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20.f. Committee Minutes-Engineering & Operations 10-29-19
Page 1 of 22 Item 20.f. k�*k CENTRAL SAN CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT November 7, 2019 TO: HONORABLE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM: KATIE YOUNG, SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT SUBJECT: OCTOBER 29, 2019 - ENGINEERING & OPERATIONS COMMITTEE - CHAIR NEJEDLYAND MEMBER PILECKI Attached are minutes of the above Committee meeting. ATTACHMENTS: 1. E&O Committee Minutes 10-29-19 2. Item 3.b. (Handout) Revised Presentation 3. Item 3.b. Meeting Handout, BCE and Alternatives November 7, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 393 of 414 Page 2 of 22 AVILA i CENTRAL SAN CONTRACENTRAL • DISTRICT 5019 • SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS: CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA DAVID R, WILLIAMS President SANITARY DISTRICT MICHAEL R.MCGILL President Pro Tem ENGINEERING & OPERATIONS PAUL CAUSEY COMMITTEE H. JAMES A.NEJEDLY TAD J PILECKI MINUTES PHONE: (925)228-9500 TAX- (925)372-0192 www.centralsan.org Tuesday, October 29, 2019 2:00 p.m. 21d Floor Conference Room 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, California Committee: Chair Jim Nejedly Member Tad Pilecki Staff. Roger S. Bailey, General Manager Katie Young, Secretary of the District Ann Sasaki, Deputy General Manager Phil Leiber, Director of Finance and Administration (arrived during Item 3.a.) Jean-Marc Petit, Director of Engineering and Technical Services Danea Gemmell, Planning and Development Services Division Manager Edgar Lopez, Capital Projects Division Manager Neil Meyer, Plant Maintenance Division Manager Lori Schectel, Environmental and Regulatory Compliance Division Manager (left after Item 3.a.) Alan Weer, Plant Operations Division Manager (left during Item 3.b.) Sasha Mestetsky, Senior Engineer (left after Item 3.b.) Thomas Brightbill, Senior Engineer (arrived during Item 4.a.) Randy Schmidt, Senior Engineer (left after Item 3.a.) Rita Cheng, Associate Engineer (left after Item 3.a.) Keith Gellerman, Associate Engineer (left after Item 3.b.) Leo Gonzalez, Pumping Stations Supervisor (left after Item 3.b.) Bryan McGloin, Management Analyst (arrived during Item 4.a.) Russ Leavitt, Engineering Assistant III (left after Item 3.a.) Amelia Berumen, Senior Administrative Technician 1. Call Meeting to Order Chair Nejedly called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. November 7, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 394 of 414 Page 3 of 22 Engineering & Operations Committee Minutes October 29, 2019 Page 2 2. Public Comments No public comments. 3. Items for Committee Recommendation to Board a. Review draft Position Paper to approve the Outfall Improvements, Phase 7, District Project 7353, for California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and regulatory permitting purposes Ms. Cheng reviewed the presentation included with the agenda material. She and Mr. Leavitt responded to questions from the Committee. Overall, this project will require several permits; thus, Board approval of the project is required to begin this lengthy process. COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board approval. At this point, the Committee moved to Item 4.a. b.* Review draft Position Paper to award a construction contract in the amount of$24,292,551 to Mountain Cascade, Inc., the lowest responsive bidder for the Pump Station Upgrades, Phase 1, District Project 8436; include a bid alternative in the amount of $1,342,000; find that the Project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); and authorize the General Manager to execute two professional engineering services agreements with: 1) V.W. Housen and Associates (VWHA) in an amount not to exceed $900,000 for engineering support during construction; and 2) Psomas in an amount not to exceed $1,800,000 for construction management services This item was heard upon conclusion of Item 4.a. Mr. Petit presented an updated PowerPoint, which included additional information from staff's post-bid opening analysis. Mr. Petit also distributed an updated business case evaluation (BCE) alternatives spreadsheet that was reviewed in detail. Both updated documents are attached. Regarding the agreement request