HomeMy WebLinkAbout04.a. Receive update and status of preliminary findings regarding the Steam & Aeration Systems Renovations, DP 7349 Page 1 of 16 Item 4.a. CENTRAL SAN September 1, 2020 TO: ENGINEERING AND OPERATIONS COMMITTEE FROM: NITIN GOEL, SENIOR ENGINEER REVIEWED BY: DANEA GEMMELL, PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES MANAGER JEAN-MARC PETIT, DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNICAL SERVICES ROGER S. BAILEY, GENERAL MANAGER SUBJECT: RECEIVE UPDATE AND STATUS OF PRELIMINARY FINDINGS REGARDI NG THE STEAM AND AERATION SYSTEMS RENOVATIONS, DISTRICT PROJECT 7349 The attached presentation regarding the status update of the Steam and Aeration Systems Renovations, District Project (DP) 7349 will be reviewed in the Engineering and Operations Committee Meeting. Strategic Plan Tie-In GOAL TWO: Environmental Stewardship Strategy 1—Achieve 100% compliance in all regulations GOAL FOUR: Workforce Development Strategy 4—Meet or exceed industry safety standards GOAL FIVE:Infrastructure Reliability Strategy 1—Manage assets optimally to prolong their useful life, Strategy 2—Execute long-term capital renewal and replacement program GOAL SIX: Innovation and Optimization Strategy 2—Improve and modernize operations through technology and efficiency measures ATTACHMENTS: 1. Presentation September 1, 2020 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 3 of 40 Page 2 of 16 STEAM & AERATION BLOWER SYSTEMS RENOVATIONS PROJECT (DP 7349) STATUS UPDATE & PRELIMINARY FINDINGS Jean-Marc Petit, Director of Engineering & Technical Services Danea Gemmell, Planning & Development Services Division Manager Nitin Goel, Senior Engineer, Special Projects &Asset Management Group Engineering & Operations Committee Meeting - SEPTEMBER 1, 2020 — 1 STEAM PROJECT ELEMENTS THAT ARE EVALUATED t SUB 82 Contaminated Soil Electrical Upgrades Future Nutrient Relocation Future Clarifiers? Removal Tanks Steam ikGeneration New O Blower ❑O Building? Steam& ' Condensate Piping Mixed Liquor Rehab Clarifiers? Hydraulic �'�^ Add Splitter Box. Generator } a � QT CEPT SUBS 33&34 Electrical Upgrades New Diffusers&Piping Optimize Selector &Aeration Tank Rehab j Dedicated f ,T Aerated Grit $ Re-Use Blower Building t^ primary Expansion? Blowers a for New Blowers? - - Chemically Enhanced Primary Treatment(CEIT)..Substation(SUB) SUB 52 Electrical Upgrades Z September 1, 2020 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 4 of 40 1 Page 3 of 16 STEAM PROJECT SCOPE Task 1. . . Condith, E> As et E> Process Assessment Evaluatilon Steam Sysite IL Optimizati IG Separate Contract. aPr « Alternativesy INConfirm el C Develop Selectif Best Proceeds to . . Lifecycle Costs Pre-Design Alternative(s) for Alternatives ' 3 STEAM PROJECT TASKS COMPLETED TO DATE Tasks Condition Assessments Draft Condition Assessment Reports 01 9D% Update to Committee/Board 1 Comprehensive Asset Evaluation Drafting Comprehensive Asset Evaluation 02 60%D Technical Memoranda 1 Update to Committee/Board r————————————————————Z Z Z Z—————r Secondary Process&Steam System Optimizations Completed Field Work(i.e.Off-Gas Testing,Characterization) 03 60% Evaluations in Progress(Computational Fluid Dynamics) A Update to Committee/Board !