HomeMy WebLinkAbout04.a. (Handout) Productivity Analysis presentation 5/11/2020 Item 4.a. (Handout) R PRODUCTIVITY ANALYSIS 4 Phil Leiber Director of Finance &Administration May 12, 2020 1 INTRODUCTION • Detailed productivity analysis given schedule changes adopted in March 2020 in response to COVID-19. • To balance 3 objectives: • Maintaining workforce safety. • Continuing the essential services provided by Central San. • Ensuring staff remain productive and receive a full paycheck. • Temporary Provisions were Adopted: • Allowing teleworking and providing technology to accommodate teleworking. • Temporary work schedule changes to facilitate social distancing. • Providing administrative leave for those unable to telework and at heightened risk. • Physical and technology changes to reduce risk of spreading virus,facilitate continuation of work during this situation. • Providing Personal Protective Equipment(PPEs)and more frequent workplace cleaning. _ I 2 1 5/11/2020 METHODOLOGY Phase 1. Quick-high level assessment Phase 2. Detailed assessment • List normal activities for March to June 2020. • Can activity be performed given the revised work arrangements(teleworking,or revised shifts for Operations)? • Did the normal activities continue as expected, or did staff spend time on other activities such as? • a.COVID-19 responses • b.Other productive activities such as training,catching up on documentation,or other backlogged work. • c.Non-productive time,includes time spent waiting for equipment to be deployed to staff who could telework from home once a laptop was made available;or staff who,given the nature of their jobs in Operations,did not have work to do at home and were available in"reserve"to report onsite if needed. I 3 EXAMPLE: ENGINEERING ASSET MANAGEMENT AND GIS* %Mrmespent on Non- Corto'rme on Non-Normal %mrmespenton Nuct on- Costo'r-Prodive Tlme Normal Activities ARivities Prod W Activities (COVID response,.her pmd,dl adiviiandnon- productive time) artme ismn Total-H Grolpiii Inception April 8- Mayo Inception April 8-Mat May 4-June Inception April&Mayo- Inception April Mayo (Includes through May3 June 30 through (Pedod2)30(Pedod through May3 111130 through May3 June 30 nprin(Perioe3)(Pedod9) Amin 31 April (Period(Perine April (Period z)(Period 3) emps/ (Period (Periotl 1) (Periotl 1) 2) 3) (Period l) erns) 11 Engineering Plannin and 6 $646,829 4Y 3 1 $1,468Development, sset Maria ement • Group of 6, all teleworked • Nature of job allows for high level of productivity teleworking • Developed several Dashboards presented to Committees and the Board *GIS:Geographical Information System Slide 4 CENTRAL SAN 4 2 5/11/2020 EXAMPLE: ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION %of Time Spenton Non- Costof Timeon N.n-Normal %.fT, Spent on Non- Cost of Non-Productive Tme Normal ARivities Ani Productive Activities (COVID response,.cher pr.duRive activities and non- praducfive time) D.P.I.