HomeMy WebLinkAbout06.a.2) AnnouncementsAgenda Item 6.a.2)
Board Meeting of July 1, 2010
Written Announcements:
Purchasing Items
a) Request for Proposals for professional landscape
maintenance services
The Purchasing and Materials Services Division has requested and will
receive, sealed proposals on June 24, 2010 for professional landscape
maintenance services. Proposals will be reviewed and scored based on
professional qualifications, experience, cost, and the ability to meet the
District's standards and requirements. More information will be presented
when a selection is made.
b) Request for Quotations for asphalt paving, patching and
The Purchasing and Materials Services Division has requested quotations
for asphalt paving, patching, and repairs as needed. Award will be made
to the lowest responsive and responsible contractor who meets the
requirements and criteria set forth in the Request for Quotations. More
information will be presented when a selection is made.
c) Request for Quotations for the rental, laundering and
delivery of uniforms, linens, and mats
The Purchasing and Materials Services Division will be requesting
quotations for the rental, laundering, and delivery of uniforms, linens, and
mats for the District. Award will be made to the lowest responsive and
responsible vendor who meets the requirements and criteria set forth in
the Request for Quotations. More information will be presented when a
selection is made.
Staff Travel
d) Staff Attendance at Product Stewardship Institute's Annual
Assistant Engineer Melody LaBella will be attending the Product
Stewardship Institute's Annual Forum in Boston, Massachusetts on July
21 and 22, 2010.
Ms. LaBella will be attending this Forum to participate in the national
dialogue on product stewardship efforts for products like batteries,
fluorescent lamps, paint and pharmaceuticals and share in lessons learned
on how the disposal costs for these products can successfully be shifted
away from local governments and to the product chain.
The majority of Ms. LaBella's trip expenses will be covered by the Bay Area
Clean Water Agencies (BACWA), as she has been recommended to
represent BACWA (in addition to CCCSD) at this Forum. A small portion of
Ms. LaBella's trip expenses will be covered under the Environmental
Services Division Technical Training and Conferences O&M Budget.
Advertisements/Project Updafes
e) Advertisement and Public Bidding of Martinez Sewer
Renovations, Phase 3 District Project 5952
Martinez Sewer Renovations, Phase 3 is part of the ongoing Collection
System Renovation Program. The Phase 3 project will install
approximately 5,300 feet of 6 and 8-inch sewer pipe within public right-of-
way and newly obtained easements by using horizontal directional drilling,
pipeburst, and open cut methods. Included in this work is installation of a
new easement line off Green Street. In addition, staff will enter into a Joint
Powers Agreement with the City of Martinez to install a 12-inch storm
drain and complete street pavement overlay. The value of the City's work
is less than $50,000 and is within staff authority.
This project will be advertised on July 2 and 7, 2010. Bids will be opened
on July 20, 2010. The construction costs is currently estimated at
$1,100,000. More information will be presented when the Board is asked
to approve the construction contract on August 5, 2010.
f) Advertisement and Public Bidding of Diablo Sewer
Renovations (Phase 1), DP 5953
The Diablo Sewer Renovations (Phase 1) Project is part of the ongoing
Collection System Renovation Program. Multiple phases of sewer
renovations are planned for Diablo. The project will replace approximately
5,900 linear feet of 6-, 8- and 10-inch sewer lines and abandon
approximately 4,400 linear feet of 6-and 8-inch sewer lines and reroute
laterals within public right-of-way and easements in Diablo and Danville.
Open-cut, pipeburst, cured-in-place pipe and horizontal drilling methods
will be used.
This project will be advertised on July 2 and 8, 2010. Bids will be opened
on July 20, 2010. The construction cost is currently estimated at
$1,500,000. More information will be presented when the Board is asked
to approve the construction contract on August 5, 2010.
g) Announcement for the Award of the Wet Weather Bvpass
Improvements Project. District Proiect 7241.
At the June 17~' Board meeting, staff asked the Board to authorize the
award of a construction contract in the amount of $1,856,203 for the
construction of the Wet Weather Bypass Improvement Project, District
Project 7241, to Siteworks Construction, Inc., the lowest responsive
bidder, subject to receipt'of the acceptable and appropriate permit from
the Sacramento District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, by 5:00 p.m.
July 8, 2010.
