HomeMy WebLinkAbout03.b. Review February 2020 Financial Overview and Investment Reports Page 1 of 7 Item 3.b. CENTRAL SAN March 24, 2020 TO: FINANCE COMMITTEE FROM: CHRIS THOMAS, FINANCE ADMINISTRATOR KEVIN MIZUNO, FINANCE MANAGER REVIEWED BY: PHILIP LEIBER, DIRECTOR OF FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION ANN SASAKI, DEPUTY GENERAL MANAGER ROGER S. BAILEY, GENERAL MANAGER SUBJECT: REVIEW FEBRUARY2020 FINANCIAL OVERVIEW AND INVESTMENT REPORTS Monthly Financial Highlights Attached for review are the Budget-to-Actual Financial Reports for February 2020 (Attachment 1). With the first half of Fiscal Year(FY) 2019-20 now complete, budgetary results for the Running Expense (O&M Fund), Sewer Construction, Self-I nsurance, and Debt Service funds continue to reflect that activities-to- date are on target and under budget in the aggregate. The O&M Fund expenditure results are favorable at approximately 64.8% of the total FY 2019-20 budget, or 1.8% under the year-to-date budget target of 66.6%. O&M Fund revenues are also slightly above the year-to-date target by$1,296,939 (1.5%), primarily attributable to favorable results for sewer service charges. The slightly favorable results for sewer service charges results mainly from higher flows from non-residential customers as well as development activity being slightly higher than projected in the FY 2019-20 budget. The Sewer Construction Fund has spent$34.5 million or 92.18% of the total year-to-date budget for capital project expenditures. This is favorable news, as actual project costs are exceeding the 90% minimum target for capital project progress by 2.18%. The pace of several capital projects is projected to accelerate in the remaining four months (March through June) of the fiscal year following the District's expected and historical "s-curve" trend for capital projects. Most notably, construction for the following large capital projects is expected to ramp up in the final three months of the fiscal year: Solids Handling Facility Improvements (District Project (DP) 7348), Mechanical and Concrete Renovations (DP 7351), Moraga/Crossroads Pump Station (DP 8436), and Enterprise Resource Planning Replacement (DP 8250) capital projects. On the revenue side, the Sewer Construction Fund is reporting a positive year-to- date variance of $2,236,273 7.5%. This relatively large positive year-to-date revenue variance is predominantly attributable to facilities capacity fees generated from the large 200 apartment Avalon Bay development project in Pleasant Hill and other smaller developments coming in higher than projected in the FY 2019-20 budget. March 24, 2020 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 56 of 141 Page 2 of 7 Investment Portfolio Highlights In accordance with Section 53646 of the California Government Code, staff shall submit an investment report to the General Manager and Board of Directors. While state law mandates this reporting shall be done at least quarterly, Central San's I nvestment Policy further stipulates this reporting shall be conducted on a monthly basis. Accordingly, attached is the investment report for the month of February 2020 (Attachment 2), which will be reviewed with the Finance Committee on March 24, 2020. The investments held by Central San on February 29, 2020 are shown by fund in the attached Investment Portfolio Report. Pursuant to the Investment Policy and state law, the Investment Portfolio Report reports the following: type of investment, issuer, date of maturity, par(or face) and dollar amount invested on all securities, as well as the current market value as of the date of the report. The following table provides a summary of the highlights included in the attached Investment Portfolio Report: Fund Total Total Market Wgtd. Wgtd. FY 2019-20 FY 2019-20 Face Value Avg. Avg. Actual Int. Budgeted Int. Value Yield Maturity Rev. (YTD) Rev. (YTD) O&M $39.1 M $39,248,084 1.72% 0.15 years $459,562 $633,328 Sewer $59.OM $59,172,471 1.84% 0.11 years $779,950 $449,328 Construction Self-Insurance $6.9M $6,946,927 1.92% N/A $104,118 $119,928 O&M Fund investment earnings are significantly under the year-to-date budget due to the significant decline in market yields for fixed income held-to-maturity investments following the Board's approval of the FY 2019-20 budget. During the preparation of the FY 2019-20 budget in March/April 2019, the Running Expense Fund was yielding approximately 2.48%, whereas the Fund's yield in February 2020 was only 1.72%, reflecting an enormous 62 basis point drop (25% retraction). As a ramification of this market situation, staff projects FY 2019-20 investment income of the O&M Fund to be approximately$790,000, falling shy of the total budget for this line item by$160,000, or 16.8%. Fortunately, positive variances in other operational revenues of the Running Expense fund are expected to offset this loss. The portfolio is in compliance