HomeMy WebLinkAbout03.b. Review draft Position Paper to authorize the General Manager to execute a professional engineering services agreement in an amount not to exceed $2.4 million with V.W. Housen and Associates for design services of the Pump Station Upgrades, Phase 2, Page 1 of 24 Item 3.b. CENTRAL SAN BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER DRAFT MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 15, 2019 SUBJECT: REVIEW DRAFT POSITION PAPER TO AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $2.4 MILLION WITH V.W. HOUSEN AND ASSOCIATES FOR DESIGN SERVICES OF THE PUMP STATION UPGRADES, PHASE 2, DISTRICT PROJECT 8457 SUBMITTED BY: INITIATING DEPARTMENT: KEITH GELLERMAN, ASSOCIATE ENGINEER ENGINEERING AND TECHNICAL SERVICES- CAPITAL PROJECTS REVIEWED BY: SASHA MESTETSKY, SENIOR ENGINEER EDGAR J. LOPEZ, CAPITAL PROJECTS DIVISION MANAGER JEAN-MARC PETIT, DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNICAL SERVICES ISSUE Board of Directors' (Board) authorization is required for the General Manager to execute a professional engineering services agreement in an amount greater than $100,000. BACKGROUND The 2017 Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan identified several structural, mechanical, electrical, and instrumentation improvements needed at the Martinez, Fairview, and Maltby Pump Stations (PS)which are all located in Martinez. These stations have shown multiple concerns, including aging assets, reliability of existing equipment and infrastructure, corrosion, potential risk of flooding, accessibility issues for Operations and Maintenance (O&M) staff, and pumping capacity limitations at the Martinez PS. Since the three pump stations are connected hydraulically(i.e., the stations pump in a series towards the treatment plant and interconnected through controls), Central San staff decided to combine the design and renovation effort into one project within the Capital Improvement Budget titled Pump Station Upgrades, Phase 2, District Project 8457 (Project). On July 20, 2017, the Board authorized staff to hire V.W. Housen and Associates (VW HA)for the pre- design of Pump Station Upgrades, Phases 1 and 2. The work consisted of numerous field investigations, workshops, meetings (with O&M and Capital Projects staff), facility tours, and other important efforts to comprehensively evaluate alternatives and prepare business case evaluations (BCEs), so that staff could make informed decisions and recommend solutions for the improvements needed at each of the pump October 15, 2019 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 12 of 66 Page 2 of 24 stations. The pre-design was completed in February 2018, which included assessments of the following subjects: hydraulic analysis; structural; electrical, instrumentation and controls; corrosion; heating, ventilation and air conditioning; and flood risk. Project delivery options, BCEs, cost estimating, and construction sequencing were also included in the pre-design. Staff and VWHA performed detailed BCEs to analyze and determine the best alternative solutions for Central San. The following is a brief history of each pump station and includes staff's recommendations for final design. Martinez Pump Station This pump station is located at 202 Embarcadero Street near downtown Martinez and is the first of the three pump stations in series, which pumps to the Fairview PS. The Martinez PS was originally the City of Martinez's wastewater treatment plant and converted to a Central San pump station in 1968. This pump station has undergone several upgrades, including a complete rebuild in 1994. Staff recommends the following renovation work at the Martinez PS: 1. Replace major electrical equipment including PG&E electrical service, variable frequency drives (VFDs), and the automatic transfer switch. 2. Replace instrumentation including gas monitoring, annunciators, programmable logic controllers, and graphical displays. 3. Resolve the wet weather capacity issue by increasing the impeller size and the associated electric motor and VFDs. 4. Recoat the wetwell. 