HomeMy WebLinkAbout07.a. Receive Fiscal Year 2019-20 Strategic Plan Tracking Report - First Quarter Page 1 of 19 Item 7.a. CENTRAL SAN November 5, 2019 TO: ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE FROM: ANN K. SASAKI, DEPUTY GENERAL MANAGER REVIEWED BY: ROGER S. BAILEY, GENERAL MANAGER SUBJECT: RECEIVE FISCAL YEAR 2019-20 STRATEGIC PLAN TRACKING REPORT- FI RST QUARTER Attached is the Strategic Plan Tracking Reports for the first quarter of Fiscal Year 2019-20. These reports provide an update on the progress on each goal and strategy through the fulfillment of the key success measures and the key metrics. The color legend indicates the progress of each key success measures and key metrics: BLUE — Complete GREEN — On Task YELLOW— Off Task RED —At Risk ATTACHMENTS: 1. FY 2019-20 Strategic Plan Key Performance Metrics Tracker 2. FY 2019-20 Strategic Plan Key Success Measures Tracker November 5, 2019 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 5 of 41 Page 2 of 19 FY 2019-20 STRATEGIC PLAN KEY PERFORMANCE METRICS PROGRESS REPORT Attachment 1 GOAL 1 PROVIDE EXCEPTIONAL CUSTOMER SERVICE AND MAINTAIN AN EXCELLENT REPUTATION IN THE COMMUNITY Responsible Metric FY 2019-20 Target 1St QTR 2nd QTR 3'd QTR 4th QTR Comments/Issues Party Seitz Average onsite response time for <20 minutes 1St QTR: 25 minutes. collection system emergency calls,during working hours Seitz Average onsite response time for <40 minutes 1St QTR: 39 minutes. collection system emergency calls, after hours Seitz Average customer service rating >_3.8 out of 4.0 1 st QTR: 3.78 for emergency calls Lopez Median customer satisfaction >95% 1St QTR: None received. rating on construction projects Gemmell Median customer satisfaction >95% 1 sl QTR: Two surveys were received with an overall rating of 4 out of 4. rating on permit counter interactions Barnett Number of students served by >4,000 per year 1St QTR: One hundred and thirty-two(132)students served (early in school year). education programs O'Malley New employees attending 100% customer service training within 6 months of employment Barnett Participants in Plant/HHW >500 participants per year 1St QTR: Four hundred and nine (409)people were served at local events and through community Facility tours and District presentations and facilities tours. presentations Gee Participants in citizen's academy, >30 participants per session 1St QTR: Gearing up to open applications in Fall 2019. Forty-one (41)are currently interested in Central San Academy participating (including 10 who requested to be on mailing list for Spring 2020). King Purchasing internal customer >_70% 1St QTR: 100% survey rating of satisfactory or better Young Awards or recognitions received 10 O Completed O On Task O Off Task 0 At Risk Page 1 November 5, 2019 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 6 of 41 Page 3 of 19 FY 2019-20 STRATEGIC PLAN KEY PERFORMANCE METRICS PROGRESS REPORT GOAL 2 STRIVE TO MEET REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS Responsible Metric FY 2019-20 Target 1St QTR 2nd QTR 3'd QTR 4th QTR Comments/Issues Party Weer National Pollutant Discharge Zero violations 1St QTR: Zero(0) Elimination System compliance Weer Title V compliance Zero violations 1St QTR: Zero(0) Weer Recycled Water Title 22 Zero violations 1 st QTR: Zero(0) compliance Cheng Anthropogenic GHG emissions <25,000 metric tons (MT)CO2e 1St QTR: On track to meet CY 2019 GHG goal. Seitz Sanitary sewer overflows <2.5 spills per 100 miles of 1St QTR: Three (3)SSOs. pipeline Seitz Spills to public water <3 per year 1St QTR: Zero(0) Seitz Percent of spills less than 500 >95% 1St QTR: 100% gallons Seitz Pipeline cleaning schedules >95% 1St QTR: 99.45% completed on time Seitz Pipeline cleaning quality On >_3%of pipelines cleaned on 1St QTR: 3.53% assurance/quality control an annual basis (QA/QC) Seitz Pipeline cleaning QA/QC passing >98% 1St QTR: 97.42% rate Potter Annual Environmental 100% Compliance inspections and permitting completed on time Wyatt Household Hazardous Waste Zero violations 1St QTR: Zero(0) (HHW)management compliance Young Biennial review of all existing 100% 1St QTR: Existing Board policies are continually being reviewed and updated. Board policies O Completed O On Task O Off Task 0 At Risk Page 2 November 5, 2019 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 7 of 41 Page 4 of 19 - FY 2019-20 STRATEGIC PLAN KEY PERFORMANCE METRICS PROGRESS REPORT GOAL 3 BE A FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE AND EFFECTIVE WASTEWATER UTILITY Responsible Metric FY 2019-20 Target 1St QTR 2nd QTR 3'd QTR 4th QTR Comments/Issues Party Leiber Maintain service affordability Sewer Service Charge less than 1St QTR: $598 SSC remains below Bay Area average. Same with SSC and Ad Valorem. average of Bay Area agencies Sewer Service Charge plus Ad Valorem tax less than average of Bay Area Agencies Leiber Standard and Poor's and AAA/Aa1 1St QTR:AAA S&P, and Moody's rating confirmed August 2019 at Aa1. Moody's Credit Ratings Leiber Debt service coverage ratio >2.0 1St QTR: Still in double digits,above 10x. Leiber Actual reserves as a percentage 100% 1St QTR: Sewer Construction, O&M, and Self Insurance above policy required level. of target Leiber Operating expenditures as a >95% 1St QTR: FY 2018-19 spending at 97.9%of budget on a budgetary accounting basis (including percentage of operating budget $2.5 million contribution towards Pension Prefunding Trust). Leiber Reported material weaknesses Zero 1 sl QTR: Pending audit issues letter for FY 