HomeMy WebLinkAbout15. Award $24,292,551 contract to Mountain Cascade, Inc. for Pump Station Upgrades, Phase 1, DP 8436, increase contract contingency to 7.5%, authorize contracts for engineering support and construction management services, etc. Page 1 of 31 Item 15. CENTRAL SAN BOARD OF DIRECTORS vie . , Hill. , , . . POSITION PAPER MEETING DATE: NOVEMBER 7, 2019 SUBJECT: FIND THAT THE PROJECT IS EXEMPT FROM THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITYACT (CEQA);AWARD A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT IN THE AMOUNT OF $24,292,551 TO MOUNTAIN CASCADE, INC., THE LOWEST RESPONSIVE AND RESPONSIBLE BIDDER FOR THE PUMP STATION UPGRADES, PHASE 1, DISTRICT PROJECT 8436; AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS SUBJECT TO SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND INCLUDE UP TO A 7.5-PERCENT CONTRACT CONTINGENCY, AMEND AN EXISTING AGREEMENT WITH V.W. HOUSENAND ASSOCIATES TO INCLUDE ENGINEERING SUPPORT SERVICES IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $900,000; EXECUTE A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH PSOMAS IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $1,800,000 FOR CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SERVICES; AND INCLUDE A BID ALTERNATIVE TO UPGRADE THE MORAGAAND ORINDA CROSSROADS PUMP STATIONS TO DRY PIT SUBMERSIBLE PUMPS IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,342,000 SUBMITTED BY: INITIATING DEPARTMENT: KEITH GELLERMAN, ASSOCIATE ENGINEER ENGINEERING AND TECHNICAL SERVICES- CAPITAL PROJECTS REVIEWED BY: SASHA MESTETSKY, SENIOR ENGINEER EDGAR J. LOPEZ, CAPITAL PROJECTS DIVISION MANAGER JEAN-MARC PETIT, DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNICAL SERVICES Roger S. Bailey General Manager ISSUE On October 24, 2019, three bids were received for the construction of the Pump Station Upgrades, November 7, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 108 of 414 Page 2 of 31 Phase 1, District Project 8436 (Project). The Board of Directors (Board) must award the contract or reject bids within 50 days of the bid opening.Authorization is required for the General Manager to execute the Contract Documents subject to submittal requirements and include a 7.5-percent contract contigency; and to execute agreements with V.W. Housen and Associates (Engineer of Record) and Psomas (Construction Management). BACKGROUND I n 2015, Central San staff initiated an evaluation of the Moraga and Orinda Crossroads Pump Stations at the request of Operations due to several deficiencies with the standby power engine driven systems, electrical and instrumentation concerns, and other equipment identified for replacement. The most impactful item identified was replacement of the 1,000-horsepower Waukesha diesel engines (circa 1959) at both stations. The 2017 Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan identified additional electrical, mechanical, structural, and instrumentation work needed at Moraga and Orinda Crossroads Pump Stations, including similar renovation at Flush Kleen Pump Station. Staff decided to package the three pump stations into one construction effort, which has been included in the current Capital Improvement Budget titled Pump Station Upgrades, Phase 1, District Project 8436 (Phase 1). I n May 2017, staff issued a formal Request for Proposals (RFP) advertised on PlanetBids and the Central San website to select a professional engineering consultant to provide design services for the project. The intended scope outlined in the RFP included design services and follow-up services during construction. Three proposals were received (Carollo Engineers, Inc., Stantec Consulting Services (MWH), and V.W. Housen and Associates (VWHA)). Staff evaluated the proposals, interviewed the consultant teams, and recommended VW HA as the best overall fit for the project. On July 20, 2017, the Board was informed of the planning and predesign effort for Phase 1 and the Phase 2 Martinez pump stations (Martinez, Fairview, and Maltby). Staff recommended evaluation of these pump stations for efficiency since similar investigation and condition assessments were needed. At that meeting, the Board authorized staff to hire VW HA to assist in the project development by providing condition assessments and technical support to allow staff to consider alternatives and for staff to ultimately recommend the best project approach to the Board. At the May 3, 2018 Board Meeting, staff presented the predesign findings and recommended final design of Phase 1, which included a detailed alternative analysis and business case evaluations (BCEs) conducted by the project team. At the meeting, the Board authorized staff to perform the final design with VW HA. Phase 2 would be initiated later due to land acquisition needed for the proposed work. Overall, the scope of work mainly consists of upgrading emergency generators, installing new electric driven wet weather pumps, major electrical upgrades, new grinders (Moraga only), and various piping, valves, and control upgrades needed for the pump stations. The following is a summary of the history, detailed scope of work, and the BCEs conducted for each pump station in the Phase 1 project: Moraga and Orinda Crossroads Pump Stations Moraga Pump Station, originally installed in 1959, is located at 1790 School Street in Moraga, across from Hazelwood Court in a residential neighborhood. Orinda Crossroads Pump Station is located at 10 Camino Pablo in Orinda, across from Brookwood Drive in downtown Theater Square. These stations were installed around the same time and are nearly identical in design and features. They have gone through upgrades, with the most recent renovation performed around 1998. The pump stations consist of three dry weather electric pumps and two wet weather diesel engine driven pumps (Waukesha and Caterpillar engines). During the predesign, staff determined that an "All-Electric" option (Option 2 described below) warranted consideration prior to committing to replacement of the Waukesha engine, generator installation, November 7, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 109 of 414 Page 3 of 31 and other related improvements. The predesign included BCEs that provide alternatives at both stations to handle an emergency situation due to the loss of PG&E grid power. The alternatives and options include the following: • Option 1 - Keep engine driven pumps for wet weather pumps (i.e., keeping the Caterpillar engine at each pump station with new controls