HomeMy WebLinkAbout16.a. Provide voting direction re CSDA Board (Bay Area Network Seat B) Page 1 of 8 Item 16.a. ,ek CENTRAL SAN SANITARYCENTRAL CONTRA COSTA , . July 11, 2019 TO: HONORABLE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM: MICHAEL R. MCGILL - BOARD MEMBER REVIEWED BY: KATIE YOUNG, SECRETARYOF THE DISTRICT ROGER S. BAILEY, GENERAL MANAGER SUBJECT: PROVIDE DIRECTION TO MEMBER MCGILL, THE DISTRICT'S REPRESENTATIVE AND VOTING DELEGATE FOR THE CONTRA COSTA CHAPTER OF THE CALIFORNIA SPECIAL DISTRICTS ASSOCIATION (CSDA), ON HOW TO VOTE AT THE UPCOMING CSDA ELECTION FOR REPRESENTATIVES OF THE BAYAREA NETWORK, SEAT B, FOR WHICH BALLOTS ARE DUE BYAUGUST 9, 2019 Attached is a memo from Board Member Michael McGill regarding the upcoming election for the California Special District Association (CSDA), Bay Area Network, Seat B. Central San is requested to vote for one candidate via internet ballot no later than August 9, 2019. ATTACHMENTS: 1. McGill Memo and Attachments July 11, 2019 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 234 of 241 Page 2 of 8 ` CENTRAL SAN CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT DATE: July 11, 2019 TO: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD FROM: MICHAEL R. MCGILL, BOARD MEMBER SUBJECT: CSDA ELECTION FOR REPRESENTATIVES, BAY AREA NETWORK, SEAT B Attached is an email from the California Special Districts Association (CSDA) requesting that Central San vote for one representative to the CSDA Board of Directors for the Bay Area Network(Region 3). The representative for Seat B will serve the full three-year term ending December 31, 2022. Seat B is currently held by Ryan Clausnitzer, Alameda County Mosquito Abatement District. His term will expire December 31, 2019 and he is running for re-election. Each of the six regional divisions (see attached map) has three seats on the CSDA Board with staggered three-year terms. The Bay Area Network currently has three representatives - Stanley R. Caldwell (Seat C) and Ryan Clausnitzer(Alameda County Mosquito Abatement District) (Seat B) and Chad Davisson (Seat A). The following candidates are running: • Ryan Clausnitzer (Alameda County Mosquito Abatement District) • Tod Moody (Sanitary District#5, Marin County) • Cheryl Sudduth (West County Wastewater District) Candidate statements are attached for Ryan Clausnitzer and Cheryl Sudduth, along with Tod Moody's candidate information sheet. Per CSDA Bylaws, the candidate with the highest number of votes will assume the full term (Seat B). Central San is requested to vote for one candidate via internet ballot no later than August 9, 2019. As the Board representative of the Contra Costa Chapter of the CSDA, I am strongly recommending that the District votes be cast for Cheryl Sudduth, West County Wastewater District. As the District's voting delegate, I am requesting direction as to how to cast Central San's vote. MM/KY Attachments: 1. Email from CSDA 2. CSDA Regions/Networks Map 3. Candidate Statements/Candidate Information Sheet July 11, 2019 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 235 of 241 Page 3 of 8 Katie Young From: vote@simplyvoting.com on behalf of CSDA <vote@simplyvoting.com> Sent: Monday,June 17, 2019 7:00 AM To: Katie Young Subject: CSDA 2019 Board of Directors Hello Katie Young, You are registered to vote in CSDA 2019 Board of Directors.This ballot ends at 2019-08-09 17:00 US/Pacific. To vote, please visit: Then enter: Or follow this link to access the ballot directly: Regards, CSDA Unsubscribe 1 July 11, 2019 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 236 of 241 6/17/2019 CSDA::Online Voting Page 4 of 8 CSMA � Online Voting California Special Districts Association NOW Districtsktonger Together r --- -P Home How It Works I Logout Katie Young Electronic Ballot - 2019 CSDA Board of Directors Election, (Seat B) Bay Area Network - Term 2020-2022 Please vote for your choice i Choose one of the following candidates: • Ryan Clausnitzer* -Alameda County Mosquito Abatement District • Tod Moody - Sanitary District no. 5 of Marin County I • Cheryl Sudduth - West County Wastewater District Ryan Clausnitzer* [view details] Tod Moody [view details] Cheryl Sudduth [view details] Continue Cancel I This is the online.voting system of CSDA. Powered by Simply Voting. 1/1 https://csda.jplvvpt�pg}��, �p �pket- Page 237 of 241 Page 5 of 8 Attachment 2 Cald mia Wal Distnets ftadatm DISTRICT NETWORKS o©oo 04 ►- Northern Network Fiw+hop . rrN.y ' &ft Sid" Sierra Network Lam Plow ybio El Dwacb s �. Bay Area <i Sm Network f_- . SW TuWu o ntra •wUln MW* ' Central Network San to s.r. r� Mod" Rem .