HomeMy WebLinkAbout05.b. Review and provide input on Highmark Capital Management Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB) 45 Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) and Pension Prefunding Sub-trust Reports for the Fourth Quarter of calendar year 2019 Page 1 of 31
Item 5.b.
February 18, 2020
YEAR 2019
Attached for review are the most recent Highmark overview and GASB 45 OPEB Sub-Trust and Pension
Pre-funding Sub-Trust Reports. An overview slide showing the entities involved in administering the
OPEB and Pension Prefunding Trusts for Central San is also attached.
Strategic Plan Tie-In
GOAL THREE: Be a Fiscally Sound and Effective Water Sector Utility
Strategy 1 - Conduct long-range financial planning, Strategy 2- Manage costs
1. Overview of Entities Administering Trusts
2. Highmark Overview of 4th Quarter 2019
3. PARS Investment Report 4th Quarter 2019
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Trust Administrator & Consultant Trustee Investment Manager
• Record keeping/sub-trust accounting Safeguard plan assets 0 Investment sub-advisor
• Actuarial coordination 0Oversight protection to U.S. Bank
• Monitor contributions/process • Plan fiduciary • Open architecture
disbursements Custodian of assets Investment strategy and asset
• Monitor plan compliance allocation development
• Ongoing client liaison Investment policy assistance
Corporate Experience
35 years (1984- 2019) 156 years (1863 - 2019) 100 years (1919 - 2019)
Plans Under Administration
1,600+ plans, 850+ public agencies, 400,000+ participants
Dollars under Administration
Over $3.6 billion Over $5.0 trillion Over $15.8 billion
under management
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January 18, 2020
Phil Leiber
Director of Finance and Administration
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
5019 Imhoff Place
Martinez, CA 94553-4392
RE: 4Q Quarter 2019 OPEB/Pension Report
Dear Mr. Leiber,
Equity markets around the world saw strong 2019 gains and positive 10-year
returns following the "Lost Decade" of the 2000s. Meanwhile, the "phase one"
trade deal with China lowered trade tensions but left many details unanswered.
With the 2020 election in view, investors began assessing potential winners and
losers, particularly in the banking and energy sectors. Manufacturing activity hit a
10-year low and mid-western job growth was soft, raising the possibility that the
key "swing states" of 2016 will be in play again this year.
Key Takeaways:
• U.S. and foreign data releases in the fourth quarter raised hopes that the
worst of the global economic slowdown may be behind us.
• Manufacturing doldrums remain an area of concern, particularly if
contagion to the consumer sector occurs.
• The Federal Reserve's expected pause in rate adjustments allows
investors to shift attention to politics and the potential impact of the 2020
election on markets.
• Looking ahead to the 2020s, we expect fixed income and equity returns to
be lower than those recorded in the banner year of 2019.
• Geopolitical tensions from Iran to Ukraine to North Korea may lead to
market volatility.
Asset classes across the spectrum recorded positive returns in 2019 with nearly
every asset class finishing in the green. Stocks, corporate bonds, REITs, and
even gold recorded gains benefiting investors of all persuasions. Even
Treasuries—which typically decline when risk assets such as stocks rally—ended
the year with a gain of 6.8%.' What is surprising about the bumper crop of
'As measured by the Bloomberg Barclays US Government Index.
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winners last year is the contrast, from a fundamental perspective, between 2018
and 2019.
In 2018, investors should have been encouraged by corporate earnings up 20%,2
inflation-adjusted GDP growth above long-term averages at 3%, and the
stimulative impact of corporate tax cuts and deregulation of multiple industries
and sectors. Yet in the midst of these buy-side signals, the S&P 500 lost -4.4%
for the year. Among the suspects cited for lackluster market returns were trade
tensions and Fed rate hikes.
Fast forward to 2019, where corporate earnings flatlined at 0.3% according to
FactSet, GDP growth fell to long-term averages of around 2%, and some
progress - but no resolution was made to trade disputes with China and Europe.
In the midst of these sell-side signals, the S&P 500 rallied to fresh highs—
seemingly daily as the year drew to a close—and finished 2019 up 31.5%. The
Fed's dovish about-face, resulting in three rate cuts in 2019, have been key to
understanding the animal spirits in the market. But it should be noted that the
S&P 500 had already jumped nearly 20% even before the first rate cut following
the Fed's July 30-31 meeting.
If there is one lesson to take away from the divergences of 2018/2019, it is that
short-term market timing based on forecasting returns is a mug's game where
players may regret asset allocation shifts when market returns have proven to be
irregular and lumpy.
The second half of 2019 saw data releases that helped assuage investor
concerns over the summer that economic recession might be on the horizon.
These included a Treasury yield curve returning from the inversion brink; a
pickup in residential housing starts; and consumer sentiment that, while down
from earlier peaks, had yet to hit levels consistent with predicting an upcoming
recession. Investors also cheered the USMCA trade deal, which could add as
much as 35 basis points to future GDP growth.3
The "phase one" deal with China was also welcomed, but more as a promising
start of a period of risk reduction and a sign of a renewed willingness on both
sides to work together than as a resolution of numerous outstanding issues.
Hopefully, "phase two" will supply more details that investors can use to
determine the impact of a trade thaw. For now, "phase one" does little to resolve
ongoing corporate concerns over global supply chain management and whether
to increase capital expenditures on plants and equipment.
z Source: FactSet Earnings Insight
3 Source: International Trade Commission
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November 2020
With the Fed expected to take a pause from making rate adjustments, investors
are beginning to pay attention to politics and the impact of the election on
markets and the economy. On the slate for November is the presidential
election, as well as congressional elections for all 435 seats in the U.S. House of
Representatives and 35 of the 100 senatorial seats. While the last few months
have seen headlines about U.S.-China trade relations, Democratic party
candidate reveals and impeachment proceedings, 2020 may be a year when
voters demand that the candidates offer specific policies rather than vague wish
While it is early in the election cycle, and voters may already be fatigued, most
observers anticipate that if the Republican party maintains the presidency, the
administration would continue to seek increased defense spending, possibly act
on prior infrastructure plans, and most likely continue aggressive trade policies
with China and, potentially, Europe.
If current trade policies continue with President Trump's re-election, capital
expenditure and business investment spending could suffer as a result of a spike
in trade tensions.
The possibility of a Democratic administration also concerns investors because
of the widely varying proposals of the Democratic hopefuls and little clarity on
who the final candidate will be. The differences between tax changes proposed
by, for example, candidates Sanders and Biden are dramatic, as are defense
spending goals with Buttigieg planning to raise and Warren seeking to cut. That
said, there are several areas where the Democratic candidates broadly agree
while differing in the details:
• roll back some or all of the 2017 Tax Cut and Jobs Act;
• increase tax rates for wealthy individuals; and
• change current banking and energy policies.
Banking and energy appear at this stage of the campaign to offer the clearest
expectations of the potential impact of a Democratic presidency on specific
market sectors. Two of the candidates, Sanders and Warren, would bring back
the 1933 Glass-Steagall Act which separated retail banking and investment
banking. While Glass-Steagall was repealed by Democratic President Bill Clinton
in 1999, lack of Glass-Steagall protection has often been cited by Democratic
politicians as one cause of the Great Recession.
Forcing banks to unwind the changes they have made to balance sheets and
operations over the last 20 years would almost certainly result in lower
profitability for the financial sector.