and installing a new engine to replace the Waukesha engine); • Option 2 -AII-Electric pumps. This included evaluating the use of 480 V (volt)versus 4160 V as the wet weather pumps would be equipped with larger electric motors (650 horsepower); • Option 3 - Electric Hybrid. The Electric Hybrid option implements the "All-Electric" Option 2 described above by installing one electric wet weather pump and deferring replacement of the 1998 Caterpillar diesel engines with the second electric wet weather motors and other electrical equipment to a future project; • Option 4 - Building a new pump station at another location for Orinda Crossroads Pump Station. This alternative was not pursued due to the lack of available sites and the high cost associated with relocating the gravity sewers and infrastructure; or • Option 5 -Abandoning the Orinda Crossroads Pump Station and converting the system to gravity flow. Four sub-alternatives were identified and evaluated under this option. Although these options were feasible from an engineering standpoint, they were all too costly as compared to the renovation alternatives proposed in the other options described above. During the July 25, 2019 Board Meeting, another option (Option 6)was presented by the Board to staff. This option was a variation to Option 3, which includes replacing the Waukesha engine with electric driven pumps and variable frequency drives (VFDs), keeping the Caterpillar engines (updating the controls), and replacing the standby 75-kilowatt generator in kind. Option 6 would have a generator sized only to power lighting and other auxiliary loads but would not be able to power any of the pumps. Attachment 1 provides full details of the options and BCEs. Staff determined that Option 2 (All-Electric) is the preferred alternative at both stations for multiple reasons: • It provides the ability to operate all five pumps at each pump station under electrical power, using VFDs to match the flow and pumping capacity, and improves pumping transitions and low flow operations during PG&E outages. • It provides resiliency during a PG&E's Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) event. In October 2019, the Moraga, Orinda Crossroads, and Flush Kleen Pump Stations were impacted by a PSPS and Central San continued operation at these locations using backup power and large engines/wet weather pumps at low dry weather flows. Option 2 is the best alternative for Central San during these events, which most likely will be more frequent in the future. • Adding the latest Tier 4 standby generator will minimize future requirements associated with escalating Bay Area Air Quality Management District regulations for diesel engines and will power all the equipment and pumps at the pump stations. • It standardizes the Moraga and Orinda Pump Stations. The conversion to all electric pumping was implemented successfully at the Lower Orinda Pump Station in 2003. This approach is standard operating practice for all other major Central San pump stations. November 7, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 110 of 414 Page 4 of 31 Additional evaluations and BCEs were performed to address pump station resiliency, which includes seismic, external flooding, internal flooding due to equipment or piping failure, and surge and corrosion protection. I n order to address internal flooding, staff recommends the replacement of the dry weather pumps from vertical centrifugal dry pumps to submersible dry pit pumps. Recognizing the fact that the existing dry weather pumps were replaced in the early 2000's and the capacities are adequate, staff has included this recommended improvement as a bid alternative. The scope of work for these pump stations also includes, but is not limited to, new generators sized to pump both low dry weather and build-out peak wet weather flows as well as other electrical load for the building and controls; new PG&E service, switchgear and motor control centers, including configuration of breakers to allow for operator servicing, and implementing Arc Flash safety requirements; replacing surge tanks; and adding on the north side grinders at Moraga Pump Station to address the ongoing maintenance caused by wipes and other debris. Flush Kleen Pump Station Flush Kleen Pump Station, originally built in 1950, is one of Central San's oldest pump stations. Certain electrical, instrumentation and controls (EI&C) equipment are obsolete and replacement parts cannot be obtained from manufacturers. Based on E I&C assessment, staff recommended replacing the standby power generator, automatic transfer switch, electrical service, and power distribution. Staff recommends installing two new dry pit submersible constant speed pumps. The new pumps will allow build-out peak wet weather flows to be pumped through a single force main and for larger solids to be passed at low flows. Dry pit submersible pumps will provide increased resiliency at the station. It is recommended to replace piping and valves located in the drywell. General Contractors and Electrical Subcontractors Pre-Qualifications Based on the project complexity, staff issued a formal Request for Statements of Pre-Qualifications of General Contractors (GCs) and Electrical Subcontractors (ESs) on July 15, 2019. Pre-qualifications included assessment of past performance and safety, experience, and financial status. Central San received interest from ten GCs and ten ESs; nine GCs and ten ESs were approved and invited to bid the project. Construction Management Selection Staff issued a formal Request for Proposal to provide third-party construction management (CM), that would include construction management, inspection, special inspection, and start-up services. Central San received proposals from five CM firms: Kennedy Jenks; Psomas (previously Covello Group);Anchor CM; Consolidated CM, and 4Leaf, Inc. VW HA was not allowed to submit as it would be a conflict of interest to perform construction management on their own design. After reviewing the proposals and conducting interviews of the top-ranking firms, staff selected Psomas for this project. Bidding The Engineer's estimate for construction of Phase 1 was $24,000,000, including the additive bid items.A project location map is shown in Attachment 2. VW HA and staff prepared the plans and specifications for the project. This project was advertised on August 26 and September 3, 2019. Three sealed bids ranging from $24,292,551 to $29,194,000 were received and publicly opened on October 24, 