HomeMy WebLinkAbout04.b. Review draft Position Paper to approve the Electric Blower Improvements - Phase 1 Project in the Fiscal Year 2020-21 Budget and funding from the Steam and Aeration Blower Systems Renovations, District Project 7349; and amend an existing professiona Page 1 of 20 Item 4.b. CENTRAL SAN BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER DRAFT MEETING DATE: JULY 7, 2020 SUBJECT: REVIEW DRAFT POSITION PAPER TOAPPROVE THE ELECTRIC BLOWER IMPROVEMENTS - PHASE 1 PROJECT IN THE FISCAL YEAR 2020-21 BUDGETAND FUNDING FROM THE STEAM AND AERATION BLOWER SYSTEMS RENOVATIONS, DISTRICT PROJECT 7349; AND AMEND AN EXISTING PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH HDR, I NC. I N AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $880,000 TO INCLUDE FINAL DESIGN SERVICES, INCREASING THE AGREEMENT COST CEILING TO $3,470,000 SUBMITTED BY: INITIATING DEPARTMENT: NITIN GOEL, SENIOR ENGINEER, SPECIAL ENGINEERING AND TECHNICAL SERVICES- PROJECTS AND ASSET MANAGEMENT PDS-ASSET MANAGEMENT REVIEWED BY: DANEA GEMMELL, PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION MANAGER EDGAR J. LOPEZ, CAPITAL PROJECTS DIVISION MANAGER JEAN-MARC PETIT, DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNICAL SERVICES ISSUE The Board of Directors (Board) authorization is required for the General Manager to amend an existing professional engineering services agreement in an amount greater than $200,000. BACKGROUND Central San staff has updated the Board or Board Committee at several meetings, including on December 20, 2018, when the authorization was granted to enter into an agreement with HDR, I nc. (HDR)for the condition assessment and preliminary design of the Steam and Aeration Blower Systems Renovations, District Project (DP) 7349 (Steam Project). This decision was made after a very competitive and formal Request for Proposal (RFP) process that included four qualified consulting engineering firms. The RFP scope of work included preliminary, final design services, and engineering services during construction for an estimated total Steam Project budget of$63 million. Staff is now recommending phasing the Steam Project into five distinct projects, and proceeding with the final design of Phase 1 - Electric Blower Improvements (Phase 1 Blower Project). July 7, 2020 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 19 of 49 Page 2 of 20 Aeration Blowers The aeration blowers supply air to four aeration basins, pre-aeration system, final effluent, and mixed liquor channels. Central San has three aeration blowers (blowers). Two blowers, installed in 1974, are steam- driven turbine blowers utilizing steam produced from the heat recovery from the furnace's waste heat boilers, cogeneration system, and augmented by auxiliary boilers. The steam-driven blowers are oversized, each rated at 71,000 standard cubic feet per minute (scfm), for the plant's typical operation which typically uses on average 30,000 and 45,000 scfm. In addition, there is complex interconnection between the solids process, waste heat, steam-driven blower, and the secondary process aeration system. Due to this complex interconnection, any upsets, shut downs, and process variability in any of these systems can potentially impact the plant's ability to meet the dissolved oxygen needs of the biological process and impacts the furnace air scrubber emission system. The electric blower, which is the third blower, serves as a back-up when the steam system is shut down for maintenance or under emergency scenarios. However, there are several shortcomings associated with that blower. The findings of the condition assessment and capacity analysis are that the single existing electric blower does not provide adequate redundancy(only produce air up to 30,000 scfm)to meet peak aeration demand (over 70,000 scfm). That blower is challenging to operate with the standby power generation system due to the high in-rush current of the 2,000 horsepower electric motor, has limited turndown capabilities because it has a synchronous motor with no variable frequency drive, and cannot be operated in parallel with the larger steam turbine blower(controls and blower curve issues). In summary, there are several vulnerabilities associated with the three blowers including its complexity (steam system and controls), inability to operate in parallel (only one of three blowers can operate at a time), limited air flow output turndown (on both the steam and electric blowers), and a lack