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HomeMy WebLinkAbout03.a. Review draft Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years (FY) 2020-22 Page 1 of 21
Item 3.a.
March 3, 2020
On December 19, 2019, the Board re-adopted Central San's Mission and adopted revised Vision, Values,
and Goals. The updates were made to better reflect Central San's commitment to the environment,
innovation, optimization, and continuous improvement.
With this updated framework in place, Managers and key staff met on January 24, 2020 to revise the
Strategies, Initiatives, Key Success Measures, and Key Metrics of the current Strategic Plan for Fiscal
Years (FY) 2018-20. The draft FY 2020-22 Strategic Plan incorporates updates to the District's approach
to address its key challenges and opportunities:
• Balancing the need for financial resources against impacts to the customer
• System optimization and utilization of Big Data
• Driving employee performance and rewarding excellence
• Evolving regulatory requirements
• Aging infrastructure
• Climate resiliency
• Maintaining a sustainable water supply
The Strategies outline the District's approach to achieve its Goals, overcome its challenges, accomplish
its mission and meet the community's needs in the most efficient and effective ways. The Initiatives
describe the actions staff will take, and the Key Success Measures delineate the tasks to fulfill those
Initiatives. The Key Metrics set targets, track progress and evaluate performance.
Each Strategic Plan has used the Effective Utility Management (EUM) model as a tool to define attributes
to be considered in implementing practices and procedures to improve operations and move toward
continued sustainability. The EUM framework was originally developed in 2007 by the American Water
Works Association (AWWA), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and nine other association
partners representing the U.S. water and wastewater sector. It consists of 10 attributes that provide
succinct focus areas for effectively managed utilities and what they should strive to achieve. These
attributes can be viewed as a continuum of, or a set of building blocks for, management improvement
opportunities. Using this framework, senior management identified key issues facing the District to
address in each Strategic Plan.
The FY 2020-22 Strategic Plan draws from the work accomplished under the FY 2014-16, 2016-18, and
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2018-20 Strategic Plans. With the exception of Goals 2 and 6, many of the goals and strategies remain
the same; however, the initiatives and work activities have been updated to reflect current statuses and
Staff continues to optimize operations, streamline processes and identify opportunities to implement
innovative technology to manage and contain costs, with the ultimate goal of improving service quality and
minimizing the cost of services to the District's customers. Goal 6 is now dedicated to that work, while
Goal 2 has been reworked to include not only regulatory compliance but also environmental protection and
sustainability efforts.
Attached for Committee review is the Strategies, Initiatives, Key Success Measures and Key Metrics
document (Attachment 1), which constitutes the bulk of the Strategic Plan. On a quarterly basis, the Committee
will be given updates on the progress of each goal and strategy through the fulfillment of the Key Success
Measures, and Key Metrics. For reference, the document notes changes to the key metrics and targets in italics
made from the FY 2018-20 Plan, as well as the FY 2018-19 performance against the targets, both of which will
not appear in the final FY 2020-22 Plan.
When completed, the Initiatives and Key Metrics will be incorporated into the FY 2020-21 Budget, along
with the FY 2019-20 strategic accomplishments. Staff will be available at the meeting to answer any
questions and collect feedback from the Committee.
1. Draft Strategies, Initiatives, Key Success Measures, and Key Metrics
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DRAFT FY 2020-22 Strategic Plan
Provide exceptional service and maintain an excellent reputation
Strategy 1 — Deliver high-quality customer service
1. Provide core service of treating wastewater, along with value-added programs to
go above and beyond in service to customers.
Key Success Measures
• Continue to assess customer satisfaction, awareness, and preferred
methods of receiving information.
• Respond in a timely manner to requests for service.
• Receive high marks on customer satisfaction surveys for Collection
System Operations (CSO), Capital Projects, Permit Counter, and other
• Continue to administer customer-facing programs such as the Household
Hazardous Waste Collection and Recycled Water Fill Station programs.
2. Minimize impacts to residents and businesses during capital projects,
construction work, and maintenance.
Key Success Measures
• Hold informational community meetings for all major sewer renovation
projects, including outreach to officials of the impacted cities/county.
• Meet individually with property owners and/or tenants on projects involving
private easements.