The Democratic candidates also have plans for the oil patch, including ending
new oil and gas leases on Federal lands, ending offshore drilling, enacting
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carbon taxes and, for Warren and Sanders, banning oil and gas extraction
through fracking. These proposals could exacerbate current slowdowns in an
energy sector already suffering from stubbornly low oil prices and a significant
debt overhang. According to Moody's Investor Services, the exploration and
production sector holds some $93 billion in debt—nearly all of it below-
investment grade—that will be coming due next year. If a fracking ban is
implemented, the cash flow needed to service or refinance this debt will be even
more constrained, further compounding the daunting task of refinancing below-
investment grade paper. A fracking ban could also lead to layoffs and lost
employment in the gas and oil sector.
Beyond banking and energy, the technology sector might also see increased
regulatory oversight in a Democratic administration. While past administrations,
in particular President Obama's, welcomed the expertise—and lobbying—of tech
heavyweight companies, a Democratic winner in November may want to follow
the lead of several European nations which are pursuing legislative changes,
designed for tighter antitrust enforcement, data privacy rules, and regulatory
scrutiny of multinational technology and social media firms. These tech
companies, which dramatically outperformed the U.S. stock market in 2019, may
see new and unwelcome domestic pressures.
Prospects for Legislative Success
Perhaps heartening to investors is the likelihood that many of the more
progressive Democratic proposals would face little chance of passage in a post-
election Senate with a Republican majority. Even in the unlikely event of a
Democratic takeover of the Senate majority, many of the Warren-Sanders
initiatives might struggle to achieve the majority of votes needed to pass.
If the Democratic party selects a moderate candidate and is successful in gaining
the Presidency, a Democrat-led House of Representatives and a Republican
Senate may find areas where compromise is achievable. Infrastructure spending
and a solution to health care costs that continue to soar as the U.S. population
ages may be two of the challenges that a divided Congress could successfully
Plan Performance
The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District OPEB Plan returned 4.37% gross of
investment fees for the fourth quarter. The return slightly lagged the District's
OPEB Plan Benchmark target of 4.48%. The Plan's equity segment generated
an 8.58% return in the quarter. Domestic equity and international equity returns
were roughly in-line with each other. The small cap equity segment posted
returns in excess of the benchmark as the Victory RS Small Cap Growth Fund
was the strongest performer in the quarter, returning 13.5%. REITs took a bit of
a pause in the quarter, after offering the strongest returns in the Plan for the first
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nine months of the calendar year. The Wilshire REIT Index declined -1.1% in the
fourth quarter.
International equity markets finished the year in strong fashion with the MSCI
EAFE Index up 8.2% and the MSCI Emerging Market Index up 11.8%. Two
issues that have weighed on international markets this year: China/U.S. trade
negotiations and Brexit, saw risks recede somewhat in the quarter. The attack
on Saudi Arabia's oil facilities turned into the crisis that lasted a week. Oil prices
quickly reversed course after spiking roughly 10% in the first few days of the
event. Most point to `cooler heads prevailing', in the initial stages after the attack.
An additional factor that helped markets cope with the event, is the significant
supply of oil supplied domestically by the oil/fracking industry. Two of the three
managers in the Plan outperformed the MSCI-EAFE Index in the quarter. Our
emerging market manager, the Schroder Emerging Market Fund posted a solid
11.3% return in the fourth quarter, but lagged the benchmark return by roughly
The fixed income segment outperformed the Plan benchmark target, returning
0.42%, vs. the Bloomberg Barclays Aggregate Index target return of 0.18%. The
market was supported by investment grade corporate bonds (+1.2%), and
mortgage-backed securities (+0.7%). U.S. Treasury returns were mixed as the
yield curve steepened, resulting in a return of-0.8% for the Treasury sector as 1-
year rates fell 18 basis points, while 5-year treasuries increased 15 basis points.
The Federal Reserve executed a quarter-point-rate cut at their October meeting.
The Fed labeled this action as a "mid-cycle insurance policy". At their December
meeting, they chose to leave rates unchanged — ending the year with a Federal
Funds rate at a target between 1.5% to 1.75°/x. Two of the Plan's three
intermediate-term fixed income managers outperformed the benchmark in the
quarter, with the Pimco Total Return Bond Fund being the only laggard, returning
-0.3%. The manager was negatively impacted by exposure to the Eurozone, and
an underweight to investment-grade credit.
As the quarter began, our asset allocation positioning stood at 48% stocks, 49%
bonds, and 3% in cash. Over the course of the quarter, we began to close this
modest underweight to equities. At the end of the quarter, our target equity
positioning was at a `neutral' allocation of 50% stocks. Fixed Income was at
47.5%, and cash was at 2.5% of Plan assets.
The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Pension Plan returned 2.74% in the
quarter, gross of investment fees, which trailed the District's Plan benchmark
target of 2.81%. Performance contributions from the various asset class
segments were similar to the OPEB Plan, small cap equity, REIT equity, fixed
income, and international equity outperforming benchmark targets, while large
cap equity and mid-cap equity offered benchmark matching returns. The slight
underperformance was more a function of being underweight stocks for the
majority of the quarter.
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The target asset allocation for the pension plan was amended to reflect an
underweight allocation to stocks as of the end of the quarter. We are targeting
an allocation of 30% stocks, and a fixed income/cash allocation of 70%.
Andrew Brown
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PARS: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
OPEB and Pension Plan
Fourth Quarter 2019
Presented by
Andrew Brown, CFA
Attachment 3
CCCSD — OPEB Investment Summary Since Inception
Beginning Value 566,683.26
Asset Allocation Contributions 105,528,631.67
Withdrawals -64,353,990.39
Total Assets: $69,529,356 Gain (Loss) 13,370,708.82
Interest and Dividends 14,417,322.93
Period Ending: 12-31-2019 Net Accrued Income 151.272.58
4Q19 Return: 4.37% Ending Market Value $69,680,628.87-
1 Year Return: 18.66%
Inception-to-Date Return: 9.42% Cash
Inception Date:4-1-2009 $1,116,922
Plan target rate of return: 6.25%
Fixed Income
* Ending Market Value differs from total market value on page 3 due to differences in reporting methodology. The above ending market value includes accruals.
