HomeMy WebLinkAbout03.d. Update on Concord Community Reuse Project (formerly Concord Naval Weapons Station) Page 1 of 14 Item 3.d. CENTRAL SAN November 18, 2019 TO: REAL ESTATE, ENVIRONMENTAL AND PLANNING COMMITTEE FROM: DANEA GEMMELL, PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION MANAGER REVIEWED BY: JEAN-MARC PETIT, DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNICAL SERVICES ROGER S. BAILEY, GENERAL MANAGER SUBJECT: RECEIVE UPDATE ON CONCORD COMMUNITY REUSE PROJECT (FORMERLY CONCORD NAVAL WEAPONS STATION) In order to summarize the outstanding issues and provide a background on the Concord Community Reuse Project (CCRP) development, staff wrote the attached draft white paper which was forwarded to Contra Costa Water District, City of Concord (City), and Lennar Five Point (CCRP developer). On August 14, 2019, both Jean-Marc Petit and Danea Gemmell met with the City, its consultants, and Lennar Five Point representatives to discuss the white paper. A summary of that meeting is also attached. Staff will discuss the outcome of the meeting and answer any questions at the November 18, 2019 Real Estate, Environmental and Planning Committee meeting. Strategic Plan re-In GOAL ONE: Provide Exceptional Customer Service Strategy 1 - Build external customer relationships and awareness GOAL THREE: Be a Fiscally Sound and Effective Water Sector Utility Strategy 1 - Conduct long-range financial planning GOAL SIX: Embrace Technology, Innovation and Environmental Sustainability Strategy 1 -Augment the region's water supply ATTACHMENTS: 1. Draft Concord Community Reuse Project White Paper 2. August 14, 2019 Meeting Minutes November 18, 2019 Special REEP Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 9 of 71 Page 2 of 14 DRAFT Attachment 1 ,f_,. ,X,LCENTRAL SAN CENTRAL CONTRA COST A SANITARY DISTRICT 5019 IMHOFF Concord Community Reuse Project Development White Paper Prepared by Danea Gemmell, P.E.; Planning and Development Services Division Manager Reviewed by Jean-Marc Petit, P.E.; Director of Engineering and Technical Services Scope This white paper will provide: a) some background of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (Central San) and Contra Costa Water District (CCWD) interactions with the City of Concord (Concord) for development of the Concord Community Reuse Project (CCRP) for both sewer and recycled water infrastructure needs; and b) identify outstanding items needed for both financial and contractual requirements in order to move the project forward. These two items are in bold in the paper below.This white paper may also help identify policy decisions for Central San's Board of Directors and for the Concord City Council. Background In 1972, Congress enacted the Clean Water Act,which is the primary federal law in the United States governing water pollution. This law gave the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) the authority to implement pollution control programs such as setting wastewater standards for the industry and provided for a construction grants program to fund construction of wastewater treatment plants. Shortly thereafter, the California Regional Control Board—San Francisco Bay Region and State Water Resource Control Board (Regional Board) advised Concord that State and Federal grant funds would not be available to Concord for any upgrades at its wastewater treatment plant. The Regional Board directed Central San and Concord to negotiate a fair and equitable agreement between them to treat the wastewater on a more regional basis. On September 10, 1974, both Central San and Concord entered into an Agreement for Central San to furnish sewer treatment and disposal services for Concord, the Town of Clayton (Clayton), and those areas in the unincorporated Contra Costa County within the sphere of influence of Concord. The Agreement and its subsequent amendments allow for the cost recovery of such treatment to be in relation to the direct flow proportionality received by Central San from Concord (and Clayton) and is measured in a volumetric basis by three flow meters within Concord's service area and then compared to the total of influent flow meters for Central San's wastewater treatment plant(WWTP). In fiscal year(FY) 2017-18, Concord's wastewater contribution was 4.265 billion gallons or 34.1% of the 12.513 billion gallons of total wastewater treated at Central San. Table 1 shows a 10-year historical trend of Concord flow versus total flow measured at the Central San WWTP. 1 November 18, 2019 Special REEP Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 10 of 71 Page 3 of 14 DRAFT May 30, 2019 Table 