• Troubleshoot and resolve construction issues as rapidly as possible.
3. Operate and govern with transparency.
Key Success Measures
• Renew California Special District Leadership Foundation Transparency
Certificate of Excellence.
• Update website with the latest Board meeting agendas, public notices,
financial documents, and other content.
• Practice principles of Brown Act and Ethics training.
• Respond to Public Records Act requests promptly.
Strategy 2 — Maintain a Positive Reputation
1. Form and maintain relationships with federal, state, and local elected officials and
Key Success Measures
• Meet regularly with elected officials and stakeholders.
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DRAFT FY 2020-22 Strategic Plan
• Plan a customer engagement signature event to coincide with Central
San's 75th anniversary.
• Support Board Member engagement with elected officials and
stakeholders through presentations, events, and meetings.
2. Increase understanding and support for key initiatives, programs, and services.
Key Success Measures
• Conduct facility tours and speaker's bureau presentations highlighting
infrastructure investments.
• Develop videos and public service announcements to communicate
environmental messages and other information.
• Create engaging customer publications and brochures.
• Expand media relations, including social media.
• Host the citizens'academy, Central San Academy, annually.
• Develop industry-leading student education programs and implement
classroom and community education events.
3. Support member organizations and sister agencies.
Key Success Measures
• Take leadership roles in, participate in, attend meetings of, and share
lessons learned from industry organizations.
• Serve on oral boards, grant mutual aid through Ca1WARN, and provide
other assistance as requested.
• Continue to achieve recognition highlighting industry-leading work through
member organization programs.
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DRAFT FY 2020-22 Strategic Plan
Metric Target FY 2018-19
Average onsite response time :530 minutes 30.3 minutes
for collection system emergency calls, (formerly <_20 minutes)
during working hours
Average onsite response time <_40 minutes 34.2 minutes
for collection system emergency calls,
after hours
Average customer service rating >_3.8 out of 4.0 3.9 out of 4.0
for emergency calls
Average customer satisfaction rating >_95% 89%
on construction projects
(formerly median)
Average customer satisfaction rating >95% 100%
on permit counter interactions
(formerly median)
Students served by education programs >_6,000 per year 6,056
(formerly 4,000)
Participants in Plant / Household Hazardous >_500 participants 2,756
Waste Collection Facility tours per year
and District presentations
Participants in Central San Academy >_35 participants 40
per session
Awards or recognitions received >_10 13
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DRAFT FY 2020-22 Strategic Plan
Meet regulatory requirements and promote sustainability
Strategy 1 — Achieve 100% Compliance in All Regulations
1. Comply with all applicable regulations.
Key Success Measures
• Meet or surpass all wastewater discharge, air, and recycled water
• Continue to attain National Association of Clean Water Agencies
(NACWA) Platinum Peak Performance Awards.
• Minimize sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs) through optimized
rehabilitation, replacement, and cleaning.
2. Complete infrastructure improvements required to meet regulations.
Key Success Measures
• Bid the Solids Handling Facility Improvements Project.
• Inspect and maintain the outfall.
• Complete assessment of the Steam and Aeration Blower Renovation
3. Actively manage greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the most cost-effective
and responsible manner.
Key Success Measures
• Prepare internal monthly GHG emission inventory updates, annual
inventory summary, and verification report and submit to California Air
Resources Board (CARB) as required.
• Minimize natural gas usage and maximize landfill gas usage through daily
operations and capital improvements for energy efficiency.
Strategy 2 — Anticipate and Prepare for Potential Regulatory Changes
1. Foster relationships with regulatory agencies.
Key Success Measures
• Actively participate in meetings of the Bay Area Clean Water Agencies.
• Communicate directly and participate in meetings and workshops with
regulatory bodies such as the Regional Water Quality Control Board, State
Water Resources Control Board, Bay Area Air Quality Management
District, Environmental Protection Agency, and CARB, as needed.
2. Track proposed and pending legislation or regulatory changes; plan for possible
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DRAFT FY 2020-22 Strategic Plan
Key Success Measures
• Log, analyze, review, and comment on proposed legislation and
regulations that have a direct impact on District operations, as appropriate.
• Support key legislative and advocacy initiatives through customer
communications and outreach.