Attachment 3
Asset Allocation — Central Contra Costa Sanitary District OPEB
As of Fourth Quarter 2019
Current Asset Allocation Investment Vehicle
Equity 50.90% Range: 40%-60% 35,392,494
Large Cap Core 9.57% IVV iShares Core S&P 500 ETF 6,654,865
7.25% VGIAX Vanguard Growth & Income Adm 5,041,001
Large Cap Value 5.77% IVE iShares S&P 500 Value ETF 4,013,277
Large Cap Growth 4.30% IVW iShares S&P 500 Growth ETF 2,988,252
Mid Cap Core 4.53% IWR iShares Russell Mid-Cap ETF 3,152,646
Small Cap Value 3.86% UBVFX Undiscovered Managers Behavioral Val R6 2,686,419
Small Cap Growth 4.11% RSEJX Victory RS Small Cap Growth R6 2,859,640
International Core 2.52% VEA Vanguard FTSE Developed Markets ETF 1,754,690
International Value 1.57% DODFX Dodge & Cox International Stock Fund 1,089,973
International Growth 1.57% MGRDX MFSO International Growth Fund Class R6 1,088,234
Emerging Markets 2.93% HHHFX Hartford Schroders Emerging Mkts Eq F 2,034,274
Real Estate 2.92% VNQ Vanguard Real Estate ETF 2,029,225
Fixed Income 47.49% Range:40%-60% 33,019,940
28.32% Core Fixed Income Portfolio 19,687,697
Short-Term 2.71% VFSUX Vanguard Short-Term Investment-Grade Adm 1,882,909
Intermediate-Term 8.22% PTTRX PIMCO Total Return Instl Fund 5,718,437
8.24% PTRQX Prudential Total Return Bond Q 5,730,897
Cash 1.61% Range: 0%-20% 1,116,922
1.61% FGZXX First American Government Oblig Z 1,116,922
TOTAL 100.00% $69,529,356
Attachment 3
Selected Period Performance
Period Ending: 12/31/2019
Year Inception
to Date to Date
3 Months (1 Year) 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years 04/01/2009
Cash Equivalents .40 2.08 2.08 1.51 .96 .50 .51
Lipper Money Market Funds Index 11.98 1.98 1.42 .44 .42
Fixed Income ex Funds .63 9.44 9.44
Total Fixed Income .42 9.11 9.11 4.36 3.28 3.94 4.65
BBG Barclays US Aggregate Bd Index .18 8.72 8.72 4.03 3.05 3.75 4.03
Total Equities 8.58 29.05 29.05 13.37 9.68 11.10 14.21
Large Cap Funds 8.92 30.75 30.75 14.80 11.22 12.48 15.27
S&P 500 Composite Index 9.07 31.49 31.49 15.27 11.70 13.56 16.30
Mid Cap Funds 7.00 30.21 30.21 11.44 8.38
Russell Midcap Index 7.06 30.54 30.54 12.06 9.33 13.19 16.84
Small Cap Funds 10.33 28.06 28.06 12.20 10.39 14.06 17.36
Russell 2000 Index 9.94 25.53 25.53 8.59 8.23 11.83 15.19
International Equities 9.87 23.54 23.54 10.90 5.98 4.87 9.22
MSCI EAFE Index 8.17 22.01 22.01 9.56 5.67 5.50 9.36
MSCI EM Free Index 11.84 18.42 18.42 11.57 5.61 3.68 9.05
Real Estate- ETFs / Sctr Fds .55 28.91 28.91
Wilshire REIT Index -1.14 25.76 25.76 7.63 6.87 11.94 18.16
Total Managed Portfolio 4.37 18.66 18.66 8.90 6.58 7.56 9.42
CCCSD OPEB 4.48 17.66 17.66 8.28 6.37 7.57 9.37
Account Inception:4/2009
CCCSD OPEB Benchmark consists of: 26.5%of S&P 500,5% Russell Midcap,7.5% Russell 2000, 1.75%Wilshire REIT,3.25%MSCI EM Free,6%MSCI EAFE,33.5%BC Aggregate, 10%ML 1-3
Yr US Corp/Govt, 1.5% ML US High Yield Mstr II, and 5%Citigroup 1 Month T-Bill Indexes. Returns are gross-of-fees unless otherwise noted. Returns for periods over one year are annualized.The
information presented has been obtained from sources believed to be accurate and reliable. Past performance is not indicative of future returns. Securities are not FDIC insured, have no bank
guarantee, and may lose value.
Attachment 3
Fixed Income Portfolio: Statistics
As of Fourth Quarter 2019
CCCSD BC Aggregate Bond
OPEB Index
Weighted Average Maturity 7.15 years 8.13 years
Effective Duration 5.45 years 5.95 years
Average Coupon 3.08% 3.17%
Yield to Maturity 2.34% 2.31%
Average Quality Aa2 Aa2
Attachment 3
Fixed Income Portfolio: Sectors
As of Fourth Quarter 2019
0.0% •
Cash Treasury Agency Corp Non-Corp MBS CMO ABS CMBS
■CCCSD OPEB 0.0% 25.6% 0.0% 39.4% 0.8% 24.5% 0.0% 9.7% 0.0%
■Barclays U.S.Aggregate Bond Index 0.0% 39.8% 1.2% 24.9% 4.4% 27.1% 0.0% 0.4% 2.2%
Attachment 3
Fixed Income Portfolio: Effective Duration and Effective Maturity
As of Fourth Quarter 2019
Effective Duration Effective Maturity
35% 30%
30% 25%
5% 5%
0-1 Yrs. 1-3 Yrs. 3-5 Yrs. 5-7 Yrs. 7-10 10+ 0%
Yrs. Yrs. 0-1 Yr. 1-3 Yrs. 3-5 Yrs. 5-7 Yrs. 7-10 Yrs. 10+Yrs.
■CCCSD OPEB 10.78% 23.94% 21.92% 22.01% 8.90% 12.44% ■CCCSD OPEB 6.04% 15.43% 22.12% 25.28% 16.67% 14.45%
BC Aggregate Bond Index 1.06% 29.78% 32.77% 13.06% 6.71% 16.62% BC Aggregate Bond Index 0.26% 21.29% 22.13% 26.23% 12.50% 17.59%
Attachment 3
Holdings-Reporting as of Trade Date
Account:6746055900-PARS/CCCSD 115P-OPEB
As of:31-Dec-2019
Asset Type Asset Name Ticker Shares/Units Price Market Value
Cash&Cash Equivalents CASH (35,241.4000) $1.0000 ($35,241.40)
Cash&Cash Equivalents FIRSTAMERN GOVT OBLIG FID CLZ#3676 FGZXX 1,152,163.7700 $1.0000 $1,152,163.77
Equities DODGE&COX INTL STOCK FD(CLSD)#1048 DODFX 24,999.3740 $43.6000 $1,089,972.71
Equities HARTFORD SCHRODERS EMRG MKT FD#3150 HHHFX 122,694.4540 $16.5800 $2,034,274.05
Equities ISHARES RUSSELL MIDCAP ETF IWR 52,879.0000 $59.6200 $3,152,645.98
Equities ISHARES S&P 500 GROWTH ETF IVW 15,432.0000 $193.6400 $2,988,252.48
Equities ISHARES S&P 500 VALUE ETF IVE 30,850.0000 $130.0900 $4,013,276.50
Equities ISHARES TR CORE S&P500 ETF IVV 20,588.0000 $323.2400 $6,654,865.12
Equities MFS INTERNATIONAL GROWTH R6#4805 MGRDX 29,332.4520 $37.1000 $1,088,233.97
Equities UNDISCOVERED MGRS BEHAVL R6#3467 UBVFX 42,770.5610 $62.8100 $2,686,418.94
Equities VANGUARD FTSE DEVELOPED MARKETS ETF VEA 39,825.0000 $44.0600 $1,754,689.50
Equities VANGUARD GRO&INC ADMIRALSHRS#593 VGIAX 59,424.7440 $84.8300 $5,041,001.03
Equities VANGUARD REAL ESTATE ETF VNQ 21,869.0000 $92.7900 $2,029,224.51
Equities VICTORY RS SM CAP GROW#279 RSEJX 35,199.8970 $81.2400 $2,859,639.63
Fixed Income PIMCO TOTAL RETURN INSTL #35 PTTRX 553,040.3360 $10.3400 $5,718,437.07
Fixed Income PRUDENTIAL TOTAL RTRN BD CLQ PTRQX 397,426.9450 $14.4200 $5,730,896.55
Fixed Income VNGRD STTERM INVMT GRADE ADM #539 VFSUX 175,480.8160 $10.7300 $1,882,909.16
Fixed Income CC CCIT 2014-A1 2.880% 1/23/23 CC22823A 275,000.0000 101.023% $277,813.25
Fixed Income HAROT 2017-3 A3 1.790% 9/20/21 H2A1721B 77,681.1500 99.954% $77,645.42