for engineering support during construction, Mr. Petit reminded the Committee that VWHA had been selected in 2017 as a result of a competitive Request for Proposal (RFP) consultant selection process. As part of this design effort, VWHA teamed with HDR for architectural and structural design, and Aresine for electrical design. The original RFP had listed the work scope to design six of Central San's major pump stations, including the stations listed under this project and three pump stations in Martinez (Phase 2 project). The intended scope included preliminary design, final design, and support services during construction; the latter being requested at this time. November 7, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 395 of 414 Page 4 of 22 Engineering & Operations Committee Minutes October 29, 2019 Page 3 Mr. Petit said staff has worked diligently to keep the pump stations affected by the recent PG&E Public Safety Power Shutoff(PSPS) activities operational, which has some overlapping correlation to the improvements this project will address. There was discussion on generators (i.e., size, quantity, purchase versus rental, and cable installation), pumps (dry-pit submersible alternative bid item), current condition of the equipment, and other needs from lessons learned via these activities at the pump stations. Mr. Lopez discussed the pre-qualification process that staff undertook to invite eligible general contractors and electrical subcontractors to bid on the project due to its complexity. He shared the prequalification documentation from Mountain Cascade, Inc. (MCI) and, as part of that process, confirmed staff's verification of MCI's provided references. In addition, he presented information on the prequalification of Central Sierra Electric, the electrical subcontractor listed on MCI's bid form. Lastly, Mr. Lopez gave an overview of the disparity between the engineer's estimate and low bid received. Moreover, Mr. Petit and Mr. Lopez discussed in detail with the Committee the various project complexities, construction timeframe and restrictions, seven milestones the contractor must achieve, current and future budget plans, project alternatives, and staff recommendations. Mr. Petit also discussed the project budget variance that is now higher than originally budgeted. However, this is a critical project and staff recommends proceeding despite the budget increase. He reviewed the financial impact component that shows the project construction beginning this fiscal year and estimated to not be completed until FY 2022-23. Staff plans using a combination of positive variances expected from carry- forward and funds currently budgeted in the Collection System Renovation Program to fund Phases 1 and 2. Mr. Leiber confirmed the financial impact presented was reasonable and that the project cost increase could be funded in the manner presented, or through other positive developments affecting the financial plan, such as the lower interest costs resulting from State Revolving Fund (SRF) award for the Solids Handling Facility Improvements Project. As a result, the already approved four-year rate schedule has some capacity to absorb the additional costs in this project. Member Pilecki shared his view and concerns about portions of this project's scope. He said his preference would be to keep the Caterpillar engines that were installed in 1998 on the wet-weather pumps, and stated he also understands that the PSPS is a new reality which changes some of the project drivers. In response to a direct question about his opinion, Mr. Gonzalez said that a new, larger generator sized to run all five pumps November 7, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 396 of 414 Page 5 of 22 Engineering & Operations Committee Minutes October 29, 2019 Page 4 at each pump station is more reliable and a preferred method for staff to respond to future PSPS, which could potentially last upward of ten years according to recent news reports. Member Pilecki requested that staff evaluate bringing in a backup portable generator(e.g. 750 kW) and necessary hookups to cover the major pump stations and determine whether that addition should be part of a future project since it would then provide the two-engine backup concept currently in place. Chair Nejedly opined that having backup equipment in