______________________________I Business Case Evaluations(BCEs)and Peer Review Completed Electric Blower BCE 04 25% Steam versus Electric BCE or Entire Steam Project 1 BCE Update to Committee/Board ! —� Preliminary Design Reports(PDRs) Completed Draft PDR for Electric Blowers 05 30% F Other PDRs Update to Committee/Board a CENTRALSAN September 1, 2020 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 5 of 40 2 Page 4 of 16 nr '� DRAFT Secondary Proces' and Aeration System ' _ 1 Condition Assessment - DRAFT Steam System Steam and Aeration Blower Sy3tem a Condition Assessment Renovation Project,OP 7%9 — 14=°'° esa Steam and Aeration Blower System Renovation Proiect.DP 7349 ui TASK 1 MaCONDITION Electrical Condition Assessment Steam and Aeration Blower System Renovation Project OP 7349 ,.n-14.zo:D s TASK 1 - CONDITION ASSESSMENT PRIMARILY EVALUATED ASSETS CONSIDERING AGING INFRASTRUCTURE DRIVER Aging Infrastructure 116 Repair or replace some � wowequipment and structures 6 Capacity to extend their useful life (Task 2) Regulations Sustainability/Optimization (Task 2) i (Task 2) ' 6 September 1, 2020 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 6 of 40 3 Page 5 of 16 ESTIMATED REMAINING USEFUL LIFE OF ASSETS ARE ORGANIZED INTO FOUR DIFFERENT GROUPS BASED ON REPLACEMENT HORIZONS ImmediatePlIr" � V Future Long-Term L w Years(yrs) 1 s.aCENTRALSAN s*enM ruaie..Hnsr �ssessiner�rconortwr+or Jw TASK 1 CONDITION ASSESSMENTS - STEAM SYSTEM RESULTS _ 1 $ CENTRALSAN September 1, 2020 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 7 of 40 4 Page 6 of 16 STEAM SYSTEM ASSETS ESTIMATED REMAINING USEFUL LIFE BASED ON CONDITION ASSESSMENTS RESULTS Red:<5years Yellov 5-10 years Blue:10-20 years - r_ree, 20+years of Solids Conditioning Buildingremaining useful life s LEGEND . SyMn Hot VPatar WontAr Exchanger $ se.w� gyp .• Pumping and Blower Building ■ . hnArr frrdwmrr•nd [ie aoiLn�J eiectnc slower Hwa■"""o'r � 6lowdrwm�nm�dina Chronical F••d 5 st•m•� C i lin.•We�yr �� r� � �•n hsps �-'f Wner WaW HeabrE Po[ Coed[ t)eaerMor �I"ILJI Werte Steam Makeup,We[•r 3[areye is nk t]ry■e IVAC EHIuCaUm W RInoP Ew[hanpra LtN ren■erj F �Petum Rewm e rsR ElecblF :•2.=�'���"'� GSL Vacuum,Hoper,8 A•re[lon EirtA '-�f,.'i�4� Ilna[Horwfl Puna• � err•e•lhwm Steam Condition Assessment Summary • Most of the steam system assets have a remaining useful life of greater than 20 years • Sampling system and a waste steam exchanger should be replaced in near-term/immediate 9 l TASK 1 CONDITION ASSESSMENTS - SECONDARY PROCESS & AERATION SYSTEM RESULTS ' 10 September 1, 2020 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 8 of 40 S Page 7 of 16 SECONDARY PROCESS ASSETS ESTIMATED REMAINING USEFUL LIFE BASED ON CONDITION ASSESSMENTS r :x Aeration Headers 4 lag awl 9Aeration Plain a Aeration Basin,(Aggregate) fO 12 12 South MLSS Channel = 13B •13A 5 ��� II<OWN I �:•1. ]3; .. 2 97 3AClarifier Gear Drives Rebuilt 2002(North Clarifier#2, --- 13BLSouth Clarifier#3) ` — Cl.dfi.,G...Drives Rebuilt ZW3(North Cl.dfi.,#3, .i'...� ■ 13C LEGEND Ad LFT-w North RAS P..p. = Secondary Process Condition Assessment Summary South RAS Punnips ® Except for diffusers, aeration air filters, clarifier gates, and return = activated sludge piping, most of the secondary process assets evaluated - as part of this condition assessment appear to be in good condition 11 Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids(MLSS);Stainless Steel(SST);Return Activated Sludge(RAS);Waste Activated Sludge(WAS) CENTRALSAN sI sty JtsC f TASK 1 CONDITION ASSESSMENTS - ELECTRICAL RESULTS September 1, 2020 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 9 of 40 6 Page 8 of 16 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM ASSETS REMAINING USEFUL LIFE o... Q wesswn.PwP QMx Ea wiLPwc ` �jd � Q. euER�NcrsvnrcnGE euuaMc OS wSJA wLLPYVG — L~ r — Q wgsriRSE EuwiXGl O^PFB NXLGA4G IMPC ROOM1 ' 'n W. V s ear POwaR auiPnvG G 5 eM O SD SASMENL 0 6 �NPbR,E i Y=PEO uu------- — EUPIEO CONDeIT A�EGRWNP -■—__ p=■----_:F� � � O`" nao�TioNu Nos ' ■e���ll� _ �` FPa(WEGRWNP FEEDER�EMP,iFRCM 1■■! 