HomeMy WebLinkAbout11.a. Att 5-Financial Summary Section (in tracked changes) Page 326 of 358
Financial Summary
The FY 2020-21 Budget provides the resources necessary to advance the Strategic Plan and meet the
challenges Central San faces as it strives to increase service quality and minimize costs. At the same
time, the budget allows Central San to accomplish its mission in the most cost-effective and financially
sustainable manner to ensure the best value to its customers.
Central San's total budget for FY 2020-21 is $182.4 million, representing an increase of$24.5 million, or
15.6%,compared to the FY 2019-20 budget of$157.8 million, which changes by individual spending
category as follows:
• The FY 2020-21 O&M Budget is $90.7 million, an increase of$3.1 million from the current FY 2019-
20 budget of$87.6 million.
• The main driver of the increase in the total budget is a 33.0% increase in sewer construction
investment, from $66.2 million in FY 2019-20 to $88 million in FY 2020-21.
• Debt service is reduced by $0.5 million, a result of lower principal amortization compared to
FY 2019-20.
• The Self-Insurance Fund (SIF) is set at $1.2 million for the costs of premiums and estimated losses
based on historical trends and represents a slight increase from the $1.1 million funding level of the
FY 2019-20 Budget.
Table 1 — FY 2020-21 Total Budget
Expenditures Trend
Fund FY 2018-19 FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21 Budgetto %
Budget Actual Budget Budget Budget Variance Variance
Operations and
Maintenance $89,720,456 $85,342,786 $87,584,775 $90,666,338 $3,081,563 3.5%
Sewer Construction 45,319,000 36,696,049 66,176,000 88,024,000 21,848,000 33.0%
Debt Service 3,611,038 3,505,006 2,982,415 2,517,605 (464,810) -15.6%
Self-Insurance 924,500 697,793 1,073,700 1,153,500 79,800 7.4%
Total Budget $139,574,994 $126,241,634 $157,816,890 $182,361,443 $24,544,553 15.6%
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Sources of Funds
The sources of funds (revenues) for FY 2020-21 are shown in Figure 1. A comparison of the major
revenue sources for FY 2020-21, the current year, and prior years is shown in Figure 2.
Figure 1 — Total Funding Sources — FY 2020-21 Proposed Budget
FY 2020-21 Total Budgeted Funding Sources of$182,361,443
Draw from Reserves
(see Table 14), an Proceeds, Household Hazardous
$15,876,724 $3,000,000 Waste, $1,064,000
Recycled Water,
Other Sources, $420,000
Capacity Fees(Gravity
and Pumped Zone),
Sewer Service Charge,
Tax Revenue, $101,201,164
City of Concord,
Figure 2 - Total Funding Sources - Three-Year Budget Comparison
FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21
$147,386,287 $159,166,815 $182,361,443
Sources of Funds
$20,000,000 nil ■■. a
Sewer Service City of Property Tax Capacity and All Other Loan Proceeds Draw from
Charge Concord Revenue Pumped Zone Sources Reserves(see
■FY 2018-19 Budget ■FY 2019-20 Budges ■FY 2020-21 Budget Table 14)
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The SSC is the largest source of revenue for FY 2020-21 at $106.6101.2 million, followed by the
City of Concord at $31.1 million, ad valorem property tax at $18.5 million, and Capacity and
Pumped Zone Fees at
$6.3 million. All other sources of revenue are $6.-75 million. Non-revenue sources of funds for
FY 2020-21 include use of reserves at $44&-.515.9 million (see Table 14 for detail), and expected
borrowing of$3 million. They are described elsewhere in this section.
A brief description of Central San's revenue sources and how they are forecasted follows:
• Sewer Service Charge (SSC)— Each customer in Central San's service area pays the SSC, which
applies to both residential and non-residential customers. It is assessed annually on the customer's
property tax bill, or, for those customers who do not receive a property tax bill, billed directly by
Central San, to pay for the collection and treatment of wastewater. The SSC is based on customer
class. The basis for the charge is the strength and volume of the wastewater discharged, and
customers are assigned to various classes for billing purposes. SSCs vary by customer class and
have been developed to ensure that each class pays its proportionate share of operating,
maintaining, repairing, and upgrading the sewer collection and treatment system. Periodic cost of
service studies reviews and adjust the allocation of costs to individual customer classes based on
their impact to the sewer system. For residential customers, separate rates are charged to single
family and multi-family residences. Non-residential customers are typically billed based on their
water consumption and business type. For budgetary purposes, the forecast for the SSC is based
on prior year revenue, estimated growth derived from anticipated residential construction, and
predicted changes in non-residential water consumption.
• City of Concord—Central San receives revenues from the City of Concord which are calculated and
billed in accordance with the terms of a contractual agreement for the treatment of wastewater
from both the City of Concord and the City of Clayton. The Cities are responsible for paying their
flow-proportional share of the operating and maintenance costs for Central San's treatment plant.
The amount of revenue is forecast annually for budgeting purposes by multiplying the
City of Concord's estimated flow percentage by the budgeted treatment plant and associated costs.
The amount due is invoiced by Accounting in August for the prior fiscal year.
• Property Tax Revenue—Central San receives a share of the ad valorem property taxes collected by
Contra Costa County on properties within the service area. These taxes are used to pay debt
service requirements, and the remaining funds are allocated to the Capital Improvement Program.
This revenue is forecast by reviewing historic property tax revenue and adjusting for anticipated
changes in property value.
• Capacity Fees (Gravity and Pumped Zone)—These fees are collected from new construction and
expansion of non-residential facilities which result in an added wastewater burden. The fee is
calculated as an equity buy-in. Residential parcels are charged a flat per-unit fee, and non-
residential parcels are typically charged based on the business type and building square footage,
which represents their anticipated wastewater burden. The amounts due are collected before
plans are approved. The budgeted amount is estimated by the Planning & Development Services
Division based on trend analysis and anticipated construction activity for the upcoming year. A
specific type of capacity fees are Pumped Zone Fees—for Nnew developments or expansion in
areas where Pump Stations are required to move wastewater to the Central San treatment plant
pay an additional an additeenakapacity fee to cover pumping infrastructure costs. These fees a-re
afa" shown as Pumiged Zene Fees and are budgeted by multiplying the incremental Pumped
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Zone Fee times the number of development units anticipated to be subject to such fees.
• Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Reimbursement—Central San provides a facility where
residents and businesses within the service area may dispose of specified hazardous wastes.
Additionally, residents from specified cities (Concord, Clayton, San Ramon, and parts of Martinez
served by the Mt. View Sanitary District) also have the right to use the facility, and these cities pay
a contractually agreed amount for this service. The amounts due are invoiced by Accounting in
August for the prior fiscal year. The budgeted amounts are based on projected total costs of the
facility, to be shared pro rata by all users within the service area.
• Recycled Water—This represents revenue from the sale of recycled water to customers in
Central San's service area who have recycled water meters. The amounts due are invoiced by
Accounting bi-monthly based on monthly meter readings. The Planning & Development Services
Division forecasts the revenue from recycled water based on projected changes in recycled water
consumption. Other internal use of Recycled Water is not included in reported revenues, but a
calculated ascribed value of this water based on production costs is shown in the Operating
Departments section of this document under the Recycled Water division discussion.
• All Other Revenue Sources—This includes the following:
o Permit and Inspection Fees—These are fees for sewer permits, plan review, inspections, and
related activities, including environmental compliance fees. The amounts are forecast by the
Development Services Supervisor based on anticipated construction activity for the upcoming
o Lease Rental Income—This represents rental income from buffer properties (buildings and
undeveloped land) owned by Central San and rented to third parties through multi-year
agreements. Leases are reviewed by Accounting and Right-of-Way to identify any changes to
multi-year lease rates. Budgeted lease revenue is based on the terms of those leases.
o Stormwater/Pollution Prevention—These are fees collected from Contra Costa County and
certain cities for performing stormwater inspections as required by Contra Costa County's
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit. These services are provided by Central
San's Environmental Compliance group under contract with the Contra Costa Clean Water
Program. Amounts are invoiced by Accounting based on the number of inspections completed.
The budgeted amount is based on a targeted number of inspections to be performed during the
fiscal year.
o Interest Income—This is based on forecast cash levels multiplied by estimated interest rates
over the course of the fiscal year. Given the Federal Reserve's measures in March 2020,
interest income is expected to be below FY 2019-20 levels.
o Developer Fees—These are charges for plan review and inspection of mainline extension
projects by developers and other property owners. The amounts are collected by the Permit
Counter and are budgeted based on estimates by the Planning & Development Services Division
based on trend analysis and anticipated construction activity for the upcoming fiscal year.