case of an emergency, especially for items that cannot be readily obtained, is a necessity. In regard to the 5% contingency budget line item, Member Pilecki opined that, considering the construction duration and contractor milestones, the percentage was too low and recommended staff increase the contingency level to at least 7.5%, if not 10%. Staff agreed and indicated that they would update the Position Paper to include a 7.5% project contingency before presenting to the full Board. Chair Nejedly concurred with this approach. Lastly, Member Pilecki asked staff to separate the Board motions required for this item when brought to the full Board so that the alternative bid item for the dry-pit submersible pumps can be voted on separately from the base project. Chair Nejedly supported the additive bid alternative for the dry-pit submersible pumps, whereas Member Pilecki did not. Mr. Petit indicated that at the May 3, 2018 meeting, staff informed the Board that the Orinda Crossroads Pump Station is in a flood zone. This is due to undersized storm culverts under Highway 24. Since the option of relocating the pump station is not feasible, staff is recommending the addition of submersible dry-pit pumps to allow the pump station to operate if it is flooded. COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board approval with an increase to the project contingency budget to 7.5%. 4. Other Items a. Receive update on Primary Level Control Valve 22227 This item was heard immediately after Item 3.a. and upon conclusion, the Committee returned to the agenda order, Item 3.b. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update. November 7, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 397 of 414 Page 6 of 22 Engineering & Operations Committee Minutes October 29, 2019 Page 5 b. Receive information on Capital Improvement Business Case Evaluations COMMITTEE ACTION: Due to time constraints, this item was postponed to a future meeting. 5. Announcements a. Mr. Bailey mentioned that he learned earlier in the day that a small generator was stolen from a locked area at the treatment plant. b. Mr. Petit announced that during a recent Emergency Operation Center (EOC) drill this past Sunday, staff found that the east Recycled Water Clearwell cover tore further due to high wind conditions on the south end. This cover had already experienced tears this past July at the north end, and this recent event created new, large tears at the opposite end. Staff has instructed Aztec Construction, the contractor currently working on the West Clearwell emergency cover repair project, to completely remove the cover and liner to avert the risk of any potential further damage. 6. Suggestions for Future Agenda Items a. Receive list of upcoming agenda items and provide suggestions for any other future agenda items The Committee requested that the postponed Capital Improvement Business Case Evaluations (BCE) informational item be rescheduled to a future meeting. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the list and provided input to staff. 7. Future Scheduled Meetings Tuesday, November 19, 2019 at 2:00 p.m. Tuesday, December 17, 2019 at 2:00 p.m. 8. Adjournment— at 3:33 p.m. * Attachment November 7, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 398 of 414 Page 7 of 22 Item 3.b. (Attachment 7) Revised Presentation PUMP STATION UPGRADES PHASE 1 {� DISTRICT PROJECT 8436 Engineering and Operations Committee October 29, 2019 Jean-Marc Petit,Director of Engineering and Technical Services Edgar J.Lopez,Capital Projects Division Manager Penre,a tV g D o ° o g " COLLECTION SYSTEM M,rt,ne: PUMP STATIONS (PS) 8 �on�o�d anl, UPGRADES Peee pill L„wn PHASED PROJECT IN TWO o PROJECTS: aelNa�a �Honda R„* PHASE 1: MORAGA, oan.me ORINDA CROSSROADS, OakiapC AND FLUSH KLEEN PS onnamwn a PHASE 2: MARTINEZ, FAIRVIEW, o P.reP�s�on AND MALTBY PS c Tre1H ipwg. �Pmarety�n �rep�saonn atrnemP n an-d HNn Cole�om siliry t c m CCCSp Pvmpinp SlaTions mmem Isenernmeinmiwaialauo -waW muenwn for3]9, na Mryee e mnoad gold HH,.