HomeMy WebLinkAbout04.a. (Handout) Item 4.a. . . JUMP NG THROUGH HOOPS 1 II; j y Y 44 JL IF ,� I ± - Iia f J .'J'_ • �. ,� J` {a�1 r - •r r',.rs - 'n. - ,� - •y�• �+� + ''✓,� t� 1 �� r� _ 5 +�, ,is RF+ •' f FAi. �+L .,,.iF •: -e F 1.• T M1 I� ry AI r _ - r ]=1 i 1 i t/a ovist }wilt a farm ' R r . . for th ..comm,unity on Contra Costa County 1. = San 'tary District land � L. { .v .. �`• � B1`•AE L TRAC HTE N � 42 Summer Hurness`2 $� +� Atli, :_IST f4lY 4 - - w J 4 Ir L � P t � r. . { IbAh These Coryra COM County F+ ttr Wrkrivs propoy kid pl pls lhR lhq dofrted to Or farm.The produce grown m lk kuru is donitod 0 the local food bank and While Pony E*prpsswa nonpraFi thatdistrihutes food to rommunity memharsin rimed aredyn fshinney was a master as uvnxxbming uhrtacles even P6inney�Fnlized s ]tJ`Mi lease agteemmt with the CCC'5a_ b,piwe Ctwid-1 9. Nuw she p0.Tldemi4;iryet pnoshcr fii rd[e For$1 perymr,dmyvould proviek 15 acres of land and nil she i*nawigsrc as she runs a rhriving farm in hdarrink-E,donaTirrg xgocicd wamr rhe Farm could use_The waren is high in rkLiropri, her pruduot to ctneff ncy Fired prapiams and faMAIL&cn M:L�J. phusplrotus, putasikunt,anal linkro,wlrlelhU.It ctrer6rd fur Phinnmy is quick to vay char PAC known,nothing ahpuc Farming. apriculrum by the %ar-c of Califnanip and has boon umd Fpr organic And ycr,ihia Tesrarch psychologics and poLincal aaiviar mwagrd w product in Monremy For over a decade, IrdnsFO t1k bdnell land in an i15AU16sl ftM*JnTb 8 wdcomr anent Ewen befurt Gond-19 hh,the ubsrstics fstiL%this fatw would of sustainahiy grown ,duce_-I'm kind of like Colomhn,'says have sent most prople packing-I-Cs been a David and Goliath-tor Phinney,referring To dwTV dmm-d e who acts mnfuscd but alwxys srruggk 4yolving an nsromirni ofdmny political bods;, many ;vires drt cast."1 sty I'm dumb,buT 1 karn fast." sitrruning ftotn the duimion of a soler li�hi�tccnhouEt Back in 201a Phinney learned tlirne things that inspired her to valuedat ply$I00AW Frum thr Pitts6ueg husines AgraTedL cmare a communiry Eiirin. Fim,she learned shar deo FNA Dank of The 61T 4,R gnvnht,tise hroughs whish it rho need fora slew of Contra Cosa and$visna,couhdnk[qct nurricni-dense lc*grcem ptnmiseiona Lind permiss frarm rbc counry, die Nparurrtnr of Public 5rrd otdret•perishable PnXIUEE Suamd,slse vras lulid t6m Mr3unt Worts,16 fire department,2nd t6c nrirbw BLvJYan;uk Fidd Jticpurt. ];Diablo High School opulddc offer a daily saW har boy ww salad Fire nfCici;4 bpd Firs al♦wrut wing regyrW vrarer,which Phinney cogs#L per dew while pima cogs wily 35 cents.Third wesa key evcnmd1w nsanaged wvxfconiz.Airpors adminissrxrora had frays. 0Cie of Inforinarrou frunt Mlelsacl MCGOL,boatd pmddent-or the about an lnctc-.m In the alteady-ld0k population of bltds on eh,e ntnd{Amma{'mta,unitary[Nirriet{CCCSII}_McGill udd ]and, although the bird papulation has.Jecireased since farming Phinney thas she Disickc was diarherging 50-II10 million gallons srerrrd. Phinney says Thal rhe lwmauccacy and rime spear changing Icutrcnrly i♦-5Q million OlOnsl of'r"rtd wuirwsrer daily into minds act her back two ytars. Unct ehc({trmhuuse is bui]r (m6Thtr Suisun Hay_This w2t4!riouW go thruto additional treatment to proms requiring fuAdraisingznd many permisiwu),it will he a became agrkulsural grade-In xddision,McGill mid rhw dee Iaimict dernonsrrmion circForhydroponicgrowing, owned about 154 accts of buffer land,adding char 'Fwbodwwarin Alon-wirh dse burtaucrauic hundkks,Phinw-,mks tealuired ro la 17VU nrLr a sanitary district_' get