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o Other—This includes annexation fees, other service charges, and miscellaneous fee revenue.
Amounts are collected by various departments depending on the source of revenue. For the
SIF, other revenue includes an allocation from the O&M fund in an amount necessary to
replenish the SIF to the targeted level after projected expenses in the budget year
• Use of Reserves— Use of, or contribution to, reserves is determined by sub-fund. A contribution to
reserves results from budget year revenues exceeding budget year expenditures. A draw from
reserves results if the reverse is true. Table 14 shows the reserve status by sub-fund and overall
status of the Central San Enterprise Fund.
• Loan Proceeds— Use of anticipated borrowing proceeds to fund the Capital Improvement Budget,
of$3 million, for FY 2020-21 is shown in Table 13.
Tables 2 and 2a below show the overall funding sources of Central San and how those funding sources
are applied to each sub-fund for FY 2020-21 and FY 2019-20.
Table 2 —Allocation of Funds — FY 2020-21 Budget
Funding Source
swill Self- FY Fund 10 Fund 20 Fund 30 Fund 40 Total
FY 2020-21 Budget O&M Capital Insurance
tcn�go� $- $- $ 39;9A810
Sewer Service ChargeX45,83-,� ' � 56,673,402 1,201,164
City of Concord 15,760,000 15,300,000 - - 31,060,000
Tax Revenue - 15,940,000 - 2,517,605 18,457,605
Capacity Fees-Gravity - 6,000,000 - - 6,000,000
Capacity Fees-Pumped Zone = 262,000 = - 262,000
HHW Reimbursement 1,064,000 - - - 1,064,000
Recycled Water 420,000 - - - 420,000
Other Revenue Sources Including:
Permit&Inspection Fees 1,952,400 - - - 1,952,400
Lease Rental Income 719,000 - - - 719,000
Stormwater/Pollution Prevention 390,000 - - - 390,000
Interest Income 190,000 293,500 112,050 - 595,550
Developer Fees - 484,000 - - 484,000
Other 409,000 - 470,000 - 879,000
$3,660,400 $ ,^� 4,WG $5,281,95 $5,
Total Other Revenue Sources 77,500 $582,050 $- 19,950
Subtotal Funding Sources prior to $66,711 $94.9,9520 $ G4��
Reserve Draws and Loan Proceeds 65,432,162 g,&N902 $582,050 $2,517,605 $163,484,719
Use of(or Contribution to) Reserves in�rTQow
o 44
(See Table 14) 5,234,176 ,982,902) $571,450 $- c$15,876,724
State Revolving Fund Loan
- 3,000,000 - - $3,000,000
Total Funding Sources $90,666,338 $88,024,000 $1,153,500 $2,517,605 $182,361,443
* Fund numbers correspond to the fund designations in the new chart of accounts to be implemented July 1, 2020.
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Table 2a—Allocation of Funds — FY 2019-20 Budget
Fund 10 Fund 20 Fund 30 Fund 40 Total
Fundi Proposed
IFY 2020-21 Budget
&M IFY 2020-21c7.wmnsumrjF
nsurance Budget
Sewer Service Charge $69,090,870 $32,219,130 $- $- $101,310,000
City of Concord 14,570,000 11,630,000 - - 26,200,000
Tax Revenue - 14,520,000 - 2,982,415 17,502,415
Capacity Fees-Gravity - 5,750,000 - - 5,750,000
Capacity Fees-Pumped Zone = 291,000 = = 291,000
HHW Reimbursement 968,000 - - - 968,000
Recycled Water 420,000 - - - 420,000
Other Revenue Sources Including: - - - - -
Permit& Inspection Fees 1,870,000 - - - 1,870,000
Lease Rental Income 703,500 - - - 703,500
Stormwater/Pollution Prevention 370,000 - - - 370,000
Interest Income 1,231,000 674,000 179,900 - 1,803,900
Developer Fees - 514,000 - - 514,000
Other 337,000 - 846,000 - 1,183,000
t� nen nnn� tc��c nnn
Total Other Revenue Sources $4230,500 �w 1 $1 025 900 �w 6 4
' ,188,000 44,400
Total Funding Sources $89,560,370 $65,598,130 $1,025,900 $2,982,415 $159,166,815
* Fund numbers correspond to the fund designations in the new chart of accounts to be implemented July 1, 2020:
Sewer Service Charge
Tables 3 and 4 show the SSC for FY 2020-21 compared to the FY 2019-20 rates for residential and
non-residential customers. These rates were approved by the Board after a public hearing on
April 18, 2019, through the adoption of a four-year rate ordinance. Since then, two financial
workshops have been held (on November 4, 2019, and March 12, 2020) to discuss Central San's
financial outlook and to receive preliminary Board direction on key financial planning matters. As
committed to in the adoption of the four-year rate ordinance, the Board on April 16, 2020, deliberated
on whether to adjust the previously adopted rates for FY 2020-21, w44-and did not adopt changes4:"s
haRrtes made. However, on May 7, 2020, the Board revisited the matter given the severity of the
economic downturn that appeared to be unfolding and voted to provide a deferment on the
implementation of the incremental rate adjustment that was previously scheduled for FY 2020-21,
effectively continuing the FY 2019-20 rates. This deferment, along with other aspects of rate relief
program that are pending Board consideration as of mid-May as summarized in Figure 2a.
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Figure 2a - Customer Relief Program (Schools and Commercial Programs under
Consideration as of 5/21
Customer Relief Program
Cantral Son undersronil trmpt rhes@ am ivtrglft finvs for evewne,and we wont to dal our pot?to help aHeViare
a sural bit of the hardsh ps we aft are faciril fo that errd, our Customer Relief Program provides swings
on sewer service ctrarges far some customersl assured That we continue sling 2417 to provide the
essenrfol wasirewaler collection and cleaning services that our customers rely upon.
El E - -- M
To assist our residential We are refordLi'tiy sewer We are waiving the
customers,we are warring service charges to reflect scheduled rake increase
the scheduled rate increase a drop in water use fpr the for one year for all
for one year.resulting in time period when schools commercial customers,as
about$30 in savings for were closed,as well as well as adjusting sewer
every household. waiving the scheduled service charges to reftect
During Contra costa county's rate increase for one year. a data in water use for
Sheh&r in-Place Order, most In response to COVID-19. most qualifying cui5torril who
area construction. including our of our local schools were closed experienced a dfop in
own crikiCal 1nfr05truciwre wgri< for part of the school year. We usage due to C'OVID-19.
and associated plar►ning and are refunding We sewer Sl TG assist local kx,5inesse5. weoperations efforts, was slowed charge in schools in aur service
or halted for several weeks- Less area far the time they were are waiving the scheduled rale
conlstrudi06 tram meant kywer closed and therefore not using increase far all our commercial
co5#m few Cer*ini San.and we are our SeWer SerViCeS, Central customers this year, resulting in
passing these savings hack to San will return apprarrlrriately
a savings of apps-oximateky 5%
You, our customers. While $30 $160,000 to schools in our of your regular sewer service
is not a big number, we know service area. In addition, we charges. These savings will he
every dolltir taunkm ngMk noW, are waivingapplied automatically to your the scheduled ra#e bill. In addition- we will further
and this is samettring that we can int+edse, resulting in a savings
do for our customers at This time. of approximately 5% on the adjust the chwll for gpmnlli l
You do not need to request the remaining charges. Schools do Gusiorrrers whq saw a drop in It+eir
credit; the savings will be applied not need to request a refund water usage and asscc iated sewer
automatically on your upcoming or credit, both savings will be usage from March,May 2020
2020-21 property lax bill- applied automatically to your bill. due to CCMD-19 andlor Contra
Costa county's St*4tef4�P1ace
Order-For example,if a restaurant
# sing was closed and wort uwater
du ring th is time,their server usage
i wouEd all be adjulAed. If your
x bu5inem5 saw a signifrCarrk drop
IF r in water usage due to COVID-19,
► you may qualify for this additional
_r + . adjustment of tip to 25%.