of redundancy. The rehabilitation or replacement of the existing electric blower and addition of a new electrical blower(s) is now of critical importance to Central San because the treatment plant would have insufficient process air and steam production during the construction of the Solids Handling Facilities Improvement Project, DP 7348 (Solids Project) as explained in further sections. Insufficient process air over a prolonged period could result in National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit compliance issues resulting from the biological treatment process upsets. Steam Project Long Alternatives Looking into the future, Central San is faced with the critical decision of whether to continue operating the existing complex steam system that provides the steam required to power the turbines that drive the two large aeration blowers (with back-up electric driven blowers), or transition towards the use of modern technology using steam for electric power generators and convert the aeration blowers to all electric. The evaluation aims to address both the short- and long-term impacts of this question based on preliminary findings from the on-going Steam Project. For the long-term, the solution to this problem is governed by Central San's overall drivers: i) aging infrastructure, ii) performance analysis/sustainability, iii) capacity, and iv) regulatory. For the short-term (defined as the next 3-5 years during the Solids Project construction), the problem is the ability to provide sufficient process air during this period to meet NPDES limits. The two long-term alternatives that are being evaluated as part of the Steam Project will both continue to rely on our existing heat recovery units (cogeneration boiler, waste heat boilers from the furnaces, and auxiliary boilers). One alternative would continue to operate the existing steam blowers with standby electric blowers (current approach) or convert to all electric driven blowers and install steam power generators in the Solids Conditioning Building (SCB) to produce electricity from the steam. One common element to both long-term alternatives is the addition of electric driven blowers to meet the above-mentioned drivers. The addition of new electric blowers will enable the aeration blower system to meet the variable air demand, reliability, and redundancy needed at the treatment plant and especially July 7, 2020 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 20 of 49 Page 3 of 20 under emergency scenarios. New electric blowers would have a much better turndown (larger range between low and high air output). This would help avoid air wasting during periods of low demand. Impact of Solids Project with the Steam Project— Short-Term Alternatives Central San is nearing completion of the final design for the Solids Project, with construction slated to begin in the Spring of 2021. During the construction of the Solids Project, several unit processes located inside the SCB will need to be offline for an extended period (several months and maybe possibly up to one year)to facilitate construction sequencing, reduced risk of unplanned shut downs, and improve safety for staff and the contractor.As part of two comprehensive Solids Project Workshops that took place on January 29-30, 2020 and April 9, 2020, which included the Solids Project's design consultant(Black and Veatch) and construction management firm (MW H Constructors), Steam Project consultant (HDR) and Central San staff, there were extensive discussions on "what-if" scenarios about shutting down the SCB and all equipment to allow the contractor full unrestricted and unconstrained access and facilitate the construction. Following the discussion, it was concluded that Central San should continue to operate the cogeneration system to produce electricity and use natural gas (NG). It was also agreed to keep the two auxiliary boilers operational (one fueled landfill gas and another using NG, if needed)to continue producing steam. These fuel demands will satisfy Central San's contractual commitments for the purchase of these two gas fueled sources. However, an option for the furnaces and associated equipment(e.g., wet scrubbers, waste heat boilers, and ash handling) be taken offline during the part of the construction and during the retrofits of these unit processes is being considered and included in the bid documents to address safety concerns, coordination issues, and to facilitate the construction sequencing being