HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 11-07-19 CENTRALSAN CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT 5019 IMHOFF PLACE, MARTINEZ, CA 9AS53-A392 REGULAR BOARD MEETING BOARD OF DIRECTORS AGENDA DAVID R.WILLIANIS-President MCHAEL R.MCGILL-President Pro Tem Thursday, November 7, 2019 PAUL HCAUSEY Board Room JAMES A.NEJEDLY 1:30 PM TAD J.PILECKI PHONE:(925) 228-9500 FAX(925) 372-0192 www.centralsan.org INFORMATION FOR THE PUBLIC Anyone wishing to address the Board of Directors is requested to complete a speaker's card and submit it to the Secretary of the District. In addressing the Board, speakers are requested to step to the podium and state their name and address for the record. The Board President may direct questions to any member of the audience as appropriate at any time during the meeting. All matters listed under the CONSENT CALENDAR are considered to be routine by the Board and will be enacted by one motion.There will be no separate discussion of these items unless requested by a Member of the Board or the public prior to the time the Board votes on the motion to adopt. ADDRESSING THE BOARD ON AN ITEM ON THE AGENDA Persons wishing to speak on PUBLIC HEARINGS and OTHER MATTERS listed on the agenda will be heard when the President calls for comments from the audience, except on public hearing items previously heard and closed to public comment.The President may specify the number of minutes each person will be permitted to speak based on the number of persons wishing to speak and the time available.After the public has commented,the item is closed to further public comment and brought to the Board for discussion and action. There is no further comment permitted from the audience unless invited by the Board. ADDRESSING THE BOARD ON AN ITEM NOT ON THE AGENDA In accordance with state law, the Board is prohibited from discussing matters not calendared on the agenda. You may address the Board on any matters not listed on the agenda, and which are within its jurisdiction, under PUBLIC COMMENTS. Matters brought up which are not on the agenda may be referred to staff for action or calendared on a future agenda. AGENDA REPORTS Supporting material on agenda items is available for public review at the Reception Desk, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, and on Central San's website at wwwcentralsan.ora. Not every agenda item is accompanied by written supporting material. Reports and information relating to agenda items distributed within 72 hours of the meeting to a majority of the Board are also available for public inspection at the Reception Desk and on the website. During the meeting, information and supporting materials are available in the Board Room. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and state law, it is the policy of Central San to offer its public meetings in a manner that is readily accessible to everyone, including those with disabilities. If you are disabled and require special accommodations to participate, please contact the Secretary of the District at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting at(925)229-7303 or kyoung(@centralsan.org. VIDEOTAPING OF MEETINGS Meetings held in the Board Room are videotaped and posted to Central San's website as soon as practicable following the meeting. November 7, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 1 of 414 Open Session - Board Room (Video recorded) 1:30 PM ROLL CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE INTRODUCTIONS 1. New employees: • Charles (Carlos) Curiel, Maintenance Crew Member 1, Operations Department, Collection System Operations Division, effective September 30, 2019 • Marcus Dahlund, Maintenance Crew Member 1, Operations Department, Collection System Operations Division, effective October 15, 2019 • Khae Bohan, Asset Management Program Administrator, Engineering & Technical Services Department, Planning and Development Services Division, effective October 14, 2019 Staff Recommendation: Welcome Mr. Curiel, Mr. Dahlund, and Ms. Bohan. President Williams will present the District pin. PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD REQUESTS TO CONSIDER MATTERS OUT OF ORDER AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS 2. Receive the 2019 Excellence in Information Technology (IT) Practices Award from Municipal Information Systems Association of California (MISAC) (5-minute presentation) Staff Recommendation: Jeff Lewis, M ISAC Representative, will present the award to the Board. CONSENT CALENDAR 3. Approve the following: a. October 17, 2019 Board meeting minutes 4. Approve expenditures incurred September 13, 2019 through October 10, 2019 5. Receive September 2019 Financial Statements and Investment Reports 6. Adopt proposed revisions to Board Policy No. BP 003 - Hiring of District Retirees 7. Adopt proposed revisions to Board Policy No. BP 017 - Fiscal Reserves, including allowing for establishment of a rate stabilization fund 8. Adopt proposed revisions to Board Policy No. BP 035 - Purchasing November 7, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 2 of 414 9. Adopt proposed revisions to Board Policy No. BP 036 - Informal Bidding 10. Adopt (1) Resolution of Intention No. 2019- 069 to initiate the formation of the Ridgewood Road Contractual Assessment District (CAD) No. 2019-2 for the purpose of installing sewer improvements on Ridgewood Road in Alamo; and (2) Resolution No. 2019-070 approving the boundary for the proposed CAD 11. Adopt Resolution No. 2019-071 accepting a Grant of Easement for sanitary sewer purposes for 19 Moraga Via in Orinda— Parcel 4, related to the South Orinda Sewer Renovation Project Phase 6, District Project 8433 12. Approve the Outfall Improvements, Phase 7, District Project 7353, for California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and regulatory permitting purposes 13. Authorize the General Manager to execute a professional engineering services agreement in an amount not to exceed $2,400,000 with V.W. Housen and Associates for design services of the Pump Station Upgrades, Phase 2, District Project 8457 Staff Recommendation (Motion Required): Adopt the Consent Calendar as recommended. HEARI NGS 14. Conduct hearing to consider appeal of a staff decision regarding a