Fixed Income HAROT2017-4 A3 2.050%11/22/21 H2A2121A 194,757.0300 100.056% $194,866.09
Fixed Income USTREAS NTS 1.875% 1/31/22 UTN0022B 65,000.0000 100.586% $65,380.90
Fixed Income USTREAS NTS 2.000% 5/31/24 UTN2024A 505,000.0000 101.387% $512,004.35
Fixed Income WELLS FARGO&CO NEW 3.000% 10/23/26 WFC3026A 300,000.0000 102.490% $307,470.00
Fixed Income AMERICAN EXPRESS CO 3.000%10/30/24 AEC3024 185,000.0000 103.392% $191,275.20
Fixed Income AMXCA 2017-3 A 1.770%11/15/22 A2A1122 200,000.0000 99.963% $199,926.00
Fixed Income AMXCA 2017-6A 2.040% 5/15/23 \2A2023 100,000.0000 100.153% $100,153.00
Fixed Income ANHEUSER-BUSCH INBEV 4.900% 1/23/31 A144919 65,000.0000 119.183% $77,468.95
Fixed Income AT&T INC NTS 4.125% 2/17/26 AIN4126 220,000.0000 108.394% $238,466.80
Fixed Income AVALONBAY CMNTYS INC 3.450% 6/01/25 AC13425 155,000.0000 105.705% $163,842.75
Fixed Income BANK OF AMERICA CORP 3.194% 7/23/30 BOA3130 280,000.0000 103.458% $289,682.40
Attachment 3
Holdings-Reporting as of Trade Date
Account:6746055900-PARS/CCCSD 115P-OPEB
As of:31-Dec-2019
Asset Type Asset Name Ticker Shares/Units Price Market Value
Fixed Income BB&T CORP SR MTN 2.850% 10/26/24 BCS2824 210,000.0000 103.321% $216,974.10
Fixed Income BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY 4.250% 1/15/49 BH44249 175,000.0000 118.648% $207,634.00
Fixed Income BK OF MONTREAL MTN 2.350% 9/11/22 BOM2322 205,000.0000 101.360% $207,788.00
Fixed Income BK OF NOVA SCOTIA 2.700% 3/07/22 BON2722 70,000.0000 101.765% $71,235.50
Fixed Income BK OF NY MELLON MTN 2.050% 5/03/21 BON2021 180,000.0000 100.318% $180,572.40
Fixed Income BP CAPITAL MARKETS 3.796% 9/21/25 BCM3725 170,000.0000 108.228% $183,987.60
Fixed Income CAPITALONECCTR 0.0001% 8/15/24 C000024 250,000.0000 99.693% $249,232.50
Fixed Income CAPITAL ONE NTS 3.800% 1/31/28 CON3828 250,000.0000 107.542% $268,855.00
Fixed Income CDN IMPERIAL BK 2.550% 6/16/22 CIB2522 170,000.0000 101.493% $172,538.10
Fixed Income CITIGROUP INC 3.200%10/21/26 C133226 220,000.0000 103.759% $228,269.80
Fixed Income COMCAST CORP NEW SR 4.150%10/15/28 CCN4128 250,000.0000 112.634% $281,585.00
Fixed Income CONCHO RES INC 4.300% 8/15/28 CR14328 175,000.0000 109.040% $190,820.00
Fixed Income CVS HEALTH CORP 5.050% 3/25/48 CHC5048 155,000.0000 118.503% $183,679.65
Fixed Income DOWDUPONT INC 5.319% 11/15/38 DI55338 160,000.0000 119.367% $190,987.20
Fixed Income ECOLAB INC SR NT 2.375% 8/10/22 EIS2322 80,000.0000 101.025% $80,820.00
Fixed Income ENBRIDGE INC SR GLBL 3.125% 11/15/29 EIS3129 220,000.0000 101.243% $222,734.60
Fixed Income ENTERPRISE PROD OPER 4.900% 5/15/46 EPO4946 150,000.0000 117.290% $175,935.00
Fixed Income FGLMC#E03097 2.500% 3/01/27 E03097F 153,875.6200 101.476% $156,146.82
Fixed Income FGLMC#G60453 3.000% 1/01/46 G60453F 194,019.3900 103.131% $200,094.14
Fixed Income FGLMC#130401 3.000% 1/01/30 J30401F 154,642.7700 103.634% $160,262.49
Fixed Income FGLMC#Q13204 3.000%11/01/42 Q13204F 128,037.1200 103.254% $132,203.45
Fixed Income FHLMC G08823 3.500% 7/01/48 G08823F 395,540.1600 103.108% $407,833.55
Fixed Income FHLMC G14702 2.5000%3/1/2023 G14702F 93,826.3000 100.946% $94,713.90
Fixed Income FHLMC G15252 3.000%12/01/29 G15252F 125,712.8500 103.634% $130,281.25
Fixed Income FHLMC Q38373 3.500% 1/01/46 Q38373F 131,616.0500 104.928% $138,102.09
Fixed Income FHLMC SB8006 3.000% 9/01/34 SB8006A 285,377.6900 102.521% $292,572.06
Fixed Income FHLMC V60586 3.0000%8/1/2029 V60586F 150,524.3100 103.539% $155,851.37
Fixed Income FIFTH THIRD BANCORP 2.600% 6/15/22 FTB2622 175,000.0000 101.276% $177,233.00
Fixed Income F N MA A L8174 3.5000%2/1/2046 AL8174A 289,398.1900 105.348% $304,875.21
Fixed Income FNMA AL8924 3.0000%12/1/2030 AL8924A 225,827.2100 103.140% $232,918.18
Attachment 3
Holdings-Reporting as of Trade Date
Account:6746055900-PARS/CCCSD 115P-OPEB
As of:31-Dec-2019
Asset Type Asset Name Ticker Shares/Units Price Market Value
Fixed Income FNMA AL9376 3.0000%8/1/2031 AL9376A 122,559.9000 103.126% $126,391.12
Fixed Income FN MAAL9861 3.000% 8/01/30 AL9861A 350,048.1400 102.967% $360,434.07
Fixed Income FN MAAS4916 3.000% 5/01/30 AS4916A 252,976.6500 102.963% $260,472.35
Fixed Income F N MA AS7729 3.0000%8/1/2046 AS7729A 215,507.1800 102.637% $221,190.10
Fixed Income F N MA AT0293 3.0000%3/1/2043 AT0293A 125,907.5800 103.193% $129,927.81
Fixed Income FNMA BC1486 3.0000%8/1/2046 BC1486A 187,503.5500 102.637% $192,448.02
Fixed Income FNMA BM4913 3.000% 5/01/46 BM4913A 123,451.6300 102.974% $127,123.08
Fixed Income FNMA MA2779 2.0000%10/1/2026 MA2779A 121,952.3400 99.706% $121,593.80
Fixed Income FNMA MA2895 3.000% 2/01/47 MA2895A 157,324.9500 102.419% $161,130.64
Fixed Income FNMA MA3210 3.500%11/01/47 MA3210A 157,717.9900 103.961% $163,965.20
Fixed Income FNMA MA3313 3.500% 3/01/33 MA3313A 102,764.4600 103.932% $106,805.16
Fixed Income FNMA MA3332 3.500% 3/01/48 MA3332A 225,039.3400 103.776% $233,536.83
Fixed Income FNMA MA3489 3.500%10/01/33 MA3489A 133,498.7600 103.678% $138,408.84
Fixed Income FNMA MA3536 4.000%12/01/48 MA3536A 81,403.6300 104.034% $84,687.45
Fixed Income GENERALMTRSFINLCO4.000%10/06/26 GMF4026 160,000.0000 104.859% $167,774.40
Fixed Income GMALT 2018-3 A4 3.300% 7/20/22 G2A3322 200,000.0000 101.295% $202,590.00
Fixed Income GOLDMAN SACHS BIDS 3.691% 6/05/28 GSB3628 200,000.0000 106.399% $212,798.00
Fixed Income HEWLETT PACKARD CO NT4.375% 9/15/21 HPC4321 150,000.0000 103.748% $155,622.00
Fixed Income KEY BANK NA 2.250% 3/16/20 KBN2220 100,000.0000 100.059% $100,059.00
Fixed Income LOS ANGELES REV BIDS 6.574% 7/01/45 LAR6545 100,000.0000 156.317% $156,317.00
Fixed Income NAR 2016-C A4 1.380% 1/17/23 NAR1323 150,000.0000 99.744% $149,616.00
Fixed Income NAROT2016-C A3 1.180% 1/15/21 N2A1121 1,769.1300 99.941% $1,768.09
Fixed Income NAROT 2017-B A3 1.750%10/15/21 N2A0121 208,429.8000 99.910% $208,242.21
Fixed Income NORFOLK SOUTHERN COR 4.150% 2/28/48 NSC4148 100,000.0000 113.058% $113,058.00
Fixed Income QUEST DIAGNOSTICS BD 3.500% 3/30/25 QDB3525 150,000.0000 105.369% $158,053.50
