HomeMy WebLinkAbout29.a. Consider proposed changes to CCCSDA Bylaws Page 1 of 17
Item 29.a.
October 3, 2019
Attached is a copy of the proposed amendments to the CCSDA bylaws. Each member agency is asked
to vote on the proposed amendments.
The bylaws were last adopted in January of 2011. The Executive Committee has suggested a number of
changes to these Bylaws. Some of the key changes include:
• Changing from quarterly meetings (4 times a year)to every other month meetings (6 times a year);
• Adding in language to outline the duties with respect to the Chapter's website;
• Further delineating the role of the Ballot Committee (formerly Nominating Committee)to allow for
more membership interacting in the nominating process;
• Clarifying the process for filling vacancies of elected officers;
• Clarification of some definitions and language changes.
The next meeting of the CCSDA is on October 21 and the proposed amendments will be discussed and
voted on at the meeting. With your concurrence, I will pass on any of your comments to the membership at
the meeting, and I will submit the District's ballot taking into account your comments.
1. Strikeout version of Proposed Revised Bylaws
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Chapter Bylaws
For The
Contra Costa Special Districts
A Chapter of the
California Special Districts Association
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Table of Contents
Section 1.1 Name
Section 1.2 Purpose
Section 1.3 Objectives
Section 1.4 Administrative Office
Section 2.1 Types of Membership
Section 2.2 Qualifications for Membership
Section 2.3 Application for Membership
Section 2.4 Loss of Membership
Section 2.5 Annual Dues
Section 2.6 Meetings of Membership
Section 2.7 Rules Governing Membership Meetings
Section 3.1 Quorum of Membership
Section 3.2 District Member Voting Rights
Section 3.3 District Members in Good Standing
Section 3.4 Written Ballots
Section 4.1 Budget
Section 4.2 Additional Funds
Section 4.3 Annual Audit
Section 5.1 Officers and Executive Committee
Section 5.2 Term of Office
Section 5.3 Qualification for Office
Section 5.4 Nomination and Election of Officers
Section 5.5 Vacancies of Elected Officers
Section 5.6 Removal of Officers
Section 6.1 Duties of the President
Section 6.2 Duties of the Vice-President
Section 6.3 Duties of the Member-at-Large
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Section 6.4 Duties of the Appointed Secretary
Section 6.5 Duties of the Appointed Treasurer
Section 7.1 Executive Committee
Section 7.2 Website
Section 8.1 Membership with State Office of CSDA
Section 9.1 Notification of Change
Section 9.2 Voting Requirements
Certificate by Contra Costa Chapter Appointed Secretary acknowledging approval of
amended Bylaws.
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Section 1.1 Name
A. The name of this Chapter shall be the Contra Costa Special Districts
B This Chapter is a member of the State office of the California Special Districts
Association (CSDA) and hereinafter is referred to as the "Contra Costa
Chapter" (Chapter).
Section 1.2 Purpose
A. It is the purpose of this Chapter to propose and advocate constructive means for
the improvement and functioning of Independent Special Districts within the
County of Contra Costa and to assist such Independent Special Districts and
their governing bodies to provide an effective and efficient government that will
result in benefits to the public.
B. It is also the purpose of this Chapter to cooperate with and support CSDA in
fulfilling its mission as set forth in the CSDA mission statement.
Section 1.3 Objectives
The objectives of the Contra Costa Chapter shall be:
A. To provide a local forum for member districts to discuss and consider issues of
importance to special districts.
B. To establish a communication network among member districts, other Chapters
and other local governmental agencies.
C. To carry out workshops, educational seminars and programs of mutual interest
and benefit to member districts.
D. To make recommendations to the Board of Directors of the California Special
Districts Association.
E. To inform the public about the purpose and benefits of local special district
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Section 1.4 Administrative Office
A. The administrative office for the Chapter is to be determined by the Chapter
Executive Committee.
B. The Chapter Executive Committee is granted full power and authority to change
the administrative office from one location to another within Contra Costa County
and such change shall not require an amendment of these bylaws.
Section 2.1 Types of Membership
A. Two types of memberships are available in the Chapter.
B. The two types of membership are: (1) Regular District Memberships (2)Associate
Section 2.2 Qualifications for Membership
A. Regular District Members:
(1) Any independent special district whose boundaries, in whole or in part, are
within the County of Contra Costa may become a regular district member of the
Chapter upon application and payment of annual Chapter dues.
(2) Independent special districts are as defined in California Government Code
Section 56044, and as such this section may be amended or superseded.
(3) A regular district member may attend, participate, vote, and shall be
eligible to hold office in the Chapter.
B. Associate Members:
(1) Any dependent special district whose boundaries, in whole or in part, are
within the County of Contra Costa may become an associate member upon
application and payment of Chapter dues.