• Incorporate potential impacts of regulatory changes into long-range
infrastructure and financing plans.
Strategv 3 — Support Regional Development of Local Water Supply
1. Explore and advance partnering opportunities.
Key Success Measures
• Develop and execute a contract for the Recycled Water Exchange Project
with Contra Costa Water District (CCWD) and Santa Clara Valley Water
District (and/or other interested water supply agencies).
• Work with CCWD and the City of Concord to supply recycled water to the
Concord Community Reuse Project.
• Collaborate with Dublin San Ramon Services District— East Bay Municipal
Utility District Recycled Water Authority (DERWA) to allow DERWA to
divert raw wastewater from the San Ramon Pumping Station to produce
recycled water to meet DERWA's peak summer irrigation demand.
• Facilitate innovative and financially viable recycled water solutions (e.g.,
the Diablo Country Club demonstration satellite water recycling facility).
2. Continue to provide recycled water to residents and businesses; evaluate and
process new customer requests.
Key Success Measures
• Bid the Filter Plant renovations project.
• Continue to operate and maintain a reliable recycled water distribution
system for Zone 1 customers.
• Continue the Residential Recycled Water Fill Station and Commercial
Recycled Water Truck Fill Programs.
Strategv 4 - Reduce Reliance on Non-Renewable Energy
1. Explore opportunities for renewable energy generation, conservation, and
Key Success Measures
• Track and review energy usage; continue to explore ways to optimize
• Replace lighting and heating, ventilation, and air conditioning with newer,
more efficient fixtures and equipment at the Martinez campus.
• Implement an onsite solar energy project.
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DRAFT FY 2020-22 Strategic Plan
Metric Target FY 2018-19
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Zero violations Zero violations
System compliance
Title V compliance Zero violations Three violations
Recycled Water Title 22 compliance Zero violations Zero violations
Anthropogenic GHG emissions :525,000 metric tons (MT) 23,619 MT CO2e
CO2e per calendar year (calendar year 2018)
Sanitary sewer overflows 52.0 spills 1.95 spills
per 100 miles of pipeline per 100 miles of
(formerly:52.5) pipeline
Spills to public water :53 per year 7
Percent of spills less than 500 gallons >_95% 87%
Pipeline cleaning schedules completed on time >_98% 99%
Pipeline cleaning On >_4% of pipelines cleaned 3.8%
quality assurance / quality control (QA/QC) on an annual basis
Pipeline cleaning QA/QC passing rate >_98% 95.6%
Annual Environmental Compliance inspections 100% 100%
and permitting completed on time
Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Zero violations Zero violations
management compliance
Gallons of recycled water >_240 million gallons per year 195,857,981 gallons
distributed to external customers
kWh of electricity >_18 million kWh per year 22.7M kWh
produced by co-generation using natural gas (reported as a rolling (reported as a rolling
average (avg.)) avg.)
kWh of solar power >_220,000 kWh per year 299,000 kWh
produced at Collection System Operations and (reported as a rolling avg.) (reported as a rolling
HHW Facility avg.)
kWh of solar power >_2.5 million kWh per year n/a
produced by new solar energy system at (reported as a rolling avg.)
Martinez campus (new metric)
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DRAFT FY 2020-22 Strategic Plan
Manage finances wisely and prudently
Strategy 1 — Maintain Financial Stability and Sustainability
1. Conduct long-range planning.
Key Success Measures
• Mitigate rate increases by leveraging financing opportunities to fund
capital needs.
• Develop scenarios to utilize debt prudently in financing the 10-Year CIP.
• Pursue State Revolving Fund loan and grant opportunities, as appropriate.
• Issue debt as needed, consistent with Board direction and the debt
management policy.
2. Ensure resiliency against recession or other economic events.
Key Success Measures
• Fund rate stabilization account with available funds from favorable year-
end variances.
• Adopt pension and Other Post-Employment Benefits funding policy to
strive towards full funding of employee-related obligations.
3. Manage costs.
Key Success Measures
• Develop budgets in alignment with the Strategic Plan and Risk Mitigation
• Pursue opportunities for cost control through efficiencies and new
• Adjust operations and maintenance budgets at rates no greater than the
inflation measures used in 10-Year CIP.