2019. The Engineering and Technical Services Department conducted a technical and commercial review of the bids and determined that Mountain Cascade, Inc. (MCI) is the lowest responsive and responsible bidder.A summary of bids received is shown in Attachment 3. Staff recommends including the $1,342,000 additive bid item submitted by MCI for the six dry pit submersible pumps at the Moraga and Orinda Crossroads Pump Stations, but to not include the $985,000 alternative bid item for the South Grinder Structure at the Moraga Pump Station. Staff has reviewed and discussed the bids and estimates with the three bidders, November 7, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 111 of 414 Page 5 of 31 and received the following feedback: • Contractors and subcontractors in northern California, and especially in the Bay Area are very busy due to a robust economy. This has affected bid pricing to higher costs. • Electrical subcontractors, electrical equipment and vendors are driving project schedules and are higher in costs. • PSPS has created a high demand on emergency generators. • The project is complex and has high-risks. • Long project duration created by very strict construction milestones, due to operational and wet weather restrictions, is also increasing the cost. Overall, staff believes the price submitted by MCI is very competitive and the lowest costs in the current bid climate. Re-bidding the project would result in a higher bid as Central San would likely get less bidders. Capital Projects staff will provide oversight of the CM (Psomas), Engineer of Record (VW HA), and contractor(MCI) during construction of the project. Operations will staff at least one operator at each of the stations during the project to coordinate shutdowns and provide any support needed to run the station. Public outreach with the Town of Moraga and City of Orinda, along with public relations with the impacted businesses and residents, will be coordinated through Central San's Communication Services group. Psomas is planned to be the day-to-day contact with the contractor and provide construction management services that include services stated above in addition to other CM duties, such as documenting the project, reviewing schedules, and safety oversight. VMHA will be retained since they are the Engineer of Record and will assist with submittal reviews, contractor requests for information, and design clarifications. CEQA Staff has concluded that this project is exempt from CEQA under Central San's CEQA Guidelines Section 15301, since it involves minor alterations to existing public facilities involving no expansion of use, and CEQA Guidelines Section 15302, since it involves replacement of existing public facilities at the same location and with the same purpose.Any capacity increases are for non-growth inducing, wet weather purposes. Approval of this project will establish the Board's independent finding that this project is exempt from CEQA. ALTERNATIVES/CONSIDERATIONS The Board could consider the following alternatives or provide other direction: 1. The project included two additive bid items: • Construction of a grinder structure and equipment at the south gravity feed to the Moraga Pump Station, which costs $985,000. Staff does not recommend including this bid alternative at this time, as most of the flow(about 75%) and most of the issues with rags is coming from the north gravity line. This later will be addressed as part of the Project as part of the base bid. • Upgrade the dry weather pumps to dry pit submersible pumps to add resiliency from internal flooding at both stations (Moraga and Orinda Crossroads Pump Stations) in the amount of $1,342,000. Staff recommends including this bid alternative as part of this project to address resiliency concerns. The Board could elect to add or delete these additive items to the construction contract. 2. Staff's approach of supplementing labor with consultants, such as the Psomas CM agreement, November 7, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 112 of 414 Page 6 of 31 could be rejected by the Board. Capital Projects is not currently staffed at a level to support this construction project. Additional staff, up to three persons, would have to be considered to perform construction management, general inspection, and resident engineering. Specialty inspection would need to be outsourced since staff does not have the qualifications to perform specialty work. 3. Reject all bids, which is not recommended. This project will address the deficient and aging infrastructure at the pump stations and provide long-term reliability and operational performance of the mechanical and electrical systems. FINANCIAL IMPACTS The total estimated project cost is $35,031,000, including planning, predesign, final design, staff, construction contract, a 7.5-percent contingency, and other project costs detailed in Attachment 4. Phase 1 was included in the Fiscal Year(FY) 2019-20 Budget on page 153 with an estimated budget of $27.85 million in 2019 dollars. This project will span multiple fiscal years and does not include escalation of future years (amounting to $28.6 million), which is accounted for in the Central San rate model.Although there is adequate funding for the project through FY 2020-21, there is a shortfall of approximately$6.38 million in the current Ten-Year Capital Improvement Plan. These funds will be supplemented from the FY 2021-23 Collection System Program under sewer renovation projects and future contingency as shown in Attachment 5, which also shows the current construction commitments in the Capital Program. For FY 2021-22, staff had increased the funding in the program for sewer renovation. This change will keep sewer renovations funded at the same level as currently performed. COMMUNITY OUTREACH Central San has held multiple meetings with both the Town of Moraga and the City of Orinda to answer any questions or concerns about the project. I n addition, staff held an open house at the Moraga Pump Station on October 17, 2019, where residents had the opportunity to learn or ask questions about the project. Additional notifications will be provided to all impacted residents and businesses after the award of the project and before construction. