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ol&)i Cwil ENTRAL SAN
President Pro Tem
PHONE: (925)228-9500
FAX.- (925)372-0192
Tuesday, December 17, 2019 www.centralsan.org
8:30 a.m.
Executive Conference Room
5019 Imhoff Place
Martinez, California
Chair David Williams
Member Mike McGill
W. Daniel Clinton, Principal Counsel of Hanson Bridget LLP (left after Item 3.a.)
Roger S. Bailey, General Manager
Katie Young, Secretary of the District
Kenton L. Alm, District Counsel (left after item 4.c.)
Ann Sasaki, Deputy General Manager
Phil Leiber, Director of Finance and Administration (left after item 4.a.)
Jean-Marc Petit, Director of Engineering and Technical Services (/eft after item 4.a.)
Edgar Lopez, Capital Projects Division Manager (left after item 4.a.)
Teji O'Malley, Human Resources Manager
Erica Brooks Peters, Senior Internal Auditor
Shari Deutsch, Risk Management Administrator
Anthony Holt, Contracts Specialist (left after item 4.a.)
Donna Anderson, Assistant to the Secretary of the District
1. Call Meeting to Order
Chair Williams called the meeting to order at 8:37 a.m.
2. Public Comments
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3. Items for Committee Recommendation to Board
a. Review draft Position Paper to approve a one-year extension of the
existing contract with District labor and employment related counsel
Hanson Bridgett LLP and principal counsel W. Daniel Clinton, Esq.
through December 31, 2020
COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board approval.
At this point in the meeting, the Chair skipped over Item 3.b. so it could be heard after
item 4.b.
b. Review draft Position Paper to approve proposed 2020 Internal Audit
Work Plan
Ms. Brooks Peters reviewed the presentation included with the agenda
Mr. Bailey announced that Ms. Brooks Peters will be leaving in March
because she is moving out of state and thanked her for her dedicated
effort during her time at Central San. In the meantime, staff is working to
find her replacement.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board approval.
C. Revisions to Board Policy No. BP 037 - Delegation of Authority to General
Manager, and consider adopting three proposed resolutions delegating
authority for (1) emergency actions, (2) Central San's Emergency
Operations Plan, and (3) claims settlement
Ms. Young introduced the item, stating that staff recommends moving
forward with all the proposed changes to BP 037, but wishes to postpone
the discussion on potential changes to the authority delegated under
Section 11: Contracts for Good and Services until early next year.
Mr. Bailey said he wants to be sure the authority delegated in Section 11
represents the desires of the Board. Staff has done the research
requested by the Committee but would like more time to discuss the
impact on existing procurement processes if limitations on staff authority
were to be implemented.
Regarding Section 3. Emergency Operations Plan, Chair Williams inquired
about the role of the General Manager in emergencies. As the section is
currently written, it would appear the General Manager must be the
Director of Emergency Services directing staff in the command center.
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Ms. Deutsch said the General Manager is the medium through which the
Board grants authority to the agency to respond in an emergency. The
General Manager is the first appointee; if he is unavailable, that
responsibility falls to the Deputy General Manager, department director, or
manager. As far as the emergency operations system goes, the General
Manager and all department directors and managers have been trained to
serve in the capacity of Director of Emergency Services. So, whoever is
first physically present at the command center will be the person in
charge, but that can change moment to moment depending on who
arrives. Therefore, while the delegation technically is to the General
Manager, he may appoint any designee to serve in that capacity, which
generally will be the person who is most knowledgeable about the
emergency event.
Mr. Alm added that the language in the resolution and policy was drafted
based on the Government Code, and there is a provision in the District
Code that allows the General Manager to appoint designees to act in his
absence regarding anything over which he has authority.
Chair Williams commented that if the District were to have an emergency
tomorrow, as a Board Member, he would like to have communication from
Mr. Bailey directly but, in his view, the person in charge of the Emergency
Operations command center should not be the General Manager.
Mr. Bailey suggested a change in wording to Section 3. Instead of saying,
"The General Manager is designated as the Director of Emergency
Services,"it could state: "The General Manager is delegated the authority
to appoint a Director of Emergency Services." The Committee Members
concurred with this suggestion.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board approval, with the
proposed change to Section 3 of the BP 037 and Item 2 of the
underlying proposed resolution.
4. Other Items
a. Receive informal assessment on utilization of the Uniform Public
Construction Cost Accounting Act (UPCCAA) since its implementation at
Central San in September 2018
Mr. Lopez reviewed the presentation included with the agenda material,
noting that staff has been operating under the UPCCAA for about a year,
with good results.
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Member McGill inquired about prioritization for local contractors.
Mr. Lopez said a lot of contractors have avoided applying for public works
projects on the belief that the process is cumbersome. For that reason,
staff has been reaching out to known local contractors to inform them that
the new process is simpler. So, while there is no formal local preference
policy, staff has been encouraging more local contractors to apply.
Mr. Alm stated that before implementing the UPCCAA at Central San, the
threshold for informal bidding was $15,000. The new threshold is
$60,000, which helps attract smaller, more local contractors.