1tll __ _ uTO Ese,is vuNEan6iE TO PUMpE. _ 2 EfwesaD ia[v FeFeEn�EM.c�rNUGwG � ,y LD NgOFF WAV UMPERRA335 WLNERABlE T4 S D- ONFL ENC<OFFLceXI0.f3. �f BVAARiTiJt yy EW.r3'MNai0LES1 REPFESENT AE ___ , n AEDlA46NJll FEEPERsaGX TXEo RME FGLLOW sIMRAq RGUTE9 Lob OFTEN UEE A MEsaxE CPRE TR.ays OR COtrviRGE Ri 6 wwN0�E5 MAxwc rt ENEMEMELY CNPILENGWG i0 DEENFRGIZE PLL OE IXE PEEPERS TINT RiJN KgYG APP9tE TRAY OR _ _ _ RouGNAuiwIaEFPRuaF�Terwrce oR REPNM. .\ v - arRX ca�oLftsYN-4 s \�,� aWm ears iRlr: TASK 2 - COMPREHENSIVE ASSET EVALUATION (INCLUDES ALL FOUR CENTRAL SAN DRIVERS - _ - CENTRALSAN September 1, 2020 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 10 of 40 Page 9 of 16 TASK 2 - COMPREHENSIVE ASSET EVALUATION TARGETED REGULATORY, CAPACITY, & SUSTAINABILITY/OPTIMIZATION DRIVERS ALONG WITH AGING INFRASTRUCTURE FOR ASSET EVALUATIONS Capacity �� Expand the capacity Aging Infrastructure • and redundancy ' (Task 1) (flows and loads)of some equipment and facilities 0 Sustainability/Optimization Safety,operability&maintainability Comply with regulations Optimize existing treatment ' and safety and continue processes to adhere to them as Energy-efficient improvements ' they evolve or become ` Resource recovery stricter in the future Recycled water • Seismic and flooding event improvements 16 CENTRALSAN AN EXAMPLE EVALUATION FOR COGENERATION (COGEN) BOILER IS SHOWN BELOW CONSIDERING ALL FOUR DRIVERS Drivers Based upon condition assessment results that includes non-destructive Aging ® Infrastructuretesting,remaining useful life is greater than 20 years. Each Row Represents a Sustainability Presently,no major sustainability issues.Would benefit from Optimization chemical cleaning and modifications to boiler feed water chemical Driver and treatment program. Corresponding Remaining Useful Life O Capacity presently,no major capacity concerns. ---------------------�Q Regulatory Presently,no major regulatory concerns. E)) . 0 Immediate 5 yrs Near Future 10 yrs Lona Term 20 yrs Future Cogen Boiler Assessment Summary From the comprehensive asset evaluation, it was determined that the cogen boiler has a remaining useful life greater than 20 years September 1, 2020 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 11 of 40 8 Page 10 of 16 TASK 3 - SECONDARY PROCESS & STEAM SYSTEM OPTIMIZATIONS ' 17 CENTRALSAN BIOLOGICAL PROCESS OPTIMIZATION AS A PART OF TASK 3 - SECONDARY PROCESS & STEAM SYSTEM OPTIMIZATIONS Wastewater Characterization Essential to 1)understand overall plant performance and 2)model optimization/upgrade options Aeration/Nitrification(A/N)Tank Flow Split Evaluation A computational fluid dynamics(CFD)modeling to understand the existing flow split(day-to-day and peak flows) Anaerobic Selector Optimization Understand how the process is behaving and opportunities to improve settleability Off-Gas Testing Evaluate the oxygen transfer efficiency in the AM tanks 1& CENTRALSAN September 1, 2020 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 12 of 40 9 Page 11 of 16 TASK 4 - BUSINESS CASE EVALUATIONS ' 19 RECENT EXAMPLE: COMPREHENSIVE MULTIPLE BCES WERE PERFORMED TO ADDRESS LACK OF AERATION AIR DURING CONSTRUCTION OF THE SOLIDS PROJECT Problem11 BICE #02 BCE #03 Statement Address Aeration Air& Aeration Air Supply Select New Electric- Electrical Production with Furnaces Offline