Fixed Income SHIREACQINV IRELAND2.875% 9/23/23 SA12823 155,000.0000 101.902% $157,948.10
Fixed Income TACT 2017-D A3 1.930% 1/18/22 T2A2222 119,019.5700 99.985% $119,001.72
Fixed Income TIME WARNER CABLE NT 7.300% 7/01/38 TWC7338 125,000.0000 130.449% $163,061.25
Fixed Income TOYOTA AUTO RECV OWN 2.520% 5/15/23 TAR2523 95,000.0000 100.999% $95,949.05
Fixed Income UNITEDAIRI4-2A 3.750% 9/03/26 UA13726 116,040.1200 105.376% $122,278.44
Attachment 3
Holdings-Reporting as of Trade Date
Account:6746055900-PARS/CCCSD 115P-OPEB
As of:31-Dec-2019
Asset Type Asset Name Ticker Shares/Units Price Market Value
Fixed Income UNTDAIR2013-1 4.300% 8/15/25 UA24325 188,161.9600 107.168% $201,649.41
Fixed Income USTREAS BIDS 3.625% 8/15/43 UTB3643 750,000.0000 122.883% $921,622.50
Fixed Income USTREAS NTS 2/15/26 UTN1726 385,000.0000 99.121% $381,615.85
Fixed Income USTREAS NTS 1.625% 4/30/23 UTN1623 670,000.0000 99.992% $669,946.40
Fixed Income USTREAS NTS 2.000% 2/15/25 UTN2025 710,000.0000 101.445% $720,259.50
Fixed Income USTREAS NTS 2.375% 5/15/27 UTN2327 650,000.0000 103.731% $674,251.50
Fixed Income US TREAS NTS 2.375%12/31/20 UTN2320 730,000.0000 100.707% $735,161.10
Fixed Income VENTAS RLTY LTD 3.500% 4/15/24 VRL3524 95,000.0000 104.466% $99,242.70
Fixed Income WORLD OMNI AUTO RECV 3.020% 4/15/22 WOA3022 44,122.1200 100.382% $44,290.67
Fixed Income BOSTON PPTYS LTD PAR 2.750%10/01/26 BXP26A 180,000.0000 101.432% $182,577.60
Fixed Income JPMORGA N CHASE&CO 3.200% 6/15/26 JPM26B 255,000.0000 104.483% $266,431.65
Fixed Income ROYAL BK SCOTLAND GR 3.875% 9/12/23 RBS23B 80,000.0000 104.803% $83,842.40
Fixed Income AMERICAN INTL GROUP 3.900% 4/01/26 AIG26 205,000.0000 107.415% $220,200.75
Fixed Income PETRO-CDA NT 6.800% 5/15/38 SU/38 120,000.0000 142.467% $170,960.40
Fixed Income EL PASO ENERGY CORP 7.800% 8/01/31 EP31 115,000.0000 137.904% $158,589.60
Fixed Income FORD MTR CO NTS 7.450% 7/16/31 F31 130,000.0000 118.846% $154,499.80
Fixed Income BRISTOL MYERS SQUIBB 3.250% 2/20/23 175,000.0000 103.572% $181,251.00
Fixed Income USTREAS NTS 1.625% 8/15/29 375,000.0000 97.496% $365,610.00
Fixed Income VERIZON COMMUNICATIO 5.250% 3/16/37 120,000.0000 125.593% $150,711.60
Cash&Cash Equivalents $1,116,922.37
Equities $35,392,494.42
Fixed Income $33,019,939.51
TOTALS $69,529,356.30
Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 66 of 80
�+�+��++ Attachment 3
CD — Pension Inception
Beginning Value $3,359,081.81
Asset Allocation Contributions 4,947,827.31
Withdrawals -68,690.64
Total Assets: $9,161,303 Gain (Loss) 458,647.48
Interest and Dividends 464,437.35
Period Ending: 12-31-2019 Net Accrued Income 31,036.55
4Q19 Return: 2.74% Ending Market Value $9,192,339.86-
1 Year Return: 14.36%
Inception-to-Date Return: 5.75% Cash Equity
$273,634 q y
Inception Date:9-1-2017 2 99% $2,786,855
Plan target rate of return: 5.82%
Fixed Income
* Ending Market Value differs from total market value on page 13 due to differences in reporting methodology. The above ending market value includes
Attachment 3
Asset Allocation — Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Pension
As of Fourth Quarter 2019
Current Asset Allocation Investment Vehicle
Equity 30.42% Range: 20%-40% 2,786,855
Large Cap Core 5.63% IVV iShares Core S&P 500 515,891
4.01% VGIAX Vanguard Growth & Income Adm 367,089
Large Cap Value 3.53% IVE iShares S&P 500 Value 323,274
Large Cap Growth 2.54% IVW iShares S&P 500 Growth 232,755
Mid Cap Core 2.80% IWR iShares Russell Mid-Cap ETF 256,128
Small Cap Value 2.23% UBVFX Undiscovered Managers Behavioral Val R6 203,942
Small Cap Growth 2.29% RSEJX Victory RS Small Cap Growth R6 210,170
International Core 1.02% VEA Vanguard FTSE Developed Markets ETF 93,672
International Value 1.27% DODFX Dodge & Cox International Stock Fund 116,338
International Growth 1.28% MGRDX MFS® International Growth Fund Class R6 117,260
Emerging Markets 1.84% HHHFX Hartford Schroders Emerging Mkts Eq F 168,283
Real Estate 1.99% VNQ Vanguard Real Estate ETF 182,054
Fixed Income 66.59% Range: 50%-80% 6,100,814
46.16% Core Fixed Income Portfolio 4,228,671
Short-Term 2.57% VFSUX Vanguard Short-Term Investment-Grade Adm 235,314
Intermediate-Term 9.05% PTTRX PIMCO Total Return Instl Fund 829,481
8.81% PTRQX Prudential Total Return Bond Q 807,348
Cash 2.99% Range: 0%-20% 273,634
2.99% FGZXX First American Government Oblig Z 273,634
TOTAL 100.00% $9,161,303
Attachment 3
Selected Period Performance
Account 6746055901
Period Ending: 12/31/2019
Year Inception
to Date to Date
3 Months (1 Year) 1 Year 09/01/2017
Cash Equivalents .40 2.08 2.08 1.75
Lipper Money Market Funds Index .38 1.98 1.98 1.67
Fixed Income ex Funds .54 9.26 9.26 3.94
Total Fixed Income .40 9.11 9.11 3.85
BBG Barclays US Aggregate Bd Index .18 8.72 8.72 3.61
Total Equities 8.55 28.66 28.66 10.94
Large Cap Funds 8.91 30.70 30.70 13.78
S&P 500 Composite Index 31.49 31.49 14.35
Mid Cap Funds 6.95 30.16 30.16 11.37
Russell Midcap Index 7.06 30.54 30.54 11.68
Small Cap Funds 10.32 27.81 27.81 11.04
Russell 2000 Index 9.94 25.53 25.53 9.14
International Equities 10.10 23.94 23.94 4.84
MSCI EAFE Index 8.17 22.01 22.01 5.12
MSCI EM Free Index 11.84 18.42 18.42 3.46
Real Estate- ETFs / Sctr Fds .54 28.91 28.91 9.34
Wilshire REIT Index -1.14 25.76 25.76 8.75
Total Managed Portfolio 2.74 14.36 14.36 5.75
CCCSD Pension 2.81 13.55 13.55 5.83
Performance Inception: 09/2017
CCCSD Pension Benchmark consists of: 15.5%of S&P 500,3% Russell Midcap,4.5% Russell 2000, 1%Wilshire REIT,2%MSCI EM Free,4% MSCI EAFE,49.25% BC Aggregate, 14% ML 1-3 Yr
US Corp/Govt, 1.75% ML US High Yield Mstr II, and 5% Citigroup 1 Month T-Bill Indexes. Returns are gross-of-fees unless otherwise noted. Returns for periods over one year are annualized.The
information presented has been obtained from sources believed to be accurate and reliable. Past performance is not indicative of future returns. Securities are not FDIC insured, have no bank
guarantee, and may lose value.
