HomeMy WebLinkAbout03. Review June 2020 Financial Statements and Investment Reports Page 1 of 33 Item 3. CENTRALSAN SANITARYJdf A- hom CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA , . September 3, 2020 TO: HONORABLE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM: CHRIS THOMAS, FINANCE ADMINISTRATOR KEVIN MIZUNO, FINANCE MANAGER REVIEWED BY: PHILIP LEIBER, DIRECTOR OF FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION ROGER S. BAILEY GENERAL MANAGER SUBJECT: REVIEW JUNE 2020 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND INVESTMENT REPORTS Financial Highlights Attached for review are the Financial Statements and I nvestment Reports for the month of June 2020 reporting the unaudited results of the year then ended as well as for the month for the Running Expense (O&M Fund), Sewer Construction, Self-Insurance, and Debt Service fund. The pre-audit Fiscal Year(FY) 2019-20 O&M Fund results show total expenditures are $81.7 million, which is approximately$5.9 million (6.7%) under the total O&M budget. The largest share of the favorable variance (37.8%) relates to Administration Department, caused largely by position vacancies in several divisions (Human Resources, Finance, and Purchasing) as well as staff from several divisions (Human Resources, Finance, Purchasing, Information Technology) charging a significant proportion of their time to the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Replacement capital project during FY 2019-20. The O&M Fund is also reporting an overall favorable revenue variance with total revenues at$91.0 million, or approximately$1.4 million (1.6%) over total estimated revenues for FY 2019-20. As anticipated and reported in interim financial reports, this positive revenue variance is largely attributable (over 93%) to higher sewer service charges due to: (1) higher flows from non-residential customers and (2) development activity being slightly higher than projected in the FY 2019-20 budget. The pre-audit Sewer Construction Fund results show total capital project expenditures of $53.7 million, or 81.1% of the total adopted budget of $66.2 million. When including roll-over capital project appropriations from the prior year of $8.5 million, the capital spending rate drops to 71.9% of total FY 2019-20 Board authorized appropriations of $74.7 million. While this is under the 90% capital spend target, as reported during interim financial reports, this outcome was not unexpected given the disruption to project progress caused by the "shelter in place" order issued by Contra Costa County Health Services on March 16, 2020, and subsequent revisions relating to construction activities and public works projects through the close of the fiscal year. While all capital programs suffered setbacks, the Collection System Program was the most impacted with many of its projects being held back to accommodate safety provisions needed to work on private easement locations and with the public. The Collection System Program closed the year September 3, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 21 of 172 Page 2 of 33 at$16.6 million, or$9.5 million (36.4%) under budget (including unspent appropriation roll-overs from FY 2018-19), which is being deferred to FY 2020-21 for completion. On the positive side, many projects are seeing cost savings due to very competitive bids being received in the current economic environment. These lower bids benefit the capital program by reducing future spending on some capital projects, leaving resources for other projects in the District's Ten-Year Capital Improvement Plan, some of which are seeing higher than originally anticipated costs such as the Solids Handling Project. On the revenue side, pre-audit results report the Sewer Construction Fund closed with total revenues of $68.8 million, reflecting a positive variance of $3.2 million (4.9%). This favorable total revenue variance is predominantly attributable to higher property taxes and facilities capacity fees, making up 81.3% of the overall variance. Overall, this is positive news for Central San, demonstrating that expenditures have been controlled within the adopted budgets and that revenue projections were met and exceeded. Consistent with past practice, staff will be bringing a separate Position Paper to the Finance Committee and the Board at a later date to consider alternative courses of action (and a proposed recommendation)for disposition of the unrestricted District-wide FY 2019-20 favorable budget variance. For the O&M fund, this is estimated to be $2.2 million after the assumptions used in setting the FY 2020-21 rates, including the allocation of the sewer service charge split between O&M and sewer construction funds. As mentioned previously, these are pre- audit figures and could change with audit adjustments. Investment Portfolio Highlights I n accordance with Section 53646 of the Califomia Government Code, staff is required to submit an investment report to the General Manager and Board of Directors. While state law mandates this reporting be done at least quarterly, Central San's Investment Policy currently further specifies that this reporting shall be done monthly. Accordingly, this month's financial reporting packet includes investment portfolio information for the month of June 2020. The investments held by Central San on J une 30, 2020, are shown by fund in separate I nvestment Portfolio Reports for each fund in the attached quarterly financial report. Pursuant to the Investment Policy and state law, the Investment Portfolio Report reports the following: type of investment, issuer, date of maturity, par(or face) and dollar amount invested on all securities, as well as the current market value as of the date of the report. The following table provides a summary of the highlights included in the attached Investment Portfolio Report: Fund Total Total Market Wgtd. Wgtd. FY 2019-20 FY 2019-20 Face Value Avg. Avg. Actual Int. Budgeted Int. Value Yield Maturity Rev. (YTD) Rev. (YTD) O&M $36.1 M $36.3M 1.217% N/A $600,626 $870,826 Sewer $52.OM $52.2M 1.217% N/A $965,170 $617,826 Construction Self-Insurance $6.9M $6.9M 1 1.217% N/A 1 $134,937 1 $164,901 As anticipated and reported on in interim financial reports, O&M Fund investment earnings for FY 2019-20 are significantly under budget by$313,000 (33.0%). This was attributable to significant declines in market yields for fixed income held-to-maturity investments as a result of the COVID-19 induced economic downturn. During the preparation of the FY 2019-20 budget in March/April 2019, the O&M Fund was yielding approximately 2.48%, whereas the O&M Fund's yield in June 2020 was only 1.22%, reflecting a 126 basis-point-drop. Fortunately, positive variances in other operational revenues of the O&M fund are expected to offset this revenue reduction. September 3, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 22 of 172 Page 3 of 33 As of June 30, 2020, Central San held the maximum amount permissible in LAI F at$75 million, with the remaining amount being invested in a short-term Federal Agency note yielding far less than LAI F given the current market environment for short-term fixed income instruments permissible for investment by Central San's investment policy and state law. While the County Treasury has resumed investment activity following the temporary halt at the onset of the COV I D-19 pandemic, Central San (and the County)still has not been eager to take on additional risk given the recent market volatility. As the financial markets appear to be gradually stabilizing compared to the turmoil experienced in March 2020, staff is currently working with the County Treasury office to identify safe investment alternatives in addition to LAI F. Specifically, staff is looking into investing with California Asset Management Program (CAMP), which is currently authorized by Central San's Investment Policy and CA Government Code. While the County currently has an investment account with CAMP, it is not yet offered to voluntary County Treasury Pool participants such as Central San. The portfolio is in compliance with the Board's adopted policy regarding Central San's investments as of June 30, 2020. The attached Investment Portfolio report also indicates Central San will meet anticipated expenditure requirements for the next six months from a combination of maturing investments and revenues from budgeted operations. Strategic Plan Tie-In GOAL THREE:Fiscal Responsibility Strategy 1—Maintain financial stability and sustainability, Strategy 2—Ensure integ lity and transparency in financial management ATTACHMENTS: 1. June 2020 Financial Statements and Investment Reports September 3, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 23 of 172 Page 1 of 30 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT August 17,2020 TO: THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: KEVIN MIZUNO yr'd� lvp .W FROM: CHRIS THOMAS (6s TUMAS SUBJECT: O&M Variance Analysis The following are brief year-to-date variance explanations through June 30,2020 YTD Total FY YTD YTD Favl(Unfav) O&M Revenues: Budget Budgeted Actual Variance Explanation County SSC revenue$900K above annual estimate. Revenue from City of Concord$350K Total $ 89,560,370 $ 89,560,370 $ 90,970,747 $ 1,410,377 above annual estimate. O&M Expenses: Total Labor Charges $ 52,789,084 $ 52,789,084 $ 50,181,811 $ 2,607,273 Some positions budgeted for in July are filled later in the fiscal year resulting in positive variances for wages and related benefit expenses. Additional$200k savings from classification study expense budgeted for,but not expended this fiscal year. Unfunded Liabilities 12,436,841 12,436,841 12,490,285 (53,444) No significant variances. Chemicals 1,620,000 1,620,000 1,509,201 110,799 Budgeted expense of$125K for sodium hydroxide was not expended. The usage of sodium hydroxide has been stopped due to plugging of pipes and fouling up of valve interiors. Utilities 4,209,350 4,209,350 4,495,366 (286,016) Higher PG&E electrical expense was incurred while cogen system engine was being overhauled. Repairs&Maintenance 5,242,867 5,242,867 4,271,255 971,612 Mainly due to lower Outside Repairs,General Repairs&Maintenance and Cloud SAS expenses being lower than budgeted. Hauling&Disposal 1,186,175 1,186,175 1,164,151 22,024 No significant variances. Professional&Legal Services 874,300 874,300 357,434 516,866 Lower mostly due to reduced Legal expenses for the fiscal year. Outside Services 3,639,547 3,639,547 2,326,600 1,312,947 Positive variance mostly due to Technical Services expenses being lower than budgeted for almost all of the divisions for the fiscal year. Materials&Supplies 2,152,127 2,152,127 2,084,183 67,944 Lower Office and Operating Supplies expenses were incurred than was budgeted. Other Expenses 2,464,834 2,464,834 1,842,929 621,905 Mainly due to Public Information,Technical Training and Conferences,and BACWA expenses being lower than budgeted for the fiscal year. Student education programming and conferences expenses have been greatly reduced due to shelter in place. All Other 969,650 969,650 978,999 (9,349) No significant variances. Grand Total O&M Expenses $ 87,584,775 $ 87,584,775 $ 81,702,214 $ 5,882,561 September 3, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 24 of 172 Page 2 of 30 Zy11 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Protecting public health and the environment Revenue Report MTD Fund: 001 - RUNNING EXPENSE(O&M) June 2020 Fiscal Period 12/2020 Report Generated on Aug 13, 2020 4:02:02 PM Category MTD Estimate MTD Actual MTD%Rev YTD Estimate YTD Actual YTD%Rev Annual Estimate Unrealized Balance Annual%Rev Concord $14,570,000 $14,969,258 2.7% $14,570,000 $14,923,591 2.4% $14,570,000 ($353,591) 102.4% HHW $880,000 $815,309 -7.4% $968,000 $883,919 -8.7% $968,000 $84,081 91.3% Other $490,881 $696,563 41.9% $4,931,500 $4,754,334 -3.6% $4,931,500 $177,166 96.4% Sewer Service Charges $2,043,044 $1,912,580 -6.4% $69,090,870 $70,408,903 1.9% $69,090,870 ($1,318,033) 101.9% Total Revenue $17,983,925 $18,393,710 2.3% $89,560,370 $90,970,747 1.6% $89,560,370 ($1,410,377) 101.6% Page 3 of 30 ACV Ls entral Contra Costa