all 15 acre!of 6.n d faced and IIIAM figure uut]env 10 turn Plain r<Irr ima fLmile soil. For This.she T-dimd em faun 4ofoYpnder FWshallrrn SALADS FOR SCHOOLS Back,an mwcwrc professor of honindrure ar Diablc,Valley ColleV. "5hei the hraimi 153h th,c later,"jays phlnucy.Wldh Hlacks gurdin C, "Why mut lex me pow salads fur kimmids and the Fxx bank?" Phinney ponpd her Fwmidablic energiga tavnrd a proc4.ss Phknocymkcd-WLTh MvGill's supprwu Ac I:rxrxed The{=*CQ San of SrawFormingdiTs inmiod,which she and blackaccornpliahcd Suswineblr Fane, She got fiscal spun mbip From Fanh]alanyl Lh %Junsecd cvmpodr, mn[6.amid hume nsdnurr_715c Fern u&-s ]n9I1tLMC ftM later CUD"tlsc 15unproSi J L3htr3_In July 2014, errpinic prarrim and raprvu2tLve agriculture, wirh a focus on 13ppasrle:keseerth p yLMlnlsi 11ii*n Phinney managed la onulme youernrnenL ayeiicies,lacBI h4s,ne�se!i and 9poleuemper%0IkvIpher 1rpn$iprm barna Indugripl laud Irrli�d khrluing cofflawirlikyrFerns. ,pdrbleeastksawxaro 5ummd?r Wa+vest 2020 43 tA� r 7 n r WHOM Eugineei MiEhael WOO.who srrues as hoard pfesideni of the{rnlial Ocalra CasaSmil4ryrLhsWd,I�also a loyal5wpportei aird volunje&Al thefmm. r. emrichh,t sail and plamirq�c ea cuFjm is}capture carkUS,rL. Pkinney herAF works on L6 Farm fy rc or zis drys per wmk,and, r unril 64r paodsmic,she g4r regalar wluTuesr help frflm high rx" w.uk cs:.&inilics with Suds, individuaJ arluLrs,and Buy$couu,'IL firms {�- Lirst bute6 orprudnCe,gru4rn an a yuarierxre,was ready for delirery CO Tht I hank in 29014.Thi•rnsrs gear, rbey gce 1?-UUt1 pnunrG;of produce,donaiJnj 10.0W ofTlwse r-D kncal dcho yh and hunger nc io •T� urpri"Lwdn-T&Lrsr LYC7LL IAP xulun-ftEli 3nd prc+pL-w13u lust!Jhmrd UP ar rhr Firm 2nd naked if rhey auihi haus.sorric.The farri produced Isalc, r-ornavwz,ptpprrs,winter squ-mh.wercrmelon,calasaEf�Trpc, leasee, `•;' r,LdlslLei,pOtWUe , cR;rp1ar3s,aaLJ 2UrrJ0ul-LaWr harycsu went io rht - Faud'bink; unaller ones aid more perishable Lteou+,rcre given to rhe ,•` f mmprofir Wsirt Cnnr EW which v{ soup kiTchcna and r others in need-Prc-•prindemic, rhe farm also offered tlassts rc6itd io STEN[eduL:2tion 2nd interdahipa,-which ane turrerLtly happenilig ooiine. - Pcrk),p rnvms impcm 7anr of ail.Thr farm has aervrd m a dcmnnsrrnuan _ projecs rlsar other saniuTy diuricrs can rcplicatr, CAW2- IrLLtlsllp led LO a rlratriaik dtup Lit vuludrn''r help,Jchauo nne hrighL APo{w#s,R dlpgaraon of%4-DUt L.00 Wt�dljfflZ5 dLre m FIagL• r �� salecAnc&ar mm. Phinney nW3agcd io plant rhe rf<maicd src'dlinp l . wick 6C lktlp ON fe-w 4UEunIoces,a.ltd 1A M2V d1L-:7uup harVL5- d � + hnpxnli, habk'hok 6ni, rabli-m jr,rosern;L7,ddli, and amonred gremu. - Phi nney hroughs rhe foal w hir< Puny Empress for diarrihusion, By � nAA-suratrite, nYort Vs}IU Tfi[rS•bLL%t rrrurtrtdL and iliWre harwcsiing Aunt 2 O pounds pc-7 div-}4s harvests increase, L3hiniey rigs-dunatiuns m rho ford b nl;will rrgvnc.The fArm hat pknry clfapacc for wdol Twelye-MF-oFd valunleer5tella Wang helps nut at theUrm mast ciisaaltcbl g,and pa�oc me vprr:ring masks as ihcy plans and 6lt+ras. weeks with her dad,Kelly.He appreciates all they're halhleaming and Summer pmurnLuj in 36uad2M-*u1 W11OWrs,INUAL•e,ZULXILL2LL, melon, & Rh"emjay heing stitcher~,gmmng iruils.and uqe blK and and n1tKh morn~for The ideal gpmmonir}'.(P, helping athei im need. rsfa��rr�5aolr.o+e IL by not ler me groes salads for schools and the food ban k?" Ph-1nnee asked. With McGill's support, she started the CDCo Sart SustainabIc Farm. 44 Summer H;3n?-ea 2020 atdk FAST BAY