5. Replace various piping, valves, and other appurtenances, including seal water system. Staff also recommends replacing the wet weather pumps with dry pit submersible pumps so that the pump station could operate in a flooded drywell condition. (This will be evaluated as an alternative bid item.) Fairview and Maltby Pump Stations The Fairview and Maltby Pump Stations are the second and third of the three pump stations in series, respectively, and were both constructed in 1969. Fairview PS is situated in an industrial area adjacent to the Shell Refinery at 2001 Marina Vista, and Maltby PS is in an isolated area accessible via a gravel road at 990 Central Avenue. These stations are nearly identical in design and features with similar drywell/wetwell configurations. The drywell consists of steel cans and are packaged pump stations manufactured by the Mundix Company. The existing package houses the station components in a single structure rather than separate structures. The condition of the drywell steel cans has visible corrosion on the interior floor and lower wall surfaces which poses major apprehension in reusing the existing steel cans. I n addition, drywell access is via a narrow circular access hatch which makes for O&M access and egress very difficult. Both stations have undergone limited upgrades, with the most recent in 1998. The recommended improvements to the Fairview and Maltby Pump Station sites will require the acquisition of land adjacent to each site. The Fairview PS site requires that a portion of the parcel, located in the existing public right-of-way, be vacated by the City of Martinez. The Maltby PS site requires the acquisition of a portion of the privately-owned parcel located to the north of the existing site. Due to topography or land use, other properties adjacent the Maltby station are less desirable. Staff recommends pursuing the land acquisition at the two sites prior to moving forward with the final design. October 15, 2019 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 13 of 66 Page 3 of 24 Business Case Evaluations A comprehensive BCE was performed during the predesign of the Project. A total of ten different alternatives were evaluated and, in general, considered rehabilitation, new pump stations for the Fairview and Maltby sites, and eliminating the Fairview PS. Staff recommends proceeding with rehabilitation of the existing pump station at the Martinez PS. Constructing a new drywell/wetwell pump station is the preferred option by staff at the Fairview and Maltby sites for multiple reasons: high reliability (new station with new equipment); resiliency (use of dry pit submersible pumps); safe access to the drywells; and flood prevention. This approach would increase reliability, improve safety and resiliency, and is more favorable for construction. A more detailed account of the BCEs is provided in the attached presentation (Attachment 2). ALTERNATIVES/CONSIDERATIONS The Board could consider the following two alternatives for the Project or provide other direction. Alternative 1: Split the Project into separate projects. Postponing the design and construction of improvements would spread construction over several fiscal years. This is not recommended due to the current condition of the pump stations, project drivers, and design coordination mentioned above. This alternative would increase the overall project cost by implementing multiple projects over a longer period. Alternative 2: Status Quo — Do nothing to the facilities at this time. Under this alternative, staff would not proceed with the final design and the pump stations would continue operating in their current condition. Repair or replacement of the facilities would be done upon failure. This alternative could have significant regulatory and operating risks or costly emergency response since these facilities operate in a series, 24- hours every day. FINANCIAL IMPACTS The VW HA final design services for the Project is estimated at$2.4 million, which is approximately nine percent of the $26.45 million total estimated project cost, as detailed in Attachment 1. The Project is listed in the Fiscal Year(FY) 2019-20 Budget on page 167. The final design will be performed this fiscal year and next FY 2020-21. There are adequate funds within the current budget for the final design of this Project. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION The Engineering and Operations Committee reviewed this project at the meeting on October 15, 2019, and recommended RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION Authorize the General Manager to execute a professional engineering services agreement with V.W. Housen and Associates in an amount not to exceed $2.4 million for the final design of the Pump Station Upgrades, Phase 2, District Project 8457. October 15, 2019 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 14 of 66 Page 4 of 24 Strategic Plan Tie-In GOAL TWO: Strive to Meet Regulatory Requirements Strategy 1 - Strive to achieve 100%permit compliance in air, water, land, and other regulations, Strategy 2- Strive to minimize