HomeMy WebLinkAbout04.a. Public Hrg. re Neg. Decl. & CCCSD DA 175Y-OL . PUBLIC HEARING TO RECEIVE COMMENTS ON THE DRAFT NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR DISTRICT ANNEXATION 175 — ORINDA AND LAFAYETTE (DA 175) SUGGESTED AGENDA September 16, 2010 Request staff report II. Public hearing on the Negative Declaration A. Open public hearing. B. Receive public comment. C. Close public hearing. III. Consider approval of the Negative Declaration and District Annexation 175 — Orinda and Lafayette (DA 175). N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers\Leavitt\2010 \PP Neg Dec DA 175 Public Hearing FINAL 9- 16- 10.doc Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: September 16, 2010 subject: CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING AND CONSIDER ADOPTING A RESOLUTION APPROVING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND DISTRICT ANNEXATION 175 — ORINDA AND LAFAYETTE (DA 175) Submitted By: Initiating Dept. /Div.: Russell B. Leavitt, Engineering Assistant III Engineering /Environmental Services REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: "V R. Leavitt J. Miya oto -Mills A. Farrell K. Alm s M elly eneral Manager ISSUE Board approval of appropriate California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) documentation is required prior to approval of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (CCCSD) Annexation 175 — Orinda and Lafayette (DA 175). RECOMMENDATION Conduct a public hearing to receive comments on the Negative Declaration. Barring any irresolvable comments to the contrary, adopt the attached resolution approving the Negative Declaration and the proposed annexation. FINANCIAL IMPACTS The District incurs costs to prepare annexation applications and pays fees to LAFCO, the County Surveyor and the State Board of Equalization for annexation processing. Annexation costs are recovered as "annexation charges" when property is connected to the public sewer system. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS The Board may elect to withhold or defer approval of the Negative Declaration, which would prevent or delay moving forward with the annexation. If the Board does not approve the Negative Declaration, it may direct staff to conduct additional analysis and provide further documentation for particular areas of concern. BACKGROUND The District proposes to annex 106 Orinda parcels and one Lafayette parcel comprising of approximately 123.4 acres into its service area (see Attachment 1). Ten of these properties are already connected to the District's public sewers, 69 properties are developed with existing single - family homes each utilizing a septic tank system for sewage disposal, five properties are owned by local government agencies or utilities and 33 properties are vacant and zoned for development of up to 38 new homes. All of these properties are within the District's Sphere of Influence and the County Urban Limit Line. K ENVRSEMPosition Papers \Leavitt\2010 \PP Neg Dec DA 175 Public Hearing FINAL 9- 16- 10.doc Page 1 of 18 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: September 16, 2010 Subject. CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING AND CONSIDER ADOPTING A RESOLUTION APPROVING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND DISTRICT ANNEXATION 175 — ORINDA AND LAFAYETTE (DA 175) Annexation will allow for the following associated indirect and secondary activities: 1) sanitary sewer extensions into residential neighborhoods; 2) abandonment of septic systems, and 3) the connection of existing and future residences to the public sewer system. As Lead Agency under CEQA, the District conducted an Initial Study of the proposed project (DA 175) to determine if it would have a significant affect on the environment. Staff has concluded that the Initial Study adequately, accurately, and objectively evaluates the environmental impacts of the proposed project, and that a Negative Declaration is the appropriate document to address the environmental effects of the project. A draft Negative Declaration was prepared, which includes the Initial Study. The draft Negative Declaration was distributed separately to the District Board of Directors. Approval of the draft Negative Declaration would indicate the Board's independent finding that there is no substantial evidence that the proposed project would have significant effects on the environment. The