Attachment 3
Fixed Income Portfolio: Statistics
As of Fourth Quarter 2019
CCCSD BC Aggregate Bond
Pension Index
Weighted Average Maturity 7.7.36 years 8.13 years
Effective Duration 5.55 years 5.95 years
Average Coupon 3.16% 3.17%
Yield to Maturity 2.38% 2.31%
Average Quality Aa3 Aa2
Attachment 3
Fixed Income Portfolio: Sectors
As of Fourth Quarter 2019
0.0% Cash Treasury Agency Corp Non-Corp MBS CMO ABS CMBS
■CCCSD Pension 0.0% 24.8% 0.0% 40.5% 0.0% 22.8% 0.0% 12.0% 0.0%
■Barclays U.S.Aggregate Bond Index 0.0% 39.8% 1.2% 24.9% 4.4% 27.1% 0.0% 0.4% 2.2%
Attachment 3
Fixed Income Portfolio: Effective Duration and Effective Maturity
As of Fourth Quarter 2019
Effective Duration Effective Maturity
30% 25%
5% 5%
0% 7-10 10+ 0%
0-1 Yrs. 1-3 Yrs. 3-5 Yrs. 5-7 Yrs. Yrs. Yrs. 0-1 Yr. 1-3 Yrs. 3-5 Yrs. 5-7 Yrs. 7-10 Yrs. 10+Yrs.
■CCCSD Pension 10.73% 25.13% 20.85% 20.65% 9.04% 13.60% ■CCCSD Pension 6.12% 17.96% 17.51% 24.35% 18.75% 15.31%
BC Aggregate Bond Index 1.06% 29.78% 32.77% 13.06% 6.71% 16.62% BC Aggregate Bond Index 0.26% 21.29% 22.13% 26.23% 12.50% 17.59%
Attachment 3
Holdings-Reporting as of Trade Date
Account:6746055901-PARS/CCCSD 115P- PENSION
As of:31-Dec-2019
Asset Type Asset Name Ticker Shares/Units Price Market Value
Cash&Cash Equivalents FIRSTAMERN GOVT OBLIG FID CLZ#3676 FGZXX 273,634.0800 $1.0000 $273,634.08
Equities DODGE&COX INTL STOCK FD(CLSD)#1048 DODFX 2,668.3070 $43.6000 $116,338.19
Equities HARTFORD SCHRODERS EMRG MKT FD#3150 HHHFX 10,149.7870 $16.5800 $168,283.47
Equities ISHARES RUSSELL MIDCAP ETF IWR 4,296.0000 $59.6200 $256,127.52
Equities ISHARES S&P 500 GROWTH ETF IVW 1,202.0000 $193.6400 $232,755.28
Equities ISHARES S&P 500 VALUE ETF IVE 2,485.0000 $130.0900 $323,273.65
Equities ISHARES TR CORE S&P500 ETF IVV 1,596.0000 $323.2400 $515,891.04
Equities MFS INTERNATIONAL GROWTH R6#4805 MGRDX 3,160.6340 $37.1000 $117,259.52
Equities UNDISCOVERED MGRS BEHAVL R6#3467 UBVFX 3,246.9620 $62.8100 $203,941.68
Equities VANGUARD FTSE DEVELOPED MARKETS ETF VEA 2,126.0000 $44.0600 $93,671.56
Equities VANGUARD GRO&INC ADMIRALSHRS#593 VGIAX 4,327.3490 $84.8300 $367,089.02
Equities VANGUARD REAL ESTATE ETF VNQ 1,962.0000 $92.7900 $182,053.98
Equities VICTORY RS SM CAP GROW#279 RSEJX 2,587.0290 $81.2400 $210,170.24
Fixed Income PIMCO TOTAL RETURN INSTL #35 PTTRX 80,220.5890 $10.3400 $829,480.89
Fixed Income PRUDENTIAL TOTAL RTRN BD CLQ PTRQX 55,988.0830 $14.4200 $807,348.16
Fixed Income VNGRD STTERM INVMT GRADE ADM #539 VFSUX 21,930.4820 $10.7300 $235,314.07
Fixed Income CC CCIT 2014-A1 2.880% 1/23/23 CC22823A 77,000.0000 101.023% $77,787.71
Fixed Income HAROT2017-4 A3 2.050%11/22/21 H2A2121A 61,209.3700 100.056% $61,243.65
Fixed Income UNITED STATES TREAS 2.750% 6/30/23 UST0023B 5,000.0000 103.383% $5,169.15
Fixed Income USTREAS NTS 1.875% 1/31/22 UTN0022B 20,000.0000 100.586% $20,117.20
Fixed Income WELLS FARGO&CO NEW 3.000% 10/23/26 WFC3026A 80,000.0000 102.490% $81,992.00
Fixed Income ABBVIE INC 3.200%11/06/22 A133222 40,000.0000 102.612% $41,044.80
Fixed Income AMERICAN EXPRESS CO 3.000%10/30/24 AEC3024 40,000.0000 103.392% $41,356.80
Fixed Income AMXCA 2017-3 A 1.770%11/15/22 A2A1122 25,000.0000 99.963% $24,990.75
Fixed Income AT&T INC NTS 4.125% 2/17/26 AIN4126 40,000.0000 108.394% $43,357.60
Fixed Income AVALONBAY CMNTYS INC 3.450% 6/01/25 AC13425 30,000.0000 105.705% $31,711.50
Fixed Income BANK OF AMERICA CORP 3.194% 7/23/30 BOA3130 60,000.0000 103.458% $62,074.80
Fixed Income BB&TCORP SR MTN 2.850% 10/26/24 BCS2824 35,000.0000 103.321% $36,162.35
Fixed Income BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY 4.250% 1/15/49 BH44249 30,000.0000 118.648% $35,594.40
Fixed Income BK OF MONTREAL MTN 2.350% 9/11/22 BOM2322 30,000.0000 101.360% $30,408.00
Attachment 3
Holdings-Reporting as of Trade Date
Account:6746055901-PARS/CCCSD 115P- PENSION
As of:31-Dec-2019
Asset Type Asset Name Ticker Shares/Units Price Market Value
Fixed Income BK OF NOVA SCOTIA 2.700% 3/07/22 BON2722 10,000.0000 101.765% $10,176.50
Fixed Income BK OF NY MELLON MTN 2.050% 5/03/21 BON2021 20,000.0000 100.318% $20,063.60
Fixed Income BP CAPITAL MARKETS 3.796% 9/21/25 BCM3725 30,000.0000 108.228% $32,468.40
Fixed Income CAPITAL ONE NTS 3.800% 1/31/28 CON3828 50,000.0000 107.542% $53,771.00
Fixed Income CDN IMPERIAL BK 2.550% 6/16/22 CIB2522 30,000.0000 101.493% $30,447.90
Fixed Income CHAIT2016-A4A 1.490% 7/15/22 C2A1422 25,000.0000 99.795% $24,948.75
Fixed Income CITIGROUP INC 3.200%10/21/26 C133226 45,000.0000 103.759% $46,691.55
