HomeMy WebLinkAbout13. Authorize $2.4 million agreement with V. W. Housen and Associates for design services of the Pump Stations Upgrades, Phse 2, DP 8457 Page 1 of 6
Item 13.
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Roger S. Bailey Kenton L. Alm
General Manager District Counsel
Board of Directors' (Board) authorization is required for the General Manager to execute a professional
engineering services agreement in an amount greater than $100,000.
The 2017 Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan identified several structural, mechanical, electrical,
and instrumentation improvements needed at many of the Central San pump stations, including Martinez,
Fairview, and Maltby Pump Stations, which are all located in Martinez. These pump stations have shown
multiple concerns, including aging assets, reliability of existing equipment and infrastructure, including
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many of the electrical gears, corrosion, potential risk of flooding, accessibility issues for Operations and
Maintenance (O&M) staff, and pumping capacity limitations at some of the Martinez pump stations. Since
the three pump stations are connected hydraulically (i.e., the stations pump in a series towards the
treatment plant and interconnected through controls), Central San staff decided to combine the design and
renovation effort into one project within the Capital Improvement Budget titled Pump Station Upgrades.
Central San staff at that time also decided to package these Martinez pump stations with three other pump
stations having similar critical needs (Moraga, Orinda Crossroads, and Flush Kleen)to form one all-
encompassing pumping station project, which had been included in the Capital Improvement Budget in
Fiscal Year(FY) 2016-17 entitled Pump Station Upgrades Project, District Project (DP) 8436.
Consultant Selection:
I n May 2017, a formal Request for Proposals (RFP)was advertised on PlanetBids and the Central San
website to select a professional engineering consultant to provide design services for the project. The
RFP scope of work included design services and follow-up engineering services during construction for
six pumps stations: Orinda Crossroads, Moraga, Flush Kleen, Martinez, Fairview, and Maltby. The scope
also includes the replacement of the Concord flow meter. Three proposals (Carollo Engineers, Inc.,
Stantec Consulting Services, Inc., and V.W. Housen and Associates (VW HA))were received and staff
evaluated the proposals, interviewed the consultant teams, and recommended VWHA as the best overall
fit for the project. The VWHA team consists of two major subconsultants: HDR, I nc. (HDR)for
architectural, structural and geotechnical engineering, and ArcSine Engineering (ArcSine)for electrical,
instrumentation and controls engineering.
On July 20, 2017, the Board was informed of the need to perform planning and predesign on the Pump
Station Upgrades project prior to initiating any final design. Staff recommended evaluation of the six pump
stations for efficiency since similar investigation and condition assessments were needed for the project.
At that meeting, the Board authorized staff to hire VWHA to assist staff in the predesign.
The work consisted of numerous field investigations, workshops, meetings (with O&M and Capital
Projects staff), facility tours, and other important efforts to comprehensively evaluate alternatives for each
of the six sites and prepare business case evaluations (BCEs), so that staff could make informed
decisions and recommend solutions for the improvements needed at each of the pump stations. The
predesign was completed in February 2018, which included assessments of the following subjects:
hydraulic analysis; structural; electrical, instrumentation and controls; corrosion; heating, ventilation and air
conditioning; and flood risk. Project delivery options, BCEs, cost estimating, and construction sequencing
were also included in the pre-design.
The BCEs were prepared so that staff could review the technical alternatives and make informed
decisions to recommend solutions needed at each of the pump stations to the Board. Staff decided to
prioritize and split the design and renovation effort into two separate phases.
At the May 3, 2018 Board Meeting, staff presented the predesign findings and project recommendations,
which included to phase the project: Phase 1 to address Orinda Crossroads, Moraga, and Flush Kleen
Pump Stations under DP 8436 and Phase 2 would address Martinez, Fairview, and Maltby Pump Stations
under a separate project number, DP 8457. At this meeting, staff also recommended to proceed with final
design of Phase 1. The Board authorized staff to include final design with VWHA. Phase 2 would be
initiated later due to land acquisition needed for the proposed work and for operational support concerns.
With Phase 1 now ready to start construction, staff plans to start moving forward and preparing for Phase
Government Code Section 1090 (Section 1090) Compliance:
VWHA with HDR and ArcSine will be performing the technical work for the final design of Phase 2.
VWHA should not have been precluded from continuing with the final design and potential subsequent
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engineering services during construction of Phase 2 based on the following facts:
1. The publicly advertised scope of the project for consultant selection included from its inception both
Phases 1 and 2, including both preliminary and design work;
2. VW HA's role and scope on the project during the preliminary design, BCE, and assessments were
limited to technical evaluations in nature only and did not include any recommendations independent
from staff;
3. Central San staff, not VW HA, made all the decisions as to whether and how to proceed with all
phases of the two pump station projects and VW HA never acted in a capacity similar to that of a
Central San employee or staff;
4. Central San staff, not VW HA, independently analyzed the best approach to carrying out the design
and construction activities, including defining the scope the subsequent contract;
5. VW HA was not requested to provide and did not provide recommendations on the sequencing and
overall approach regarding the subsequent work; and
6. All decisions regarding the subsequent work were independently made by Central San through staff
analysis, recommendations, and presentations at publicly noticed Board Committee and Board
Meetings with final decisions being made by Board Action following substantial discussion.
The scope of Phase 2 project includes the three Martinez pump stations. A brief description of each pump
station is presented below:
Martinez Pump Station
This pump station is located at 202 Embarcadero Street near downtown Martinez and is the first of the
three pump stations in series, which pumps to the Fairview Pump Station. The Martinez Pump Station was
originally the City of Martinez's wastewater treatment plant and converted to a Central San pump station in
1968. This pump station has undergone several upgrades, including a complete rebuild in 1994.
Staff recommends the following renovation work at the Martinez Pump Station:
1. Replace major electrical equipment including PG&E electrical service, variable frequency drives
(VF Ds), and the automatic transfer switch.