proposed annexation action is a jurisdictional and tax boundary change that will have no direct, physical effects on the environment. Mitigation measures related to the associated secondary and indirect projects will be incorporated into the designs of those projects to reduce potentially significant impacts to less- than - significant levels or to minimize impacts already considered to be less- than - significant. These measures are discussed in the Initial Study and are inherent in the permit and land use approval processes of the various agencies that regulate sanitary sewer construction and land development activities in the project area. In compliance with the District's CEQA Guidelines, a legal notice was published in the Contra Costa Times and the San Ramon Valley Times newspapers of general circulation in the area affected by the proposed project. The legal notice announced the District's intent to adopt a Negative Declaration and the availability of the document for a 30 -day public review period. Additionally, copies of the proposed Negative Declaration or the legal notice were mailed to affected public agencies. On Wednesday, August 25, 2010, staff held a community meeting at the Orinda Community Center to present and discuss the proposed annexation. Four property owners attended and most expressed an interest in the possibility of developing public sewer service for their properties. At the conclusion of the public review process, three comment letters on the proposed Negative Declaration were received. The comment letters and CCCSD's responses to the comments are presented in Attachment 2. None of these comments require changes to the conclusions reached in the draft Negative Declaration. WENVRSEMPosition Pape rs \Leavitt\2010 \PP Neg Dec DA 175 Public Hearing FINAL 9- 16- 10.doc Page 2 of 18 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: September 16, 2010 Subject CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING AND CONSIDER ADOPTING A RESOLUTION APPROVING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND DISTRICT ANNEXATION 175 — ORINDA AND LAFAYETTE (DA 175) Before the proposed project may be approved, the Board must consider any comments received during the Negative Declaration's 30 -day public review process and the public hearing, and then consider approval of the appropriate CEQA documentation (a Negative Declaration is recommended in this case). Following approval of the Negative Declaration and the project, a Notice of Determination will be filed with the County Clerk and an annexation application will be filed with the Contra Costa Local Agency Formation Commission ( LAFCO). LAFCO will use the approved Negative Declaration as its CEQA documentation for consideration of the proposed annexation. While not required by law or the District's procedures, it has been customary to hold public hearings in advance of the adoption of Negative Declarations. Holding a hearing on the proposed Negative Declaration would be consistent with this practice. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION Conduct a public hearing on the draft Negative Declaration. 2. Adopt a resolution (Attachment 3) approving the Negative Declaration and District Annexation 175 — Orinda and Lafayette (DA 175). N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Leavitt\2010 \PP Neg Dec DA 175 Public Hearing FINAL 9- 16- 10.doc Page 3 of 18 ATTACHMENT 1 N 30M am FEEr - — L 1 t I t � � � k 24 3 LEGEND:, Y Y a 0 CCCSD ANNEXATION AREA i Central Contra Costa Figure Sanitary Distrkt DISTRICT ANNEXATION 175 AREAS 1 — 9 AND 11 1-2 s N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Leavitt\2010 \PP Neg Dec DA 175 Public Hearing FINAL 9- 16- 10.doc ATTACHMENT 1 (Cont'd) ti ,- F�T r, f U i / T t ` i r . t 4 _ _ j� , "--1'1;6 /�d t' ..: t„ �� �s +"• �,. <� �f.... �t .,, l is r� � ,` � r .k-�C' � �� �..i.. , m J . ti z Sc } f 4g�p ✓ _ J cz= L't why ��" } ur.;�r Af- t r 3 : .. ' , i... �.. �..,,.� \ �// � J �� � •{ !J `.+ ATV/ e ti i r rF. i F ' , v. LEGEND: CCCSD ANNEXATION AREA Y Central Contra Coats Figure Sanitary Distrkt DISTRICT ANNEXATION 175 AREA 10 1-3 N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Leavitt\2010 \PP Neg Dec DA 175 Public Hearing FINAL 9- 16- 10.doc ATTACHMENT 2 COMMENTS AND RESPONSES TO COMMENTS ON THE NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR CCCSD'S DISTRICT ANNEXATION 175— ORINDA AND LAFAYETTE (DA 175) Two comment letters were received during the 30 -day public review period for the Negative Declaration. The comment letters follow, along with the responses from CCCSD staff. None of these comments required changes to the conclusions of the proposed Negative Declaration. LIST OF COMMENT LETTERS East Bay Municipal Utility District, William R. Kirkpatrick, Manager of Water Distribution Planning, August 26, 2010. 