�; 'W" Coastal Network San 1kmvdM VvAm Lm Angom pYuaeide Southern Network San Obgo LAST UPATEO APR 1S,MW July 11, 2019 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 238 of 241 Page 6 of 8 I i I Re: CSDA Board of Directors Bay Area Network Seat B I I am seeking your support for a second term on the CSDA Board of Directors in the Bay Area Network. My experience in city/county/federal governments, as a former Trustee of a special I district, as a current General Manager, and my academic background in public policy qualifies me for this position. I I was honored to be chosen by my peers on the CSDA Board to serve on the Executive Committee for most of my first term. I have worked hard to live up to this commitment as CSDA Treasurer by working closely with CSDA financial staff in reviewing financial records, signing off on disbursements, and chairing the fiscal committee. I also collaborated with CSDA advocacy staff by co-authoring and presenting the paper: "Mosquito & Vector Control as Special Districts: Opportunities and Challenges" at our state and national mosquito control conferences. I had the privilege of being the CSDA Board and i mosquito association representative on the 2-day Capital Tour. of Alameda, Sonoma, and Solano special districts with Capitol staff this past October. I am also involved in our local CSDA Alameda County chapter as an at-large Board member where we were proud to receive the chapter of the year award at the 2019 Annual Conference in Indian Wells. I have I been to most Contra Costa chapter .meetings and ani looking forward to attending Santa Clara and San Mateo chapter meetings as well. Since becoming General Manager of our District, we have received the CSDA District Transparency Certificate of Excellence twice, and I I also obtained the SDA certification last year. Thank you for considering me as your Board member. I am a big fan of special districts as models of good government and would be honored to represent the Bay Area once again in this capacity. r''S Sincerely, Ryan Clausnitzer, MPA, SDA, RENS General Manager ri Alameda County Mosquito Abatement District 23187 Connecticut Street Hayward, CA 94545 510-925-1756 ryan@mosquitoes.org Encl: Nomination form, candidate information sheet, Board resolution July 11, 2019 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 239 of 241 Page 7 of 8 California Special Districts Association ©©W E3 Districts Stronger Togethor 2019 CSDA BOARD CANDIDATE INFORMATION SHEET The following information MUST accompany your nomination form and Resolution/minute order: Name: U oLA y District/Company: GGtr E c �' K Title: t lectedr pointed/staff: Length of Service with District: _ 1. Do you have current involvement with CSDA(such as committees,events, workshops, conferences, Governance Academy, etc.): 7. Have you ever been associated with any other state-wide associations(CSAC,ACWA, League, etc.): J 3. List local government involvement(such as LAFCo, Association of Governments, etc.): ( 4 L q a MVY� 4. List civic organization involvement: I,�r1 IVO "Candidate Statement—Although it is not required, each candidate is requested to submit a candidate statement of no more than 300 words in length. Any statements received in the CSDA office after April 17, 2019 will not be included with the ballon July 11, 2019 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 240 of 241 Page 8 of 8 Candidate Statement Cheryl Sudduth I WCWD "si no estds sentado a la mesa,no se pueden establecer las prioridades o to agenda..." ("if you're not seated at the table,you cannot set the priorities or the agenda..."). Throughout my career&activism,I've been a fearless advocate for the People—primarily on challenging of discriminatory&unfair systems impacting equal,affordable access to sound environmental protections,especially in marginalized&impoverished communities. I am a passionate environmental advocate.I listen.I pay attention.I.see the passionate efforts afoot in our Special Districts'community yet I know so much more can be accomplished—especially to ensure a//voices are heard to promote continued growth in CSDA's vision,encourage members' input,educate all on strategic planning&good governance,&align district goals->equity&diversity values. As a multicultural/multiracial Woman in an industry&organization sorely lacking in representation of Black/Brown/Indigenous Women/People in positions of power& influence, I offer a unique perspective of an experienced Scientist(Cellular&Molecular Biologist/Biochemist), international business negotiator & compliance expert, & community advocate. I'm committed to open, purposeful, & respectful dialogue that includes all perspectives.I know communication is key to positive change,though conversations must include stakeholders we serve:district leaders,workers, community leaders,elected officials&policymakers.In doing so,we remain relevant,connected&embrace a lens to view the future.My professional skills &the strong relationships I've built with legislators, industry leaders, science professionals, & community leaders will aid in encouraging authentic communications&creating strong relationships with CSDA membership. If elected,I'll advocate for CSDA developing clear policies&programs to cultivate greater diversity in our membership&leadership to ensure there's room for different perspectives,ideas&experiences to ensure all voices are heard.It's especially relevant given many boards/representatives don't always reflect the demographics served,leaving many feeling unseen&unheard.Voices meant to speak for the whole,though we know not every voice is one that can/should speak for every community so we must be certain that each of our communities are truly represented.Representation matters.Though I don't have the answers to solve this equity&diversity conundrum,I'm ardent about being part of the conversation&working towards finding resolutions so we've more than paper Values Statements while'business as usual'continues. July 11, 2019 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 241 of 241