HomeMy WebLinkAbout04.b. Review and discuss whether to pursue additional credit monitoring for investements Page 1 of 14 Item 4.b. CENTRAL SAN April 23, 2019 TO: FINANCE COMMITTEE FROM: PHI LIP LEI BER, DI RECTOR OF FINANCEAND ADMINISTRATION REVIEWED BY: ANN SASAKI, DEPUTY GENERAL MANAGER ROGER S. BAILEY, GENERAL MANAGER SUBJECT: REVIEW AND DISCUSS WHETHER TO PURSUE ADDITIONAL CREDIT MONITORING FOR INVESTMENTS I n the fall of 2018, in connection with the annual review of the Board Policy No. B P 005 — Statement of Investment Policy, an Administration Committee member inquired about Central San's reliance on credit ratings that are assigned by the nationally recognized statistical rating organizations (NRSRO) such as Moody's, Standard & Poor's, and Fitch. The concern expressed was whether these agency's ratings are reliable and whether the agencies act quickly enough when credit deterioration occurs. This issue was brought up again at the January 28, 2019 Finance Committee. Staff informed the Committee at that time that it was in the process of evaluating options for potentially enhanced credit monitoring and would report back to the Committee once it had completed its evaluation. Issue in Detail Credit monitoring is a relevant issue as Central San invests in various debt instruments as allowed for in the Investment Policy. Such investments are for funds not immediately needed for current expenditures, primarily for the Running Expense (Operations and Maintenance) sub-fund and the Sewer Construction sub-fund. Central San staff performs overall cash management by reviewing fund balances, projected income funds and outgoing expenditures through a cash forecast. Bank Account balances are managed to provide sufficient funding for checks issued. Additional short-term funds are typically held in the State of California's Local Agency Investment Fund (LAI F), and longer-term funds are invested in various debt instruments, typically federal agency securities, or commercial paper or corporate medium-term notes. With respect to the latter two categories, the investment policy permits the purchase of only high-quality securities in the top short-term-rating category (A-1, P-1 or equivalent) or top two long-term-rating categories (AAA or AA or equivalent). Based on that, and the fact that most investments are relatively short term, it is unlikely that such investments would result in loss of principal; however, it is not impossible. At times companies can be assigned high credit ratings and, within months, significant downgrades can occur; even, potentially, bankruptcy. When that occurs, it is reasonable to ask whether one should have relied on the credit ratings or conducted some additional type of analysis of the companies whose debt was purchased. Prudent Investor Standard The California Government Code (GC) requires those involved with investment decisions to exercise reasonable care of a typical comparable investment manager which is called the Prudent Investor April 23, 2019 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 141 of 156 Page 2 of 14 Standard: 7.1 Prudent Investor Standard. "Governing bodies of local agencies or persons authorized to make investment decisions on behalf of those local agencies investing public funds are trustees and therefore fiduciaries subject to the prudent investor standard. When investing, reinvesting, purchasing, acquiring, exchanging, selling or managing public funds, a trustee shall act with care, skill, prudence and diligence under the circumstances then prevailing, that a prudent person acting in a like capacity and familiarity with those matters would use in the conduct of funds of a like character and with like aims, to safeguard the principal and maintain the liquidity needs of the agency. Within the limitations of this section and considering individual investments as part to an overall strategy, investments may be acquired as authorized by law."