Sanitary District Protecting public health and the environment Expense Report - District Summary MTD Fund: 001 - RUNNING EXPENSE (O&M) June 2020 Fiscal Period 12/2020 Report Generated on Aug 13, 2020 3:59:53 PM $90,000,000.00 - —Budget $84,775 —Actual $80,000,000.00- ,877,311 $70,000,000.00 639,185 825,521 ,554,0 477,868 $60,000,000.00- 1311 900,568 $50,000,000.00 21 754,861 , ,474,517 $40,000,000.00 32 949,042 ,25 $30,000,000.00 $33,362,529 ,6 1,473 $22,07 493,756 $20,000,000.00- $15,011 309,309 $10,000,000.00 $6,553,088 $0.00- 11 Jul(1)2019 Aug(2)2019 Sep(3)2019 Oct(4)2019 Nov(5)2019 Dec(6)2019 Jan(7)2020 Feb(8)2020 Mar(9)2020 Apr(10)2020 May(11)2020 Jun(12)2020 Fiscal Periods Page 4 of 30 A001' Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Protecting public health and the environment Expense Report - District Summary MTD Fund: 001 - RUNNING EXPENSE(O&M) June 2020 Fiscal Period 1212020 Report Generated on Aug 13, 2020 3:59:53 PM Category Period Budget Period Actual Period Variance % YTD Budget YTD Actual YTD Variance % Annual % Budget SALARIES&WAGES $3,265,663 $2,989,368 $276,295 8.5% $38,060,443 $36,104,008 $1,956,435 5.1% $38,060,443 94.9% EMPLOYEE BENEFITS $2,012,247 $2,445,258 ($433,011) -21.5% $19,177,010 $18,458,402 $718,608 3.7% $19,177,010 96.3% CAPITALIZED ADM OVERHEAD ($370,768) ($70,156) ($300,612) -81.1% ($4,448,369) ($4,380,599) ($67,770) -1.5% ($4,448,369) 98.5% DIRECTOR FEES&EXPENSES $12,067 $16,938 ($4,871) -40.4% $144,650 $154,000 ($9,350) -6.5% $144,650 106.5% CHEMICALS $135,033 $165,711 ($30,678) -22.7% $1,620,000 $1,509,201 $110,799 6.8% $1,620,000 93.2% UTILITIES $350,847 $717,313 ($366,466) -104.5% $4,209,350 $4,495,366 ($286,016) -6.8% $4,209,350 106.8% REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE $437,154 $515,292 ($78,138) -17.9% $5,242,867 $4,271,255 $971,612 18.5% $5,242,867 81.5% HAULING&DISPOSAL $98,913 $287,729 ($188,816) -190.9% $1,186,175 $1,164,151 $22,024 1.9% $1,186,175 98.1% PROFESSIONAL&LEGAL SERV $72,950 $44,975 $27,975 38.3% $874,300 $357,434 $516,866 59.1% $874,300 40.9% OUTSIDE SERVICES $275,693 $281,678 ($5,985) -2.2% $3,639,547 $2,326,600 $1,312,947 36.1% $3,639,547 63.9% SELF-INSURANCE EXPENSE $0 $0 $0 0.0% $825,000 $825,000 $0 0.0% $825,000 100.0% MATERIALS&SUPPLIES $179,663 $267,653 ($87,990) -49.0% $2,152,127 $2,084,183 $67,944 3.2% $2,152,127 96.8% OTHER EXPENSES $166,648 $132,489 $34,159 20.5% $2,464,834 $1,842,929 $621,905 25.2% $2,464,834 74.8% UNFUNDED LIABILITIES $1,071,354 $1,082,445 ($11,091) -1.0% $12,436,841 $12,490,285 ($53,444) -0.4% $12,436,841 100.4% Total Expenses $7,707,464 $8,876,693 ($1,169,229) -15.2% $87,584,775 $81,702,214 $5,882,561 6.7% $87,584,775 93.3% Color Key: 0 to 10%over budget > 10%over budget M Page 5 of 30 ACV Ls entral Contra Costa Sanitary District Protecting public health and the environment Expense Report - By Department MTD Fund: 001 - RUNNING EXPENSE (O&M) June 2020 Fiscal Period 12/2020 Report Generated on Aug 13, 2020 3:55:56 PM $4,000,000 ❑Period Budget $30,000,000 ' ❑YTD Budget ❑Period Actual ❑ YTD Actual $25,000,000- $3,000,000- $20,000,000-, 25,000,000$3,000,000 $20,000,000 $2,000,000 $15,000,000- $10,000,000- $1,000,000- $5,000,000 15,000,000$10,000,000$1,000,000 $5,000,000 $0 $0 - °e� 5�pp� �� �`�\ o1\\oQ��'�oQ� Period Budget Period Actual Period Variance YTD Budget YTD Actual YTD Variance ADMINISTRATION $2,350,375 $3,339,068 ($988,693) $23,482,428 $21,261,743 $2,220,685 ENGINEERING $1,411,145 $1,325,966 $85,179 $16,863,942 $15,564,463 $1,299,479 COLLECTION SYSTEM OPS. $1,248,925 $1,303,210 ($54,285) $14,750,139 $13,784,825 $965,314 PLANT OPERATIONS $2,320,605 $2,459,694 ($139,089) $27,979,915 $26,998,487 $981,428 PUMP STATIONS $244,031 $277,153 ($33,122) $2,900,003 $2,887,174 $12,829 RECYCLED WATER $132,383 $171,603 ($39,220) $1,608,348 $1,205,523 $402,825 Totals $7,707,464 $8,876,693 ($1,169,229) $87,584,775 $81,702,214 $5,882,561 Page 6 of 30 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT RUNNING EXPENSE FUND TEMPORARY INVESTMENTS JUNE,2020 INVESTMENTS INTEREST INCOME (cents omitted) (cents omitted) DATE OF Days to ANNUAL CASH B.O.M. PURCHASE E.O.M. E.O.M %of CURRENT B.O.M. E.O.M. NO. ISSUER TYPE PURCHASE MATURITY Maturity YIELD OUTLAY FACE VALUE(MATURITY) FACE VALUE MKT VALUE Portfolio MONTH CUMULATIVE CUMULATIVE 519 State of Calif. LAIF 10/99- ------- 1 (1) $36,100,000 $36,100,000 $36,100,000 $36,277,352 100.00% $36,110 $347,546 $383,656 (3) $36,100,000 $36,100,000 $0 $36,100,000 $36,277,352 100.00% 36,110 347,546 383,656.18 (2) 168,924 168,924 $36,110 $516,470 $552,580 NOTE:(1) Annual yield of Local Agency Investment Fund(LAIF)varies with the composition of the Fund. The estimated yield as of June,2020 was 1.217%. (2) The face value indicates the value of the investment if held until maturity,which is the usual District Practice. (3) The weighted average yield of the total Running Expense portfolio is 1.2170%. The weighted average maturity is.15 years. (4) The market value of the portfolio on June 30,2020 was$36,277,352. (5) All investments held by the Running Expense Fund comply with Central San's investment policy approved by the Board of DirectorsCalifornia Government Code§53646(b)(2)] (6)Sufficient liquidity and anticipated revenues are available for Central San to meet budgeted expenditures of the Running Expense fund for the next six(6)months[California Government Code§53646(b)(3)] (7)Of the total investments held in the Running Expense Fund, $1,610,000 is restricted for the Rate Stabilization Fund. September 3, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 29 of 172 Page 7 of 30 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT August 17, 2020 TO: THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: KEVIN MIZUNO K.V� ;,1, �( FROM: CHRIS THOMAS (6SpIMAS SUBJECT: Sewer Construction Variance Analysis The following are brief year-to-date variance explanations through June 30, 2020: YTD Total FY YTD YTD Fav/(Unfav) S/C Revenues: Budget Budgeted Actual Variance Explanation SSC and Property Tax higher than budgeted. Facilities Capacity Fees higher than budgeted