HomeMy WebLinkAbout05.b Public Hearing re Amending Chapter 6.12 of District Code5,b PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 6.12 OF THE DISTRICT CODE TO PROVIDE AN OPTION FOR INSTALLMENT PAYMENT OF CAPACITY FEES WHEN A PROPERTY OWNER CONNECTS AN EXISTING HOME TO THE DISTRICT'S PUBLIC SEWER SYSTEM AND CONCURRENTLY ABANDONS THE SEPTIC TANK SYSTEM SERVING THE PROPERTY SUGGESTED AGENDA September 2, 2010 Request staff presentation. 11. Public Hearing: A. Receive public comments. B. Request staff response, as appropriate. C. Close Public Hearing. III. Board deliberation regarding the proposed ordinance. IV. Recommended Action Adopt the proposed ordinance, including the independent finding that the Capacity Fee Installment Payment Program is exempt from CEQA. WENVRSEC \Position PapersWliyamoto- Mills\2010\Agenda for Public Hearing re Cap Fee Installments FINAL 9- 2- 10.doc Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS own ii POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: September 2, 2010 subject: CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 6.12 OF THE DISTRICT CODE TO PROVIDE AN OPTION FOR INSTALLMENT PAYMENT OF CAPACITY FEES WHEN A PROPERTY OWNER CONNECTS AN EXISTING HOME TO THE DISTRICT'S PUBLIC SEWER SYSTEM AND CONCURRENTLY ABANDONS THE SEPTIC TANK SYSTEM SERVING THE PROPERTY Submitted By: Jarred Miyamoto - Mills, Provisional Environmental Services Division Manager REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: � J. amoto - Mills Initiating DeptJDiv.: Engineering /Environmental Services A. Farrell K. Alm Lod4 Jarne M. Kelly, General Manager ISSUE The Board of Directors set September 2, 2010 as the date for a public hearing to consider amending the District Code to provide an option for installment payment of Capacity Fees when a property owner connects an existing home to the District's public sewer system and concurrently abandons the septic tank system serving the property. Board adoption of an ordinance is required to amend the District Code. RECOMMENDATION: Conduct the public hearing, consider comments received and adopt an ordinance amending the District Code to provide an option for installment payment of Capacity Fees when a property owner connects an existing home to the District's public sewer system and concurrently abandons the septic tank system serving the property. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Staff estimates that there are approximately 650 homes served by septic systems within the District's ultimate service boundary. About 25 to 50 of these properties convert to public sewer each year. If all of these properties were to participate in the proposed program, approximately $150,000 to $300,000 in annual fee revenue would be collected over a ten -year financing period, rather than at the time of connection. Staff recommends that the cost for developing procedures and processing documents be recovered by charging the established application fee for the existing Capacity Use Charge Program (currently $246) to set up each property's installment payment account. Staff also recommends that interest at the rate of the District's return on its LAIF investments plus one percent, with a minimum of six percent (6 %), be charged to the amount financed to cover administration and lost opportunity (interest) costs of the program. N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Miyamoto- Mills\2010 \PP Public Hearing Ordinance - Install Payment of Cap Fees - Septic Conv FINAL 09- 02- 2010.doc Page 1 of 3 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: September 2, 2010 subject CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 6.12 OF THE DISTRICT CODE TO PROVIDE AN OPTION FOR INSTALLMENT PAYMENT OF CAPACITY FEES WHEN A PROPERTY OWNER CONNECTS AN EXISTING HOME TO THE DISTRICT'S PUBLIC SEWER SYSTEM AND CONCURRENTLY ABANDONS THE SEPTIC TANK SYSTEM SERVING THE PROPERTY ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: The Board may decline to adopt the ordinance or may direct staff to develop a Capacity Fee Installment Payment Program with different attributes. BACKGROUND In the past, the Board has received many requests from property owners who have asked for mitigation of the up -front cost of connecting their property to the District's public sewer system. Most recently, some of the prospective participants in the Sunnybrook Road Contractual Assessment District (CAD) requested that the District finance the Capacity Fees that would otherwise be due in full upon connection. It is generally accepted that converting properties in urban and suburban settings from septic tank systems to public sewer service is beneficial to regional water quality. In addition, recent research has suggested that elimination of septic tanks in favor of public wastewater collection and treatment may result in a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. The Board directed staff to calendar a public hearing for consideration of an ordinance to amend the District Code to provide an option for installment payment of Capacity Fees when a property owner connects an existing home to the District's public sewer system and concurrently abandons the septic tank system serving the property. Staff has developed a program drawing on experience from the existing Capacity Use Charge Program for some commercial customers and from the pilot program for deferral of fees for newly developed properties. A proposed ordinance to amend the District Code to provide for such a program is attached (Attachment 1). The ordinance includes the following provisions: 1. Only residential properties being converted from use of private septic tank systems to public sewer service would be eligible to participate in the program. 2. Users who elect to participate in the program would be assessed administrative charges at the rates and in the manner established for the Capacity Use Program in the Schedule of Environmental and Development - Related Rates and Charges. 