(2) In addition, any person or organization that has evidenced interest in the
purposes and goals of the Chapter, but is not a special district as defined
above, may also become an associate member upon approval of membership
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and payment of Chapter dues.
(3) Associate members shall not have the right to vote, nor shall they serve
as officers or members of the Chapter Executive Committee. Associate
members may attend and participate in meetings and activities of the
Section 2.3 Application for Membership
A. Application for membership in the Contra Costa Chapter shall be by letter stating
type of membership requested; name, address, telephone number, email or fax of
the applicant; and, the name of the individual who will serve as representative
and alternate for the applicant.
B. Application must include payment of annual dues.
Section 2.4 Loss of Membership
A. Any member district owing payment of dues for a period of four(4)months after
due date shall be notified in writing by the Treasurer of delinquent dues. If such
dues continue to be unpaid for an additional thirty(30) days, the member district
shall automatically cease to be a member of the Chapter.
B. Member districts may withdraw membership from the Chapter at any time. A
written request should be sent to the Administrative Office.No refund of dues
will be made.
Section 2.5 Annual Dues
A. All member districts shall pay annual dues.
B. Annual dues shall be established following a recommendation from the Executive
Committee at any regular meeting by a majority vote of a quorum of eligible
member districts (Quorum), who must be present and shall become effective July
1 st of the following year.
C. The annual dues shall be due and payable on or before the first day of July of each
calendar year and shall be delinquent October of each calendar year. Unpaid dues
can result in loss of Chapter membership, as provided by Section 2.4 A.
Membership dues for new members shall be pro-rated for the initial year only.
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Section 2.6 Meetings of Membership
A. The member districts shall meet on an established basis at a time and place to be
determined by the membership or the Chapter President.
B. QttaAer-1 Bi-Monthly Meetings
(1) The Chapter meetings shall be held Efaafteflyevery other month on the
third Monday of January, ApfilMarch. Mav, July, September and
OeteberNovember at a place which has been designated by the member
districts or the Chair.
(2) Written notice of general membership meetings shall be mailed, faxed
or emailed to each member district no less than thirty (30) days prior to the
meeting. The agenda shall provide the time, place and items to be discussed
or voted upon.
C. Annual Meeting
(1) The annual meeting of the Chapter shall be held in January of each year
at such place determined by the district members for the purpose of electing
(2) Written notice of the annual meetings shall be mailed, faxed or emailed
to each member no less than thirty (30) days prior to the date of the
meeting. The agenda shall provide the time, place and items to be discussed
or voted upon.
D. Special Meetings
Special meetings of the Chapter may be called at any time by the President
upon request of six (6) Chapter members. Written notice of a special
meeting, providing the time, place and agenda, shall be mailed, faxed or
emailed to each member of the Chapter at least twenty (20) days before the
time set for the meeting.
Section 2.7 Rules Governing Membership Meetings
A. Rules of Order
Roberts Rules of Order shall govern the Chapter meetings.
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B. Agenda Items
(1) Any active member of the Chapter may request to place an item on the
agenda for future meetings. The item should be submitted in writing to the
President at least two weeks prior to the meeting.
(2) Emergency items may be added to the agenda as needed.
C. Insurance Liability
Representatives of each member district shall be covered by their agency's
liability insurance while attending Chapter meeting and activities. There shall
be no liability assumed by the district hosting any meetings and activities.
Section 3.1 Quorum of Membership
A. A"ofumQuonzm for all meetings of the membership shall consist of fifty(50)
percent plus one (1) of the Chapter's regular membership who are in good
standing present at any meeting where a notice and agenda have been mailed,
faxed or emailed not less than twenty(20) days in advance of the meeting date to
all members.
B. If less than a quemmQuonum of the membership is present, a two-thirds (2/3)
vote of member districts in attendance is necessary to carry a motion.
Section 3.2 District Member Voting Rights
A. One Vote Per Member District
Each regular member district shall be entitled to one (1) vote on all matters
brought before the Chapter membership.
B. Official Voting Representative
(1) The governing body of each regular member district shall designate, in
writing, to the Chapter Secretary, one representative who shall exercise the
district's right to vote, and one aftem or more (2nd. 3rd. etc.l alternates
who shall have the right to vote(inrp iority orderl in the absence of the assigned
voting representative.
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(2) The vote of the member district shall be cast by the designated
representative of the district or the kaQ2ULaltemate member of the district.
(3) If&ever-a4= members of a special district are in attendance, and no
designated voting representative has been selected, they shall select one
representative which may include a member of a Board of Directors or an
administrator from that member district for voting purposes.
Section 3.3 District Members in Good Standing
A. Member districts that have paid their annual dues shall be entitled to vote as a
chapter member in good standing.
B. Any member district that has not paid their annual dues shall not be in good
standing and shall not be entitled to vote on matters before the Chapter.
