HomeMy WebLinkAbout08. (Handout) Updated Priority Leg Tracking Sheet 05-15-19 Central San 2019 Priority Legislative Tracking Sheet as of 5/15/19 Item 8 (Handout) Industry Position Date of Federal/ Board Author Legislation Also Known As Summary Or anization s PriorityRecommended b Board Notes State List/Position Staff Direction Decision 1 State Ting AB 68 Land Use: This bill reintroduces language from 2018 Oppose Unless Watch 03/07/19 Watch 5/16/19 Hearing set for Assembly Appropriations D-San Francisco Accessory AB 2890 (Ting) regarding accessory dwelling Amended: ACWA, Committee. 4/24/19 On Suspense File in Dwelling Units units with prohibitions on local ordinances CSDA, CMUA, CASA Assembly Appropriations. 4/10/19 Passed from from imposing some limitations on size and Assembly Local Government Committee to location. This bill maintains a wastewater Appropriations Committee. 3/27/19 Amended and utility's ability to collect a proportional referred to Committee on Housing and connection fee, but prohibits capacity and Community Development. connection fees on ADUs or junior ADUs that are "substantially" within the existing space of a single-family dwelling or accessory structure, including reconstruction of an existing space with substantially the same physical dimensions as the existing accessory structure. 2 State Ting AB 69 Land Use: This bill introduces language related to Watch: ACWA Watch 03/07/19 Watch 5/16/19 Hearing set for Assembly Appropriations D-San Francisco Accessory oversight by the state on local ordinances on Committee. 4/24/19 On Suspense File in Dwelling Units size and location that would impact Assembly Appropriations. 4/4/19 Referred to construction of accessory dwelling units. Appropriations Committee. 3/27/19 Amended and This bill does not address utility connection referred to Committee on Housing and fees at this time. Community Development. 3 State Wiekowski SB 13 Accessory This bill is a spot bill regarding accessory CSDA: Oppose Watch 03/07/19 Watch 5/16/19 Hearing set for Senate Appropriations D-Fremont Dwelling Units dwelling units. In 2018 this author did Committee. 5/6/19 In Senate Appropriations introduce language that would eliminate the Committee in Suspense File. 4/23/19 Re-referred utility connection fee for new construction of to Senate Appropriations Committee. 4/10/19 an accessory dwelling unit. Hearing set in Local Gov't Committee. 4/1/19 Need clarification from author on whether "impact fees" are inclusive of"connection fees". 4 State Friedman AB 1180 Water: recycled This bill requires Title 22 for non-potable Sponsored by Support 03/07/19 Support 5/16/19 Hearing set for Assembly Appropriations D-Glendale water uses to be updated by the Water Board by WateReuse California, Committee. 4/24/19 In Suspense File in Assembly 2023. It also requires that a change over Support: CASA, CSDA Appropriations Committee. 4/1/19 Sent back to device (such as swivel ell) be incorporated Appropriations Committee. 3/27/19 Passed out to into the Title 17 update currently underway. Appropriations Committee. Support letter sent to A draft for the Title 17 changes will be Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic released in late summer 2019. WRCA (a Materials on 3/19/19. member of the Title 17 handbook committee) has requested that a change over device or swivel ell be included as part of this update. Central San 2019 Priority Legislative Tracking Sheet as of 5/15/19 Attachment 1 Industry Position Date of Federal/ Board Author Legislation Also Known As Summary Organization(s) PriorityRecommended b Board Not State List/Position Staff Direction Decision 5 State Bloom AB 1672 Nonwoven This bill shall not allow an entity to label a Sponsored by CASA, Support 03/07/19 Support 5/16/19 Hearing set for Assembly Appropriations D-Santa Monica disposable covered product as safe to flush, safe for Support: CSDA Committee. 5/8/19 Assembly Appropriations products sewer systems, or safe for septic systems, Committee put in Suspense File. 4/23/19 Testified unless the product is a flushable wipe. The Central San's support at Assembly Judiciary entity must certify if their product is flushable Committee and passed on 9-2 vote. 4/8/19 under compliance with the performance Testified Central San's support at Assembly standards. Noncompliant products will be Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials issued a notice of violation by the enforcing Committee. 4/3/19 Letter of support sent. 3/28/19 agency, providing 30 days for the products Bill will be heard in the Asm. Environmental to be recalled and may be penalized for Safety and Toxics Materials Committee on April every day thereafter. 