HomeMy WebLinkAboutc. Discuss compensable Board activities, and provide direction on Board Member activities, other than Board and Standing Committee meetings, for which stipends and/or expenses should be paid Page 1 of 16
Item c.
March 2, 2020
As part of the discussion on Board Member compensation, staff has brought forth this item to elicit Board
direction regarding various activities attended by Board Members which are not addressed in the current
Board Compensation Resolution No. 2015-008. A list has been prepared of activities that are not
addressed in the current Board Compensation Resolution. District Counsel has suggested that the Board
review the list at the workshop and provide direction to staff as to which of the activities Board Members
should receive either the meeting stipend and/or expense reimbursement.
Review the attached material and, with respect to Exhibit C, take action via motion or motions to add or
subtract activities for which Board Members should receive the meeting stipend and/or expense
Strategic Plan Tie-In
GOAL TWO: Strive to Meet Regulatory Requirements
Strategy 3- Comply with all federal, state, and local regulations related to District administration
1. Board Members-Compensable Board Activities
Exh A- Board Compensation Resolution No. 2015-008
Exh B - History of Board Action re Board Compensation Resolution (1995-Present)
Exh C -Activities Not Addressed in Current Resolution
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The determination of whether a Board Member's activities on any specific day are compensable
is governed by Government Code Section 53232.1 which states that a local agency may
compensate members of its legislative body for attendance at the following occurrences:
1. A meeting of the legislative body.
2. A meeting of an advisory board.
3. A conference or organized educational activity conducted in compliance with Section
54952.2(c)1, including, but not limited to, required ethics training.
This section also states that a local agency may pay compensation for attendance at occurrences
not specified above only if the governing body has adopted, in a public meeting, a written policy
specifying other types of occasions that constitute the performance of official duties for which a
member of the legislative body may receive payment.
1 Government Code Section 54952.2.(c)is part of the Brown Act and defines the term "meeting"as any
congregation of a majority of the members of a legislative body to hear, discuss, deliberate, or take action
on any items that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the legislative body. Subsection (c)excludes
the following activities from that definition if attended by a majority of the members of a legislative body,
provided a majority of the members do not discuss among themselves, other than as part of a scheduled
program, business of a specified nature that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the local agency:
• A conference or similar gathering open to the public involving discussion of issues of general
interest to the public or to public agencies
• An open and publicized meeting organized to address a topic of local community concern by a
person or organization other than the local agency
• An open and noticed meeting of another body of the local agency, or at an open and noticed
meeting of a legislative body of another local agency
• A purely social or ceremonial occasion
• An open and noticed meeting of a standing committee of that body, provided that the members of
the legislative body who are not members of the standing committee attend only as observers
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Central San's "policy" is currently in the form of a Board resolution which is periodically updated,
the last time being in April 2015. A copy is provided as Exhibit A. Exhibit B contains a history
dating back to 1995 of changes the Board has made to various Board compensation resolutions.
2015 Board Compensation Resolution Need Updating
Since 2015, there have been quite a few changes in the types of activities engaged in by Central
San Board Members, many of which were not envisioned when the current resolution was
adopted. For example:
• The Central San Academy did not commence until 2016. The Board President plays an
active role in the first Academy session by giving a presentation, and all Board Members
are invited to participate in the Q&A segment at the graduation/final session.
• In 2016, Central San hosted a 70th Anniversary event on a Saturday. All Board Members
were encouraged to attend this event, at which other local governmental officials were
• In 2017, the 20th Anniversary of the Household Hazardous Waste Facility was celebrated
with a week of events, kicked off by a ceremony attended on site by other local
governmental officials. Member Nejedly spoke at this event.
Should Board Members be compensated for their participation at activities such as these?
In addition, Board Members generally have become more active in their liaison roles and as
representatives to outside agencies. With increasing frequency, they are involved in interagency
collaborations such as DERWA, and others on the horizon. It is important that these types of
events be addressed in a Board policy.
The statutes require advance approval from the Board in order to be compensated with a stipend
or reimbursed for expenses for activities not addressed in a Board policy. For activities that are
not addressed in a policy, a standing item appears on every regular Board meeting agenda for
Board Members to request a stipend or expense reimbursement for activities or conference
attendance not previously approved by the Board.
