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Item 11.a.
July 25, 2019
Attached are minutes of the above Committee meeting.
1.Administration Committee Minutes 07-09-19
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President Pro Tem
PHONE: (925)228-9500
FAX.- (925)372-0192
Tuesday, July 9, 2019 www.centralvan.org
8:30 a.m.
Executive Conference Room
5019 Imhoff Place
Martinez, California
Chair David Williams
Member Mike McGill
W. Daniel Clinton, Principal Counsel of Hanson Bridget LLP
Roger S. Bailey, General Manager
Katie Young, Secretary of the District
Ann Sasaki, Deputy General Manager
Phil Leiber, Director of Finance and Administration
Teji O'Malley, Human Resources Manager
Todd Smithey, Finance Administrator (present for Item 3.b. only)
Donna Anderson, Assistant to the Secretary of the District
Shenae Howard, Administrative Assistant (left after Item 3.a.)
1. Call Meeting to Order
Chair Williams called the meeting to order at 8:31 a.m.
2. Public Comments
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3. Other Items
a. Receive "Engage" Employee Wellness Program Annual Report
Ms. O'Malley reviewed the presentation included with the agenda material
and introduced Ms. Howard, Chair of the Wellness Committee.
During last year's report on the Wellness Program, Member McGill asked
if any measurable statistics or linkages exist as to how the program
ultimately benefits the ratepayers. Ms. O'Malley said she is still trying to
find a direct, measurable correlation or causal effect, but at this point there
are no measurable metrics. In response to an inquiry from Member
McGill, as to performing a regression analysis by age of workforce and
sick days used, Ms. O'Malley said sick days are not always associated
with an employee's health so that type of analysis would not provide
useful data. Any meaningful metrics that come to light that might help
determine a direct, measurable nexus between employee health and the
Wellness Program will be incorporated into future reports.
Given that approximately one-third of the employees currently participate
in the program, a brief discussion took place as to whether they represent
a broad cross-section of employees. Ms. Howard said that, in her opinion,
employee participation is a fair representation of the employee base.
Many employees have expressed to her that they feel no need to join
because they exercise regularly and obtain the same biometrics offered
through the Wellness Program from their own doctors.
Chair Williams thanked Ms. Howard and Ms. O'Malley for their work with
the Wellness Program. Ms. Howard thanked the Committee for their
support and Ms. O'Malley for giving the Wellness Committee more
structure and definition over the last several years.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the report.
Mr. Clinton joined the meeting, at which time Chair Williams said Item 3.d. would be
heard out of order.
b. Receive update on premium rate adjustments for CalPERS Medical Plans
for Calendar Year 2019
Item 3.b. was heard immediately after Item 3.d.
Ms. O'Malley highlighted some of the information included in the agenda
material, stating that, after considering all rate adjustments, the overall
average premium increase for all Ca1PERS health plans was 4.65%. The
rates for Kaiser Permanente and Health Net SmartCare increased by
0.03% and 10.98%, respectively. In response to a question from Member
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McGill, Ms. O'Malley said staff was expecting an increase of
approximately 28% for Health Net if the transition to Ca1PERS had not
Given that roughly 70% of employees opt for Kaiser coverage, Chair
Williams commented that having such a slight increase for most of the
employees was very good news. Ms. O'Malley agreed, noting that even
with the Health Net increase, the savings is still significant, and within the
range of savings that had been anticipated at the time the decision was
made to switch to Ca1PERS.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update.
C. Receive update on constructive receipt issue related to District leave
cash-out practices
Ms. O'Malley explained that in 2017, it was discovered that Central San
was not in compliance with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regulations
regarding the constructive receipt doctrine, in which the IRS considers
income to be "received"for tax purposes if the individual either receives it
or has an option to receive it during that tax year.
Staff met with all three bargaining units in October 2017 to discuss current
accrued leave cash-out practices for both accumulated vacation time and
earned overtime. Ms. O'Malley stated that the bargaining units do not
want to lose the ability to make elective buybacks. It was hoped that an
agreement could be reached during the recently completed labor
negotiations, but that did not occur. Meetings have been scheduled later
this month to revisit the issue.
Chair Williams asked how many elective buybacks occur each year.