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Table 3 —Approved Annual SSC-Residential
Customer Type FY 2016-17 FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21
Single Family Residence $503 $530 $567 $598 $6N598
Other Residences—Apartments,
Condominiums, Duplexes,Second $487 $513 $549 $566 $ 566
Living Units, Mobile Homes
Effective Date 07/01/16 07/01/17 07/01/18 7/01/19 7/01/20
** Due to the May 7 Board action, FY 2019-20 rates will continue throughout FY 2020-21; as compared to the previously
authorized $629 for Single Family Residential and $596 for Other Residences.
In April 2019, the Board approved the consolidation of most of Central San's prior non-residential
customer classes into five classes (shown below) based on combined strength limits, defined as the
sum of biochemical oxygen demand and total suspended solids. These customer classes are now
"Low," "Medium-Low," "Medium," "Medium-High," and "High" and fairly charge those customers for
the proportionate cost of collecting and treating their wastewater, based on an updated cost of
service study competed in FY 2018-19. The change was effective July 1, 2019.
Table 4—Approved Annual SSC-Non-Residential
User Group Description Combined Strength FY i FY 2020-21
Low Non-residential uses not listed below Up to 350 mg/I $6.23 $6.5 i$6.23
(no food service)
Food service without Type 1 hood,
Medium-Low shared water meter with less than 50% 351 to 700 mg/I $6.72 $8.05$6.72
food service
Shared water meter with 50%or greater 701 to
Medium $9.59 $10. 9.59
food service 1,000 mg/I
Food service with Type 1 hood,
Medium- supermarkets, hotels and motels with 1,001 to
$10.70 $11. 10.70
High food service,shared water meters with 1,300 mg/I
Mortuaries, bakeries, restaurants with Greater than
High grinders or emulsifiers, breweries with 1,300 mg/I $14.18 $1�4-92 14.18
Best Management Practices permit
Annual $566.00566.00
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Customer Type FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21
Schools—Daycare, Preschool, University(per hundred cubic feet) $6.23 $6-5C 6.23
Schools—Elementary(per student) $7.43 $-7�S2 7.43
Schools—Intermediate and High School (per student) $14.68 $1545a4.68
Industrial Permit(including food processing)
Wastewater Flow(per hundred cubic feet) $4.82 $ .B 4.82
Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) (per 1,000 pounds) $1,275.00 4,� 1 2
Total Suspended Solids(TSS) (per 1,000 pounds) $666.00 c' 666.0
Fixed $93.69 co� 93.69
Special Discharge Permits and Contractual Agreements Determined Determined
Individually Individually
** Due to the May 7 Board action, FY 2019-20 rates will continue throughout FY 2020-21.
Below is a diagram of the five customer classes showing the combined strength limits and the
representative businesses that are contained within each category:
Low Medium Medium Medium ��gn
Low ' High
Up to 350 mg/I 351 to 700 mg/I 701 to 1,000 mg/I 1,001 to 1,300 mg/I Over 1,300 mg/I
Std.Commercial <50%Food Supermarkets Bakeries
(No Food Service)
Restaurants with
Churches Restaurants
Yogurt Shops
L Mixed-Use
Daycare, Ice Cream Shops Hotels with Food Breweries,Restaurants
Preschool,University with Breweries
Automotive,Aviation, Mixed-Use with Mortuaries
Marine Coffee Shops Bakeries
Table 5 indicates the total collected SSC and how such funds are allocated to the O&M and
Capital Budgets. The allocation of the SSC to Capital increases from 31.8% in FY 2019-20 to 57,056.0%
FY 2020-21. All the revenue generated by the FY 2020-21 SSC rate increases will be directed to the CIP
and will be used to fund capital spending in FY 2020-21 and subsequent years.
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Table 5 —Allocation of SSC
FY 2018-19 % FY 0 :
Budget Actual Budget Budget
To 0&M $67,073,732 70.6% $68,656,908 70.6% $69,090,870 68.2% $44,527,762 44.0%4 ($24,563,108){$
$4 o�14 -3$% 2-�T
To Capital $27,926,268 29.4% $28,588,625 29.4% $32,219,130 31.8% $56,673,402 56.0%-5 $24,454,272
49,447,099 7794 t2o�_o�o
Total $95,000,000 100.0% $97,245,533 100% $101,310,000 100.0% $101,201,164 100.0% 108 836$3
Collected $19&6404M 1000% 294999
The allocation of SSC between O&M and capital fluctuates each year, and is based on spending
levels, other revenue sources, and reserve balances in each fund. The significant decrease in
the proportion of total SSC being allocated to the O&M fund is attributable to a projected $26.6
million in O&M working capital reserves above the policy required level available as of
June 30, 2020. This amount is attributable to several factors, including lower than anticipated
spending and higher than anticipated revenues in FY 2019-20, and a revision in the reserve
definition. In November 2019, the Board of Directors approved an amendment to the District's
Fiscal Reserves Policy, which in addition to other changes, clarified the definition of"working
capital" to include other current assets and liabilities, in addition to unrestricted cash and
investments, pursuant to best practice guidance published by the GFOA. The largest
component of net increase in available working capital reserves of the O&M fund is the
inclusion of current accounts receivable of$15 million, which includes the significant receivable
due from the City of Concord for treatment services on the books at the close of each fiscal
year, but which relates to the prior year. As a one-time transitional issue, this change in reserve
definition has limited impacts on long-term financial planning and rate setting as the inclusion
of this current receivable asset largely addresses a year-to-year payment timing issue. Refer to
Table 14 for additional information on Reserves.
Uses of Funds
The uses of funds (expenditures and contributions to reserves) for FY 2020-21 are shown in Figure 3.
Two expenditure categories, O&M and Sewer Construction, account for 9798% of the total uses. +e
FY 20220-21, a centFibutien to FeseFve,, 1% ef the total use of fun4s. These funds will be
applied to the Sewer Construction Fund (Capital Improvement Program) to help offset the need for
related to the increased capital spending planned for FY 2020-21 and future years.
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Figure 3 - Total Funding Uses - FY 2020-21 Budget
Total FY 2020-21 Budgeted Expenditures and Contributions of Reserves: $182,361,443
Debt Se rviCe, $1,153,500,196
S2,517,605,1% r
Operations and
Sewer Construction[C I P], $90,666,338,5096
FY 2020-21 Total Funding Uses
The uses of funds for three budgeted years are shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4 - Where the Money Goes
FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21
$147,386,287 $159,166,815 $182,361,443
Use of Funds
$- i
Operations and Sewer Construction Debt Service Self-Insurance Contribution to(Use
Maintenance (CIP) of) Reserves
■FY 2018-19 Budget ■FY 2019-20 Budget ■FY 2020-21 Budget
Operations &Maintenance Budget Overview
The total 0&M revenue for FY 2020-21 is projected to be $66.7 million, compared to the FY 2019-20
budget amount of$86.9 million, as shown in Table 6.
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Table 6 - FY 2020-21 Budgeted O&M Revenues
rc - FF2 018-19 IFY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21 Budget %
ount Description
""get Actual Budget Projected Budget Variance
U Variance
O&M Revenue
Sewer Service Charge $67,073,732 $75,824,221 $69,090,870 $70,270,344 -35.69/-
$44,527,762 (t29$49 ori 59)524,563,108) %
City of Concord 14,800,000 14,973,623 14,570,000 15,460,000 15,760,000 1,190,000 8.2%
Permit&Inspection Fees 1,783,000 2,091,062 1,870,000 2,031,000 1,952,400 82,400 4.4%
Lease Rental Income 627,000 619,317 703,500 713,000 719,000 15,500 2.2%
HHW Reimbursement 929,000 899,723 968,000 953,000 1,064,000 96,000 9.9%
Stormwater/Pollution 360,000 421,022 370,000 400,000 390,000 20,000 5.4%
Interest Income 600,000 230,042 1,231,000 555,000 190,000 (1,041,000) -84.6%
Recycled Water 420,000 466,960 420,000 488,000 420,000 - 0.0%
Other 333,000 439,015 337,000 390,500 409,000 72,000 21.4%
Total Revenue $86,925,732 $95,964,985 $89,560,370 $91,260,844 $65,432,162 ($220 9) -
$66727233 ($24,128,208) 26.9%
0&M revenue decreases by $ 24.1 million, or 245-.526.9%, due primarily to the following:
• In November 2019, the Board approved a revised Fiscal Reserve Policy, which amongst other
matters clarified the definition and calculation of"minimum working capital" to include other
elements of the balance sheet beyond unrestricted cash and investments in line with GFOA
recommended best practices. Pursuant to this revision, O&M reserves are projected to exceed the
minimum working capital reserve requirement as of June 30, 2020, providing for a draw-down of
excess reserve funds of$2-,2.9$_L5.2 million while still maintaining the projected minimum working
capital reserve balance of five-twelfths (5/12) the following year's budget for FY 2020-21. This has
the positive outcome of being able to allocate a larger proportion of FY 2020-21 SSC revenues to
the Sewer Construction Fund for much needed long-term capital investment purposes.