with the Board's adopted policy regarding Central San's investments and as of February 29, 2020. The attached Investment Portfolio report also indicates Central San will meet expenditure requirements for the next six months from a combination of maturing investments and revenues from budgeted operations. Strategic Plan Tie-In GOAL THREE: Be a Fiscally Sound and Effective Water Sector Utility Strategy 2- Manage costs ATTACHMENTS: 1. February 2020 O&M & Sewer Construction Fund Financial Summary 2. February 2020 Investment Portfolio Reports March 24, 2020 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 57 of 141 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT ATTACHMENT 1 March 11,2020 TO: THE BOARD OF DIRE R VIA: KEVIN MIZUNO FROM: CHRIS THOMAS SUBJECT: 0&M Variance Analysis The following are brief year-to-date variance explanations through February 29,2020 YTD Total FY YTD YTD Fav/(Unfav) O&M Revenues: Budget Budgeted Actual Variance Explanation Direct SSC higher than budgeted due to increased development and metered Total $ 89,560,370 $ 41.670.960 $ 42..967.899 $ 1.296.939 consumption. SSC County,Interest Income-pension Higher than budgeted. O&M Expenses: Total Labor Charges $ 52,789,084 $ 34,741,368 $ 32,683,245 $ 2,058,123 Some positions budgeted for in July are filled later in the fiscal year resulting in savings, and charges of labor to capital projects higher than planned for in O&M budget. Unfunded Liabilities 12,436,841 8,152,136 8,169,401 (17,265) No significant variances. Chemicals 1,620,000 1,079,976 995,891 84,085 No significant variances. Utilities 4,209,350 2,806,184 2,866,871 (60,687) No significant variances. Repairs&Maintenance 5,242,867 3,535,064 2,975,729 559,335 Mainly due to Outside Repairs being lower than budgeted thus far in the fiscal year. - Budget is spread evenly throughout the year,however actual activity occurs sporadically every month. Variance should be minimal by year end. Hauling&Disposal 1,186,175 790,736 618,798 171,938 Mainly due to hazardous waste disposal being lower than budgeted thus far in the fiscal year. Budget is spread out evenly throughout the year,however actual activity occurs sporadically every month. Professional&Legal Services 874,300 582,800 229,355 353,445 Lower mostly due to lower Legal expenses thus far in the fiscal year. Outside Services 3,639,547 2,399,453 1,447,418 952,035 Mainly due to technical services expenses being lower than budgeted thus far in the fiscal year. Materials&Supplies 2,152,127 1,434,567 1,336,128 98,439 No significant variances. Other Expenses 2,464,834 1,868,180 1,506,474 361,706 Mainly due to Public Information,BACWA expenses,being lower than budgeted thus far in the fiscal year. Budget is spread evenly throughout the year,however actual activity occurs sporadically every month. All Other 969,650 921,424 925,551 (4,127) Minor variances for multiple account categories. Grand Total O&M Expenses $ 87,584,775 $ 58.311,888 $ 53.754.861 $ 4.557,027 March 24, 2020 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 58 of 141 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT March 11,2020 TO: THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: KEVIN MIZUNO r FROM: CHRIS THOMAS SUBJECT: Sewer Construction Variance Analysis The following are brief year-to-date variance explanations through February 29,2020: YTD Total FY YTD YTD Fav/(Unfav) S/C Revenues: Budget Budgeted Actual Variance Explanation Facilities Capacity Fees higher than budgeted due to payments received from Avalon Bay new building-200 apartments and $ 65,598,130 $ 30,018,720 $ 32,254,993 $ 2,236,273 commercial development. SSC Higher than budgeted. Total $ 65,598,130 $ 30,018,720 $ 32,254,993 $ 2,236,273 Total FY YTD YTD YTD S/C Expenses: Budget* Budgeted Actual Remaining %Spent of Projected YTD Budget Total $ 74,669,521 $ 37,485,350 $ 34,554,831 $ 2,930,519 92.18% Includes 18/19 carryover($8,493,521) March 24, 2020 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 59 of 141 ATTACHMENT 2 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT RUNNING EXPENSE FUND TEMPORARY INVESTMENTS FEBRUARY,2020 INVESTMENTS INTEREST INCOME (cents omitted) (cents omitted) DATE OF Days to ANNUAL CASH B.O.M. PURCHASE E.O.M. E.O.M %of CURRENT B.O.M. E.O.M. NO. ISSUER TYPE PURCHASE MATURITY Maturity YIELD OUTLAY FACE VALUE(MATURITY) FACE VALUE MKT VALUE Portfolio MONTH CUMULATIVE CUMULATIVE 519 State of Calif. LAIF 10/99- ------- 1 (1) $17,100,000 $23,100,000 ($6,000,000) $17,100,000 $17,216,298 43.73% $32,661 $189,354 $222,015 RE13 FHLB FED AGENCY 9/18/2019 3/20/2020 20 1.899% 3,962,178 4,000,000 4,000,000 4,076,858 10.23% 5,961 27,956 33,917 RE14 FHLB FED AGENCY 9/18/2019 3/18/2020 18 1.909% 3,962,387 4,000,000 4,000,000 3,957,307 10.23% 5,933 28,107 34,040 RE15 FHLB FED AGENCY 12/20/2019 3/6/2020 5 1.612% 13,952,688 14,000,000 14,000,000 13,997,620 35.81% 18,053 26,146 44,200 (3) $38,977,252 $45,100,000 ($6,000,000) $39,100,000 $39,248,084 100.00% 62,609 271,563 334,172 (2) 6,983 33,358 40,342 $69,592 $304,921 $374,513 NOTE:(1) Annual yield of Local Agency Investment Fund(LAIF)varies with the composition of the Fund. The estimated yield as of February,2020 was 1.92%. (2) The face value indicates the value of the investment if held until maturity,which is the usual District Practice. (3) The weighted average yield of the total Running Expense portfolio is 1.7168%. The weighted average maturity is.15 years. (4) The market value of the portfolio on February 29,2020 wa.,$39,248,084. (5) All investments held by the Running Expense Fund comply with Central San's investment policy approved by the Board of DirectorsCalifornia Government Code§53646(b)(2)] (6)Sufficient liquidity and anticipated revenues are available for Central San to meet budgeted expenditures of the Running Expense fund for the next six(6)months[California Government Code§53646(b)(3)] (7)Of the total investments held in the Running Expense Fund, $1,610,000 is restricted for the Rate Stabilization Fund. March 24, 2020 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 60 of 141 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND TEMPORARY INVESTMENTS FEBRUARY,2020 INVESTMENTS INTEREST INCOME (cents omitted) (cents omitted) DATE OF Days to ANNUAL CASH B.O.M. PURCHASE E.O.M. E.O.M. %of CURRENT B.O.M. E.O.M. NO. ISSUER TYPE PURCHASE MATURITY Maturity YIELD OUTLAY FACE VALUE (MATURITY) FACE VALUE MKT VALUE Portfolio MONTH CUMULATIVE CUMULATIVE 519 State of Calif. LAIF 8/86-2/90 ---- 1 (1) $34,000,000 $35,000,000 ($1,000,000) $34,000,000 $34,231,237 57.63% $53,234 $323,865 $377,099 949 FHLB Fed Agency 9/18/19 03/20/20 20 1.90 4,952,722 5,000,000 5,000,000 4,796,304 8.47% 7,451 34,944 42,396 950 FHLB Fed Agency 9/18/19 03/18/20 18 1.91 4,952,983 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,036,573 8.47% 7,492 35,133 42,625 951 FHLB Fed Agency 12/23/19 3/20/20 19 1.62 14,941,883 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,108,358 25.42% 19,152 26,417 45,569 (4) $58.847.589 $60.000.000 ($1,000.0001 $59.000.000 $59.172.471 100.00% 87,329 420,360 507,689 (3) (5) 8,912 226,892 235,804 96.241 $647.252 $743.492 NOTE: (1) Annual Yield of Local Agency Investment Fund(LAIF)varies with the composition of the Fund. The estimated yield as of February,2020 was 1.920%. (2) The face value indicates the value of the investment if held until maturity, which is the usual District practice. (3) The weighted average yield of the total Sewer Construction portfolio is 1.8412%. The weighted average maturity is.11 years. (4) The market value of the portfolio on February 29,2020 was$59,172,471. GASB 31 requires adjusting investments to market value. The District will adjust annually,but report market values monthly. (5) All investments held by the Sewer Construction Fund comply with Central San's investment policy approved by the Board of Directors[Ca/ifornia Government Code§53646(b)(2)] (6)Sufficient liquidity and anticipated revenues are available for Central San to meet budgeted expenditures of the Sewer Construction fund for the next six(6)months[California Government Code§53646(b)(3)] (7)Of the total investments held in the Sewer Construction Fund, $1,000,000 is restricted for the Rate Stabilization Fund. March 24, 2020 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 61 of 141 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT SELF-INSURANCE FUND TEMPORARY INVESTMENTS FEBRUARY,2020 INVESTMENTS INTEREST INCOME (cents omitted) (cents omitted) DATE OF Days to ANNUAL CASH B.O.M. PURCHASE E.O.M. E.O.M %of CURRENT B.O.M. E.O.M. NO. ISSUER TYPE PURCHASE MATURITY Maturity YIELD OUTLAY FACE VALUE(MATURITY) FACE VALUE MKT VALUE Portfolio MONTH CUMULATIVE CUMULATIVE 519 State of Calif. LAIF 10/99- ------- 1 (1) $6,900,000 $6,900,000 $6,900,000 $6,946,927 100.00% $10,525.81 $88,656.26 $99,182.07 (3) $6,900,000 $6,900,000 $0 $6,900,000 $6,946,927 100.00% 10,526 88,656 99,182 (2) (4) 2,921 2,351 5,272 $13,446.88 $91,007.53 $104,454.41 NOTE: (1) Annual yield of Local Agency Investment Fund(LAIF)varies with the composition of the Fund. The estimated yield as of February,2020 was 1.920%. (2) The face value indicates the value of the investment if held until maturity,which is the usual District Practice. (3) The weighted average yield of the total Self-Insurance portfolio is 1.920%. (4) The market value of the portfolio on February 29,2020 was$6,946,927. (5) All investments held by the Self Insurance Fund comply with Central San's investment policy approved by the Board of DirectorsCalifornia Government Code§53646(b)(2)] (6)Sufficient liquidity and anticipated revenues are available for Central San to meet budgeted expenditures of the Self Insurance fund for the next six(6)months[California Government Code§53646(b)(3)] March 24, 2020 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 62 of 141