�rew now 1 November 7, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 399 of 414 Page 8 of 22 PUMP STATION UPGRADES, PHASE 1 DISTRICT PROJECT 8436 PROGRESSION TIMELINE July 11,2017 E&O Requesting and July 20,2017 Board Recommendation to Authorized April 25,2018 E&O and Award Construction Agreement with May 3,2018 Board Authorized Contract VWHA for Amendment with VWHA for Final October 29,2019 Preliminary Design Design of Phase 1 Project,DP 8436 E&O of Project,DP 8436 2017 2018 2019 2020 February 2018 VWHA Submitted July 9,2019 E&O Preliminary Design, July 25,2019 Board: including 30%Design Provided a Project Update to and Business Case the Board and Board Evaluation Report Maintained 5%Contract Retention for Phase 1 Y� � .3 PHASE 1 PUMP STATION CAPACITIES Current Flow Pump Motor Pump Station Min.-PDWF to Standby Power PWWF Two Diesel Engine Driven Wet Orinda Crossroads 0.45-1.82 24.77 MGD 3—150 HP(Elec.) Weather Pumps 22.0 MGD 2—1000 HP(Eng.) and 75-kW Generator for Building Two Diesel Engine 3—150 HP(Elec.) Driven Wet Moraga 0.71—2.41 18.58 MGD 2—1000 HP(Eng.) Weather Pumps 13.4 MGD and 75-kW Generator for Building Flush Kleen 0.015-0.68 MGD 1.47 MGD 2—15 HP(Elec.) 50-kW Generator MGD=Million Gallons per Day PDWF=Peak Dry Weather Flow PWWF=Peak Wet Weather Flow a 2 November 7, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 400 of 414 Page 9 of 22 PUMP STATION HISTORY OVERVIEW Pump Station Year Major Work Completed since Constructed E Original Construction Replacement of dry weather pumps Orinda 1959 1998 and associated electrical,one diesel Crossroads wet weather engine,surge tank Replacement of dry weather pumps Moraga 1959 1998 and associated electrical,one diesel wet weather engine,surge tank Modified to act as a standard dry pit station.Components have been Flush Kleen 1950 1983 replaced in time or added for reliability(ex.generators in 1998) PROJECT DRIVERS ELECTRICAL, RELIABILITY AND RESILIENCY • Electrical: • Major electrical, instrumentation, and controls (EI&C) replacement and rehabilitation required • Implement recommendations from the 2015 Arc Flash Study • Need to replace and upgrade the emergency power systems • Improve readiness to respond to PG&E's Public Safety Power Shutoff(PSPS)events (new critical driver) • Asset Rehabilitation: • Remedy deficiencies of Asset Conditions Technical Memorandum prepared under Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan • Replace deteriorating piping, gates, and valves • Provide long-term corrosion protection • Resiliency: • Provide resiliency from flooding (internal and external) • Long-term reliable wet weather pumping concerns j 3 November 7, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 401 of 414 Page 10 of 22 ORINDA CROSSROADS PUMP STATION ISSUES • Largest pump station for Central San • Receives flow from 7 other PS • Located in a very busy downtown ' commercial area in Orinda �1 • Limited property available for new equipment • Diesel engines on wet weather pumps are aging. Limited availability of OEM replacement parts on Waukesha engine(—60 years of age)and engine control panels using DOS operating system(over 20 years of age) • Wet weather pump condition(Need rebuild) .5. • Challenging operations during power outage during dry weather conditions,existing 1000- HP diesel engines used to pump low flows • No emergency power for dry weather pumps • Outdated EAC needs rehabilitation(ex. variable frequency drives(VFDs),existing 1\' equipment issues(overheating)) • Piping corrosion issues j ORINDA CROSSROADS PUMP STATION r n04: r� 1 8 4 November 7, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 402 of 414 Page 11 of 22 VERY LIMITED SPACE AVAILABLE r • f 5 ORINDA CROSSROADS PS SCOPE OF WORK Orinda Crossroads PS needs the following work: • EI&C upgrades • �� • New standby generator sized _ to operate entire station during wet weather(largest pump) • Wet weather pumps: • New rotating assembly • Conversion to electric driven pumps with VFDs • New dry submersible dry pit weather pumps (") • New surge tank • New PG&E service (* Bid Alternative B-2 Recommended) / io r G '- 5 November 7, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 403 of 414 Page 12 of 22 MORAGA PUMP STATION • Major pump station: Second largest PS for Central San, located in residential ' neighborhood near a school and creek • Major concerns: • Diesel engines on wet weather pumps are aging. Limited availability of OEM replacement parts on Waukesha engine (—60 years of age)and engine control panels using DOS operating system (over 20 years of age) • Wet weather pump condition (Rebuild) No emergency power for dry