• -�System-wide average SSC rates are were to incrinori as increase by 5.25% effective July 1,
2020. However, this adjustment has been deferred until July 1, 2021. The 0&M allocation of the
SSC decreases from 68.2% in FY 2019-20 to 4344% in FY 2020-21, with the amount allocated to
capital projects increasing from 31.8%to&756%.
• The City of Concord is allocated a share proportional to their flow to the treatment plant and
environmental and regulatory compliance expenses and is billed for administrative overhead and a
finance charge. City of Concord revenue toward O&M costs is expected to be $1-4--615.8 million in
FY 2020-21, a 4-.68.2%tee-increase compared to $14.96 million in FY 2019-20. This is due to
increased 0&M spending. effset by a slightly higheF +iGi.,- ted_ share .,f fl.,,.,_h-rPd
,-A-o+r ++r0bilt-ahIe +A- +he C 0 t y of C e P e e r d.
• Decrease in forecasted interest income due to Federal Reserve rate actions in early 2020.
As shown in Table 7, total O&M expenses are projected to be $90.7 million in FY 2020-21, an increase
of$3.1 million from the $87.6 million budget in FY 2019-20. This figure includes the costs related to all
Central San services including wastewater collection and treatment, HHW collection, and recycled
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water production and distribution. Central San has maintained a relatively flat O&M budget for six
years in a row (FY 2014-15 to FY 2019-20), with only a modest increase above $90 million for
FY 2020-21. The budget continues to provide funding for strategic initiatives and key activities. Table 7
and Figure 5 show the FY 2020-21 O&M Budget by expense category. Significant savings from a
transition to CalPERS health benefits has enabled this reduction in O&M spending, despite inflationary
pressures in other expense categories.
O&M salaries and benefits (labeled categories A and B in the table) comprise 59% (56.3%for active and
2.7%for retirees) of the overall O&M Budget. Contributions toward unfunded liabilities (category C)
are another 14.8%. Total labor related costs including Salary, benefits, and Unfunded Actuarial
Accrued Liability (UAAL) and additional contributions reellatedd is are 73.8% of the O&M Budget. All
other expenses (category D) comprise 26.2%.
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Table 7 - FY 2020-21 Budgeted O&M Expenditures and Contribution to / (Draw from
7 FY 2018-19 FY 2018-19 ' FY 2019-20 1 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21 Budgetto % FY 2020-21
Account Descri Budget Actual Budget Projected Budget Budget Variance %of Total
Salaries&Wages $36,075,687 $35,830,512 $38,565,093 $36,932,653 $39,543,191 $978,098 2.5% 43.6%
B.Benefits Ah
Benefits&Capital $13,115,332 $13,227,221 T$11,982,565 $11,634,912 $11,545,173 ($437,392) 3.7% 12.7%
Overhead Credit
Salary&Benefits $49,191,019 $49,057,733 $50,547,658 $48,567,565 $51,088,364 $540,706 1.1%
(Active Employees)
n,.Refits(RetiFees- $5490,2911 $4 934 2s- C�enc nuc C���n nnn C�ACS nnn C1n� ^moi
�7 T �� ,moi Tv ,�Tiovo moo
C.OPEB and Pension UAAL and Additional Contributions�.'� �.r.^A'
OPEB UAAL $5,100,284 $4,934,255 $2,346,076 $2,314,000 $2,451,000 $104,924 4.5% 2.7%
Retirement UAAL $10,720,478 $11,206,313 $11,186,841 $11,254,802 $12,126,016 $939,175 8.4%
Unfunded Liabilities
Additional UAAL $2,500,000 $2,500,000 $1,250,000 $1,250,000 $1,250,000 $0 0.0%
Total UAAL/URfunded $18,320,762 $18,640,568 $14,782,917 $14,818,802 $15,827,016$ $1,044,099$ 7.1%7�& 17.0%3-0-8
Liabi�sand Additional C,aa�8 $13,706,313 $ 2�A�A1 t1�02 a arc nuc939,175
Total Labor Related Costs
including UAAL and $67,511,781 $67,698,301 $65,330,575 $63,386,367 $66,915,380 $1,584,805 2.4% 73.8%
Additional Contributions
D.Other O&M Expenses
Purchased Property $5,415,371 $4,787,875 $4,483,744 $4,566,303 $6,334,577 $1,850,833 41.3% 7.0%
Other Purchased
Services $5,670,507 $4,415,486 $6,418,232 $5,310,202 $6,305,477 ($112,755) 1.8% 7.0%
Supplies&Materials $9,095,174 $9,335,587 $9,322,677 $9,156,583 $9,466,300 $143,623 1.5% 10.4%
Other Expenses $1,248,123 $826,032 $1,204,547 $994,390 $1,194,604 ($9,943) -0.8% 1.3%
Other Expenses-Self $779,500 $779,505 $825,000 $825,000 $450,000 ($375,000) -45.5% 0.5%
"Total Other O&M $22,208,675 $20,144,485 $22,254,200 $20,852,478 $23,750,958 $1,496,758 6.7% 26.2%
Total Expenditures $88,137,656 $86,259,986 $87,584,775 $84,238,845 $90,666,338 $3,081,563 3.5% 100.0%
Contribution to Draw ($2 -1377Y.794,724) $2,534,317 $1,975,595 $7,021,999 ($25,234,176) ($27,209,771) ,
From Reserve ($23,929,^'7'7` ($25,904,,'2;
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Figure 5 - FY 2020-21 Budgeted O&M Expenditures
D.Other Expenses,1.3%,
D.Supplies&Materials, D.other Expenses-Self Insurance,0.5%
D.Other Purchased Services,
D.Purchased Property
C.Total UAAL 1 Unfunded
B.Benefits(Retirees),2.7%1 B.Benefits&Cap OJH Credit,
Variances in the Operations &Maintenance Budget
O&M costs overall increase from FY 2019-20 to FY 2020-21 by$3.1 million or 3.5%. Salaries increase
by $1 million, and UAAL costs increase by$0.9 million, which are offset in part by benefit and retiree
cost decreases of$0.3 million. These changes are discussed below and illustrated in Figure 6.
Figure 6 — 0&M Cost Comparison by Year
$5.�. memo .. . bull IYIII
z e .,
aaQ 2 �
19 _ 2 N
a FY 2018.19 Budget d o
N FY 2018-19 Actual G a c o
E u o
111 FY 2019.20 Budget _
■FY 2019.20 Projected
■FY 2020-21 Budget
The lettered expense categories in the chart correspond to the descriptions below.
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A. O&M Salaries &Wages
Central San's budgeted salaries are $39.5 million in FY 2020-21, compared to $38.6 million in
FY 2019-20, representing an increase of$0.9 million, or 2.5%. The increase reflects the 2.9% salary
adjustment effective April 2020, and assumed salary adjustment effective April 2021 of 3.75% (the
actual adjustment will be based on the Bay Area Consumer Price Index change from February 2020
to February 2021), and step increases for newer employees. The vacancy factor of 3.25% is
unchanged from the prior year.
B. Benefits and Capitalized Overhead
Total benefits and capitalized labor decreased from $14.3 million in FY 2019-20 to $14 million in
FY2020-21, which are discussed as follows:
Table 7a— Benefits and Capitalized Overhead Detail
FY iBudget
Budget Variance
Benefits for Active Employees $16,430,934 $16,628,569 $197,635 1.2%
Capitalized Administrative ($4,448,369) ($5,083,396) ($635,027) 14.3%
S.-"�atTotal, Benefits for Active
Employees net of Capitalized $11,982,565 $11,545,173 ($437,392) 3.7%
Administrative Overhead
R-en,f is f.,r Debi.,. $2 2 4 6,079 $2 Adz--45i, $104,924 4.51%
Tntal Anfi..e and Retiree RPnPf:fc $14,4U-,641 $13,9964, 74 (t2�� 2�AC41 /'f 4 /_1
Benefits for active employees comprise healthcare costs, workers' compensation costs, payroll
taxes, normal costs for pension and OPEB costs, and benefit vacancy factor. These costs were
$16.4 million in the FY 2019-20 budget and rise to $16.6 million in the FY 2020-21 budget, which
represents a 1.2% increase.