— ism. Total Staff Groupsalary Inception Apr118- Mayo Inception Aril 8-May May 4-lune nception April B-Mayo- Inceptlon April B- Mayo (includes through Maya ne 30 through (Pen.dal 30(Pen.d (through May3 l ne 30 through Maya Apnl7(Periotl2l(Pen.d3l April7 3) A p ri l7 (Penotl(Penotl Apni7 (Penotl 2)(Penotl 3) mps/ (Period (Period 11 (Period 11 2) 3) (Period 11 rernsl 11 Engineering Plannin and 5 $613,550 21 42 28 $],540 $18,481 $29,147 D_y merit: onstruction ms__ • Group of five; 69% in office, 31% teleworking • Normal activities more impacted; however spent time on updating Standard Specification Update (10-32%). Going to the Board on July 2, 2020 • Zero "non-productive" time. • Have now all returned to work since May 4, 2020 5 EXAMPLE: ADMINISTRATION SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT %of Tme Spent on — Cost of Tme on Non-Normal %of rme Spent on Non- Cost of Non-Productive Tme Normal ARMties Activities Productive Activities (COVID response,ocher ities produRive activand non- productive time) mens Divizmn Total Stall Groupsalary nception April 8-1 Mayo Incepllon pril6-Ma,May 4-lune Inception April B-MaV4- Inception April B- May4- (includes [hrougM1 Maya lune 30 througM1 (Period 2l 30(Period througM1 Maya June 30 [hrougM1 May3 June30 April)(Period 2l(Penotl 3l April) 31 April) (Penotl(Period April) IPeriotl 2)(Penotl 3) mps/ (Period (Period 11 (Period 11 21 31 (Penotl 11 terns) 1) dmin strata of me 5 $433,702 6 7 7 $1,501 $2,188 $5,207 0 0 0 $- $- $- Diao-i • Group of five; 32% in office, 68% teleworking • Normal activities continued at near regular levels; minimal time on COVID-19 admin and other productive work • No "non-productive" time. 1 6 3 5/11/2020 EXAMPLE: ADMINISTRATION PURCHASING %ofrmespenton Non- Cos[ofrme on Non-Normal %ofrmesPenton Non- Co fNon-Productive rme Normal Activities Acdvities Productive Activities (Covin response,other Prod..w a Vi"and non- productive time( art ision Tobi Staff Groupsalary Inception April 8- Mayo Inception rile-Mat May4-lune Inception April&May4- Inception April& Mayo (Includes through May3 lune 30 through (Ped1d2)30(Pedod through Maya June 30 through Maya lune 30 Apd12(Pedpd2)(Pedod3) April? 3) Peril) (Pedod(Period Apol7 (Pedod 2)(Pedod 3) eine,/ (Period (Period 1) (Period 1) 2) 3) (Pedod l( erns) aurin Pprcnaein F7$390,09 30 11 5 1 $6,66 $2,95 $3,512 5 0 01 $1,12 $ $ • Group of three: 3% in office, 97% teleworking • 70-95% of time on normal activities • 30% (Period 1) to 5% (Period 3) on Other activities- - In Period 1, COVID 19 response was 25%and 5%down-time himI EXAMPLE: OPERATIONS CSO MAINTENANCE CREW MEMBERS %ofrmespenton Non- Costofrmeon Non-Normal %of rme spent on Non- Cost of Non-Produaiye Tion,Normal Activities Activities Prod'Gi"Activities (COV,D response,other prpd.1-activities and non- productive time( mens Divismn TotalBbH Group salary n April B- May4 Incepllon pril6-MaJ May4-lune nceptlon Aprl,&MaV4- In n April& Mayo (includes through May' ne 30 throogM1 (Pedod2)30(Pedod (through May3 1 ne 30 through Maya April)(Peripd2)(Pedod3) April? 31 April? (Period(Period April) (Period 2)(Period 3) mps/ (Per,od (Period 1) (Period 1) 2) 31 (Period l( tem,) Aerations lWint Crew 20 $1,578,660 64 64 12 $58,289 $72,804 $32,489 "I 4 54 12 $49,181$61,429$32,489 Member • 20 staff; 33% on shift/reserve, 50% on site; 3% teleworking; 14% at home not working • 36% of time on normal activities until ramp up in Period 3 • 54% non-productive time until Period 3 1 8 4 5/11/2020 EXAMPLE: OPERATIONS PUMP STATION STAFF %of Time Spenton Non- Costof Timeon Non-Normal %&T,me Spent on Non- Cort of Non-Productive rme Normal Activities Activities Productive Activities (COVIO response,other prod..w a Vitt and non- productive time) nop artme ision Tobi Staff Group salary Inception April 8- Mayo Inception ril g-Mat May 4-lune Inception