HomeMy WebLinkAbout12.a. Committee Minutes-Administration 06-16-2020 Page 1 of 14
Item 12.a.
July 2, 2020
Attached are minutes of the above Committee meeting.
1.ADMI N Committee Minutes 06-16-20
2. (Handout) Presentation for Committee Item 5.c.
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President Pro Tem
PHONE: (925)228-9500
FAX. (925)372-0192
Tuesday, June 16, 2020 www.centralvan.org
8:30 a.m.
Executive Conference Room
5019 Imhoff Place
Martinez, California
(All attendees participated via videoconference)
Chair David Williams
Member Mike McGill
Roger S. Bailey, General Manager
Katie Young, Secretary of the District
Ann Sasaki, Deputy General Manager
Phil Leiber, Director of Finance and Administration
Jean-Marc Petit, Director of Engineering and Technical Services
Danea Gemmell, Planning and Development Services Division Manager
John Huie, Information Technology Manager
Kevin Mizuno, Finance Manager (joined during Item 4.a.; left during Item 5.c.)
Teji O'Malley, Human Resources Manager
Donna Anderson, Assistant to the Secretary of the District
1. Public Notice Regarding COVID-19
This meeting was held in accordance with the Brown Act as in effect under the
State Emergency Services Act, the Governor's Emergency Declaration related
to COVID-19, and the Governor's Executive Order N-29-20 issued on
March 17, 2020 that allowed Board Members, District staff, and the public to
participate in and conduct the meeting by teleconference, videoconference, or
both. The agenda included instructions for options in which the public could
participate in the meeting.
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2. Call Meeting to Order
Chair Williams called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m.
3. Public Comments
4. Items for Committee Recommendation to Board
a. Review draft Position Paper approving revisions to Board Policy No.
BP 031 — Use of Temporary Employees
Ms. O'Malley briefly reviewed the matter, noting that she had spoken with
a representative of Local One earlier in the day and received confirmation
that the group was comfortable with the proposed revision to BP 031.
Member McGill acknowledged that there are circumstances where
temporary employees are necessary, but he would never want to see the
policy used to circumvent recruiting policies. He agreed with the proposed
revision, and asked Ms. O'Malley to continue using diligence in hiring
temporary employees, authorizing them only when essential.
Chair Williams pointed out the statement in the draft Position Paper where
Ms. O'Malley explained that the process of using provisional appointments
has drastically reduced during her tenure. Such appointments are used
sparingly, and only in cases where not doing so would have an
operationally adverse impact.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and recommended Board approval.
b. Conduct biennial review of the following Board Policies:
Ms. Young explained that staff was recommending no changes to the
following Board Policies, which were being brought forward for biennial
1) BP 019 — Recycled Water
2) BP 025 — Naming of District Facilities
3) BP 026 — Legislative Advocacy
4) BP 034 — Reporting Protocol for Ethics Hotline
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The Committee had no issue with leaving the first three policies
unchanged. However, regarding BP 034, Chair Williams asked if any calls
were made to the Ethics Hotline since the policy was adopted. Ms. Young
said no. Upon discussion, it was suggested by Chair Williams that if there
were to be a call regarding any member of the Executive Management
Team (General Manager, Counsel for the District, and Secretary of the
District), the Board President should be notified. Also, in keeping with a
system of checks and balances, both the Human Resources Manager and
the Secretary of the District should be notified of any calls. Member
McGill concurred with these suggestions.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed the policies and:
(1) Concurred with the staff recommendation that no changes
were needed to Board Policy Nos. BP 019, BP 025 and BP 026;
(2) Suggested changing the last paragraph of BP 034 to indicate
that both the Secretary of the District and the Human
Resources Manager should be notified of any calls to the
Ethics Hotline, and that the Board President should be notified
of any calls to the Hotline involving the Executive Management
5. Other Items
a. Receive information on how the District processes Medicare premium
reimbursements, which include an Income-Related Monthly Adjustment
Amount (IRMAA)
Ms. O'Malley recapped the information contained in the memorandum
included with the agenda material, stating that Medicare's IRMAA
adjustment is an increased premium that some Medicare beneficiaries pay
based on their income. At present, 77 retirees in Tiers I and II are subject
to IRMAA at an aggregate additional reimbursement cost of roughly
$11,000 per month.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the information.
b. Receive update on implementation of Oracle Fusion Cloud Enterprise
Resource Planning (ERP) system
Mr. Huie recapped the information in the memorandum included with the
agenda material and noted that after the agenda packet was distributed,
staff continued to hold discussions with the ERP implementer, Emtec, and
the decision was made to go live starting July 1 using a hybrid approach,
which would involve concurrently running both the existing SunGard
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HTE/legacy system and the new Oracle ERP system for the next month or
two. The Finance and Accounting modules are mostly ready to go live on
July 1, and some temporary staff will be brought in for data entry while the
two systems are running. Mr. Leiber noted that the Purchasing/
Contracting/Inventory management module needs a little more
remediation, but that should be achievable while both systems are running
in parallel mode. He added that the 18-month overall project is still on
track for completion within the original timeframe.