In response to a question from Chair Williams as to efficiencies and cost
savings, Mr. Lopez said no engineering time is saved under the new
process and efficiency is difficult to quantify, but advertisement costs are
lower, the process has been streamlined, and the clients are happier. It
has also yielded better pricing than on change orders.
Mr. Alm added that he was noticing more and more emergency projects
that fit within the $200,000 informal bidding threshold. Upon reflection, it
became clear to him that these projects were primarily due to an aging
treatment plant and equipment. Mr. Leiber noted that before implementing
the UPCCAA, any project above $15,000 had to be put out forbid. The
new process, with its higher threshold for informal bidding, is much more
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the presentation.
The following item was skipped over and heard after item 4.c.
b. Receive information on Strategic Risk Inventory
Mr. Leiber reviewed the presentation included with the agenda material
and responded to questions from the Committee.
Member McGill asked how the issue of an aging treatment plant is
factored into the risk inventory process. Ms. Deutsch said operational
risks, such as those due to an aging plant, are mapped in terms of severity
and frequency.
Member McGill understood that the risk inventory has been used to
develop next year's audit plan but asked if it is also being used to prioritize
the allocation of resources in next year's budget. Mr. Leiber said that to
the extent possible, the risk inventory will be used to inform the budget
process and other important planning processes such as strategic
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Ms. Deutsch added that the gray bars in the chart on Attachment 1 in the
agenda material represent how prepared the District is for each risk. For
some of the 27 identified risk areas, the District is very well prepared;
where that is not the case, work typically remains to be addressed, and
the current status may reflect relative priorities. In all instances, the risk
areas have been linked to the Strategic Plan. Those involving operational
risk are being monitored, controlled, and evaluated at quarterly meetings
of the new Risk Committee. This will enable continuous conversation and
feedback on the risk areas, leading to more informed decisions.
Mr. Leiber added that to the extent risk owners (managers/directors) have
been identified for each of the risk areas, best practice is that the
assignments will become part of their annual performance plans.
Member McGill brought up Chair Williams'long-held view that it is prudent
to operate equipment as long as possible, but not to the point of failure.
Member McGill asked Chair Williams if the risk inventory captures the
essence of that concept.
Chair Williams said the risk inventory graph is very important in his
opinion. He asked if the length of the gray bars on the chart will shorten if
the identified means of mitigating the risk (addressing its root cause,
reducing the severity or probability of the risk, or preparing for a risk event)
are performed to the extent possible. He was told that was generally true.
Chair Williams said that concept is at the pinnacle of the pyramid from a
Board Member's perspective, and the Strategic Plan is a tool that feeds
into how the gray bars can be adjusted downward.
Member McGill said he appreciates how the risk areas link with the
dashboard for the Strategic Plan, but also noted that they need to align
with the Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan (CWMP).
Ms. Deutsch said this presentation was meant as an introduction to the
risk inventory process. The Risk Committee will meet quarterly and staff
intends to discuss this topic periodically with the Administration Committee
and annually with the full Board. Member McGill suggested that the
Committee updates should simply be a thumbnail or verbal update.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the information and provided input
to staff.
Upon completion of the above item, Chair Williams reverted to Item 3.b.
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C. Receive presentation from 2019 California Association of Sanitation
Agencies (CASA) Conference regarding emails
Mr. Alm spoke to the main idea of the presentation, which is that caution
should be exercised when using emails for Central San business so as not
to put the District at risk for a Public Records Act (PRA) request that could
prove problematic. This caution extends to text messages as well
because, while text messages are not saved on the District's server, they
can be requested under the PRA.
Chair Williams asked if, in Mr. Alm's opinion, this information should be
provided to the full Board. Mr. Alm said yes, but perhaps in an
abbreviated format. Also, if there is interest, training can be provided on a
routine basis for Board Members and staff as a reminder about the rules
applicable to the PRA.
Member McGill said he thinks this is very important because it is easy to
become too casual about information stated in emails and/or text
messages that could become consequential from a business and legal
Ms. Young acknowledged that her group facilitates training on the PRA
biennially for staff and Board Members. She said the training material
could be augmented to further emphasize the concerns raised during this
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the presentation and recommended
incorporating the principles into biennial trainings.
Upon completion of this discussion, Chair Williams reverted to Item 4.b.
5. Announcements
a. Mr. Bailey said he will be out of the office all next week.
6. Suggestions for Future Agenda Items
a. Receive list of upcoming agenda items and provide suggestions for any
other future agenda items
1) Member McGill noted that when the wildfire broke out near the
Collection System Operations (CSO) Building in Walnut Creek last
September, some staff had difficulty utilizing their District
identification (ID) card to access the emergency operation center in
the CSO Building. He asked Ms. Deutsch if anything needs to be
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done to ensure 100% success with the ID cards. Ms. Deutsch will
follow up as necessary.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the list and provided input to staff.
7. Future Scheduled Meetings
2020 meeting dates to be determined
8. Adjournment — at:10:30 a.m.
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