2018-19. or significant deficiencies in internal controls as part of annual financial audit Deutsch Workers' Compensation <1.0 1St QTR:Annual: 1.06 experience modifier Deutsch Temporary modified duty >95%of recordable injuries 1St QTR: 100% provided (Return to Work Program) King Difference in inventory value in <1% 1St QTR: 1.46% Purchasing database vs.value submitted to Accounting King Accuracy of physical inventory >_95% 1St QTR: 99% count vs. book value 0 Completed 0 On Task 0 Off Task 0 At Risk Page 3 November 5, 2019 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 8 of 41 Page 5 of 19 FY 2019-20 STRATEGIC PLAN KEY PERFORMANCE METRICS PROGRESS REPORT GOAL 4 RECRUIT, DEVELOP, AND RETAIN A HIGHLY TRAINED AND SAFE WORKFORCE Responsible Metric FY 2019-20 Target 1St QTR 2nd QTR 3'd QTR 4th QTR Comments/Issues Party O'Malley Average time to fill vacancy(from <60 days 111 QTR: No recruitments opened and completed during this time period. request to hire) O'Malley Turnover rate at or below :54.8% (2017 median) 1St QTR: 1.08% American Water Works Association industry median O'Malley Average annual training hours 15 hours per full-time equivalent 1St QTR: 3.5 hours per FTE. (external and internal training) employee (FTE) O'Malley Actual versus budgeted usage of >80% 1St QTR: 66% training dollars O'Malley Performance evaluations 100% 1St QTR: 74% completed on time July—19 out of 26 received 73% August— 19 out of 25 received 76% September— 13 out of 18 received 72% Received total of 51 appraisals out of 69 for a total of 74% O'Malley Participation in annual Increase by 10%each year Wellness Expo O'Malley Internal promotions >_25% 1St QTR: 50% (excludes entry-level positions) O'Malley Formal grievances filed Zero 1St QTR: Zero(0) Ledbetter Employee injury and illness lost <6.8 1St QTR: 2.86— 139,085.9 hours worked and two recordable accidents. time incident rate less than 2016 Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) California Sewage Treatment Facilities Rate O Completed O On Task O Off Task 0 At Risk Page 4 November 5, 2019 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 9 of 41 Page 6 of 19 FY 2019-20 STRATEGIC PLAN KEY PERFORMANCE METRICS PROGRESS REPORT GOAL 5 MAINTAIN A RELIABLE INFRASTRUCTURE Responsible Metric FY 2019-20 Target 1St QTR 2nd QTR 3'd QTR 4th QTR Comments/Issues Party Meyer Safety-prioritized work orders 100% 1St QTR: 85% completed on time Meyer Regulatory Title V work orders 100% 1St QTR: 75% completed on time Meyer Planned treatment plant >95% 1St QTR: 86% preventative maintenance completed on time Meyer Planned pumping station >95% 1St QTR: No scheduled preventative maintenance work orders in Cityworks. preventative maintenance completed on time Seitz Uptime for vehicles and 100% 1 st QTR: 100% equipment Lopez Miles of pipeline replaced >0.5%of assets 1St QTR: Replaced approximately 2.6 miles. (7.6 miles per year for the next five years starting in FY 2017- 2022) Lopez Capital expenditures as a >90% 1St QTR: 83% percentage of capital budgeted cash flow including carry forward Huie Information system outages 100% uptime 1St QTR: Had outage for a couple hours. Had better than 99.99% uptime. affecting normal business operations Huie Data backup and recovery Zero lost data Esparza Potable water system monthly 100% 1St QTR: Samples tested and all were non-detects. testing meets all water quality standards O Completed O On Task O Off Task 0 At Risk Page 5 November 5, 2019 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 10 of 41 Page 7 of 19 FY 2019-20 STRATEGIC PLAN KEY PERFORMANCE METRICS PROGRESS REPORT GOAL 6 EMBRACE TECHNOLOGY, INNOVATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY Responsible Metric FY 2019-20 Target 1St QTR 2nd QTR 3'd QTR 4th QTR Comments/Issues Party Waples Gallons of recycled water >240 million gallons per year 1St QTR: 99,022,670 gallons distributed to external customers Shima kWh of electricity produced >18 million kWh per year 1St QTR: 22.4 million kWh (reported as a rolling average) Shima kWh of solar power produced at >220,000 kWh per year 1St QTR: 284,000 kWh Collection System Operations (reported as a rolling average) and HHW Facility Frost Reviews or pilot tests of new and >3 per year 1St QTR: Filter Column Testing under Filter Plant Capital Project; Nitrification Rate Testing under Steam promising technology and Aeration Blower Systems Renovations Project; and review of several pilot opportunities in progress (level monitors, Smart Clean, Machine Learning, ongoing HYPOWERS project). Frost Research papers and findings >3 papers or presentations per 1St QTR:WEFTEC 2019 presentations on Primary Baffle System (by Plant Maintenance Division)and presented year Filter Project Zeta Potential Testing (Filter Plant Capital Project), Utilizing Your Full (Zeta) Potential; and submitted abstract on recycled water modeling for CWEA 2020. O Completed O On Task O Off Task 0 At Risk Page 6 November 5, 2019 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 11 of 41 Page 8 of 19 FY 2019-2020 STRATEGIC PLAN KEY SUCCESS MEASURES PROGRESS REPORT Attachment 2 GOAL 1 PROVIDE EXCEPTIONAL CUSTOMER SERVICE AND MAINTAIN AN EXCELLENT REPUTATION IN THE COMMUNITY Strategy Initiative Key Success Measures Responsible 1St 2nd and 4th Performance in Achieving Success Measures Person QTR QTR QTR QTR Status, Comments and Exceptions Provide trainings on Ethics, Brown Act, and Public Records Act. Young 1St QTR: In process for staff training. Provide high-quality customer Conduct customer service and political sensitivity