request to allow payment of$11,688.89 in Capacity Fees for 1776 Arnold Industrial Way, Suite A, in Concord over a three-year period (5-minute staff presentation) Staff Recommendation (Motion Required): Conduct the appeal hearing and take one of the following actions: • a. Grant the appeal, waive the time of payment requirements in District Code Section 6.12.030, and allow the applicant to make payments over three years without interest, as requested by the applicant; or • b. Grant the appeal, waive the time of payment requirements in District Code Section 6.12.030, and allow the applicant to make payments over three years with an annual interest rate of 6%, which would increase the payments by $260.18 to $3,182.40; or • c. Deny the appeal and require payment of the full $11,688.89 prior to approving the plans for the project; or • d. Provide other direction to staff. OTHER BOARD ACTION ITEMS 15. Find that the Project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); Award a construction contract in the amount of $24,292,551 to Mountain Cascade, Inc., the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for the Pump Station Upgrades, Phase 1, District Project 8436; authorize the General Manager to execute the Contract Documents subject to submittal requirements and include up to a 7.5-percent contract contingency; amend an existing agreement with V.W. Housen and Associates to include engineering support services in an amount not to exceed $900,000; execute a professional engineering services agreement with Psomas in an amount not to exceed $1,800,000 for November 7, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 3 of 414 construction management services; and include a bid alternative to upgrade the Moraga and Orinda Crossroads Pump Stations to dry pit submersible pumps in the amount of $1,342,000 (15-minute staff presentation) Staff Recommendation (Motion(s) Required): For the Pump Station Upgrades, Phase 1, District Project 8436 (project): • a. Find that the project is exempt from CEQA; • b. Award a construction contract in the amount of$24,292,551 to Mountain Cascade, Inc., the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for the Pump Station Upgrades, Phase 1, District Project 8436; • c. Authorize the General Manager to execute the Contract Documents subject to submittal requirements and include 7.5-percent contract contingency; • d. Authorize the General Manager to execute an agreement with V.W. Housen and Associates in an amount not to exceed $900,000 for engineering support services during construction; • e. Authorize the General Manager to execute an agreement with Psomas in an amount not to exceed $1,800,000 for construction management services; and • f. Include a bid alternative to upgrade the Moraga and Orinda Crossroads Pump Stations to dry pit submersible pumps in the amount of$1,342,000. REPORTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS 16. General Manager- Reports a. Receive debriefing on (1) October 14, 2019 earthquake in Pleasant Hill;(2) Central San responses to PG&E's Public Safety Power Shutoffs (PSPS); and (3) October 27, 2019 activation of Emergency Operations Center(EOC) in response to Lafayette wildfire (15-minute staff presentation) Staff Recommendation: Receive the debriefing. b. Receive Fiscal Year 2018-19 Risk Management Annual Report (15-minute staff presentation) Staff Recommendation: Receive the report. C. Receive Benchmarking Study comparing Central San's performance since July 1, 2015 to sister agencies in California and agencies nationwide (20-minute staff presentation) Staff Recommendation: Receive the study. 17. General Manager-Announcements a. Announcements - November 7, 2019 Staff Recommendation: Receive the announcements. November 7, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 4 of 414 18. Counsel for the District 19. Secretary of the District 20. Board Members - Committee Minutes a. October 15, 2019 -Administration Committee - President Williams and Member McGill b. October 15, 2019 - Engineering & Operations Committee - Chair Nejedly and Member Pilecki C. October 21, 2019 - Real Estate, Environmental & Planning Committee - Chair Pilecki and Member McGill d. October 22, 2019 -Administration Committee - President Williams and Member McGill e. October 22, 2019 - Finance Committee - Chair Causey and Member Pilecki (alternate) f. October 29, 2019 - Engineering & Operations Committee - Chair Nejedly and Member Pilecki Staff Recommendation: Receive the Committee minutes. 21. Board Members - Reports and Announcements Board Member reports on recent meetings or conferences for which they received the stipend or for which the District paid their expenses. a. Member Causey Member McGill • October 21, 2019 - California Special Districts Association (CSDA) - Contra Costa Chapter meeting in Walnut Creek • October 22, 2019 - Industrial Association of Contra Costa County (IACCC) Forum in Pleasant Hill Member Nejedly Member Pilecki President Williams Staff Recommendation: Receive the reports and announcements. 22. Board Members - Requests for Stipend/Reimbursement or Conference Attendance Authorization to receive a stipend for meeting attendance or expense reimbursement not specifically addressed in the current Board Compensation Resolution, or authorization for conference attendance not previously approved by the Board. Staff Recommendation: Consider any requests. EMERGENCY SITUATIONS November 7, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 5 of 414 REQUESTS FOR FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS ANNOUNCE CLOSED SESSION (pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.7) RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION The Board will recess and reconvene in closed session in the Caucus Room. Closed Session (Not video recorded) CLOSED SESSION 23. Conference with Legal Counsel —Anticipated Litigation— exposure to litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(2): • One Potential Case — Brian Shenson, et al. v. County of Contra Costa, Pleasant Hill Recreation and Park District, et al., Contra Costa County Superior Court Case No. CI VMSC 17-01267 RECESS TO OPEN SESSION REPORT OUT OF CLOSED SESSION ADJOURNMENT November 7, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 6 of 414