planned. Shutting down the furnaces and associated waste heat boilers will reduce the total steam amount generated during construction of the Solids Project. While they will be sufficient steam to drive the blowers during average diurnal air demand, there will be insufficient steam to drive the turbines at full load. This will lower the air production capacity in the steam-driven blowers during the peak aeration demands. Therefore additional air production will be required from the new electric blowers. During the Solids Project, both steam and PG&E electricity will be used for the blowers to produce process air. Under an eventual Public Safety Power Shutoff by P&GE, the new electric blowers can be powered using the existing two 2- Megawatt electric standby generator that could supply power even if sufficient steam is not available during that time. Therefore, subsequent to these Solids Project Workshops, HDR was tasked to develop alternatives to address the steam and air production issues during construction of the Solids Project. Business Case Evaluations (BCEs) HDR prepared several BCEs that evaluated blower combinations to provide adequate redundancy and reliability during the Solids Project construction and has long-term benefits.Apart from the capacity deficiency to meet the peak aeration demands under steam power, the biggest drawback is that Central San would be relying on steam production which is susceptible to multiple outages during the upcoming Solids Project construction (projected to last over three years).As stated above, the existing electric blower does not provide enough firm capacity(about half)to meet the peak aeration demands. Based on HDR's detailed alternative evaluations and BCEs, staff determined that installing two new electric blowers would provide a means to address the short-term challenge during construction of the Solids Project, and provide a long-term benefit of improved performance (efficiencies, redundancy, and reliability). When evaluating the long-term needs of the Steam Project, staff is recommending implementing the improvements over time and in several phases when needed.A similar approach was recently taken for the Filter and Clearwell Improvement Project to manage the construction and capital expenditures. The Steam Project Implementation Plan, while not yet completed, outlined in the phases takes into consideration other project needs, such as future regional cooperation (Water Exchange) and regulatory driver such as future nutrient removal (as part of future Watershed Nutrient Permit requirements). The preliminary phasing of the July 7, 2020 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 21 of 49 Page 4 of 20 project is outlined below and will be updated when the summary of findings is finalized later this year. • Phase 1: Electric Blower Improvements -Add New Electric Blowers in the Pump & Blower Building, with dedicated small blowers for channel aeration, and includes associated electrical and controls systems. • Phase 2: Secondary Process Improvements including aeration basins, diffusers, associated electrical and controls systems, mixed liquor division box, and secondary clarifiers with associated pumping equipment. • Phase 3: Complete evaluation of the steam system and determine whether to upgrade of the existing steam system vs. conversion to all-electric blowers with the Steam Turbine Power Generator. The recommended solution would be implemented under that phase and would include updating the remaining blower improvements accordingly. • Phase 4: Rehabilitation or addition of other elements that will be impacted if a Water Exchange Project was to proceed. • Phase 5: Modifications and additions for future nutrient removal. Electric Blower Improvements - Phase 1 Blower Project Approach Staff is recommendeding to proceed with the design of Phase 1 at this time. Phase 1 Blower Project includes the following main elements: • Refurbish and add new electric blowers in the Pump & Blower Building. • Add dedicated small blowers for pre-aeration, mixed liquor, and final effluent channel air mixing. • Add associated electrical instrumentation and controls systems improvements to support process renovations. A summary of the long-term benefits (after completion of construction of the Solids Project) of the Phase 1 Blower Project is decribed below: • Recommended under both long-term alternatives; • Provides reliable air supply redundancy after the construction of the Solids Project is