Fixed Income COMCAST CORP NEW SR 4.150%10/15/28 CCN4128 50,000.0000 112.634% $56,317.00
Fixed Income CONCHO RES INC 4.300% 8/15/28 CR14328 35,000.0000 109.040% $38,164.00
Fixed Income CVS HEALTH CORP 5.050% 3/25/48 CHC5048 30,000.0000 118.503% $35,550.90
Fixed Income DOWDUPONT INC 5.319% 11/15/38 D155338 25,000.0000 119.367% $29,841.75
Fixed Income ECOLAB INC SR NT 2.375% 8/10/22 EIS2322 20,000.0000 101.025% $20,205.00
Fixed Income ENBRIDGE INC SR GLBL 3.125%11/15/29 EIS3129 45,000.0000 101.243% $45,559.35
Fixed Income ENTERPRISE PROD OPER 4.900% 5/15/46 EPO4946 40,000.0000 117.290% $46,916.00
Fixed Income FGLMC#E03097 2.500% 3/01/27 E03097F 25,645.9400 101.476% $26,024.47
Fixed Income FGLMC#G60453 3.000% 1/01/46 G60453F 33,451.6100 103.131% $34,498.98
Fixed Income FGLMC#130401 3.000% 1/01/30 J30401F 68,042.8300 103.634% $70,515.51
Fixed Income FGLMCG08701 3.000% 4/01/46 G08701F 26,447.8400 102.479% $27,103.48
Fixed Income FHLMC G08823 3.500% 7/01/48 G08823F 94,106.2000 103.108% $97,031.02
Fixed Income FHLMC G15252 3.000%12/01/29 G15252F 28,671.3600 103.634% $29,713.28
Fixed Income FHLMC Q38373 3.500% 1/01/46 Q38373F 32,904.0100 104.928% $34,525.52
Fixed Income FHLMC SB8006 3.000% 9/01/34 SB8006A 47,562.9500 102.521% $48,762.01
Fixed Income FIFTH THIRD BANCORP 2.600% 6/15/22 FTB2622 30,000.0000 101.276% $30,382.80
Fixed Income FNMA#AB3678 3.500%10/01/41 AB3678A 38,467.0300 106.640% $41,021.24
Fixed Income FNMA#MA3276 3.500% 1/01/48 MA3276A 24,388.0200 103.786% $25,311.35
Fixed Income FNMA AL9376 3.0000%8/1/2031 AL9376A 27,854.5300 103.126% $28,725.26
Fixed Income FN MAAS4916 3.000% 5/01/30 AS4916A 37,946.4900 102.963% $39,070.84
Fixed Income F N MA AS7729 3.0000%8/1/2046 AS7729A 37,156.4100 102.637% $38,136.22
Fixed Income FNMA BC1486 3.0000%8/1/2046 BC1486A 36,058.3600 102.637% $37,009.22
Fixed Income FNMA BM4913 3.000% 5/01/46 BM4913A 35,271.8900 102.974% $36,320.88
Attachment 3
Holdings-Reporting as of Trade Date
Account:6746055901-PARS/CCCSD 115P- PENSION
As of:31-Dec-2019
Asset Type Asset Name Ticker Shares/Units Price Market Value
Fixed Income FNMA MA2779 2.0000%10/1/2026 MA2779A 25,947.3100 99.706% $25,871.02
Fixed Income FNMA MA2895 3.000% 2/01/47 MA2895A 23,598.7600 102.419% $24,169.61
Fixed Income FNMA MA3120 3.500% 9/01/47 MA3120A 97,237.8600 103.899% $101,029.16
Fixed Income FNMA MA3210 3.500%11/01/47 MA3210A 39,429.4900 103.961% $40,991.29
Fixed Income FNMA MA3313 3.500% 3/01/33 MA3313A 44,041.9200 103.932% $45,773.65
Fixed Income FNMA MA3332 3.500% 3/01/48 MA3332A 33,339.1600 103.776% $34,598.05
Fixed Income FNMA MA3489 3.500%10/01/33 MA3489A 24,591.8600 103.678% $25,496.35
Fixed Income FNMA MA3536 4.000%12/01/48 MA3536A 53,089.3000 104.034% $55,230.92
Fixed Income FORDO 2019-B A3 2.230%10/15/23 F2A2223 50,000.0000 100.441% $50,220.50
Fixed Income GENERAL MTRS F I N L C 0 4.000%10/06/26 G M F4026 25,000.0000 104.859% $26,214.75
Fixed Income GOLDMAN SACHS BIDS 3.691% 6/05/28 GSB3628 45,000.0000 106.399% $47,879.55
Fixed Income HAR 2017-4A-4 2.210% 3/21/24 H222224 25,000.0000 100.365% $25,091.25
Fixed Income HAROT 2019-1 A3 2.830% 3/20/23 H2A2823 50,000.0000 101.533% $50,766.50
Fixed Income HEWLETT PACKARD CO NT4.375% 9/15/21 HPC4321 20,000.0000 103.748% $20,749.60
Fixed Income KEY BANK NA 2.250% 3/16/20 KBN2220 10,000.0000 100.059% $10,005.90
Fixed Income KIMCO REALTYCORP 3.800% 4/01/27 KRC3827 50,000.0000 105.793% $52,896.50
Fixed Income MAGELLAN MIDSTREAM 5.000% 3/01/26 MM55026 25,000.0000 112.921% $28,230.25
Fixed Income NAR 2016-C A4 1.380% 1/17/23 NAR1323 65,000.0000 99.744% $64,833.60
Fixed Income NORFOLK SOUTHERN COR 4.150% 2/28/48 NSC4148 10,000.0000 113.058% $11,305.80
Fixed Income QUEST DIAGNOSTICS BD 3.500% 3/30/25 QDB3525 25,000.0000 105.369% $26,342.25
Fixed Income REPUBLIC SVCS NTS 3.375%11/15/27 RSN3327 30,000.0000 105.776% $31,732.80
Fixed Income SHIREACQINV IRELAND2.875% 9/23/23 SA12823 35,000.0000 101.902% $35,665.70
Fixed Income TAOT 2017-D A3 1.930% 1/18/22 T2A2222 19,836.6000 99.985% $19,833.62
Fixed Income TIME WARNER CABLE NT 7.300% 7/01/38 TWC7338 30,000.0000 130.449% $39,134.70
Fixed Income TOYOTA AUTO RECV OWN 2.520% 5/15/23 TAR2523 55,000.0000 100.999% $55,549.45
Fixed Income UNITEDAIR 4.150% 8/25/31 UA44131 31,774.1600 107.973% $34,307.51
Fixed Income UNTDAIR2013-1 4.300% 8/15/25 UA24325 48,922.1100 107.168% $52,428.85
Fixed Income USTREAS BIDS 3.625% 8/15/43 UTB3643 255,000.0000 122.883% $313,351.65