Board Input Requested on Unaddressed Activities
Staff has developed a list of some of the unaddressed activities for discussion at the workshop so
that a general set of guidelines can be developed regarding those activities the Board considers
to be compensable. Ultimately, staff wishes to capture them in a new Board policy entitled
Board Compensation and Benefits, which will replace the current Board Compensation
Resolution. Not only would this be consistent with Section 53232.1, but it will:
1. Provide Board Members and staff with more clear parameters as to the types of activities
that are compensable;
2. Reduce those instances where separate, advance Board approval is required to be
compensated for attendance at activities not specified in a Board policy;
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3. Ensure regular, biennial review of the Board policy, keeping it current with respect to the
activities engaged in by Central San Board Members; and
4. Be readily available as a reference tool for Board Members and staff.
A list of the types of activities that are not addressed in the current Board Compensation
Resolution is provided in Exhibit C. District Counsel has suggested that the Board review this list
at the workshop and, via motion or motions, add or subtract those activities for which Board
Members should receive the meeting stipend, expense reimbursement, or both. District Counsel
will be available for questions at the workshop, and staff will be available if needed.
How Will the Board's Input be Utilized?
As stated above, once Board input is received, staff is prepared to draft a proposed new Board
policy on Board compensation and benefits for initial review by the Administration Committee.
Summary of Exhibits
A. Board Compensation Resolution No. 2015-008
B. History of Board Action re Board Compensation Resolution (1995-Present)
C. Activities Not Addressed in Current Resolution
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Exhibit A
WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 6489 of the California Health and Safety Code
and the California Water Code sections 20200 et seq., which provide that compensation
be paid to Board Members for each day's attendance at meetings of the Board or for
each day's service rendered as a Board Member by the request of the Board not to
exceed more than one meeting per day and six meetings per calendar month; and
WHEREAS, in accordance with Resolution No. 2012-018, the Board conducts an
annual public review of Board member compensation and benefits during the first
quarter of each calendar year at a properly noticed public hearing; and
WHEREAS, the Board has deemed it necessary for the efficient operation of the District
to appoint Board Members to represent the District on various committees and joint
powers authorities, to act as representatives of the District to various organizations and
as Board Liaisons to Cities, the County, and other local governments; and
WHEREAS, in accordance with AB 1234 (California Government Code Section 53232
et seq.) and to encourage participation and attendance at conferences and
organizations which serve the interests of and provide benefit to the District, the Board
has determined that Board Members may be compensated and reimbursed expenses
for each day's attendance at certain events and meetings as listed below.
1. In accordance with Section 2.04.020 of the District Code, when the Board
considers it necessary for the efficient transaction of business, it may approve
the creation of a committee for the purpose of reviewing, investigating and
recommending with reference to a particular matter.
2. The President shall recommend and the Board shall approve appointments to
said Standing and Ad Hoc Committees and, where expediency is required, shall
have the authority to appoint an Ad Hoc Committee or representative to similarly
act pending a Board meeting.
3. The President may name an alternate to serve in the absence of an appointed
Committee Member or District representative.
4. Each Standing Committee shall operate under a Charter approved by the Board.
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Board Compensation
Resolution 2015-008
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5. The General Manager will determine to which Committee items are assigned as they
arise, and in cases where certain topics may span two Committees, he/she may
confer with the Board President for guidance.
6. The current Standing Committees are:
o Administration Committee;
o Engineering and Operations Committee;
o Finance Committee; and
o Real Estate, Environmental and Planning Committee.
Other Appointments/Board Liaisons:
7. The Board has deemed it necessary for the efficient operation of the District to
appoint Board Members to represent the District on various governmental bodies
and joint powers authorities and to act as Board Liaisons to various organizations
and other local governments.
Meetinq Stipend and Compensation:
8. In accordance with the Health & Safety Code and the California Water Code, the
Board periodically adopts ordinances amending District Code Section 2.04.030,
which provides for the "Compensation of Board Members" (hereinafter "Meeting
9. The Board conducts an annual public hearing during the first quarter of each
calendar year to review Board Member compensation and benefits.
10. Board Members may receive the Meeting Stipend for each day of service when
appointed and serving as Member or Alternate of a Board Standing Committee or
Board-authorized Ad Hoc Committee. Board Members may also receive the
Meeting Stipend for each day of service when appointed and serving as the
District's Liaison, Representative or Alternate for meetings of the following, when
District business is being conducted:
o District service area Cities and Contra Costa County
o California Special Districts Association — Contra Costa Chapter (CCSDA)
o Contra Costa Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO)
o California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA) Executive Board;
o National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA);
o Pleasant Hill Recreation and Park District (PHR&PD);
o East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD);
o Contra Costa Water District (CCWD);
o East Bay Regional Park District (EBRPD).