Driven Blower Style(s) to Meet Design Conditions Issues during the Solids and Cogan Operational to Meet DeHandling Facility Conditions Solids Project Construction Improvements(Solids B) Long-Term after the Solids Project)Construction L Project Construction sign A)Short-Term during the Aeration Equipment Alternatives: Blower Alternatives: Blower Combinations: 1) Business as Usual:Furnaces 1) Business as Usual:Existing 1) Single-Stage Centrifugal 1) Business as Usual(2 Steam Blowers;1 and Cogeneration System Steam(2)and Electric(1) 2) Multi-Stage Centrifugal Electric Blower) Operational Blowers 3) Integrally Geared 2) Existing Steam Blower+1 New Electric 2) Furnaces and Cogeneration 2) Existing Electric Blower(1) q) Air Foil Bearing Blower System Offline with New Electric Blower(s). 5) Magnetic Bearing 3) Refurbish Existing Electric-Driven 3) Furnaces Offline and Two(2)Steam Blowers Serve Blower+1 New Electric Blower Cogeneration System as Backups(Carried Forward) (.Carried Forward) 4) Two or three New Electric Blowers Operational(Carried Forward) Both Short-Term(during the Solids Project)and Long-Term(after the completion of the Solids Project)Alternatives recommended addition of Electric Blowers CENTRALSAN 2a September 1, 2020 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 13 of 40 10 Page 12 of 16 TASK 5 - PRE-DESIGN DRAFT ELECTRIC BLOWER IMPROVEMENTS PRELIMINARY DESIGN REPORT IS DEVELOPED AS A PART OF TASK 5 - PRE-DESIGN 1. Blower skid 0 2. Variable frequency drive panels 3. Local control panels 4. Chiller l O® r O 2 Draft ElectrD Blower Prelimin ❑esfgn 1. ary O Report su..a��mes..ra�,rnenn mr.s ry N.two 4 New Electric Blowers zz CENTRALSAN September 1, 2020 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 14 of 40 11 Page 13 of 16 WHAT'S NEXT Comprehensive Asset Evaluation Comprehensive Asset Evaluation Findings 02 60% Update to Committee/Board=November 2020 -----------------------------r Secondary Process&Steam System Optimizations Update of the Completed Field Work(i.e.Off-Gas 03 60% Testing,Wastewater Characterization, Computational Fluid Dynamics) Update to Committee/Board=December 2020 Business Case Evaluations(BCE)and Peer Review Entire Steam Project BCE 04 25% Update to Committee/Board=February 2021 ______________________________1 Preliminary Design Reports(PDR) Predesign Report Findings 30% Update to Committee/Board=April 2021 '1{ 23 CENTRALSAN QUESTIONS? 24 CENTRALSAN September 1, 2020 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 15 of 40 12 Page 14 of 16 ADDITIONAL SLIDES ' 25 Summary of Condition Assessment Findings for Steam Assets Na nj RUL Condition Assess Name Location RUL Condition Cogen Boiklq SOB 3 >20 Life-affecting impacts not reflected in NDE.Options:complete Condensate -&B >20 Normal preventative maintenance with minor corrective maintenance. economizer inspection,chemically clean boiler,and implement Pumps 3aserient Option:overhaul pumps over the next 5 years. chemical treatment program. Turbine '&B 10-20 2018 NDE indicates increasing rate of tube metal loss.Coupled with MHF WHIR 1 SCB 3 >20 NDE:100%remaining useful life with minor maintenance from Exhaust 3asenent age,this finding indicates lower remaining useful life.Improvement visual inspection.Options:chemically clean boiler and implement Condenser 1 Options:chemical treatment,change cooling water source,and/or chemical treatment proqram. and 2 upqrade cleaninq method. MHF WHB 2 SOB 3 > NDE:100%remaining useful life with minor maintenance from Vacuum and P&B Normal preventative maintenance with