1:10-Year Historical Trend Ten-Year Annual Wastewater Flow 14.00 - - 95.0% 85.095 - 75.0% 10.00 c 65.D95 � c L7 8-Do - 55.0% D v 0 6.00 _ 45-096 m � 35.D% i 4.00 25.0% 2.00 15.0% 0.00 5.0% 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 -09 .10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 Concord 3.93 4.08 4.51 4.28 4.21 3.91 3.83 3.88 4.80 4.27 Central San 13.87 13.53 14.6S 13.58 13.21 1.2.80 12.27 12.07 14.91 12.51 Concord Flow Percentage 28.3% 30.1% 30.8% 31.5% 31.9% 30.6% 31.2% 32-1% 32.2% 34-1% Central San's WWTP was expanded during the mid-1970's to meet the new Clean Water Act provisions and provide sufficient capacity to serve Concord. At that time, Central San's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit required advanced wastewater treatment and water reclamation for resale, so the treatment plant expansion included provisions to construct a filter plant as part of the grant funded construction. Soon after the construction was complete, the advanced treatment/water reclamation provisions were removed from Central San's NPDES permit. During the grant close out, a settlement agreement was negotiated with the EPA with the condition that Central San would promote the cost-effective use of reclaimed water within its service area and utilize the grant-funded filter plant to produce this water. In the early 1990's, Central San entered into an agreement with CCWD which allowed Central San to supply recycled water for irrigation and industrial uses for an area called "Zone 1", located in western Concord and Pleasant Hill. In order to produce and delivertertiary recycled water that complied with Title 22, California's Code of Regulations for the production of recycled water, Central San spent $4.1 million to modify the existing filter plant to produce 3.8 million gallons per day (mgd) and constructed approximately 4,350 feet of 24-inch recycled water distribution pipeline into Zone 1. As development of a cost effective recycled water program was an EPA requirement to utilize the grant-funded facilities, Concord shared in the capital cost, based on the wastewater flow proportional percentage. Therefore, as Central San has received revenues from Zone 1 recycled water customers, Concord has shared in the revenues based on the same flow proportional percentage. The bulk of the recycled water produced at the plant is for onsite use in the treatment of wastewater. In 2018,the treatment plant was the largest user of recycled water with 316 million gallons used while Zone 1 customers used 222 million gallons for a total of 538 million gallons produced'. 1 Central San 2018 Recycled Water Annual Report 2 November 18, 2019 Special REEP Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 11 of 71 Page 4 of 14 DRAFT May 30, 2019 Development of Concord Naval Weapons Station In 2005, the Concord Naval Weapons Station was approved for closure by the U. S. Department of Defense, and shortly thereafter, Concord began to plan for the eventual use of the site. A portion of the site is located in Central San's service area and a portion is in Concord's service area; Attachment 1 illustrates these boundaries. Central San annexed its service area in the Concord Naval Weapons Station in 1967. Early planning efforts for the sewer facilities considered two main possibilities of conveying some, or all, of the CCRP flow via option 1: west through Concord's sewer system and then north to the WWTP; or option 2: north into the Central San's North Concord trunk sewer system and then west to the WWTP.Average wastewater flows were estimated at 95 percent of indoor water demand, based on a residential indoor water demand factor of 60 gallons per day/capita and non-residential demands based on industry standard S2. Based on these factors, the total ultimate average dry weather wastewater flow was estimated to be 2.9 mgd. In 2009, Central San provided a will-serve letter to Concord and CCWD to provide recycled water up to 3,000 acre-feet per year for the CCRP's preferred development plan which included a mixture of commercial, residential, institutional, and recreational uses. In 2010, the CCRP Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was completed and included recycled water demand scenarios of up to 2,749 acre-feet per year(-2.5 mgd)for landscape irrigation. In 2016, Concord selected Lennar Concord LLC (Lennar) as the Master Developer for the development of Phase 1 and the Master Utility Infrastructure Plan for the CCRP. Lennar's term sheet for Backbone and Offsite Infrastructure Costs was stated as $288.8 million. This estimate covers all project infrastructure