HomeMy WebLinkAbout06.a.1) Rept. re 9-8-10 CCCERA Bd. Mtg.�. a. 1) Central Contra Costa Sanitary District September 16, 2010 TO: HONORABLE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: JAMES M. KELLY, GENERAL MANAGER FROM: RANDALL M. MUSGRAVES, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATION RA SUBJECT: CONTRA COSTA COUNTY EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT ASSOCIATION ( CCCERA) UPDATE The CCCERA Board met on September 8, 2010 and discussed Segal's de- pooling report, attached. This report was prepared to support the October 14, 2009 CCCERA Board's vote to de -pool the CCCERA employers with over 50 employees. The Actuary, Segal, and staff were directed to evaluate the 12/31/2002 through 12/31/2008 data and determine the future impact upon rates. Rates would not be adjusted until July 1, 2011. Employers will be allowed to audit Segal's work to both understand the assumptions and determine if the methodology used is fair and equitable. The District has contracted with John Bartel, the District's actuary, to review the data, assumptions, estimates and methodology used to determine the future impact to the District. In addition, Mr. Bartel has been asked to validate and explain why the District's 2002 -2008 experience would yield an increase of first reported 3.94% and now 4.87% of salary cost. A 3.94% increase would yield an approximate $1,000,000 additional annual contribution by the District. A 4.87% will yield an approximate $1,270,000 additional annual contribution. The most significant issue to staff is the methodology used to allocate or distribute the District's assets. Basically liabilities can be easily calculated and applied to the District because each employee is identified with an employer. Liabilities — Assets = Unfunded Accrued Actuarial Liability. Both the liability and asset calculations have a direct impact upon the UAAL determination and therefore on employer contribution rates. In addition, staff is seeking an understanding as to how the 2002 -2008 experience will be used in the future. Spiking began in 1998 when CCCERA implemented the Ventura Decision. CCCERA staff met with District staff and identified by pay code the additional or enhanced payments to employees that would then be used in the final twelve highest consecutive months. On March 10, 2010 the CCCERA Board voted to remove significant "spiking" for members, or employees, hired on or after January 1, 2011. With the passage of AB 1987, currently awaiting the Governor's signature, "spiking" or salary enhancement will also be significantly reduced on July 1, 2011. Therefore there will be fourteen years of significant salary enhancement for all CCCERA members, and District employees, retired or retiring during that period of time. CCCERA has taken six of those years (2002 -2008) for an experience factor for future employer contributions. Mr. Bartel is addressing if Segal's work is a fair and equitable. Mr. Bartel has been provided some initial data by the Segal staff, so the process has begun. However, staff has many other concerns and issues but must wait until Mr. Bartel has reviewed and analyzed the data, assumptions and methodology in order to provide the Board with options and recommendations. A Closed Session has been scheduled on this matter if the Board wishes further discussion. Y YTS SEGAL THE SEGAL COMPANY 100 Montgomery Street, Suite 500 San Francisco, CA 94104 -4308 T 415.263.8273 F 415.263.8290 www.segalco.com Paul Angelo, FSA, MAAA, FCA Senior Vice President & Actuary pangelo @segalco.com MEETING DATE August 31, 2010 Ms. Marilyn Leedom Chief Executive Officer Contra Costa County Employees' Retirement Association 1355 Willow Way, Suite 221 Concord, CA 94520 SEP 0 8 2010 DA ITEM Re: Contra Costa County Employees' Retirement Association Illustration of Impact on Employer Contribution Rates from December 31, 2008 Actuarial Valuation Due to Depooling — Updated to Reflect New Data Dear Marilyn: This letter provides an illustration of the impact on employer contribution rates resulting from the Board's action to depool CCCERA's assets, Actuarial Accrued Liabilities (AAL) and Normal Cost by employer. Appendix I shows the current cost groups analyzed, the employers included in each cost group and the active counts as of December 31, 2008, while Appendix II shows the employer contribution rates from the December 31, 2008 actuarial valuation both before and after depooling. The rest of this letter contains background information on the action taken by the Board and how the illustrative employer contribution rates after depooling have been determined. In January 2010 we had previously provided the impact on only the General contribution rates. At that time we did not include the Safety contribution rates due to the prior inclusion of various fire districts data in County payroll. This letter now contains the updated impact on the General contribution rates as well as the impact on Safety contribution rates. All results reflect revised data received from the Retirement Association. In particular, this revised data is based on the Retirement Association verifying last employer and tier codes for virtually all members who received a benefit payment at any time during the period from January 1, 2003 through December 31, 2008 and active members