due to payments received from Avalon Bay new $ 65,598,130 $ 65,598,130 $ 68,789,918 $ 3,191,788 building-200 apartments and commercial development. Total $ 65,598,130 $ 65,598,130 $ 68,789,918 $ 3,191,788 Total FY YTD YTD YTD S/C Expenses: Budget* Budgeted Actual Remaining %Spent of Projected YTD Budget Total $ 74,669,521 $ 74,669,521 $ 53,662,584 $ 21,006,937 71.87% Includes 18/19 carry-over($8,493,521) September 3, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 30 of 172 Page 8 of 30 ZyLs entral Contra Costa Sanitary District Protecting public health and the environment Revenue Report MTD Fund: 002-SEWER CONSTRUCTION (Capital) June 2020 Fiscal Period 12/2020 Report Generated on Aug 13, 2020 4:02:02 PM oft Category MTD Estimate MTD Actual MTD%Rev YTD Estimate YTD Actual YTD%Rev Annual Estimate Unrealized Balance Annual%Rev Concord $11,630,000 $11,393,000 -2.0% $11,630,000 $11,393,000 -2.0% $11,630,000 $237,000 98.0% Other $602,457 $1,676,556 178.3% $21,749,000 $24,566,960 13.0% $21,749,000 ($2,817,960) 113.0% Sewer Service Charges $966,130 $891,789 -7.7% $32,219,130 $32,829,958 1.9% $32,219,130 ($610,828) 101.9% Total Revenue $13,198,587 $13,961,346 5.8% $65,598,130 $68,789,918 4.9% $65,598,130 ($3,191,788) 104.9% Page 9 of 30 Sewer Fund(Capital)Spending FY 19-20 $70,000,000 $66,176,000 $60,000,000 /559,558,400 $50,000,000 $53,662,584 $40,000,000 $30,000,000 $20,000,000 $10,000,000 July August September October November December January February March April May lune -Projected(100%spend) -Actual X90%Target Columnl July August November December January February March April May June Projected(100%spend) $ 2,066,477 $4,934,581 $ 11,789,041 $ 16,598,794 $ 23,961,059 $ 29,957,523 $33,451,390 $37,485,350 $41,107,974 $ 46,314,948 $ 49,925,508 $66,176,000 Actual 1,627,894 4,282,657 9,740,422 14,081,728 22,921,092 27,320,984 30,609,927 34,554,831 36,767,057 40,702,881 43,211,570 53,662,584 90%Target 1,859,829 4,441,123 10,610,136 14,938,915 21,564,953 26,961,770 30,106,251 33,736,815 36,997,176 41,683,453 44,932,958 59,558,400 *Projected-Current year budget allocated by month based on historical spending in previous 2 years Qnnfomknr'2 9000 Dnni dor Rnorrl I%Annfinn Annnrlo Don[,-of- Donn 27 of 170 Page 10 of 30 PROGRAM/GM185L4-Modified in Excel CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET REPORT ACCOUNTING CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT PERIOD ENDING:6/30/2020 PERIOD 12/2020 F(D+E) G(C+D+E) I(F-G) PROJECT TOTAL TOTAL FY 2019-20 BUDGET ADJUSTED APPROVED TOTAL TOTAL PRO1 BUDGETS EXPENDITURES PROJECT APPROVED ADJUSTMENTS BUDGET EXPENDITURES SPENTIN REMAINING BUDGET NO PROJECT TITLE PYS(THRU HE 18-19) PYS(THRU HE 18-19) CARRY-FORWARD BUDGET FY 2019-20 FY 2019-20 FY 2019-20 FY 2019-20 FY 2019-20 TYPE CS Collection System $ 16,633,417 17,490,252 (856,835) 27,129,000 (196,081) 26,932,919 26,076,084 16,554,310 9,521,784 TYPE TP Treatment Plant 44,592,999 39,917,024 4,675,975 28,631,000 472,023 29,103,023 33,778,998 26,918,408 6,860,594 TYPE GI General Improvements 8,695,483 5,883,070 2,812,413 5,369,000 229,353 5,598,353 8,410,766 6,227,401 2,183,366 TYPE RW Recycled Water 5,034,894 3,377,926 1,861,968 4,152,000 (45,474) 4,106,526 5,968,494 3,962,465 2,006,038 CIB Contingency - - - 895,000 (895,000) - - - - Contingency balance from Close outs-CIB transfer to/from Contingency 435,179 435,179 TOTAL DISTRICT $ 74,956,793 $ 66,668,272 $ 8,493,521 $ 66,176,000 $ 435,179 $ 65,740,821 $ 74,234,342 $ 53,662,584 $ 21,006,96 Qonfomknr'2 9000 Dnni dor Rnorrl hAnnfinn Annnrlo Don!,-of- Donn 22 of 170 Page 11 of 30 PROGRAM/GM185L4-Modified in Excel CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET REPORT ACCOUNTING CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT PERIOD ENDING:6/30/2020 PERIOD 12/2020 F(D+E) G(C+D+E) I(F-G) PROJECT TOTAL TOTAL FY 2019-20 BUDGET ADJUSTED APPROVED TOTAL TOTAL PROJ BUDGETS EXPENDITURES PROJECT APPROVED ADJUSTMENTS BUDGET EXPENDITURES SPENTIN REMAINING BUDGET NO PROJECT TITLE PYS(THRU FYE 18-19) PYS(THRU FYE 18-19) CARRY-FORWARD BUDGET FY 2019-20 FY 2019-20 FY 2019-20 FY 2019-20 FY 2019-20 TYPE CS Collection S st 5991 7PH Sewer Renovation Phase 2 460,000 277,771 182,229 - - 182,229 51000 177,229 6534 Harper Lane Area CAD 800,000 412,260 387,740 - - 387,740 218,346 169,394 6679 Coredell Drive CAD 123,443 54,906 68,537 - - 68,537 19,500 49,037 *7367 Concord Main Metering Station 250,000 245,826 4,174 - - 4,174 15,370 (11,196) 8419 Collection System Planning LT 985,000 984,958 42 200,000 200,000 200,042 157,261 42,781 8436 Moraga/Crossroads PS Project 3,747,000 3,218,526 528,474 4,600,000 4,600,000 5,128,474 3,032,667 2,095,807 8442 PS Equipment Piping Replacement PH2 61,000 - 61,000 103,000 103,000 164,000 128,719 35,281 8443 LG Diameter Pipe line Inspection 250,000 18,484 231,516 515,000 515,000 746,516 67,801 678,715 8444 Force Main Inspection Program 125,000 - 125,000 - - 125,000 2,791 122,209 8447 Pump Station Security Improvement 156,000 - 156,000 51,000 51,000 207,000 - 207,000 8448 Manhole Modifications 712,000 860,375 (148,375) 309,000 186,925 495,925 347,550 347,550 - 8449 Collection System Modeling Support 200,000 130,135 69,865 103,000 103,000 172,865 12,858 160,007 8450 Development Sewerage Support 1,130,000 1,309,893 (179,893) 900,000 202,316 1,102,316 922,423 923,263 (840) 8451 C.S.Sewer Renovation 62,527 - 62,527 4,473,000 (4,000,000) 473,000 535,527 - 535,527 8456 Danville Sewer Ren.Ph.3 500,000 381,637 118,363 4,100,000 (320,000) 3,780,000 3,898,363 864,491 3,033,872 8457 Pump Station Upgrades-Ph.2 50,000 - 50,000 500,000 500,000 550,000 406,949 143,051 *8458 Martinez Sewer Renov.Ph.6 100,000 11,405 88,595 - 500,000 500,000 588,595 573,000 15,595 *8459 Lafayette Sewer Renov.Ph.14 100,000 24,336 75,664 - 500,000 500,000 575,664 466,661 109,003 *8460 WC Sewer Renov.Ph.14 100,000 53,907 46,093 - 500,000 500,000 546,093 672,555 (126,462) *8461 So.Orinda Sewer Ren.Ph.8 100,000 43,621 56,379 - 500,000 500,000 556,379 493,119 63,260 **8462 S.R.Pump Station Flow Diversion - - - - 200,000 200,000 200,000 177,495 22,505 ***8463 No.Orinda