training. O'Malley Completed FY 2018-19. service Perform research to assess customer awareness,satisfaction, desire to learn 1St QTR: Presented customer survey results at July 11, 2019 Board Meeting. more about the District, and methods of best receiving information Barnett (FY 2019-20). Redesign website to enhance customer engagement and efficiency and Barnett/Huie Completed FY 2018-19. Invest in business process demonstrate industry leadership. changes and technologies to 1St QTR:YouTube, Facebook and Twitter continue to increase in followers and effectively increase access to Develop and monitor growth of social media. Barnett impressions. Instagram has also been added as a platform to support District information and promote positioning Central San as a community and environmental leader. customer care, convenience, and self-service Modernize Lobby layout and features to be more open and welcoming, Lopez/Barnett/Young/ 1 st QTR: Main lobby under construction. including making information available digitally for customer self-service. Stahl Conduct facility tours and presentations through speaker's bureau and other 1st QTR: Four hundred and nine (409)people were served at local events and opportunities. Barnett through community presentations and facilities tours. Increase customer understanding pp 9 Y and support for key District 1st QTR: Developed new CSO video as part of series on infrastructure, initiatives, programs, and services Develop videos and public service announcements to communicate District Barnett customer value for service. Pipe Protectors Education Program overview video Build External Customer information, including environmental messages. will release during Water Professionals Week. Relationships and 1 st QTR: Continue to build customer trust with infrastructure-focused articles on Awareness Increase customer understanding Continue public outreach associated with the rate study and its Barnett Central San's projects via Pipeline,social media,video development, speakers and support for key District recommendations. bureau presentations, and photographically through other publications. initiatives, programs,and services 1St QTR:Will hold in Spring 2020 at CSO. Applications open in fall. Continue to host the Central San Academy annually to educate the public. Gee p � 9 pp� p 1St QTR: Met with City Managers of Orinda and Alamo at upcoming pumping station project locations with General Manager, Engineering,and Communications for input. General Manager presentation at Danville/San Ramon Real Estate Association. General Manager and staff attendance at Meet regularly with elected officials and stakeholders. Barnett monthly Contra Costa County Mayor's conferences; 2019 State of the East Bay; Dublin San Ramon Sanitary District's liaison meeting; monthly Industrial Association of Contra Costa County; Sustainable Contra Costa Gala; California Build and maintain relationships Special District Association's Chapter meeting; and industry conferences/events with federal, state and local elected (WateReuse, California Special District Association's, California Association of officials and stakeholders Sanitation Agencies and National Association of Clean Water Agencies). Host a signature event every two years, open to the public,that communicates Barnett 1 st QTR: Signature Event scheduled for 2021. Over a year of planning is District information on programs and services. required to create event. 1St QTR:These are being planned in conjunction with General Manager after Plan Board Member presentations to City and Town Councils and community Barnett meetings with City Managers and other counterparts. Met on-site with groups of their liaison cities. Alamo/Orinda City Managers and Chief Engineers to discuss major pumping station renovation projects. O Completed O On Task O Off Task 0 At Risk Page 1 November 5, 2019 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 12 of 41 Page 9 of 19 FY 2019-2020 STRATEGIC PLAN KEY SUCCESS MEASURES PROGRESS REPORT GOAL 1 PROVIDE EXCEPTIONAL CUSTOMER SERVICE AND MAINTAIN AN EXCELLENT REPUTATION IN THE COMMUNITY Strategy Initiative Key Success Measures Responsible 1St 2nd and 4th Performance in Achieving Success Measures Person QTR QTR QTR QTR Status, Comments and Exceptions Develop multi-divisional teams for implementation of the 10-Year Capital Lopez/All Managers 1St QTR: Engineering/Operations meetings taking place. Improvement Program and business process efficiency projects District wide. Establish opportunities for internal Continue the Information Technology Leadership,Applied Research and partnerships and cross-divisional Optimizations,Wellness, and Safety Committees and expand the idea of cross- All Managers collaborations sectional committees to other areas. Organize team-building exercises for divisions as needed. O'Malley/All Managers Foster Employee Communicate important District initiatives and information to employees via 1St QTR: Produced three Lateral Connection newsletters and seven FLASH Engagement and print and electronic media. Barnett announcements. Interdepartmental Collaboration Survey employees for internal customer service satisfaction levels. O'Malley 1 st QTR:Tentatively scheduled for January 2020. Cultivate employees' understanding of District Educate on-boarding employees about existing Board Policies and O'Malley operations and their role in the Administrative Procedures. agency's success Provide training in Purchasing, Human Resources, and other specialty areas to1St QTR: HR Forums