• Previously, compensated absence payouts were included in this grouping, but have now been
moved to O&M salaries and wages.
• The transition to CalPERS for medical benefits for active and retired employees was completed
effective July 1, 2019, resulting in savings of approximately $5.5 million annually.
Changes in benefit cost assumptions are listed below. Given the timing of the budget process,
assumptions were made on program costs pending the availability of actual announced changes by
the providers. These assumed cost changes for budget purposes, and the actual cost changes
subsequently announced by the carriers, are discussed in the bullet points below.
• CaIPERS Medical— No rate increase for the six months starting July 2020 and a 7.25% rate increase
is assumed for the six months starting January 2021.
• CCCERA—The retirement normal cost contribution rate is decreasing 6.7%for legacy employees
and increasing 2.1%for Public Employees' Pension Reform Act employees. -The overall
contribution rate decreases slightly from FY 2019-20 to FY 2020-21. In FY 2020-21, the required
total contribution percentage per the CCCERA 12/31/2018 valuation report is 49.86%, which is
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19.2%for normal costs and 30.66% for UAAL. In FY 2019-20, the required total contribution
percentage per the 12/31/2017 CCCERA actuarial report was 49.57%, which was 20.57%for
normal costs and 29%for UAAL. These overall contribution rate changes include numerous
factors based on actuarial assumptions and investment performance. As to the factors driving
changes in normal costs (including legacy and PEPRA rates), this includes changes in retirement
rates, demographic changes, and various other actuarial assumptions.
• Delta Dental— No rate increase for the six months starting July 2020 and a 3.75% rate increase is
assumed for the six months starting January 2021.
• Vision — No rate increase for the six months starting July 2020 and a 3% rate increase is
assumed for the six months starting January 2021.
• Long-Term Disability— No rate increase for the six months starting July 2020 and a 3% rate
increase is assumed for the six months starting January 2021.
• Employee Assistance Program— No rate increase for the six months starting July 2020 and a 3%
rate increase is assumed for the six months starting January 2021.
• Workers' Compensation—A 10% rate increase was assumed for budget purposes. The actual
rates have not been finalized. No adjustments were made to the Experience Modification Factor
that adjusts the gross rate of the collective pool to the member agency.
• Life Insurance— No rate increase for the six months starting July 2020 and a 3% rate increase is
assumed for the six months starting January 2021.
The Capitalized Administrative Overhead rate, a credit given for capital work to the 0&M Budget
for non-work hours and overhead, changes from $4.4 million to $5.1 million in FY 2020-21,
representing an increasing effort on internal labor allocated to the Capital Budget.
Benefits for retirees, consisting of health, dental, life, and vision costs increase from $2.3 million in
FY 2019-20 to $2.4 million in FY2020-21.
C. Unfunded Liabilities
Central San has agreements with its employees to provide pension and post-employment
healthcare benefits. Central San prefunds the pension/benefits in accordance with actuarial
calculations that make certain economic and demographic assumptions. The goal is to grow these
prefunded amounts into enough assets to cover the liabilities arising from the promised
pension/benefits. An unfunded liability may occur when those economic/demographic
assumptions are not met, those assumptions are changed, and/or the level of pension/benefits is
Other Post Employment UAAL cost, consisting of health, dental, life, and vision costs increase from
$2.3 million in FY 2019-20 to $2.4 million in FY2020-21.
Fmollien on FY 2020 21, Fepresenting a ineFease of$0.94 milhen r 7 GO/
The pension unfunded liability expense to be paid to CCCERA is $12.1 million in FY 2020-21, which,
compared to the budget of$11.2 million in FY 2019-20, is an increase of$0.94 million, or 8.4%. The
UAAL payment does not yet reflect any impact on pension assets that the market downturn of
March 2020 may cause. If persisting through the December 2020 valuation, UAAL payments could
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be impacted in FY_ 2=42.2022-23.
The budget also includes $1.25 million for additional contributions t&4e-pa4toward either t#e
.4 �^'�^'_ 'i^""'+' ._. ^ *"^F pension or OPEB obligations, to be determined by the Board during
the fiscal year. This is a continuation of the $1.25 million budgeted in FY 2019-20. To the extent
that budget savings are available with the completion of both FY 2019-20 and FY 2020-21, the
Board may choose to direct part of the savings toward additional unfunded liabilities funding.
D. All Other O&M Expenses
The remaining O&M non-labor expenses increase from 22.3 million in FY 2019-20 to $23.8 million
in FY 2020-21, an increase of 6.7%. Additional information is included in the individual division
budgets. The areas of most significant change include the following:
• Purchased Property Services—This expense category is reporting an increase of$1,850,833, or
41.3%, largely resulting from increases in repairs & maintenance and security services.
Increases in repairs & maintenance were largely attributable to new support and licensing costs
for the new state-of-the-art ERP system expected to "go live" July 1, 2020, as well as security
services being reclassified from the "Other Purchased Services" expense category pursuant to
the new ERP's revised chart of accounts. Finally, greatly expanded on-site security measures
will be necessary to counteract the significant increase in non-employee foot traffic on the
treatment plant premises in conjunction with large scale treatment plant improvement projects
planned next year.
• Other Purchased Services—This expense decreased by$112,755, or 1.8%, due to costs for
professional and technical services remaining steady overall with the increase in costs expected
from the 2020 election largely being offset by reclassifying security services under the
"Purchased Property Services" category pursuant to the new chart of accounts.
• Supplies & Materials—This expense increased marginally by$144,000, or 1.5%. Despite
increases in general supplies and utilities &fuel costs, these increases were largely offset by
savings realized in chemicals costs through the elimination of sodium hydroxide in the sewage
treatment process.
• Other Expenses—This expense decreased by $384, 943, or 18.976%, reflecting a primarily
caused by a decreased allocation from the O&M fund to cover anticipated estimated loss
payments, legal services, and insurance premiums.
Technical Training, Conferences, & Meetings—These costs are an element of Other Expense
and are summarized in Table 8 below. They are—reported separately in the Operating
Departments divisional section. The increase of, ,r included in the Other Expenses tegE)r„
deseribed previeusly and ineFeased by $39-4 .532,4741 or 79%, due te reflects increased
technical training for both new hires and succession planning efforts with existing staff. Table 8
sews a bFeal(rJe.. n of the budget get On Technical Training, Conferences Q. Meeti^^s.The amounts
now include tuition reimbursement and professional expense reimbursements, and prior year
amounts have been restated to reflect that.
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Table 8 - Technical Training, Conferences, &Meetings
Board of Directors $45,000 $40,000 $40,000 $- -%
�n�ann 1 1 a inn 118,7-5()
Administration Department 151 650 16 0 169168 p ° 5,800 4-1%
10:7,425 ��nocn
Engineering Department X950 :7,525-6,625 -74%
141,625 152,725 159,350
Operations Department X8117'77 3,500 134,100 28,600 20,049 16$%
6 126,676 146,725
$371,9255 9 $30475Total 456 051 482 601 515,075 32 474 870
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Operations &Maintenance Budget by Operating Department
Table 9 and Figure 7 provide a summary of the operating budgets by department. Further details
are included in the Operating Departments Section.