3. As a condition of participation in the program, a user would be required to execute a promissory note and enter into a recordable Memorandum of Agreement. N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Miyamoto- Mills\2010 \PP Public Hearing Ordinance- Install Payment of Cap Fees - Septic Conv FINAL 09- 02- 2010.doc Page 2 of 3 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: September 2, 2010 subject CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 6.12 OF THE DISTRICT CODE TO PROVIDE AN OPTION FOR INSTALLMENT PAYMENT OF CAPACITY FEES WHEN A PROPERTY OWNER CONNECTS AN EXISTING HOME TO THE DISTRICT'S PUBLIC SEWER SYSTEM AND CONCURRENTLY ABANDONS THE SEPTIC TANK SYSTEM SERVING THE PR OPERTY 4. If a property owner elects to participate in the program, the Capacity Fees that would otherwise be due at the time of the District's issuance of a permit to connect to the public sewer would be financed by the District over a ten -year period at the interest rate established for the Capacity Use Program in the Schedule of Environmental and Development - Related Rates and Charges. 5. Annual installment payments due under the program would be collected on the Contra Costa County Property Tax Roll. 6. The Board would delegate responsibility for executing and recording program documents to the General Manager or his designee. Staff has concluded that establishing the proposed Capacity Fee Installment Payment Program would be categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15273 (a)(1) of the District's CEQA Guidelines, in that the program applies only to currently developed properties converting from septic tank systems to public sewer service and that the administrative charges proposed will merely reimburse CCCSD for staff costs and expenses. By adopting the proposed ordinance, the Board of Directors would make the independent finding that the program is exempt from CEQA. The Board's Finance Committee is scheduled to review the proposed ordinance at its regular meeting on August 30, 2010. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION Conduct a public hearing to receive comments and consider adopting an ordinance to amend District Code Chapter 6.12 to provide an option for installment payment of Capacity Fees when a property owner connects an existing home to the District's public sewer system and concurrently abandons the septic tank system serving the property. Adopt the proposed ordinance including the independent finding that the Capacity Fee Installment Payment Program is exempt from CEQA N:\ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Miyamoto- Mills\2010 \PP Public Hearing Ordinance- Install Payment of Cap Fees - Septic Conv FINAL 09- 02- 2010.doc Page 3 of 3 ATTACHMENT 1 ORDINANCE NO. A ORDINANCE OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT AMENDING CHAPTER 6.12 OF THE DISTRICT CODE TO PROVIDE AN OPTION FOR INSTALLMENT PAYMENT OF CAPACITY FEES WHEN A PROPERTY OWNER CONNECTS AN EXISTING HOME TO THE DISTRICT'S PUBLIC SEWER SYSTEM AND CONCURRENTLY ABANDONS THE SEPTIC TANK SYSTEM SERVING THE PROPERTY WHEREAS, a number of property owners desiring to connect existing homes to the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ( "District ") public sewer system have requested that the District provide financing of Capacity Fees; and WHEREAS, it is generally accepted that converting properties in urban and suburban settings from septic tank systems to public sewer service is beneficial to regional water quality; and WHEREAS, recent research suggests that elimination of septic tanks in favor of public wastewater collection and treatment may result in a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions; and WHEREAS, the District Board of Directors finds that a Capacity Fee Financing Program would further the District's mission to protect public health and the Environment by encouraging the elimination of septic tanks within the District's boundaries, thus improving regional water quality and potentially reducing greenhouse gas emissions; and WHEREAS, staff has developed a program to provide an option for installment payment of Capacity Fees when a property owner connects an existing home to the District's public sewer system and concurrently abandons the septic tank system serving the property; and WHEREAS, District staff has analyzed the setup and administration costs for the program including direct costs, staff labor, overhead and interest; and WHEREAS, the Board finds that it is necessary to assess administrative charges to those customers who participate in the program for recovery of District costs; and WHEREAS, the Board finds that the application fee and interest rate for participation in the "Capacity Use Charge Program" included in the current Schedule of Environmental and Development - Related Rates and Charges are appropriate and reasonable administrative charges for recovery of the District's program costs; and WHEREAS, the District Board of Directors finds that this action is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15273 (a) (1) N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Miyamoto- Mills\2010 \01RDINANCE - Cap Fee Installments- Septic Tanks FINAL (Attach 1) 09-02 - 2010.doc Ordinance No. Page 2 of 4 of the District's CEQA Guidelines, in that the program applies only to currently developed properties converting from septic tank systems to public sewer service and that the administrative charges proposed will merely reimburse CCCSD for staff costs and expenses. THEREFORE, the Board of Directors of the District does hereby ordain as follows: Section 1 - Amendment of District Code Chapter 6.12 District Code Chapter 6, Section 6.12.030 D. is hereby amended to read as follows: "D. Time for Payment and Penalties for Delinquent Payment. Except for users who apply to connect an existing home to the District's public sewer system, concurrently abandon the septic tank system serving the property and elect to participate in the "Capacity Fee Installment Payment Program" as provided below, payment of capacity fees shall be due and made prior to the time of imposition of any added burden. If a new connection is proposed by the user making application for a permit, payment shall be made at the time of the District's issuance of a permit to connect to the public sewer. For a change of use where no new connection is proposed by the user, payment shall be due and made at the time the District reviews building plans related to the change of use. If an added burden occurs without payment of capacity fees, payment shall be due at the time of the District's discovery of the added burden. 