as of December 31, 2009. We have used each member's last known employer and tier code to allocate liabilities and benefit payments throughout this period. Benefits, Compensation and HR Consulting Offices throughout the United States and Canada + 14G Founding Member of the Multinational Group of Actuaries and Consultants, a global affiliation of independent firms Ms. Marilyn Leedom August 31, 2010 Page 2 Background At its October 14, 2009 meeting, the Board took action to depool CCCERA's assets, AAL and Normal Cost by employer for determining employer contribution rates. However, the smaller employers (those with less than 50 active members) will be pooled with the applicable County tier. Due to a statutory requirement, the Superior Court will continue to be pooled with the County regardless of how many members the Court has. The three employers that terminated participation with CCCERA in the last decade and still have nonactive members in CCCERA were pooled with the applicable County tier. These employers are subject to additional contributions depending on their funded status that is measured every three years. Overall, there is little impact on employer contribution rates either way (pooled or not pooled) due to the small size of the assets and liabilities associated with these employers. In the future, consideration could be given to including these employers in their own cost group. Appendix I shows the resulting twelve cost groups and the employers included in each cost group, along with the active member counts as of December 31, 2008. The Board action also included a retroactive application of the depooling back to December 31, 2002. This retroactive approach would not involve recalculation of employer rates prior to December 31, 2008. However, it would involve reflecting the separate experience of the employers in each individual cost group back to December 31, 2002. Note that in these calculations we have used an implementation date of December 31, 2008 to illustrate the effect of this depooling as if it were implemented on that date, on a retroactive basis. In practice, the implementation date will be December 31, 2009, so as to avoid changing the rates that were already adopted based on the already completed December 31, 2008 valuation. The first actual employer rates affected by depooling would be those in the December 31, 2009 valuation. There were also two specific cost sharing adjustments that will be removed as of the implementation date of December 31, 2009. These adjustments are for General Tier 1 and Safety Tier A as follows: > Non - enhanced General Tier 1 and Non - enhanced Safety Tier A members shared their combined member COLA normal costs in proportion to their basic member contribution rates. > General Tier 1 and Safety Tier A employers shared COLA normal cost in the same way that member COLA contributions are shared (i.e., by allocating COLA normal costs in proportion to basic normal costs). These costs were shared equally among member classifications with comparable benefit levels (i.e., enhanced versus non - enhanced). 5096463x3/05337.013 Ms. Marilyn Leedom August 31, 2010 Page 3 Note that the first adjustment affects member contribution rates and has not been determined as part of this study. However, this will only impact the fewer than 30 active members that are in either Non - enhanced General Tier 1 or Non - enhanced Safety Tier A. Closed Cost Groups and Pooling of Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability (UAAL) There are two cost groups that currently have active members, but are generally closed to new members. As listed in Appendix I, these are cost groups number 1 (County General Tier 1 Enhanced) and number 7 (County Safety Tier A Enhanced). If the UAAL for these two cost groups is not pooled with another cost group that is open to new active members then the UAAL rate for these generally closed cost groups would increase substantially in future years. This is because the UAAL for CCCERA is amortized as a level percent of payroll and the payroll growth for the generally closed cost group would be less than the payroll growth assumption (currently 4.25 %). For County General Tier 1 Enhanced this would ultimately lead to large UAAL rates being borne by the very small district employers in that Tier. This is due to the payroll growth issue mentioned above caused by the closed group nature of the County in Tier 1. However, the small district employers in that tier still continue to add new active members and eventually will represent the bulk of the active members in that tier. Combining this with the large retired member liability in that tier that is mostly from former County employees leads to the impractical result that the small district employers would bear the potential impact of the volatility in rates associated with the large County retiree liability. In order to avoid associating a large County retiree liability with the small district payroll, we have pooled the UAAL for County General Tier 1 Enhanced and County General Tier 3 Enhanced (cost groups 1 and 2) in the determination of the employer contribution rates (in the after depooling scenario). Normal Cost rates for these cost groups will not be pooled since they will not be affected as much by the issues mentioned above. Note that the benefit formulas for General Tier 1 Enhanced and General Tier 3 Enhanced differ only because of the disability benefit paid. Therefore, there will be a small amount of cross - subsidization occurring because of this pooling. For County Safety Tier A Enhanced, there are few new active members entering this tier. Both this cost group and the County Safety Tier C cost group only have the County as an employer. Therefore, in order to produce more stable UAAL rates for the County Safety Tier A Enhanced cost group, we have pooled the UAAL for County Safety Tier A Enhanced and County Safety Tier C Enhanced (cost groups 7 and 9). Normal Cost rates for those cost groups will not be pooled. 