needs including sanitary sewer,storm drain, potable water, recycled water, and dry utilities. Sewer Alignment As previously introduced, the CCRP site is located within service areas for both Concord and Central San. Concord documents being prepared for the Specific Plan EIR indicate that the ultimate sewer alignment will try to minimize downstream system upgrades within both service areas. Carlson Barbee & Gibson (CBG) has developed two alternatives (Attachment 2) as part of its preliminary engineering for Lennar. In the first alternative, CCRP wastewater is partially conveyed to both Central San and Concord, with the break line along the ridgeline, arranged to avoid downstream improvements within the Concord system. In the second alternative,wastewater is conveyed entirely to the north to Central San's system.The optimal design is not intended to change service area boundaries, instead it is intended to develop Z Final Environmental Impact Report Appendix 16A, Utilities,Table 16-4A:Water and Wastewater Demand Rate Summary 3 November 18, 2019 Special REEP Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 12 of 71 Page 5 of 14 DRAFT May 30, 2019 the most optimal engineering design for the system, and most cost effective (both from capital expenditure and operational expenditure standpoints). All memoranda and correspondence to date indicate that Central San and Concord will work out the alignment in the future. Central San would like to start discussions with Concord to determine the final sewer design alignment. Discussion of three considerations that should be taken into account as part of the decision include: 1. Minimizing Offsite Improvement Costs Engineering design standards use peak wet weather flows to determine capacity needed for sewer pipe size and for pump station sizing. As mentioned previously, the CCRP estimated dry weather wastewater flow is 2.9 mgd; corresponding peak wet weather flows are estimated at 6.42 mgd3. In 2010, Central San engaged RMC Water and Environment, an engineering consulting firm (now Woodard and Curran), to provide alternative alignments and cost estimates on the CCRP. We have updated these cost estimates based on the CBG flows and two schematic wastewater alignments in Attachment 2. Both alternatives require offsite improvements for the northern connection under Highway 4 from the CCRP along Kinne Boulevard to Central San's Concord Industrial Pump Station (CIPS). Additionally, both alternatives require small pump stations within the development to convey wastewater over the ridge within the project area. For the first CBG alternative, costs to take approximately 3.3 mgd of flow from Central San's service area are approximately $20 million ($11.3 million in pipeline upgrades and $8.6 million in CIPS improvements). Based on Concord's Brown and Caldwell 2011 report, costs to take the remaining flow from Concord's service area are $13 million (2011 estimate), which is approximately $16.5 million in 2019 dollars; this brings the estimated total for offsite improvements to $36.5 million for Alternative 1. For the second CBG alternative, which would send all of the flow north through Central San's wastewater system, Woodard and Curran estimates $28.1 million in offsite improvements ($17.5 million in pipeline upgrades and $10.6 million in CIPS improvements), expressed in 2018 dollars. Lennar has requested information on future reimbursements. As defined by Central San District Code Section 6.20 Reimbursement Fees, Central San has a procedure in place that allows for reimbursement of offsite sewer costs. "Reimbursement fees will be calculated by dividing the sum of all allowable costs of the standard or special facility by the total number of connections or residential unit equivalents which could reasonably be physically connected directly to the facility in the case of standard facilities, or could reasonably be served by the 3 CBG Memo titled "Water and Wastewater Estimated Demands Concord Reuse Plan Concord California"to Five Point dated April 30,2018 4 November 18, 2019 Special REEP Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 13 of 71 Page 6 of 14 DRAFT May 30, 2019 facility in the case of special facilities." While Central San has a mechanism in place for reimbursements, Concord will need to be involved to coordinate a sewer reimbursement with other potential reimbursements due to the complexity of phasing and lot sales to other developers during all phases of the development. 