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION The Engineering and Operations Committee reviewed this project at its meeting on October 29, 2019, and recommended approval of the construction contract. However, Member Pilecki recommended to delete the additive bid item of $1,342,000 to install dry pit submersible pumps since the existing pumps have significant remaining life (20 years or possibly more). Chair Nejedly and Member Pilecki agreed to increase the contract contingency from 5 percent to 7.5 percent due to the complexity of the project. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION Staff recommends the following: 1. Find that the project is exempt from CEQA; 2. Award a construction contract in the amount of$24,292,551 to Mountain Cascade, Inc., the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for the Pump Station Upgrades, Phase 1, District Project 8436; 3. Authorize the General Manager to execute the Contract Documents subject to submittal requirements and include up to a 7.5-percent contract contingency; 4. Authorize the General Manager to amend an existing agreement with V.W. Housen and Associates in an amount not to exceed $900,000 for engineering support services during construction; November 7, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 113 of 414 Page 7 of 31 5. Authorize the General Manager to execute a professional engineering services agreement with Psomas in an amount not to exceed $1,800,000 for construction management services: and 6. Include a bid alternative to upgrade the Moraga and Orinda Crossroads Pump Stations to dry pit submersible pumps in the amount of$1,342,000. Strategic Plan Tie-In GOAL TWO: Strive to Meet Regulatory Requirements Strategy 2- Strive to minimize the number of sanitary sewer overflows, Strategy 3- Comply with all federal, state, and local regulations related to District administration GOAL FIVE:Maintain a Reliable Infrastructure Strategy 1 - Manage assets optimally throughout their lifecycle, Strategy 2- Facilitate long-term capital renewal and replacement, Strategy 3- Protect District personnel and assets from threats and emergencies GOAL SIX: Embrace Technology, Innovation and Environmental Sustainability Strategy 2- Reduce reliance on non-renewable energy ATTACHMENTS: 1. Business Case Evaluations and Table 2. Project Location Map 3. Summary of Bids 4. Post Bid/Preconstuction Estimate 5. Phase 1 Construction Funding Tables 6. Presentation November 7, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 114 of 414 Page 8 of 31 Attachment 1 Pump Station Upgrades, Phase 1, District Project 8436 Business Case Evaluations The Preliminary Design Report, completed in February 2018, includes a business case evaluation (BCE) that includes the following alternatives at both stations to handle backup power in case of loss of electrical grid power currently provided by PG&E. The alternatives and options evaluated in the BCE include the following options: Option 1) Keep engine driven pumps for wet weather backup power (this option replaces the Waukesha engine with a new engine for the wet weather pumps and upgrades the controls for the existing Caterpillar engine); Option 2) All-Electric (remove both engines and provide electric motors on all wet weather pumps. Provide a standby power generator large enough (800-900 kW) to power the entire station - both dry and wet weather pumps). The team evaluated using of 480 V versus 4160 V, as the wet weather pumps would be equipped with larger electric motors (650 horsepower); and Option 3) Electric Hybrid. The Electric Hybrid option implements the "All-Electric" Option 2 described above by installing one electric wet weather pump under the initial project but defers the replacement of the 20-year-old Caterpillar diesel engine/pump with the second electric wet weather pump to a future project. Under this option a new generator (350-400 kW) would be provided to power the dry weather pumps but not the new electric driven wet weather pumps. It should be noted that two additional options were evaluated for the Orinda Crossroads Pump Station. One of these additional options: Option 4) included relocating the pump station to another location since the existing site is constrained. This alternative was abandoned due to the lack of available potential sites nearby and the cost that would be associated with relocating the gravity sewers and infrastructures to another location. Option 5) evaluated abandoning the Orinda Crossroads Pump Station and converting it to a gravity flow. Three sub-alternatives to gravity flow from Orinda Crossroads were identified and evaluated. Although these options were feasible from an engineering standpoint, they were all too costly as compared to the renovation alternatives proposed in Options 1, 2, and 3 above. During the July 25, 2019 Board Meeting, another option (Option 6) was presented by the Board to staff. This option was a variation to Option 3, which includes replacing the Waukesha engine with electric driven pumps and variable frequency drives (VFDs), keeping the Caterpillar engines (updating the controls), and replacing the standby 75- kW generator in kind. Option 6 would have a generator sized for lighting and other auxiliary loads but would not be able to power any of the pumps. November 7, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 115 of 414 Page 9 of 31 Staff determined that Option 2 (All-Electric) is the preferred option at both stations for multiple reasons: • It provides the ability to operate the pump station under electrical power, and using VFDs to match the flow, and pumping capacity and it improves pumping transitions and low flow operations. • It improves the ability to operate the pump station in low flow condition with large capacity pumps. • Adding a latest approved Tier 4 large single standby generator will minimize future requirements associated with escalating Bay Area Quality Management District regulations for diesel engines. • It eliminates the engines which are only coupled with the wet weather pumps. • It eliminates additional foreseeable wet weather pumping future upgrades. • It standardizes the pump station. The conversion to all electric pumping was implemented successfully at the Lower Orinda Pump Station in 2003. • During recent implementation by PG&E of a Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) event in mid-October 2019, the Moraga, Orinda Crossroads, and the Flush Kleen Pump Stations were impacted by this event, and Central San operated using the backup power and engines at these and other locations. The recommended alternative under Option 2 is the preferred alternative that best fits Central San needs to respond to these events which may be more frequent in the foreseeable future. The