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Item 20.b.
November 7, 2019
Attached are minutes of the above Committee meeting.
1. E&O Committee Minutes 10-15-19
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President Pro Tem
MINUTES PHONE: (925)228-9500
FAX: (925)372-0192
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
2:00 p.m.
21d Floor Conference Room
5019 Imhoff Place
Martinez, California
Chair Jim Nejedly
Member Tad Pilecki
Dana Hunt, V.W. Housen and Associates (left after Item 3.b.)
Roger S. Bailey, General Manager (left during Item 3.b.)
Katie Young, Secretary of the District
Jean-Marc Petit, Director of Engineering and Technical Services
Danea Gemmell, Planning and Development Services Division Manager
Edgar Lopez, Capital Projects Division Manager
Sasha Mestetsky, Senior Engineer
Leo Gonzalez, Pumping Stations Supervisor (left after Item 3.b.)
Russ Leavitt, Engineering Assistant III (left after Item 4.a.)
Amelia Berumen, Senior Administrative Technician
1. Call Meeting to Order
Chair Nejedly called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m.
2. Public Comments
No public comments.
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October 15, 2019
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3. Items for Committee Recommendation to Board
a. Review draft Position Paper to adopt (1) Resolution of Intention No.
2019- to initiate the formation of the Ridgewood Road
Contractual Assessment District (CAD) No. 2019-2 for the purpose of
installing sewer improvements on Ridgewood Road in Alamo;
and (2) Resolution No. 2019- approving the boundary for the proposed
COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board approval.
b. Review draft Position Paper to authorize the General Manager to execute
a professional engineering services agreement in an amount not to
exceed $2.4 million with V.W. Housen and Associates for design services
of the Pump Station Upgrades, Phase 2, District Project 8457
Mr. Lopez introduced V.W. Housen and Associates design engineer
Dana Hunt. He reviewed the presentation included with the agenda
material and responded to various questions from the Committee,
explained the design alternatives, staff's evaluation of these options, and
the basis for the final design recommendations.
As it pertained to pump station capacities on slide 5, Member Pilecki
asked what the actual wet-weather flow volume was. Staff stated that
information was not readily available but will be included in the data when
presented to the full Board. Additionally, on slide 9, Member Pilecki
requested that staff include the elevation at each site for a comparison
Mr. Lopez noted a clarification to the cost shown for Alternative 3 on
slide 15 for the Martinez Pump Station and Alternative 4 on slide 20 for the
Fairview Pump Station. The dollar figure shown for these alternatives
represents the amount that would be in addition to the cost of Alternative 1
for that site, each then equating to over$20 million.
With regard to the Fairview Pump Station Business Case Evaluation
(BCE) alternatives, Member Pilecki asked whether staff was proposing to
list the submersible pumps as an alternative bid item or as part of the base
bid line item. Mr. Petit responded that installation of dry-pit submersible
pumps at both the Fairview and Maltby sites would be the actual
improvement method (not an alternative bid item) since it represents the
best option to address resiliency during a potential flooding condition.
Member Pilecki opined that many utilities operate submersible pump
stations and inquired about staff's reasoning to recommend Alternative 2
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October 15, 2019
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(construct a new drywell/wetwell pump station with submersible
equipment) versus Alternative 3 (construct a new submersible pump
station). Mr. Petit agreed that both alternatives would provide a new, state-
of-the-art pump station and offer similar performance; however, selection
of the drywell option was requested by the Operations and Maintenance
(O&M) staff. Mr. Gonzalez explained that from an O&M standpoint, there
are significant advantages of having ready access to the pumps as
opposed to submersible pumps that cannot be seen; therefore, the drywell
alternative (Alternative 2) is the preferred and recommended option by
The business case analysis chart on slide 21 continued weighty
discussion of staff's recommendations for the final design. Member Pilecki
noted that the analysis illustrations on the business case analysis chart on
slide 21 were identical for Alternatives 2 and 3, where the third alternative
cost was previously shown to be less. He suggested that before a decision
is made, a better and clearer justification needs to be presented for staff's
preference. Mr. Petit replied that staff will revise the Position Paper and
presentation information to validate staff recommendations and correct the
analysis chart figures for the Fairview and Maltby sites (slide 27 for the
Maltby analysis).