Sewer Renov.Ph.8 - - - - 500,000 500,000 500,000 - 500,000 ***8464 Martinez Sewer Renov.Ph.7 - - - - 500,000 500,000 500,000 - 500,000 ***8465 WC Sewer Renov.Ph.15 - - - - 500,000 500,000 500,000 - 500,000 ***8461 Danville Sewer Ren.Ph.4 - - - - 500,000 500,000 500,000 - 500,000 Year end close outs-balance transferred to continaaencv *6602 South Jackson CAD 411,290 391,290 20,000 - (4,809) (4,809) 15,191 15,191 - *6603 North Jackson CAD 276,557 53,313 223,244 - (38,935) (38,935) 184,309 184,309 - 8441 CIPP Contract 17-20 400,000 275,923 124,077 200,000 (318,792) (118,792) 5,285 5,285 - *8446 Lafayette Sewer Renovation Phase 12 4,033,600 3,715,186 318,414 - (4,632) (4,632) 313,782 313,782 - 8452 Lafayette Sewer Ren.Ph.13 500,000 1,561,461 (1,061,461) 3,817,000 (28,876) 3,788,124 2,726,663 2,726,663 - 8454 So.Orinda Sewer Ren.Ph.7 500,000 860,185 (360,185) 3,637,000 (13,138) 3,623,862 3,263,677 3,263,678 (1) 8455 W.C.Sewer Renov.Ph.13 500,000 2,604,854 (2,104,854) 3,621,000 (56,140) 3,564,860 1,460,006 1,460,006 - Rounding 30 Total FY 2019-20 OU it 16,633,417 17,490,2 (196,081) 26,932,919 26,076, *Italic Projects open but not in CIB for 19/20 ** Not in 19/20 Budget. New projects opened in Aug.2019. Funds transferred from Contingency 9990 *** Not in 19/20 Budget. New projects opened in June 2020. Funds trasnferred from 8451 Qnnfomknr'2 9000 Dnni dor Rnorrl NAnnfinn Annnrlo Don!,-of_ Donn ' iA of 170 Page 12 of 30 PROGRAM/GM1851-4-Modified in Excel CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET REPORT ACCOUNTING CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT PERIOD ENDING:6/30/2020 PERIOD 12/2020 F(D+E) G(C+D+E) I(F-G) PROJECT TOTAL TOTAL FY 2019-20 BUDGET ADJUSTED APPROVED TOTAL TOTAL PROJ BUDGETS EXPENDITURES PROJECT APPROVED ADJUSTMENTS BUDGET EXPENDITURES SPENTIN REMAINING BUDGET NO PROJECT TITLE PYS(THRU FYE 18-19) PYS(THRU FYE 18-19) CARRY-FORWARD BUDGET FY 2019-20 FY 2019-20 FY 2019-20 FY 2019-20 FY 2019-20 ent Pla *6172 Sludge Blending Tank Repair 776,000 - 776,000 - - 776,000 674,408 101,592 7304 Instr&Controls PLC Upgrade 500,000 470,528 29,472 - - 29,472 7,180 22,292 7315 Applied Research and Innovations 557,274 290,336 266,938 300,000 300,000 566,938 65,224 501,714 7317 Plant Control System Network Upgrades 765,000 281,461 483,539 120,000 120,000 603,539 587,791 15,748 7322 Fire Protection System Ph.2 1,406,000 1,340,832 65,168 - - 65,168 66,123 (955) 7328 Influent Pump Electrical improvements 610,000 431,527 178,473 800,000 800,000 978,473 1,101,037 (122,564) 7339 T.Plant Control System 1/0 Replacement 1,370,000 1,286,269 83,731 1,100,000 11100,000 1,183,731 228,173 955,558 7341 WC/Grayson Creek Levee Rehab 100,000 76,528 23,472 200,000 200,000 223,472 208,571 14,901 7348 Solids Handling Facility Improvements 9,914,000 9,243,507 670,493 6,550,000 (480,000) 6,070,000 6,740,493 3,724,284 3,016,209 7349 Aeration&Energy Upgrade 1,500,000 749,790 750,210 3,500,000 3,500,000 4,250,210 1,990,496 2,259,714 7351 Mechanical&Concrete Renovation 5,044,000 5,534,806 (490,806) 6,400,000 6,400,000 5,909,194 8,711,371 (2,802,177) 7352 UV Disinfection Upgrades 500,000 294,751 205,249 600,000 600,000 805,249 421,577 383,672 7353 Outfall Improvements Ph.7 100,000 54,551 45,449 500,000 320,000 820,000 865,449 556,763 308,686 7354 TP Security Improvements 137,000 41,951 95,049 718,000 (150,000) 568,000 663,049 150,317 512,732 7355 Odor Control Upgrade Ph.1 - - - - - - - - 7357 Plant Wide Instrumentation Upgrade 290,000 77,858 212,142 450,000 450,000 662,142 32,626 629,516 7360 Existing Plant Facility Drawing 200,000 158,215 41,785 100,000 100,000 141,785 48,523 93,262 7362 POB Seismic Upgrades 3,331,177 2,850,440 480,737 2,793,000 465,000 3,258,000 3,738,737 3,868,266 (129,529) 7363 Treatment Plant Planning 900,000 719,153 180,847 500,000 500,000 680,847 379,876 300,971 7364 TP Safety Enhancement Ph.5 100,000 10,000 90,000 600,000 480,000 11080,000 1,170,000 31,095 1,138,905 7369 Piping Renovation-Phase 10 - - - 750,000 750,000 750,000 47,578 702,422 7370 Annual Infrastructure Replacement - - - 2,200,000 (200,000) 2,000,000 2,000,000 584,997 1,415,003 7371 Condition Assessment of Buried Pipelines - - - 250,000 250,000 250,000 - 250,000 **7373 Fire Protection System Ph.3 - - - - 200,000 200,000 200,000 176,945 23,055 **7375 Contractor Staging Improvements - - - - 150,000 150,000 150,000 16,086 133,914 ***7376 Emergency Sludge Loadout Facility - - - - - - - 2,864,063 (2,864,063) Year end close outs-balance transferred to continaaencv 7292 Switchgear Refurbishment-Ph.2 684,548 473,274 211,274 200,000 (187,293) 12,707 223,981 223,982 (1) *7320 Plant Energy Optimization 1,094,000 1,004,604 89,396 - (89,082) (89,082) 314 313 1 *7326 Equipment Replacement FY 15-FY 24 1,629,000 1,628,975 25 - 13,110 13,110 13,135 13,130 5 7327 Headwork's Screening Upgrade 8,305,000 8,304,264 736 - 110,248 110,248 110,984 110,967 17 7330 Piping Renovation Phase 9 3,180,000 3,127,343 52,657 - (26,881) (26,881) 25,776 25,782 (6) *7358 Innovation Bioenergy Demo 300,000 270,796 29,204 - (28,783) (28,783) 421 424 (3) 7359 Solids Conditioning Bldg.roof replacement 1,300,000 1,195,265 104,735 - (104,296) (104,296) 439 440 (1) Rounding 4 tal FY 2019-20 TP Amo $ 44,592,999 39,917,024 4,675,975 28,631,000 29,103,023 33,778,998 26,918,408 6,860 *Italic Projects open but not in CIB for 19/20 ** Not in 19/20 Budget. New projects opened in Sept.2019. Funds transferred from Contingency 9990 ***Italic Project opened in lune-cost transferred from Project 7348 Solids Handling Facility Qonfomknr'2 9000 Dnni dor Rnorrl NAoofinn Annnrlo Donlrof_ Donn 2r, of 170 Page 13 of 30 PROGRAM/GM185L4-Modified in Excel CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET REPORT ACCOUNTING CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT PERIOD ENDING:6/30/2020 PERIOD 12/2020 F(D+E) G(C+D+E) I(F-G) PROJECT TOTAL TOTAL FY 2019-20 BUDGET ADJUSTED APPROVED TOTAL TOTAL PROJ BUDGETS EXPENDITURES PROJECT APPROVED ADJUSTMENTS BUDGET EXPENDITURES SPENTIN REMAINING BUDGET NO PROJECT TITLE PYS(THRU FYE 18-19) PYS(THRU FYE 18-19) CARRY-FORWARD BUDGET FY 