Ms. O'Malley said that roughly 60 employees per year take advantage of
the option. These cash-outs are properly taxed, but employees not
electing to make a sale are not taxed. This potentially creates tax
liabilities for the employees and Central San may be subject to penalties.
She also noted that the IRS has the right to reach back up to three years.
Ms. O'Malley reviewed the five options explained in the agenda material
for bringing Central San's practices into IRS compliance, noting that most
agencies implement the first option which requires employees to
irrevocably elect an accrued leave cash-out in advance. She concluded
by stating that the purpose of the update was informational only and that
the Committee will receive an update after meetings with the bargaining
units have taken place.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update.
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d. Discuss succession planning from Principal Counsel W. Daniel Clinton of
Hanson Bridget LLP
This item was heard out of order, immediately after Item 3.a.
Mr. Clinton, the District's long-term labor counsel, said the reason for his
visit was that the Committee had asked him to think about a transition plan
for labor counsel services given that he may have plans to retire at some
point. He said that request caused him to think about what he is
committed to in terms of his future services. He is willing to commit for the
current and next calendar years (2019 and 2020); beyond that, he is not
sure. Therefore, a transition will occur at the end of 2020. Mr. Clinton
noted that the Committee had also mentioned issuing a Request for
Proposal (RFP) for the services he has been providing Central San.
Mr. Clinton said he discussed the situation with his firm and identified one
of their partners, Jennifer Martinez, as a potentially good fit for Central
San. Ms. Martinez is a rising star at Hanson Bridget with at least 10 years'
experience. She has been a partner for approximately two years and has
expressed enthusiasm about the prospect of succeeding him.
In terms of the transition itself, Mr. Clinton said there would be a hard stop
at the end of 2020, but he would never leave Central San in a lurch and
would be willing to assist as long as needed during the transition period,
whether or not the new counsel is with Hanson Bridget. He added that
there is no training involved if a new firm were hired. Any new person will
have a learning curve to become familiar with Central San, and he would
be willing to assist if needed.
Mr. Clinton identified two challenges for the transition. First, in terms of
volume of work, he said Central San's current labor situation is as calm as
he has ever experienced, and it has never been particularly voluminous
from his perspective. There are currently no work opportunities for
Ms. Martinez to interact with Central San's staff and Board. Second,
arriving at an appropriate billing rate for Ms. Martinez presents a
challenge. It would be significantly below his current rate but would also
need to be high enough so that Ms. Martinez is incentivized to work with
Central San.
In terms of historical knowledge regarding past practices, Ms. O'Malley
stated that since she joined the District in 2012, staff has documented all
Central San's labor issues and she feels comfortable that the historical
information regarding past labor practices are well documented.
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Mr. Clinton said he would like to introduce Ms. Martinez to the Committee
and staff in about three months'time.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Held the discussion and welcomed the idea of
meeting Ms. Martinez several months from now.
Mr. Clinton left the meeting after which Chair Williams resumed the agenda order by
returning to Item 3.b.
e. Receive annual status report on biennial review of Board Policies
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the report.
f. Receive list of future agenda items
Member McGill inquired about his earlier suggestion that security issues
be reviewed, including those related to the Board Room, and that active
shooter training be provided. Ms. Young said that suggestion has been
combined as part of the discussion related to potential options for
improving the Board Room, which is scheduled to come to the Committee
later this summer.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the list.
4. Announcements
a. Mr. Bailey announced that he will postpone Item 7 on the July 11, 2019
Board agenda Consent Calendar regarding revisions to Board Policy No.
BP 006— Records Management Program and the records retention
schedules because there is now time to have the matter reviewed by the
Administration Committee before it is considered by the full Board.
5. Future Scheduled Meetings
a. Tuesday, August 6, 2019 at 8:30 a.m.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019 at 8:30 a.m.
Thursday, September 12, 2019 at 8:30 a.m.
6. Suggestions for Future Agenda Items
a. Mr. Bailey and Mr. Leiber stated that the risk inventory discussed at the
last meeting, which has been developed by staff and finalized with an
outside consultant, will be brought to the Administration Committee for
review in the near future before it is presented to the full Board.
7. Adjournment— at 9:54 a.m.
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