minor corrective maintenance. visual inspection.Options:chemically clean boiler and implement Hogger Pum s Basement chemical treatment program. West,East, P&B >20 Normal preventative maintenance with major corrective maintenance. Auxiliary Boilers SCB 3 >20 Accumulation of deposits.Boiler to be cleaned and retubed.Minor and Electric Basement Options:BFP overhaul;governor,piping,and/or BFP replacement; 1/2 defects,serviceable. BFP monitor performance;and chemical treatment changes. Centrifuge Hot SOB 3 20 The corrosion observed on the steam side of[he waste steam Turbine 1 P&B-1 Normal preventative maintenance,minor corrective maintenance. Water Flush Ex exchan ers ma be occurtin in the other heat exchangers. Turbine 2 P86-1 Significant history of failures.Major rework/repair may be required. Scum System SOB 3 10-20 The corrosion observed on the steam side of the waste steam Waste Steam P&B-1 Significant corrosion and deterioration on steam side. Heater exchan ers ma be occurdn in the other heat exchangers. Exchan er 1 Sampling and SOB 2 5-10 Normal preventative maintenance with minor corrective EExchanger2 team P&B-1 5-10 Significant corrosion and deterioration on steam side. Analysis System maintenance.System design not in accordance with industry er 2consensus on best ractices. ervoir P&B-1 10-20 The corrosion observed on the steam side of the waste steam Chemical Feed SCB 2 > Normal preventative maintenance with minor corective er exchan ers ma be occurdn in the other heat exchan ers. Systemmaintenance.Options:all-volatilefeedwater and boiler chemical al P&B Normal preventative maintenance with minor corrective maintenance. treatment,seconds containment, rotectlevel indicators,etc. er Extreme a e im acts remainin useful life. Deaerator :B' >20 Visual inspection shows life-affecting impacts not reflected in er C Outside of > Normal preventative maintenance with minor corrective maintenance. Performance Test.Options:one of the DA supply pumps will P&B require replacement within the next 10 years,implement chemical iping - >20 Normal preventative maintenance with minor corrective maintenance. treatment program changes, etc. Options:steam line and trap leak repairs,steam system capacity test, Deaerator SOB 1 >2 Visual inspection shows life-affecting impacts not reflected in etc. Storage Tank NDE. Condensate SCB 1 Normal preventative maintenance,minor corrective maintenance. Condensate - >20 Normal preventative maintenance with minor corrective maintenance. Storage Tank Improvement Option:install steam/nitrogen sparging system. Pi in Softeners SOB' >20 Normal preventative maintenance.Options:replace with RO/EDI 'stem,perform an elution stud,etc. SCB HVAC Unit CB' 10-20 The corrosion observed on the steam side of the waste steam exchangers may be occurring in the other heat exchangers. Red: <5 years 5-10 years 10-20 years been: 20+ years of life left 26 September 1, 2020 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 16 of 40 13 Page 15 of 16 Summary of Condition Assessment Findings for Aeration & Secondary Process Assets Name Location RUL Condition Assessment Findings Name Location RUL Condition ngs on Plan on Plan View View Graphic Graphic Aeration Air Filters 1A Rehabllltation,rfpo bl.. r� 5-10 Normal preventative maintenance,major corredive niaintenamce. Aeration Shakers 1B Rehabilitation,if possible. Inlet Guide Vanes(Aggreg 2 Normal preventative maintenance,major connective maintenance. 13B 5-10 Rehabilitation,if possible. Blower#1 3 Normal preventative maintenance,minor wrrective maintenance. �) Blower#2 3 Normal preventative maintenance,minor corredive maintenance. 