2019-20 FY 2019-20 FY 2019-20 FY 2019-20 FY 2019-20 TYPE GI General Im roveme 8207 General Security and Access $ 134,977 134,975 2 150,000 150,000 150,002 57,387 92,615 8230 Capital Legal Services 178,665 142,411 36,254 20,000 20,000 56,254 27,650 28,604 8236 District Easements 258,047 224,799 33,248 75,000 75,000 108,248 17,368 90,880 8240 IT Development 2,738,794 2,456,461 282,333 500,000 500,000 782,333 484,389 297,944 8243 Server Room Relocation 2,000,000 1,351,513 648,487 - - 648,487 1,080,256 (431,769) 8250 ERP Replacement 600,000 - 600,000 3,105,000 3,105,000 3,705,000 2,449,455 1,255,545 8251 Capital improvement program&Budget Improvement - - - 350,000 350,000 350,000 97,048 252,952 **8252 POB E.V.Charging Station - - - - 30,000 30,000 30,000 21,749 8,251 ***8253 COVID-19 Response - - - - 200,000 200,000 200,000 - 200,000 8516 District Equipment Acquisition 876,000 798,811 77,189 100,000 100,000 177,189 252,585 (75,396) 8517 Vehicle Replacement Program 1,849,000 821,691 1,027,309 1,069,000 1,069,000 2,096,309 1,692,571 403,738 9999 Capital Project Clearing(Accounting Use Only)** - (60,000) 60,000 - - 60,000 2 59,998 Year end close outs-balance transferred to continaaencv 8249 CSO Dump Pad Modifications 60,000 12,409 47,591 - (647) (647) 46,944 46,941 3 Rounding 1 tal FY 2019-20 GI Amount $ 8,695,483 5,883,070 2,812,413 5,369,000 229,353 5,598,353 ** Not in 19/20 Budget. New projects opened in July 2019. Funds transferred from Contingency 9990 *** Not in 19/20 Budget. New projects opened in June 2020. Funds transferred from 7370 TP program Qnnfomknr'2 9000 Dnni dor Rnorrl hAnnfinn Annnrlo Don!,-of- Donn 2F of 170 Page 14 of 30 PROGRAM/GM1851.4-Modified in Excel CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET REPORT ACCOUNTING CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT PERIOD ENDING:6/30/2020 PERIOD 12/2020 F(D+E) G(C+D+E) I(F-G) PROJECT TOTAL TOTAL FY 2019-20 BUDGET ADJUSTED APPROVED TOTAL TOTAL PROJ BUDGETS EXPENDITURES PROJECT APPROVED ADJUSTMENTS BUDGET EXPENDITURES SPENTIN REMAINING BUDGET NO PROJECT TITLE PYS(THRU FYE 18-19) PYS(THRU FYE 18-19) CARRY-FORWARD BUDGET FY 2019-20 FY 2019-20 FY 2019-20 FY 2019-20 FY 2019-20 TYPE RW Recycled W 7306 Zone 1 Recycled Water 532,894 508,654 24,240 100,000 - 100,000 124,240 50,965 73,275 7361 Filter Plant Improvments 2,537,000 1,343,105 1,193,895 3,452,000 - 3,452,000 4,645,895 3,412,048 1,233,847 7365 Recycle Water Clearwell Repairs 1,700,000 1,364,144 335,856 - - - 335,856 403,173 (67,317) 7366 ReW Distribution System Renov.Program 15,000 - 15,000 500,000 - 500,000 515,000 15,996 499,004 7368 Water Exchange Project 250,000 9,102 240,898 100,000 - 100,000 340,898 73,678 267,220 Year end close outs-balance transferred to continaaencv 7346 ReW Distribution Sys Surge Analysis 205,000 152,921 52,079 - (45,474) (45,474) 6,605 6,605 - Rounding 9 total FY 2019-20 RW Amount $ 5,034,894 3,377,926 1,861,968 4,152,000 (45,474) 4,106,526 5,968,494 3,962,465 2,006,038 9990 CONTINGENCY-ALL PROGRAMS - - - 895,000 (895,000) - - - 9990 CONTINGENCY BALANCE-FROM CLOSE OUTS 435,179 435,179 GRAND TOTAL $ 74,956,793 66,668,272 8,493,521 66,176,000 - 65,740,821 74,234,342 53,662,584 21,006,961 Qnnfomknr'2 9000 Dnni dor Rnorrl hAnnfinn Annnrlo Don!,-of- Donn 27 of 170 Page 15 of 30 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O 1 FY 19-20 CAPITAL BUDGET TRANSFERS 2 PERIOD ENDING:6/30/20 position paper GM Memo GM Memo GM Memo Position Paper Position Paper June-GM June-Position June-GM Memo June-Position GM Approval 06/20/19&GM 11/21/19 May 5/7/20& Memo paper 04/16 item Paper 1/20/20 memo 08/22/19 09/24/19 09/27/19 Item 11 GM Memo 06/29/20 7 07/17/20 item 10 07/19/18 19/20 Contingency 3 PROJ.# PROJECTS TOTAL Balance 4 5 7348 Solids Handling Facility Improvement (480,000) (480,000) 6 7353 Outfall Improvments Ph.7 320,000 320,000 7 7354 TP Security Improvments (150,000) (150,000) 8 7362 POB Seismic Upgrades 465,000 465,000 9 7364 TP Safety Enhancements Ph.5 480,000 480,000 10 7370 Annual Infrastructure Replacement (200,000) (200,000) 11 8448 Manhole Modifications(Transfer from close out Contigency Balance) 186,925 186,925 12 8450 Development Sewerage Support(Transfer from close out Contingency Balance) 202,316 202,316 38 8456 Danville Sewer Renovation Ph.3 (320,000) (320,000) 39 **7373 Fire Protection System Ph.3 200,000 200,000 40 **7375 Contractor Staging Improvements 150,000 150,000 41 **8252 POB E.V.Charging Station 30,000 30,000 42 **8253 COVID-19 Response 200,000 200,000 43 **8462 SR Pump station Flow Diversion 200,000 200,000 44 *8451 C.S.Sewer Renovation (2,000,000) (2,000,000) (4,000,000) 45 *8458 Martinez Sewer Ren.Ph.6 500,000 500,000 46 *8459 Lafayette Sewer Ren.Ph.14 500,000 500,000 47 *8460 W.C.Sewer Renov.Ph.14 500,000 500,000 48 *8461 So.Orinda Sewer Ren.Ph.8 500,000 500,000 49 *8463 No.Orinda Sewer Renovation Ph.8 500,000 500,000 50 *8464 Martinez Sewer Renovation Ph.7 500,000 500,000 51 *8465 W.C.Sewer Renov.Ph.15 500,000 500,000 52 *8466 Danville Sewer Renovation Ph.4 500,000 500,000 53 N58 9990 Capital Projects-Contingency (30,000) (200,000) (200,000) - (465,000) - - - - - (895,000) - 9990 Contingency Balance from Closeouts (389,241) (389,241) 435,179 59 otal N79 ** New project-not in 19/20 Budget * Not actual transfers.All part of one project split into individual projects for construction Transfer budget from close out contingency balance Qnnfomknr'2 9000 Dnni dor Rnorrl NAnnfinn 4nnnrlo Don!,-of_ Donn 2R of 170 Page 16 of 30 O&M PROJECTS-EXPENDITURE LIST ACCOUNTING PERIOD ENDING: 06/30/20 12/2020 OM043- Naval Weapons Station Prior years Project expended Expenditure type through 18-19 1 Jul.'19 Aug.'19 Sept.'19 Oct.'19 Nov.'19 Dec.'19 Jan.'20 Feb.'20 Mar.'20 Apr.'20 May'20 Jun.'20 2019-20 YTD to date Salary&Benefits $ 17,429 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 17,429 Technical Services $ 75,169 1,938 - 6,255 3,259 - - - - - - - - 11,452 $ 86,620 Total $ 92,598 $ 1,938 $ $ 6,255 $ 3,259 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 11,452 $ 104,049 OMO80 -CoCo Farm(Kiewit Future Farm Proposal) Prior years