complete due to steam supply outages (e.g., during the cogeneration system annual maintenance); • Ability to perform aeration header inspection and repairs (an asset that is fundamental to the plant): once new electric blowers are installed, and new aeration header valves are installed, the treatment plant would have adequate header capacity perform inspection and repairs; • Ability to address the well-documented process air leaks and have a system in place that can accommodate a reduction in airflow demands (existing steam-driven blowers could potentially surge after addressing leaks); and • Electric blowers are the industry standard, are less complex, and require significantly less maintenance. ALTERNATIVES/CONSIDERATIONS The Board could consider several alternatives for Phase 1 Blower Project, as follows: • Alternative 1: Status Quo - Do Nothing Alternative,which would impact the Solids Project by limiting the furnace shut down options and increasing construction risk. • Alternative 2: 1 nclude or combine the Phase 1 Blower Project with the Solids Project. Staff has considered this alternative but the Solids Project is expected to bid later this calendar year. This alternative could delay bidding of the Solids Project into 2021. • Alternative 3: 1 nstall temporary blower systems to achieve the air demand needed for the Steam and Solids Projects, which adds significant costs. These alternatives are not recommended. July 7, 2020 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 22 of 49 Page 5 of 20 FINANCIAL IMPACTS The total anticipated cost for the final design of the Phase 1 Blower Project is $880,000, which includes final design and bidding services performed by HDR. The total estimated construction cost is $9,200,000, which equates to roughly 9.6% design fee for HDR. The cost ceiling of HDR's current Steam Project contract is $2,590,000. If the Board approves an additional $880,000 for Phase 1 Blower Project, this would result in a new HDR contract value of$3,470,000, as shown in the table below. Services Fees Board Approval Original Agreement with HDR for Steam Project December 20, 2018 Current HDR Agreement $2,590,000 Proposed Amendment— Phase 1 Final Design Pending and Bidding Services $880,000 Total Contract Value with Amendment $3,470,000 Pending There are adequate funds within the current budget of the Steam Project, DP 7349 for the phasing approach including the Electric Blower Improvements Project— Phase 1, the final design services with HDR, and staff costs. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION The Engineering and Operations Committee reviewed this item at the July 7, 2020, meeting and recommended RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION Staff recommends the following: 1. Approve the Electric Blower Improvements - Phase 1 Project in the Fiscal Year 2020-21 Budget and funding from the Steam and Aeration Blower Systems Renovations, District Project 7349; and 2. Authorize the General Manager to amend an existing professional engineering services agreement with HDR, I nc. to include final design for the Electric Blower I mprovements - Phase 1 Project for an amount of $880,000, raising the agreement cost ceiling to $3,470,000. Strategic Plan re-In GOAL TWO: Environmental Stewardship Strategy 1—Achieve 100% compliance in all regulations, Strategy 2—Anticipate and prepare for potential regulatory changes GOAL THREE: Fiscal Responsibility Strategy 1—Maintain financial stability and sustainability GOAL FIVE: Infrastructure Reliability Strategy 1—Manage assets optimally to prolong their useful life, Strategy 2—Execute long-term capital renewal and replacement program, Strategy 3—Protect personnel and assets from threats and emergencies GOAL SIX: Innovation and Optimization Strategy 1—Implement the Central San Smart Initiative, Strategy 2—Improve and modernize operations through technology and efficiency measures July 7, 2020 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 23 of 49 Page 6 of 20 ATTACHMENTS: 1. Presentation July 7, 2020 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 24 of 49 Page 7 of 20 STEAM AND AERATION BLOWER SYSTEMS RENOVATIONS, DISTRICT PROJECT 7349 STATUS UPDATE AND PHASED APPROACH Jean-Marc Petit, Director of Engineering and Technical Services r-, Edgar Lopez, Capital Projects Division Manager _ r Nitin Goel, Senior Engineer, Special Projects and Asset Management Engineering and Operations Committee Meeting July 7, 2020 DRIVERS FOR PHASE 1 BLOWER PROJECT Provide reliable aeration air during steam production outage under standard operation. Allows prolonged shut down of the furnaces and associated waste heat boilers during the Solids Handling Facilities Improvement Project (Solids Project) construction. Addition of Electric Blowers lead to no stranded asset. Improved Electric Blowers is recommended under all future alternatives (short- and long-terms) for reliable redundancy. 