13C 5-10 Normal preventative maintenance,major corrective maintenance. ri Blower#3 3 >20 Normal preventative maintenance,minor corredive maintenance. CI 14 Rehabilitation,if possible. Aeration Headers c 5-10 Rehabilitation,ifpossible.Creasing at Final Effluent Channel has a high IA9B consequence of failure. Aeration Piping 5 >20 Normal preventative maintenance,minor corrective maintenance. Clarifier SST Inlet Gar. 75 Normal preventative maintenance,minor corrective maintenance. Aeration Air Control Valves 6 Io-20 Rehabilitation,if possible.Valves are oversized for the current air North RAS Pui 16 Normal preventative maintenance,minorcorrective maintenance. (Aggregate) demands of the aeration basins, South RAS Pu 11 Normal preventative maintenance,minor corrective maintenance. Diffusers(Aggregate) 7 Replace.Inspection needed. Aeration Basins(Aggregate) 8 Normal preventative maintenance,minor corrective maintenance. RAS Piping 18 Normal preventative maintenance,mimmoorredive maintenance.Final Inspection needed. Effluent Channel Crossing has a high consequence of failure. North MLSS Channel 9 >20 Normal preventative maintenance,minor connective maintenance. WAS Puma 19 >20 1 Normal preventative maintenance,minor corrective maintenance.Pump and piping configuration does not meet Hydraulic Institute Standards South MLSS Channel 10 >20 Normal preventative maintenance,minor corrective maintenance. leading to cavitation and increased wear on pumpalmotors. North Clarifier at,#3,&#4 11 Normal preventative maintenance,minor corrective maintenance. WA 20Normal preventative maintenance,minor corrective maintenance. Basi South Clarifier#11 ce 6#2 Basin 12 Normal preventative maintenance,minor nedive maintenance. _ >2g Rchabilitatlon,if possible,to repair and seal cracks in Concrete flooring and 27 Red: <5 years 5-10 years glue: 10-20 years 20+ years of life left Summary of Condition Assessment Findings for Electrical System Assets 12kV To 480-Volt Transformers Sub 73(Qty 6),Sub 52(Qty 4),Sub's 33/34(Qty 4) 8 Condition and life totals of XFMR 73CT1 are 4.5 and 4 years EMB(Standby Power Building) 21 — 12kV Switchgear Substation 82 16-20 Substation 73 Area 8 Condition and life totals for SWGR73DA and SWGR73DB are 3.5 and 16 years Substation 52 and 33/34 Area 8 ' 12kV Switchgear Emergency Switchgear Building 20 — Standby Power Building 16-25 -_ Protective Relays Electromechanical Protective Relays 5 Replacements are underway Solid-State Protective Relays 15 Continue with routine testing,and replacement as warranted Microprocessor-Based Protective Relays 20 Modern,maintainable devices Red: <5 years 5-10 years 10-20 years _3reen: 20+years of life left 28 September 1, 2020 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 17 of 40 14 Page 16 of 16 Summary of Condition Assessment Findings for Electrical System Assets (Continued) 12kV Feeders/Bus Duct Segments replaced in 2001 13 — The remainder 1 Low-Voltage Feeders/Bus Duct 480V Conductors to Distribution Equipment 0 — 480V Conductors Feeding Loads 7 — Low-Voltage Switchgear Substation 73 Area 6-8 Substation 52 and 33/34 Area 6 Motor Control Centers Substations 82,52,33/34 Area 3 Substation 73 Area(MCC 721-13) 3 Other MCC 73xy are in Solids Project Standby Power Building 3 — North RAS/WAS VFD's 1 3.3 and 6 years South RAS VFD's 9 ✓ Red: <5 years 5-10 years Blue: 10-20 years 20+ years of life left 29 September 1, 2020 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 18 of 40 15