HomeMy WebLinkAboutReal Estate, Environmental & Planning MINUTES 07-22-19 Page 2 of 6
MINUTES PHONE: (925)228-9500
FAX. (925)372-0192
Monday, July 22, 2019
10:00 a.m.
2N1 Floor Conference Room
5019 Imhoff Place
Martinez, California
Chair Tad Pilecki
Member Mike McGill
Russell Driver, Arc Alternatives
Roger S. Bailey, General Manager
Katie Young, Secretary of the District
Ann Sasaki, Deputy General Manager
Jean-Marc Petit, Director of Engineering and Technical Services
Danea Gemmell, Planning and Development Services Division Manager
Edgar Lopez, Capital Projects Division Manager
Emily Barnett, Communication Services and Intergovernmental Relations Manager (left after 4.c.)
Melody LaBella, Resource Recovery Program Manager
Lori Schectel, Environmental and Regularoty Compliance Division Manager
Dan Frost, Senior Engineer
Tim Potter, Environmental Compliance Superintendent (left after Item 4.c.)
Kim Stahl, Development Services Supervisor (left after Item 3.a.)
Chris Carpenter, Community Affairs Representative (left after Item 4.b.)
Amanda Cauble, Associate Engineer (left after Item 3.a.)
1. Call Meeting to Order
Chair Pilecki called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.
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July 22, 2019
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2. Public Comments
Chair Pilecki said Item 4.a. would be heard out of order.
3. Items for Committee Recommendation to Board
a. Review draft Position Paper to authorize the General Manager to execute
three (3) professional consulting services agreements, each with a three-year
term in an aggregate amount not to exceed $1,325,000 over the three-year
term ending June 30, 2022, to provide on-call services for the Planning and
Development Services Division
Item 3.a. was heard immediately after Item 4.a.
Ms. Cauble reviewed the presentation included in the agenda materials.
Chair Pilecki requested that staff clarify that the cost of the Permit Counter
contracts are included in the implementation of the Enterprise Resource
Planning (ERP) replacement project in the Position Paper when presented to
the Board. Ms. Gemmell confirmed that is was indeed included.
Member McGill requested that alternatives be included in the Position Paper
so the public can see that the District has considered other possible options.
Chair Pilecki agreed with Member McGill and suggested a couple of
alternatives for staff's consideration: (1) have the General Manager request
additional full-time equivalent (FTE) positions to help with succession planning
for the Planning and Development Services Division; and (2) consider a
shorter-term contract with 4Leaf, Inc. for the Permit Counter staff
augmentation in the interim while recruiting for the FTEs.
There was a lengthy discussion on the FTE count, and the FTE costs versus
implementing the proposed permit counter contract with 4Leaf, Inc.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and recommended the item be brought
before the full Board for consideration and discussion with
recommended alternatives added to the Position Paper.
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July 22, 2019
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4. Other Items
a. Receive update on Bay Area Pilot Stormwater Diversions to Sanitary Sewer
Mr. Potter reviewed the presentation included in the agenda materials.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update.
b. Receive update on Central San Solar Energy Opportunities
This item was heard out of order, immediately after Item 2.
Ms. LaBella and Mr. Driver reviewed the presentation included in the agenda
In response to a question from Chair Pilecki as to why the overflow basins are
not being considered as potential sites for solar at this time, Ms. LaBella stated
that the economics would likely not be attractive due to the soil conditions
being inadequate (Bay mud) and there are maintenance concerns about
having the piers for the solar arrays in our overflow basins. Mr. Petit added
that since Central San has an option that avoids using the overflow basins,
staff decided to consider the Lagiss property instead.
Chair Pilecki inquired about potential savings for a solar project as compared
to what Central San is currently spending on energy. Ms. LaBella replied that
under the recommended Scenario 2, there would be approximately$4 million
in savings over 25 years and that it would be cash positive within 6 years. She
added that since the District's Energy Policy states that the District must be
cash positive after five years, the economics could be adjusted to adhere to
the Policy; however, it would slightly reduce the savings over the 25-year life of
the project.
Member McGill inquired if anything else can be done on the land in
conjunction with the solar panels. Mr. Petit responded that renting space for
cattle grazing, which is the current use of that property, could continue, as the
solar arrays would be fenced.
In response to a question from Chair Pilecki, Mr. Driver stated that the solar
panels would likely be stationed at a fixed tilt and the responsibility of cleaning
the panels will be included in the power purchase agreement. That choice
(using panels that are fixed vs. track the sun) would be made by the proposers
while evaluating the economics of the solar project.
There was discussion regarding flight paths for the nearby airport and potential
glare from solar panels. Staff stated that those issues could be addressed as
part of the environmental impact report, however, staff believes the potential
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Lagiss property site is far enough away from the airport so as not to be
affected by these concerns. Mr. Driver also stated that anti-glare or low glare
solar panels are available as an option.
Member McGill stated that this item should be presented to the full Board with
more specific details on implementation for consideration and consensus on
direction for staff.
Chair Pilecki made the following suggestions for the presentation: (1) label the
sites "1-2-3"and the scenarios "a-b-c'; (2) explain why that the pond areas are
not included in the evaluation sites; (3) provide background information on the
differences between Renewable Energy Bill Credit Transfer(RES-BCT) and
Net Energy Metering Aggregation (NEM-A); and (4) add a cash flow analysis
of the approximate costs on the Next Steps for Solar Energy slide.
Mr. Bailey stated that intended distinction between kilowatt and net dollars in
the presentation are not apparent and asked staff to clarify that information for
the Board Members.
Member McGill requested staff provide the Committee with an update on the
performance of our existing solar arrays.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update.
Mr. Driver left the meeting after which Chair Pilecki resumed the agenda order by
returning to Item 3.a.
C. Receive information regarding proposal to provide recreational vehicle (RV)
dump station on premises
Mr. Petit and Ms. Gemmell reviewed the presentation included in the agenda
materials. Ms. Gemmell stated that no amendment to the land use permit
would be required as RV septic waste is part of our business.
Mr. Lopez reviewed existing RV/trailer dump stations within Central San's
service area and the benefits to customers.
In response to a question regarding chemical contamination, Mr. Potter stated
that generally RV waste disinfection is not as aggressive as other chemicals.
Ms. Gemmell stated that last week PG&E approached Central San about
renting the remaining unused area of the Kiewit property (4.5 acres) for
hardening infrastructure in the Diablo Valley area. In light of this inquiry, an
opportunity for Central San to collaborate with PG&E on the mutual benefit of
the existing land may be possible and will be explored. Member McGill asked if
PG&E would cover some of the costs.
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Member McGill stated staff should continue negotiations with PG&E and also
move forward with the RV dump station design.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the information and provided input to
d. Receive update on the Diablo Country Club Satellite Water Recycling Facility
Demonstration Project
Due to time constraints, this item was postponed to a future meeting.
e. Receive written update on the most recent meeting of the Bay Area Clean
Water Agencies (BACWA)
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update.
5. Announcements
6. Suggestions for future agenda items
a. Receive list of upcoming agenda items and provide suggestions for any other
future agenda items
• As mentioned above in Item 4.b. Member McGill requested staff provide
the Committee with an update on the performance of the existing solar
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the list and provided input to staff.
7. Future scheduled meetings
Monday, August 26, 2019 at 9:00 a.m.
Monday, September 16, 2019 at 9:00 a.m.
Monday, October 21 , 2019 at 8:30 a.m. (meeting time changed to 8:00 a.m.)
8. Adjournment— at 12:27 p.m.
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