following table represents the BCE, including the new Option 6 evaluated: November 7, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 116 of 414 Page 10 of 31 Pump Station (PS) Upgrades, Phase 1, District Project 8436 Business Case Evaluations Table mmOrinda Crossroads PS Standby Power Generators Firm Pumping Capacity (MGD) (2) • Description Applicability Estimated Applicability Estimated Size of New Powers PS Powers Wet Powers New Standby Wet Weather Wet Weather Normal Under Pumps Available under of Option of Option Construction of Option Construction Standby Lighting Weather Dry to Power All Pump 1 Pump 2 Operation Emergency Emergency Power Operating Cost Cost GEN Pump(s) Weather PS Electrical Power Condition (1St Qtr. (1St Qtr. Pumps Needs a. Orinda Operation 2018$) 2018$) b. Moraga a. Orinda b. Moraga Keep YES $7.12M YES $8.10M 250 kW OC YES YES YES Keep Replace a. 0.45 to Both Wet Weather Pumps on Engines (3) (1 pump = Caterpillar Waukesha 22.3 engines 300 kW PDWF) with a new b. 0.71 to (Two pumps at each PS) Moraga engine 14.4 + One Dry Weather Pump (generator) (One pump at each PS) All-Electric YES $8.00M YES $9.02M 750 kW OC YES YES YES YES Replace Replace a. 0.45 to All Pumps Dry and Wet Weather 650 kW Caterpillar Waukesha 22.3 (5) Pumps at each PS on Moraga with electric with electric a. 0.45 to b. 0.71 to standby generator motor and motor and 22.3 14.4 VFD VFD Electric YES $7.56M YES $8.65M 250 kW OC YES YES YES YES Keep Replace b. 0.71 to a. 0.45 to Three Dry Weather Pumps & Hybrid (2) Caterpillar Waukesha 14.4 22.3 One Wet Weather Pump on $8.66M (4) $9.75M (4) 300 kW with electric b. 0.71 to standby generator and Moraga (2) motor and 14.4 One Wet Weather on engine VFD Relocate YES $30M + NO N/A 750 kW YES YES YES YES New pump New pump a. 0.45 to All Pumps Dry and Wet Weather PS with electric with electric 22.3 (5) Pumps at PS on standby motor and motor and b. 0.71 to generator VFD VFD 14.4 Abandon YES $39M -$72M NO N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A a. 0.45 to N/A PS and 22.3 Convert to b. 0.71 to Gravity 14.4 Minimize YES $6.96M YES $8.05M 75 kW (1) YES YES Keep Replace a. 0.45 to Only one Wet Weather Pump Option 3 (1 pump = Caterpillar Waukesha 22.3 (One pump at each PS) $8.66M (5) $9.75M (5) PDWF) but with electric b. 0.71 to no backup motor and 14.4 VFD Notes: (1) Reuse existing 75 kW generators. This option will require the replacement of the new generator installed under this Phase 1 project in the future when the Caterpillar engine is eventually replaced. Total project cost is same as Option 3 but increased due to inflation. (2) Limited to no space on site for installation of a large generator with Caterpillar radiator to remain. Smaller generator(300 kW at Moraga and 250 kW at OC for PDWF = 1 dry weather pump) can be installed under Phase 1 project but this option will require the replacement of the smaller generator installed in the future when the Caterpillar engine is eventually replaced, increasing total overall cost. Under this option (300 kW at Moraga and 250 kW at OC), one dryweather on standby generator and one wet weather pump on engine. (3) Limited to no space on site for installation of 250 kW generator to operate one dry weather pump (PDWFs)with radiators to remain. (4)Total project cost in current 1st Quarter 2018 $s. includes Phase 1 project and deferred future costs ($1.1M/station). (5)Total project cost in current 1st Quarter 2018 $s. includes Phase 1 project and deferred future costs ($1.7M/station). Same overall total project cost as Option 3, but more $s are deferred. November 7, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 117 of 414 680 IWE INS '-Uw r''FA ^ , • ' � ' " • " • ' ��11 `680 `OW•. Project i 1 ACDPump Station Upgrades, Phase 1 Attachment ENTMLSAN District Project 8436 2 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Project Location Page 12 of 31 ATTACHMENT 3 PUMP STATION UPGRADES, PHASE 1 DISTRICT PROJECT 8436 SUMMARY OF BIDS PROJECT NO.: 8436 NO. OF ADDENDA: 4 DATE/TIME: OCTOBER 24, 2019/2:00 PM PROJECT NAME: PUMP STATION UPGRADES, PHASE 1 PROJECT MANAGER: KEITH GELLERMAN PROJECT LOCATION: ORINDA AND MORAGA, CALIFORNIA ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE: $24,000,000, INCLUDING ALL ADDITIVE BID ITEMS NO. BIDDER BID PRICE 1 Mountain Cascade, Inc. $24,292,551 Livermore, California 2 C. Overaa & Co. $25,594,000 Richmond, California 3 Kiewit Infrastructure West Co. $29,194,000 Fairfield, California BIDS OPENED BY /s/Katie Young DATE: October 24, 2019 November 7, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 119 of 414 Page 13 of 31 ATTACHMENT 4 PUMP STATION UPGRADES, PHASE 1 DISTRICT PROJECT 8436 POST-BID/PRECONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE % Of Item Description Amounts Construction No. Cost 1. CONSTRUCTION a. Construction Contract $24,292,551 b. Alternative 131 —South Grinder at Moraga Only* $0 c.Alternative B2—Dry Pit Submersible Pumps $1,342,000 d. 7.5% Contract Contingency $1,821,449 e. Permits (CalTrans, Orinda, Moraga, BAAQMD) $50,000 SUBTOTAL- CONSTRUCTION COST $27,506,000 100% 2. CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT a. District Forces - Project Management $600,000 - Public Relations/Right-of-Way $50,000 - Operations $75,000 b. Consultants - Construction Management/Inspection (Psomas) $1,800,000 - Engineering Support during Construction (VWHA) $900,000 - Material Testing/Specialty Inspection $300,000 SUBTOTAL-CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT $3,725,000 13.5% 3. PREBID EXPENDITURES a. Engineering (Planning, design, staff and consultants) $3,800,000 SUBTOTAL- PREBID EXPENDITURES $3,800,000 13.8% 4. TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST $35,031,000 *This item costs$985,000;staff is not recommending including the work in the Contract. November 7, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 120 of 414 Attachment 5 Pump Station Upgrades, Phase 1, District Project 8436 Phase 1 Construction Funding Tables DP# Project Name To Date FY 2019-20 FY 20-21 FY 21-22 FY 22-23 Total Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Current Budget (*) 8436 Pump Station Upgrades, $ 3,700,000 $ 4,600,000 $ 12,875,000 $ 5,833,180 $ 1,635,000 $ 28,643,180 Phase 1 Budget based on Bid Results and Revised $ 3,700,000 $ 4,000,000 $ 10,540,000 $ 12,400,000 $ 4,391,000 $ 35,031,000 Cash Flow Variance $ - $ 600,000 $ 2,335,000 $ (6,566,820) $ (2,756,000) $ (6,387,820) Accumulative Budget Carry Forward or $ - $ 600,000 $ 2,935,000 $ (3,631,820) $ (6,387,820) (Shortfall) Future CIP 8451 Collection System Sewer $ 1,500,000 Adjustments Renovation Phase 1 TBD Collection System Sewer $ 2,756,000 Renovation Phase 2 Future CIP Contingency TBD or Sewer Construction $ 2,131,820 Fund Total Future $ _ $ _ $ - $ 3,631,820 $ 2,756,000 $ - Adjustments Revised Accumulative Budget Carry Forward $ - $ 600,000 $ 2,935,000 $ - $ - $ or Shortfall * Budget has been adjusted to reflect future escalation of 3% per year, which is included in the rate model. Page 1 of 2 November 7, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 121 of 414 Sewer Construction Budget Construction Commitments Table Sewer Construction Budget, Commitments and Capacity $120 $120 $100 j $100 1 1 1 1 1 i ; 40.1 $80 1 30.5 1 1 I $80 1 1 ` 1 1 I 1 1 1 —4 $60 $60 j 29.2 $40 1 51.4 1 53.7 i $40 61.71 $20 $20 $0 $0 19/20 20/21 21/22 22/23 Fiscal Year OApproved and Projected Budget per FY Committed already(contracted) =JI Remaining capacity with existing rates lllllllllllllQAdditional capacity with planned increases SSC funding capacity from Existing Rates* * Future years amounts may differ to the extent of reserve drawdowns.Additional analysis required. Page 2of2 November 7, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 122 of 414 Attachment 6 PUMP STATION UPGRADES, PHASE 1 I DISTRICT PROJECT 8436 Board Meeting y November 7, 2019 Jean-Marc Petit,Director of Engineering and Technical Services Edgar J.Lopez,Capital Projects Division Manager A X\ 4 eem�,a v o ° Ppse r' COLLECTION SYSTEM M.nlne= �8 o d PUMP STATIONS UPGRADES Pl.-HilPHASED PROJECT IN TWO PROJECTS: o � e 6e�Xele o�nda PHASE 1: MORAGA, ORINDA CROSSROADS, AND FLUSH KLEEN PUMP STATIONS Oakland s.wR.mww PHASE 2: MARTINEZ, a FAIRVIEW, ,m " AND MALTBY Ml I a P oon PUMP STATIONS �rrexnem Pka Land HHW�Celeu'Non Fsiliry ff1 Pmarety Oxnetl Pumping 5000n � c re GCGSp Pooping S�alions mmem Isenernmeinmimaialmm wa na A WPq W muenwn for 3]9, y Q,� e mnoan �g�"a ��I. ,pwsa�nwe=nnry 1 MAY 2017 -THREE PROPOSALS RECEIVED d Consultant Subconsultant Carollo Engineers, Inc. • JDH Corrosion Consultants, Inc. (Corrosion) Services,Stantec Consulting Lee and Ro(Electrical) V&A Consulting Engineers, Inc. (Corrosion) VW Housen and Associates - HDR, Inc. (Corrosion, structural and architectural, and flood control) • ArcSine Engineering (Electrical) • Northwest Hydraulic Consultants (Surge Analysis) Selected VWHA . Design Services Formal Request for Proposal Issued—included for Pump Station predesign and final design of six pump stations and upgrades Concord flow meter.Support services to be included � �� during construction based on Construction award. PUMP STATION UPGRADES, PHASE 1 DISTRICT PROJECT (DP) 8436 PROGRESSION TIMELINE July 11,2017 E&O Requested and July 20,2017 Recommendation to Board:Authorized April 25,2018 E&O and Award Construction Agreement with May 3,2018 Board:Authorized Contract VWHA for Amendment with VWHA for Final October 29,2019 Preliminary Design Design of Phase 1 Project,DP 8436 E&O of Project,DP 8436 2017 2018 2019 2020 February 2018 July 9,2019 E&O and Requesting VWHA Submitted July 25,2019 Board: Recommendation to Preliminary Design, Provided a Project Update to Award Construction including 30%Design the Board and Board Contract and Business Case Maintained 5%Contract Board meeting Evaluation Report Retention for Phase 1 November 7,2019 (BCE) !g 2 PHASE 1 PUMP STATION CAPACITIES Current Flow Firm Capacity P T" ump Motor Pump Station Minimum- Standby Power Two Diesel Engine Driven Wet Orinda Crossroads 0.45-1.82 24.77 MGD 3—150 HP(Elec.) Weather Pumps 22.0 MGD 2—1000 HP(Eng.) and 75-kW Generator for Building Two Diesel Engine 3—150 HP(Elec.) Driven Wet Moraga 0.71-2.41 18.58 MGD 2—1000 HP(Eng.) Weather Pumps 14.4 MGD and 75-kW Generator for Building Flush Kleen 0-0.68 MGD 1.47 MGD 2—15 HP(Elec.) 50-kW Generator =1 MGD=Million Gallons per Day kW=kilowatt PDWF=Peak Dry Weather Flow Elec.=Electric PW WF=Peak Wet Weather Flow Eng.=Engine 15 PUMP STATION HISTORY OVERVIEW CompletedPump Station Year Major Work Constructed M1 . . Orinda Replacement of dry weather pumps Crossroads 1959 1998 and associated electrical,one diesel wet weather engine,surge tank Moraga Replacement of dry weather pumps 1959 1998 and associated electrical,one diesel wet weather engine,surge tank Modified to act as a standard dry pit station.Components have been Flush Kleen 1950 1983 replaced in time or added for reliability(ex.generators in 1998) ' 6 3 PROJECT DRIVERS ELECTRICAL, RELIABILITY AND RESILIENCY • Electrical: • Major electrical, instrumentation and controls (EI&C) replacement and rehabilitation required • Implement recommendations from the 2015 Arc Flash Study • Need to replace and upgrade the emergency power systems • Improve readiness to respond to PG&E's Public Safety Power Shutoff(PSPS)events (new critical driver) • Asset Rehabilitation: • Remedy deficiencies of Asset Conditions Technical Memorandum prepared under Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan • Replace deteriorating piping, gates, and valves • Provide long-term corrosion protection • Resiliency: • Provide resiliency from flooding (internal and external) • Long-term reliable wet weather pumping concerns , ORINDA CROSSROADS PUMP STATION ISSUES • Largest pump station for Central San • Receives flow from 7 other pump stations • Located in a very busy downtown commercial area of Orinda f • Limited property available for new equipment • Diesel engines on wet weather pumps are aging. ' Limited availability of original equipment manufacturer(OEM)replacement parts on Waukesha engine(—60 years of age)and engine control panels using Disk Operating __, System(DOS)(over 20 years of age) • Wet weather pump condition(Need rebuild) • Challenging operations during power outage in dry weather conditions,existing 1000-HP diesel engines used to pump low flows • No emergency power for dry weather pumps •lY.� • Outdated EAC needs rehabilitation(ex.variable frequency drives(VFDs),existing equipment issues(Overheating)) V V • Piping corrosion issues 8 4 ORINDA CROSSROADSSTATION Tail rrla ThPwlrr ' �r tl TA- 41 //' '��• .^!r T •i'�''. ..} \ �', �• .