2. Contra Costa Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO), Lou Ann Texeira, Executive Director, August 30, 2010. 3. Contra Costa Environmental Health Division (CCEHD), Joseph G. Doser, R.E.H.S., Supervising Environmental Health Specialist, August 13, 2010. N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Leavitt\2010 \PP Neg Dec DA 175 Public Hearing FINAL 9- 16- 10.doc East Bay Municipal Utility District, William R. Kirkpatrick, Manager of Water Distribution Planning, August 26, 2010. EAST BAY MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT REC p August 26, 2010 AUG 2D2010 ENVjRDNMENTgL 3 ERVI CES Russell Leavitt, Environmental Coordinator Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 Re: Notice of Intent to adopt a Negative Declaration for Central Contra Costa Sanitary District - District Annexation 175, Orinda and Lafayette Dear Mr. Leavitt: East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) appreciates the opportunity to comment on the Negative Declaration for the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (CCCSD) - District Annexation 175 for 11 areas located within the cities of Orinda and Lafayette. EBMUD has the following comments. GENERAL EBMUD owns and operates numerous underground water mains located within the 11 areas of the CCCSD District Annexation 175. These pipelines provide continuous service to EBMUD customers in the cities of Orinda and Lafayette and their integrity needs to be maintained at all times. CCCSD should coordinate with EBMUD on future sanitary sewer extension projects that are within its Annexation 175 areas. The Assessor's Parcel Number for property numbers 40, 41, 100 and 102 on pages 8 through 11 1 A seem to not be correct and should be verified. WATER SERVICE The 11 areas to be annexed into CCCSD service boundaries are located inside EBMUD service area; therefore, new development within these areas will be served by EBMUD's water system. On page 7, under East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD), revise the second sentence to read "Project sponsors offuture new developments should contact EBAIUD's New Business 1 B Office to request a water service estimate to determine costs and conditions for providing water services to the parcel(.$)." 376 ELEVENTH STREET. OAKLAND . CA 946074240 . TOLL FREE F 866 -40 -EBMUD WENVRSEMPosition Papers \Leavitt\2010 \PP Neg Dec DA 175 Public Hearing FINAL 9- 16- 10.doc Russell Leavitt, Environmental Coordinator August 26, 2010 Page 2 If you have any questions concerning this response, please contact David J. Rehnstrom, Senior Civil Engineer, Water Service Planning at (510) 287 -1365. Sincerely, AK , 1 0 t - - --� William R. Kirkpatrick Manager of Water Distribution Planning WRK:AMW:sb sb10_176.doc RESPONSE TO EBMUD COMMENTS 1A. There are typographical errors in the four Assessor's Parcel Numbers (APN) noted in the comment. The corrected numbers are presented below and the text will be revised accordingly. The information in Table 1 -1 regarding those properties, however, is correct. Property Number 40 should be APN 265- 153 -020 Property Number 41 should be APN 265- 153 -013 Property Number 100 should be APN 263- 030 -010 Property Number 102 should be ANP 263- 010 -014 1 B. Page 7, Paragraph 3, Sentence 2 will be revised to read as follows: Project sponsors of future new developments should contact EBMUD's New Business Office to request a water service estimate to determine costs and conditions for providing water services to the parcel(s). N: \ENVRSEMPosition Papers \Leavitt\2010 \PP Neg Dec DA 175 Public Hearing FINAL 9- 16- 10.doc 2. Contra Costa Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO), Lou Ann Texeira, Executive Director, August 30, 2010 CONTRA COSTA LOCALAGENCV FOR- NtATtON CONINIIISSloi 651 Pine Street, Sixth Floor • Martinez, CA 945-53 -122 Lafcc- e -mail: ht'exe(d),lafco.cccounty.0 Am (925) 335 -1094 • (925) 646 -1228 FA: August 30, 2010 Russell Leavitt, AICP, Environmental Coordinator Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 