2. Capacity Fee Installment Payment Program. Users who apply to connect an existing home to the District's public sewer system and concurrently abandon a septic tank system serving the property may elect to participate in the Capacity Fee Installment Payment Program (the "program "). The program shall be subject to the following limitations: a. Only residential properties being converted from use of private septic tank systems to public sewer service shall be eligible to participate in the program; b. Users who elect to participate in the program shall be assessed administrative charges at the rates and in the manner established for the Capacity Use Program in the Schedule of Environmental and Development - Related Rates and Charges in effect as of the effective date of this ordinance, and as such rates may be modified in the future in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 6.30. C. As a condition of participation in the program, a user shall execute a promissory note and enter into a Memorandum of Agreement in the District's standard form therefor; WENVRSEC \Position Papers \Miyamoto- Mills\2010 \ORDINANCE - Cap Fee Installments- Septic Tanks FINAL (Attach 1) 09-02 - 2010.doc Ordinance No. Page 3 of 4 d. If a property owner elects to participate in the program, the Capacity Fees that would otherwise due be due at the time of the District's issuance of a permit to connect to the public sewer shall be financed by the District over a ten -year period at the interest rate established for the Capacity Use Program in the Schedule of Environmental and Development - Related Rates and Charges in effect as of the effective date of this ordinance, and as such rates may be modified in the future in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 6.30. e. The District shall collect annual installment payments due under the program on each year's Contra Costa County Property Tax Roll. f. The General Manager or his /her designee is authorized to execute and record the required program Memoranda of Agreement and Releases of Agreement on behalf of the District. 3. Under ordinary circumstances, where a connection permit is sought, or where the District receives prior notice of a proposed change in use, unpaid fees and /or charges shall become delinquent forty -five days after mailing, or personal delivery of, a notification of fees and /or charges that are due. 4. Under circumstances where the District does not receive a request for a connection permit or building plans for review prior to a change of use occurring, the fees and charges shall become delinquent either at the time when the new connection or change in use occurs, at the time of subsequent discovery of the unreported new connection or change in use, or forty -five days after notice of fees and charges being due is provided to the user by mail or personal delivery, at the discretion of the General Manager after consideration of the facts of the particular situation. 5. Penalties for delinquent capacity fees shall be in accordance with Section 1.08.080 (Penalties for delinquent payments). The penalties expressed therein shall be cumulative with, and in addition to, any and all other remedies that the District may have in law or equity. The District shall be entitled to recover its attorneys' fees under this chapter, in addition to any fees, penalties, interest or other amounts to which the District may be entitled." Section 2 - Severability 1. If any provision of this Ordinance or application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of the Ordinance including the application of such part or provision to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected thereby and shall continue in full force and effect. To this end, provisions of this Ordinance are severable. N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers \Miyamoto- Mills\2010 \01RDINANCE - Cap Fee Installments- Septic Tanks FINAL (Attach 1) 09-02 - 2010.doc Ordinance No. Page 4 of 4 2. The Board of Directors hereby declares that it would have passed each section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause, or phrase hereof irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause, or phrases are held unconstitutional, invalid or unenforceable. Section 3 - Effective Date This Ordinance shall be a general regulation of the District and shall be published in the Contra Costa Times and the San Ramon Valley Times, newspapers of general circulation, published and circulated within the District and shall be effective on the eighth day following said publication. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District on the 2nd day of September 2010, by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: Michael R. McGill President of the Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Elaine R. Boehme Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California Approved as to form: Kenton L. Alm Counsel for the District N: \ENVRSEC \Position Papers\Miyamoto- Mills\2010 \01RDINANCE - Cap Fee Installments- Septic Tanks FINAL (Attach 1) 09-02 - 2010.doc J ti ; L � 1' .L. I � _ L -1 r i Z • ■LI L• •'1 litil __i• ' ti •fir. __r . 1�'.. _ter % 11'.1 1� r ' ti +' -r'■ .J 1 ,4 •ti_1_7 1 •tiYl 1 1 - 'ti ■1_l 1 . •1 1 L 1 _ 7�,� �•1. 7r7 r L •■ •. L.. •n -1 r •L . • ■1 . L • ■-.1 .L: _X .1 _ f__• 1 •_• rr _ LL Z 1 LL. __l Lti. . L%. L L .l 1 •L ■1 1 1•'•f' 1 1 1 Y 1 1 ti7 ■r. 1 1 •7711.1 1 •%Yl 1 1 •• A 10 • ' •L {. __� I. : 7. l LI.._l` .Lti. - 11 1 1'� ZI ■ f L 1 - -J■ Y _ •A. l -. _ �� 7 'tir• 1 1 Fti• ■7rti• ■ ' ' 1 I MWW A" 171 L. • 17.ti; - -1 ■fJ .__ r.ti1 -7. ' 'J .i '• f ■ S . 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