Table 9 - 0&M Bud et by Department
fice of the General Manager $1,270,856 $1,256,560 $1,346,519 $1,277,219 $1,501,579 $155,060 12%
fice of the Secretary of the 857,684 848,097 904,112 1,063,449 998,779 94,667 10%
Board of Directors 535,494 489,493 255,650 280,100 564,029 308,379 121%
Office of the Director of Finance 697,227 664,884 691,713 512,508 579,032 (112,680) -16%
Communications Services and 2,094,427 1,815,028 1,980,908 1,836,302 2,128,081 147,173 7%
Intergovernmental Relations
Finance 2,442,604 1,834,946 2,409,374 1,818,584 2,256,811 (152,563) -6%
Human Resources/Retirees/ 12,674,862 13,206,508 8,558,360 7,987,416 8,958,488 400,128 5%
Information Technology 4,137,334 3,888,148 4,093,590 3,718,148 4,527,320 433,730 11%
Purchasing and Material 2,051,286 1,747,571 2,123,488 1,758,518 2,006,169 (117,319) -6%
Risk Management 1,823,308 1,648,664 1,867,875 1,822,529 1,628,463 (239,412) -13%
Total $28,585,082 $27,399,899 $24,231,589 $22,074,773 $25,148,751 $917,162 4%
Engineering and Technical Services
Office of the Director of
Engineering&Technical $634,658 $640,153 $616,058 $481,748 $1,132,683 $516,625 84%
Capital Projects Division 835,854 543,322 455,841 462,718 883,170 427,329 94%
Environmental and Regulatory 8,397,399 8,302,380 8,628,203 8,668,923 9,159,765 531,562 6%
Compliance Division
Planning and Development 7,165,497 6,848,387 7,163,840 7,129,505 7,447,765 283,925 4%
Services Division
Total $17,033,408 $16,334,241 $16,863,942 $16,742,894 $18,623,383 $1,759,441 30%
Office of the Director of $527,271 $502,625 $550,579 $801,534 $1,035,340 $484,761 88%
Collection System Operations 13,960,060 13,977,517 14,750,139 14,364,491 14,916,566 166,427 1%
Plant Maintenance 13,156,196 13,777,733 14,439,069 14,434,709 13,811,530 (627,539) -4%
Plant Operations 14,905,646 14,660,852 15,141,109 14,554,183 15,659,478 518,369 3%
Recycled Water Program 1,552,792 1,189,918 1,608,348 1,266,261 1,471,290 (137,058) -9%
Total $44,101,966 $44,108,645 $46,489,244 $45,421,178 $46,894,204 $404,960 1%
Total All Departments $89,720,456 $87,842,786 $87,584,775 $84,238,845 $90,666,338 1 $3,081,563 4%
* Some significant variances are related to the reallocation of costs as new organizational units were created for FY 220-21.
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Figure 7 - FY 2020-21 O&M Budget by Function
520.000,0 00
50 �r
EneireertnC and colect+on 5vstern Pant Operatrons, Re[yc[ed Water
Adminilrttion Tec hn[aI Serves Operations ~KenarKe. Program
Department Dvaior of Ops �`
r 018.19 800¢et 528,585,082 517,033.408 S13.960,060 528.589.114 51,552.79
j4Fr2019-20avdget 524.231,589 S16,863,942 514.750.139 530.130,757 S1,6O8.348
WFY2020-219erdcet 525,148,751 $18,623,383 514,916,566 530,506,3.8 $1,471,290
The substantial reduction in Administration costs is primarily related to the $4.3 million reduction in
retiree benefits, unfunded liabilities payments, and additional unfunded liabilities payment that are
budgeted in the Human Resources division.
Historical Variances in Operations &Maintenance Spending
Figure 8 shows historic O&M budgeted and actual amounts, and actual spending as a percentage of
budget. There have been variances averaging 3.9% (spending was 96.1% of budget) over the last five
years (with variances averaging 3.4% since FY 2004-05).
Figure 8 - Historic O&M Budget versus Actual Spending in Millions (Multi-Year Trend)
$100 100%
$80 95%
$60 90%
$50 85%
$30 80%
$20$10 — 75%
$0 70%
Oh OrO 01 OW oo ti0 ,y'y ,y'L ,y'� ,yp, ,yh ,yco ,y1 ,yg ,yon �O.
OA Oh OrO 01 O� Oji y0 yN; yIV y11jr yR yh tiG y1\1 yR yoi
,ti0 ,ti0 ,ti0 ,LO ,LO .LO ,LO ,y0 ,ti0 ,ti0 ,ti0 ,ti0 ,LO ,LO ,LO ,LO
BUDGET ACTUAL Achievement%
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Staffing, Salaries,and Benefits (Costs included in both O&M and Sewer Construction)
Total labor, benefit, and UAAL related costs increases by$3 million, or 4%, from $74.7 million in
FY 2019-20 to $77.8 million in FY 2020-21.
Total salaries and benefits for active employees are budgeted at $62 million in FY 2020-21, including
both the O&M Fund and the Sewer Construction Fund, compared to $60 million in FY 2019-20, a $2
million increase. Benefits for retirees are projected to be $2.4 million in FY 2020-21, compared to $2.3
million in FY 2019-20. Costs of unfunded liabilities for pension and OPEB (which relate to both active
employees and retirees) are $13.4 million, up from $12.4 million in FY 2019-20.
Major factors affecting overall salaries and benefits include the following:
• Cost of living adjustment of 2.9%, which is the primary component of the overall salary line item
increase of 3.4%. Other components include funding for step increases/promotions.
• Additional overtime of$0.2 million, an increase of 14%
• Adjustment in overall benefit costs of 1.8%
The following tables show various levels of detail regarding labor costs. Table 10 summarizes all
labor-related costs across two sub-funds. Additional tables in the Supplemental Financial Information
section at the end of this budget document provide additional detail about salary and benefit costs.
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Table 10 — Total Labor Costs Summar
OperationsFY 2020-21 Budget
Maintenance Construction
Active Employees
Budgeted Full-Time Employee Positions(Estimated Allocation)* 264.6 28.4 293.0
Budgeted Salaries&Wages $39,543,191 $4,247,300 $43,790,491
Budgeted Benefits 16,628,569 1,541,914 18,170,483
Capitalized Admin Overhead ** (5,083,396) 5,083,396 -
Benefits After Capitalized Administrative Overhead 11,545,173 6,625,310 18,170,483
Total Costs Active Employees*** $51,088,364 $10,872,610 $61,960,974
UAAL/Unfunded Liabilities&Additional ContributionsRetiFe^Coss a-RdUnfund-^^"'^h01"^4
Retiree Benefit r„srS f .norn $2,451,000 $- $2,451,000
UAAL/Unfunded Liabilities for Pension &Additional Contributions 13,376,016 - 13,376,016
Total UAAL/Unfunded Liabilities&Additional ContributionsTatat
Rpt:.ee Cagtg and U of nder] I kahol �.:^ $15,827,016 $- $15,827,016
Total Labor Related Costs $66,915,380 $10,872,610 $77,787,990
OperationsFY 2019-20 Budget
Maintenance Construction
Active Employee Costs
Budgeted Full-Time Employee Positions(Estimated Allocation)* 264.9 25.1 291.0
Budgeted Salaries&Wages $38,565,093 $3,601,298 $42,166,391
Budgeted Benefits 16,430,934 1,353,379 17,784,313
Capitalized Administrative Overhead** (4,448,369) 4,448,369 -
Benefits After Capitalized Administrative Overhead 11,982,565 5,801,748 17,784,313
Total Costs Active Employees*** $50,547,658 $9,403,046 $59,950,704
UAAL/Unfunded Liabilities&Additional Contributionso^*'F^^and Infunde` Q4.4
OPEB UAAL.Retiree ❑e.,.,fits f.,, noE❑ $2,346,076 $- $2,346,076
UAAL/Unfunded Liabilities for Pension &Additional Contributions 12,436,841 12,436,841
Total UAAL/Unfunded Liabilities&Additional ContributionsTeval• $14,782,917 $- $14,782,917
Total Labor-Related Costs $65,330,575 $9,403,046 $74,733,621
* Estimated allocation of Full-Time Employees between Sewer Construction and O&M.
** Consists of indirect costs associated with non-productive hours and Administrative Overhead.
*** Restated to include new classification of costs; Board salaries&benefits included.
Budgeted Full-Time Equivalents
Table 11 shows full-time equivalent employee totals for the time periods indicated. The Year-End
Actual figures represent actual staffing as of June 30, 2019. In addition to the 293 budgeted positions,
the General Manager has the ability to add five additional "transitional" positions at any given time to
backfill positions vacated due to an extended leave of absence or as necessary to properly address
succession planning. The costs associated with these positions are funded through vacancy savings.
Table 12 shows the positions by bargaining unit and division.
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Table 11 - Budgeted Full-Time Equivalents
FY • 2020-21
BudgetYear-End Actual Budget*
Regular Employees
(Excluding Recycled Water Employees) 279.0 291.0 293.0
Limited Duration Employees
Summer Students 30.0 17.0 24.0
Interns 9.5 11.0 13.5
* This summary budget table listed 31 and 9 for summer students and interns. Detailed departmental budgets summed
to 17 and 11, respectively.