SUBJECT: Notice of Intent to Adopt a Negative Declaration CCCSD Annexation 175 — Orinda and Lafayette Dear Russ: Thank you for including Contra Costa Local Agency Formation Commission ( LAFCO) on the distribution list for the above project. As a Responsible Agency pursuant to the CEQA, LAFCO will rely on the District's environmental document in consideration of the proposed annexation. LAFCO is required to consider a variety of factors when evaluating a proposed boundary change, including, but not limited to, the proposed project's potential impacts on agricultural land and open space, the provision of municipal services, the timely and available supply of water, adequate and proximate affordable housing, etc. (Gov. Code §56668). In consideration of these factors, we offer the following questions and comments. 1. The Project Description (Agency Coordination and Required Approvals — East Bay Municipal Utility District - page 7) states that new development would need to apply to "CCWD" to obtain water services. We believe this should read " EBMUD." Please confirm. 2. What is the proximity of the annexation areas to the countywide Urban Limit Line (i.e., inside /outside)? 3. The Project Area Location and Setting (page 2) and Environmental Checklist (page 13) make reference to EBMUD watershed properties which abut the annexation areas. Are any of the affected annexation parcels located within a watershed? 1. The Transportation /Traffic discussion (page 33) notes that the potential dwelling units is less than the minimum number specified to undergo a traffic study. What is the minimum number and source? Thank you for your consideration of our comments. Please contact us if you have any questions. Sincerely, Lou Ann Texeira Executive Officer LAFCO Planner as 2s 2C 2D N:\ENVRSEMPosition Papers \Leavitt\2010 \PP Neg Dec DA 175 Public Hearing FINAL 9- 16- 10.doc RESPONSES TO LAFCO COMMENTS 2A. Agreed. See the response to Comment 1 B from EBMUD. 2B. All of the proposed annexation areas are inside the Urban Limit Line. 2C. While all of the proposed annexation parcels in Orinda are located within the watershed of EBMUD's San Pablo Reservoir, none of the parcels are owned by EBMUD for the explicit purpose of watershed protection. The replacement of septic systems with sanitary sewer service would be beneficial to water quality in these watersheds. 2D. The Contra Costa Transportation Authority would require preparation of a traffic study if the project could generate more than 100 new peak hour trips. Development of the maximum number of new homes (38) would generate approximately 36 peak hour trips. The source of this requirement is: Contra Costa Transportation Authority, Technical Procedures Update, July 19, 2006. N: \ENVRSEMPosition Papers \Leavitt\2010 \PP Neg Dec DA 175 Public Hearing FINAL 9- 16- 10.doc 3. Contra Costa Environmental Health Division (CCEHD), Joseph G. Doser, R.E.H.S., Supervising Environmental Health Specialist, August 13, 2010 L m S \'V B. IREcr M.D. CONTRA COSTA HF . H EAITX SRVr[ES DuECron S FI FRMAN I. O_t J1 fvt AN. HITS. &I P H ENVIRONMENTAL H EALTII EwitoNmeNTAL HEALTH DikeooX _. f 2120 Diamond Blvd., Suite 200 Concord, California 94520 CONTRA COSTA Ph (925) 692.2509 ___ _ ._. _ .. .............__ _ Fax (925) 692 -2502 HEALTH SERVICES R ECE�VpOU.cocoeh.org August 13, 2010 AfJG Russell Leavitt, Environmental Coordinator j 6 2010 Cent al C a Costa Sanitary District ENVrRONMENTAL SERVICES Martinez, CA 94553 RE: CCCSD District Annexation 175 — Orinda and Lafayette Dear Mr. Leavitt: The Contra Costa Environmental Health Division (CCEHD) has received a request for agency comments for the above referenced project. Construction of new sewer mains may result in geotechnical drilling under the jurisdiction of CCEHD. The following are our comments: A permit from CCEHD is required for any well or soil boring Pdor to commencing drilling activities, including those associated with environmental 3A investigation and cleanup, and geotechnical investigation. 2. Any abandoned wells (water, environmental, or geotechnical) and septic tanks must be destroyed tinder permit from CCEHD. If the existence of such wells or 3B septic tanks are known in advance or discovered during construction or other activities, these should be clearly marked, kept secure, and destroyed pursuant to CCEHD requirements. These comments do not limit an applicant's obligation to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at (925) 692 -2535. Sincerely, Joseph G. Doser, R.E.H.S. Supervising Environmental Health Specialist cc: Christina Satholm, Environmental Health Specialist It JGD:ssm • nnUa -+nta Cnmr •m;y S- .