are in progress and are held bi-monthly. divisions upon request. O'Malley Increase employee awareness of and participation in the Records Management Young 1St QTR: Completed Record Retention Training and revisions of schedule. Program,with an emphasis on electronic records storage and retention. Renew California Special District Leadership Foundation Transparency Young 1 st QTR: Received award on September 24, 2019. Certificate of Excellence. IN Continue to apply for awards through Municipal Information Systems Association of California, California Association of Public Information Officials, Continue to participate in industry California Special Districts Association, California Water Environment All Managers trade organizations and apply for Association, National Purchasing Institute,and Government Finance Officers certifications and awards Association Continue membership in Leading Utilities of the World network. Bailey/Gee 1St QTR: Bailey to present at American Water Summit in November 2019. Continue to participate in industry organizations such as American Water 1 st QTR: Staff attended annual California Special District Association, California Maintain a Strong Works Association,Water Environment Foundation, and California Association All Managers Association of Sanitation Agencies, and WateReuse conferences. Reputation in the of Sanitation Agencies. Staff presented at WEFTEC. Community Continue to participate in Respond when called to provide reasonable assistance to water and CalWARN to provide mutual aid to wastewater agencies during a natural disaster or emergency event. Deutsch sister agencies Hold community meetings for all major sewer renovation projects. Barnett 1St QTR: No meetings required. Meetings are scheduled for 2nd QTR. Meet with individual property owners and/or tenants on private easements for 1 st QTR: Met with property owners as necessary. businesses during maintenance or Minimize impacts to residents and construction projects or repairs,where there is an interest to do so. Barnett construction work Liaise with the media and concerned residents to allay concerns. Barnett 1St QTR:Addressed issues as needed. Troubleshoot and resolve construction issues as rapidly as possible. Barnett 1St QTR:Addressed issues as needed. O Completed O On Task O Off Task 0 At Risk Page 2 November 5, 2019 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 13 of 41 Page 10 of 19 FY 2019-2020 STRATEGIC PLAN - KEY SUCCESS MEASURES PROGRESS REPORT GOAL 2 STRIVE TO MEET REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS Strategy Initiative Key Success Measures Responsible 1St 2nd and 4th Performance in Achieving Success Measures Person QTR QTR QTR QTR Status, Comments and Exceptions Comply with all permit requirements for air,wastewater discharges, and recycled Weer water. Meet existing regulations Include and execute regulatory-driven projects in the Capital Improvement Budget Lopez 111 QTR: Projects on schedule. on time. Maintain National Association of Clean Water Agencies Peak Performance Awards Weer Platinum status (full compliance for a consecutive five-year period). Actively participate in meetings of Bay Area Clean Water Agencies(a joint powers Schectel agency of other wastewater treatment agencies). Foster relationships with regulatory Participate in relevant meetings and workshops with regulatory agencies. Schectel agencies Communicate directly with regulatory bodies such as the Regional Water Quality Strive to Achieve 100% Control Board, State Water Resources Control Board, Bay Area Air Quality Schectel Permit Compliance in Management District, Environmental Protection Agency, and California Air Air,Water, Land and Resources Board, as needed. Other Regulations QTR 1: Continually updated Board on opportunities to take position on Analyze, review and comment on relevant proposed legislation, as appropriate. Barnett legislation and provided status updates. Track proposed and pending Actively participate or present at value-added professional association meetings All Managers legislation or regulatory changes; and trainings and,when useful, produce reports on what was learned. plan for possible implementations Continue tracking possible regulations and plan on how to meet them. Schectel Evaluate the need for automation enhancements to the regulatory tracking Schectel program. Prepare internal monthly greenhouse gas emission inventory updates and annual Chen Actively manage greenhouse gas inventory summary and verification report. g emissions in the most cost- effective and responsible manner Prepare and submit annual greenhouse gas emission inventory to the California Cheng Air Resources Board. O Completed O On Task O Off Task 0 At Risk Page 3 November 5, 2019 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 14 of 41 Page 11 of 19 FY 2019-2020 STRATEGIC PLAN - KEY SUCCESS MEASURES PROGRESS REPORT GOAL 2 STRIVE TO MEET REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS Strategy Initiative Key Success Measures Responsible 1St 2nd and 4th Performance in Achieving Success Measures Person QTR QTR QTR QTR Status, Comments and Exceptions Clean and perform maintenance on sewer lines effectively and on schedule. Seitz Complete the collection system Coordinate with Capital Projects on sewer replacements or repairs and include scheduled maintenance on time pipe replacement in CIB as needed. Seitz Strive to Minimize the and optimize cleaning schedules Number of Sanitary Review 1-, 2-, and 3-month frequency schedules for optimization. Seitz