** 293 staff includes 291 regular FTEs, plus an additional two positions which will expire in two years.
***The Summer Student project for the summer of 2020 is under evaluation at this time due to COVID-19 situation.
Table 12 - Full-Time Equivalent Positions by Bargaining Unit and Division
OperationsAdministration Engineering
Local One 21.0 42.0 108.0 171.0
26.0 49.0 29.0 104.0
Support/Confidential Group
Management 5.0 4.0 3.0 12.0
Unrepresented 4.0 1.0 1.0 6.0
Total by Division 56.0 96.0 141.0 293.0
Staffing Changes
During 2015, a staffing and organizational study['] was completed for Central San. The study
recommended that Central San hire a consultant to conduct a classification study, which was
completed in 2017, to ensure that Central San's classification structure was appropriate, and
employees were working within their job classifications. The budget includes the cost of implementing
the recommendations of the study, as well as other changes to the classification structure that
Central San has deemed as operationally necessary. The FY 2020-21 Budget includes $200,000 in gross
wages and $106,000 for the benefit-related costs of implementing these potential changes.
Overall, staffing is at 293 positions, reflective of the 2015 Organization and Staffing Plan
recommendation, which recommended an additional four positions from the then 287 budgeted
positions. Additionally, two limited duration positions for the permit counter were approved during
FY 2019-20. The 293 staffing figure compares to 291 staff in the FY 2019-20 budget. As described
previously, several budgetary organizational units reported in the prior year were impacted by the
restructuring of Central San's chart of accounts as part of its planned implementation of a new ERP in
FY 2020-21. Some significant changes include: (1) splitting the previously-reported "Office of the
General Manager and Secretary of the District" into sub-units, (2) the creation of Director budgetary
organizational units overseeing each Department, and (3) the consolidation of Safety into Human
Resources. These changes did not impact the reporting structure of Central San or operations
generally but were intended to improve parent-child relationships in the new chart of accounts to
facilitate automated reporting in the new ERP system.
Report is available here: http://centralsan.org/documents/Organization_and_Staffing_Plan.pdf.
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Excluding the impact of these structural changes that were largely inconsequential to reporting
structures and operations, reallocations of staffing between divisions and position changes within
divisions are summarized below:
• Creation of Engineering Assistant position (Planning & Development Services)
• Management Analyst transferred from the Office of the General Manager to Human Resources
• Engineering Assistant transferred from Planning & Development Services to the Director of
Engineering &Technical Services (Resource Recovery Program)
• Vacant Senior Buyer position repurposed to Buyer (Purchasing)
• Vacant Payroll Analyst position repurposed to Senior Administrative Technician (Human Resources)
• Vacant Utility Worker positions repurposed to Maintenance Crew Members (Collection System
Capital Improvement Budget
Sewer Construction Fund revenues are projected to increase by $33.5 million, from $65.6 million in
FY 2019-20 to $99.1 million in FY 2020-21.
This increase is to cover an extensive CIP, the funding for which will generated through an increase in
SSC of$28.6 million, resulting from additional revenue available from the 5.25% system average rate
increase effective July 1, 2020, and a significantly larger allocation of the SSC to Capital versus 0&M.
The City of Concord reimbursement increases $3.7 million due to increased cost-based reimbursement.
This relates to Concord's flow proportionate share of treatment plant, recycled water and general
improvement components of the capital budget. Additionally, $3 million of borrowing from the State
Revolving Fund is anticipated to fund the Solids Handling Facilities Improvements Project in
FY 2020-21.
The $88 million budget does not include the anticipated carryforward from FY 2019-20, which will be
communicated to the Board after the close of the current fiscal year. The $21.8 million increase, or
33%, in budgeted spending is a significant step toward the increased capital spending that will be
taking place for the next several years as shown in the Ten-Year CIP presented later in this document.
Central San will contribute approximately $14.1 million to capital reserves during FY 2020-21 revenues
exceeding expenditures by that amount. Funding the Sewer Construction Fund (Capital Improvement)
Working Capital Reserves exceeds the requirement of the aforementioned Board Policy No. BP 017 -
Fiscal Reserves. These and prior year contributions to the Sewer Construction Reserve allow for
smoothing of rate requirements to accommodate the significant ramp-up of expenditures that is
continuing in the next several years, with peak capital spending anticipated to reach $110 million in FY
Table 13 below is a summary of the projected FY 2020-21 Sewer Construction Fund revenues and
expenditures. Further details are included in the Capital Improvement Program section.
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Table 13 - Sewer Construction Fund Revenues and Expenditures
FY 2018-19 FY 2018-19 IFY 2019-20 FY 2019-20 IFY 2020-21 Budget-to-Budget %
Budget Actual Budget Projected Budget" Variance Variance
Capacity Fees-Gravity $5,900,000 $7,619,056 $5,750,000 $8,290,000 $6,000,000 $250,000 4%
Capacity Fees=Pumped Zone 600,000 459,839 291,000 254,000 262,000 (29,000) -10%
Interest Income 570,000 1,121,528 674,000 855,000 293,500 (380,500) -56%
Ad Valorem Taxes 13,300,000 14,749,226 14,520,000 15,628,000 15,940,000 1,420,000 10%
Sewer Service Charge 27,926,268 28,588,625 32,219,130 32,909,000 60,797,089 28,577,959 89%
City of Concord 7,150,000 15,947,032 11,630,000 12,300,000 15,300,000 3,670,000 32%
Recycled Water Sales - - - - - - 0%
Developer Fees and Charges 443,000 364,886 514,000 473,000 484,000 (30,000) -6%
Total Revenue $55,889,268 $68,850,193 $65,598,130 $70,709,000 $99,076,589 $33,478,459 51%
Loan&Bond Proceeds
State Revolving Fund Loan $- $_ $_ $- $3,000,000 $3,000,000 0%
Total Revenue and Loan $55,889,268 $68,850,193 $65,598,130 $70,709,000 $102,076,589 $36,478,459 56%
Treatment Plant Program $16,865,000 $12,239,981 $28,330,000 $25,497,000 $32,334,000 $4,004,000 14%
Collection System Program 19,347,000 20,791,120 27,130,000 24,417,000 40,165,000 13,035,000 48%
General Improvements Program 4,750,000 3,062,994 4,264,000 3,837,600 3,925,000 (339,000) -9%
Recycled Water Program 2,857,000 601,954 4,452,000 4,006,800 9,100,000 4,648,000 104%
Contingency 1,500,000 - 2,000,000 1,800,000 2,500,000 500,000 25%
Total Expenditures $45,319,000 $36,696,049 $66,176,000 $59,558,400 $88,024,000 $21,848,000 33%
Carryforward $6,968,827 = $8,493,521
Total Expenditure Authority $52,287,827 $- $- $68,051,921 $- $-
Sewer Construction Funds Available
Projected Revenue and Loan $- $- $65,598,130 $70,709,000 $102,076,589 $-
Projected Expenditures*** 66,176,000 59,558,400 88,024,000
Reserves Contribution/(Draw) $- $- ($577,870) $11,150,600 $14,052,589 $-
* Projection as of April 2020.
**The FY 2020-21 budget amount does not include any carryforward from past fiscal years;the Board will be notified of any
carryforward amount after the close of the current fiscal year.
***Reserve calculation assumes difference between FY 2019-20 budget and projected spending will be spent in FY 2020-21.
Impact of Capital Improvement Budget on Ongoing Operations &Maintenance Budget
Central San's Capital Improvement Budget and the extent to which FY 2020-21 nonrecurring capital
investments will affect the proposed or future years' operating budget are described later in this
document. In general, given the nature and composition of the FY 2020-21 Capital Improvement
Budget, these effects are minimal. To the extent that future capital projects could have more
substantial impacts (e.g., additional personnel costs, additional maintenance costs, or additional utility
costs or, conversely, anticipated savings such as reduced utility costs or lower maintenance costs) such
costs would be specified further in the year such projects are budgeted.
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Reserve Projections
Board Policy No. BP 017 - Fiscal Reserves sets targets for each of Central San's reserve funds. Fiscal
reserves provide working capital for O&M activities; funding for long-term capital improvement
requirements; fulfillment of legal, regulatory, and contractual obligations; mitigation of risk and liability
exposures; and cash flow emergencies. These reserves were fully funded as of FY 2018-19 but are
adjusted annually based on changes in the targeted balance calculation.
• For the O&M Fund (Working capital reserves) —The Board has set a target of five months (41.7%)
of gross operating expenses at the start of each fiscal year.
• For the Sewer Construction Fund (Working capital reserves)—The Board has set a target of 50% of
the annual Capital Improvement Budget at the start of each fiscal year, excluding capital projects
that are to be funded with bond proceeds.
