HomeMy WebLinkAbout17.a. Committee Minutes - Real Estate, Environmental & Planning 07-20-20 Page 1 of 9
Item 17.a.
jdf A- hom
August 6, 2020
Attached are minutes of the above Committee meeting.
1. Minutes of 07-20-20 meeting
2. (Handout) Item 4.a.
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MINUTES PHONE: (925)228-9500
FAX. (925)372-0192
Monday, July 20, 2020
8:00 a.m.
2N1 Floor Conference Room
5019 Imhoff Place
Martinez, California
(A11 attendees participated via videoconference)
Chair Tad Pilecki
Member Mike McGill
Carolyn Phinney, Ph.D., President, AgLantis (left after Item 4.a.)
Roger S. Bailey, General Manager (arrived during Item 4.a)
Katie Young, Secretary of the District
Jean-Marc Petit, Director of Engineering and Technical Services
Phil Leiber, Director of Finance and Administration (arrived during Item 5.a.)
Danea Gemmell, Planning and Development Services Division Manager
Edgar Lopez, Capital Projects Division Manager (arrived during Item 4.a. and left after
Item 5.e.)
Emily Barnett, Communication Services and Intergovernmental Relations Manager (arrived
during Item 5.d. and left during Item 5.f.)
Lori Schectel, Environmental and Regulatory Compliance Division Manager
Melody LaBella, Resource Recovery Program Manager
Dan Frost, Senior Engineer
Mary Lou Esparza, Laboratory Superintendent (left after Item 5.d.)
David Wyatt, Household Hazardous Waste Supervisor
Blake Brown, Senior Chemist
Amanda Cauble, Associate Engineer
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Real Estate, Environmental & Planning Committee Minutes
July 20, 2020
Page 2
1. Notice
This meeting was held in accordance with the Brown Act as in effect under the
State Emergency Services Act, the Governor's Emergency Declaration related to
COVID-19, and the Governor's Executive Order N-29-20 issued on March 17, 2020
that allowed attendance by Board Members, District staff, and the public to participate
and conduct the meeting by teleconference, videoconference, or both. The agenda
included instructions for options in which the public could participate in the meeting.
2. Call Meeting to Order
Chair Pilecki called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m.
3. Public Comments
4. Items for Committee Recommendation to Board
a.* Receive update on CoCo San Sustainable Farm 2019 Annual Report
Ms. Gemmell reviewed the updated five-year plan included with the agenda
In response to a question from Chair Pilecki, Ms. Phinney responded that the
propagation greenhouse currently being used is different than the donated
greenhouse. Once water is established on the property, the donated greenhouse
will be used for seedlings. Chair Pilecki asked if the donated greenhouse would
be used in the next five years. Ms. Phinney responded that she has been
working with the County to get the project submitted and should hear within the
next six months.
Ms. Phinney advised the Committee that the farm is producing up to 1,600
pounds of produce on a weekly basis.
Chair Pilecki requested that a paragraph be added at the end of the five-year
plan to include aspirational goals on capital improvements and the area of
farm to be cultivated. He also requested a list of projects that are driven by
County permits and COVID-19 be added to the report.
Ms. Phinney stated that they probably will not cultivate more than 10 acres and
goals will be added to the five-year plan.
Ms. Phinney provided an article on the farm that included Central San (see
attached). She thanked the Committee on behalf of AgLantis.
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Real Estate, Environmental & Planning Committee Minutes
July 20, 2020
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COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board receipt and requested
some minor additions regarding aspirational goals be added to the
report for the full Board.
5. Other Items
a. Receive update on COVID-19 Wastewater Research
Mr. Frost provided the Committee with an update on the research being done
through the Water Research Foundation and the initial guidance documents
on how to collect wastewater surveillance. The main guidance document will
be published shortly with the help of the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) and the Environmental Protection Agency.
Mr. Frost explained how Central San is helping with the research studies
through Stanford University and collecting data on a weekly basis. Staff has
reached out to Contra Costa Health Services and has put a team together to
help define information and get the samples they may need. Last week, staff
met with a professor from UC Berkeley to help solve issues with analyzing
samples. UC Berkeley is acquiring funding for a pop-up laboratory that is
expected to be able to process over 100 samples per day and, if provided the
funding, they will provide the analyses at minimal or no cost to the agencies.
In response to a question from Member McGill, Mr. Frost stated that as of now,
the CDC is specifically doing research on the SARS-Co V-2.