2. Concern of Sewer Service Charge Differences/Disparity At a joint Concord City Council-Planning Commission meeting on June 5, 2018, there was concern raised about disparity between neighbors with respect to sewer service charges (SSC). Table 2 below summarizes the residential rates of both agencies, as of FY 2019-20. Table 2:Comparison of SSC between Central San and City of Concord:FY 2019-20 Single Family $598 $637 Multi-Family $566 $637 (Apartment, Condos, Others) Central San receives ad valorum property tax which is primarily used as a pledge for debt and its sewer construction fund. Concord receives a larger percentage of ad valorum property tax which is used as a general fund with none going to their separate sewer enterprise fund. For the CCRP, disposition of ad valorum property tax has not been determined yet, so it is difficult to calculate what this amount could add to Central San customers. 3. Sewer Service Area Central San's treatment plant has the capacity to treat all wastewater flows from the CCRP, regardless of conveyance splits/alternatives. As previously discussed, Concord pays for their wastewater treatment services on a proportion of flow basis, which is currently at 34.1%. With new flows coming into the plant, these flow percentages will adjust up or down depending on the source of flows coming through the WWTP. Table 3 below shows an estimate based on flows assumed for the CCRP. Table 3:Flow Estimate for CCRP and Flow Proportionality between Concord and Central San (based ProportionalityBillion Gallons per Year Innow— Concord 4.265 34% Central San 8.248 66% Total 12.513 ProportionalityFuture Build-out(Split by Service Area) Flow Billion Gallons per Year VEM�L_ Concord 5.186 36% Central San 9.169 64% Total 14.355 5 November 18, 2019 Special REEP Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 14 of 71 Page 7 of 14 DRAFT May 30, 2019 The future build-out projections for the CCRP will result in an approximate two-percent increase in Concord's flow proportional share, however, this will fluctuate over the next 25 to 30 years. As Phase 1 of the CCRP is primarily in Central San's service area, there will be trend downward on flow proportion that will shift when Phases 2 and 3 are constructed. Central San has maintained all along that it does not want to cede any of its service area nor annex Concord's service area. Therefore, additional flow meters may need to be installed within the CCRP, if all flows come through Central San's service area in order to maintain the current contract terms. Recycled Water Demands Estimates In its proposal, Lennar provided ambitious sustainability goals to include recycled water, not justfor irrigation, but also dual plumbing.As stated in Lennar's proposal, "Early wateranalysis shows that the community can save approximately 1 billion gallons of potable water through water efficient landscaping and use of recycled water for irrigation. Recycled water for flushing in high density areas will further reduce potable water demand by approximately 100 million gallons each year." Early in the process, Central San assumed an average daily recycled water demand of 2.5 mgd with maximum day peaking factors of—2.3, which equates to a maximum day demand of 5.8 mgd. Due to the variety of potential recycled water uses (i.e. irrigation, industrial cooling towers, and residential dual plumbing), Central San had requested updated recycled water demand assumptions, especially since only irrigation uses were originally considered. CBG, Lennar's engineer, provided updated flows in 2018 for an average day demand of up to 1.63 mgd at ultimate build-out'. Proposed uses are cooling in multi-family, commercial, and institutional buildings; irrigation of public spaces; and irrigation of all private outdoor spaces within multi-family, commercial, and institutional developments. Updated peaking factors may need to be studied to more adequately provide a maximum daily demand. Central San analyzed its Zone 1 recycled water area in the Diamond Boulevard area of Concord and Pleasant Hill and determined a 3.8 peaking factor.As this is an older established development that may not have conservation efforts as ambitious as the CCRP development, it could be considered a maximum range.With a range of peaking factors from 2.3 to 3.8 and the average daily demand of 1.63 mgd; recycled water demand is estimated between 3.75 mgd and 6.2 mgd for the CCRP. As the retail water purveyor, CCWD should weigh in on the appropriate peaking factor assumption to be used. a CBG Memo titled "Water and Wastewater Estimated Demands Concord Reuse Plan Concord California"to Five Point dated April 30,2018 6 November 18, 2019 Special REEP Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 15 of 71 Page 8 of 14 DRAFT