5096463v3/05337.013 Ms. Marilyn Leedom August 31, 2010 Page 4 There are some substantial differences between the Safety Tier A Enhanced and Safety Tier C Enhanced benefits, such as the period over which final average salaries are determined and the COLA. However, since the County is the only employer in these two cost groups, they will be the only employer affected by this particular pooling. Process Used in Determining Illustrative Employer Contribution Rates (After Depooling) There are three key stages in the process used to determine the illustrative employer contribution rates as of December 31, 2008 after depooling. Those stages are as follows: > Initial allocation of assets by employer at December 31, 2002 > Roll forward of assets for each employer from December 31, 2002 through December 31, 2008 > Calculation of illustrative employer contribution rates at December 31, 2008 Information on each of the stages is described below. Initial Allocation of Assets by Employer at December 31, 2002 To determine the initial allocation of assets for each employer as of December 31, 2002 we had to first determine the December 31, 2002 liabilities as of that date for every employer. This allocation was based on the member's last employer and tier code. In addition, this required obtaining data from the Retirement Association that denotes the employer for each retired member as this data did not exist in the original December 31, 2002 data used for that valuation. We then used our valuation software to determine liabilities for each employer as of December 31, 2002 in a manner consistent with the liabilities determined in the December 31, 2002 actuarial valuation. Once the December 31, 2002 liabilities by employer were determined, we then allocated enough assets to each cost group in such a way as to result in the same UAAL contribution rate that was already determined in the December 31, 2002 valuation for every employer. Roll forward of assets for each employer from December 31, 2002 through December 31, 2008 The assets that were allocated to each employer at December 31, 2002 were then "rolled forward" by adding in contributions and allocated investment income and subtracting benefit payments. This was done on an annual basis for the 2003 through 2008 calendar years. The contribution and benefit payment information was provided by the Retirement Association and accepted by Segal without audit. Benefit payments were allocated based on each member's last employer and tier code. 5096463v3/05337.013 Ms. Marilyn Leedom August 31, 2010 Page 5 Calculation of employer contribution rates at December 31, 2008 The assets as of December 31, 2008 for each employer were then combined into the twelve cost groups. Liabilities as of the same date were also separated into the twelve cost groups based on the actual current members in each group. Employer contribution rates were then calculated for each cost group following substantially the same process used in the annual actuarial valuation. Any change in the December 31, 2008 UAAL due to depooling was amortized over 18 years. Please note that district contribution rates still reflect the fact that they did not issue pension obligation bonds (POBs) when the County did. The contribution rates for the Moraga - Orinda Fire District or the Contra Costa County Fire Protection District also reflect any POBs or special contributions that were deposited in prior years by those employers. Summary of Results Appendix II shows the employer contribution rate from the December 31, 2008 actuarial valuation and the illustrative employer contribution rate determined on the same valuation date after depooling. The rates are shown for each employer in CCCERA. As noted above, in these calculations we have used an implementation date of December 31, 2008 to illustrate the effect of this depooling as if it were implemented on that date, on a retroactive basis. In practice the implementation date will be December 31, 2009, so as to avoid changing the rates that were already adopted based on the already completed December 31, 2008 valuation. It is important to note that the results of depooling depend critically on the employer by employer contribution and benefit payment data, and on the employer by employer member data reported to us. The results shown in Appendix II can be used to estimate the impact that depooling will have once it is implemented in the December 31, 2009 actuarial valuation. However, the actual impact of depooling will not be known until it is implemented in that actuarial valuation. Note that this "retroactive" approach did not require or involve recalculation of employer rates prior to December 31, 2008. Only employer contribution rates on and after the implementation date would be affected, but now those rates would reflect the separate experience of the cost groups back to December 31, 2002. 