HomeMy WebLinkAbout05. Adopt revision to BP 032 - Reimbursement of Toastmaster Dues Page 1 of 3 Item 5. CENTRAL SAN BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER MEETING DATE: AUGUST 15, 2019 SUBJECT: ADOPT REVISION TO BOARD POLICY NO. BP 032 - REIMBURSEMENT OF TOASTMASTERS DUES SUBMITTED BY: INITIATING DEPARTMENT: KATIE YOUNG, SECRETARY OF THE SECRETARYOF THE DISTRICT DISTRICT Roger S. Bailey General Manager ISSUE Board approval is required for revisions to Board Policies. Revisions are proposed for Board Policy No. B P 032 - Reimbursement of Toastmasters Dues. BACKGROUND All Board Policies are reviewed by staff at least every two years, after which they are brought before a Board Committee for review. If no changes are recommended either by staff or the Committee, Board Policies are returned to the queue for review in another two years. However, if revisions are recommended, Board Policies are brought to the full Board for consideration. I n this case, the Administration Committee has recommended a minor change to BP 032 - Reimbursement of Toastmasters Dues, and staff has concurred. A strikeout version of the policy indicating the proposed revision is attached. ALTERNATIVES/CONSIDERATIONS The Board may choose not to adopt the proposed change, or it could provide other direction to staff. FINANCIAL IMPACTS None. August 15, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 101 of 153 Page 2 of 3 COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION The Administration Committee reviewed the proposed changes to BP 032 at its meeting on August 6, 2019 and recommended Board adoption. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION Adopt proposed revision to Board Policy No. B P 032 - Reimbursement of Toastmasters Dues. Stratedc Plan Tie-In GOAL TWO: Strive to Meet Regulatory Requirements Strategy 3- Comply with all federal, state, and local regulations related to District administration ATTACHMENTS: 1. Proposed BP 032 - Reimbursement of Toastmasters Dues (in strikeout) August 15, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 102 of 153 Page 3 of 3 Number: BP 032 Authority: Board of Directors Effective: August 17, 2017 Revised: August 15, 2019 ----- oo Reviewed: Initiating Dept./Div.: Administration CENTRALSAN BOARD POLICY REIMBURSEMENT OF TOASTMASTER DUES PURPOSE To establish a policy to reimburse employees for Toastmaster dues. POLICY The Board of DireGtOrc wishes teCentral San will Gentins a the praGtiGe of reimburs6Rg District employees for Toastmaster membership dues to improve public speaking training and leadership skills of its employees. [Original Retained by the Secretary of the District] August 15, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 103 of 153