the number of sanitary sewer overflows, Strategy 3- Comply with all federal, state, and local regulations related to District administration GOAL THREE: Be a Fiscally Sound and Effective Water Sector Utility Strategy 2- Manage costs GOAL FOUR: Develop and retain a highly trained and innovative workforce Strategy 3- Meet or exceed industry safety standards GOAL FIVE: Maintain a Reliable Infrastructure Strategy 1 - Manage assets optimally throughout their lifecycle, Strategy 2- Facilitate long-term capital renewal and replacement, Strategy 3- Protect District personnel and assets from threats and emergencies ATTACHMENTS: 1. Total Construction Cost Estimate 2. Presentation October 15, 2019 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 15 of 66 Page 5 of 24 Attachment 1 Pump Station Upgrades, Phase 2 District Project 8457 Estimated Capital Costs of Recommended Improvements Estimated Total Estimated Pump Stations Construction Cost Project Cost Martinez Pump Station $4,936,000 $6,100,000 Fairview Pump Station $7,820,000 $10,100,000 Maltby Pump Station $7,983,000 $10,250,000 Total Project Cost $20,739,000 $26,450,000 October 15, 2019 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 16 of 66 Page 6 of 24 Attachment 2 PUMP STATION UPGRADES, PHASE 2 DISTRICT PROJECT 8457 Engineering and Operations Committee October 15, 2019 Jean-Marc Petit, Director of Engineering and Technical Services Edgar J. Lopez, Capital Projects Division Manager Keith Gellerman,Associate Engineer Presentation Agenda Project Background and + �,... . Drivers tirmpf�i:a - Preliminary Design Fin _ 2 Project Scope and Approach -rymPSenwn , x� Project Schedule n.... Project Budget t •�F=,. - Recommendations ` 2 1 October 15, 2019 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 17 of 66 Page 7 of 24 1 . PROJECT BACKGROUND AND DRIVERS ��0 L3 7 eenrea V' '° v °SV16uneay� PUMP STATION (PS) Manlne= UPGRADES - PHASE PGRADES - PHASE 2 Pl.-Hill FOCUSES ON Berkeley �onnda MARTINEZ AREA PUMP STATIONS: OM-d Sengam°° 1 . MARTINEZ m N' 2. FAIRVIEW TreammenemP'Iset°-er1mHeinom.iamiaP liene. Pma�ty N. Sc C CCCSDumping SraTians 3. MALTBY ��n muenwn ror3]S, nd & M� by � ;'3oore �ra � m HHI.­serewe ,l,, 2 October 15, 2019 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 18 of 66 Page 8 of 24 PHASE 2 PUMP STATION CAPACITIES Firm Capacity : . . 1 - Pump Motor Pump Station (Largest Pump algiQu- Horsepower(HP) Standby Power Out of Service) �Jll :1 Martinez 11.4 MGD 12.3 MGD 3—75 HP Diesel Generator 2-25 HP Fairview 13.2 MGD 12.3 MGD 3—100 HP Diesel Generator Maltby 15.1 MGD 12.4 MGD 3—100 HP Diesel Generator MGD=Million Gallons per Day PWWF=Peak Wet Weather Flow PHASE 2 PUMP STATION HISTORY OVERVIEW Pump Station Major Work Completed since Original Construction Martinez(') 1968 1994-96:New building,pumps,piping,and electrical equipment 1993:New variable frequency drives(VFDs)and Fairview 1969 standby generator 1999:New pumps 2016:Rebuilt pumps 1996:New standby generator Maltby 1969 1999:New pumps 2016:Rebuilt pumps *Martinez PS was originally the city of Martinez wastewater treatment plant(WWTP). Note: Additional infrastructure built in 2000's to provide bypass piping to force mains at all Martinez area pump stations. 3 October 15, 2019 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 19 of 66 Page 9 of 24 2. PRELIMINARY DESIGN FINDINGS PROJECT DRIVERS AGING ASSETS, RELIABILITY, AND SUSTAINABILITY • Implement recommendations from the Are Flash Study completed in 2015 by Protective Relay Engineering • Replace major electrical,instrumentation,and Maro,y controls(EI&C)at all pump stations • Replace deteriorating piping,gates,and valves • Prove safe access for operations and maintenance (O&M) • Provide long-term corrosion protection Fairview ' • Provide resiliency from flooding • Remedy deficiencies of Asset Conditions l Treatment Plant • Improve controls and communications between PS 4 October 15, 2019 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 20 of 66 Page 10 of 24 FLOOD PROTECTION/ SEA LEVEL RISE - Pump Flooding Potential at Site Sea Level Rise Station (Projected Water Surface Elevation NAVN 88) FEMA FEMA Nates "I +50 ~11111 Flood years years years Hasard Zona Mad— AE Within I00-year flood pen H%Drobat flay of flooding every year,Zone AE 115 126 16.6 =High nsk antler National Flood Insurance Program) Maltby A Within 100-year flood plain H%probability of flooding every year,Zone A= 11.5 12.6 16.6 High nil,under National Flood Insurznce Program) Fairview x Adjacent to 100-year flood plan H%probability of floodingevery year, 115 126 16.6 - ZoneAE=High nsk under