HomeMy WebLinkAbout11. Authorize grant application for electric vehicle charging stations Page 1 of 7 Item 11. CENTRAL SAN BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER MEETING DATE: JUNE 20, 2019 SUBJECT: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO SUBMITA BAYAREAAIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT (AIR DISTRICT) GRANT APPLICATION FOR ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING STATIONS SUBMITTED BY: INITIATING DEPARTMENT: MELODY LABELLA, RESOURCE RECOVERY ENGINEERING AND TECHNICAL SERVICES- PROGRAM MANAGER PDS-RESOURCE RECOVERY REVIEWED BY: JEAN-MARC PETIT, DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNICAL SERVICES Roger S. Bailey General Manager ISSUE Board approval is required to authorize the General Manager to apply for grants on behalf of Central San. BACKGROUND Staff recently became aware of the Air District's Charge! Program, which provides grants to assist with the installation of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (EVCS) at public and private businesses. Staff has obtained a preliminary estimate of approximately$100,000 for the installation of three dual-port, level two high EVCS in the Plant Operations Department's parking lot. If Central San is found eligible, the Charge!Program would provide $12,000 in funding to offset this cost. The grant application deadline for the program is June 30, 2019. Staff is still investigating the feasibility of implementing such a project; however, given the short timeframe until the Air District's grant program closes, staff is seeking the Board's approval to authorize the General Manager to submit a grant application, should staff find that the project is feasible. If an application is submitted and Central San is awarded grant funding, staff will return to the Board to seek authorization for the General Manager to execute a Funding Agreement with the Air District, at which time the Board can decide if it would like to proceed with the project. June 20, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 77 of 120 Page 2 of 7 ALTERNATIVES/CONSIDERATIONS The Board could decide to not pursue a project to evaluate the feasibility of installing EVCS and/or not authorize the General Manager to submit an Air District grant applicaton for EVCS. FINANCIAL IMPACTS I n addition to the installation cost, there is an annual service fee of approximately$1,200, plus the cost of the power drawn by the EVCS. Staff has calculated that, at Central San's current cogeneration unit (Cogen) power production costs, a full eight-hour charge for one electric vehicle would cost approximately $2.00. The Charge!Program requires a minimum usage of 19,800 kWh over three years for each dual- port, level two high charging station. For three EVCS, this would equate to approximately$3,120 in power costs, at Central San's current Cogen power production costs. If this project comes to fruition, the Board could elect to charge a fee for any vehicles using Central San's EVCS in order to recoup some of the initial investment and ongoing costs. The typical charge rate for EVCS is $0.99 per hour, although many public agencies and businesses offer electric vehicle charging for no cost to the end user to incentivize the use of electric vehicles and reduce mobile sources of air pollution. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION This item was considered by the Board's Administration Committee on May 14, 2019 and continued on June 4, 2019. The Committee supported staff's recommendation to submit a grant application. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION Authorize the General Manager to submit a Bay Area Air Quality Management District grant application for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations. Strategic Plan re-In GOAL FOUR: Develop and retain a highly trained and innovative workforce Strategy 2- Enhance relationships with employees and bargaining units GOAL SIX: Embrace Technology, Innovation and Environmental Sustainability Strategy 2- Reduce reliance on non-renewable energy ATTACHMENTS: 1. Presentation June 20, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 78 of 120 Page 3 of 7 ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING STATIONS Melody LaBella, P.E. IResource Recovery Program Manager "may; Board Meeting ' June 20, 2019 _ 1 BACKGROUND • Electric vehicles (EV) are becoming more prevalent. • Most, if not all, car manufacturers now offer either plug-in hybrid or full EV options to customers. • There are various incentives (federal tax credit, fuel rebates, etc.) for purchase of EVs. • EV charging stations (EVCS) are being installed at businesses and public areas (e.g.; public parking garages, airports