• Enforce and continuously review procurement policies to ensure
competitive and fair pricing on services and goods.
• Complete annual Benchmarking Study to identify potential gaps.
4. Evaluate and apply risk management practices.
Key Success Measures
• Develop annual internal audit plans based on risk assessment.
• Test and improve internal controls to mitigate risks of loss and improve
efficiency and effectiveness.
• Identify and implement lessons learned.
• Reduce average cost of overflow claims.
• Maintain and report on Enterprise Risk Management program and risk
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DRAFT FY 2020-22 Strategic Plan
• Develop and implement an equipment identification and tracking system.
Strategy 2 — Ensure Integrity and Transparency in Financial Management
1. Confirm rate structure and fees are consistent with cost of service principles.
Key Success Measures
• Conduct annual review of rates and fees.
• Perform annual review of non-residential customers to ensure current and
consistent billing information and charges.
2. Deliver reliable and relevant financial information.
Key Success Measures
• Issue the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report no later than six
months following the end of the fiscal year.
• Conduct regular internal and external financial audits.
• Earn the Government Finance Officers Association Certificate of
Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting and the Distinguished
Budget Presentation Award.
• Leverage enterprise resource planning (ERP) technology to produce
accurate, timely, and meaningful reports and dashboards.
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DRAFT FY 2020-22 Strategic Plan
Metric Target FY 2018-19
Maintain service affordability Sewer Service Charge less than Target Met
average of Bay Area agencies
Sewer Service Charge plus Ad Target Met
Valorem tax less than average of Bay
Area Agencies
<_0.78% of median household income 0.53% excluding ad
(new target) valorem
0.63% including ad
Standard and Poor's and AAA/Aa1 AAA rating from S&P
Moody's Credit Ratings (no rating from
Debt service coverage ratio >_2.0 101.6
Actual reserves as a percentage 100% 170%
of target (O&M)
(Sewer Construction)
Operating expenditures >_95% 96.5%
as a percentage of operating
Reported material weaknesses Zero Zero
or significant deficiencies
in internal controls as part of
annual financial audit
Difference in inventory value in :51% 0.93%
Purchasing database
vs. value submitted to
Accuracy of physical inventory >_95% 99%
count vs. book value
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DRAFT FY 2020-22 Strategic Plan
Recruit, empower, and engage a highly trained and safe workforce
Strategy 1 — Proactively Plan for Future Operational Staffing Needs
1. Continue to develop employees to meet their full potential and to fill future
leadership roles.
Key Success Measures
• Formalize an Organizational Development and Talent Management unit
within Human Resources (HR).
• Acquire a centralized learning management system to track training.
• Explore career and professional development opportunities (e.g.,job
shadowing and rotation) to expand employees'skills to meet changing
workforce needs.
• Continue the Leadership and Supervisory Academies and Mentorship
• Encourage staff to obtain technical certifications, such as Certified
Reliability Leader.
• Continue to host and participate in multiagency development programs for
staff from Central San and sister agencies.
2. Enhance Central San's ability to recruit staff who exhibit the organization's
Key Success Measures
• Expand the internship program placements to cross-disciplinary positions.
• Continue participation in workforce development activities.
Strategy 2 — Foster Relationships across All Levels of Central San
1. Cultivate a positive work culture.
Key Success Measures
• Perform an employee engagement survey to develop a baseline; evaluate
and implement viable suggestions.
• Promote a sense of community through events, team-building exercises,
and increased interdepartmental communication and collaboration.
• Use the performance evaluation process to establish and communicate
clear expectations and standards.
• Continue General Manager lunches with the division workgroups.
2. Sustain and grow collaborative relationships with the bargaining units.
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DRAFT FY 2020-22 Strategic Plan
Key Success Measures
• Engage the bargaining units in informal discussions on collaborative
solutions to workplace issues.
• Continue the General Manager and Board Member meetings with the
bargaining representatives.
• Track and implement action items from Labor Management Committee
Strategy 3 — Inspire Employee Engagement
1. Expand employees' understanding of Central San's operations and their role in
the agency's success.
Key Success Measures
• Communicate important initiatives and information to employees via print
and electronic media, including the Lateral Connection employee
newsletter and the intranet.