Sewer Overflows Continue the pipeline condition Identify urgent and critical repair or replacements and complete pipeline repairs as Seitz assessment and cleaning quality soon as possible. assurance program using the system-wide CCTV program Use CCTV data to adjust cleaning frequencies as needed. Seitz Staff review and update of policies, if needed. Young Review all existing Board Policies Upon conclusion of staff review, present the policies to the Administration every twoy ears to ensure Young Comply with All Federal, relevancy Committee and full Board. State and Local Present new policies to the Administration Committee,then full Board,for review Young Regulations Related to within six months of the request for the policy to be drafted. District Administration Re-examine existing Department Review Finance, HR, Risk Management, and Safety directives, policies and and Administrative Procedures to procedures to ensure compliance with all current applicable laws and regulations. Young/All Managers ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations Develop a schedule to review procedures on a regular basis. Young O Completed O On Task O Off Task 0 At Risk Page 4 November 5, 2019 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 15 of 41 Page 12 of 19 FY 2019-2020 STRATEGIC PLAN KEY SUCCESS MEASURES PROGRESS REPORT GOAL 3 BE A FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE AND EFFECTIVE WASTEWATER UTILITY Strategy Initiative Key Success Measures Responsible 1St 2nd and 4th Performance in Achieving Success Measures Person QTR QTR QTR QTR Status, Comments and Exceptions Review sewer service charge rate structure for mixed-use businesses and Gemmell Completed FY 2018-19. consider implementing a new rate structure for FY 2019-20. Ensure rate structure and fees are Conduct annual review of rates and fees in FY 2018-19 for reasonableness and 1St QTR: Development fees will be reviewed in 3r1 QTR for FY 2020-21. consistent with cost of service Gemmell principles consistency. Perform annual review of businesses to ensure consistency in applying and Gemmell 1 sl QTR: Capacity fees will be reviewed in 31 QTR. processing capacity fees. Present alternative financial plans 1 sl QTR: Board workshop in April 2019 for setting rates for four years. to the Board in FY 2018-19 for Present options for Board input consistent with Board policies,the 10-Year Capital Leiber Recycle water presentation in October 2019 for discussion of recycle water Conduct Long-Range necessary rate adjustments for FY Improvement Plan, and general ratemaking principles. rates. Financial Planning 2019-20 onward, including 1St QTR: Planning for next workshop in March 2020 underway. considering the potential issuance Develop scenarios to utilize debt prudently in financing the 10-Year Capital 9 p y of debt to fund the Capital Improvement Plan.As needed, issue debt consistent with Board direction and the Leiber Improvement Plan in conjunction debt management policy. with the overall financial plan Develop alternatives for new Identify and implement District services that could feasibly be offered to other Gemmell 1st QTR: Exploring SSC billing for Concord after implementation of ERP. revenues and funding sources regional public agencies. (e.g., interagency agreements, 1St QTR: Received notice of funding for Solids Handling Project. Pursuing filing services, and recycled water) Pursue State Revolving Fund loan and grant opportunities, as appropriate. Leiber in December 2019 for Filter Plant Project. Successfully transition to CalPERS healthcare plan. O'Malley 1St QTR: Successful transition to CalPERS on July 1, 2019. Annually assess the status of Contra Costa County Employees' Retirement 1St QTR: Presenting funding progress in monthly dashboard. Effectively manage the cost of Association pension and other employee-liability-related trusts (pension prefunding Leiber Manage Costs employee benefits and Other Post-Employment Benefits). Develop funding goals for pay-down of Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liabilities by 1St QTR: Presenting funding progress with and without additional contributions in percent. Leiber monthly dashboard. General Manager to discuss policy for funding levels with Board in November 2019. O Completed O On Task O Off Task 0 At Risk Page 5 November 5, 2019 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 16 of 41 Page 13 of 19 FY 2019-2020 STRATEGIC PLAN KEY SUCCESS MEASURES PROGRESS REPORT GOAL 3 BE A FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE AND EFFECTIVE WASTEWATER UTILITY Strategy Initiative Key Success Measures Responsible 1St 2nd and 4th Performance in Achieving Success Measures Person QTR QTR QTR QTR Status, Comments and Exceptions Continue to develop internal audit function and integrate into processes. Leiber 1St QTR:Audit completed for Phase 1 of revenue audit and presented to Board in October 2019. Commenced contract audit in October 2019. Carry out targeted audits of critical/high risk functions or Present annual audit plan to Board for approval. Leiber 1St QTR: Internal Auditor presented audit plan for CY 2019. Presenting plan for processes 2020 in December 2019. Execute audit plan and convey results to the Board. Leiber 1St QTR: See comments above. 