National Flood Insurance Progzm) _- im Flood risk assessment identified susceptibility to sea level rise ` s ._rte 3. PROJECT SCOPE AND APPROACH j 1N 5 October 15, 2019 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 21 of 66 Page 11 of 24 BUSINESS CASE EVALUATION AT CENTRAL SAN The following tasks are performed when preparing a Business Case Evaluation (BCE): 1. Evaluate specific project needs and drivers 2. Conduct an in-depth evaluation of existing asset condition assessment and determination of remaining life 3. Evaluate whether to keep, maintain the existing assets, replace in kind, and/or replace with new technology 4. Conduct pilot testing of preferred technology when appropriate to validate design criteria and risk, if applicable 5. Evaluate current and possible future regulatory drivers that would impact the project and identify solutions 6. Preliminary investigation as needed (geotechnical, survey, permitting, environmental, etc.) 7. Prepare design alternatives based on prior information 8. Prepare capital expenditure for each alternative 9. Evaluate O&M for each alternative 10. Prepare pros and cons for each alternative 11. Prepare 20-year net present value(lifecycle cost analysis)for each alternative 12. Present BCE to Executive Review Committee j „ -s MARTINEZ PUMP STATION s, 6 October 15, 2019 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 22 of 66 Page 12 of 24 MARTINEZ PUMP STATION IMPROVEMENTS Major project elements identified: • Arc Flash protection • EAC panels upgrades • New impellers and larger motors to j ®- address wet weather capacity • Address corrosion issues (piping and equipment in wetwell)and provide protective coatings j • Repair concrete, grout, and handrails = N' • Resiliency: Submersible dry pit wet �1 - weather pumps(alternate bid) • Evaluate protection from sea level rise ' ` 13 MARTINEZ PUMP STATION BCE ALTERNATIVES BCE included three alternatives for Martinez PS: • Alternative 1: Upgrade existing pumps (larger impellers and larger motors)and new VFDs • Alternative 2: New dry pit submersible pumps and new VFDs • Alternative 3: Replace pumps, motors, and electrical to increase pumping head (pressure) in order to eliminate Fairview PS. This includes force main modification or replacement. Include Martinez PS in Phase 2 to coincide with Fairview and Maltby Pump Stations 7 October 15, 2019 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 23 of 66 Page 13 of 24 MARTINEZ PS BCE ALTERNATIVES AND CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATES ALTERNATIVE DESCRIPTION PRELIMINARY CONSTRUCTION COST Rehabilitate the Existing Pump Alternative 1 Station(with large impellers and $4,483,000 new motors in wet weather pumps) Eq Rehabilitate the Existing Pump Alternative 2 Station(with new dry pit $4,936,000 kWsubmersible wet weather pumps) Eliminate Fairview PS, Alternative 3 improvements to Martinez PS $17,277,000' needed to pump to Maltby 1 Minimum cost,staff expects cost to increase due to location and difficulty of construction for force mains Selected Alternative 2 as it provides resiliency. This will be implemented as a bid alternate. I ,5 FAIRVIEW PUMP STATION lei _ ._ • A portion of the parcel of the existing public right-of-way will need to be vacated by the City +" of Martinez for the Fairview Pump Station `• � improvements. October 15, 2019 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 24 of 66 Page 14 of 24 FAIRVIEW PUMP STATION IMPROVEMENTS Major project elements identified: • Arc Flash protection • EI&C improvements • Address corrosion concerns (drywell, piping, and equipment in r- wetwell)and provide protective coatings as necessary • Resiliency and reliability resiliency: Submersible dry pit pumps • Improve access to the drywell for O&M • New standby diesel generator s �' leffokld FAIRVIEW PUMP STATION BCE ALTERNATIVES Pump station alternatives included in BCE: • Alternative 1: Rehabilitate the existing pump station • Alternative 2: Construct a new drywell/wetwell pump station • Alternative 3: Construct a new submersible pump station • Alternative 4: Fairview PS elimination (Coordinated with Martinez PS) Selected Alternative 2 9 October 15, 2019 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 25 of 66 Page 15 of 24 FAIRVIEW PS BCE ALTERNATIVES • Reuses 50-year-old drywell pump station steel can showing Alt.I Lowest construction cost significant signs of corrosion Noadditional land is required Safety concerns with access to existing drywell can Rehabilitate the No work in public roadway • Low resiliency.Does not protect against internal flooding of Existing Pump