2. Replace instrumentation including gas monitoring, annunciators, programmable logic controllers, and
graphical displays.
3. Resolve the wet weather capacity issue by increasing the impeller size and the associated electric
motor and VFDs.
4. Recoat the wetwell.
5. Replace various piping, valves, and other appurtenances, including seal water system.
Staff also recommends replacing the wet weather pumps with dry pit submersible pumps so that the pump
station could operate in a flooded drywell condition.
Fairview and Maltby Pump Stations
The Fairview and Maltby Pump Stations are the second and third of the three pump stations in series,
respectively, and were both constructed in 1969. Fairview Pump Station is situated in an industrial area
adjacent to the Shell Refinery at 2001 Marina Vista, and Maltby Pump Station is in an isolated area
accessible via a gravel road at 990 Central Avenue. These pump stations are nearly identical in design and
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features with similar drywell/wetwell configurations. The drywell consists of steel cans and are packaged
pump stations manufactured by the Mundix Company. The existing package houses the station
components in a single structure rather than separate structures. The condition of the drywell steel cans
has visible corrosion on the interior floor and lower wall surfaces which poses major apprehension in
reusing the existing steel cans. I n addition, drywell access is via a narrow circular access hatch which
makes for O&M access and egress very difficult. Both stations have undergone limited upgrades, with the
most recent in 1998.
The staff recommended improvements to the Fairview and Maltby Pump Station sites will require the
acquisition of land adjacent to each site. The Fairview Pump Station site requires that a portion of the
parcel, located in the existing public right-of-way, be vacated by the City of Martinez. The Maltby Pump
Station site requires the acquisition of a portion of the privately-owned parcel located to the north of the
existing site. Due to topography or land use, other properties adjacent to the Maltby Pump Station are less
desirable. Staff recommends pursuing the land acquisition at the two sites prior to moving forward with the
final design.
Business Case Evaluations
A comprehensive BCE was performed during the predesign of the project. A total of ten different
alternatives were evaluated and, in general, considered rehabilitation, new pump stations for the Fairview
and Maltby sites, and eliminating the Fairview Pump Station. Staff recommends proceeding with
rehabilitation of the existing pump station at the Martinez Pump Station.
Even though the BCE for Fairview and Maltby Pump Stations indicates that the option to build a new
submersible pump station has similar capacity, benefits, reliability and electrical improvements cost less,
compared to constructing a new drywell/wetwell pump station. Staff is recommending and selecting the
new drywell/wetwell option for multiple reasons:
• Preventative maintenance (asset management); staff strongly believes that being able to monitor the
pumps and having the ability to inspect or work on the equipment in a dry pump room environment is
a better long-term solution and more reliable than using submersible pumps in a wetwell.
• Reduces safety concerns; operations staff will have safe access to the dry pump room while
working over a confined space and wetwell does pose more safety risks.
• Central San does not operate any submersible stations at the size of the Martinez pump stations.
Staff's approach would increase reliability, improve safety and resiliency, and is more favorable for
The Board could consider the following two alternatives for the project or provide other direction.
Alternative 1: Split the project into separate projects. Postponing the design and construction of
improvements would spread construction over several fiscal years. This is not recommended due to the
current condition of the pump stations, project drivers, and design coordination mentioned above. This
alternative would increase the overall project cost by implementing multiple projects over a longer period.
Alternative 2: Status Quo — Do nothing to the facilities at this time. Under this alternative, staff would not
proceed with the final design and the pump stations would continue operating in their current condition.
Repair or replacement of the facilities would be done upon failure. This alternative could have significant
regulatory and operating risks or costly emergency response since these facilities operate in a series, 24-
hours every day.
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The VW HA final design services for the project is estimated at $2.4 million, which is approximately nine
percent of the $26.45 million total estimated project cost, as detailed in Attachment 1. The Project is listed
in the FY 2019-20 Budget on page 167. The final design will be performed this fiscal year and next FY
2020-21. There are adequate funds within the current budget for the final design of this project.
The Engineering and Operations Committee reviewed this project at the meeting on October 15, 2019,
and recommended approval.
Authorize the General Manager to execute a professional engineering services agreement with V.W.
Housen and Associates in an amount not to exceed $2,400,000 for the final design of the Pump Station
Upgrades, Phase 2, District Project 8457.
Strategic Plan Tie-In
GOAL TWO: Strive to Meet Regulatory Requirements
Strategy 1 - Strive to achieve 100%permit compliance in air, water, land, and other regulations, Strategy 2- Strive to
minimize the number of sanitary sewer overflows, Strategy 3- Comply with all federal, state, and local regulations
related to District administration
GOAL THREE: Be a Fiscally Sound and Effective Water Sector Utility
Strategy 2- Manage costs
GOAL FOUR: Develop and retain a highly trained and innovative workforce
Strategy 3- Meet or exceed industry safety standards
GOAL FIVE:Maintain a Reliable Infrastructure
Strategy 1 - Manage assets optimally throughout their lifecycle, Strategy 2- Facilitate long-term capital renewal and
replacement, Strategy 3- Protect District personnel and assets from threats and emergencies
1. Total Construction Cost Estimate
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Attachment 1
Pump Station Upgrades, Phase 2
District Project 8457
Estimated Capital Costs of Recommended Improvements
Estimated Total Estimated
Pump Station Construction Cost Project Cost
Martinez Pump Station $4,936,000 $6,100,000
Fairview Pump Station $7,820,000 $10,100,000
Maltby Pump Station $7,983,000 $10,250,000
Total Project Cost $20,739,000 $26,450,000
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