HomeMy WebLinkAbout03.c. (Handout) Employee Engagement Survey Item 3.c. Public Sector (Handout) Employee Engagement'" BY CPS HR CONSULTING CENTRAL SAN 2020 Employee Engagement Survey Welcome to the Central San Employee Engagement Survey! The purpose of this survey is to help us understand your views about your job and work environment. An outside organization, CPS HR Consulting, is administering this survey and summarizing the results. Your response to this survey is voluntary and strictly confidential.No Central San employees will have access to your individual responses. Your responses to the survey questions will be combined and included in an overall summary report for Central San, which will be shared with everyone. This survey should take you no more than 10 minutes to complete. We appreciate your help in giving us constructive feedback. If you have any questions about this survey,please contact Teq'i O'Malley, HR Manager, at x309 or Christina Gee, Management Analyst, at x390. If you have any questions about accessing the survey or other technical issues,please contact CPS HR at surveyhelp@cpshr.us. Instructions: For each statement,please select ONE option to describe your level of agreement: Strongly Disagree, Disagree,Neither Agree nor Disagree, Agree, Strongly Agree, or Don't Know/No Basis to Judge. Version 4/15/19 My Work 1. 1 like the kind of work I do 2. My job makes good use of my skills and abilities 3. 1 have a choice in deciding how I do my work 4. 1 know what is expected of me on the job 5. 1 have opportunities to provide input on decisions that affect my work My Organization's Mission Organization—This is Central San as a whole. 6. 1 have a clear understanding of my organization's mission 7. My organization's mission is important to me 8. 1 know how my work supports my organization's mission 9. 1 feel I can make a difference by working here 10. 1 feel that I personally contribute to my organization's successes 11. My organization is successful at accomplishing its mission My Team Team—This is your workgroup/shop/crew. 12. People on my team care about me as a person 13. People on my team cooperate to get the job done 14. People on my team share information with each other 15. People on my team work together to find ways to improve 16. People on my team can be relied upon to help when things get difficult in my job My Supervisor Supervisor—This is your immediate supervisor responsible for your performance review and leave approval, and for providing direction on your work. 17. My supervisor keeps me informed about the issues affecting my work 18. My supervisor helps me to understand how I contribute to my organization's mission 19. My supervisor motivates me to be more effective in my job 20. My supervisor provides constructive feedback on my job performance 21. My supervisor recognizes when I have done my job well 22. My supervisor is open to my ideas Leadership and Managing Change - Executive Team Executive Team—This consists of the General Manager, Deputy General Manager, Director of Engineering and Technical Services, and Director of Finance and Administration. 23. Executive Team members in my organization are sufficiently visible(e.g.,can be seen in action) 24. 1 believe the actions of Executive Team members are consistent with my organization's values 25. 1 feel that my organization as a whole is led well 26. My organization keeps me informed about matters that affect me 27. When changes are made in my organization they are usually for the better 28. Executive Team members value ideas from employees 29. 1 believe that Executive Team members in my organization will take action on the results from this survey Leadership and Managing Change - Managers Managers—This does not include members of the Executive Team. 30. Managers in my organization are sufficiently visible (e.g., can be seen in action) 31. 1 believe the actions of the managers are consistent with my organization's values 32. 1 feel that my organization as a whole is managed well 33. My organization's managers keep me informed about matters that affect me 34. Change initiatives led by my organization's managers are usually for the better 35. The managers value ideas from employees 36. 1 believe that the managers in my organization will take action on the results from this survey Training and Development 37. 1 get the training I need to do my job well 38. 1 get the information I need to do my job well 39. 1 am given a real opportunity to improve my skills in my organization 40. Training and development activities I have completed while working for my organization are helping me to develop in my career 41. Training and development activities I have completed in the past 12 months have helped to improve my performance 42. 1 have clear work objectives 43. 1 have the resources I need to do my job well 44. My workload is reasonable 45. 1 can tolerate the pressure of my work very well 46. 1 achieve a good balance between my work life and my private life 47. 1 am paid fairly for the work that I do 48. Compared to people doing a similar job in other organizations, I feel my pay is reasonable 49. 1 feel that my pay adequately reflects my performance 50. 1 am satisfied with my total benefits package(e.g., retirement(401(a),457, pension), health insurance,and retiree benefits) 51. 1 am satisfied with my employment conditions(e.g.vacation or leave options,flexible work arrangements) Organizational Culture Organization—This is Central San as a whole. 52. 1 am treated fairly at work 53. 1 think it is safe to challenge the way things are done in my organization 54. 1 feel encouraged to learn from my mistakes at work 55. 1 can report a suspected violation of any law, rule or regulation without fear 56. 1 think that my organization respects,individual differences(e.g.,cultures,working styles, backgrounds, ideas) 57. 1 feel encouraged to come up with new and better ways of doing things 58. 1 feel valued for the work I do Engagement Organization—This is Central San as a whole. 59. 1 would recommend my organization as a good place to work 60. 1 am proud when I tell others I am part of my organization 61. 1 feel a strong personal attachment to my organization 62. My organization inspires me to do the best in my job 63. 1 feel comfortable being myself at work 64. My organization motivates me to help achieve its mission About You Please note, in order to maintain confidentiality,our survey provider CPS HR will only report summarized results if there are 10 or more respondents in any one demographic category. No Central San employees will have access to your individual responses—only combined data collected from the group as a whole. Are you... ❑ Male ❑ Female ❑ Non-binary or other gender ❑ Prefer not to say What is your current age? ❑ 19 or under ❑ 20 to 24 ❑ 25 to 34 ❑ 35 to 44 ❑ 45 to 54 ❑ 55 to 64 ❑ 65 or over ❑ Prefer not to say Please select the category with which you most closely identify: ❑ American Indian or Alaska Native ❑ Asian ❑ Black or African American ❑ Hispanic, Latino,or Spanish origin ❑ Middle Eastern or North African ❑ Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander ❑ White ❑ Some other race,ethnicity, or origin ❑ Prefer not to say How long have you been with Central San? ❑ Less than 6 months ❑ At least 6 months,but not more than 1 year ❑ At least 1 year,but not more than 3 years ❑ At least 3 years,but not more than 5 years ❑ At least 5 years,but not more than 10 years ❑ At least 10 years,but not more than 20 years ❑ 20 years or more ❑ Prefer not to say What is your role? ❑ Employee: You do not supervise other employees ❑ Supervisor: You are a supervisor who may be responsible for one or more of the following: giving direction on work projects,performance reviews,and leave approval ❑ Executive Team member or Manager: You are the head of a department or division and a member of the leadership team,and you may supervise one or more supervisors and be responsible for day-to-day operations ❑ Prefer not to say Are you considering leaving your current position within the next year, and if so, why? ❑ No ❑ Yes,to pursue a different position within my department at Central San ❑ Yes,to pursue a different position within Central San outside of my current department ❑ Yes,to pursue a position outside my organization—in another government agency(e.g.,city or county, state,or federal) ❑ Yes,to pursue a position outside government(e.g., in a private sector company) ❑ Yes,to retire ❑ Yes, for other reasons ❑ Prefer not to say Comments (Optional).Please Note: Comments will be shared word-for-word with leaders. Your name will not be associated with your comment, but please do not reveal any personally identifiable information. What is one thing you would recommend to make Central San a better place to work? How can Central San recognize your contributions to our success? Submit Your Survey You may use the"BACK" arrows to review your survey responses. When you click on the"SUBMIT"button below,your survey will be submitted to CPS HR,the survey administrator,and no further changes will be possible. Thank You Thank you for your participation in the Central San Employee Engagement Survey! Your response has been recorded.