Project expended Expenditure type I through 18-19 1 Jul.'19 Aug.'19 Sept.'19 Oct.'19 Nov.'19 Dec.'19 Jan.'20 Feb.'20 Mar.'20 Apr.'20 May'20 Jun.'20 2019-20 YTD to date Salary&Benefits $ 210,665 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 210,665 Other Charges $ 74,996 - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ 74,996 Total $ 285,661 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 285,661 OM083- Refinery Recycled Water Exchange Prior years Project expended Expenditure type through 18-19 Jul.'19 Aug.'19 Sept.'19 Oct.'19 Nov.'19 Dec.'19 Jan.'20 Feb.'20 Mar.'20 Apr.'20 May'20 Jun.'20 2019-20 YTD to date Salary&Benefits $ 84,070 $ 8,921 $ 7,080 $ 5,452 $ 2,319 $ 2,865 $ 2,592 $ 1,274 $ 1,982 $ 1,699 $ 1,416 $ 2,400 $ 4,727 $ 42,729 $ 126,798 other Charges $ - - - - - - - - - - - $ - Total $ 84,070 $ 8,921 $ 7,080 $ 5,452 $ 2,319 $ 2,865 $ 2,592 $ 1,274 $ 1,982 $ 1,699 $ 1,416 $ 2,400 $ 4,727 $ 42,729 $ 126,798 Qonfnmknr Z 0000 Pnnidnr Rnnrrl IkAnnfinn Annnrfn Dnr�nf- Dnnn QCJ of 170 Page 17 of 30 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND TEMPORARY INVESTMENTS JUNE,2020 INVESTMENTS INTEREST INCOME (cents omitted) (cents omitted) DATE OF Days to ANNUAL CASH B.O.M. PURCHASE E.O.M. E.O.M. %of CURRENT B.O.M. E.O.M. NO. ISSUER TYPE PURCHASE MATURITY Maturity YIELD OUTLAY FACE VALUE (MATURITY) FACE VALUE MKT VALUE Portfolio MONTH CUMULATIVE CUMULATIVE 519 State of Calif. LAIF 8/86-2/90 ---- 1 (1) $32,000,000 $32,000,000 $32,000,000 $32,157,209 61.54% $33,076 $508,228 $541,304 952 FHLB Fed Agency 6/26/20 9/25/20 86 0.142 $19,992,922 $0 $20,000,000 $20,000,000 $19,993,400 38.46% $389 $0 $389 (4) $51,992,922 $32,000,000 $20,000.000 $52,000.000 $52,150.609 100.00% 33,465 508,228 541,692 (3) (5) 398,354 398,354 33,465 $906.582 $940,047 NOTE: (1) Annual Yield of Local Agency Investment Fund(LAIF)varies with the composition of the Fund. The estimated yield as of June,2020 was 0.804%. (2) The face value indicates the value of the investment if held until maturity, which is the usual District practice. (3) The weighted average yield of the total Sewer Construction portfolio is 1.2170%. The weighted average maturity is.09 years. (4) The market value of the portfolio on June 30,2020 was$52,150,609. GASB 31 requires adjusting investments to market value. The District will adjust annually,but report market values monthly. (5) All investments held by the Sewer Construction Fund comply with Central San's investment policy approved by the Board of Directors[Ca/ifomia Government Code§53646(b)(2)] (6)Sufficient liquidity and anticipated revenues are available for Central San to meet budgeted expenditures of the Sewer Construction fund for the next six(6)months[California Government Code§53646(b)(3)] (7)Of the total investments held in the Sewer Construction Fund, $1,000,000 is restricted for the Rate Stabilization Fund. September 3, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 40 of 172 Page 18 of 30 A001' Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Protecting public health and the environment Revenue Report MTD Fund: 003-SELF-INSURANCE June 2020 Fiscal Period 12/2020 Report Generated on Aug 13, 2020 4:02:02 PM Category MTD Estimate MTD Actual MTD%Rev YTD Estimate YTD Actual YTD%Rev Annual Estimate Unrealized Balance Annual%Rev Other $16,749 $27,418 63.7% $1,025,900 $1,008,390 -1.7°% $1,025,900 $17,510 98.3% Total Revenue $27,418 63.7% $1,025,900 $1,008,390 $17,510 Page 19 of 30 ACV Ls entral Contra Costa Sanitary District Protecting public health and the environment Expense Report - By Department MTD Fund: 003-SELF-INSURANCE June 2020 Fiscal Period 12/2020 Report Generated on Aug 13, 2020 3:55:56 PM $200,000 ❑Period Budget $1,200,000 ❑YTD Budget ❑Period Actual ❑ YTD Actual $1,000,000 $150,000 ' $800,000 $100,000 ' $600,000- $400,000- $50,000- $200,000- $0- 600,000$400,000$50,000 $200,000$0 $0 Period Budget Period Actual Period Variance YTD Budget YTD Actual YTD Variance $77,008 $177,596 ($100,588) $1,073,700 $1,152,448 ($78,748) Totals $77,008 $177,596 ($100,588) $1,073,700 $1,152,448 ($78,748) Page 20 of 30 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT SELF-INSURANCE FUND TEMPORARY INVESTMENTS June,2020 INVESTMENTS INTEREST INCOME (cents omitted) (cents omitted) DATE OF Days to ANNUAL CASH B.O.M. PURCHASE E.O.M. E.O.M %of CURRENT B.O.M. E.O.M. NO. ISSUER TYPE PURCHASE MATURITY Maturity YIELD OUTLAY FACE VALUE(MATURITY) FACE VALUE MKT VALUE Portfolio MONTH CUMULATIVE CUMULATIVE 519 State of Calif. LAIF 10/99- ------- 1 (1) $6,900,000 $6,900,000 $6,900,000 $6,933,898 100.00% $6,902 $126,661 $133,563 (3) $6,900,000 $6,900,000 $0 $6,900,000 $6,933,898 100.00% 6,902 126,661 133,563 (2) (4) 8,728 8,728 $6,902 $135,389 $142,291 NOTE: (1) Annual yield of Local Agency Investment Fund(LAIF)varies with the composition of the Fund. The estimated yield as of June,2020 was 1.217%. (2) The face value indicates the value of the investment if held until maturity,which is the usual District Practice. (3) The weighted average yield of the total Self-Insurance portfolio is 1.2170%. (4) The market value of the portfolio on June 30,2020 was$6,933,898. (5) All investments held by the Self Insurance Fund comply with Central San's investment policy approved by the Board of DirectorsCalifornia Government Code§53646(b)(2)] (6)Sufficient liquidity and anticipated revenues are available for Central San to meet budgeted expenditures of the Self Insurance fund for the next six(6)months[California Government Code§53646(b)(3)] September 3, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 43 of 172 Page 21 of 30 A001' Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Protecting public health and the environment Revenue Report MTD Fund: 004-DEBT SERVICE June 2020 Fiscal Period 12/2020 Report Generated on Aug 13, 2020 4:02:02 PM Category MTD Estimate MTD Actual MTD%Rev YTD Estimate YTD Actual YTD%Rev Annual Estimate Unrealized Balance Annual%Rev Other $0 ($232,973) 0.0°% $2,982,415 $2,749,442 -7.8°% $2,982,415 $232,973 92.2% Total Revenue 0.0% $2,982,415 $2,749,442 -7.8% $232,973 Page 22 of 