In response to a question from Member McGill, Mr. Leiber said staff is
currently in discussion with Emtec as to the cost estimate for utilizing the
hybrid approach. In any event, it should be less than the cost estimate for
the previously-envisioned two-month delay. He added that the project
contingency was fully adequate to cover any additional costs.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update.
C.* Discuss potential improvements to Board Room audio/visual system
Mr. Bailey informed the Committee that he had asked staff to develop
options for improving the Board Room audio/visual system by taking a
long-term view so Central San will be well poised to best serve the public,
the Board and employees in the event of a future pandemic or other
emergency. While the current system for remote meetings has worked
adequately during the COVID-19 pandemic, it could be improved to create
a more optimal, user-friendly experience for all those served. He added
that such improvements would be consistent with the District's new
Strategic Plan Goal 7—Agility and Adaptability.
Mr. Huie reviewed the presentation distributed before the meeting (see
attached), stating that he was seeking the Committee's input regarding
various elements and options so he and his team can design a system
that best meets the needs of the District for years to come.
Member McGill said he was impressed by how the Information
Technology staff has facilitated the virtual Board and Committee meetings
thus far during the pandemic. He noted that the Board adopted BP 020—
Minute Style and Video Recording of Board Meetings in 2015, after
deciding to begin video recording its meetings and live streaming them to
the public to maintain openness and transparency in the way the Board
conducts its business, and to provide excellent customer service. While
he appreciated the options presented by Mr. Huie for achieving
transparency and excellent customer service, he viewed most of the
options discussed as operational rather than policy-related. He urged staff
to make the decisions it deems will best accomplish the Board's policies.
Given that the plan is to design a system that will serve the District for
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many years to come, the $75,000 preliminary cost estimate provided by
Mr. Huie was, in his estimation,justified even at double the cost.
Chair Williams agreed with Member McGill on the operations-versus-
policy issue. He said the pandemic has given a glimpse of the future and
forced cities and agencies to envision how public business will be
conducted 30 years from now. He agreed that the time was right for
making improvements. He added, however, that he was fundamentally
not in favor of dedicating additional staff time to operate multiple cameras
in the Board Room just so remote viewers can see presenters. Mr. Huie
said at least one of his staff is always in the Board Room for meetings in
the event there are technical difficulties. That person could perform some
level of switching between cameras using a remote device. He noted that
some cities can zoom in on specific council members or other speakers,
but that option would require more staff or hiring of an outside service.
Chair Williams said that future high-level needs to serve the public should
include the ability for remote viewers to view the Board Members,
presenters, and any presentations.
On the issue of installing monitors on the dais, Chair Williams asked if
they would replace the Pads that have been issued to the Board
Members for receiving electronic agenda packets. Mr. Huie said no; they
would be display-only-monitors for purposes of viewing presentations.
Both Committee Members noted that they have seen display monitors
mounted so high that council members were often looking toward the
ceiling during meetings, and so large that it was difficult for the audience
to see the council members. Staff was asked to keep these issues in
mind during the design process.
Chair Williams appreciated that one aspect of the improvements was to
make the process for remote participation by Board Members easier. He
said he did not want to reach a point where remote participation led to two
or three Board Members participating remotely once the need for
videoconferencing ceases. He believed that would not do justice to the
concept of open public meetings and suggested the Board come to an
understanding of what the expectations are in that respect. He also stated
that he finds it more challenging to meet remotely for closed session
discussions, preferring they be in person whenever possible. In summary,
he expressed caution about promoting remote meetings to the point where
they become the rule rather than the exception.
Member McGill agreed, adding that the Brown Act rules about
teleconferencing have been temporarily relaxed because of the pandemic.
If the Brown Act is modified in the future, it could play a role in how
meetings are conducted once the pandemic ends. He opined that any
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system upgrades to the Board Room should have the flexibility to allow
the Board to make its own decisions rather than have technology that
limits its options. He also said he would prefer proven technology as
opposed to cutting edge options, and to have hardware that can support
future software upgrades. Mr. Huie assured the Committee that all
options presented thus far utilize proven technology.
In terms of incorporating an electronic voting component, Chair Williams
said he did not see the need for it with a five-member board.
Mr. Huie brought up the idea of a standard backdrop for Board Members
so that when appearing on screen from a remote location all Board
Members could have a uniform background. He said such an option
would require each Board Member to be provided with standardized
equipment, such as a laptop equipped with a camera. He asked if the
Committee was interested in staff pursuing such an option when designing
the improvements. Member McGill said he felt that was almost a frivolous
option, believing it more important what Board Members say and do.