Challenging operations during power weather pumps • outage during dry weather Installation of mechanized grinders conditions, existing 1000-HP diesel (currently manual cleaning) engines used to pump low flows • Outdated EI&C needs rehabilitation (ex.VFDs) MORAGA PS SCOPE OF WORK Moraga PS needs the following work: • EI&C upgrades ` • New standby generator sized to operate station in wet weather • Wet weather pumps: • New rotating assembly 'r • Conversion to electric driven pumps with VFDs • New grinder structure(s) "- • New dry pit submersible for dry weather pumps** M • New surge tank • New PG&E service * Bid Alternative B-1 for new south grinder box ** Bid Alternative B-2 dry pit submersible pumps(Recommended) 12 6 November 7, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 404 of 414 Page 13 of 22 RINDA CROSSROADS AND MORAGA PS ALTERNATIVES .• , . DISADVANTAGES Lowest current project construction • Uncertainty with continued escalating Bay Area Air Quality Management cost District(BAAQMD)requirements using engines Defers cost of replacing the existing • Unknown future requirements to replace the Caterpillar engine at a later date Option 20-ye8r-old Caterpillar engine to a • Continued specialized O&M associated with the engines later date • Continued difficulty with pumping range of flows due to limited turndown Lowest risk with construction capabilities of diesel engine driven pumps especially during low flow condition sequencing and constraints • Major future upgrade project to replace existing Caterpillar engine • High O&M cost • Not preferred by O&M staff Reliably pump entire range of flows Highest current project construction cost from minimum to PWWF • Risk associated with construction sequencing and constraints Eliminates uncertainty of continued Optionescalating BAAQMD requirements Eliminates specialized O&M associated with the engines Replaces all wet weather equipment and avoids future major upgrades Lowest O&M cost Preferred option of O&M staff More reliable to respond to PG&E PSPS using new larger generators Moves toward implementation of All- • Highest total overall construction cost when including future upgrades required Electric option while deferring cost to for implementation of full All-Electric option a future date • Uncertainty with continued escalating BAAQMD requirements ' �' • Continued specialized O&M for the Caterpillar engine • Continued difficulty of pumping range of flows with the Caterpillar engine due to limited turndown capabilities of diesel engine driven pumps • Major future upgrade project to replace existing Caterpillar engine with 2atl all- electric pump,install yet another new generator,and electrical modifications • Increased station complexity with both a diesel engine driven wet weather pump and an electric driven wet weather pump • High O&M cost • Highest risk associated with construction sequencing and constraints • Requires relocation of radiator to non ideal location • Least preferred by O&M staff 13 BCE ALTERNATIVES AND OPTIONS EVALUATED FOR ORINDA CROSSROADS AND MORAGA PS . ®�agmn ,o•aprw m;,on °aq �,m;,o• .m a x.x ,wn ma:," Zmp. ..�,<.:°� am.= p.a,p= ,Mmv. „w r¢ s�xzw v¢ secou ¢Is1 ns xegaa _P- urpibr e.azx<a zaa mowsa P—) wsn4M lzwolzlspumce l. ■ weamerP—p ge nwrl lane axln>s par �n< v¢ scmq v[s ss.oxq NONE c�� V1. pace e.o.nwu.a b.a.nw=aa Aewn..`n Is'p nany„ r¢ s/.ssm vcs 5e.rsm oclzl xaga.. bna Is. loll loll xtwaga lzl rwm b.o.zxm zo.a 1 xeboce vs rts sson•. xo WA zsoxw NONEa.v=w=o.a Al Wumtaory 151 pummar Ps ©,ba YE5 13stif-szxm No xlA .1A ./A WA ./A WA WA rv/A b.o.nw=a.1 sex/A 56.ssan vcs 5e.asan /s rcwpl weq.ce o mns r¢ Isa.s5m1511 Iss.vsmisll NEON c cerwm vco b.o.nmza.a IWwmprtnmM1 ¢I I4 Haase existing�s xw gerenwrs.mbapian wrn resgre me repacemena orwe newgeneraror insranea unaermb prase x prolenln me rururewnenmeocerpwarenyre tevenrualryregacea.iarai prolett........... sburmveasm auew Innarbn. Izl um aror lsao rcw ar moraeaa - mplcen prolett auamis option wai repgre meregacemenrar m Oso waumwaeaana ssoxrvwarocl aneary wea neranasranabvseneraro�ana me war weamerpumpan enelne. I>Irmicearro'nospaceon�sllwwrrinmulumn m'zw xwttneraro�n8�acerareareaary weawerp mpalpowrsl WnralaawrsVoremain� lal•oral proiett<wrin arrenr xnnuanerxoza ss.inauaes prase x proleu am eererrea rwure wsrs Isz.xm/narmp. Isl narr•e°orinaw<�ory weamerxnoww veakaweaswea<near n wnlvowfl�`u am eererrea twure wsrs lsz.pm/narmnl.same werau rural prgm<wrasoprlm t,aur more%are eererrea. 