May 30, 2019 This information is critical for Central San to determine its overall recycled water needs and availability. There are other projects being considered that would commit a significant volume of recycled water. For example, Central San is currently conducting a Preliminary Feasibility Evaluation for the Refinery Recycled Water Exchange Project as part of a 2018 three-way Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that was signed by and between Central San, CCWD and Santa Clara Valley Water District. Per the terms of the MOU, Central San would provide up to 22,000 acre-feet per year (approximately 19 mgd) of recycled water to the two local refineries near its WWTP. As such, all recycled water commitments must be properly accounted for to ensure available capacity,especially on maximum day demand.The Water Exchange Project is likely to produce recycled water from the remaining available water supply; therefore, Central San will need to reserve adequate supply for the CCRP, as it will be developed over a 25-to 30-year time frame. Recycled Water Phasing The current concept to deliver recycled water to the CCRP is for Central San to produce and wholesale recycled water to CCWD, which would then be responsible for conveyance, storage, and retailing the recycled water to customers within CCRP development. Recycled water demands have been discussed for the fully built-out CCRP development and are estimated between 3.75 mgd and 6.2 mgd for ultimate build-out. Lennar's development agreement is only for the first phase, a footprint of approximately 500 acres and is estimated at 0.33 mgd average day demand (0.8 mgd to 1.3 mgd peak day demand). The ability for Central San to produce recycled water for all three CCRP development phases has not been evaluated. Existing recycled water treatment facilities may have a limitation in being able to meet the full Phase 1 demands.A major recycled water filter plant rehabilitation project is scheduled for 2020 to 2024 and should provide some reliability to the facility. Available capacity may produce from 0.8 mgd to 1.0 mgd of recycled water for the Phase 1 CCRP development. While there may be some minor capacity available in the existing filter plant to serve some of Phase 1 demands, infrastructure to deliver recycled water from the WWTP and onsite storage facilities will need to be constructed for, or by, CCWD in Phase 1. In order to serve the recycled water demands for the ultimate build-out, the recycled water filter plant will need to be expanded and upgraded. In 2011, Central San prepared a planning level project cost estimate with a 25-percent estimating contingency. For the recycled water offsite improvements, that was $46 million in totals. Tertiary Treatment Plant upgrades were estimated at $15.1 million (Central San); transmission main from WWTP to CCRP was estimated at $22 million (CCWD); and construction of storage facilities was estimated at $9 million (CCWD). These costs and the engineering assumptions need to be updated to current dollars and confirmed as to the approach by the respective lead agency responsible. 5 Carollo Engineers Recycled Water Facilities Plan for Concord Naval Weapons Station dated May 2011 7 November 18, 2019 Special REEP Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 16 of 71 Page 9 of 14 DRAFT May 30, 2019 Lennar's proposal provided the following statement regarding phasing the construction of recycled water facilities. "The CCCSD will need to expand their existing recycled/ tertiary treatment plant to supply the recycled water demand of the CCRP. In addition, several miles of off-site recycled water main will need to be constructed to deliver recycled water from the expanded recycled water plant to the CCRP. The construction of these facilities will be phased over time so recycled water mains will be connected to the potable water system initially and switched over as recycled water becomes available."Additionally, CBG outlined the Backbone Infrastructure by Development Stage' as only including "Backbone Recycled Water Mains" for all three stages of Phase 1. There is concern that Lennar's proposal does not appear to include the cost of offsite improvements for recycled water infrastructure. CCWD wrote a letter to Concord on February 17, 2017, "strongly encouraging the City to incorporate the project's commitment to recycled water into the initial phase of the development including the most cost effective construction approach to provide recycled water to new home buyers as soon as possible." Central San supports CCWD's position and requests confirmation from Concord that the