3 July 7, 2020 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 25 of 49 1 Page 8 of 20 WHY BLOWER PHASE 1 NOW: 1 . CONDITION AND CAPACITY ASSESSMENT IDENTIFIED VULNERABILITIES Recommended Action: Provide reliable aeration air during steam production outage under standard and emergency operation by adding electric blowers. l' t DRAFT Secondary Process _ and Aeration System DRAFT Steam System Condition Assessment i Steam and Aeration Blower System -'t L®1L.�Pp�I Condition Assessment w _ Renovation Project,DP 7349 �ieL ��I ■u Y FJ� J.,-14.2020 W,[� ■_,, Steam and Aeration Blower System Renovation Proiect.DP 7349 cmilm CONDITION CONDUCTED • DATE Electrical Condition Assessment Steam and Aeration Blower System Renovation Project,DP 7349 fZ� No, d,n—y14,2020 4 July 7, 2020 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 26 of 49 2 Page 9 of 20 STEAM SYSTEM IS VERY COMPLEX AND EXTENSIVE Sub 33 11 1,204OIL_8aessaazass ss�se:a_a6_ - �8oS ;, F xy�®If"om®orKp��..o "®ass16 ( r F I f i f I i tR -@ yx I r E1 ` ys. Sub k{ I / W-110, �_ i. lonmtao�l 1 IIIt111111BLLl} _ _ y '{� `r aCoeaeo�o�ouoor, ���:, • ILIIIIIILIlLLIItY � ., � I ��� , � AERATION SYSTEM • The heart of the liquid treatment is the secondary activated sludge process which requires oxygen for the biological treatment. Oxygen is provided by aeration blowers. ECONDARY PROCESS SYSTEM Air for Biological Treatment Air for Channel Aeration(Final Effluent and Mixed Liquor) and Pre-Aeration I ® " a6 , 6 '� - - 00l: u CENTPAL SAN c uau •..- July 7, 2020 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 27 of 49 3 Page 10 of 20 AERATION BLOWERS 91 Manor Components • Steam and Electrical Two Steam Blowers/Aeration System Driven • Valves Mounts Blowers • Controls Casing • Nozzle Blocks Shell • Bearings Lubrication Vulnerabilities/Concerns �i • Complexity of steam system • Inability to operate blowers in parallel One Electric • Limited turndown capability Driven • Lack of redundancy during steam Blower aA supply shortage • Electric blower limited air capacity t a and no redundancy t 1 STEAM SYSTEM IS THE "ENGINE" THAT DRIVES THE BLOWERS • Steam assets in need of more immediate attention (approximately five years or more) include steam-driven blowers (turbines and exhaust condensers) and waste steam exchangers. Solids Conditioningi i scum Centrifuge System HotWater Heater Exchanger i I Sampling System: •Copalymer•m Pumping Blower • • bciler feedvater and oto eollers) Condenser Hertdc Blower 3 blcwdov:n sampling C mical Feed Systems fooling Water Blower Heat Reserwir Pumps Steam 10 _ Exch Potahle fondt peaerater SCB Turbi anger Makeup Water Storage Tank Recycle Hot Wat H7, S g oxygen HVAC cw Retum too A B scavenger rea s` "" Turbi Exha _Amin CW Ret, _Return Eleclrrc, ;"'y!i.- -:_,-.:''l cu ogger� er ion EEase&is _ E Tunnels rates endenaeReum OAreas of Concerns Requiring More ' Immediate Attentions CENTPALSAN July 7, 2020 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 28 of 49 4 Page 11 of 20 WHY BLOWER PHASE 1 NOW: 2. CENTRAL SAN IS NEARING DESIGN COMPLETION FOR THE SOLIDS PROJECT Recommended Action: Adding Electric Blowers allows prolonged shut down of the furnaces and associated waste heat boilers during the Solids Project construction. it � 1 I v oil 10 liu �I11 i' II II � FURNACE BASE ISOLATION COORDINATION WITH SOLIDS PROJECT DP 7348 NEEDS ' 10 July 7, 2020 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 29 of 49 5 Page 12 of 20 PARTIAL SHUT DOWN OF SOLIDS CONDITIONING BUILDING RECOMMENDED DURING THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE SOLIDS PROJECT r i I During construction of the Solids Project,furnaces,wet scrubbers, ash loading, as well as waste heater boilers will likely be shut down for prolonged time periods. CFNTPAL SAN PARTIAL SHUT DOWN OF STEAM AND AERATION SYSTEMS Expected to be out of service Solids • • • • I Sam H WI Expected to remain in service ' H� ErrJianger ii Sampling System. Copolymer ,umping and Blower , 6oilerfeedwaferand (,�` �togolers� Condenser Elecidc Building Add electric 6lowdown sampling