14 7 November 7, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 405 of 414 Page 14 of 22 PUMP ALTERNATIVES EVALUATION AT ORINDA CROSSROADS AND MORAGA PS INCLUDE: REUSE AND REFURBISH EXISTING PUMPS VS. SUBMERSIBLE DRY PIT 0 Reuse of Existing Morris Pump Casings with Smaller Impellers and New 700-HP Horizontal Electric Motors Least Cost Alternative rl I� Install New Dry Pit � +� Submersible Electric Pumps Provides Increased Resiliency Moraga Pump Station 3D Visualization Bid Dry Pit Submersible for Dry Weather Pumps FLUSH KLEEN PS SCOPE OF WORK Flush Kleen PS needs the following work: • Replace existing pumps, piping, �. and valves • New standby generator _ • EAC improvements =� • New dry weather pumps _ • Other miscellaneous improvements (structural, architectural, heating, ventilation and air conditioning, etc.) I 16 r - 8 November 7, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 406 of 414 Page 15 of 22 ANTICIPATED SCHEDULE • Pre-qualifying general contractors and electrical subcontractors prior to advertising Construction Manager Selection • Public outreach ongoing with City and Town • Advertise —August 26 and September 3, 2019 • Bid Opening — October 24, 2019 • Engineering & Operations Committee — October 29, 2019 • Board Award — November 2019 • Notice to Proceed — by December 2019 • Complete construction by Spring 2022 (Majority of work during summer of 2020 and 2021) • Completed Tasks and Activities 1 PUMP STATION UPGRADES PROJECT PROJECT DESIGN, BID,AND CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE µ^ms Under Preliminary Design F� Under Construction C dwu>nM111v+nHaW ConeMemPti�IF•tl vwq PI•�IFS ww•�Halw aprr�ry ` 18 9 November 7, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 407 of 414 Page 16 of 22 SUMMARY OF BIDS NO. BIDDER BID PRICE 1 Mountain Cascade, Inc. $24,292551 Livermore, California ' 2 C. Overaa &Co. $25,594000 Richmond, California ' 3 Kiewit Infrastructure West Co. $29,194000 Fairfield, California ' ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE: $24,000,000, INCLUDING ALL ADDITIVE BID ITEMS Pre-Qualified 9 GCs and 10 ESCs Eligible to submit a bid . f 19 BID & ESTIMATE REVIEW • Discuss bids with MCI and second lowest bidder Overaa. • VWHA estimate was $26 million before the bid. • Central San estimate did not include escalation. • This project will span multiple years (almost 3 years). • All critical and major equipment designed for and specified are included in MCI's bid. • Electrical and controls costs are higher. • Generators are more expensive due to high demand with PSPS. • Complex and high-risk project for contractors. • Very strict construction milestones, due to wet weather restrictions. • Overall, staff believes that the bid is the lowest costs and rebidding would not change the results. I zo r 10 November 7, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 408 of 414 Page 17 of 22 MOUNTAIN CASCADE, INC (MCI) (GENERAL CONTRACTOR) Pre-Qualification Experience MCI Recent Experience • Five (5)similar projects with a ✓ Screen Pumping Plant minimum of$50M in contract . Natomas Mutual Water Company($18.8M) volume and at least one (1) ✓ Wastewater Pump Stations project must have a construction . County of SLO($9.2M) value of at least$15M since ✓ Pumping Plant and Reservoirs 2012 • EBMUD($9.5M) • Bonding capacity of at least ✓ $125M in capacity at time of pre- $25M qualifications • Safety and insurance ✓ Safety and insurance requirements requirements were met Note:The project manager was also prequalified with project size and similarity(wastewater, water, stormwater etc.) ` 21 CENTRAL SIERRA ELECTRIC (ELECTRICAL SUBCONTRACTOR) Pre-Qualification Experience Central Sierra Experience • Five (5) similar projects with a ✓ Wastewater Treatment Plant minimum of$12M in contract • City of Richmond($7.1M) volume and at least one (1) ✓ Disinfection Chemical Storage project must have a construction • Sacramento Regional SD($4.8M) value of at least$3M ✓ Water Treatment Plant • Donner PUD($2.8M) • Bonding capacity of at least ✓ $15M in capacity at time of pre- $6.5M qualifications • Safety and insurance ✓ Safety and insurance requirements requirements were met Note:The project manager was also