offsite infrastructure will be included in the Specific Plan and financed by the developer. Attachments 1. Concord and Central San Service Area Map 2. CBG Schematic Wastewater Schemes Drawings e Exhibit I of Lennar Revised Term Sheet taken to Concord City Council on May 3,2016 8 November 18, 2019 Special REEP Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 17 of 71 Page 10 of 14 HIGHWAY 4 AV1LA ROAD � � •`' �•,a. �ROPE LEGEND r — EX SS ,� \ f -' � � ♦ i EXISTING SANITARY SEWER PIPELINE -- — — — — EXISTING SEWER SERVICE r AREA BOUNDARY �zC a CCCSD WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT f C0 co �4` 03 N - - P cn D x Lr) OA \ CONCORD BOULEVARD — 21 � S � J � 40 . • � CLAYTON ROAD \ owl ``f�� • �, 9� \ ...s DATE: DECEMBER 5,2017 SCALE: 1"=2,500' FIGURE I Carlson,Barbee g Gibson,Inc. EXISTING WASTEWATER FACILITIES CIVIL ENGINEERS•SURVEYORS•PLANNERS www.cbantlg.wm SAN RAMON,CALIFORNIA (925)866-0322 CONCORD REUSE PROJECT SACRAMENTO. CALIFORNIA (916)3]5-'S]] ,S Page 43 of CITY OF CONCORD CONT COSTA COUNTY CALIFORNIA November 18, 2019 Special REEP Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 18 of 71 Page 11 of 14 IMPROVE EXISTING CONCORD INDUSTRIAL PUMP STATION (PER CCCSD ALTERNATIVE 1) ' xicHwaY 4 AV1LN ROAD LEGEND EX 12 SS r00, PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER PIPELINE EVORP ROAD HIGHWAY 4 POTENTIAL INTERIM — POTENTIAL OFFSITE SANITARY SEWER �� IMPROVEMENTS (NEW, UPSIZE OR REPLACE) CONNECTION t PROPOSED SEWER FORCEMAIN A�R ��c 4vo�� PROPOSED CONNECTION TO EXISTING EXISTING SANITARY SEWER PIPELINE s CCCSD WASTEWATER � � Ex �9 �0 I — — — — EXISTING SEWER SERVICE TREATMENT PLANT ,9 S . ` I AREA BOUNDARY INTERIM ♦ I � BART PS l EX SS /� FX 8 S K i Q\) (Q ` ss s co -__ COAST �. ° T1 GUARD" , o ' u) 03 x \ Ln N S �0 PD V A CONCORD BOULEVARD 27 a/) DATE: DECEMBER 5,2017 SCALE: 1"=2,500' FIGURE 2 Carlson,Barbee&Gibson, ANNERS . SCHEMATIC WASTEWATER SYSTEM - CCCSD & CITY SCENARIO CIVIL ENGINEERS•SURVEYORS•PLANNERS www.cbantlg.wm SAN RAMON,CALIFORNIA (925)866-0322 CONCORD REUSE PROJECT SACRAMENTO. CALIFORNIA Page 44 of CITY OF CONCORD CONTRA COSTA COUNTY CALIFORNIA November 18, 2019 Special REEP Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 19 of 71 Page 12 of 14 IMPROVE EXISTING CONCORD INDUSTRIAL PUMP STATION (PER CCCSD ALTERNATIVE 1) r' RIGgWAY 4 ` AVILA ROAD LEGEND / r EX 12 SS � ` ✓ ` � PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER PIPELINE EVORA ROAD HIGHWAY 4 POTENTIAL OFFSITE SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS (NEW, UPSIZE OR REPLACE) CO r PROPOSED SEWER FORCEMAIN DRi�a�/C, 4,05' �I� PROPOSED CONNECTION TO EXISTING 441� I — — — — EXISTING SANITARY SEWER PIPELINE CCCSD WASTEWATER Ex 39 S EXISTING SEWER SERVICE TREATMENT PLANT �� ,9 �� I AREA BOUNDARY o '♦ U ♦ Cb�BART ♦♦ O �, ` EX 24 S 04- �T D G coQI s � X ss / e ss � ♦ � Q� � --._ TCOAST ^ ♦ ♦ , \'; x j GUARD'Ln , • ���� PS03 I rn n rn \V { Ff �r CONCORD BOULEVARD �JS l A/) \ s • DATE: DECEMBER 5,2017 SCALE: 1"=2,500' FIGURE 3 Carlson,Barbee&Gibson, kNNERS . SCHEMATIC WASTEWATER SYSTEM - CCCSD ONLY SCENARIO SURVEYORS CIVIL ENGINEERS•cbantlg.wm LANNERS www. •P SAN RAMON,CALIFORNIA (925)866-0322 CONCORD REUSE PROJECT SACRAMENTO. CALIFORNIA (916)3]5-18]] Page 45 of CITY OF CONCORD CONTRA COSTA COUNTY CALIFORNIA K November 18, 2019 Special REEP Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 20 of 71 Page 13 of 14 Concord Reuse Project - Specific Plan August 14, 2019 @ 8:30 am- 10 am Meeting with CCCSD Building D: Permit Center Conference Room Attendance: City team: Guy Bjerke,Justin Ezell,Kevin Marstall, Bruce Davis,Joan Ryan, Sheba Hafiz,AR UP; Sheela Jivan, Sean Brown,Dpi-R-iegeAngelo Obertello, CBG;Danea Gemmell and Jean-Marc Petit, CCCSD MINUTES Minutes in italics. Actions preceded by -:� The group initiated the meeting by going around the table providing introductions. Guy Bjerke provided an update on the project timeline and indicated they expected to have a public draft of Specific Plan and EIR by end of January 2020. I. CCCSD White Paper Sewer - Latest demand estimates Angelo indicated demands remained the same except for two issues: 1) updating for ADUs and Density Bonus units and 2) determining whether the 260,000 sq. ft in additional buildings at TSC were beyond the original 8.4M sq.ft. of commercial. Guy and Sheela agreed that they were and thus the demands would be updated in the SP/EIR, but that they were not expected to move the needle. 