9th, and again in the Assembly Judiciary Committee on April 23rd. In print on 3/18/19. Will likely be triple referred to committees. 6 State Hertzberg D SB 332 Ocean Discharge This bill proposes a 50% reduction in ocean Opposed: CASA, CSDA, Oppose 03/07/19 Oppose 5/16/19 Set for Senate Appropriations Committee Van Nuys & Wiener discharges by 2030, and a 95% reduction in ACWA. Oppose Unless Unless hearing. 4/23/19 Passed from Senate Judiciary D-San Francisco ocean discharges by 2040. Amended: WateReuse. Amended Committee on 7-2 vote, now headed to Support: Clean Water Appropriations Committee. 4/8/19 Staff is Action, Heal the Bay, currently assessing costs to Central San as per Sierra Club, Friends of Board Member Pilecki's request. 4/8/19 Hearing the River, City of Los video sent to Board. 4/5/19 CASA requests no Angeles side meetings or deals with author. Coalition formed with WateReuse, ACWA, and others. 4/3/19 At hearing - CASA testified. Many concerns from the committee, but passed to Judiciary Committee. Coalition formed to oppose bill. CASA developing opposition letter, and will issue Call-to-Action within two weeks. Main issues with the bill: unfunded mandate, does not take into consideration wet weather flows and storage constraints, current permit restrictions on discharges to streams, etc, potential State growth that could increase discharge flows. Central San 2019 Priority Legislative Tracking Sheet as of 5/15/19 Attachment 1 Industry Position Date of- Board Author Legislation Also Known As Summary Organization(s) Priority Recommended by Board Notes State List/Position Staff Direction Decision 7 State Cooley AB 510 Local Existing law authorizes the head of a Sponsored by CSDA Support 03/07/19 Support 4/1/19 This bill is dead. Consumers Attorneys D-Rancho Cordova Government department of a county or city, or the head of asked author to pull the bill. Author complied. Records: a special district to destroy recordings of Letter of support sent 3/19/19. destruction of routine video monitoring maintained by that records county, city, or special district after one year if that person receives approval from the legislative body and the written consent of the agency attorney and to destroy recordings of telephone and radio communications maintained by that county, city, or special district after 100 days if that person receives approval from the legislative body and the written consent of the agency attorney. This bill would exempt the head of a department of a county or city, or the head of a special district from these recording retention requirements if the county, city, or special district adopts a records retention policy governing recordings of routine video monitoring and recordings of telephone and radio communications. 8 State Rubio AB 405 Sales and use Would exempt from Sales and Use Tax the CASA: Support, CSDA: Support 03/07/19 Watch 5/15/16 Hearing set for Assembly Appropriations D-Baldwin Park taxes: exemption: gross receipts from the sale in this state of, Watch Committee. 5/6/19 passed out of Assembly water treatment and the storage, use, or other consumption Revenue and Taxation Committee on 9-0 vote. in this state of, chemicals used to treat 4/25/19 Re-referred to Assembly Committee on water, recycled water, or wastewater Revenue and Taxation. Fact sheet provided to regardless of whether those chemicals or Board on 3/21. other agents become a component part thereof and regardless of whether the treatment takes place before or after the delivery to consumers. Central San 2019 Priority Legislative Tracking Sheet as of 5/15/19 Attachment 1 Industry Position Date of- Board Author Legislation Also Known As Summary Or anization s PriorityRecommended b Board Notes State List/Position Staff Direction Decision 9 State Wiener SB 69 Ocean Resiliency This bill prescribes nutrient removal by Sponsored by Coast Oppose 03/21/19 r Oppose 5/16/19 Set for hearing in Senate Appropriations. D-San Francisco Act of 2019 denitrification without scientific basis and Keepers, 4/29/19 Re-referred to Senate Appropriations without regard to ongoing collaborative Oppose: CASA Unless Committee. 4/11/19 Read second time in Senate, nutrients research efforts currently underway Amend to remove amended and re-referred to Environmental in the Bay Area. It also disregards the denitrification section Quality Committee. 4/9/19 Hearing set in Senate current regulation of nutrients by the SF Bay and address marine Natural Resources and Water Committee. 