(GC§53600.3.1) Contra Costa County- Screening/Monitoring Presently, Central San is relying on ratings of the nationally recognized statistical rating organizations and due diligence conducted by the Contra Costa County Treasurer regarding initial investment screening and ongoing monitoring. Central San staff discussed this with the Contra Costa County Assistant Treasurer and was provided a summary of County practices in these areas. In short, the County: 1. Conducts analysis of potential issuers for inclusion on an approved issuer list that is approved annually. The type of analysis conducted is described in Attachment 1, their document entitled Contra Costa County Treasurer's Credit Evaluation and Approval Procedures. The County's complete investment policy and approved issuer list is maintained on its website: http://www.co.contra-costa.ca.us/DocumentCenter/View/845/1 nvestment-Policy?bid I d. The approved issuer list for Fiscal Year 2018-19 includes 42 issuers and includes major financial institutions and corporations. 2. Once on the approved list, a County representative provides some ongoing monitoring of the issuers on the approved investment list via news stories on a Bloomberg subscription service. The County investment policy does allow for the purchase of investments of issuers not on the approved list, but this is "only rarely done." The County representative also pointed out that County procedures are evaluated annually by Standard and Poor's (S&P), and have been rated AAAf/S1+ since 2007. The S&P rating indicates that Contra Costa County is one of a limited number of government investment pools that applies for and maintains such a rating to demonstrate that its investment practices are monitored and should result in limited investment risk.An S&P report describing such ratings is provided here: http://www.gioa.us/presentations/2012/20-lvancich.pdf. Alternatives Central San can continue its current practice, or look to further enhance credit monitoring, which could most efficiently be done through the purchase of a third-party credit monitoring service. While having staff conduct in-house intensive research about companies is theoretically possible, it does not seem optimal given the availability of third-party services that conduct such analysis on behalf of a broader set of users with the ability to recover such research costs over a broader base. Central San staff reviewed two options for third party credit monitoring. 1. Credit Risk Monitor. See Attachment 2 for an overview of this service. This is a subscription- based web portal which allows users to input a list of names and provides a dashboard of information on each company including news stories and an indicator(FRISK score) ranking the financial health of a company scored from 1-10 (1=worst, 10=best). The FRISK score is calculated based on several financial statement ratios, and also incorporates "crowd sourcing" indicators based on a user's inquiries and indicated concerns about the company. Advantages and disadvantages include: April 23, 2019 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 142 of 156 Page 3 of 14 + Lower cost - Credit scoring algorithm relies more on past financial indicators; may not pick up investor concerns as rapidly(though the crowd sourcing feature may to some degree reflect such concerns) 2. Mood-y's Anal-tics Credit Edge. See Attachment 3 for an overview of this service. This also is a web-based portal which provides an expected default frequency for companies which fluctuates daily based on various capital market indicators such as stock and bond prices, credit default swap prices, and other information. Moody's Analytics is a sister company of the Moody's Investor Services which provides the more traditional NRSRO ratings. Advantages and disadvantages include: + Likely more robust and predictive analytics for public companies - Private company tool is available at additional cost Additionally, either service could also be used to some extent for purposes beyond monitoring investments such as: • When evaluating suppliers responding to requests for proposal, Central San staff perform an evaluation of the financial health. This would be an incidental use, as Central San does not conduct a large number of such analyses annually. • To ensure ongoing availability of goods and services, Central San's Risk Management group would work with individual units within Central San to ensure they have considered and have workarounds for suppliers if they should be unable to supply to Central San due to financial or other difficulties. This would be an evolving use, as Central San is only in the development stage of considering such factors. Potential Drawbacks A complication about using either service in connection with the initial decision regarding whether to purchase an individual investment is as follows: Presently, Central San indicates