prequalified with project size and similarity(wastewater, water, industrial construction, etc.) ` 22 11 November 7, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 409 of 414 Page 18 of 22 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST %of Item Description Amounts Construction No. Cost 1. CONSTRUCTION a.Construction Contract $24,292,551 b.Alternative B1—South Grinder at Moraga Only* $0 c. Alternative B2—Dry Pit Submersible Pumps $1,342,000 d.5%Contract contingency $1,281,449 e. Permits(CalTrans,Orinda,Moraga,BAAQMD) $50,000 SUBTOTAL-CONSTRUCTION COST $26,966,000 100% 2. CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT a.District Forces -Project management $600,000 -Public Relations/Right-of-Way $50,000 -Operations $75,000 b.Consultants -Construction Management/Inspection(Psomas) $1,800,000 -ESDC(VWHA) $900,000 -Material Testing/Specialty Inspection $300,000 SUBTOTAL-CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT $3,725,000 13.8% 3. PREBID EXPENDITURES a.Engineering(Planning,design,staff and consultants) $3.800.000 SUBTOTAL-PREBID EXPENDITURES $3,800.000 14.1% 4. TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST $34,491,000 *This item costs$985,000 and staff is not recommending to include the work to the Contract. _ y 23 TOTAL PROJECT COSTS REVIEW • Approximately $5.8 million difference from FY 2019-20 Budget, due to: • $3 Million higher in construction costs (including about $900K for escalation) • $1 Million for North Grinder Structure • $1.3 Million for resiliency for dry weather pump replacement (six new dry pit submersibles) • Construction management services outsourced and specialty inspection • $400,000 included in allowances • This Fiscal Year (FY) 2019-20 and FY 2020-21 will not need funding, however, FY 2021-23 has a budget shortfall. I 24 r - 12 November 7, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 410 of 414 Page 19 of 22 FINANCIAL IMPACT DP# Pro'ect Name To Date FY 2019-20 FY 20-21 FY 21-22 FY 22-23 Total Budget Bud t Budget Budget Budget Budget Pump Station Upgrades, $3,700,000 0 $1287 8436 Phase 1 5,000 $5,833,180 $1,635,000$28,643,1 80 CudnBid Results and Revised $3,700,000 $4,000,000 $10,000,000 $12,400,000 $4,391,000$34,491,000 Cash Flow Variance $- $600,000 $2,875,000 $(6,566,820) $(2,756,000)$(5,847,820 ccumulative Budget Carry Forward or $- $600,000 $3,475,000 $(3,091,820) $(5,847,820) Shortfall Future CIP Collection System Sewer $1,500,000 Adjustments 8451 Renovation Phase 1 Collection System Sewer TBD Renovation Phase 2 $2,756,000 Future CIP Contingency or Sewer Construction $1,591,820 TBD Fund Total Future $_ $_ $ $3,091,820 $2,756,000 $ doustments Revised Accumulative Budget Carry Forward $- $600,000 $3,475,000 $ $ $ or Shortfall Budget has been adjusted to reflect future escalation of 3%per year,which is included in the rate model. ` 25 SEWER CONSTRUCTION BUDGET COMMITMENTS AND CAPACITY UPDATED WITH THIS PROJECT $120 $120 --t $100 $100 1 1 I 1 $80 i 30.5; $80 $60 r $60 1 r 1 r r r �29.2j $40 t j 52.0 r 53.7 r r $40 61.7091 1 $20 r $20 $0 — — $0 19/20 20/21 21/22 22/23 Fiscal Year O Approved and Projected Budget per FY et•Committed already(contracted) r.J Remaining capacity with existing rales Additional capacity with planned increases —SSC funding capacity from Existing Rates' *Future years amounts may differ to the extent of reserve drawdowns.Additional analysis required. ` 26 13 November 7, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 411 of 414 Page 20 of 22 ALTERNATIVES/CONSIDERATIONS: The Board could consider the following alternatives or provide other direction: • Include or delete any of the two additive bid items: • South grinder Moraga Pump Station, which costs $985,000 (Recommend to delete); and • Dry pit submersible upgrade at both stations (Moraga and Orinda Crossroads) in the amount of$1,342,000 (Recommend to include) • Revisit current staffing levels in Capital Projects instead of outsourcing construction management(Not recommended). • Reject all bids, which is not recommended. j z 5. RECOMMENDATIONS z8 14 November 7, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 412 of 414 Page 21 of 22 BOARD ACTIONS AND STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends the following: 1. Find that the Project is exempt from CEQA; 2. Award a construction contract in the amount of$24,292,551 