Fixed Income USTREAS NTS 1.625% 4/30/23 UTN1623 150,000.0000 99.992% $149,988.00
Fixed Income USTREAS NTS 2.000% 2/15/25 UTN2025 155,000.0000 101.445% $157,239.75
Attachment 3
Holdings-Reporting as of Trade Date
Account:6746055901-PARS/CCCSD 115P- PENSION
As of:31-Dec-2019
Asset Type Asset Name Ticker Shares/Units Price Market Value
Fixed Income USTREAS NTS 2.375% 5/15/27 UTN2327 95,000.0000 103.731% $98,544.45
Fixed Income US TREAS NTS 2.375%12/31/20 UTN2320 195,000.0000 100.707% $196,378.65
Fixed Income VENTAS RLTY LTD 3.500% 4/15/24 VRL3524 20,000.0000 104.466% $20,893.20
Fixed Income WALGREEN CO SR NT 3.100% 9/15/22 WCS3122 30,000.0000 102.090% $30,627.00
Fixed Income WORLD OMNI AUTO RECV 3.020% 4/15/22 WOA3022 54,304.1500 100.382% $54,511.59
Fixed Income BOSTON PPTYS LTD PAR 2.750%10/01/26 BXP26A 40,000.0000 101.432% $40,572.80
Fixed Income 1PMORGA N CHASE&CO 3.200% 6/15/26 JPM26B 60,000.0000 104.483% $62,689.80
Fixed Income ROYAL BK SCOTLAND GR 3.875% 9/12/23 RBS23B 20,000.0000 104.803% $20,960.60
Fixed Income AMERICAN INTL GROUP 3.900% 4/01/26 AIG26 40,000.0000 107.415% $42,966.00
Fixed Income PETRO-CDA NT 6.800% 5/15/38 SU/38 25,000.0000 142.467% $35,616.75
Fixed Income EL PASO ENERGY CORP 7.800% 8/01/31 EP31 30,000.0000 137.904% $41,371.20
Fixed Income FORD MTR CO NTS 7.450% 7/16/31 F31 25,000.0000 118.846% $29,711.50
Fixed Income BRISTOL MYERS SQUIBB 3.250% 2/20/23 35,000.0000 103.572% $36,250.20
Fixed Income USTREAS NTS 1.625% 8/15/29 110,000.0000 97.496% $107,245.60
Fixed Income VERIZON COMMUNICATIO 5.250% 3/16/37 20,000.0000 125.593% $25,118.60
Cash&Cash Equivalents $273,634.08
Equities $2,786,855.15
Fixed Income $6,100,814.08
TOTALS $9,161,303.31
Attachment 3
For Period Ending December 31 , 2019
3-Month YTD 1-Year 3-Year 5-Year 10-Year
Fund Name Inception Return Rank Return Rank Return Rank Return Rank Return Rank Return Rank
iShares Core S&P 500 ETF (4/17) 9.05 31 31.44 24 31.44 24 15.23 18 11.65 10 13.49 9
iShares S&P 500 Value ETF (4/17) 9.88 8 31.71 5 31.71 5 11.31 28 9.35 24 11.97 25
Vanguard Growth& Income Adm (12/16) 8.79 47 29.77 51 29.77 51 14.35 41 11.33 22 13.57 7
iShares S&P 500 Growth ETF (4/17) 8.27 71 30.91 62 30.91 62 18.46 47 13.32 35 14.57 24
S&P 500 TR USD 9.07 -- 31.49 -- 31.49 -- 15.27 -- 11.70 -- 13.56 EQUITY --
iShares Russell Mid-Cap ETF (3/16) 7.04 43 30.31 21 30.31 21 11.90 18 9.17 18 13.02 9
Russell Mid Cap TR USD 7.06 -- 30.54 -- 30.54 -- 12.06 -- 9.33 -- 13.19 EQUITY --
Undiscovered Managers Behavioral Val R6 (9/16) 7.29 69 23.34 30 23.34 30 5.90 19 8.26 8 13.28 1
Russell 2000 Value TR USD 8.49 -- 22.39 -- 22.39 -- 4.77 -- 6.99 -- 10.56 --
Victory RS Small Cap Growth R6 (2/19) 13.46 8 38.38 8 38.38 8 20.10 12 11.83 20 15.11 11
Dodge& Cox International Stock 10.61 12 22.77 7 22.77 7 7.66 33 3.67 62 5.76 15
Vanguard FTSE Developed Markets ETF (9/18) 8.35 54 22.08 41 22.08 41 9.70 37 6.19 21 5.75 26
MFS International Growth R6 9.03 58 27.31 60 27.31 60 15.47 18 9.70 12 7.79 21
MSCI EAFE NR USD 8.17 -- 22.01 -- 22.01 -- 9.56 -- 5.67 -- 5.50 --
Hartford Schroders Emerging Mkts Eq F 11.32 42 22.32 30 22.32 30 13.40 18 7.05 16 4.19 36
IMSCI EM Free Index 11.84 -- 18.42 -- 18.42 -- 11.57 -- 5.61 -- 3.68
Data Source: Morningstar, SEI Investments
Returns less than one year are not annualized. Past performance is not indicative of future returns. The information presented has been obtained from sources believed accurate and
reliable. Securities are not FDIC insured, have no bank guarantee and may lose value.
Attachment 3
For Period Ending December 31 , 2019
3-Month YTD 1-Year 3-Year 5-Year 10-Year
Fund Name Inception Return Rank Return Rank Return Rank Return Rank Return Rank Return Rank
Vanguard Real Estate ETF (4/17) 0.60 36 28.91 30 28.91 30 8.36 46 7.17 39 11.97 29
Wilshire REIT Index -1.14 -- 25.76 -- 25.76 -- 7.63 -- 6.87 -- 11.94 --
IIS �wl
PIMCO Total Return Instl -0.30 94 8.26 73 8.26 73 4.31 36 3.25 45 4.19 54
PGIM Total Return Bond R6 (5/16) 0.35 51 11.13 7 11.13 7 5.62 2 4.33 3 5.52 8
Vanguard Short-Term Investment-Grade Adm 0.63 39 5.84 18 5.84 18 2.96 18 2.56 15 2.76 19
BBgBarc US Agg Bond TR USD 0.18 -- 8.72 -- 8.72 -- 4.03 -- 3.05 -- 3.75
Data Source: Morningstar, SEI Investments
Returns less than one year are not annualized. Past performance is not indicative of future returns. The information presented has been obtained from sources believed accurate and
reliable. Securities are not FDIC insured, have no bank guarantee and may lose value.