5096463v3105337.013 Ms. Marilyn Leedom August 31, 2010 Page 6 These calculations were based on the December 31, 2002 and 2008 actuarial valuations for CCCERA, member data as of December 31, 2002, 2008 and 2009 provided by CCCERA and contribution and benefit payment information from January 1, 2003 through December 31, 2008 that was also provided by CCCERA. The December 31, 2008 actuarial valuation and these calculations were completed under the supervision of John Monroe, ASA, MAAA, Enrolled Actuary. If there is any additional information you require, please let us know. Sincerely, Paul Angelo JZM/kek Enclosures 5096463v3/05337.013 APPENDIX I Summary of Cost Groups and Employers GENERAL Cost Group Code Employer Name Benefit Structure (1) N/A County General Tier 1 Enhanced 0356 Local Agency Formation Commission Tier 1 Enhanced 3301 CC Mosquito and Vector Control District Tier 1 Enhanced 3770 Bethel Island Municipal District Tier 1 Enhanced 4181 First 5 - Children & Families Commission Tier 1 Enhanced 4980 Contra Costa County Employees' Retirement Association Tier 1 Enhanced 9500 Superior Court Tier 1 Enhanced 7060 East Contra Costa Fire Protection District Tier 1 Enhanced 7274 Moraga - Orinda Fire District Tier 1 Enhanced 7800 Rodeo - Hercules Fire Protection District Tier 1 Enhanced 7830 San Ramon Valley Fire District Tier 1 Enhanced (2) N/A County General 0508 In -Home Supportive Services Authority 3301 Contra Costa Mosquito and Vector Control District 9500 Superior Court (3) 3406 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (4) 9990 Contra Costa Housing Authority (5) 7300 Contra Costa County Fire Protection District (6) 3414 Rodeo Sanitary District 3603 Byron Brentwood Cemetery Tier 3 Enhanced Tier 3 Enhanced Tier 3 Enhanced Tier 3 Enhanced Tier 1 Enhanced Tier 1 Enhanced Tier 1 Enhanced Tier 1 Non - Enhanced Tier 1 Non - Enhanced Number of Active Members as of December 31, 2008 430 2 5 3 16 39 35 2 7 1 29 6,356 13 32 383 265 94 59 8 4 5096463v3/05337.013 - 1- S E G A L APPENDIX I Summary of Cost Groups and Employers (continued) 5096463v3/05337.013 -2- S E G A L SAFETY Number of Active Cost Members as of Group Code Employer Name Benefit Structure December 31, 2008 (7) N/A County Safety Tier A Enhanced 940 (8) 7300 Contra Costa County Fire Protection District Tier A Enhanced 296 7060 East Contra Costa Fire Protection District Tier A Enhanced 50* (9) N/A County Safety Tier C Enhanced 76 (Deputy Sheriff new hires) (10) 7274 Moraga - Orinda Fire District Tier A Enhanced 66 (11) 7830 San Ramon Valley Fire District Tier A Enhanced 154 (12) 7800 Rodeo - Hercules Fire Protection District Tier A Non - Enhanced 20 * It is our understanding that two of these members retired in early 2009 and there are 48 active members at this employer as of December 31, 2009. 5096463v3/05337.013 -2- S E G A L APPENDIX II Summary of Employer Contribution Rates from December 31, 2008 Actuarial Valuation Before and After Depooling Cost Group (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) GENERAL Employer Name Employer Employer Contribution Rate Contribution Rate Before Depooling After Depooling 23.21% 22.08% 30.94% 30.33% 30.94% 30.33% 30.94% 30.33% 30.94% 30.33% 30.94% 30.33% Change in Employer Contribution Rate - 1.13% -0.61% -0.61% -0.61% -0.61% -0.61% County General (Tier 1 Enhanced) Local Agency Formation Commission Contra Costa Mosquito and Vector Control District Bethel Island Municipal District First 5 - Children & Families Commission Contra Costa County Employees' Retirement Association Superior Court East Contra Costa Fire Protection District Moraga - Orinda Fire District Rodeo - Hercules Fire Protection District San Ramon Valley Fire District County General (Tier 3 Enhanced) In -Home Supportive Services Authority Contra Costa Mosquito and Vector Control District Superior Court Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Contra Costa Housing Authority Contra Costa County Fire Protection District Rodeo Sanitary District Byron Brentwood Cemetery 5096463v3/05337.013 23.21% 22.08% - 1.13% 30.94% 30.33% - 0.61% 19.27% 18.66% - 0.61% 30.94% 30.33% -0.61% 30.94% 30.33% -0.61% 20.90% 20.67% -0.23% 29.10% 28.92% - 0.18% 29.10% 28.92% -0.18% 20.90% 20.67% - 0.23% 30.94% 35.81% +4.87% 30.94% 32.17% +1.23% 13.90% 16.82% +2.92% 30.64% 22.38% - 8.26% 30.64% 22.38% - 8.26% -3 SEGAL APPENDIX II Summary of Employer Contribution Rates from December 31, 2008 Actuarial Valuation Before and After Depooling (continued) SAFETY Employer Employer Change in Cost Contribution Rate Contribution Rate Employer Group Employer Name Before Depooling After Depooling Contribution Rate (7) County Safety (Tier A Enhanced) 42.80% 44.90% +2.10% (8) Contra Costa County Fire Protection District East Contra Costa Fire Protection District (9) County Safety (Tier C Enhanced) (10) Moraga- Orinda Fire District (11) San Ramon Valley Fire District (12) Rodeo - Hercules Fire Protection District 25.33% 27.17% +1.84% 58.55% 60.54% +1.99% 36.72% 38.61% +1.89% 26.87% 27.27% +0.40% 58.55% 51.95% -6.60% 37.41% 35.54% -1.87% 5096463v3/05337.013 -4- S E G A L