for the construction of the Pump Station Upgrades, Phase 1, DP 8436, to Mountain Cascade Inc., the lowest responsive bidder; 3. Include the bid alternate to upgrade the Moraga and Orinda Crossroads stations to dry pit submersible pumps in the amount of $1,342,000; 4. Authorize the General Manager to execute Contract Documents subject to submittal requirements; 5. Authorize the General Manager to amend an existing professional services agreement to increase the cost ceiling by$900,000 with V.W. Housen and Associates for engineering support services; and 6. Authorize the General Manager to execute a professional services agreement with Psomas for$1,800,000 for construction management services. f 29 QUESTIONS? I 30 15 November 7, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 413 of 414 Page 22 of 22 [Meeting Handout] BCE ALTERNATIVES AND OPTIONS EVALUATED FDF Item 3.b. (Attachment 8) ORINDA CROSSROADS AND MORAGA PS - Moraga PS - _ f _--- •. Description Applicability Estimated Applicability Estimated Size of New Powers PS Powers Wet Powers Dry New Standby to Wet Wet Normal Under Pumps Available of Option of Option Construction of Option Construction Standby GEN Lighting Weather Weather Power All PS Weather Weather Operation Emergency under Cost Cost Pump(s) Pumps Electrical Needs Pump 1 Pump 2 Power Emergency (11t Qtr. (1st Qtr. a.Orinda Operation Power Operating 2018$) 2018$) b.Moraga a.Orinda Condition b.Moraga Keep YES $7.12 M YES $8.10 M 250 KW OC(3) YES YES YES Keep Replace a.0.45 to 22.3 Both Wet Engines 300 KW (1 pump= Caterpillar Waukesha b.0.71 to 14.4 Weather Pumps Moraga PDWF) with a new on engines Engine (Two(2)pumps at each PS) +One Dry Weather Pump (generator) (One(1)pump at each PS) All Electric YES $8.00 M YES $9.02 M 750 KW OC YES YE 5 YES YES Replace Replace a.0.45 to 22.3 a.0.45 to 22.3 All Pumps Dry 650 KW Caterpillar Waukesha b.0.71 to 14.4 and Wet Moraga with with electric Weather electric motor and b.0.71 to 14.4 (5)pumps at motor and VFD each PS on VFD standby 1* generator Electric- YES $7.56 M YES $8.65M 250 KW OC(2) YES YES YES YE5 Keep Replace a.0.45 to 22.3 Three Dry Hybrid 300 KW Caterpillar Waukesha b.0.71 to 14.4 weather pumps ($8.66 M(4)) ($9.75 M(4)) Moraga(2) with electric &One Wet motor and weather pump VFD on standby generator and One Wet Weather on engine Relocate PS YES $30 M+ NO N/A 750 KW YES YES YES YES New New pump a.0.45 to 22.3 All Pumps Dry pump with electric b.0.71 to 14.4 and Wet with motor and Weather electric VFD (5)pumps at PS motor and on standby VFD generator Abandon PS YES $39M-$72M NO N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A a.0.45 to 22.3 N/A and convert b.0.71 to 14.4 16L # to Gravity tr is Minimize YES $6.96M YES $8.0E•ry 75 KW(1) YES YES Keep Replace a.0.45 to 22.3 Only one Wet Option 3 (1 pump= Caterpillar Waukesha b.0.71 to 14.4 Weather Pump ($8.66 M(5)) ($9.75 M(5)) PDWF)but no0 with electric (1 pump at each backup motor and PS) VFD Notes: (1)Reuse existing 75 KW generators.This option will require the replacement of the new generator installed under this Phase 1 project in the future when the Caterpillar engine is eventually replaced.Total project cost is same as Option 3 but increased due to inflation. (2)Limited to no space on site for installation of large generator with Caterpillar radiator to remain.Smaller generator(300 KW at Moraga and 250 KW at OC for PDWF=1 dry weather pump)can be installed under Phase 1 project but this option will require the replacement of the smaller generator installed in the future when the Caterpillar engine is eventually replaced,increasing total overall cost. Under this option(750 KW at Moraga and 650 KW at OC)one dry weather on standby generator and one wet weather pump on engine. (3)Limited to no space on site for installation of 250 KW generator to operate one dry weather pump(PDWFs)with radiators to remain. (4)Total project cost in current 1st Quarter 2018$s.Includes Phase 1 project and deferred future costs($1.11VI/station). (5)Total project cost in current 1st Quarter 2018$s.Includes Phase 1 project and deferred future costs($1.7M/station).Same overall total project cost as Option 3,but more$s are deferred. F' (6)Range of flow=Dry weather flow to Peak wet Weather flow(PDWF) �_Y 20 November 7, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 414 of 414