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Board Compensation
Resolution 2015-008
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The term "District business" includes such activities as meeting with local agency
officials about District matters, giving presentations to a city council or local
agency board, participating in ribbon-cutting ceremonies, etc.
11. Board Members may receive the Meeting Stipend for attendance at a meeting,
conference or event not listed above where the attendance is of significant
benefit to the District, if approved by the Board.
Reimbursement of Expenses:
12. The Board determines that public resources should be used to reimburse
expenses incurred when attending meetings, conferences or events, which are
related to District business and are of interest and value to the District. These
meetings, conferences or events include, but are not limited to, Contra Costa
Mayors' Conference meetings, East Bay Leadership Council meetings, Industrial
Association of Contra Costa County (IACCC) forums, and local public official
informational meetings or other meetings where the topic is of interest to the
District or promotes inter-agency cooperation and partnerships.
Reimbursements will also be provided for events under paragraphs 10 and 11
above. Reimbursements will be paid in accordance with existing District policy.
Compliance with AB 1234:
13. Board Members will provide brief written or oral reports at Board meetings for the
meetings for which they received the Meeting Stipend, and for meetings,
conferences or events they have attended for which the District has paid their
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 23rd day of April, 2015, by the Board of Directors of the
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District by the following vote:
AYES: Members: Causey, Nejedly, Pilecki, Williams, McGill
NOES: Members: None
ABSENT: Members: None
Michael R. McGill,-PIE.
President of the Board of Directors
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
County of Contra Costa, State of California
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Board Compensation
Resolution 2015-008
Page 4 of 4
Elain.- R. Boehme, CMC
Secretary of the District
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
County of Contra Costa,;St/atef C ifor '
Approved as to form: &
Kenton L. Alm, Esq.
Counsel for the District
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(1995 – Present)
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Costa Sanitary District.5833.1.LOG-Board_Action_re_Board_Compensation_Resolution_(1995-Present).doc
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Date of
4/23/15 The current Board
Compensation Resolution
Board Adopted Reso. 2015-008 to:
1) incorporate a clause stating that the Board
conducts an annual public review of Board
Member compensation and benefits, and
2) incorporate several additional Board liaison
appointments (unanimous).
Rescinded Reso.
5/15/14 The current Board
Compensation Resolution
Board Adopted Reso. 2014-011 to:
1) add reference to the Committee Charters,
2) update the organizations for which a meeting
stipend should be paid, and
3) add a standing agenda item to allow Board
members to request in advance
authorization to receive the stipend for
attendance at meetings not listed in the
resolution (unanimous).
Rescinded Reso.
10/2/08 The current Board
Compensation, including
reporting requirements
consistent with AB 1234
Board Adopted Reso. 2008-109
1) adding payment of stipend for Ad Hoc
2) deleting payment of stipend for attendance
at CSDA Conferences;
3) adding that meetings attended as Board
liaisons must specifically relate to District
4) adding payment of stipend for Board liaison
to attend LAFCO proceedings on behalf of
the District where matters affecting the
District justify attendance;
5) adding a clause that, when appropriate,
Board Members may request stipend in
advance if meeting not listed in resolution, if
they are attending specifically representing
the District; and
6) clarifying the reimbursement policy for Board
Member attendance at civic events on
behalf of the District. (4-0-1; McGill, abstain).
Rescinded Reso.
9/18/08 The current Board
Compensation Resolution
Board Reviewed Reso. 2007-105 and discussed Board
Member opinions for which meetings the
stipend should be paid. President Lucey and
Member McGill also provided input as to how
meetings (past and future) should be listed on
the agenda. They wanted language to appear
on the agenda regarding past and future
meetings listing the meetings for which stipend
is paid and considered clarifications to
reimbursement policy for Board Member
attendance at civic events on behalf of the
District. The matter was referred to staff to
develop options for agenda wording regarding
meeting reports. (4-1; Hockett, no).
The matter was
referred to staff to
develop options
for agenda
wording regarding
meeting reports.
The matter was
brought back to
the Board at the
10/2/08 meeting.
Exhibit B
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(1995 – Present)
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Date of
6/19/08 Conference attendance
Board Board requested that the process for approval
of Board Member attendance at conferences
and at other meetings be reviewed to ensure
transparency and compliance with AB 1234.
