrigation Zones
Install Drip Lines for More Irrigation Zones
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Add Farm Roads as Needed (e.g., East-West)
Work with DVC to grow seedlings for our field crops or grow our own
Plant More Rows of Crops
Continue to Donate Crops to Non-Profits and Schools
PUBLIC EDUCATION: Environment, Soil, Recycled Water, Regenerative Agriculture, Nutrition, etc.
Continue Public Education Outreach Through Social Media
Educate Farm Volunteers
Educational Farm Events, as possible
Workforce Investment Opportunity Act (WIOA) Students: Educate per Agreement with MDUSD
Maintain or Extend Cover Crops to Sequester Carbon
Continue Regenerative Practices Where Possible
Continue to Promote the Use of Recycled Water
Participate in Economic Development Conferences As Possible
Continue to Work with Engineers to Obtain Public Works Approval for Capital Improvements
Continue to Train WIOA Students, if approved by MDUSD Board and student interest
Extend Irrigation Main
Install More Irrigation Zones
Install Drip Lines for More Irrigation Zones
Work with DVC to grow seedlings for our field crops or grow our own
Plant More Rows of Crops
Continue to Donate Crops to Non-Profits and Schools
PUBLIC EDUCATION: Environment, Soil, Recycled Water, Regenerative Agriculture, Nutrition, etc.
Continue Public Education Outreach Through Social Media
Educate Farm Volunteers
Educational Farm Events, as possible
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Workforce Investment Opportunity Act (WIOA) Students: Educate per Agreement with MDUSD
Maintain or Extend Cover Crops to Sequester Carbon
Continue Regenerative Practices Where Possible
Continue to Promote the Use of Recycled Water
Participate in Economic Development Conferences As Possible
Continue to Work with Engineers to Obtain Public Works Approval for Capital Improvements
Continue to Train WIOA Students, if approved by MDUSD Board and student interest
Extend Irrigation Main
Install More Irrigation Zones
Install Drip Lines for More Irrigation Zones
Work with DVC to grow seedlings for our field crops or grow our own
Plant More Rows of Crops
Continue to Donate Crops to Non-Profits and Schools
PUBLIC EDUCATION: Environment, Soil, Recycled Water, Regenerative Agriculture, Nutrition,etc.
Continue Public Education Outreach Through Social Media
Educate Farm Volunteers
Educational Farm Events, as possible
Workforce Investment Opportunity Act (WIOA) Students: Educate per Agreement with MDUSD
Maintain or Extend Cover Crops to Sequester Carbon
Continue Regenerative Practices Where Possible
Continue to Promote the Use of Recycled Water
Participate in Economic Development Conferences As Possible
Continue to Work with Engineers to Obtain Public Works Approval for Capital Improvements
Continue to Train WIOA Students, if approved by MDUSD Board and student interest
Extend Irrigation Main
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Install More Irrigation Zones
Install Drip Lines for More Irrigation Zones
Work with DVC to grow seedlings for our field crops
Finish Propagation as needed in Propagation Greenhouse
Plant More Rows of Crops
Plant Trees
Continue to Donate Crops to Non-Profits and Schools
PUBLIC EDUCATION: Environment, Soil, Recycled Water, Regenerative Agriculture, Nutrition,etc.
Continue Public Education Outreach Through Social Media
Educate Farm Volunteers
Educational Farm Events, as possible
Workforce Investment Opportunity Act (WIOA) Students: Educate per Agreement with MDUSD
Maintain or Extend Cover Crops to Sequester Carbon
Continue Regenerative Practices Where Possible
Continue to Promote the Use of Recycled Water
Participate in Economic Development Conferences As Possible
Continue to Work with Engineers to Obtain Public Works Approval for Capital Improvements
Continue to Train WIOA Students, if approved by MDUSD Board and student interest
ASPIRATIONAL GOALS FOR YEARS 2020 to 2024(With Caveat that Covid19 Will Cause Unknown Disruptions)
Add irrigation for approximately 1 acre of land per year, or more
Add approximately 1 acre of produce production per year, or more
Increase produce production and donation by 10,000 pounds per year, or more
Complete Public Works Approval Process for AgraTech greenhouse
Begin or complete recycled asphalt roads specified in Public Works Approval for AgraTech greenhouse
Begin or complete AgraTech greenhouse construction
Add some dirt roads around farm to increase crop access, per site plan and other
Bring recycled water line to hoop greenhouse
Use hoop greenhouse to enhance farm activities
Plan/design or plant some trees for food forest on west side farm perimeter
Expand to education and job training for members of the community, especially interns
Expand outreach about environmental protection,value of recycled water and/or restoring hydrologic cycle on lai
Beautify view from entrance to farm without interfering with future construction
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