•?,�� raft 14 _SCD• *ks , Google ORINDA CROSSROADS PUMP STATION SCOPE OF WORK Orinda Crossroads Pump Station needs the following work: ` • EI&C upgrades l �' • New standby generator sized to operate entire station during wet — weather(largest pump) t• - • Wet weather pumps: • New rotating assembly • Conversion to electric driven ` pumps with VFDs New dry pit submersible for dry weather pumps (*) • New surge tank • New PG&E service pw ("Bid Alternative B-2 Recommended) MORAGA PUMP STATION • Major pump station: Second largest pump station for Central San, located in a residential neighborhood near a school and creek • Major concerns: • Diesel engines on wet weather - pumps are aging. Limited availability of OEM replacement parts on � ..� Waukesha engine (—60 years of age)and engine control panels using DOS (over 20 years of age) • Wet weather pump condition (Rebuild) No emergency power for dry • Challenging operations during power weather pumps outage in dry weather conditions, • Outdated EAC needs rehabilitation existing 1000-HP diesel engines (ex.VFDs) used to pump low flows • Installation of mechanized grinders(Currently manual cleaning) - 6 MORAGA PUMP STATION SCOPE OF WORK Moraga Pump Station needs the following work: h • EI&C upgrades • New standby generator sized to +Rr operate station in wet weather • Wet weather pumps: • New rotating assembly • Conversion to electric driven pumps with VFDs • New grinder structure(s) • New dry pit submersible for dry weather pumps** N— • New surge tank New PG&E service Bid Alternative B-1 for new south grinder box Bid Alternative B-2 dry pit submersible pumps(Recommended) I 13 ORINDA CROSSROADS AND MORAGA PUMP STATIONS ALTERNATIVES DISADVANTAGES Lowest current project construction • Uncertainty with continued escalating Bay Area Air Quality Management cost District(BAAQMD)requirements using engines Keep Engine Defers cost of replacing the existing • Unknown future requirements to replace the Caterpillar engine at a later date Option 20-year-old Caterpillar engine to a • Continued specialized operations and maintenance(O&M)associated with the later date engines Lowest risk with construction • Continued difficulty with pumping range of flows due to limited turndown sequenci ng and constraints capabilities of diesel engine driven pumps especially during low flow condition • Major future upgrade project to replace existing Caterpillar engine • High O&M cost • Not preferred by O&M staff Reliably pump entire range of flows • Highest current project construction cost from minimum to PW WF • Risk associated with construction sequencing and constraints Eliminates uncertainty of continued Option escalating BAAQMD requirements Eliminates specialized O&M associated with the engines Replaces all wet he equipment and avoids future major upgrades Lowest O&M cost Preferred option of O&M staff More reliable to respond to PG&E PIPS using new larger generators Moves toward implementation of All- • Highest total overall construction cost when including future upgrades required Electric option while deferring costto for implementation of full All-Electric option a future date • Uncertainty with continued escalating BAAQMD requirements • Continued specialized O&M for the Caterpillar engine • Continued difficulty of pumping range of flows with the Caterpillar engine due to limited turndown capabilities of diesel engine driven pumps • Major future upgrade project to replace existing Caterpillar engine with 2"d all- electric pump,install yet another new generator,and electrical modifications • Increased station complexity with both a diesel engine driven wet weather pump and an electric driven wet weather pump • High O&M cost • Highest risk associated with construction sequencing and constraints • Requires relocation of radiator to non-ideal location 14 • Least preferred by O&M staff 7 BCE ALTERNATIVES AND OPTIONS EVALUATED FOR ORINDA CROSSROADS AND MORAGA PUMP STATIONS (PS) 1:=� *1 P-1 N1* We- Und P-A Wepl=ff ■. gz 01 Eg., E-_ r ..mapz e P-(.) W....' PE=1 o'iw. M.... _d. P ... I.1.. oke. E9 144 0.D,W..ls.e1m 111 PU.1 (0-­ah YES I YES $I "WI.- A —D---­ I'S C"T" V1. 144 El­� YES $TESM YES $SENM 2-0C MEMO CK R.,'�, b,0,711 -1 mo•Ig��ogl••rr '�b'd 14,4 ■PoMew r• ■ (4) $S75M(4) 300 S ,b,. M_r 144 • r••,� ll-11 YES 111- 11 11 71- 0 2�151 Al�N­D­d-1.­ VFO 144 A N. YES $I­$72M ND NA NI NI NI I�4�11 N. .4'4. $6%M YES $8,05M 71-(1) MEMO ..P R.1— S.�5. -1 .= 22 (1-N.P1.­) ..­(1) SE71M(I) .11-d 144 VFS 1)......... T-*o assn1 P7 Pump ALTERNATIVES EVALUATION AT ORINDA CROSSROADS AND MORAGA PUMP STATIONS INCLUDE: REUSE AND REFURBISH EXISTING Pumps vs. DRY PIT SUBMERSIBLE 0 Reuse of Existing Morris ah.: Wh' 11 a AN-.do, Pump Casings with Smaller Impellers and New 700-HP Horizontal Electric Motors Least Cost Alternative vim IIP 0 Install New Dry Pit 4 Submersible Electric Pumps Provides Increased Resiliency Moraga Pump Station 3D Visualization Bid Dry Pit Submersible for Dry Weather Pumps 8 FLUSH KLEEN PUMP STATION SCOPE OF WORK Flush Kleen Pump Station needs the following work: • Replace existing pumps, piping, and valves • New standby generator • EI&C improvements • New dry weather pumps - • Other miscellaneous improvements (structural, architectural, heating, ventilation and air conditioning, etc.) pw 3 r I v ANTICIPATED SCHEDULE • Pre-qualify general contractors (GCs) and electrical subcontractors (ESs) • Selected construction manager using a RFP process • Public outreach ongoing with the City of Orinda and Town of Moraga • Advertise —August 26 and September 3, 2019 • Bid Opening — October 24, 2019 • Engineering & Operations Committee — October 29, 2019 • Board Award — November 7, 2019 • Notice to Proceed — by December 2019 • Complete construction by Spring 2022 (Majority of work during summer of 2020 and 2021) • Completed Tasks and Activities -� 70 1 9 PUMP STATION UPGRADES PROJECT PROJECT DESIGN, BID,AND CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE rnc. GYM Wn =µ^ms Under Preliminary Design Under Construction �nnn��1Fiwf vwq Pn�IFxa vrw•ur Hwlw aprr�ry ' 19 SUMMARY OF BIDS NO. BIDDER BID PRICE 1 Mountain Cascade, Inc. $24,292551 Livermore, California ' 2 C. Overaa & Co. $25,594,000 Richmond, California 3 Kiewit Infrastructure West Co. $29,194000 Fairfield, California ' 7 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE: $24,000,000, INCLUDING ALL ADDITIVE BID ITEMS Pre-Qualified 9 GCs and 10 ESs eligible to submit a bid 20 10 BID & ESTIMATE REVIEW • Discussed bids with Mountain Cascade, Inc. (MCI) and second lowest bidder, C. Overaa & Co. • VWHA estimate was $26 million before the bid. • Central San estimate did not include escalation. • This project will span multiple years (almost 3 years). • All critical and major equipment designed for and specified are included in MCI's bid. • Electrical and controls costs are higher. • Generators are more expensive due to high demand with PSPS. • Complex and high-risk project for contractors. • Very strict construction milestones, due to wet weather restrictions. • Overall, staff believes that the bid is the lowest cost and rebidding would not change the results. 