HomeMy WebLinkAbout02.b. Approve minutes of 08-01-19 Board meeting Page 1 of 10
Item 2.b.
August 15, 2019
Attached are the draft minutes of the above Board meeting.
1. Draft Board Minutes 08-01-19
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Board Room President Pro Tent
Thursday, August 1, 2019 PAUL CAUSEY
1'30 p.m. JAMES
Open Session — Board Room
(Video recorded)
A regular meeting of the Board of Directors was called to order by President Pro Tem
Michael R. McGill at 1:30 p.m. Secretary Pro Tem Donna Anderson called roll:
PRESENT. Members: Causey, Nejedly (left at 2:30 p.m.), Pilecki, McGill
ABSENT.- Members: Williams
The Board, staff and audience joined in the Pledge of Allegiance.
1. New employee:
• Cassandra Butler, Staff Engineer, Engineering and Technical Services
Department, Capital Projects Division, effective July 11, 2019
BOARD ACTION: Welcomed Ms. Butler.
No comments.
These summary minutes are supplemented by a corresponding video recording available on the District's
website at centralsan.org.
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2. Receive presentation on potential solar energy opportunities at Central San
Program Manager for Resource Recovery Melody LaBella reviewed the first portion
of the presentation included with the agenda material, and Mr. Russell Driver of ARC
Alternatives (ARC) reviewed the second portion of the presentation.
The presentation was followed by a lengthy discussion involving ARC's
recommendation to consider pursuing their Scenario 2 for a Large Renewable Energy
Bill Credit Transfer(RES-BCT) System that would benefit all the major pump stations
as well as the treatment plant, as described on page 11 (slide 22) of the presentation.
The primary area of focus for this option would be the Lagiss buffer property on Blum
Road. It provides the clearest opportunity for a large solar array due to its location
and size, could provide more capacity than is needed at this time, and could coexist
with the cattle grazing that is currently on the property. The proposed solar array
would be located on the north slope to avoid visual impact to residents. It was also
noted that the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) process would be
required, as would community outreach to neighboring properties.
Mr. Driver discussed the various solar interconnection options with the Pacific Gas &
Electric (PG&E) power grid, which included the RES-BCT, a program that is only
available to public agencies. Under RES-BCT, a public agency can install a solar
system and export that solar power to the grid, generating dollar credits that can be
used to offset the energy component of any electricity bills for up to 50 PG&E
accounts owned by the same public agency, as long as they are in the same county.
Mr. Driver also noted that, after reviewing the financial aspects of all three scenarios
developed during ARC's analysis, Scenario 2 appears to be the best option. ARC's
financial model projects a net benefit of over$4 million in 20 years, with a cumulative
positive cash flow after six years. He added that the financial model assumed a
conservative three percent utility escalation for grid electricity and a power purchase
agreement (PPA) price of nine cents per kilowatt hour for solar power for 25 years.
Member Causey opined that the concept of sustainability should be incorporated in
any future energy plans. Director of Engineering and Technical Services Jean-Marc
Petit said ARC was hired to look at potential options for solar energy at Central San
and was not asked to analyze sustainability factors at this juncture. Member Causey
said he would be interested in receiving information on this aspect when considering
energy alternatives.
Member Pilecki clarified that Central San would not be investing funds in a solar array
system; instead, it would enter into a PPA with a selected vendor, the only obligation
for Central San being to purchase output from the system. Mr. Driver explained that
some of the up-front development costs (consultant costs and those related to
CEQA) may be able to be bundled into the PPA if desired by the District.
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Referring to slide 29 of page 15 of the presentation, Ms. LaBella outlined the next
steps if the Board wished to move forward with Scenario 2, the first being to conduct
a complete financial analysis.
Member Pilecki recanted part of the discussion on this item from the July 22, 2019,
Real Estate, Environmental & Planning (RESP) Committee meeting, regarding the
inability to rely on this potential new solar array to power the treatment plant in the
event that PG&E's grid goes down (in response to fire risk or in the event of an
earthquake). At the REEP meeting, Mr. Driver explained that in order to rely on the
power from a solar array interconnected with PG&E's grid, when the grid goes down,
a microgrid would need to be constructed at a significant additional expense.