Mr. Lopez continued with the Maltby site alternatives, stating that although
Alternative 1 may appear to be the less expensive option, it would create
other issues and added costs down the line. That option is more of a stop-
gap to keep the pump station operational but would require additional,
potentially costly improvements in the future.
Member Pilecki requested staff also update the project schedule shown on
slide 31 to match the Position Paper schedule and to include an
explanation of the right-of-way work portion for the Fairview and Maltby
After further discussion about project cost factors, pump type, and
generators, Chair Nejedly requested that staff confirm the tier-level
generators required and to ensure that they are of sufficient size to run the
pump stations and not require replacement or upgrade in the near future.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board approval with the
addition of the justification and clarification information requested
by the Committee, as noted above.
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October 15, 2019
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4. Other Items
a. Receive update on status and effectiveness of the Contractual
Assessment District (CAD) and Alhambra Valley Assessment District
(AVAD) programs in converting septic systems to sewer connections
Mr. Leavitt explained the attachments and maps, noting that the data
provided in Attachments 1 and 2 are raw figures, that distance to a main is
not a guarantee that a property is eligible for sewer, and that there are
some areas where a CAD/A VAD will not be of benefit. There have been
32 CAD and six AVAD projects, and in his opinion an overall 78%
connection rate for the CADs and AVADs is a success indicator. He
shared that some connections to existing CADs have not occurred due to
capacity and CAD reimbursement fees. Additionally, the CAD process
cannot be used to extend a sewer mainline for areas with only one or two
Chair Nejedly stated he thinks the program has been great from the start
and that staff has done a good job, especially since what remains is a
small scattering of properties in the service area, based on the maps
provided. He suggested that staff might want to consider providing a
comprehensive checklist to assist those who are considering converting
from septic to sewer. Ms. Gemmell stated that staff is in the process of
proposing revisions to the District's standard specifications. As part of that
process, staff intends to develop some sort of property owner's guide for
that very purpose.
There was a brief discussion regarding the financial burden associated
with converting from septic to sewer and that a customer assistance
program may need consideration in the future. The Committee suggested
that staff propose a plan, or look at what is needed, to revise the existing
program to protect public health by encouraging property owners to
convert their septic tanks and connect to the sewer system.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the information.
b. Receive update on the Highway 4 Interchange Project
Ms. Gemmell reviewed the presentation and responded to questions from
the Committee. She stated that staff has been in steady communication
with contractors and the Buchanan Field Airport. The construction dirt
piles have been monitored and surveyed, and the level of dirt has stayed
below the required limit to the satisfaction of the airport. Ms. Gemmell
shared that Caltrans contractors are readily using the Recycled Water Fill
Station for dust control and the pile height has noticeably diminished.
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October 15, 2019
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Ms. Gemmell and Mr. Lopez responded to Member Pilecki's concern
about loading over Central San underground pipes. Staff is monitoring and
handling on-site with surveying, marking, inspecting, and communicating
with Caltrans. Recently, a closed caption television (CCTV) inspection on
the large pipe in this area was completed, which will provide a reference
mechanism if needed in the future.
Chair Nejedly inquired about the dirt pile north of the Caltrans work near
the quarry. Ms. Gemmell stated that pile, approximately 25,000 yards, has
been provided by Bay Cities and will be used on a future flood control
levee project; thereby, eliminating an added expense when the project
goes out to bid. The soil has been thoroughly tested, and the results show
it as clean fill.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update.
C. Receive Capital Projects Division Quarterly Report (July to September) on
capital projects, active consultant contracts, change order log, and
schedule of bids and awards
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the report.
5. Announcements
6. Suggestions for Future Agenda Items
a. Receive list of upcoming agenda items and provide suggestions for any
other future agenda items
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the list.
7. Future Scheduled Meetings
Tuesday, October 29, 2019 at 2:00 p.m.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019 at 2:00 p.m.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019 at 2:00 p.m.
8. Adjournment— at 3:20 p.m.
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