drywell Station • Lowest reliability.Reuses existing equipment • Complex construction sequencing of new electrical equipment within existing building High reliability.New pump station, Higher construction cost than Alt.1 or Alt.3 Alt.2 with all new equipment Deep excavations(sewer and pump station) Construct High resiliency.Use of dry pit Requires additional land . submersible pumps Pump Station Safe access to drywell Preferred by operations staff High reliability.New pump station, Higher construction cost than Alt.1 Alt.3 with all new equipment • Requires additional land Construct a New High resiliency.Use of Deep excavations(sewer and pump station) submersible pumps • Requires high cranes to retrieve submersible pumps from Station the wetwell • Difficult access to wetwell • Highest construction cost and risk(Difficult construction Eliminates a Central San pump sequencing and constraints-replacement of dry and wet Alt.4 station and associated O&M at the weather pumps at Martinez PS with complicated pumping Fairvie station transition AND force main installation potential utility Removes Central San's gravity conflicts -M sewer located on Shell property Results in force mains that are difficult to access in the future(located within refinery property) • Requires easements,permits,and railroad approvals 19 FAIRVIEW PS ALTERNATIVES CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATES ALTERNATIVE" PRELIMINARY 11 ■ CONSTRUCTION COST Alternative 1 $3,162,000 Rehabilitate the Existing Pump Station Alternative 2 Construct a New Drywell[Wetwell Pump Station $7,820,000 Alternative 3 Construct a New Submersible Pump Station $7,292,000 Fairy Alternative 4 Fairview Pump Station Elimination $17,277,0001 1 Minimum cost,staff expects cost to increase due to location and difficulty of construction for force mains Selected Alternative 2 as it provides resiliency. This will be implemented as a bid alternate. ` zo 10 October 15, 2019 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 26 of 66 Page 16 of 24 ALTERNATIVE BCE ANALYSIS AT FAIRVIEW Fairview Pump Station-Alt—ti-Compel—Al.t w COMPARISON PARAMETER ALT 1- ALTS- ALT 9- ALT6- RER ILRATE NEW NEW FAIRVIEW ERISTING PUMP ORYWELUWETWELL SUBMERSIBLE PUMP STATION STATION PUNP9TATION PUMPSTATION ELIMINATION Cadwdw Coes , G 6 • • s Faasa Ow&= Esse at mw& r Fam Pro"W MWMEvsQ of /y�k-�-I 7�J Q/ EaamNMx�AEpnrandA'e�mAa NOTERwtn hayed m IJ fie,w h d temp M hes[ranking n knB=S.L'-Nmkng=3.it-FP Nag=3.r!.OiNuy.t ` 21 FAIRVIEW ALT. 2 SITE LAYOUT =Wl- 11 October 15, 2019 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 27 of 66 Page 17 of 24 MALTBY PUMP STATION = �, A portion of the parcel to the north of the existing site currently privatelyowned shall be evaluated t and acquired. �. A �a MALTBY PUMP STATION IMPROVEMENTS ti. Major project elements identified: I • Arc Flash protection • EI&C improvements a • Address corrosion concerns (drywell, piping, and equipment in I� wetwell)and provide protective �■ coatings as necessary • Resiliency and reliability resiliency: Submersible dry pit pumps • Improve access to the drywell for O&M f • New standby diesel generator I • Need to address potential site flooding concerns )♦ 24 12 October 15, 2019 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 28 of 66 Page 18 of 24 MALTBY PUMP STATION BCE ALTERNATIVES Pump station alternatives: • Alternative 1: Rehabilitate the existing pump station • Alternative 2: Construct a new drywell/wetwell pump station • Alternative 3: Construct a new submersible pump station Selected Alternative 2 y 25 MALTBY PS ALTERNATIVES Lowest construction cost Reuses 50-year-old drywell pump steel station No additional land is required can showing significant signs of corrosion No work in public roadway Safety concerns with access to existing drywell can • Low resiliency.Does not protect against Pump Station internal flooding of drywell • Lowest reliability.Reuses existing equipment • Requires expensive site work to repair settlement issues over existing drywell • Requires complex construction activities related to electrical equipment replacement within existing building High reliability.New pump station Higher construction cost than rehabilitation of with new equipment existing pump station and Alt.2—New Alt.2 High resiliency.Use of dry pit Submersible Pump Station Constru submersible pumps Deep excavations(sewer and pump station) etwell Pum Safe access to drywell Requires additional land that may be difficult Preferred by operations staff to obtain and that may be contaminated High reliability.New pump station Higher construction cost