HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministration MINUTES 09-12-19 Page 2 of 6
President Pro Tem
PHONE: (925)228-9500
Thursday, September 12, 2019 EAx. cent alvan. rg
8:30 a.m.
Executive Conference Room
5019 Imhoff Place
Martinez, California
Chair David Williams
Member Mike McGill
Rick Hernandez, representing Local One (left after Item 3.c.)
Katie Young, Secretary of the District
Ann Sasaki, Deputy General Manager
Phil Leiber, Director of Finance and Administration
Teji O'Malley, Human Resources Manager
Christina Gee, Management Analyst
Donna Anderson, Assistant to the Secretary of the District
Heather Fryman, Administrative Assistant (left after Item 3.b.)
1. Call Meeting to Order
Chair Williams called the meeting to order at 8:36 a.m.
2. Public Comments
None, although it was suggested that Item 3.c. be heard out of order,
immediately after Item 2.
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September 12, 2019
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3. Items for Committee Recommendation to Board
a. Receive the Fiscal Year 2018-19 Strategic Plan Annual Report
This item was heard following Item 3.c., which was taken out of order.
Ms. Gee reviewed the presentation included with the agenda material.
The Committee was very pleased with the report. Member McGill asked if
the report could be made available to the Board next year in advance of
the 2020 annual Executive Management Team performance appraisals.
Staff said the final report in booklet form may not be available at that time,
but the accomplishments certainly could be provided to the Board for
earlier review. Both Committee Members agreed that would be very
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the report.
b. Receive update on Mentorship Program and presentation of Cycle 2
mentorship project on Evaluation of Central San's Appraisal Process
Ms. Gee reviewed the presentation included with the agenda material after
which she and Ms. O'Malley responded to several questions/comments
from the Committee as to the selection process for the mentors/mentees
and the feedback received from past participants which has been used to
develop program enhancements going forward.
Member McGill suggested that to the extent the new handbook being
developed for the program includes useful information for mentors, it
would be beneficial to incorporate that information into the curriculum for
the next session of the Management Leadership Academy.
Upon conclusion of the update, Ms. Fryman reviewed the presentation on
her mentorship project entitled "Evaluation of Central San's Appraisal
Process." The Committee thanked Ms. Fryman for an excellent report.
Member McGill said he is pleased that the new performance evaluation
forms will include general descriptors for appraisal categories, which
should help reduce bias. Ms. O'Malley said staff has been meeting with
both the Local One and Management Support/Confidential Group
bargaining units to review the forms. The unions have welcomed the
overall proposed changes to the process. As of now, Ms. O'Malley said it
is a matter of working out the details and the procedures for
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Chair Williams agreed with Member McGill that the new process certainly
appears to be an improvement. As a Board Member, he said he would be
interested in knowing how often appraisals are performed, what data can
be gleaned from them (including possible development of a performance
bell curve), and if raters are expected to compare performance both within
Central San and within the broader wastewater community. Ms. O'Malley
said evaluations are currently conducted on the employee's anniversary
and are based on an employee's current position. She added that, based
on experience at other companies, she would be very hesitant to develop
any sort of bell curve; however, the new process should provide Human
Resources with more meaningful data and an opportunity to make or
impact organizational changes based on the information.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update and presentation on the
mentorship project and provided input to staff.
C. Conduct biennial review of Board Policy No. BP 031 — Use of Temporary
This Item was heard out of order, immediately after Item 2, to
accommodate Mr. Hernandez, who was present for this item only.
Ms. Young explained that the only change recommended by staff to
BP 031 was the addition of a sentence requiring General Manager
approval for hiring temporary employees, which Ms. O'Malley said simply
codifies current practice.
Mr. Hernandez, representing Local One, said that Central San's temporary
employee program has worked very well in the past. Temps have
historically been used when employees are out or to help with peak
workloads. Of late, however, Local One has received complaints from
employees inquiring whether the temporary employee program is being
used as part of the recruitment process. He said this would conflict with
Title 4 (Personnel) of the District Code, which clearly sets forth the
recruitment process and is meant to provide equal opportunity. Local One
has no issue with the proposed change to the Policy as described by
Ms. Young; rather, it takes issue with the third and fourth bulleted reasons
for using temporary employees:
• Succession planning/retirements
• Backfilling vacant positions while awaiting a recruitment
He further explained that the problem is not so much with entry-level
positions. A problem arises when temps are used for positions that current
employees could move into, as is the case with the Permit Counter. He
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read from page 20 of the 2016 Succession Planning Summary Report that
recommended making the Cross-Training Pilot Program permanent to help
prepare for departures and retirements, and to cross train individuals to
assist the Permit Counter staff. He said he does not know why that has not
occurred. Instead of following that recommendation, outside consultants
and temps have been brought in to be trained on the job. Historically, in-
house administrative support employees have been utilized for that
purpose. The practice of using temps to fill vacant, non-entry-level positions
until someone is recruited can be problematic because it can give the temp
an edge over current employees who may be seeking to advance. He said
it can be used as a "back door"means of getting someone in place who will
have an opportunity to be groomed for the position.
Chair Williams asked Mr. Hernandez if he had a proposal for revising
BP 031. Mr. Hernandez said Local One would recommend striking the
third and fourth bullets from the Policy until there has been an opportunity
for further discussion.
Member McGill said that not bringing this policy forward to the Board at
this time does not necessarily address the two referenced bullets because
the policy already exists. He also said he could intellectually conceive
how someone might "game the system,"as described by Mr. Hernandez.
Having said that, he noted the Strategic Plan metric to fill vacant positions
is within 60 days. It was determined that this item should be revisited at a
future meeting, and the Committee requested the following information be
provided for that discussion:
1. Any relevant information from the current Memoranda of
Understanding regarding the inclusion of internal candidates as part
of the pool for open positions;
2. Any policies on backfilling and overfilling of positions;
3. Information as to why the past practice of rotating employees
among various divisions was ceased; and
4. Any relevant information from the 2016 Succession Planning
Summary Report.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended bringing this item back for
discussion at a future meeting with the information requested.
Upon conclusion of the above item, the Committee reverted back to the original agenda
order, starting with Item 3.a.
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4. Announcements
a. Ms. Young announced that staff is trying to schedule a four-hour active
shooter training session and she is waiting to hear from several Board
Members as to their availability. Chair Williams said a four-hour training is
a long time.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the announcement.
5. Suggestions for Future Agenda Items
a. Receive list of upcoming agenda items and provide suggestions for any
other future agenda items
1) Member McGill said he wished to add a future agenda item to
review and discuss a recent presentation from the August 2019
California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA) Conference
entitled "What Not to Email." It was noted that District Counsel
Kent Alm is reviewing the presentation and will provide his input
when it the item is discussed with the Committee.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the list.
6. Future Scheduled Meetings
Tuesday, October 15, 2019 at 8:30 a.m.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019 at 8:30 a.m.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019 at 8:30 a.m.
7. Adjournment— at 10:13 a.m.
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