On June 22, the District received a copy of a letter from the U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers to the Contra Costa County Flood Control District
stating their approval of the Wet Weather Bypass Improvements Project
(see attached letter). The terms and conditions stated in the letter of
Army Corps are acceptable. The formal permit will shortly be issued by
Contra Costa County Flood Control District. Staff has begun preparation
of the contract documents with Siteworks Construction. Inc.
h) Employment of Retired District Employee on IPM Policy
July 1.2010
Staff entered into a professional services contract in the amount of $3,000
with retired CCCSD Pollution Prevention Program Administrator Bart
Brandenburg in June 2010. Bart Brandenburg retired from the District in
March 2001. While at the District Bart was instrumental in developing our
Integrated Pest Management Program. Since his retirement, Bart has
formed his own business consulting on pollution prevention matters. Due
to his specialized expertise in integrated pest management and his
familiarity with the District's operation, staff wishes to utilize Bart to assist
the Green Team in drafting an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Policy
for the District. The intent of this policy will be to reduce the use of
pesticides and herbicides within the District's operations. Staff plans to
bring the draft IPM Policy to the Board for approval in September 2010.
i) Clea_ry Brothers Landscaping Blanket Potholing Contract -
Performance Update
At the December 17, 2009 Board meeting the Board of Directors awarded
a non-destructive potholing contract to Cleary Brothers Landscaping.
Staff was asked to provide an update on Cleary Brothers performance in
July 2010.
Cleary Brothers has performed well on the Diablo Renovations Phase 1
project and the Martinez Renovations Phase 3 project. Their production
rate is about average while their hourly cost is lower than previous
potholing contracts. They do a very good job on site cleanliness and
traffic control. The Engineering Department is pleased with their work.
Additional information is provided in a memorandum included in the Board
j) Town of Moraga Street Lighting Assessment Increase
Pursuant to a recent public hearing process, the Town of Moraga will levy
increased assessments for Moraga Street Lighting Assessment District
No. 1979-1. Each property in Moraga is assessed for the operation and
maintenance of street lighting. The property upon which the Moraga
Pumping Station is located was formerly exempt but is now subject to this
assessment. The assessment will be $29 per year.
k) Car Washing Services
The District will be bringing in an organization to wash the District's
vehicles that are parked in the main lot on the plant. This is scheduled to
begin on July 8~h. This organization is Contra Costa ARC -Commercial
Support Services (CSS). The vehicles will be washed onsite in the plant
parking lot on Tuesdays and Thursdays. CSS provides vehicle washing
services for other public agencies as well, such as Contra Costa County,
CHP and the City of Antioch.
Contra Costa ARC is a nonprofit community based membership
organization which exists to enhance and enrich the lives of children and
adults with developmental disabilities. They provide direct services and
advocacy to assist those they serve in achieving their highest level of
personal independence and self-sufficiency.
Contra Costa ARC is known for providing high quality, cost-effective
services, and they are a respected leader in the field. They serve over
1,000 children and adults in Contra Costa County every day, they are the
largest employer of people with developmental disabilities in the county,
and they are one of the largest providers of services to people with
developmental disabilities in California.
Portable standby engine-generators are a critical component of the
Standby Power Facility Improvement Project. Replacement of the existing
standby engines cannot occur until staff has verified the portables are a
reliable back-up power system which can be available while the existing
standby engine-generators are removed and replaced with the new
On Saturday May 19t", 2010, while testing the portable standby engine-
generators on full plant load, faulty relay wiring caused the entire plant to
lose power. Since the cogeneration unit was off-line to enable the test by
not requiring complex paralleling control logic, staff restored power via
PG&E. Additional operations staff were on hand in case of potential
problems, therefore the plant was without power for only approximately 3
minutes and major processes were back on-line within 1 hour. No
violations of our Title V or NPDES permits occurred.
After correcting the relay issue, staff successfully retested the portables on
Wednesday June 23`d and can now proceed to replace the existing
standby engine-generators with the new units.
Agenda Item 6.a.2)
Board Meeting of July 1 2010
Additional Written Announcements:
~roject/General Updates
m) Diablo Sewer Renovation Phase 1 Public Worksho
The District hosted a public workshop on Thursday, June 24 from 7:00 to
8:00 pm. at the Diablo Country Club. There were approximately 15
attendees, and the topics discussed were; expected construction impacts,
paving and property restoration, and lateral reconnection.
n) Environmental Documents to be Released for Public
Two environmental documents related to District annexations will be
released this month for public comment. The Draft EIR for annexation of
nine properties in the Alhambra Valley that are outside the Urban Limit
Line will be released by July 12. A draft negative declaration for the
proposed annexation of properties in the EI Toyonal area of Orinda
(District Annexation No. 175) will be released in late July for public
comment. Both documents could potentially generate significant
comments by the public and/or public agencies. Public hearings for both
documents before the Board of Directors are tentatively scheduled for
September 16, 2010.
o) Rodent Control on Treatment Plant
An item in Contra Costa Times Gary Bogue's Pet & Animal column in
todays edition (July 1, 2010) noted that CCCSD will begin a feeding
program to reduce the number of ground squirrels on treatment plaht
The article did not mention the District has been mandated by the
Department of Water Resources/Dam Safety Division to reduce the
existing squirrel population near the clearwell which stores the District's
recycled water. The burrowing squirrels have damaged clearvvell walls and
further damage could result in loss of recycled water and ultimately failure
of the clearwell.