Information was
brought back to
Board 9/18/08.
8/9/07 Authority to approve Board
President’s compensation
Board Adopted Reso. 2007-105 updating Board
compensation resolution, including authorizing
the President Pro Tem to approve Board
President’s compensation (unanimous).
Rescinded Reso.
6/19/07 General updates to Board
Compensation Resolution
Board Board President Nejedly suggested the
President Pro Tem also be authorized to
approve Board Member compensation
(stipends) and reimbursement requests.
Matter was
brought to the
Board with
proposed updated
Resolution on
10/5/06 List of Board Committees,
liaison cities/county, and
various outside
organizations appointments
to which Board Members
may be appointed and
receive stipend, and added
CASA Executive Board
meetings and CSDA
Conferences to list of
meetings for which stipend
should be paid
Board Adopted Reso. 2006-085 updating lists (and
disallowed stipend for attendance at CASA
Conferences) (4-1; Nejedly, no).
Rescinded Reso.
9/18/06 In light of changes
promulgated by AB 1234,
recommended changes to
resolution to add list of
meetings and conferences
for which stipend should be
Budget &
Reviewed Reso. 2005-005 and recommended
revisions to be reviewed by the full Board on
2/3/05 Lists of Board Committees,
liaison cities/county, and
various outside
organizations appointments
to which Board Members
may be appointed and
receive stipend
Board Adopted Reso. 2005-005 updating lists (4-1;
Nejedly, absent).
Rescinded Reso.
2/5/98 Lists of Board Committees,
liaison cities/county, and
various outside
organizations appointments
to which Board Members
may be appointed and
receive stipend
Board Adopted Reso. 1998-020 updating lists (4-1;
Menesini, absent).
Rescinded Reso.
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(1995 – Present)
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Costa Sanitary District.5833.1.LOG-Board_Action_re_Board_Compensation_Resolution_(1995-Present).doc
Page 3 of 3 2/26/20
Date of
4/20/95 Specified list of Board
Committees, liaison
cities/county, and various
outside organization
appointments to which
Board Members may be
appointed and receive
Board Adopted Reso. 95-031 (4-1; Menesini, absent).
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C:\Program Files (x86)\neevia.com\docConverterPro\temp\NVDC\07E8EE0B-971E-4912-B7B3-D8316A5BEF2A\Central Contra Costa Sanitary District.5834.1.Exh_C-Activities_Not_Addressed_in_Reso.docx Page 1 of 5 ACTIVITIES NOT ADDRESSED IN BOARD COMPENSATION RESOLUTION NO. 2015-008 Event/Activity Board Member Attendance Required? Comments/Considerations BOARD DIRECTION Stipend? Yes/No Expenses? Yes/No Both? Yes/No TRAININGS: Ethics (includes Brown Act, Public Records Act, and Political Reform Act) Yes, 2 hours every 2 years. This is mandatory training required of all Board Members every two years. It may be taken online, at a conference, or at Central San. Expense reimbursement for attendance at a conference where this training is offered is allowed. In the past, a stipend was paid if training was received during a Central San Board meeting (if a quorum was present); otherwise no. Expense reimbursement is paid for conference attendance at which training was taken. Harassment Prevention Yes, 2 hours every 2 years. This is mandatory training required of all Board Members every two years. It may be taken online, at a conference, or at Central San. Expense reimbursement for attendance at a conference where this training is offered is allowed. No stipend has been paid in the past. ACADEMIES: Central San Academy Yes. The Board President presents at the first session. The entire Board is invited to attend the final session because of the Q&A segment. Attendance is not mandatory. Kickoff Session: The Board President has given a presentation to Academy attendees at each kickoff session since 2016. There is considerable preparation time involved. To date, no stipend has been paid for this presentation. Should there be? Middle Sessions: Some Board Members like to attend as many of the Academy sessions as they can. No “middle” sessions have been noticed as Board meetings because, even if a quorum of the Board were present, Board Members have no particular role in these sessions; they attend as observers. Therefore, no stipends have been paid for Board Members attending these sessions. Final Session (Graduation): Because the Q&A segment could touch on topics that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board, out of an abundance of caution these sessions have been noticed as special Board n/a Exhibit C March 2, 2020 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 53 of 69 Page 12 of 16