to the County that it would like to invest a specified amount of money for a specified duration. The County then identifies an investment that is: 1. Permissible under Central San's Investment Policy as to ratings and duration; 2. Authorized on the County's approved investment list; and 3. Available from one of 19 investment brokers the County deals with. If a credit monitoring service were to be used, an additional step would need to be inserted in the above process whereby Central San would be informed of the potential investment name by the County, and Central San would run a report on the issuer with the credit monitoring service. This could result in some additional back and forth time.As a result, an investment that was available with a broker one moment can be unavailable minutes later as brokers often do not maintain a significant inventory, but instead buy and sell positions rapidly. With respect to using the service once an investment is in Central San's investment portfolio, if a decision were made to sell the investment prior to maturity based on concerns uncovered by the credit monitoring service, the following are potential considerations: 1. Central San would need to establish standards or use judgment for when to sell a security based on the risk scores reported by the credit monitoring service. 2. A capital loss may result if the trading price for the security is below par, and another buyer for April 23, 2019 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 143 of 156 Page 4 of 14 the security can be found. 3. The market for debt securities is not always liquid and, at times of market stress, it can be difficult to find a buyer for an un-favored security. So, an ability to sell the security at all is not assured, even if negative information is provided by the credit monitoring service Financial Impacts Purchase of a third-party credit monitoring subscription would involve a direct expenditure in the $10,000 to $20,000 range annually. Central San has negotiated with both vendors to seek a cost-effective arrangement.Amounts have not been specified precisely in this memorandum due to quote confidentiality. Staff Position A decision to move forward with purchasing a third-party credit monitoring subscription would be within the General Manager's discretion. However, at this time, staff are not proposing to move forward with this step. While the cost is not significant, the monitoring performed by the County along with the credit ratings is viewed as adequate and sufficient to meet the prudent investor standard at this time. Other potential options for the data, such as monitoring vendor health are potentials for the future, but require additional internal consideration. That being said, the matter is brought forward for discussion and feedback from the Committee. Strategic Plan Tie-In GOAL THREE:Be a Fiscally Sound and Effective Water Sector Utility Strategy 2- Manage costs ATTACHMENTS: 1. County Credit Monitoring 2. Credit Risk Monitor 3. Moodys Credit Edge April 23, 2019 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 144 of 156 Page 5 of 14 i C' 1 1 SrA yC.'(lU�� CONTRA COSTA COUNTY TREASURER'S CREDIT EVALUATION AND APPROVAL PROCEDURES OFFICE OF COUNTY TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR 625 COURTS STREET, ROOM 100 MARTINEZ, CALIFORNIA 94553 CCC TREASURER'S CREDIT EVALUATION AND APPROVAL PROCEDURES Page 1 April 23, 2019 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 145 of 156 Page 6 of 14 Table of Contents 1.0 PURPOSE.............................................................................................................................................3 2.0 PROCEDURES ......................................................................................................................................3 2.1 DUE DILIGENCE PROCESS .............................................................................................................3 2.2 APPROVAL PROCESS.....................................................................................................................4 CCC TREASURER'S CREDIT EVALUATION AND APPROVAL PROCEDURES Page 2 April 23, 2019 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 146 of 156 Page 7 of 14 CONTRA COSTA COUNTY TREASURER'S CREDIT EVALUATION AND APPROVAL PROCEDURES 1.0 PURPOSE The Contra Costa County Treasurer's Office (the "Treasurer's Office") has established the