1 St QTR: ERP project underway and currently reviewing most Administration Assess business processes and modify as needed. All Managers processes. Completed cash handling policy. Reworking processes to provide commitment information for eBuilder. UPCCAA projects under$60K templates in development. Provide annual report to Board on key findings of studies conducted and 1St QTR: Scheduled to be presented to the Administration Committee and Board Re-engineer business processes optimizations completed. Gee in 2nd QTR. and complete optimization studies 1St QTR: Board approved Purchasing Policy BP 035 in August 2018. Review to identify opportunities to reduce and update of this policy is scheduled for October 2019. Since the new ERP Manage Costs costs and align with best practices Update Purchasing Policy and Procedures. King provides an opportunity to optimize the purchasing processes,the procedural updates are deferred until after the new system and procedures are in place next fiscal year. Establish baseline data for potential improvement of Purchasing processes King Established baseline data FY 2018-19 through the requisition ticket tracking through metrics for workload and throughput. system and DocuSign. Implement the Uniform Construction Cost Accounting Act. Lopez 1St QTR: UPCCAA fully implemented for projects$60K to$200K. Identify and harness lessons learned from previous losses. Deutsch Reduce average cost of overflow claims. Deutsch 1St QTR:Average cost per SSO was$4,216. Evaluate and apply risk Develop and present to the Board a framework for an Enterprise Risk 1St QTR: Executive Team Workshops are in progress. Board presentation management practices to minimize Management Program. Deutsch targeted for December 2019. loss Maintain and report on risk inventory. Deutsch 1 St QTR: In progress per above work. Prevent inventory losses through monthly Warehouse inventory cycle counts and King report reconciliations. 0 Completed 0 On Task 0 Off Task 0 At Risk Page 6 November 5, 2019 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 17 of 41 Page 14 of 19 FY 2019-2020 STRATEGIC PLAN KEY SUCCESS MEASURES PROGRESS REPORT GOAL 4 RECRUIT, DEVELOP, AND RETAIN A HIGHLY TRAINED AND SAFE WORKFORCE Strategy Initiative Key Success Measures Responsible 1St 2nd and 4th Performance in Achieving Success Measures Person QTR QTR QTR QTR Status, Comments and Exceptions Hire a training consultant. O'Malley 1St QTR: Re-evaluating need for consultant. Decision is pending. Develop and employ a training plan for each business section and employee O'Malley 1St QTR: Re-evaluating need for consultant. Decision is pending. Assess, develop, and implement classification. District-wide training needs Update training database. O'Malley 1St QTR:Anticipated implementation in 4th QTR. Continue to encourage the use of external and internal training and tuition O'Malley reimbursement programs. Develop and implement training and development checklists for all Plant Meyer 1St QTR:The Electrical Shop, Buildings and Grounds and Instrument Shop are i Ensure Adequate Maintenance employees. working to complete by end of 2 QTR. Staffing and Training to Formalize an Operator-In-Training Program to encourage employees to explore Meet Current and career options in the Treatment Plant. Weer Future Operational Levels Actively participate in career fairs and with community and technical colleges. O'Malley Recruit, develop, and train future Increase enrollment in the internship program. O'Malley leaders Continue the Leadership and Supervisory Academies(alternating years). O'Malley 1St QTR: Management Academy completed in September 2019. Supervisory Academy scheduled for Spring 2020. Continue the Mentorship Program. O'Malley 1St QTR: New one-year Mentorship Program session starts January 2020. Continue participation in Bay Area Water/Wastewater Workforce Development Collaborative and Bay Area Consortium for Water and Wastewater Education to O'Malley support development of the regional workforce. O Completed O On Task O Off Task 0 At Risk Page 7 November 5, 2019 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 18 of 41 Page 15 of 19 FY 2019-2020 STRATEGIC PLAN - KEY SUCCESS MEASURES PROGRESS REPORT GOAL 4 RECRUIT, DEVELOP, AND RETAIN A HIGHLY TRAINED AND SAFE WORKFORCE Strategy Initiative Key Success Measures Responsible 1St 2nd and 4th Performance in Achieving Success Measures Person QTR QTR QTR QTR Status, Comments and Exceptions Develop an improved performance evaluation system to encourage more O'Malley 1St QTR: In progress. Currently conducting Meet and Confer sessions with the meaningful feedback. Bargaining Units. Establish and communicate clear performance expectations and standards. All Managers Perform a survey on employee engagement and apply viable suggestions. O'Malley 1St QTR: Scheduled for 3rd QTR. Provide opportunities to recognize high-performing teams at department meetings All Managers and Board meetings. Cultivate a positive work culture 1St QTR:This item is on hold as the General Manager is meeting with bargaining groups in a setting where the entire Bargaining Group is being invited as er Continue the General Manager lunches with the division workgroups. Baile opposed to just the President and Co-President. He is meeting with employees Enhance Relationship gy who represent each of the divisions. Also, large meeting rooms are at a with Employees and premium right now and it is difficult to accommodate an entire division in one Bargaining Units meeting room. Maintain the Lateral Connection employee-centered newsletter. Barnett 1St QTR:All issues of Lateral Connection produced on time. Increase participation in the employee wellness program, including the annual O'Malley 1St QTR:Annual Health Expo is scheduled for January 2020. Health Expo,which provides