30 ACV Ls entral Contra Costa Sanitary District Protecting public health and the environment Expense Report - By Department MTD Fund: 004- DEBT SERVICE June 2020 Fiscal Period 12/2020 Report Generated on Aug 13, 2020 3:55:56 PM $80,000 ❑Period Budget $1,000,000 ❑YTD Budget ❑Period Actual ❑ YTD Actual $800,000- $60,000- $600,000- $40,000-// 800,000$60,000 $600,000$40,000 ' $400,000- $20,000-,/ $200,000- $0- $0 Period Budget Period Actual Period Variance YTD Budget YTD Actual YTD Variance $69,791 $52,842 $16,949 $837,415 $604,852 $232,563 Totals $69,791 $52,842 $16,949 $837,415 $604,852 $232,563 Page 23 of 30 DASHBOARD DATA (SELECTED DATA ON MATTERS OF CONTINUING BOARD INTEREST) September 3, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 46 of 172 Page 24 of 30 PENSION AND OPEB LIABILITY AND FUNDING STATUS Million Pension Million OPER $160 100% $90 100% $140 90% $80 **** 90% $120 80% $70 80% 70% $60 70% $100 60% 60% $50 $80 50% 50% $40 $60 40% 40% $30 30% 30% $40 $20 20% 20% $20 10% $10 ' ' 10% 0 $0 0% 0 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 0% 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 UAAL 78 75.8 70.2 68 55.8 54 48.8 13.7 11.9 UAAL 142 121 101 88.2 81.5 74.1 73.9 Funded% 22% 27% 32% 37% 44% 48% 56% 85% 90% Funded% 56% 63% 70% 75% 78% 81% 82% UAAL —Funded% UAAL ! Funded% Notes: * Pension:2018 figure is based on CCCERA valuation presented 10/9/2019 to CCCERA Board. 2019 Valuation available fall 2020. ** Pension funded percentage excludes Section 115 Trust Assets(established in FY 2017-18). $10.3 million of Trust assets as of 6/30/20. *** OPEB UAAL: Total OPEB Liability less Fiduciary Net Position= Net OPEB Liability. ****June 2020 OPEB Funded%is based on 6/30/2020 value of assets divided by 6/30/2019 Total OPEB liability, pending availability of 6/30/20 Liability. September 3, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 47 of 172 Page 25 of 30 COMPONENTS OF THE PENSION URAL $74 MILLION AS OF 2018 CCCERA VALUATION (2019 VALUATION AVAILABLE FALL 2020) wo Assumption Change U J Q a(3, L i — Actuarial Gains(2014 forwar O � U r0 LL Additional UAAL Prepayment to CCCERA J Subsequent Actuarial Losses a a a� � Restart of Amortization bA N vDiscount Rate from 7.75%to 7.25% L U N L O Depooling Implementation U M LL Actuarial Losses from 2008-2012 $(30,000,000) $(20,000,000) $(10,000,000) $ $10,000,000 $20,000,000 $30,000,000 $40,000,000 $50,000,000 $60,000,000 Notes: • Pension Pre-Funding Trust assets of$10.32 million are available to further reduce UAAL indicated above. September 3, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 48 of 172 Page 26 of 30 PENSION UAAL PROJECTION Anticipated UAAL with Scheduled Amortization (Blue) and with Additional UAAL Payments to Pension Prefunding Trust to Date and at $1.25 million millions prospectively (Red) $40 Net Asset $20 $0 X111 , Net Liability ($20) ($40) ($60) ($80) 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 ■UAAL(2018 Valuation) ($74) ($66) ($59) ($50) ($40) ($34) ($27) ($19) ($10) ($0) 0 Net UAAL(2018 Valuation) with Pension prefunding Trust offset (68.62) (58) (49) (38) (26) (18) (9) 1 11 22 Notes: • Based on 2018 CCCERA Valuation. 2019 valuation available Fall 2020. • Chart shows scheduled amortization of UAAL(over 18 years for each annual layer of historic UAAL),assuming no additional UAAL is generated. • Second bar shows UAAL offset by Pension Prefunding Trust balance,with continuing$1.25 million discretionary contributions through 2025 (at which point additional contributions are ceased as the UAAL is forecast to be retired by 2025). September 3, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 49 of 172 Page 27 of 30 CIB TRANSFERS=CURRENT YEAR #of transfers Cause for Transfers Total Original Project Budgets Compared to Transfers 6 $9,000,000 5 4 $8,000,000 3 $7,000,000 2 $6,000,000 1 0 ■ ■ $5,000,000 $4,000,000 ■ to ■ c ■ `o ■ ■ a ■ v c o p v o -o a m av m $3,000,000 v \ v 3 v v m c °1 'o + Q = 0 O z O Y o v 3 LL .E $2,000,000 L Z v F.Cost exceeded initial budget o Ui v E.New project scope Cd $1,000,000 D.New Project C. Developer/CAD or other cost neutral B.Cashflow accelerations $- A.Bundling/Unbundling a ty Notes: There were five transfers in June 2020,and a total of 13 for FY 2019-20. September 3, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 50 of 172 Page 28 of 30 CIB TRANSFERS SINCE FY 2016=17 #of Cause for Transfers Total Original Project Budgets Compared to Transfers transfers g g p 16 14 $60,000,000 12 10 $50,000,000 8 6 $40,000,000 4 2 $30,000,000 0 0 to ou 0W o a 0 $20,000,000 p @ o a o N v CO ' Q u O N Z N 9 o ; 0 76 o 3 U $10,000,000 F.Cost exceeded initial budget Z p s LL � E.New project scope ° w D.New Project U m C.Developer/CAD or other cost neutral B.Cashflow accelerations $ A.Bundling/Unbundling RJ tam September 3, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 51 of 172 Page 29 of 30 FY 2019-20 Running Expense Fund Total Cash & Investment Balances (Actuals through June 2020) $60.0 $59.3 $57.9 $53.7 $54.7 $53.0 $51.2 $49. $50.0 $47.2 $48.6 $43.4 $46.0 $40.9 $41.0 $40,0 $37.3 $38.2 $33.8 $34.6 8.4 $32.9 $30.0 $29.0 $28.2 $24.6 $24.2 $24.0 $23.7 $20.0 517.6 $18.9 $18.2 $10.0 $0.0 > �eQ D �o M Projected Balance* MActual Balance Reserve Target at Year End** NOTES: * Projected balances were generated in June 2019 based on budgeted revenues and expenses for FY 2019-20 and applied to the actual balance at Jun 30,2019 **The Reserve Target at Year End is the minimum balance required at June 30, 2020 to comply with the District Policy September 3, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 52 of 172 Page 30 of 30 FY 2019-20 Sewer Construction Fund Total Cash & Investment Balances (Actuals through June 2020) $73.9 $72.5 $71.1 $70.0 $67.5 $63.4 $62.5 1 $60.0 $56.3 $58.3 $54. $57.0 $56.1 $52. $52.3 $51.9 $52.6 $52.4 0 $59. $49.8 $50.7 $61.6 $48.1 $550.0 $47.0 $47.6 $43.2 $42.6 $40.0 $39.z $30.0 2.0 $30.4 $20.0 $10.0 $0.0 Je,�`� `e4p`� MProjected Balance* MActual Balance -Reserve Target at Year End** September 3, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 53 of 172