following Credit Evaluation and Approval Procedures (the "Procedures") for security issuers. The purpose of these Procedures is to provide general guidance to the Contra Costa County treasury staff (the "Staff") with respect to conducting credit evaluation of security issuers and adding them to the Approved List of the Contra Costa County Treasurer's Annual Investment Policy (the "Investment Policy"). However, the Procedures in no way are designed to limit or hinder Staff's ability to make investments in a timely and prudent fashion. The Treasurer-Tax Collector and the Staff may do business with an issuer that is not on the Approved List of the Investment Policy at the time of purchase or has not gone through all steps described below as long as the investment decisions are made per the Prudent Investor Standard. 2.0 PROCEDURES 2.1 DUE DILIGENCE PROCESS • The main objective of conducting credit research is to assess the credit worthiness of an issuer. Each issuer is unique and so the credit research may be conducted differently from one issuer to another. Thus, the process described below may vary. • The credit research process starts with the Investment Operations Analyst (the "Analyst") and Investment Officer identifying a security issuer. • The Analyst gathers the basic credit information of the issuer. Information may be obtained from various sources such as Bloomberg, the official website of the issuer, etc. • Basic credit information may include, but not limited to: organization structure of the issuer, general economic condition of the country and the industry/market sector where the issuer is headquartered, guarantee program if any, various risks associated with the issuer, NRSRO ratings, the issuer's financial statements, total outstanding debt (both long-term and short-term), the top 10 largest debt holders of the issuer, etc. • The Analyst conducts online research for the headline risks and/or catalysts, publications, and news of the issuer. • The Analyst communicates with other California counties and brokers/dealers for additional information, insight, and references of the issuer. • The Analyst and Investment Officer will then conduct in-depth analysis of the issuer followed by a comprehensive written evaluation. • Upon completion of the analysis and evaluation, the Analyst and Investment Officer will provide a written investment recommendation to the Assistant County Treasurer. The CCC TREASURER'S CREDIT EVALUATION AND APPROVAL PROCEDURES Page 3 April 23, 2019 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 147 of 156 Page 8 of 14 recommendation should include the following: 1) Recommendation; 2) Background; 3) Analysis; and 4) Conclusion. 2.2 APPROVAL PROCESS • Pursuant to Section 53607 of the California Government Code, the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors annually delegates investment authority to the County Treasurer. The County Treasurer and designees are given full investment discretion within the limitations of the Policy, applicable laws and regulations. • Upon receipt of the investment recommendation from the Investment Officer and the Analyst, the Assistant County Treasurer reviews the recommendation and discusses it with the Investment Officer and the Analyst in greater details. • If the issuer is not recommended by the Investment Officer and the Analyst nor agreed to by the Assistant County Treasurer, all research documents will be filed for future reference. • If the issuer is recommended by the Investment Officer and the Analyst, and is agreed to by the Assistant County Treasurer, the issuer will be put under close monitoring for approximately 3-6 months. Any additional observations arising from the monitoring period will be documented and included in the comprehensive credit analysis and evaluation. • At the end of the monitoring period, if the original positive recommendation remains, the Assistant County Treasurer will recommend to the County Treasurer-Tax Collector and the Chief Deputy Treasurer-Tax Collector that the issuer be added to the Approved List of the Policy. • The the Assistant County Treasurer, the Treasurer-Tax Collector, and the Chief Deputy Treasurer-Tax Collector will hold discussions to determine if and when the issuer should be added to the Approved List. • When approved by the Treasurer-Tax Collector, the issuer will be added to the Approved List and become eligible for investment