a full health assessment for employees. Continue the General Manager meetings with the bargaining representatives. Bailey 1St QTR: Meeting with the entire Executive Team of the Bargaining Units. Board Sustain and grow collaborative members are meeting with Bargaining Units also. relationships with the labor Continue the Labor Management Committee meetings. O'Malley 1St QTR: Ongoing. bargaining units Engage the bargaining units in informal discussions on collaborative solutions to O'Malley 1St QTR: Ongoing. workplace issues. Continue to monitor accident/incident causation including type, mechanism, and Ledbetter Achieve consistent improvement body part to identify and mitigate hazards. on State of California and Bay Area Continue to provide regular analysis summaries to the District Safety Committee, industry injury rate Safety Teams and Management Team on accident/incident causation and Ledbetter corrective measures. Meet or Exceed Industry Enhance the safety culture through Continue to conduct training based upon accident/incident causal factors, new Ledbetter Safety Standards improved training and processes,equipment,or procedures. communications Continue to provide relevant safety information to personnel via the Safety Corner in the Lateral Connection. Ledbetter Continue to provide information on upcoming safety-related legislation and regulations to supervisors and managers via the California Occupational Safety Ledbetter and Health Administration Reporter and the Safety Supervisor. O Completed O On Task O Off Task 0 At Risk Page 8 November 5, 2019 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 19 of 41 Page 16 of 19 FY 2019-2020 STRATEGIC PLAN KEY SUCCESS MEASURES PROGRESS REPORT GOAL 5 MAINTAIN A RELIABLE INFRASTRUCTURE Strategy Initiative Key Success Measures Responsible 1St 2nd and 4th Performance in Achieving Success Measures Person QTR QTR QTR QTR Status, Comments and Exceptions Develop 10-Year Capital Complete condition assessments on all critical equipment on time and incorporate Lopez/Weer/Meyer 1St QTR: New projects include condition assessments. Improvement Plan consistent with into Capital Improvement Budget or Maintenance Program as appropriate. recommendations of the 1St QTR: Projects on schedule overall. Comprehensive Wastewater Execute the Capital Improvement Budget with the approved budget and on Master Plan and Asset schedule. Lopez Management Perform Reliability Centered Maintenance, Experience Centered Maintenance, 1St QTR: Completed boiler Feed Water System Preventative Maintenance Manage Assets Defect Elimination, or other strategic reliability-based analysis on Treatment Plant Meyer Optimization. Completed 20 Defect Eliminations. Optimally Throughout Continue maintenance on assets process systems. Their Lifecycle using a reliability-based approach 1St QTR: Each Shop is working on standards for analysis: Electrical Shop— Evaluate and apply predictive technologies for appropriate asset classes. Meyer Motor Winding Analysis; Mechanical Shop—RDI Motion Amplification, Reliability Engineering Laser Alignment, and Ultrasound. Manage and maintain current Maintain high uptime for vehicles and equipment. Seitz vehicle fleet to provide maximum Use diagnostics associated with automatic vehicle location to set performance value benchmarks and dispatch staff in the field more efficiently. Seitz Integrate data from the Asset Capital Projects and Operations and Maintenance staff meet semi-annually to 1St QTR: Meeting scheduled. Management Program into the ensure all critical assets and processes in need of repair or replacement are Lopez/Weer/Meyer Facilitate Long-Term analysis of long-term Capital appropriately scheduled in the 10-Year Capital Improvement Plan. Capital Renewal and Improvement needs based on the Replacement 10-Year Capital Improvement Plan Develop a prioritization model for vertical assets. Weer/Meyer Implement the Project Complete implementation of the system and train staff. Gemmell/Huie 1St QTR: Ongoing meetings with Capital Projects, Purchasing and Finance. Management Information System O Completed O On Task O Off Task 0 At Risk Page 9 November 5, 2019 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 20 of 41 Page 17 of 19 FY 2019-2020 STRATEGIC PLAN KEY SUCCESS MEASURES PROGRESS REPORT GOAL 5 MAINTAIN A RELIABLE INFRASTRUCTURE Strategy Initiative Key Success Measures Responsible 1St 2nd and 4th Performance in Achieving Success Measures Person QTR QTR QTR QTR Status, Comments and Exceptions Train staff and conduct an exercise of the Emergency Operations Plan. Deutsch 1St QTR: Scheduled for October 2019. Adopt the Local Hazard Mitigation Plan update and provide annual reports to the 1St QTR: No activity. California Governor's Office of Emergency Services. Deutsch Enhance capability to mitigate, Update the Emergency Operations Plan (EOP). Deutsch 1St QTR: Updated September 2019. prepare for, respond to,and recover from emergencies Relocate the data center to a more secure location. Huie Provide regular security awareness training to staff. Deutsch Utilize technology to monitor portions of the Martinez campus as a supplement to Deutsch 111 QTR: Portions to be expedited per direction from the Executive Team. Protect District security personnel. Personnel and Assets from Threats and1St QTR: Hired Jacobs to map-out improvements and document existing Emergencies Evaluate and implement Implement the Security Master Plan. Deutsch components. appropriate improvements to the 1St QTR: Information Security Procedure under