mical Feeds'terns' Cooling Water ql Heat geservoir Pumps S Eachanger blowers Potable Condt peaera[or SIB gecycle Hot Water�j 'firWater Heaters g Makeup Water Storage Fank pnygenHVAC [W LW getum� W.P u S A g srarenge� I wade steam F g � ____ puhangers CW _V__A_m_i n_eyClY getu rn ��geturn NaZ Soifeners A�B Electric, ,j::,_zea; ji',,ii cu ogger, er on p EEast& � " )l_h,� n sem ndensate Return B Main steam producers: Multiple Hearth Furnace(MHFs)Boiler,Cogen Main steam consumers:Aeration Blowers Boiler,Auxiliary Boilers(as needed) will not have sufficient steam supply during Main Landfill Gas(LFG)user:MHFs. LFG user 4 Auxiliary Boilers peak demand.Add electric blowers to during MHF shut down supplement air production Main Natural Gas(NG)users:Cogen and Auxiliary Boilers(as needed) 11 CFNTPALSAN July 7, 2020 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 30 of 49 6 Page 13 of 20 CENTRAL SAN WILL NEED TO RELY ON BOTH STEAM AND ELECTRICAL GRID POWER DURING CONSTRUCTION OF THE SOLIDS PROJECT FOR AIR SUPPLY TO SECONDARY PROCESS Steam Electricity Average electrical demand of new Electric blowers can be powered using existing Electric Standby Generator,would supply electric blowers is 1 to 1.2 MW power under Public Safety Power Shutoff event,if sufficient steam is not available ' CFNTPAL SAN WHY BLOWER PHASE 1 NOW: 3. IDENTIFYING LONG-TERM ALTERNATIVES FOR BLOWERS Recommended Action: Note that Addition of Electric Blowers is recommended under all alternatives (short- and long-terms) for reliable redundancy and will not be a stranded asset. July 7, 2020 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 31 of 49 7 Page 14 of 20 AERATION IS REQUIRED ON CONTINUOUS BASIS — CURRENT PLAN 1. Air Demand: Current Range 38,000 to 73,000 standard cubic feet per minute (scfm) 2. Steam Blower is primary source of air, back-up is second Steam Blower, 71,000 scfm each 3. In case of steam shortage or outage, we rely on a single electric blower which has only 30,000 scfm capacity 4. Blowers cannot run concurrently in parallel, only one at a time 5. Unknown reliability with existing power standby: Existing standby diesel generators have limitation on supplying power to existing standby blower (2,000 Horsepower synchronous motor— No Variable Frequency Drive (VFD), No soft starter). Not reliable under PG&E Public Safety Power Shutoff 15 LONG-TERM ALTERNATIVE # 1 STEAM AND ELECTRIC BLOWERS • This long-term alternative would largely maintain status quo and renovate and replace parts of existing steam system, steam turbines and adding new electric blowers for added reliability Solids1 • Building(SCB) .. Scum System HM.Vk..ter 1 Healer E hangar Sampling SyAem: r Coplymer' Pumping r Blower r , boperleeAe rera�d fj Iroeoilersl Building 'r I'I sae B tlno blzwe wn sampling themip Feeds rem! Cooling WMtt glov ryeatpeservoir PumPa Excbanper Pornele cm,dr oeaemfor SLB MakeuPWarer Nomgeiank aemxley Ibr Vlar j—+Water Hearers mygeo HVAL gu, cwnAum Eoop A 8 s�reer IITw esream Exdaneem nv Pmine CW aeNm rgNum flMriS 'yF uum,ogger, er on Y EaA&[7 rt tij-��14r & *New electric blowers can be powered Renovate • Replaceof using existing Electric Standby Generator,would supply power under • , Existing Steam System Public Safety Power Shutoff event,if sufficient steam is not available ,• ' 16 July 7, 2020 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 32 of 49 8 Page 15 of 20 LONG-TERM ALTERNATIVE # 2 ALL ELECTRIC BLOWERS WITH STEAM TURBINE ELECTRIC GENERATOR • One other long-term alternative that faired better than others is adding new electric blowers & generate power with a new steam turbine generator llllll� + n 9F BlowersFurnace Waste Heat Boilers All New BoilersAuxiliary SCB steam of dui to 38,000 power produced hour can produce power greater than meet average aeration air 1.5 MW •• * demands New electric blowers can be powered using existing Electric Standby Generator,would supply power under Public Safety Power Shutoff event if sufficient steam is not available 17 CFNTPAL SAN UPDATED PLAN WITH BLOWER PHASE 1 1 . Air Demand: Current Range 38,000 to 73,000 scfm 2. Steam Blower is primary source of air, back-up is second Steam Blower, 71 ,000 scfm each 3. In case of steam shortage or outage, ADD two new electric blower with VFDs which have 35,000 - 40,000 scfm capacity each 4. New Electric Blowers will be able to run concurrently in parallel 5. Existing standby diesel generators will be able to power , new blowers under a PG&E Public Safety Power Shutoff July 7, 