HomeMy WebLinkAbout13.c. Committee Minutes-Finance 12-18-19 Page 1 of 9 Item 13.c. ,ek CENTRAL SAN SANITARYCENTRAL CONTRA COSTA , . January 16, 2020 TO: HONORABLE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM: KATIE YOUNG, SECRETARYOF THE DISTRICT SUBJECT: DECEMBER 18, 2019 - FINANCE COMMITTEE - CHAIR CAUSEYAND MEMBER NEJEDLY Attached are minutes of the above Committee meeting. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Minutes - FI NANCE Committee 12-18-19 2. (Handouts) Item 4.c. 3. (Handout) Item 5.a. Loss Control Report as of 12-18-19 January 16, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 215 of 232 Page 2 of 9 I CENTRAL SAN CONTRACENTRAL •STA SANITARY DISTRICT 5019 IMHOFF REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS: CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA DAVID R, WILLIAMS President SANITARY DISTRICT MICHAEL R.MCCILL FINANCE COMMITTEE President Pro Tem PAUL H CA USEY JAMES A.NEJEDLY M I N U T E S TAD J PHECKI PHONE: (925)228-9500 92 Wednesday, December 18, 2019 FAX cent alsan. rg www.centralsan.org 2:00 p.m. Executive Conference Room 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, California Committee: Chair Paul Causey Member Jim Nejedly Guest: David Alvey, Maze & Associates (left after Item 4.d.) Staff.- Roger S. Bailey, General Manager Katie Young, Secretary of the District Ann Sasaki, Deputy General Manager Phil Leiber, Director of Finance and Administration Stephanie King, Purchasing and Materials Manager Danea Gemmell, Planning and Development Services Division Manager (left after Item 4.a.) Kevin Mizuno, Finance Manager Shari Deutsch, Risk Management Administrator Donna Anderson, Assistant to the Secretary of the District 1. Call Meeting to Order Chair Causey called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. 2. Public Comments None. Items 4.c. and 4.d. were taken out of order, immediately following Item 2, after which the Chair reverted to Item 3.a. January 16, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 216 of 232 Page 3 of 9 Finance Committee Minutes December 18, 2019 Page 2 3. Old Business a. Follow-up to questions asked at the November 26, 2019 meeting regarding a certain check expenditure COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the information. 4. Items for Committee Recommendation to the Board a. Review and recommend approval of expenditures incurred 11/15/19 through 12/05/19 Staff responded to several questions posed in advance of the meeting by Chair Causey and at the meeting by Member Nejedly. The Committee requested additional information at the next meeting for the following procurement card (P-card) purchases: Page 25 - $5,221.12— Parts to repair District vehicle Page 26 - $16,743.45— Maintenance parts COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board approval and follow-up information on two P-card purchases. b. Review November 2019 Financial Statements and Investment Reports Mr. Mizuno briefly recapped the information included with his cover memo to the Financial Statements and Investment Reports. Chair Causey said he appreciates the analysis contained in the monthly cover memo from Mr. Mizuno and inquired about the possibility of the Committee receiving just an explanatory cover memo on a monthly basis and the full Financial Statements on a quarterly basis. He said this would streamline the review time for the Committee Members, adding that he was confident that staff would notify the Committee if anything unusual came to light during a month when the Committee was not reviewing the full Financial Statements. Mr. Bailey said staff utilizes the monthly Financial Statements and Investment Reports for internal use, but if it is the Committee's desire to conduct quarterly rather than monthly reviews of the statements themselves, staff will accommodate the request. To the extent monthly reports are specified in Board policies, those policies could be modified at the next available normal review. January 16, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 217 of 232 Page 4 