considerations. • The amended Policy will then be reviewed and adopted by the Treasury Oversight Committee and the Board of Supervisors annually. CCC TREASURER'S CREDIT EVALUATION AND APPROVAL PROCEDURES Page 4 April 23, 2019 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 148 of 156 Page 9 of 14 ATTACHMENT 2 https://www.creditriskmonitor.com/ CELEBRATING ABOUT US WHO WE HELP SOLUTIONS RESOURCES 20 YEAR Stay Ahead of Financial tisk CmditRisk onitoes 96%,accurate`FRISK°score,robust financial risk analysis and timely news service combine to help professionals stay ahead of public and private company risk quickly, accurately and cost-effecttvely. i h Predictive Crowdsourcing Method FEATUREDRESOURCES Credi<tRisklonitor crowclssources click patterns of our subscribers to make bankruptcy risk assessment even more powerful and accurate. - FRISICs Scare Peels k4=1 More thanM of Fortune 1000 Business eanmipbd s.2016.13 O ast two Leaders*are CredilRiskMonitor Subscribers. completed mkmdud�of Loelmsh completed ce[rndar years shavred that CredkFJ&VAonitaa's FRISK, *plus thousa rid s m ore warl dwide score was able to predict US. pu blk mrnpeny benkroptry at a 979%retie of suc= ACCURACY VALUE IN LEAOERSHIP Sinr]e weVe incorporated the creek CRMZ`subscribers are hely patterns of aur subscribers.aur Lniluential in the daLLy commerce of FMSKC scare has become mare some DEtheworEd's Jergest accurate than ever before corporations making eLther rredrt ar pmdictlrigpabbc rumpany procurement derisionsafFecting Sanknuptry risk wLth 9596 accuracy biEl fans of daltars of purchase and sale within a l2-month period, transsctinns every month UNIQUE ADVANTAGE �� POWERFUL DH ITS OWU Crowdmurcing Ls rmlque to Weve added crowdsrnan-Jng to our CreditRiskMonitor,providing our pmprietary FRISK,score to imprive subscribers with Jnsights that they the scoreaability to predict can't get anywhere else. bankruptcy,but our rmearch shows that crowdsm;rL ikon Ls a stmrgg enough model to predict bankruptcy- April 23, 2019 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 149 of 156 Page 10 of 14 ELE6RATIN G ABOUT US WHO WE HELP SOLUTIONS RESOURCES 0 YEAR Why Should You Care About Public Company Risk? PUBLIC COMPANIES AVERAGE 53%OF RISK IS HIDDF-N—AND ISN'T USING'ONE SIZE FITS ALL"BUSINESS TYPICAL DOLLAR RISK EXPOSURE REVEALED BY TRADE PAYMENT DATA CREDIT TOOLS PUTS YOU AT RISK Public companies are few In number.but Payment patterns are mEsLeading to predict Use the right methods to manage your risk hug In risk-Dont underestimate the Impart trjsEnm failure of publer tampanies_Pablic Effective public company analysis of€inencLal stress at even one of your iritis] companies often cvntlnue to pay consistently uses tamely fmanciaLs,market sentiment and customers or vendors. right up through hankriptcy_ predirtn+a anabtks designed to predic public company risk. � 4 Who We Help Key Features COiRPORtATECREDIT PRO FESSIOIMALS 96% ACCURATE SCORES -AND AGENCY RATINGS--IN SECONDS 8ssesa monitor and anticipate bsisiness credit rlslt—qukkly.Easily and cost-etImfivety_learn flare Research companies and prioritize yaw risk with ourpropnetary, 96%accurate FRISK}score and bond agency ratings frim Mloodys,Fitch,DERS and MDrntng9tar Credit Ratings, SUPPLY CHAIN 8,PItOCIIREMENT Learn About rhe FRISKbScare Vet suategk suppliers,avoid sapply chain dtsruptian and rentral vendor risk exposure.LEER Mwe COMPRERBMVE,TIMELY COMPANY REPORTING nnsnclal statements and anslvsis peer-group ramparisorts.trade TR'EASU9tY&FO€UME mceivab5n assessment:bankruptcy Filings—aU In one pLxe- CFOs,make it easiu and more efficient For your beams to manage See i Sample Repmrt critical 8nandal risks.Lein Mora CONTINUOUS MONITORING AND NEWS ALERTS We keep tray k GI the oenpaniss ycm need to knim about and let you knew right a-Nay about uvportant ours and risk updates Request a Defno Selected Subscribers of CreditRiskMonitor rtom SUNSEL7Tuthillcis#RI#MT thy55Pnkn,pR OT April 23, 2019 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 150 of 156 Page 11 of 14 r l CreditRiskMonitor Portfolio FRISK History Update Here's the latest FRIS0 score history for your portfolio_ 2013 2013 2013 24I3 2015 2018 FBusiness Name Count hSAR APR MAY JL11 JUL AUG OGT NOV DEC SAN FEB hL1R Remarks 4i.vri.t Grouo ole United Kingdom 7 8 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 7 7 9 ABB Ltd ADR) Switzerland 10 LD 10 10 10 t0 10 LD t0 10 10 10 10 ABB