Member Pilecki added that he would like this option looked at as part of the analysis.
Member Causey expressed great enthusiasm for pursuing the proposed option as
soon as possible. Member Nejedly agreed.
In response to a comment by President Pro Tem McGill, Engineering Assistant 111
Russ Leavitt addressed the Board regarding CEQA requirements and his opinion as
to what would be involved for this type of project.
Member Pilecki made a motion to direct staff to complete a detailed financial analysis
for the proposed project for presentation to the REEP Committee. If it still makes
financial sense, then staff could proceed with the remaining steps and, ultimately,
make a recommendation to the full Board. Member Causey was supportive of
conducting the analysis but preferred the motion not be limited based on whether the
project makes financial sense because there may be non-economic benefits to a
project of this nature that merit consideration. If the motion were amended to direct
staff just to complete the detailed financial analysis and present it to the Board, he
would second it. Member Pilecki approved modifying his motion in accordance with
Member Causey's comments. Member Causey seconded the modified motion.
A discussion took place during which it was pointed out that (1) Board Policy No.
BP 027— Energy mandates that PPAs must result in positive cash flow within
five years, (2) staff could incorporate a triple-bottom-line component as part of the
financial analysis, and (3) any costs associated with this project will be categorized as
operations and maintenance as opposed to capital.
District Counsel Kent Alm cautioned that the item was agendized for the Board to
provide input to staff, the motion on the table was silent as to providing authority to
cover costs associated with performing the financial analysis. Member Pilecki said
any costs related to conducting a detailed financial analysis were well within General
Manager authority. Therefore, he modified his earlier motion as indicated below, with
concurrence by Member Causey.
BOARD ACTION: Motion was made by Member Pilecki and seconded by
Member Causey to direct staff to complete a detailed financial analysis with
respect to the solar array option described as Scenario 2 for presentation to
both the REEP Committee and the Board, provided that any costs associated
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with the analysis be within General Manager authority limits. Motion passed
by unanimous vote of the Board Members present. [3-0-2; President Williams
and Member Nejedly absent.]
3. Approve expenditures dated August 1 , 2019
4. Set September 5, 2019 as the date for Board consideration of Fiscal Year 2019-20
Appropriations Limit
5. Adopt Resolution Nos. 2019-042 through 2019-050 recognizing 2019 Service Award
BOARD ACTION: Motion was made by Member Pilecki and seconded by Member
Causey to adopt the Consent Calendar as recommended. Motion passed by
unanimous vote of the Board Members present. [3-0-2; President Williams and
Member Nejedly absent.]
6. Consider authorizing the General Manager to: 1) execute two professional
consulting services agreements, each with a three-year term, in an aggregate
amount not to exceed $675,000 to provide Right-of-Way on-call services; 2) execute
one professional consulting services agreement with a one-year term in an amount
not to exceed $250,000 to provide on-call services for the Permit Counter; and
3) temporarily increase the total number of Full Time Equivalent (FTE) staff by two
additional FTEs
General Manager Roger S. Bailey said an updated presentation was distributed to
the Board shortly before the meeting to address questions posed by Member
Causey prior to the meeting. Member Causey said he would prefer the matter be
postponed to the next meeting when the full Board is expected to be present to allow
time to review the additional information. Mr. Petit said the issue is time sensitive
because the consulting agreements that have been in place to provide support
services for Right-of-Way (ROW) and the Permit Counter expired July 31, 2019.
Having said that, Mr. Bailey said staff could postpone the item to the next meeting if
that was the desire of the Board.
Member Pilecki proposed that staff proceed with the presentation, after which a
decision may be made whether to postpone the matter. President Pro Tem McGill
concurred, after which Planning and Development Services Manager Danea
Gemmell reviewed the updated presentation. After explaining the various
alternatives, she said staff was recommending:
1. For ROW support: Hiring two consultants to provide on-call services for three
years; and
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2. For Permit Count support:
a. Temporarily adding two FTEs (for approximately two years) due to an
upcoming leave of absence and staff retirements, and
b. Hiring a consultant to provide on-call services for one year to allow for
recruitment of the two FTEs and to cover gaps in staffing due to the leave
of absence and anticipated retirements.