21 MOUNTAIN CASCADE, INC. GENERAL CONTRACTOR) Pre-Qualification Experience MCI Recent Experience • Five (5)similar projects with a ✓ Screen Pumping Plant minimum of$50M in contract . Natomas Mutual Water Company($18.8M) volume and at least one (1) ✓ Wastewater Pump Stations project must have a construction . County of San Luis Obispo($9.2M) value of at least$15M since ✓ Pumping Plant and Reservoirs 2012 • EBMUD(San Ramon PS)($9.5M) • Bonding capacity of at least ✓ $125M in bonding capacity at time of $25M pre-qualifications • Safety and insurance ✓ Safety and insurance requirements requirements were met Note:The project manager was also prequalified with project size and similarity(wastewater, water, stormwater, etc.) �;zz 11 CENTRAL SIERRA ELECTRIC (ELECTRICAL SUBCONTRACTOR) Pre-Qualification Experience Central Sierra Experience • Five (5)similar projects with a ✓ Wastewater Treatment Plant minimum of$12M in contract • City of Richmond($7.1M) volume and at least one (1) ✓ Disinfection Chemical Storage project must have a construction Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District($4.8M) value of at least$3M ✓ Water Treatment Plant • Truckee Donner Public Utility District($2.8M) • Bonding capacity of at least ✓ $15M in bonding capacity at time of pre- $6.5M qualifications • Safety and insurance ✓ Safety and insurance requirements requirements were met Note:The project manager was also prequalified with project size and similarity(wastewater, water, industrial construction, etc.) ' 23 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST of Irem Description Amounts Constructldrl Na Cost 7. CONSTRUCTION a.Construdion Cosh t $24,292,551 b.Nlba—1 ve B1-Souuh Grinder M Mornge Only $0 C.Alterrretive 82-Dry Pit Submersible Pumps $1,392,000 d. an 7.5%Gonuact Clingenry $1,821,449 e.Permits(Ceg-rmns.Orinds,Moraga,BAAOhID) $¢0.000 SUBTOTAL-CONSTRUCTION COST $27,606.000 10096 2. CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT a.Dona Forces -Project Menegement 5600,000 -Pohl it Relations?Right-oFWey 550.000 -Opemtions $75.000 b.Consultants -Construction Managor s vinspeclion(Psomas) $1,800,000 -Fngineering Support during Construdion OMHA] Sam'D00 -Ma[ariol Testing+° ally 5900.000 SUBTOTAL-CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT $3,725,000 13.5% 3. PREBID EXPENDITURES a.Engineering IPlenning,design,staff and ransulZZ) $3.800.000 SUBTOTAL-PRE81D EXPENDITURES S3.900.43D) 13.8% 4, TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST g.Y5,007,DDD This Al Cols 5985.000,5198 i5 net repemmendinq me Wing rhe w It M the Conlr W. ' 24 12 TOTAL PROJECT COSTS REVIEW • Approximately $6.4 million difference from Fiscal Year (FY) 2019-20 Budget, due to: • $3 million higher in construction costs (including about $900,000 for escalation). • $1 million for North Grinder Structure. • $1.3 million for resiliency for dry weather pump replacement (six new dry pit submersibles). • Construction management services outsourced and specialty inspection. • $400,000 included in allowances. • 7.5% Project Contingency of $1.8 million. • This FY 2019-20 and FY 2020-21 will not need funding, however, FY 2021-23 has a budget shortfall. p _ FINANCIAL IMPACT DP# Pro ect Name To Date FY 2019-20 FY 20-21 FY 21-22 FY 22-23 T Budget Budget Budget I Budget Bud Bud Pump Station Upgrades, Currant 8436 Phase 1 $3,700,000 $4,600,000 $12,875,00 $5,833,180 $1,635,000$28,643,18 Bid Bud et' Budget based on Results and Revised $3,700,000 $4,000,000 $10,540,000 $12,400,000 $4,391,000$35,031,00 Cash Flow Variance $- $600,000 $2,335,000 $(6,566,820) $(2,756,000)$(6,387,820 ccumulagve Budget Carry Forward or $- $600,000 $2,935,000 $(3,631,820 $(6,387,820 Shortfall Future CRP Collection System Sewer Adjustments 8451 Renovation Phase 1 $1,500,000 Collection SystemSewer $2,756,000 TBD Renovation Phase 2 Future CUP Contingency or Sewer Construction $2,131,820 TBD Fund Total Future $- $- $_ $3,631,820 $2,756,000 $- [Adjustments Revised Accumulative Budget Carry Forward $- $600,000 $2,935,000 $- $- $- or Shortfall Budget has been adjusted to reflect future escalation of 3%per year,which is Included in the rate model. ' 26 13 SEWER CONSTRUCTION BUDGET COMMITMENTS AND CAPACITY UPDATED WITH THIS PROJECT $120 $120 $100 $100 1 j 1 j 40.1 1 $80 140.11 ' $80 I 1 1 1 1 I r $60 $60 129.2: 1 $40 1 :51.4 1 53.7 ii $40 i ::61.711 i $20 $20 $a -& $0 19/20 20/21 21/22 22/23 Fiscal Year O Approved and Projected Budget per FY Committed already(contracted) G=7 Rem ring capacity with existing rates iiiiiiiiiiiiAdditi capacity with planned increases -SSC funding capacity from Existing Rates *Future years amounts may differ to the extent of reserve drawdowns.Additional analysis required. ' 27 ALTERNATIVES/CONSIDERATIONS: The Board could consider the following alternatives or provide other direction: • Include or delete any of the two additive bid items: • South grinder Moraga Pump Station, which costs $985,000 (Recommend to delete); and • Dry pit submersible upgrade at both pump stations (Moraga and Orinda Crossroads) in the amount of $1,342,000 (Recommend to include). • Revisit current staffing levels in Capital Projects instead of outsourcing construction management (Not recommended). • Reject all bids, which is not recommended. 28 14 5. RECOMMENDATIONS 141:001. BOARD ACTIONS AND STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends the following: 1. Find that the Project is exempt from CEQA; 2. Award a construction contract in the amount of$24,292,551 for the construction of the Pump Station Upgrades, Phase 1, DP 8436, to Mountain Cascade, Inc., the lowest responsive bidder; 3. Authorize the General Manager to execute Contract Documents subject to submittal requirements and include 7.5% contract contingency; 4. Authorize the General Manager to amend an existing agreement with V.W. Housen and Associates in an amount not to exceed $900,000 for engineering support services during construction; 5. Authorize the General Manager to execute a professional engineering services agreement with Psomas in an amount not to exceed $1,800,000 for construction management services; and 6. Include the bid alternate to upgrade the Moraga and Orinda Crossroads Pump Stations to dry pit submersible pumps in the amount of$1,342,000. 30 15 QUESTIONS? I 31 16