There was a discussion about the wastewater treatment process and how it
kills COVID-19.
Staff answered multiple question from the Committee regarding safety
measures being taken to protect employees working in the collection system
and laboratory from exposure to COVID-19.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update.
b. Receive update on the Concord Community Reuse Project
Ms. Gemmell provided an update on the Concord Community Reuse Project
and stated that there could be a two-year setback due to separating with the
master developer.
Member McGill asked if the offer for recycled water was open-ended.
Ms. Gemmell advised that it was, as Concord is in the process of selecting a
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Real Estate, Environmental & Planning Committee Minutes
July 20, 2020
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new master developer and there is expected to be an adequate supply of
recycled water available for the Project according to the District's calculations.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update.
C. Receive update on the reopening of the Household Hazardous Waste and
Residential Recycled Water Fill Station facilities
Ms. Schectel reviewed the statistics included with the agenda material and
provided an overview of how the new appointment system is working.
Member McGill asked if the customers seemed satisfied. Mr. Wyatt stated that
some have voiced concerns about the appointment system, but they have
generally all been appreciative and know it is a temporary measure during the
COVID-19 pandemic.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the information.
d. Receive update on the most recent meeting of the Bay Area Clean Water
Agencies (BACWA)
Ms. Schectel reviewed the information provided in the agenda material. The
Ocean Protection Council now has a seat on the regional Nutrient
Management Strategy Steering Committee.
She stated that at the June Executive Board meeting, the Resolution to
Designate Signatory for BACWA Joint Powers of Authority (JPA) was
approved unanimously. The resolution designates Central San as BACWA's
signatory for the purposes of Government Code 6509.
Ms. Schectel stated that BACWA will be putting together a regional Per- and
polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) study and that the Bay Area was not
included in the State Water Board's PFAS Order. She also stated that she will
present an update on exfiltration sometime in the fall and that BACWA is
interested in learning what the Southern California study will show. Member
McGill asked if BACWA has studied how the homeless situation affects
exfiltration. Ms. Schectel stated that in some findings, birds have caused more
bacteria then the homeless but that has not been studied by BACWA
specifically. There will be a California Water Environment Association (CWEA)
workshop on that topic in August.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update.
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Real Estate, Environmental & Planning Committee Minutes
July 20, 2020
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e. Discuss letter received from Mt. View Sanitary District regarding potential
Mr. Bailey provided the Committee with a letter he received from Mt. View
Sanitary District regarding potential consolidation. He noted that a meeting
between general managers was scheduled for July 28. He believes there was
a misunderstanding of Central San's interest, which has been clarified with a
letter. He will proceed consistent with the Board's direction.
Member McGill stated that he was encouraged by Mt. View's response letter
and that staff will need to understand the procedures for any potential
consolidation through the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO).
Mr. Bailey stated that staff will proceed with that information once the July 28
meeting has occurred.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Held discussion and provided input to staff.
f. Receive report on staff attendance at Water and Energy Exchange (WEX)
Global 2020 Conference
Mr. Petit reviewed the presentation included with the agenda material.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the report.
6. Announcements
Regarding the Recycled Water Exchange project, Mr. Bailey advised that the general
managers of the three involved agencies will meet during the last week of July to
discuss an agenda for liaison meeting with the respective Board representatives.
7. Suggestions for future agenda items
a. Receive list of upcoming agenda items and provide suggestions for any other
future agenda items
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the list and provided input to staff.
8. Future scheduled meetings
Monday, August 17, 2020 at 9:00 a.m.
Monday, September 21, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. (change to 8 a.m. start time)
Monday, October 12, 2020 at 9:00 a.m.
9. Adjournment— at 9:57 a.m.
* See attached
August 6, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 86 of 107
Item 4.a. . .