C:\Program Files (x86)\neevia.com\docConverterPro\temp\NVDC\07E8EE0B-971E-4912-B7B3-D8316A5BEF2A\Central Contra Costa Sanitary District.5834.1.Exh_C-Activities_Not_Addressed_in_Reso.docx Page 2 of 5 Event/Activity Board Member Attendance Required? Comments/Considerations BOARD DIRECTION Stipend? Yes/No Expenses? Yes/No Both? Yes/No meetings until it is known if a quorum will be present. If no quorum, no stipends are paid. If any of the sessions are noticed as special Board meetings and a quorum is present, all attending Board Members are eligible for stipends. Stipends were paid in both 2018 and 2019 for attendance at the final session because a quorum was present. Management/Leadership Academy Yes, if requested by consultant as part of curriculum. The Management/Leadership Academy is conducted every other year. Board Members may be invited by the facilitating consultant to be interviewed in a Q&A session with Academy participants. These appearances involve preparation time with the consultant. No stipend has been paid in the past. SIGNATURE EVENTS: Hosted by Central San Not required but encouraged. Board Member attendance at signature events hosted by Central San (e.g., 70th Anniversary, and 20th Anniversary of HHW). No stipend has been paid in the past. Signature Events Hosted by Other Agencies/Cities No. Mt. View Sanitary District (MVSD) held a grand opening for refurbished wetlands which was attended by a Board Member (not the Board liaison to that agency). There was no cost to attend and no stipend was requested. UNIQUE TO CENTRAL SAN: Executive Team Performance Evaluations Yes. The President and/or President Pro Tem meet with the General Manager, Secretary of the District and District Counsel to convey closed session performance evaluation results. In 2019 those meetings lasted several hours and, in some instances, there were multiple meetings. No stipend has been paid. March 2, 2020 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 54 of 69 Page 13 of 16
C:\Program Files (x86)\neevia.com\docConverterPro\temp\NVDC\07E8EE0B-971E-4912-B7B3-D8316A5BEF2A\Central Contra Costa Sanitary District.5834.1.Exh_C-Activities_Not_Addressed_in_Reso.docx Page 3 of 5 Event/Activity Board Member Attendance Required? Comments/Considerations BOARD DIRECTION Stipend? Yes/No Expenses? Yes/No Both? Yes/No BOARD LIAISON/REPRESENTATIVE Annual City Council Reorganizations or Ceremonial Events No. Should Board Members get a stipend for attendance at these events, which are largely social in nature and at which no official District business being conducted if it is in their liaison city? In 2016, one Board Member attended the reorgs for both of his liaison cities. No stipends were paid. In 2017, however, that same Board Member received a stipend for attending the reorg for one of his liaison cities because the sitting Secretary of the District considered such events to be stipendable if attended by the Board liaison. Stipends have been paid to Board Members attending city reorgs ever since. State of the City Events with Mayors No. Board liaisons often attend these events and Central San has paid the expenses (usually a meal). No stipends have been paid. Mayor Monthly Breakfasts No. One Board Member attends these events in his liaison city whenever available. There is no cost for these breakfasts and no stipend has been requested or paid to date. Presentation by Central San Staff of HHW Annual Report at MVSD Board Meeting No. Member Pilecki has always attended these meetings as the liaison to MVSD and to support staff, who presents the report. He has declined receiving stipends. Presentation of resolution of commendation to official of sister agency or liaison city/County Possibly. Stipends have been paid to Board Members who have presented resolutions of commendation adopted by Central San’s Board for local agency officials. These presentations typically have been at the local agency’s Board/Council meeting. Attendance at City Council Meeting (no expectation of presenting) No. March 2, 2020 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 55 of 69 Page 14 of 16
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C:\Program Files (x86)\neevia.com\docConverterPro\temp\NVDC\07E8EE0B-971E-4912-B7B3-D8316A5BEF2A\Central Contra Costa Sanitary District.5834.1.Exh_C-Activities_Not_Addressed_in_Reso.docx Page 5 of 5 Event/Activity Board Member Attendance Required? Comments/Considerations BOARD DIRECTION Stipend? Yes/No Expenses? Yes/No Both? Yes/No Meeting with attorney or appearance at a deposition or hearing on legal matter on behalf of Central San Yes Board Member Pilecki recently met with defense counsel in a litigated matter involving Central San because of his familiarity with the matter while he was a District employee. He neither asked for nor received a stipend. March 2, 2020 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 57 of 69 Page 16 of 16