4 Five Point to provide updated sewer demands to City for Draft EIR. - Sewer Alignment(WPR improvements vs. pump station option) City indicated desire is to maintain boundaries as shown in Figure I (white paper) and that Figure 2 with alignment going both ways was City's preference, due to desire to maintain gravity flow. Danea noted either with Figure 2 or 3, CCCSD would need to upsize pump station footprint requiring more land(land is available in parking lot). Danea noted that preliminary costs had been determined(Woodard and Curran)for each. Central San noted the upgrade of pump station is not programmed into their CIP, at present. Jean-Marc also noted that in either case the pump station would need to be upgraded and that additional land adjacent to the existing station would need to be acquired. Angelo noted a 3-year timeline on planning and design would be required. All agreed that decision on alignment needs is Phase I decision and needs to be decided very soon. Sheila noted they believe that Figure 3 had been assumed for cost model, so further discussions with City is necessary. 4 Five Point/City to have follow-up call to discuss two options. Recycled Water - Latest demand estimates; assumptions (including peaking factor) - Avg. day demand up to 1.63 mgd at build out - Peaking factor 3.8 to 6.2mgd; Peak daily demand of 6.2 MGD for build out - Recycled water phasing - Offsite improvements for recycled water infrastructure. November 18, 2019 Special REEP Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 21 of 71 Page 14 of 14 Danea and Jean-Marc confirmed CCCSD would be wholesaler and CCWD distribution including storage and pumping for recycled water. Jean-Marc noted some storage would be required on site. Jean-Marc noted they are currently taking some recycled water improvements to the Board(Stantec) to improve the existing Recycled Water Facilities for current use. They will be utilizing an SRF (State Revolving Fund) 30 Million dollar loan; but this does not address CRP improvements. CCCSD indicated they would add more treatment and storage%apacity later for CRP; currently don't have funding for CRP; this would be beyond the $33 Million required. Danea stated she is trying to understand the CRP timing and phasing better to prepare for planning of improvements. Angelo noted programming is for Phase I to have recycled water; desire to have all recycled water within first S years (Phase ]). Guy noted Phase I is expected to be 10 years. Jean-Marc stated that knowing more specifically when the recycled water will be needed would assist them in better planning for additional capacity needed. Joan noted FivePoint has a phasing/staging schedule which could be provided. �Five Point to provide latest phasing/staging schedule to CCCSD (Danea). II. Chapter 6 - CCCSD comments - Recycled: Supply for Phase 1 Expansion of filter plan needed for ultimate build- out; -:�Phasing/staging to be provided to CCCSD. - Recycled: Treatment of TSC—Included for irrigation. - Recycled: transmission pipeline-timing—Prior to Phase 1; CCWD is using third party to prepare recycled water standards to be adopted as part of design process. - Wastewater: Treatment of TSC—Additional demands being calculated as noted above; expected to have minor increase,for ADUs and Density Bonus which could occur, that are being analyzed for EIR, . III. Facilities - Recycled water filter plant expansion/upgrade—timing 2020 to 2024 Jean-Marc noted how quickly you are needing water will help CCCSD determine in part their timing for the needed capacity expansion to serve the CRP. He noted Title 22 will be the water quality produced for Recycled, suitable for landscaping. It was noted that any additional treatment to meet WQ requirements for cooling towers or even dual plumbing would have to be done on-site in CRP area. Jean-Marc noted that as part of the current project designed by Stantec that they estimated the needed improvement and estimated the costs for the CRP project$35 Million for entire 6.2 mgd. Could be some cost savings if the two were done together at once. Angelo questioned whether a portion of costs would be captured through connection fees? Danea noted general policy is development pays for development but the specific approach on CRP is a CCCSD policy question that has not been decided by CCCSD Board of Directors. Jean-Marc noted the improvements and phasing will be important to that discussion as it could defer or spread cost over time. IV. Next Steps 4 Five Point to provide updated sewer demands to City for inclusion in EIR. 4 Five Point/City to have follow-up call to discuss two sewer alignment options. 4 Five Point to provide latest phasing/staging schedule to CCCSD (Danea). November 18, 2019 Special REEP Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 22 of 71