HomeMy WebLinkAbout12.a. Second Quarter 2019 update on energy usage Page 1 of 2 Item 12.a. ,ek CENTRAL SAN SANITARYCENTRAL CONTRA COSTA , . August 15, 2019 TO: HONORABLE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM: CLINT SHIMA, SENIOR ENGINEER REVIEWED BY: LORI SCHECTEL, ENVIRONMENTALAND REGULATORY COMPLIANCE DIVISION MANAGER JEAN-MARC PETIT, DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERINGAND TECHNICAL SERVICES ROGER S. BAILEY, GENERAL MANAGER SUBJECT: RECEIVE SECOND QUARTER 2019 UPDATE ON CENTRAL SAN'S ENERGYUSAGE Central San actively tracks greenhouse (G HG) emissions to optimize the use of energy at its facilities in the most cost-effective and environmentally responsible manner. Attachment 1 contains a breakdown of Central San's energy usage for the month of June 2019 along with a comparison of the energy used during the second quarter of the calendar year. The chart shows the cost breakdown of PG&E and MCE electricity. Strategic Plan re-In GOAL THREE: Be a Fiscally Sound and Effective Water Sector Utility Strategy 2- Manage costs GOAL SIX: Embrace Technology, Innovation and Environmental Sustainability Strategy 2- Reduce reliance on non-renewable energy ATTACHMENTS: 1. June 2019 Energy Usage Report August 15, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 142 of 153 ATTACHMENT 1 CCCSD June 2019 Energy Usage HHWCF(Solar) Treatment Plant Monthly Total Energy Cost: $369,463 HHWCF(Gas and $585 Electricity)$27 0% 0% 87%of Total$ POD Reserv.&Serv. Charges(PG&E) $349 /MG Treated Misc(Gas and $22,539 7% Electricity) $2,276 1,795 kWh/MG Treated 1% POD Demand pro Charge(VICE) CSO Facility $46,961 14% 0.6%of Total$ CSO Solar, CSO Electricity, $5,634,84% POD Electricity $34,1% Import(VICE)IF $6,559 2% 2,QU •D aCSO Vehicle �., ACSOhicle ,9% Bay Electricity, gay Gas,$22, $431,6% 0% Pump Stations PG&E Charges 12%of Total$ trans.+dist.+etc. Moraga, $5,293, ( San Ramon,$11,368, 15% minus Reserv.& 33% Serv.Charges) Orinda Crossroads O � $59,803 18% $6,701,19% $59,047 Transmission 12 Other Pump Stations, OD Landfill Gas $1,625,5% $31,089 10% Concord Industrial, $872,3% Loy Fairview Lift Station, $866,3% Maltby,$1,073,3% Martinez,$1,781,5'. Operating Cost of CCCSD by Month TP Electricity Source in kWh TP MMBTU of Gas Consumed $400,000 5378,459 2,500 4s 369 463 $350,000 $352,050 $327,091 40 2,000 35 $300,000 F VE t m $250,000 3 30 1,500 c v 25 $200,000 � '° 3 20 $150,000 F 1,000 ° ~ 15 $100,000 10 500 $50,000 5 $0 0 0 Mar-19 Apr-19 May-19 Jun-19 Mar-19 Apr-19 May-19 Jun-19 Mar-19 Apr-19 May-19 Jun-1 ■PG&E Charges ■POD Reserv.&Serv.Charges ■POD Demand Charge ■Other Energy Charges Cogen ■Standby Power —PG&E ■Natural Gas ■Landfill Gas ■POD Landfill Gas ■Natural Gas Delivery ■POD Natural Gas TP Electricity by Source in kWh TP MMBTU of Gas Consumed TP Energy by Source in kWh 30 600 100 2.05 1U4,72 73 6.93 9025 500 807020 400 OS60 x15 ° 300 m501.68 2 40n 10 0 200 — L 30 25.98 26.36—29.27—29.58 ~ 20 — — — 5 $ 100 10 15.01 1111 — 0 0 0 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Year Year Year ■ l ■Cogen ■Standby Power ■PG&E ■Natural Gas ■Landfill Gas ers WHB Steam ■Cogen Steam Aux Boi ■Cogen Electrical ■Standby Power ■PG&E This month CCCSD produced and purchased electricity at an average rate of $0,1492 /kWh(including maintenance) Anthropogenic GHG Emissions Renewable Energy Landfill Gas Compared to $0,1947 /kWh if exclusively from PG&E MT CO2e Profile 7,230 MMBtu 25000 16% Generation breaks even with PG&E at $7.48 /MMBTU Recovered Waste Heat 20000 ` 5,350 MMBtu / 11% Natural gas was purchased at 15000 Solar arate of $3.01 /MMBTU N 10,953 116 MMBtu eq. Ou 10000 0.25% Total Non-Renewable 34,108 MMBtu VICE Renewables Natural gas transmission cost $1,78 /MMBTU 5000 73% 117 MMBtu eq. 0.25% 0 CCCSD produces steam at an average rate of $0.0024 /Ib steam August 15, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 143 of 153