• Expand the onboarding process.
• Provide presentations on major projects or training in specialty areas (e.g.,
Purchasing, HR) to divisions upon request.
• Survey employees for customer satisfaction with internal support services.
2. Celebrate employees' achievements.
Key Success Measures
• Recognize employee achievements via articles in the Lateral Connection,
the intranet, Board meeting announcements, and other avenues.
• Initiate an employee recognition program.
• Hold a yearly event to recognize innovative employees going above and
beyond to improve and optimize their work.
Strategy 4— Meet or Exceed Industry Safety Standards
1. Improve consistently in comparison to Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) industry
injury rates.
Key Success Measures
• Continue to monitor accident/incident causes to identify and mitigate
• Continue to provide regular analysis summaries to the District Safety
Committee, Safety Teams, and Management Team on accident/incident
causation and corrective measures.
2. Enhance the safety culture through improved training and communications.
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DRAFT FY 2020-22 Strategic Plan
Key Success Measures
• Increase visibility of Safety staff in the field.
• Use NeoGov® database to provide and track employee safety training.
• Continue to conduct training based upon accident/incident causal factors,
new processes, equipment, or procedures.
• Continue to provide relevant information via safety publications and, when
appropriate, a Safety Corner in the Lateral Connection.
• Continue to provide information on upcoming safety-related regulations to
supervisors and managers.
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DRAFT FY 2020-22 Strategic Plan
Metric Target FY 2018-19
Average time to fill vacancy :560 days 58.8 days
(from request to hire)
Turnover rate at or below 5_6.5% 5.7%
median for combined utilities (formerly 5_4.8%)
via American Water Works Association
Average annual training hours >15 hours per full-time 22.7 hours per FTE
(external and internal training) equivalent employee
Completion of 100% 95%
annual performance evaluations
Participation in annual Wellness Expo Increase by 10% each -15.6%
Workers' compensation experience modifier 551.0 0.74
Temporary modified duty provided >_95% of recordable 100%
(Return to Work program) injuries
Internal promotions >25% 45.8%
(excludes entry-level positions)
Formal grievances processed Zero Two grievances
Employee injury and illness :54.0 (via BLS) 2.6
lost time incident rate
:55.6 (via AWWA)
(new target)
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DRAFT FY 2020-22 Strategic Plan
Maintain facilities and equipment to be dependable, resilient, and long lasting
Strategy 1 — Manage Assets Optimally to Prolong Their Useful Life
1. Continue updating the 10-Year Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) consistent
with recommendations of the Asset Management Program.
Key Success Measures
• Complete condition assessments on all critical equipment on time and
incorporate into CIB or Maintenance Program as appropriate.
• Implement the Large Diameter Pipe and Force Main Inspection and
condition assessment programs.
2. Expand reliability-based approaches to maintaining assets.
Key Success Measures
• Perform Reliability Centered Maintenance, Preventative Maintenance
Optimization, Defect Elimination, Safety Quality Effectiveness Audit, Root
Cause Analysis, and other strategic reliability-based analysis on treatment
plant process systems.
• Improve the ACM program by developing and deploying condition-based
and predictive-based technologies (e.g., infrared, vibration, and ultrasound
testing) across asset classes.
• Add service contracts to computerized maintenance management
software (CMMS) to track work orders.
• Transfer Pumping Stations maintenance program to CMMS.
Strategy 2 — Execute Long-Term Capital Renewal and Replacement Program
1. Integrate data from the Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan (CWMP) and
Asset Management Program into the analysis of long-term capital improvement
Key Success Measures
• Ensure all critical assets and processes in need of repair or replacement
are appropriately scheduled in the 10-Year CIP.
• Develop a prioritization model for vertical assets.
2. Harden infrastructure for climate resiliency.
Key Success Measures
• Identify vulnerable assets and develop mitigation measures.
• Update the CWMP Technical Memo (TP8) on Resiliency and Vulnerability.
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DRAFT FY 2020-22 Strategic Plan
Strategy 3 — Protect Personnel and Assets from Threats and Emergencies
1. Enhance capability to mitigate, prepare for, respond to, and recover from
Key Success Measures
• Train staff and conduct an exercise of the Continuity of Operations Plan.