4/1/19 Regional Water Board through the Nutrients managed area section Author provided amendments which did not Watershed Permit (approved by EPA). This address any of the impacts to the wastewater is an unfunded mandate that could cost up industry. Set for April 9 hearing in Senate Natural to $12.413 in costs to Bay Area dischargers. Resources and Water. This bill does apply to both ocean and bay dischargers. 10 State Allen D SB 54 (paired California Circular SB 54/AB 1080 establish a comprehensive Support: California Support 03/21/19 Support 5/16/19 Set for hearing in Senate Appropriations. Santa Monica bill is AB 1080) Economy and framework to address the pollution and Product Stewardship 5/7/19 amended in Senate Appropriations.3/25/19 Skinner Plastic Pollution waste crisis. Specifically, single-use plastic Council Read second time in Appropriations Committee. D-Berkeley Reduction Act packaging and products sold or distributed in Attached fact sheet for March 21 st Board Stern D California by must be reduced, recycled or meeting. Canoga Park composted by 75 percent by 2030. All single Wiener D use packaging and products must be San Francisco recyclable or compostable on and after 2030. As part of a shift towards a more circular economy, the bills also instructs CalRecycle to develop incentives and policies to encourage in-state manufacturing using recycled material generated in California. CalRecycle will be given authority to adopt regulations to meet these goals, including developing criteria to determine which packaging material qualifies as recyclable or compostable. Central San 2019 Priority Legislative Tracking Sheet as of 5/15/19 Attachment 1 Industry Position Date of Federal/ Author Legislation Also Known As Summary Organization(s) PriorityRecommended b Board Board Not State List/Position Staff Direction Decision 11 State Ting AB 1486 Local agencies: This bill has been amended. It would only Oppose: CASA, Oppose 5/2/19 Watch, 5/2/19, 5/2/19 5/15/16 Hearing set for Assembly Appropriations D-San Francisco surplus land allow for first right of refusal for housing Unless Amend: CSDA 3/21/19 Oppose 3/21/19 Watch, Committee. 5/2/19 Central San Board changed to entities for land not used for an agency's 3/21/19 Watch position. CSDA continues to work with governmental operations. Some issues with Oppose author 4/25/19 In Assembly Coauthors revised. bill still exist. Working with author. Thirrrisboll 4/11/19 Amended in Assembly and back to wee ld require a speri of distrint that weuld Committee. 4/10/19 Passed heavily amended out Gale, lease tFaRGfer er ether neR„e„anee of Asm Housing and Community Development their real prepert y to first send written RGtine Committee. 4/10/19 Hearing date set in Asm ef availability for possible afferda Local Gov't Committee. h er�vusing. 12 Federal Congressmember H.R. 1764 Permit term This bill would amend the Federal Water Support: CASA Support 03/21/19 Support 5/2/19 Letter of Support sent from Western Garamendi D extension Pollution Control Act to extend National Recycled Water Coalition to Congressmember California 3rd District Pollutant Discharge Elimination System a Garamendi supporting bill. Central San listed as Permit (NPDES) for up to 10 years. ,upporter. 3/28/19 Interagency Letter of Support led by Central San sent to DeSaulnier's office with cc to CASA. Attached letter for 4/4/19 Board meeting. 13 State Stone AB 749 Settlement Prohibits a settlement agreement in an Oppose: CSDA Oppose 04/04/19 Oppose >/8/19 Letter Opposing bill sent to Senators D-Monterey Bay agreements: employment dispute from containing a ;lazer and Dodd.5/2/19 Bauer-Kahan supported restraints in trade provision prohibiting, preventing, or he bill to pass out of Assembly. Grayson did not otherwise restricting a settling party that is ote on bill. 4/10/19 In Assembly for third reading. an aggrieved person from working for the 4/9/19 Hearing set in Assembly Judiciary employer against which the aggrieved Committee. 4/1/19 HR and Legal reviewed and person has filed a claim. The result will be requested this be placed as priority legislation, that all serious discipline matters and position: Oppose. terminations will have to be tried to a verdict, increasing attorney's fees. 14 State Cooley ACR 89 Declaring Special Assembly Resolution that would declare Sponsor: CSDA Support 05/16/19 5/6/19 Offically introduced. 5/3/19 In print and D-Rancho Cordova Districts Week September 22-28, 2019 as Special Districts number assigned. Request from CSDA to support Sept 22-28, 2019 Week. resolution.