of 9 Finance Committee Minutes December 18, 2019 Page 3 Member Nejedly concurred with Chair Causey's request. COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board receipt, and that the Financial Statements and Investment Reports be reviewed by the Committee on a quarterly, rather than monthly, basis going forward, provided any items considered to be noteworthy or of significance are brought to the Committee's attention as they arise. C. Review draft Position Paper to accept (1) the comparative audited Financial Statements for the fiscal years ended June 30, 2019 and 2018 performed by Maze & Associates, and (2) the independent auditors' memorandum on internal control and required communications for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2019 - Guest: David Alvey, CPA and Audit Partner of Maze & Associates This item was taken out of order, immediately following Item 2. Mr. Alvey addressed Items 4.c and 4.d. together, noting that he serves as the District's independent external auditor. He reported that Central San received a clean, unmodified opinion on its audited financials. The Committee said they were very impressed with the amount of information included with the audited financials and the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, and the fact that the auditors had so little to report. Mr. Mizuno responded to several questions posed by Chair Causey prior to the meeting regarding the following topics: 1)* Payoff of sick leave at retirement. Referring to Item J (Compensated Absences) on page 33 of the audited financials, Chair Causey asked for specific information on the District's liability for payoff at retirement for employee sick leave. Mr. Mizuno provided a chart (see attached) indicating dollar values associated with total sick leave accrued for fiscal years ending June 30, 2015 through 2019. The chart indicates that the totals have generally been rising and, as of the end of last fiscal year, stood at approximately$1.2 million. Chair Causey said it is important for the Board to have a good understanding of the range of dollars involved and requested this level of detail be provided to the Committee each year when the audited financials are finalized. 2)* CADs and AVADs. Chair Causey requested a ten-year history of outstanding balances for contractual assessment districts (CADs) and Alhambra Valley assessment districts (AVADs). Mr. Mizuno distributed a chart of balances for the past ten years and a graph indicating the trending over the same period. As of June 30, 2019, the combined outstanding balance for both CADs and AVADs was approximately$1.2 million. January 16, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 218 of 232 Page 5 of 9 Finance Committee Minutes December 18, 2019 Page 4 3) Agreement with City of Concord. In response to Chair Causey's request for information on the agreement with the City of Concord, Mr. Leiber said it runs for 25 years. The agreement was last renewed in 1999; therefore, it is not due for renewal until 2024. At this point, staff sees no major deficiencies with the current agreement, which is based on flow. Chair Causey commented that he would prefer the payments under the agreement be made quarterly, with annual adjustments. COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board receipt. d. Review final draft Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) as of the fiscal year ended June 30, 2019 for submission to the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) Discussed in conjunction with Item 4.c. COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board approval. Upon conclusion of the discussion of Items 4.c and 4.d., Chair Causey resumed the original agenda order, starting with Item 3.a. 5. Other Items a.* Review Risk Management Loss Control Report as of December 3, 2019 Ms. Deutsch distributed an updated Loss Control Report (attached) and reviewed it with the Committee. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the report. 