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These Coryr-PCOSU County F+ ttr Wrkrivs propoy kid p�nls lhR lhq dofrted to Or farm.The produce grown m 11"fArm is donitod 0 the low food bank and
While Pony E*presswa nonpnaFi thatdislrihubm food W rormmunity memharsin roved
arulyn fshinney ovm a master ai uvnxxbming uhrtacles even P6inner�Fnlized s 10-MT lease agteemmt with the CCC'5a_
b,pf we wid-1 9. Nuw she p0.Tldemi4;iryet pnoshoir For$1 per year,dmyvould piroviek 15 aqua of land and all she
i*nawigm as she runs a rhriviAg farm in hdaninra,donaTirrg xgecicd wamr rhe Farm could use-The waren is high in rkLiropri,
her pruduot in ctneff ncy Fired prapiatrss and faMillrs 1n M:L�J. phusplrotusl putasikunt,anal JMJ[ru,lwrleJhU-.it's otrtl6rd fur
Phinomy is quick to vay char she known,nothing ahpuc Farming. apriculNum by the %ar-c of Califnanip and has boon umd Fpr organic
And ycr,ihia T-mearch psychs+logics and pobiical aaiviar rnwagrcl w product in Monremy For over a decade,
IrdnsFWt1k bd=lk]and in 8n i15AU16al ftM*JnTb 8 wdcomr sour{t Evtn befurt Gond-19 hh,tht ubiratics fsti%this fatw would
of sustainahiy grown ,duce_-I'm kind of like Colnmhn,'says have sent most prople packing-I-Cs been a David and Goliath-tnw
Phinney,referring To dhrcTV dmm-d e who Bens mnfuscd but ahwxys srruggk inyalving an nsromirni ofdmny political barks, many
solres dk cast."1 W I'm dumb,buT 1 karn fm." sitmLi ing ftotn the duimion of a soler li�hi�tccnhouEt
Back in 201a Phinney learned Hilae things that inspired her to valuedat nary$I00AW Frum thr Pitts6ueg husines AgraTedL
cmare a communiry Farm. Firar,she learned shar iho Fwd Dank of The 61T 4,R gnvnht,tise Brough;whish it rhv Meed fora slew of
C-arra Cosa and•Stlanu couhdnk lgtr Aurricni-dense lc*grcem ptnmiseions Lind permiss f tin rh,c counry, die Nparnyrtnl•of Public
5rrd utdlet•perishable Pmudur'Suamd•s;11e vras lulid t6m Mr3unt Worts•the fire department,2nd t6c nrirbw BLvJlan;uk Fick9 lkJrpurt.
];Diablo High School opulddc offer a daily saW har b4GaI w salad Fire nfCici;4 bpd Firs alwrut wing regyrW vrarer,which Phinney
cogs#L per dew while pima cogs wily 35 cents.Third wesa key evcnmd1w nsanagcd wvxfctme.Airport adminissrxrora had frays•
0Cie of Inforinarrou frunl Mlellacl MCGdl,boatd pmddent-or the about an lActc-.m In the alteady-h101 population of bltds on eh,e
ntnd(Amma{'mta runituy[Nirriet{CCCSD).McGill udd ]and, although the bird papulation has.Jecireased since farming
Phinney thal she Disickc was disrherging 50—II10 million gallons srerrrd. Phinney says rhos rhe lwmaucracy and rime spear changing
Icutrcnrly i♦-5Q million 01snsl d r"rtd wurcwarer,daily into minds 2ict her back two ytars. Unct ehc({trmhuuse is bui]r (m6Thtr
Suisun Bay_This w2t4!rinuW go thruto additional treatment to proms requiring fundraisingznd many penmisiwu),it will he a
became agricultural grade-In xddision,Mr.Gdl mid rhaT the Iaimict denronsrmirm circ For hydroponic growing,
owned about 150 accts of buffer land,adding char 'nobody wants A[on with clic llmm4ucruic hundkks,Phinw,has tequircd ro
la 17VUnrir a sanitary district_' get all 15 acre!of 6.n d fawEd and IhAM figure uut]env 10 turn Plain
r[Irr role fersila soil. For This.she T-cli it em faun 4ofoypndar FW;hallrrn
SALADS FOR SCHOOLS Black,an mwcwrc prokmor of honindrure ar Diablc,VaEty CAleV.
"5hei the Brains; 1531 Ih,c later•"jays Phlnucy.WId1 13666j guiding:,
"Why mut lex me pow salads fur scimmi1s and the Fxx bank?" Phinney ponpd her Fwmidablic energiga tavnrd a proc4.ss
Phknocymkrd-WLTh r++vGill's supprwu sloe Prxrxed rhe{=*CQ Say of SrawFormingdiTs inmiod,which she and hlackaccornpliahcd
Suswirmblr Fane, Sbe Dm fiscal spmmbip From Fanh lalaAd Lh %Junsecd cvmpodr, mnl.6.amid hume indium_715c Fern u&-s
111MILMC ftM later CUD"tlsc 15unproSSl A8L3nt15_In July 2014, errpinic prarrim and raprvu2tLve agriculture, wirh a focus on
13ppasrle:ke!Rmh p yLMlnlsi 11ii*n Phinney managed la mnulme p"rnrnenL ayeilcies,lace)bgslnt4Se!i
and 9Moleue+rper%0IkvIpher irpn$iprm barna Indu€Iripl laud Irrli�d khrluing coffl wirlikyrFerns.