transportation hubs, etc.). • Employers are starting to install EVCS for employees and customers. '194IZ CENTRAL SAN 1 June 20, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 79 of 120 Page 4 of 7 WHY CONSIDER AN EVCS PROJECT? • Aligns with Central San's mission to protect the environment • Providing EV charging infrastructure promotes EVs, which reduces mobile sources of air pollution, in addition to hazardous chemicals • Would achieve a higher tier participation in the Bay Area Commuter Benefits Program • Would provide a benefit to employees driving EVs • Would provide a public service to EV drivers • Accessible to public when visiting Central San's permit counter or attending meetings in the Multi-Purpose Room 3 CENTRALSAN WHY IS STAFF EVALUATING AN EVCS PROJECT? • An employee submitted a suggestion to Central San's Employee Suggestion Program. • Six Central San employees drive EVs. • Staff was approached by ChargePoint, one of the EVCS vendors. • Staff recently became aware of grant funding programs available for the installation of EVCS. CENTRALSAN1 2 June 20, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 80 of 120 Page 5 of 7 CHARGE! 2019 a 7. Charge!Iso grout program that helps offset o portion of AIR the cost of parch Osing and Installing n w pu 6llcly OvellD6le chOrging s,etlons for elec trlc vehicles(EV]. GRANTasmm +�aL �� ;_* - DISTRICT sio,000-ssoo,00g �_ FUNDING: Awarde are based en number arvI type a, _ - _ _ - GRANT chergerc prapawd and Installed. BASE FUNDING: [haryin63r.tion TyP. W.IS IMI1{Iw] $33,000,W0 $]B4OfN]L�whf D[F.sr PROGRAM Mea.Be.e Fundlne P.r S[eUm $]50 $1,500 Output R.tln`R.quircm.rd 1.4 KW 3.3-6.6 RW T6.6,KW 4c+ PLUS-UPFUNDING: Addltleml Plue-llp,undl:y evellableler prJee H.t ln-lude: FOR EVC$ .Mu}I-pen Levet aharglnq Hatlerc:S1,ODO peraddl,lena eennwCtpr •Solar powerina,allanon..911 per weft of solar eapocnyedded,rp roS4,DDD •TranepeNatlen carrlder Melll,lea:lip to 5],000fareaeh DC Fu}ehmg.r FROG.Muln-Dwelling llmta(NIOlk!:llp,e 4L,OOD,depending an charger type CLOSES O N RAM REQUIREMENTS: .Eligible appllaa ixalrclude bualneasea,nen-prellee,aM public agarclea .P Jectsmust be volunfary!no,required by reguletlon, lnonce,or legal obllgotlon! •Charging s,aelerc must be rew,1-11"1-11"In Bay Arca A,,Ouallry Ma nageman, Dlrtrld'e furled lanon,avails bla ro general publla',op.,..4or minimum o,3 yea B, JUNE UNE 30, end eehleve minlrnum usage requlrarneni .App can, F I or Net I o,�s�L I�I"�•�� 2019 APPLICATION DEADLINE:4PM,JUNE 10,2019 0 APPL7/REGISTER FOR WEBINAR ONLINE 5 CENTRALSAN BOTH MARIN CLEAN ENERGY (MCE) AND PG&E HAVE EVCS REBATE PROGRAMS Eligible Workplaces and Multifamily Properties)market Workplaces and Multifamily properties Locations rate and low income with 4 or more units) (market rate and low Income with 4 or more within MCE's service area• units)within MCE's service area• Project Size 240 charging ports 10 or more Charging ports Rebate Amount $3,000 per port from MCE S1,150-S2,300 per port from MCE and PG&E- Swckable with Yes Yes at her incentives CENTRALSAN 3 June 20, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 81 of 120 Page 6 of 7 WHY IS SO MUCH GRANT FUNDING AVAILABLE? • California Executive Order B-48-18 • Signed by Governor Brown in January 2018 • Sets ambitious target of 250,000 EV chargers to support 1.5 million zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs)on California roads by 2025 and 5 million ZEVs by 2030 • California Clean Energy and Pollution Reduction Act of 2015 (SB 350) • Established a 2030 greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction target and requires the state to increase the efficiency of travel (since transportation emissions are 37% of statewide GHG emissions) • Orders the California Public Utilities Commission to direct the six investor-owned electric utilities in the state to file applications for programs that"accelerate widespread transportation electrification" CENTRALSAN NEXT STEPS • Fully investigate the various grant funding opportunities available to Central San • Complete preliminary design for civil and electrical supply connections and refine cost estimate • Prepare a business case analysis • Staff to complete the evaluation of EVCS installation at Central San and return to the Administration Committee and Board for future consideration of a project CENTRALSAN1 4 June 20, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 82 of 120 Page 7 of 7 BOARD ACTION REQUESTED • Authorize the General Manager to submit a Bay Area Air Quality Management District grant application for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations 9 QUESTIONS? CENTRALSAN 5 June 20, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 83 of 120