HomeMy WebLinkAbout06. Authorize agreement for Large Diameter Pipeline Inspection Program, DP 8443 Page 1 of 4 Item 6. CENTRAL SAN BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER MEETING DATE: AUGUST 20, 2020 SUBJECT: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE A TECHNICAL CONSULTING SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH HOFFMAN SOUTHWEST CORPORATION I N AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $865,000 TO PROVIDE INSPECTION SERVICES FOR THE LARGE DIAMETER PIPELINE INSPECTION PROGRAM - PHASE 1, DISTRICT PROJECT 8443; AND FIND THAT THE PROJECT IS EXEMPT FROM THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITYACT (CEQA) SUBMITTED BY: INITIATING DEPARTMENT: JUSTIN WAPLES, ASSOCIATE ENGINEER ENGINEERING AND TECHNICAL SERVICES- PDS-PLANNI NG AND APPLI ED RESEARCH REVIEWED BY: DAN FROST, SENIOR ENGINEER DANEA GEMMELL, PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION MANAGER PAUL SEITZ, COLLECTION SYSTEM OPERATIONS DIVISION MANAGER JEAN-MARC PETIT, DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNICAL SERVICES Roger S. Bailey General Manager ISSUE Board of Directors' authorization is required for the General Manager to execute a Technical Consulting Services Agreement in an amount greater than $100,000, and to find the project is exempt from CEQA. BACKGROUND Central San began its Sewer Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) Inspection Program in 2002. The program's goal is to assess the condition of the collection system using CCTV and inform maintenance August 20, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 46 of 200 Page 2 of 4 and capital improvement needs. Central San has 76 miles of large diameter pipes (>24 inches to 102 inches in diameter). Nearly half of these large diameter pipes are over 50 years old. Although Central San performs CCTV inspections, CCTV inspection of large diameter pipelines is not always practical and does not always provide the necessary information to establish an accurate condition of the infrastructure. Central San plans to use multi-sensor inspection (MS I)technology to obtain the necessary condition information for its large diameter pipelines. MSI technology involves the use of multiple sensors on robotic platforms to collect data. Using existing CCTV inspection records, candidate pipelines were identified for trialing Central San's use of MS 1, an inspection plan was developed, and a request for proposal was advertised to conduct the inspection work. The candidate pipelines include two corridors that will be inspected in phases: 1) The first corridor consists of approximately 630 feet of 39-inch reinforced concrete pipe near the treatment plant in Martinez under Highway 4; and 2) the second corridor is approximately 29,000 feet of 30-to 36-inch reinforced concrete pipe along Danville Boulevard, and associated manholes. Staff will first authorize a task to inspect the 39-inch pipe segment, and will only proceed with a task to inspect the Danville segments after satisfactory confirmation that the data is useful and relevant for determining pipeline condition and preliminary design. These inspections will be used as a pilot project to inform Central San's efforts to develop a system-wide programmatic inspection and renovation program for the large diameter pipelines. Following completion of this project, staff will be preparing a large diameter pipeline inspection implementation plan that will refine the approach for subsequent inspection projects - including pipeline prioritization, timing, inspection costs, and inspection services procurement and implementation alternatives.Any renovation needs identified through this inspection project and subsequent inspection project phases will be funded through the separate Large Diameter Renovation Program project included in the Fiscal Year 2020-21 Budget Book. The request for proposal was advertised on June 15, 2020. Three proposals were received and opened on July 8, 2020 (Redzone Robotics, Hoffman Southwest Corporation, and Pipe and Plant Solutions, Inc.). Engineering and Operations staff conducted a technical evaluation of the proposals, conducted interviews on July 24, 2020, and selected Hoffman Southwest Corporation as the highest ranked proposer. The proposed work includes MSI inspection of the candidate pipelines using high definition CCTV, laser profiling, hydrogen sulfide recordings, visual inspections of manholes, and all associated data management and processing leveraging Central San's existing ITpipes CCTV inspection platform, quality assurance/quality control, and reporting. CEQA Staff has concluded this project is exempt from CEQA under Central San CEQA Guidelines Section 15262, since it will provide information for design of sewer improvements and will not have a legally binding effect on later activities.Approval of this project will establish the Board's independent finding that this project is exempt from CEQA. Staff anticipates issuing a notice to proceed in September 2020. Inspections are anticipated to be completed by December 2020 with final inspection reports anticipated in January 2021. Staff will then use the results from the inspection work to evaluate and prepare recommendations for subsequent large diameter pipeline inspection program phases, and to evaluate and scope any renovation needs identified from the inspections. ALTERNATIVES/CONSIDERATIONS 1. Reject all proposals and acquire equipment and expertise for Central San staff to conduct the multi- sensor inspections. Planning and Applied Research staff evaluated the cost to complete the work in- August 20, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 47 of 200 Page 3 of 4 house versus contracting with an outside vendor. Not including the need to acquire and maintain the equipment and train staff to operate the specialized equipment, the estimated annual labor cost for one crew(consisting of one maintenance crew leader and one maintenance crew member) is estimated at$305,075.Assigning Collection Systems Operations staff away from routine collection system maintenance to undertake multi-sensor inspections would impact the amount of routine maintenance being completed by approximately 10,000 feet per week. Given the pilot nature of the work, staff does not recommend this alternative but could consider re-evaluating the feasibility of acquiring equipment, training, and using Central San staff to conduct future inspections after gaining more experience with multi-sensor inspections under this project, and after further evaluating the benefits of a multi-sensor inspection program. 2. Reduce the number of miles of pipeline inspected. Staff does not recommend this alternative. Staff selected the candidate pipelines for this project to assess the condition of pipelines that may require near-term renovation, that may represent a range of pipeline conditions, and to solicit cost-efficient inspection proposals. FINANCIAL IMPACTS The total cost for the agreement will not exceed $865,000, which includes an allowance for cleaning to facilitate inspections and/or additional inspection work including manned entries if required and approved by Central San. The total budget for the Large Diameter Pipeline Inspection Program - Phase 1 (District Project 8443) is $1,841,000 as presented in the Fiscal Year 2020-21 Budget. The total budget includes $865,000 for the large diameter inspection, $250,000 for as-needed consultant support using the existing on-call consultant agreement, staff time, and allowances for additional costs related to possible survey work, additional data management and migration needs. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION The Engineering and Operations Committee reviewed this item at the meeting on August 4, 2020, and recommended approval. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION 1. Find that the project is exempt from CEQA. 2. Authorize the General Manager to execute a Technical Consulting Services Agreement with Hoffman Southwest Corporation in an amount not to exceed $865,000 for the Large Diameter Pipeline Inspection Program - Phase 1, District Project 8443. Strategic Plan Tie-In GOAL TWO:Environmental Stewardship Strategy 1—Achieve 100%compliance in all regulations GOAL THREE: Fiscal Responsibility Strategy 1—Maintain financial stability and sustainability GOAL FIVE:Infrastructure Reliability Strategy 1—Manage assets optimally to prolong their useful life, Strategy 2—Execute long-term capital renewal and replacement program August 20, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 48 of 200 Page 4 of 4 GOAL SIX:Innovation and Optimization Strategy 2—Improve and modernize operations through technology and efficiency measures August 20, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 49 of 200