+bstan�e Abaw Servr.. s �nlfa + csta EmeryYl y Med ea Ser +es oma Irma Environmental health rt t a I 05(d Heal n 2181_ s • ror d Cosa mwar,ous Matkal P.ctirarrs omra +..,a Meru! wealth • . nn ra ..ova oabhc Hvi ith Cpl Cosa P.eq , J McJwar f e • _ont a _oste Ne h C _ 'ers a� N:\ENVRSEMPosition Pape rs \Leavitt\2010 \PP Neg Dec DA 175 Public Hearing FINAL 9- 16- 10.doc RESPONSES TO CONTRA COSTA ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION ( CCEHD) COMMENTS 3A. This comment presents CCEHD permit requirements pertaining to potential geotechnical drilling in conjunction with construction of new sewer mains. No new sewer mains are proposed by CCCSD as part of the project, but they could be initiated by area property owners once annexation of their properties has been completed. If well drilling or soil boring is proposed as part of a future private sewer construction project, CCCSD will inform the property owners of this requirement. 3B. This comment presents CCEHD permit requirements pertaining to abandonment of wells and septic tanks. No well or septic tank abandonments are proposed by CCCSD as part of the project, but they could be initiated by area property owners once annexation of their properties has been completed. If well or septic tank abandonment is proposed as part of a future private sewer construction project or residential sewer connection, CCCSD will inform the property owners of this requirement. N: \ENVRSEC \Position Pape rs \Leavitt\2010 \PP Neg Dec DA 175 Public Hearing FINAL 9- 16- 10.doc ATTACHMENT 3 RESOLUTION NO. 2010 - A RESOLUTION APPROVING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT (CCCSD) ANNEXATION 175 — ORINDA AND LAFAYETTE (DA 175) AND REQUESTING THE CONTRA COSTA COUNTY LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION (LAFCO) TO INITIATE PROCEEDINGS FOR A CHANGE OF ORGANIZATION (DISTRICT ANNEXATION NO. 175) WHEREAS, the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (CCCSD) wishes to initiate proceedings pursuant to the Cortese - Knox - Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act of 2000 for a change of organization; and WHEREAS, the change of organization is proposed for the following reasons: 1. The owners of nine (9) properties within the areas proposed to be annexed have submitted a "Petition for Annexation" to CCCSD requesting annexation; 2. Ninety -eight (98) properties have been included in the areas proposed to be annexed as "fill -in" parcels to streamline staff work and avoid the creation of new islands inside CCCSD boundaries; 3. Ten (10) of the properties within the areas proposed for annexation have connected to the CCCSD public sewer system; 4. All one hundred seven (107) properties are within the CCCSD Sphere of Influence, as previously approved by LAFCO. No other sewering agency can reasonably serve these areas; 5. All of the properties are within the Contra Costa County Urban Limit Line; 6. The area has been planned for residential use by the Cities of Orinda and Lafayette, and substantially developed with this use; 7. The residential density and location of most of the properties within the watersheds of EBMUD drinking water reservoirs makes sewer service and annexation to CCCSD prudent to avoid despoiling the creeks with septic system effluent; 8. CCCSD already has collection facilities throughout Orinda and Lafayette; 9. Wastewater from Orinda and Lafayette can flow by gravity or individual residential pumping systems to CCCSD's existing collection system; 10. CCCSD will assume responsibility, upon annexation, for maintenance and operation of public sewer facilities required to provide service to the areas proposed to be annexed; and 11. CCCSD requires that all served properties annex to the District (CCCSD Standard Specifications Section 3 -04). WENVRSEC \Position Pape rs\Leavitt\2010 \PP Neg Dec DA 175 Public Hearing FINAL 9- 16- 10.doc DA 175 Resolution No. 2010 - Page 2 of 3 WHEREAS, the proposed change in organization consists of eleven (11) "single areas" (as defined by the State Board of Equalization) generally adjacent to the existing CCCSD boundary, as shown on the map attached hereto as Exhibit A and designated thereon