April&MaV4- Inception April& Mayo (Includes through Maya lune 30 through (Period 2l 30(Pedod through Maya June 30 through Maya lune 30 Apol�(Period 111 Pedod 3l April7 3) April) (Pedod(Period Apol� (Pedod Zl(Pedod 3) empz/ (Period (Periotl l) (Periotl l) i) 3) (Periotl l) erns) petitions Maint - 6 $694,198 0 0 0 $- $- $- 0 0 0 $- af • 6 staff; 85% on site; 14% teleworking • 100% of time on normal activities • No anticipated down-time ,t EXAMPLE: OPERATIONS PLANT OPERATORS %orrmespent on Non- Costofrmeon Non-Normal %ofrm SPent on Non- Cort of Non-Product T< Normal Activities Activities Productive Activities (COVIO response,other p.d..!.a vibes and non- productive ti—) artme ision Tobi staff IGroup salary I_­ptonj April 8 1 Mayo Inception ril8-Mat May4-lune Inception April&MaV4- Inception April& Mayo (Includes through Maya lune 30 through (Period 2l 30(Period through Maya June 30 through Maya lune 30 Apol�(Period 311Pedod 3l April) 31 April) (Pedod(Period April) (Pedod 2l(Pedod 3) empz/ (Period (Periotl l) (Periotl l) i) 3) (Period l) terns) 11 Aerations Plan[O erators 22 $2,535,49 24 24 ill$34,81 $43,48 $48,04 24 24 11 $35,10 $43,84 7 • 22 staff; 60% on site; 4% teleworking; 36% on reserve. • 76% of time on normal activities until Period 3; ramp to 89% • 24% downtown drops to 11% in Period 3. 10 5 5/11/2020 RESULTS: NON-NORMAL ACTIVITIES %&Time SPe oNon-Nermal ARiNties Cort vF Time on Non-NormalArtiv.- IDUYID response,other productive artivaies and nan- produrtivetime) Annual Cost Inception April 8-May3 May 4-June 30 Inception Apri18-May3 May 4-June 30 through April 7 (Period 2) (Period 3) through April7 (Period 2) (Period 3) (Period 1) (Period I) Salaries Only BY DEPARTMENT dmin $6,123,548 22 20 10 $78,91 $86,90 $104,805 Operations $16,890,514 35 35 30 $337,27 $422,273 $302,603 Engineering $12,020,535 15 33 8 $101,873 $112,91 $156,907 TOTAL All Departments $35,034,596 26 25 9 $518,053 $622,09 $564,31 Salaries and Benefits` BY DEPARTMENT dmin $8,817,908 22 20 30 $113,63 $125,1491 $150,919 Operations $24,322,340 35 35 10 $485,66i $608,073 $435,748 Engineering $17,309,570 15 13 8 $146,691 $162,591 $225,946 TOTAL All Departments $50,449,819 26 25 9 $745,99 $895,811 $812,612 11 RESULTS: NON-PRODUCTIVE TIME %&Tme spentnn Non-1.d.R Artivaies I -of Non-Productive Time Annual CostInception A!0618-May3 May 4-June Inception Apri18-May3 May 4-June30 through April (Period 2) 30(Period 3)through April 7 (Period 2) (Period 3) 7(Period 1) (Period 1) laries Only BY DEPARTMENT dmin 1 $6,123,548 3 1 1 $12,3171 $5,177 $9,746 Operations $16,890,514 23 22 8 $228,532 $272,107 $218,178 Engineering $12,020,535 2 1 0 $12,332 $4,566 $-�77 1 TOTAL All Departments $35,034,596 13 11 4 $253,18 $281,850 $227,923 laries and Benefits* BY DEPARTMENT dmin $8,817,908 3 1 1 $17,7371 $7,455 $14,034 Operations $24,322,340 23 22 8 $329,085 $391,834 $314,176 Engineering $17,309,570 2 1 0 $17,757 $6,575 $- TOTAL All Departments $50,449,819 13 11 4 $364,58 $405,864 $328,210 rl 12 6 5/11/2020 CONCLUSIONS • Teleworking has been a reasonable temporary measure to continue productivity in light of COVID-19 health orders • Some jobs have to be done on site; as a result, that work has been more impacted. Efforts continue to improve productivity while ensuring safety. • Operations effort to return to work—planned for May 11; now forecast for May 18. _ I 13 QUESTIONS AND DISCUSSION NOW - 1 14 7