Section 3.4 Written Ballots
A. The Chapter Executive Committee may, in its discretion, authorize a vote upon
any item to be taken by written ballot.
B. A ballot must be mailed or emailed to each regular member thirty(30) days in
advance of the voting deadline.
C. Said ballot must specify the item, the time and the date when such written ballot
must be returned to the President of the Chapter or a member designated by the
Section 4.1 Budget
The Executive Committee shall determine and recommend an annual budget based upon
the annual dues.
Section 4.2 Additional Funds
A. Any additional funds required by the Chapter in the conduct of its business shall
be raised on a vote by a majority of a ate ► �of regular member districts
at a properly noticed meeting.
B. No assessments shall be levied on members, and no members shall be subject to
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or liable for the payment of any assessment or levy other than the payment of
regular dues.
Section 4.3 Annual Audit
A. An audit shall be performed of receipts and disbursements from the previous year
showing the opening and closing balances shall be prepared by an Audit
Committee approved ftemb�the membership.
B. Copies of the audit shall be available to all Chapter members and filed with the
Secretary of the Chapter.
Section 5.1 Officers and Executive Committee
A. The officers of the Chapter shall be an elected President, an elected
Vice-President, and an elected Member-At-Large.
B. The President will appoint the treasurer and the secretary with approval of the
C. The President may appoint additional officers and committees as may be
necessary to carry out the business of the Chapter.
Section 5.2 Term of Office
A. Each officer shall serve for a term of two (2) years, with elections held on even
numbered years.
B. Any officer may be re-elected to succeed himself/herself.
C. Each officer can hold only one office at a time but may rotate from office to office
if elected by the membership.
D. Each officer shall hold his office until he resigns, is disqualified to serve or until
his successor shall be elected or appointed.
Section 5.3 Qualification for Elected Offices
A. Each officer sm ,st, at the time of elections, and throughout the term of his/her
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office, Abe a representative of a member district.
B. Each officer must represent a special district deemed to be in good standing.
C. No member district shall have more than one representative from the district serve
as an officer of the Chapter at the same time.
Section 5.4 Nomination and Election of Officers
A. The President shall select the NeminatinguBallmoti Committee at the
OetekerNovember meeting.
B. The Ballot Committee shall:
(1) Determine the Ballot Committee's nominations to be included in the ballot:
(2) Distribute the Ballot Committee's nominations to the membership jzy email
30 days prior to the January Annual Membership Meeting (Annual Meeting
(3) Invite the membership to submit to the Ballot Committee any additional
nomination that they wish to make, prior to the Annual Meeting
(4) Inform the membership that all nominations (whether by the Ballot Committee
or the membershii) must be suj2ported by a cony of a motion or resolution
ado tp ed by the member district Board of Directors supporting such nomination:
B. TheBallot Committee shall present the4all nominations made and/or
submitted at the Annual Meeting in January. TheBallot Committee
shall also accept any additional nominations from the floor at this time.
C. At the January Annual Membership Meeting, any member district through its
designated representative may nominate a qualified member from the floor for an
office to be filled at the election.
D. If a candidate is nominated from the floor, the individual shall be eligible to take
office only after filing with the Chapter NominafinguBallboti Committee a copy of a
motion or resolution adopted by the member district Board of Directors
supporting such a nomination.
E. After closing nominations from the floor, the Committee will
conduct the election. If time permits. the Ballot Committee may allow multi
candidates nominated for the same position, up to three (3) minutes to briefly
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introduce themselves nrior to the voting. The candidates receiving votes of a
majority of a qttafuffK2uQnLm of regular member districts shall be considered
elected and may be installed at the Annual Meeting.
Section 5.5 Vacancies of Elected Officers
A. In the event that any officer at the time of taking office, or during the term of
office, is no longer qualified to serve as an officer of the Chapter, the office shall
become vacant and said vacancy shall be filled in a manner provided in this--
his_Section 5-.4-.5-5—
B. If a vacancy occurs in the office of President, the Vice President shall assume all
presidential duties.
C. The assumption of the office of President by the Vice President shall constitute a
vacancy in the office of the Vice President. The new vacancy shall in turn be
filled by a nemi h4ieecall for nominations and a-vote of the membership present
at the next regular Chapter meeting.
D. The Vice President moving into the office of President or elected to complete an
unexpired term of Vice President may be re-elected by the membership to a
subsequent full term.
E. If a vacancy occurs in the office of Member-At-Large, the vacancy shall also be
filled by a call for nominations and a vote of the membership present at the next
regular Chanter meeting.
F. The individuals elected to fill the vacancy of Vice-President and/or
Member-At-Large shall be eligible to take office only after filing with the Chapter
President or his/her designee, a cony of a motion or resolution ado to ed by the
member district Board of Directors supporting such a nomination.