development. Security Program to meet new or Develop additional security procedures, apply the changes, and train staff. Deutsch Y P evolving threats Upgrade Treatment Plant control network and its equipment to create redundant Weer/Huie paths. Construct new system and infrastructure upgrades. Lopez 1St QTR:Additional upgrades in Piping 10 Project. Improve the potable water system and enhance water quality testing Test potable water quality on a monthly basis. Schectel procedures Add a communication component to the water testing program to provide quarterly updates to employees on the quality of the water. Schectel O Completed O On Task O Off Task 0 At Risk Page 10 November 5, 2019 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 21 of 41 Page 18 of 19 FY 2019-2020 STRATEGIC PLAN - KEY SUCCESS MEASURES PROGRESS REPORT GOAL 6 EMBRACE TECHNOLOGY, INNOVATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY Strategy Initiative Key Success Measures Responsible 1St 2nd 3rd 4th Performance in Achieving Success Measures Person QTR QTR QTR QTR Status, Comments and Exceptions Support regional development of local water supply. LaBella Develop and execute a contract for the Recycled Water Exchange Project with Contra Costa Water District and Santa Clara Valley Water District(and/or other LaBella Explore partnering opportunities interested water supply agencies). Continue working with the Contra Costa Water District and the City of Concord to supply recycled water for irrigation to the Concord Community Reuse Project, Gemmell formerly the Concord Naval Weapons Station. Complete the environmental review process and assist the project team during LaBella 1 sl QTR:The Country Club has placed development of the project with Augment the Region's Continue to support the design-build activities. Central San on hold. Water Supply development of a demonstration 1 St QTR:The Country Club has placed development of the project with Satellite Water Recycling Facility at Execute the Operations and Property Transfer Agreement(or equivalent). LaBella Central San on hold. Diablo Country Club Actively participate in the Request for Proposal (RFP)and the design-build-operate LaBella 1 St QTR:The Country Club has placed development of the project with contract. Central San on hold. Continue to operate and maintain a reliable recycled water distribution system for Gemmell Continue to provide recycled water Zone 1 customers. to residents and businesses; evaluate and process new Continue the Residential Recycled Water Fill Station Program. Schectel customer requests Continue the Commercial Recycled Water Truck Fill Program. Gemmell Explore opportunities for Track and review energy usage. Shima 1St QTR: Ongoing. Reduce Reliance on renewable energy generation, Explore ways to optimize energy efficiency. Shima 1St QTR:Working with PG&E and MCE on energy efficiency programs. Non-Renewable Energy conservation, and efficiency based on the Board's Energy Policy Prepare and issue a solicitation for an onsite renewable energy generation project. LaBella O Completed O On Task O Off Task 0 At Risk Page 11 November 5, 2019 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 22 of 41 Page 19 of 19 FY 2019-2020 STRATEGIC PLAN KEY SUCCESS MEASURES PROGRESS REPORT GOAL 6 EMBRACE TECHNOLOGY, INNOVATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY Strategy Initiative Key Success Measures Responsible 1St 2nd 3rd 4th Performance in Achieving Success Measures Person QTR QTR QTR QTR Status, Comments and Exceptions Issue an RFP and select vendor and system integrator. Huie Completed FY 2018-19. Successfully manage scope,timeline and budget for implementation, including 1 st QTR: Project on track as of September 2019. Select and implement new mitigation of any effects on staff. Huie Enterprise Resource Planning Integrate with the electronic timekeeping system. Huie 1St QTR: Payroll implementation is in 2020. (ERP)system and integrate with linked systems Integrate with the PMIS. Huie Address e-procurement and contract management system needs. Huie 1 st QTR: Procurement/contracts management module implementations Encourage the Review commenced October 2019. and Testing of Expand and improve the use of Technology to Optimize worthwhile mobile computing and Utilize mobile applications for Construction Inspectors, Capital Projects Inspectors, Huie and Modernize and Surveyors(upgrades only). Business Operations communication technologies Quarterly meetings to promote innovation and continuous improvement through Frost 1St QTR: July 2019 ISLE Technology Approval Group Meeting. Applied Research Committee, ISLE Technology Approval Group,WRF LIFT, etc. Continue developing and investing Continue to be an active participant in the HYPOWERS pilot project to test an 1St QTR: Continued participation in HYPOWERS pilot project(anticipated start of leading, and promising technology in cost-effective innovation, emerging hydrothermal resource recovery process for solids handling. Frost Phase 2 Final Design in early 2020). and applied research and 1St QTR: Filter Column Testing under Filter Plant Capital Project; Nitrification development Rate Testing under Steam&Aeration Blower Systems Renovations Project; and Pilot test new and promising technologies or processes. Frost review of several pilot opportunities in progress (level monitors, Smart Clean, Machine Learning, ongoing HYPOWERS project). O Completed O On Task O Off Task 0 At Risk Page 12 November 5, 2019 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 23 of 41