HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.a. Receive Information on how the District Processes Medicare Premium ReimbursementsItem 5.a. J une 16, 2020 T O: A D MI NI S T R AT I O N C O MMI T T E E F RO M :T E J I O'MA L L E Y, HUMA N R E S O UR C E S MA NA G E R RE V IE WE D B Y:A NN S A S A K I , D E P UT Y G E NE R A L MA NA G E R R O G E R S. B A I L E Y, G E NE R A L MA NA G E R S UB J E C T: R E C E I V E I NF O R MAT I O N O N HO W T HE D I S T R I C T P R O C E S S E S ME D I C A R E P R E MI UM R E I MB UR S E ME NT S , W HI C H I NC L UD E A N I NC O ME R E L AT E D MO NT HLY A D J US T ME NT A MO UNT (I R MA A) T his memo is to provide inf ormation to the Administration Committee and Board of Directors on the D istrict’s method of processing I ncome R elated Monthly A djustment A mounts (I R MA A) to Medicare premiums. Currently, and as detailed in the District MO U’s, once a retiree reaches the age of 65, they must enroll in Medicare and a Medicare S upplemental P lan. F or Tier I and Tier I I retirees, the District reimburses the Medicare premium amount on a quarterly basis. F or calendar year 2020, the standard Medicare premium is $144.60 per month. However, the standard Medicare premium may be adjusted upwards based on the retiree’s annual income. T he adjustment, called an I R MA A , is calculated on a sliding scale and is based on a retiree’s income tax filing(s). T he Medicare payment including I R MA A is capped at a maximum of $491.60. P lease see the chart below f or the income limits and corresponding Medicare payment, including the standard premium ($144.60) and the I R MA A: R etiree I ncome in 2018 (upon which 2020 I R MA A is based)Medicare P ayment in 2020If filing individual tax return I f f iling joint tax return I f filing married & separate tax return $87,000 or less $174,000 or less $87,000 or less $144.60 (standard premium, without I R MA A) above $87,000 and up to $109,000 above $174,000 and up to $218,000 Not applicable $202.40 above $109,000 and up to $136,000 above $218,000 and up to $272,000 Not applicable $289.20 above $136,000 and up to $163,000 above $272,000 and up to $326,000 Not applicable $376.00 above $163,000 and less than $500,000 above $326,000 and less than $750,000 above $87,000 and less than $413,000 $462.70 $500,000 and above $750,000 and above $413,000 and above $491.60 R ecently, Human Resources consulted with labor counsel to determine if the reimbursement to the June 16, 2020 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 15 of 23 Page 1 of 2 retirees should include the I R MA A, and it was determined that, based on the MO U language, the District is responsible for paying for the standard premium as well as any I R MA A . A s these amounts change based on the retiree’s (and spouse’s) income, the District does not have a method to determine what those amounts may be for any given retiree, other than waiting for the retiree to submit their reimbursement requests f or the calendar year. F or calendar year 2019, there are 77 retirees that are subject to an I R MA A. T hat number may change for calendar year 2020 based on what is requested for reimbursement, and staf f will update the Board accordingly. Strategic Plan Tie-I n G O A L TW O: Strive to M eet Regulatory Requirements Strategy 3 - Comply with all federal, state, and local regulations related to District administration G O A L TH R EE: Be a Fiscally Sound and Effective Water Sector Utility Strategy 1 - Conduct long-range financial planning June 16, 2020 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 16 of 23 Page 2 of 2