as proposed Annexation Areas 175 -1 through 175 -11 (inclusive); said Exhibit incorporated herein by reference, comprising a total of approximately 123.4 acres; and WHEREAS, the only affected county is Contra Costa, in the incorporated cities of Orinda and Lafayette, and no other sanitary districts are involved; and WHEREAS, the territory proposed to be annexed to CCCSD is inhabited (12 or more registered voters); and WHEREAS, the proposed annexation is subject to the provisions of the CCCSD Code, and if the annexation were approved, all of the provisions of said Code would become applicable to the properties annexed, including the requirement that annexation charges be collected at the time of connection to the public sewer system; and WHEREAS, an Initial Study has been conducted by CCCSD in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); and WHEREAS, CCCSD staff concludes that the Initial Study adequately, accurately, and objectively evaluated the proposed effect of CCCSD Annexation 175 on the environment; and WHEREAS, adequate public notice was given to receive comments on the Initial Study and proposed annexation; and WHEREAS, the CCCSD Board of Directors reviewed the results of the Initial Study, considered comments received, and determined that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment; and WHEREAS, the CCCSD Board of Directors finds that the Negative Declaration reflects its independent judgment of the environmental effects of the proposed project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the CCCSD Board of Directors as follows: THAT adoption of this resolution will establish the Board of Directors' independent finding that the environmental effects of annexing the areas shown on Exhibit A have been adequately addressed in compliance with the CEQA and will constitute approval of the Negative Declaration for CCCSD Annexation 175 — Orinda and Lafayette (DA 175). The Secretary of the District will be custodian of the document and other materials that constitute the record of proceedings for the adoption of this Negative Declaration. The record of proceedings will be maintained at CCCSD's offices, 5019 M ENVRSEMPosition Papers \Leavitt\2010 \PP Neg Dec DA 175 Public Hearing FINAL 9- 16- 10.doc DA 175 Resolution No. 2010 - Page 3 of 3 Imhoff Place, Martinez, California. Staff is directed to file any necessary CEQA notices and /or documents with Contra Costa County. THAT CCCSD District Annexation 175 is hereby approved and staff is directed to submit this Resolution of Application requesting that the Contra Costa County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) initiate annexation proceedings for the eleven (11) areas shown and described in Exhibit A for proposed annexation areas 175 -1 through 175 -11 (inclusive), as authorized and in the manner required under the Cortese- Knox - Hertzberg Reorganization Act of 2000, together with a complete application package including all other required information, geographical descriptions, maps, forms, questionnaires, indemnification agreement, fees, and a mailing list of affected property owners, and of all other property owners and registered voters who reside within 300 feet of each of the proposed annexation areas. THAT it is not the current practice of CCCSD to use its power under Health and Safety Code Section 6520 to compel property owners to connect their properties to the public sewer system involuntarily. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 16th day of September, 2010, by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: Michael R. McGill President of the Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Elaine R. Boehme Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California Approved as to form: Kenton L. Alm Counsel for the District N:\ENVRSEMPosition Papers \Leavitt\2010 \PP Neg Dec DA 175 Public Hearing FINAL 9- 16- 10.doc EXHIBIT A N 0 24 lir,m , fl 7 Conual Contra Costa Sanftsry D114trilat DISTRICT ANNEXATION 175 AM& I AREAS I - 9 AND 11 Figure 1-2 N:\ENVRSEC\Position Papers\Leavitt\201 O\PP Neg Dec DA 175 Public Hearing FINAL 9-16-1 O.doc EXH A (Cont'd) 24 - X ETTE j I' U A ., 0 . . . . . . . . . . tj PW n E LEGEND: 51� CCCSD ANNEXATION A . . . . . . . . . . . . . Central Contra Costs Figure Sanitary District DISTRICT ANNEXATION 175 AREA 10 1-3 N:\ENVIRSEMPosition Pape rs\Leavitt\201 O\PP Neg Dec DA 175 Public Hearing FINAL 9-16-1 O.doc