• For the Self Insurance Fund (SIF) Reserves—The Board has set a target of three times the annual
deductible, $1.5 million. In addition, to help mitigate financial impacts and maintain uninterrupted
service in the event of an emergency or catastrophic event, Central San maintains an Emergency
Fund Reserve balance of
$5 million in the SIF.
Table 14 presents a summary of Central San's current reserve balance projections compared to the
Board Policy targets. The reserve levels are projected to be above the policy-required levels on
June 30, 2020 and 2021. The FY 2020-21 revenue requirement relies on a $10.5 million net use of the
reserve balances:
• The reduction in the O&M reserve is related to higher than policy specified funding in the reserve
at June 30, 2019, anticipated favorable variances for FY 2019-20, and a redefinition of reserve
balance to include non-cash & investment balance sheet accounts (see discussion below).
• The increase in the Sewer Construction reserve relates to the anticipated increase in Capital
Improvement Budget spending in subsequent years, and planned use of cash in those years.
• The reduction in the Self-Insurance Fund reserve is related to higher than required funding in the
reserve at June 30, 2020, due to lower claims expenses in the current fiscal year.
During FY 2019-20, staff completed an assessment of the calculation of the O&M and Sewer
Construction Reserves and proposed certain adjustments which were reflected in an updated BP 017.
Previously, the reserves were calculated simply as cash and investment balances. It was recognized
that certain accrual related adjustments were necessary to in certain instances to reflect a true reserve
balance available for use. The revised definition is used in the calculation of projected reserves shown
in Table 14.
The projected amounts are subject to change based on actual financial results for the current and next
fiscal years.
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Also provided on Table 14 is a projection of the Rate Stabilization Account, Pension Trust fund, and
OPEB trust fund. Assumptions include:
—Rate Stabilization Fund Reserve Account: No additional deposits or earnings on the account. The
Board may instead direct a portion of the FY 2019-20 year-end closeout to this account.
• Pension Prefunding Trust Fund: The protected balance as of June 30, 2020 assumes a 15% decline
in the equity portion (50%) of the fund due to adverse returns,T,"e-pFefeeted "���� ^^ 2n
2020 assumes a 10 decline ;n „-,l„^ due to -,d„^rse retuFn,-. The $1.25 million budgeted in FY
2020-21 towards employee related liabilities is deposited here. The Board could instead direct that
amount to the OPEB Trust.
• OPEB Trust Fund: The projected balance as of June 30, 2020 assumes a 185% decline in the equity
portion (60%) of the fund value-due to adverse returns. No additional deposits or earnings on the
account in FY 2020-21.
The Supplemental Financial Information section of this budget document contains a table showing
changes in net position and fund equity.
Table 14 - Reserve Projections
Sewer. Self-insurance
O&M Fund nstruction FundJ Co (Capital)
Actual Balance as of June 30,2019 $62,121,261 $57,371,029 $7,371,031 $126,863,321
$64,373,260 $60,938,108 $7,089,066 $132,400,434
Projected Balance as of June 30 2020 641,379,269 69,938,199 7,359,331 132,661,699
$39,139,084 $70,867,010 $6,517,616 $116,523,710
Projected Balance as of June 30, 2021 nn,^�3 74 o,�T 6,700,581 122 ,x12
($25,234,176)4 $9,928,902 ($571,1.50 �c� ($15,876,724){
Change Year Over Year 23,929,027) $14,052,59-9 -W 10,526,188)
Reference: Table 7 Table 13 Self Insurance See Figure 3
Table 1
Percentage Change Year Over Year -39.2%-3 7_.V0A 16.3%�% -8.1%-8.87% -12.0%-�°�
Explanation Ending balance Funds were set
at 6/30/19 is aside in
above policy Recent years
level due to PFiGF yeaFs-to be
projected 0&M used toward the
savings in funding of
FY 2019-20 future year's
Capital Budgets,
Comparison to Policy Target-Start of Budget Year
Policy Target 5/12 of 50%of following 3 times annual
following year's year's non-debt deductible of
0&M Budget funded $500,000 plus
Capital Budget $5 million
Reserve Policy Target end of June 30,2020 $37,777,641 $44,012,000 $6,500,000 $88,289,641
$ 7v�4-1 $44,012,ogg 0010W CQQvws 6”
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Projected Balance Minus Reserve Policy $26,595,619 $16,926,108 $589,066 $44,110,793
Target at June 30,2020 26,595,61a 09 954,341 44,472-,Q-59
Comparison to Policy Target-End of Budget Year
Reserve Policy Target end of June 30,2021 $39,139,085 $40,107,545 $6,500,000 $85,746,630
A 733 $4A 147 545 $8690327$4 ,49&- 9
O .�.rJ �TO,SOT:JTJ I I , 9
Projected Balance Minus Reserve Policy $30,759,465 $17,616 $30,777,080
Target at June 30,2021 t$JO1 Amo 34,993,142 'A�1 2C,'�>;
Reserve calculations subject to final close of financial results for the year and may differ from projection.
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Table 14 - Reserve Projections (continued)
Actual Balance as of June 30, 2019 $- $8,420,816 $65,926,014
Projected Balance as of June 30,2020 $2, 10,000 $8,945,505 $61,130,173
61 n nnn o 703 7-3 CD 1 1/1 497
r�oxo vvv oTOT-tet �r
Projected Balance as of June 30, 2021 $2,610,000 $10,195,505 $61,130,173
r61 n,ovv nnn 9,453-,7-34 CD 1 4 Qo�
- zo �1
Change Year Over Year - 1,250,000 -
Percentage Change Year Over Year 0.0% 14-4414.0% 0.0%
FY 2020-21 FY 2020-21 FY 2020-21
Explanation Earnings Not Earnings Not Earnings Not
Projected Projected Projected
Comparison to Policy Target-Start of Budget Year
Policy Target N/A N/A N/A
Reserve Policy Target end of June 30,2020 N/A N/A N/A
Projected Balance Minus Reserve Policy Target at $2,610,000 $8,945,505 $61,130,173
June 30,2020 $2 caw $4,14
Comparison to Policy Target-End of Budget Year
Reserve Policy Target end of June 30,2021 N/A N/A N/A
Projected Balance Minus Reserve Policy Target at $2,610,000 $10,195,505 $61,130,173
June 30,2021 $2,c�i9919- J4 $59,192
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Debt Service
Current debt service expenditures include outstanding payments on 2018 Revenue Bonds. Details on
the debt service are included in the Debt Program Section. Figure 9 depicts all existing debt payments
for Central San. Future planned debt issuances would add to this debt profile. Additionally, the SRF
loan, when the loan agreement and repayment schedule is finalized, would also add to these debt
repayment amounts.
Figure 9 — Debt Service Payment Schedule
14 Principal
W Interest
$500,000 —
2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 2029-30
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Long-Term Spending Trend
Figure 10 shows a long-term trend line of past O&M expenditures, while Figure 11 shows a
long-term trend line of past capital expenditures. The O&M Budget was held essentially flat for a total
of six years (from FY 2014-15 to FY 2019-20). FY 2020-21 provides for an increase of just 2.2% above
the six-year average of the preceding 0&M budgets. Spending in FY 2020-21 is consistent with the
financial plan which recognizes certain inflationary pressures.
Figure 10 — Long-Term O&M Spending Trend
S 100,000,000
� � � a �
i ik
r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r s s r r r r r r
r r r r r r r r r r � r r r r r r r r r r .► w. r r r r r►
Budget Actual
Capital spending has been ramping up significantly since FY 2016-17, with spending projected to
average $90.7 million per year over the next decade (in 2020 dollars). Over the past 10 years, actual
spending (and "projected for FY 2020-21) has been $42-7334.667 million, while budgeted spending
(called "estimated expenditures" prior to FY 2017-18) was $367.6 million...
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Figure 11 - Infrastructure Investments Over Past Ten Years: $ 334.7 million
Actual AA-
2.3 $1.6
$3.1 2.2
' 29.6 $30.8
$ 5 $0.8
7$25.9 $2.5 $25.1 $3.5
$20.0 $6.3 53.0
Amu $25.5
510.0 $2D.0
$9.3 $12.2
$7.0 $7.8 .
$0.0 im ilm
FY 2010-11 FY 2011-12 FY 2012-13 FY 2013-14 FY 2014-15 FY 2015-16 FY 2016-17 FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20
Recycled Water Program
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiGeneral Improvements Program
rCollection System Program
Treatment Plant Program
-Budget(FY2017-18 forward)and"Estimated Expenditures"previously
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