than rehabilitation of with new equipment existing pump station High resiliency.Use of submersible Requires additional land that may be difficult pumps to obtain and that may be contaminated • Deep excavations • Requires high cranes to retrieve submersible pumps from the wetwell 2 Difficult access to wetwell 13 October 15, 2019 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 29 of 66 Page 19 of 24 ALTERNATIVE ANALYSIS AT MALTBY Maltby Pump 5 mtiva-Alternative C—p-j—Matrix COMPARISON PARAMETER ALT 1- ALT 2- ALT 3- REHABILRATE NEW NEW SUBMERSIBLE EXISTING PUMP DRYWELI.IWEIVELL PUMP STATION STATION PUMP STATION 0111 tiwi Caal • ti,L/ 09M CW l/®��� • Reliability 7J • Resiliency • i E­d �� • • E-11MaiMnance • . S� /®�J • i Future Praject{s}Avoided L�-] • • Mimm-d Careshuctim Riekl Ease of �J • • CarcWc[ability E—of.11 dudrg Crnstructim � • • Lend A gmit- • NOTE:Ranking based on 1-4 scale,wiUl 4 being the hes!rmking. Rank�g-4,L'-Ranking-3, Ranki,g-2, Fa'a g=1 MALTBY PS ALTERNATIVES CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATES CONSTRUCTIONPRELIMINARY ALTERNATIVE . Alternative 1 Rehabilitate the Existing Pump Station $3,909,000 Alternative 2 $7,983,000 Alternative 3 Construct a New Submersible Pump Station $7,315,000 Selected Alternative 2 as it provides resiliency. This will be implemented as a bid alternate. 14 October 15, 2019 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 30 of 66 Page 20 of 24 MALTBY ALT. 2 SITE LAYOUT \ �� :1....... ............. \tib .....1 =::--rs. ` zs 4. PROJECT SCHEDULE y 30 a ���eee111 15 October 15, 2019 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 31 of 66 Page 21 of 24 PUMP STATION PHASE 2 UPGRADES PROJECT DESIGN, BID AND CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE Pump Station Upgmdes Project-Phase 2 Design,Bid and Construction schedule PROJECT PHASE 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 ON DJ FMAMJ JASO NDJ FMAMJJASONDJ FMAMJJASO NDJFMAMJ JASO ND Pump Station Upgrades Project-Phase 2 Des'n Phase Martinez,Fairview,and Mahby Pump Stations Bid Phase Construction Phase LEGEND Wet Weather Season Dry Weather Season Design Phase Bid Phase Construction Phase Construction Phase)Non-FieM WarkiSubmhtal Phase) Construction Phase)FieM Work) Construction Phase)FieM Work-Dry Weather Dependent) - _ ` 31 5. PROJECT BUDGET 16 October 15, 2019 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 32 of 66 Page 22 of 24 PUMP STATION UPGRADES, PHASE 2 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Pump Station Estimated Project Cost Fiscal Year • 0 Martinez $6,100,000 Fairview $10,100,000 Maltby $10,250,000 Total Estimated Project Cost: $26,450,000 �•33 PHASE 2 ALTERNATIVES/CONSIDERATIONS The Board could consider several alternatives for the Pump Station Upgrades, Phase 2, which are NOT RECOMMENDED by staff: • Alternative 1: Split the project into separate projects: Design and construction of Martinez area pump stations at different times, which would spread construction over several fiscal years. Staff has packaged these stations due to their inter-dependency and electrical and controls interconnection. • Alternative 2: Status Quo — Continue operating stations in current condition. Maintain and repair upon failure, which could result in regulatory or operational risks, including costly emergency repairs. • Alternative 3: The Board could provide other alternate direction. y 34 r� 17 October 15, 2019 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 33 of 66 Page 23 of 24 WHY NOW? Meet commitment for reliable infrastructure and safety improvements: • Electrical safety and reliability • Reliability of pumping during wet weather • Condition assessment of structural and mechanical components requires replacement and upgrades • Central San has historically renovated the Fairview and Maltby Pump Stations together since they are nearly identical and in the same condition • All three pump stations are inter-connected and the Martinez PS needs electrical upgrades similar to Fairview and Maltby Pump Stations JY� I 35 6. RECOMMENDATIONS y 36 JY� - 18 October 15, 2019 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 34 of 66 Page 24 of 24 RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION • Staff recommends that the Board authorize the General Manager to execute a professional engineering services agreement with V.W. Housen and Associates in an amount not to exceed $2,400,000 for design of the Pump Station Upgrades, Phase 2, District Project 8457 y 37 QUESTIONS UV41 38 JY� - 19 October 15, 2019 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 35 of 66