Ms. Gemmell said that while the rate of activity at the Permit Counter has been
relatively steady over the last four years, the workload is expected to increase
substantially over the next six months due to changes to the Uniform Building Code
starting January 1, 2020, which will require solar as part of all new single-family
residences and remodels. The Permit Counter is open nine hours per day with no
break for lunch and is currently being staffed by three FTEs and one consultant from
4Leaf, Inc.
Regarding the proposed ROW consulting agreements, Member Causey asked how
much has been spent during the past year on ROW consulting services.
Ms. Gemmell said the magnitude of annual expense has been the same as that
proposed for the new three-year agreements, which are recommended for the
purposes of comprehensiveness and efficiency.
In response to a question from Member Pilecki, Ms. Gemmell said it takes a full year
or longer to train someone to full proficiency at the Permit Counter. Member Pilecki
also pointed out that mainline review is not performed by Permit Counter staff.
President Pro Tem McGill pointed out two things: (1) temporary employees hired by
the District have no expectation of being hired on as staff, and (2) the Board has
delegated the authority to the General Manager to appoint up to five "transitional
positions"at any given time to backfill positions vacated due to extended leaves of
absence or as necessary to address succession planning, all of which are being
utilized at the present time, leaving none available for this purpose.
Ms. Gemmell reviewed the Cost Alternative Analysis slide of her updated
presentation, during which Member Pilecki noted that if the Board were to authorize
the staff recommendation, it would cost at most an additional$103,000 over the
three-year period. This would be the worst-case scenario and would only occur if
none of the anticipated retirements occurred. Member Causey asked what happens
if those expected to retire choose not to do so during the next two years. Member
Pilecki said staff retirements may be affected starting in 2021 by changes in the
Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs). Mr. Petit stated that as soon as the two new
FTEs are hired, the one-year contract with 4Leaf, Inc. would be cancelled.
President Pro Tem McGill said that when family leave occurs, the employee is not
available to perform the work, but the work still needs to be done, such as will occur
soon with one of the Permit Counter employees. When a temporary employee or
retiree is brought in to help with the workload, there is an added cost to the District
no matter what.
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Regarding the new Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system that is currently
being implemented, Member Causey asked if plan review at the Permit Counter will
be simplified with electronic plans versus paper plans. Ms. Gemmell said staff has
begun working with electronic plans from the City of Walnut Creek related to the
Walnut Creek Transit Village but widespread use of electronic plans as part of the
ERP process has not yet been determined.
Member Causey asked how the staff-recommended action would affect performance
metrics for the Permit Counter, to which Mr. Bailey said this proposal is workload
driven and not related to customer survey results. Member Causey said a metric
that measures the average amount of time a customer spends at the Permit Counter
would be meaningful in his opinion. Mr. Petit referenced the Permit Counter Activity
Report included with the presentation, adding that if this proposal is not approved,
there may be periods of time when the Permit Counter will have to be closed.
Bottom line, President Pro Tem McGill said that staff recommends staffing the
Permit Counter with the current level of four persons and the question is how best to
accomplish that. Member Pilecki said that given the involved process of training
Permit Counter personnel, he was convinced that staff's proposal was reasonable
and he saw no reason to postpone the vote to the next meeting. President Pro Tem
McGill said he appreciated staff having developed all the alternatives for the Board
to consider. Reiterating Member Pilecki's earlier comment, he said that
implementing staff's recommendation would, at most, result in an additional cost of
$34,000 per year, but he noted it could easily be less than that.
Member Pilecki moved staff's recommendation, and President Pro Tem McGill
seconded. District Counsel Kent Alm asked if the motion also included the
agreements for ROW support services. Member Pilecki said yes, and asked
Member Causey if he had any concerns about the proposed ROW agreements.