,p�l`�- ust 6, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 88 of 107 5wwer wai4eft 2020 43
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Eugineei MiEhael WOO.who srrues as hoard pfesideni of the{rnlial Ocalra
CasaSmil4ryrLhsWd,I�also a loyal5wpportei aird volunje&Al thefmm.
emrich;ng itit sail and plamirq�c ea cuFjm io capiure carkUS,rL.
Pkinney herAF works on L6 Farm fy rc or zis drys per wmk,and, r
unril 64r parndsrmic,she g4r regalar wluTuesr help frflm high rx"
w.uk s:.&inilics with Suds, individtLaJ arluLrs,and Buy$couu,'IL firms {�-
IiVt laate6 orprudnCe,gru4rn an a yuarierxre,was ready for delivery
CO Tht I hank in 2901#,Thi•rnsrs gear, rbey glo 1 i',I1[1n pnune1:;of
produce,donaimg IQ.0W ofTlwse r-D kncal echo yh and hunger nc iof
urpri"Lwdn-T&Lrsr LYC7LL IAP xulun-ftEli 3nd PLOPL-w13u IusL!Jhmrd
UP ar rhr Firm 2nd naked if rhey aurid haus.sorric.The farri produced
Isalc, r-ornavwz,ptpprrs,wincer squash.wercrmelon,calasaEf�Trpc, leasee, `•;'
r,LdlslLei,pbtawes, CR;rP1ar3s,aaLJ 2UrrJ0ul-LaWr harVcsu went io rht -
Faud'bink; unaller ones aid more pQi%hahk Lteou+rcre given to rhe ` f
mmprofir Wsirt Cnnr EW which vu soup kiT-vhcna and r
oihms in need-Prc-•prindemic, rhe farm also offered tlassts rc6itd io �
STEN[eduutiun 2nd interdahipa,-which ane turrerLtly happenilig ooiine. -
Pcrk),p rnvms imllxm7anr of ail.Thr farm has aervrd m a dcmnnsrrnuan _
projecs rlsar oiher saniuTy diuricrs can rcplicatr,
{'.L►'L•2-19 IrLLt lily led LO a c ratrlaik dtap Lit vuludrn''r help,Jchouo
nne hrighL APo{w#s,R dlpgaraon of%4-DUt L.00 Wt�dljfflZ5 dLre m FIagL• r ��
salecAnc&ar mm. Phinney marsagcd io plani rhe rf<maied src'dlinp l .
wick dkC lktlp ON fe-w 4UEunIoces,a.ltd 1A M2V d1L-:7uup harVL5-Wd � +
hnpxnli, habk'hok 6ni, rabli-m jr,rosern;L7,ddli, and amonred gremu. -
Phi nney hroughs rhe foal w hix Puny Empress for diarrihusion, By �
nAA-suratrite, nYort Vs}IU Tfi[rS•bLL%t rrrurtrtdL and iliWre harwcsiing
Aunt 2 O pounds pt-7 div-}4s harvests increase, L3hiniey rigs-dunatiuns
m rho ford b nl;will rrqunc.The fArm hat pknry clfapacc for wdol Twelye-MF-oFd valunleer5tella Wang helps nut at theUrm mast
ciisaaltcbl g,and pa�oc ire vprr:ring masks as ilxy plans and 6lt+ras. weeks with her dad,Kelly.He appreciates all they're halhleaming and
Summer pmurnLuj in 36uad2M-*u1 W11OWrs,INUIL•e,ZULXILL2LL, melon, & Rh"emjay heing aiitdaerF,gmmng iruils.and uqe blK and
and n,tuh morn~for The lncal gpmmonir}'.(P, helping athei im need.
IL by not ler me groes salads for schools and the food ban k?" Ph-1nney asked.
With McGill's support, she started the CDCo Sart SustainabIc Farm.
44 SumrAcT'ATfiYU, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 89 of 107 �T BAY