Chair Williams noted that there is typically very little public participation in
the District's meetings. During the pandemic, the public has been asked
to email their comments. He wondered what options were available to
make this process easier for the public.
Mr. Huie said that was a great question and the response would have
design implications. If the priority was for the public to be able to fully
participate remotely during meetings (for example, raise their hands, make
comments, ask questions, etc.), he and his staff would need to know to be
able to design upgrades best suited to those needs.
Both Committee Members said the ability to accept public comment
remotely, either during video conferenced meetings or during meetings
held in the usual manner, would be a wonderful feature and worth
incorporating into the new system design. It was important to keep in
mind there also may need to be features that allow for dealing with public
disruption during remote comments, in the same manner as if the
commenter were present in the Board Room.
COMMITTEE ACTION: After considering the Committee's policy-
level input, requested that staff design a more specific proposal for
audio/visual upgrades for the Board Room and bring a draft proposal
back to the Committee to address any policy-related issues, if
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6. Announcements
a. Mr. Bailey announced that at the June 18, 2020 Board meeting staff will
present an updated report on the impacts to productivity from teleworking
and other work schedule changes due to Central San's response to the
COVID-19 pandemic. He also said a closed session had been added to
that meeting to review the authority the Board delegated to the General
Manager last March for making certain employee designations and paying
administrative leave in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The current
authority expires July 1, 2020.
b. Member McGill commented that one of his fellow board members at
another organization works for Microsoft, which has long promoted
teleworking. Since going fully remote during the pandemic, they have
discovered that productivity has increased because employees are
working longer hours. The downside is that employees are more
sedentary. He suggested developing protocols for standing, walking, and
hydrating during work hours for Central San teleworkers.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the announcements.
7. Suggestions for Future Agenda Items
a. Active Shooter Traininq
Member McGill reiterated his earlier requests for active shooter training for
all employees. He understood that the consultant hired to provide on-site
training was no longer available, but he urged staff to investigate other
options. Mr. Bailey and Ms. O'Malley said staff is investigating online
training opportunities in this regard.
b. In-House Traininq Offerings
Member McGill asked if the online trainings through Central San were
intended for both employees and Board Members. Ms. O'Malley said yes,
and that Central San's COVID-19 Protection Plan was also available
online. Member McGill suggested that a presentation be given at a future
meeting to provide Board Members with an idea about the types of online
trainings available to employees.
C. Cybersecurity
Member McGill said he would appreciate receiving an update on
cybersecurity now that the new ERP system is going live.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the list and provided input to staff on
suggestions for future agenda items.
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8. Future Scheduled Meetings
Tuesday, July 7, 2020 at 8:30 a.m.
Tuesday, August 4, 2020 at 8:30 a.m.
Tuesday, September 1, 2020 at 8:30 a.m.
9. Adjournment— at 9:47 a.m.
*See attached.
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Admin Committee
Item 5.c. (Handout)
Administration Committee Meeting
June 16, 2020
` = John Huie
Information Technology Manager
• The COVID-19 situation has highlighted the
importance of creating a flexible-use system to
enable remote participation by Board members.
• The existing Audio/Video system has been
assembled over a period of years and is now overly
complex and has been difficult to operate as
reliably as we would like.
•The system has a number of limitations.
• Input from the Board would be helpful to ensure
that upgrades will be designed in a way that will
meet District needs.
2 �
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Sound system issues:
• Echo when using remote meeting tools
• Microphone levels not individually adjustable
•Can't amplify sound from microphones during
remote meetings
Solution: Upgrade or replace amplifier and
implement new DSP (Digital Signal Processing) tool
to handle echo cancellation
Non-flexible camera solution:
• Single camera does not enable presenter visibility
at lectern or front table
• Presentation not visible
•Video quality only adequate
Optional 1: Install one or more additional fixed
Optional 2: Full production environment where
cameras are switched in real-time
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Projector and screen issues:
• Difficult to see presentation details at a distance
• Drop-down screens in rear eliminate seating
• Tall people get blinded by the projector if they
aren't careful
Option 1: Replace projectors with large display
Option 2: Eliminate rear displays and install
'ndividual small displays at dias
Other considerations:
• System has been assembled over a period of years
and is increasingly complicated
• System can not be serviced without pulling entire
rack out of lectern
• System overheats occasionally
• Conduit is full, making upgrades difficult
• No remote control-panel
• Do we want electronic voting capabilities?
6 I
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• Proposal with all options except rear TV screens,
electronic voting and "live controls": $74,527
• Large format 85" TVs on back wall: $14,000
• Electronic Voting: To be determined
• Remote real-time production: $15,000 per year
(This option will likely require changes to the
design which may result in increased video system
• Single video camera vs. multiple cameras
•Automated system vs. staff operated meetings
• Microsoft Teams — do we want to show members
joining remotely on streamed recordings?
• Do we want to explore electronic voting?
•Anything else?
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