Member Causey said he had more concerns about the proposed approach for the
Permit Counter support services and believed the full Board should be present for
the discussion, particularly since new information was presented just prior to the
meeting. It would be his preference to postpone any decision to the next meeting.
President Pro Tem McGill asked Member Pilecki to clarify his motion.
BOARD ACTION: Motion was made by Member Pilecki and seconded by
President Pro Tem McGill to:
• Authorize the General Manager to execute professional consulting services
agreements with the following firms to provide on-call services for the
Planning and Development Services Division:
0 4Leaf, Inc. with a cost ceiling of$250,000 with a one-year term for Permit
Counter services;
o Associated Right of Way Services, Inc. with a cost ceiling of
$450,000 with a three-year term for Right-of-Way services; and
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o Kathleen West Rodriguez with a cost ceiling of $225,000 with a three-
year term for Right-of-Way services.
• Authorize the General Manager to temporarily add two FTEs to provide
Permit Counter support, increasing the total number of FTEs from 291 to
293 to provide the services in-house rather than hiring consultants, with
the understanding that this temporary increase in the total number of FTEs
would be reduced back to the approved amount of 291 FTEs upon staff
retirements expected in Fiscal Year 2019-20 or Fiscal Year 2020-21.
Motion passed by the following vote:
AYES: Members: Pilecki, McGill
NOES: Members: Causey
ABSENT: Members: Nejedly, Williams
7. General Manager— Announcements
a. Announcements —August 1, 2019
1) Permit Counter to be temporarily relocated starting August 26, 2019
2) Staff to attend 92nd Annual Water Environment Federation Technical
Exhibition and Conference in Chicago, Illinois from September 21-25,
3) Employee Appreciation Summer Picnic scheduled for August 14, 2019
4) Central San recognized with Utility of the Future Today distinction
5) Staff to present at the Tri-State Conference from August 6-8, 2019 in
Las Vegas, Nevada
No further announcements were made during the meeting.
BOARD ACTION: Received the announcements.
8. Counsel for the District - No report.
9. Secretary of the District
Ms. Anderson announced the following upcoming Committee meetings:
• Administration — Tuesday, August 6 at 8:30 a.m.
• Engineering & Operations — Tuesday, August 13 at 2:00 p.m.
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Ms. Anderson also reminded the Board Members that the Annual Employee
Appreciation Picnic will be held Wednesday, August 14 at 11:30 a.m.
BOARD ACTION: Received the announcements.
10. Board Members — Committee Minutes
a. July 22, 2019 — Real Estate, Environmental & Planning Committee —
Chair Pilecki and Member McGill
b. July 23, 2019 — Finance Committee — Chair Causey and Member Nejedly
BOARD ACTION: Received the Committee minutes.
11. Board Members - Reports and Announcements
Board Member reports on recent meetings or conferences for which they received the stipend or for
which the District paid their expenses.
a. Member Causey - No report.
Member Causey reported in some detail about a recent meeting he had
attended of the California Water Environment Association (CWEA)
Collections Committee. Member Pilecki commented that many of the issues
raised were of interest to Central San, to which Member Causey said the
California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA) is very much involved.
He also noted that Collection System Operations Division Manager Paul Seitz
has been following the collection system issues very closely. A written copy
of his report was incorporated as a handout as part of the agenda backup
Member McGill
President Pro Tem McGill provided a written report covering his
announcements and other meetings.
Member Nejedly - No report.
Member Pilecki - No report.
BOARD ACTION: Received the reports and announcements.
12. Board Members - Requests for Stipend/Reimbursement or Conference Attendance
Authorization to receive a stipend for meeting attendance or expense reimbursement not specifically
addressed in the current Board Compensation Resolution, or authorization for conference attendance
not previously approved by the Board.
No requests.
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The meeting was adjourned at 4:09 p.m.
Michael R. McGill, P.E.
President Pro Tem of the Board of Directors
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
County of Contra Costa, State of California
Donna M. Anderson
Secretary Pro Tem of the District
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
County of Contra Costa, State of California
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