Section 5.6 Removal of Officers
An officer of the Chapter may be removed, with or without cause, at any meeting of the
general membership by the affirmative vote of a majority of a quemm _ m of the
regular member districts.
Section 6.1 Duties of the President
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A. The President shall preside at all Chapter and Executive Committee meetings.
B. The President shall provide a meeting agenda to the Appointed Secretary or their
designee for circulation to the membership and shall perform any other duties that
may be required of the office.
C. The President shall have the power to appoint any committees as deemed
advisable or authorized by a vote of the Executive Committee or the membership.
D. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all Chapter committees except the
Nominating Committee.
E. The President or the President's designee shall be the official spokesperson for the
Chapter and the official Chapter representative to all California Special Districts
Association meetings.
F. The President or the President's designee shall be the official person in charge of
maintaining the Chanter's website (Website).
Section 6.2 Duties of the Vice President
A. The Vice President shall perform all the duties of President in the absence of the
B. It shall be the Vice President's responsibility to assist the President in every way
possible to further the goals of the Chapter.
C. The Vice President may be elevated to the office of President at the end of their
term and shall also be an ex-officio member of all Chapter Committees except the
Nominating Committee.
Section 6.3 Duties of the Member-At-Large
A. It shall be the Member-At-Large's responsibility to assist the President and Vice
President in every way possible to further the goals of the Chapter.
B. The Member-At-Large will serve on the Executive Committee.
C. The Member-At-Large will complete responsibilities as assigned to him/her by
the Executive Committee.
Section 6.4 Duties of the Appointed Secretary
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A. An appointed Secretary is the support staff from a member district.
B. The appointed secretary shall keep of caused to be kept at the principal office of
the Chapter a complete record of all membership and Chapter activities.
Section 6.5 Duties of the Appointed Treasurer
A. An appointed Treasurer shall collect and keep an accurate accounting of all
Chapter funds and financial transactions.
B. The Treasurer shall disburse funds as directed by the Executive Committee. The
Treasurer will prepare a financial report for every Chapter meeting.
C. Two (2) approvals shall be required from any member of the Executive
Committee to disburse Chapter funds.
D. It shall be the responsibility of the Treasurer to obtain and maintain the authorized
signatories cards required on the Chapter bank accounts whenever there is a
change in Chapter officers.
E. Prior to leaving office, all financial records and a complete statement of receipts
and disbursements shall be submitted to the President.
Section 7.1 Executive Committee
A. The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, Vice President and
B. It is the purpose of the Executive Committee to meet and provide leadership to the
C. The Executive Committee will give reports to the Chapter membership on a
regular basis.
Section 7.2 Website
A. The Website shall have meeting dates and agendas posted, as well as other content
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deemed necessary to conducting Chanter business.
B. The Website shall contain information on the Chanter's Executive Committee
(officers and contacts), the Chapter's Member Districts. and Associate Members.
C. The Website shall provide links to the Chanter's Newsletters.
D. The Website shall contain information on events relevant to the Chapter—its-
ha tep r—its
mission. history, and services.
E. The Website shall contain anyudates. notices and events of interest to the
Chapter membership, as deemed appropriate by the President or his/her desi ee.
Section 8.1 State Office of California Special Districts Association
A. The Contra Costa Special Districts Association shall be a separate Chapter in
Contra Costa County in support of the purposes and in cooperation with the
activities of the State office of the California Special Districts Association.
B. The Chapter will encourage each of its member districts to become a member of
the California Special Districts Association.
Section 9.1 Notification of Change
A. The Chapter shall have the power at any time to alter, amend or revise these
B. The requested change must be submitted in writing to the Appointed Secretary
who shall notify all members of the proposed amendment change not less than
thirty(30) days before the next regular membership meeting at which the
proposed amendment will be voted upon.
Section 9.2 Voting Requirements
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A. Voting by the member districts is required for changes to the Bylaws.
B. Any alteration, amendment or revision to the Bylaws require_either:
(il a two-thirds (2/3) vote of a Quorum of the Chapter member districts at
a duly noticed meeting or
ii a two-thirds (2/3) vote of a ,,,,,.f.,,m of 14eall Chapter member districts-
voted by written ballot(as set forth in Section
3.4). if written ballot has been authorized by the Executive Committee:
to implement any suchproposed�B lea changes .
C. Unless otherwise stipulated, all amendments to the Bylaws shall become effective
immediately following approval by the Chapter member districts.
Certificate by Chapter Secretary:
I, the undersigned, so hereby certify:
(1) That I am the duly Appointed Secretary of the Contra Costa Special Districts
Association, and
(2) That the foregoing Bylaws, comprising of fiftee isixteen (4-51Lz)pages,
constitute the complete Bylaws of said Chapter as duly adopted at a meeting of its
In Witness whereof, I hereunto subscribe my name this 24 of January, 292019.
(Signature of Appointed Chapter Secretary)
(Name of agency providing support services)
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