District staff is researching options to a feeding program. If those options
can not reduce the squirrel population enough to protect our recycled
water system, we may need to resort to a feeding program for the needed
U.S. Army Engineer District, Sacramento
Corps of Engineers
1325 J Street
REP~rro Sacramento, California 958142922
Flood Protection and Navigation Section (602-06)
JUN 2 2 2010
Mr. Tim Jensen
Contra Costa County
Flood Control and Water Conservatioh District
255 Glacier Drive
Martinez, California 94553-4825
Dear Mr. Jensen:
We have reviewed a permit application by Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
(602-06). This project includes the installation of two parallel, 4 foot high by 10 foot wide
rectangular box culverts through the left bank levee of Walnut Creek. The project is
located just upstream from the Burlington Northern Santa Fe railroad tracks at 38.0144°N
122.0695°W NAD 83, Contra Costa County, California.
The District Engineer has no objection to approval of this application by Contra
Costa County Flood Control and Water Conservation District from a flood control
standpoint, subject to the following conditions:
a. That the levee section and levee roadway shall be restored to existing lines and
b. That the proposed work shall not be performed during the flood season from
November 1 to April 15, unless otherwise approved in writing by your District.
c. That the seepage cut-off collars indicated on the drawings shall not be installed.
d. That the levee embankment shall be reconstructed with impervious material
compacted to at least 95% of maximum density as obtained by standard Proctor tests
(ASTM D 698) at a moisture content between -2 and +3 of the optimum moisture
content. Material excavated for the pipe installation may be reused if the material is
suitable for levee fill.
e. That the conduit shall be of sufficient strength to withstand anticipated vehicle
f. That the applicant shall periodically inspect the slide gates to ensure they are
functioning properly.
g. That the slide gates at the watenvard end of the levee shall be kept in the
closed position except when bypassing water. The bypass shall only be operated when
the water surface elevation in Walnut Creek is below, and forecasted to remain below,
the invert of the culvert.
h. That riprap shall be placed around the pipe outlet to prevent erosion. The
riprap shall be placed on at least 6 inches of sandy filter material.
i. That because the guardrail on top of the pipe headwall may accumulate debris,
the guardrail shall not be installed.
A Section 10 and/or Section 404 permit (2009-00125S) has been issued for this
If you have any questions concerning our comments on these plans, please
contact Mr. Ryan Larson at (916) 557-7568 or Mr. Robert Murakami at (916) 557-6738.
:~M.,c~l..,~ .cP
Michael D. Mahoney, P.E.
Chief, Construction-Operations Division
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
June 23, 2010
Cleary Brothers Landscaping was the successful low bidder in December 2009 for the
nondestructive potholing blanket contract at 55% of the second low bidder. Cleary
Brothers had not done any previous potholing work for the District and there was some
concern about their ability to adequately perform the potholing work.
Cleary Brothers has since successfully completed two potholing assignments. The first
was for the Diablo Renovations, Phase 1 project, consisting of seven potholes with an
average depth of 7 feet at a cost of $815 per pothole. The second was for the Martinez
Renovations, Phase 3 project, consisting of ten potholes with an average depth of 3 feet
at a cost of $570 per pothole. The previous potholing contractor's (Exaro) average cost
per pothole was $675.
Nondestructive potholing typically involves jackhammering out a 1-foot square hole in
the pavement, breaking up the soil/backfill with either an air lance or water jet to expose
the utility, identifying the utility and pipe size, measuring the depth of the utility,
backfilling and compacting the hole, placing an asphalt patch at the top of the hole, and
sweeping up the site for cleanup.
Cleary Brothers does a few things differently than previous contractors. Previous
contractors have used a jackhammer to cut through road pavement. Cleary Brothers
uses a 12-inch diameter hole cutter. This allows for better compaction during
backfill/paving operations. They also have the ability to use either a standard air lance
and vacuum for excavation or a water jet and vacuum. The air jet is good for
excavating granular backfill and sand, the waterjet is good for excavating clay. With
their ability to vacuum up water they pressure-wash the street after backfilling the holes,
leaving the sites very clean.
P:\CapitalProjects\Blanket Contracts\Correspondence\Cleary Bros Board Memo 6-24-10.doc
Board of Directors
Page 2
June 23, 2010
They have done a good job setting up traffic control around potholing sites. On busy
streets they have brought in additional workers to flag traffic. Overall, the work has
gone very well at a reasonable cost. Below are several pictures of their operations.
Hole Cutter
P:1CapitalProjects\Blanket ContractslCorrespondencelCleary Bros Board Memo 6-24-10.doc
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Air Lance
Hole Cutter
Water Jet
Board of Directors
Page 3
June 23, 2010
Exposed Utility
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P:1CapitalProjects161anket Contracts\Correspondence\Cleary Bros Board Memo 6-24-t0.doc
Cleaning Up
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Board of Directors
Page 4
June 23, 2010
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Traffic Control
P:1CapitalProjects\Blanket Contracts\CorrespondencelCleary Bros Board Memo 6-24-t0.doc
Traffic Control