• Maintain the Emergency Operations Plan.
• Expand participation in CaIWARN to represent the needs of wastewater
agencies in emergency planning and responses.
• Update emergency communication systems.
• Increase the number of licensed amateur, or HAM, radio operators among
2. Evaluate and implement improvements to meet new or evolving threats, both
physical and digital.
Key Success Measures
• Budget and implement the projects identified in the Security Master Plan.
• Provide regular security awareness training to staff.
• Renovate security guard posts and update monitoring equipment.
• Expand access control systems and harden certain facilities.
• Upgrade treatment plant control network and its equipment to create
redundant paths.
• Continue to conduct third-party cybersecurity operation assessments
focusing on technology, people, and physical assets, including an audit to
gauge readiness against ransomware cyberattacks.
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DRAFT FY 2020-22 Strategic Plan
Metric Target FY 2018-19
Safety-prioritized work orders 100% 87.0%
completed on time
Regulatory Title V work orders 100% 99.0%
completed on time
Planned treatment plant >90% 83.8%
preventative maintenance (formerly>_95%)
completed on time
Recycled water distribution system >98% n/a
maintenance schedules
completed on time (new metric)
Uptime for vehicles 100% 99.5%
(formerly included equipment uptime)
Miles of sewers replaced or rehabilitated >6.0 miles 0.4% or 6.1 miles
(focused on deteriorated of pipeline
small diameter pipelines) (formerly >0.5% of assets replaced
(7.6 miles per year for the
(formerly miles of pipeline replaced) next five years starting in
FY 2018-20))
Large diameter and force main >_3 miles per year for the n/a
condition assessment (new metric) next five years starting in
FY 2020-21
Average time to execute Engineering :52 weeks n/a
agreements from complete package
submittal or Board approval (new metric)
Capital expenditures >_90% 84%
as a percentage of capital budgeted
cash flow including carry forward
Information system outages 100% uptime 100% uptime
affecting normal business operations
Data backup and recovery Zero lost data Zero lost data
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DRAFT FY 2020-22 Strategic Plan
Explore new technologies for continuous improvement
Strategy 1 — Implement the Central San Smart Initiative
1. Utilize data to optimize operation and maintenance; improve asset management;
increase energy efficiency, staff productivity, and safety; and reduce facility
management costs.
Key Success Measures
• Continue meetings of the steering committee formed in January 2020.
• Develop an implementation schedule for the initial projects.
• Establish project task forces and identify project champions.
Strategy 2 — Improve and Modernize Operations through Technology and
Efficiency Measures
1. Implement new ERP system, including permitting software, and integrate with
linked systems.
Key Success Measures
• Integrate the project management information system.
• Address e-procurement, contract management, and procurement card
system needs.
• Evaluate, select, and implement new sewer service charge billing
• Leverage software towards the elimination of paper processes.
• Update procedures to reflect new business processes.
2. Evaluate and invest in cost-effective and innovative technology to enhance
business processes.
Key Success Measures
• Hold Applied Research meetings to promote innovation and continuous
• Continue to participate actively in the HYPOWERS pilot project to test an
emerging hydrothermal resource recovery process for solids handling.
• Expand and improve the use of mobile computing and communication
technologies, including applications for inspector and surveyor field staff.
• Review 1-, 2-, 3-, 5-, and 7-year pipeline cleaning schedules for
• Provide Optimizations Program Annual Reports to Board.
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DRAFT FY 2020-22 Strategic Plan
3. Develop a Technology Roadmap to encompass all major technology
implementation across the organization.
Key Success Measures
• Include ERP, CMMS, supervisory control and data acquisition, document
management, asset management, geographic information system,
operational technology projects, and beyond.
• Organize the various technologies with overlapping areas of interest and
use of resources to plan projects with a global view.
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DRAFT FY 2020-22 Strategic Plan
Metric Target FY 2018-19
Projects initiated under Central San Smart >_3 per year n/a
(new metric)
Reviews or pilot tests >3 per year 7
of new and promising technology
Research papers and findings presented >3 papers or 6
presentations per year (2 papers and
4 presentations)
Don't Just Fix It; Improve It >_35 28
work orders completed (new metric)
Completed optimizations (new metric) >_20 27
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