2020 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 33 of 49 9 Page 16 of 20 STEAM PROJECT PHASED APPROACH AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE ELECTRIC BLOWER IMPROVEMENTS — PHASE 1 PROJECT CFNTPAL SANI STEAM PROJECT PHASING Phase 1: Refurbish and add New Electric Blowers in Pump & Blower Building and for Pre-aeration tanks. Phase 2: Complete the Evaluation of Steam System and Determine Upgrade of Existing Steam System vs. Conversion to Electric with Steam Turbine Power Generator. Phase 3: Secondary Process Improvements including Aeration Tanks, Mixed liquor division box, Secondary Clarifiers, and associated Electrical and Controls Systems. Included in Ten-Year CI Phase 4: Rehabilitation of other elements that could be impacted if/when a Water Exchange Project was to proceed. Phase 5: Modifications and additions for Future Nutrient Removal. I za July 7, 2020 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 34 of 49 10 Page 17 of 20 FOCUS AREA FOR PHASE 1 • Blower Phase 1 will also focus on Electrical Sub Station 52. ■��`Oi ti "�'' A/N Tanks Aeration Project will replace/improve Aeration Blowers subsz ■J� ®�® =_ electric and controls r— � 1 equipment identified for immediate attention and will • — Buried Butterfly Isolation Valves consider replacing or adding Ilknew feeders and/or motor �tJra j � starters to keep these lifespans in sync with new _ asset life (Electric Blowers). sllllllllllll IIII IY ll101111111101 Pre Air Tanks Aeration 1111111111111111 I� �;�r���'% CFNTPAL SAN :111111111111011 } PRELIMINARY SCOPE OF ELECTRIC BLOWER IMPROVEMENTS - PHASE 1 • Refurbish and add Electric Blower(s) in Pump & Blower Building for Aeration Redundancy • Add Dedicated Small Blowers for Pre-Aeration, and Channel Air (Mixed Liquor and Final Effluent) • Add associated electrical instrumentation and controls systems improvements to support process renovations CFNTPAI SAN July 7, 2020 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 35 of 49 11 Page 18 of 20 ELECTRIC BLOWER IMPROVEMENTS - PHASE 1 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST ComponentsProject $9.2 M Total Estimated Project Cost $12.5 M • : $0.5 - 1.3M 1.Furnaces are considered to be non-operational for 1 year,therefore,Central San would be relying on both reduced steam from Auxiliary and Cogen Boilers and PG&E for electricity for one year.Range of annual cost depending on demand. 10000ma— District Project 7349 Steam and Aeration Blower Systems Renovations has a total project budget of$63 million(M)in Fiscal Year 2020-21 Budget ' 23 CFNTPAL SAN AGGRESSIVE SCHEDULE FOR ELECTRIC BLOWER IMPROVEMENTS - PHASE 1 Estimated Time when the Project Year 2020 Year 2021-2023 shut dolwnds furnaces`II Fall 2022. (August2021 July 16 Aug 31 2020 2021 2021 Oct 30 Feb ay-Jun July-Jul 31, 2022 2020 2020 2022 • Board 10% Design Equipment Submittal Bid/Award Construction Completion Approval Submittal Procurement Documents& 30% Submittal CFNTPAL SAN July 7, 2020 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 36 of 49 12 Page 19 of 20 ALTERNATIVES/CONSIDERATIONS ZVI- -E CFNTPAL SAN PHASE 1 ALTERNATIVES/CONSIDERATIONS The Board could consider several alternatives as follows: • Alternative 1: Status Quo - Do Nothing Alternative, which would impact the Solids Project by limiting the furnace shut down options and increasing construction risk. • Alternative 2: Include or combine the Phase 1 Blower Project with the Solids Project. Staff has considered this alternative, but the Solids Project is expected to bid later this calendar year. This alternative could delay bidding of the Solids Project into 2021. • Alternative 3: Install temporary blower systems to achieve the air demand needed for the Steam and Solids Project, which adds significant costs. These alternatives are not recommended. 26 July 7, 2020 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 37 of 49 13 Page 20 of 20 RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION • Approve the Electric Blower Improvements - Phase 1 Project in the Fiscal Year 2020-21 Budget and funding from the Steam and Aeration Blower Systems Renovations, District Project 7349; and • Authorize the General Manager to amend an existing professional engineering services agreement with HDR, Inc. to include final design services in an amount not to exceed $880,000, raising the agreement cost ceiling to $3,470,000. CFNTPAL SANI QUESTIONS? 128 July 7, 2020 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 38 of 49 14