6. Announcements a. Mr. Bailey announced he will be out of the office all next week. b. Member Causey said he will be away the week after Christmas. 7. Suggestions for Future Agenda Items a. Receive list of upcoming agenda items and provide suggestions for any other future agenda items COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the list. January 16, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 219 of 232 Page 6 of 9 Finance Committee Minutes December 18, 2019 Page 5 8. Future Scheduled Meetings — 2020 meeting dates to be determined. 9. Adjournment— at 2:57 p.m. *Attachment January 16, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 220 of 232 Item 4.c. (Handouts) FY Total ChangeM Change M 6/30/2019 1,215,384.00 (92,375.00) -8% 6/30/2018 1,123,009.00 (38,625.00) -4% 6/30/2017 1,084,384.00 101,213.00 9% 6/30/2016 1,185,597.00 (89,346.00) -8% 6/30/2015 1,096,251.00 (1,096,251.00) January 16, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 221 of 232 Central San AVAD&CAD 10 Year History Fiscal Year 2018-2019 2017-2018 2016-2017 2015-2016 2014-2015 2013-2014 2012-2013 2011-2012 2010-2011 2009-2010 CAD $ 394,662 $ 162,781 $ 217,778 $ 257,159 $ 289,505 $ 353,380 $ 434,396 $ 519,426 $ 606,964 $ 877,420 AVAD $ 820,003 $ 946,454 $ 1,094,047 $ 1,258,659 $ 1,380,181 $ 1,485,110 $ 1,655,065 $ 1,701,905 $ 1,818,114 $ 1,790,185 CAD & AVAD Balance 10-Year Trend $2,000,000 $1,800,000 $1,600,000 $1,400,000 $1,200,000 $1,000,000 $800,000 $600,000 $400,000r $200,000 2018-2019 2017-2018 2016-2017 2015-2016 2014-2015 2013-2014 2012-2013 2011-2012 2010-2011 2009-2010 CAD - AVAD January 16, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 222 of 232 CCCSD 2019-20 Loss Control Report Item 5.a. 0 New Incident 0 Ongoing Incident 0 Prior FY 0 Litigated (Handout) OVERFLOWS Status # ID# Loss DOL Other Party Address City Reserve Expenses Claim Incident Total Paid to Type Paid* Paid** Open B 2019014 SSO 07/26/18 Jane Kappel 25 Arlene Lane Walnut Creek $ 10,000.00 $ $ $ 10,000.00 Denied Closed 1 2020001 SSO 07/24/19 Jason Gardner 116 Wilderness Lane Lafayette $ - $ 1,246.23 $ $ 1,246.23 Servicemaster Closed 2 2020004 SSO 09/03/19 Janet and Bobby Seibe 1971 Pine Street Martinez $ 151.93 Claimant $ 7,033.10 $ 7,185.03 Servicemaster Closed 3 2020009 SSO 12/06/19 Dan Finnane 321 Bedford Place Moraga $ 7,000.00 $ - $ - $ 7,000.00 Total-SSO $ 17,000.00 $ 8,279.33 $ 151.93 $ 25,431.26 LIABILITY INCIDENTS-OTHER Status # ID# Loss DOL Other Party Address City Reserve Expenses Claim Incident Total Paid to Type Paid* Paid** Open E 2019020 GL Fall 2016 P Hill Park&Rec Dist Murderer's Creek Pleasant Hill $ $ $ - $ - Denied-Tolling Agt Closed 1 2020008 GL 10/29/19 Mingxian Liu 1572 Siskiyou Dr. Walnut Creek $ $ $ 5,425.00 $ 5,425.00 Hamill Construction Total-Liab $ $ $ 5,425.00 $ 59425.00 AUTO INCIDENTS Status # ID# Loss DOL Other Party Location Veh# Reserve Expenses Claim Incident Total Paid to Type Paid* Paid** Closed 1 2020006 AL 9/12/19 David Katkov 161 Tracy Lane N/A $ $ $ 650.00 $ 650.00 Claimant Total-Auto $ $ $ 650.00 $ 650.00 PROPERTY INCIDENTS Status # ID# Loss DOL Other Party Address City Subrogation Expenses Loss Cost Incident Total Comments Type Paid* Closed 1 2020002 Prop 07/10/19 State Farm for 0/P Imhoff Drive Fence $ (2,724.32) $ 1,998.90 $ 725.42 $ - Recovered from SF Closed 2 2020003 Prop 07/07/19 CostULess Insurance Marsh Dr.REW Hydrant $ (1,000.00) $ 195.93 $ - $ (1,000.00) Accepted$1k Closed 3 2020005 GL 9/17/19 Deanna Sloup Alvarado Avenue Walnut Creek $ (2,392.59) $ 2,392.59 $ - $ - Recovered from AAA Total-Prop $ (6,116.91) $ 2,194.83 $ 725.42 $ (1,000.00) PLUMBING REIMBURSEMENTS Status # ID# Loss DOL Other Party Address City Reserve Expenses Claim Incident Total Paid to Type Paid* Paid** Closed 1 2020007 PL 11/04/19 Kathleen Decius 1031 Pleasant Valley F Pleasant Hill $ $ $ 224.40 $ 224.40 Claimant Total-PL $ $ $ 224.40 $ 224.40 Note: Prior fiscal year closed claims have been removed from report. 12118/19 *Paid per GM Authority " Board approval required to pay claims of$50,000 or more January 16, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 223 of 232