Ltd. Switzerland 10 ID 10 10 10 10 10 ID 10 10 10 . ]0 Ace Hardware Coro United States 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Aeram United States 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 6 7 7 Aefa-Cec-aeet NI Belgium ` 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Aeereka DI c United Kingdom 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 Aeilent Technoloeies Inc United States 10 10 9 9 10 LO 10 lD 9 9 10 10 ]0 Air Liquide SA France 10 ID 10 10 10 LO 10 ID LO 10 10 10 ]0 Alfa Local AB Sweden 10 10 10 10 10 9 9 7 7 7 7 7 8 AID babet Inc United States 10 10 10 10 10 t0 10 10 t0 10 10 10 10 AMETEK,Inc. United States 10 ID 10 10 10 10 10 9 9 9 9 9 9 Aon PLC United Kingdom 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 9 9 9 9 9 9 ADoOo Global lfanaeemeni LLC United States 9 9 9 9 10 to 10 9 9 9 9 9 9 Apple Iuc. United States 10 ID 10 10 10 9 9 ID 9 9 9 9 9 Applied Industrial T-hmd—i- United States 9 8 7 8 9 9 9 8 8 7 7 7 7 Aramark United States 8 8 7 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 5 5 ARC Document Solutions Inc United States 14 4 3 'I 2 4 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 Area.,Inc United States 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 Ashtead Group Dk United Kingdom 9 9 10 9 9 LO 10 9 9 9 9 9 9 Atlas Coraco AB Sweden 10 ID 10 10 10 LO 10 ID LO 10 20 ]0 ]0 AutaZo.e,Inc United States 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 Bakercom International Inc United States 1 1 1 1 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 BiGtaee AB Sweden 0 ID 10 10 10 10 10 ID 10 10 10 10 10 Blackstone Grouo LP United States 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 9 9 9 9 9 Catemffl—Inc. United States 10 10 10 10 10 to 10 9 9 9 9 9 9 CDW Com United States 7 7 7 7 8 8 9 7 7 6 6 7 7 CECO Environmeal Com. United States OW 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 Vtl'1h1 MIT.T.!'mm—;ea l.l.t i7 ite.d Stat., 6 6 6 6 6 6 April 23, 2019 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 151 of 156 Page 12 of 14 ATTACHMENT 3 Moody ' s Analytics CreditEdge TM LY FORD MOTOR CC) S.I�Pr �1Y1� F t I. 0.71iE 4.Wx 4Y�IG1 Ak.�NI� ' [YM!• J � iYiiM lr4/ I i_ IaiW{Wµ R 4 I'w.�Jl llwl.r�I EDF and Driyergereentiles Pettentife 25th 50th 75th 0LB110 0.50% 1,47'96 7 Yedr SOFA& — Asset Watiiity 15,0385 33.aO% 54.53% market Leverage If April 23, 2019 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 152 of 156 Page 13 of 14 IM �iNl - Mf�ir UF= - plRs•ye - - 4NNY�G.- M� - - ww�ww�wwfpl -- � moo_ www-: w�ww•i-���'. �wm a awJ. .JJir rra f ..rte Fi: Jaux w� vwR mm�x O a.� vaK aJ.r Mo. n � YN V_U1 I pn� ��MW. {VJII � em ".9a 4 IFII` NVN �ew•1A wMo�{� 4dV .•m5 FM4 M1JIW b .km Vw hchnry irhw AWS FMa iJi dp b YII4 .0WIN x4/A A(a d%4 ... du• i.w..� 7Chbp5iJa wrrF fre �bolrrlu Yww� r.i.ay �I�oYlM �81r JAR W`.N.. sP9iM s.i�o' b CLy. r>,r b wy. Ver -.- .. ems. N`Irx y PIN .RJw r. Lk�` p 7x k3M !LW ■NMS .•. ..{+np . LVJ� iMLhtl6 LwL J•i� Itllrt ihM` '.c-+.{ � -w� . n i a. 2 >11Nd 6TH 4Yipt �Md Ci M1Yrt M+nN CNY �y•^ The CreditEdge platform provides a leading probability of default model for managing the credit risk of your portfolio of listed firms and sovereigns, globally. Our platform combines the Moody's Analytics Expected Default Frequency (EDFTM) model, which measures the probability that a firm will default in the next 12 months, with cutting-edge analytics to deliver tools that can provide early warning on your exposures. CreditEdge is also used by buy-side investors for relative value analysis. Use CreditEdge to monitor the risk of your counterparties and for investment idea generation • Get a comprehensive dataset on public firms, default risk drivers, financial information. • Compare each firm to its peers, industry or groups, set up alerts and download your reports • Easily manage your portfolios, upload your exposure and calculate expected loss. • Identify names at-risk of default or downgrade utilizing the Early Warning toolkit, available via Excel Add-in. • Run stress testing and calculate your potential future losses, compliant with regulations like IFRS9, CECL and CCAR. April 23, 2019 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 153 of 156 Page 14 of 14 • Asset Managers can also use comprehensive bond features including our proprietary Fair Value Spread and Alpha Factor metrics to perform relative value analysis and systematically capture alpha in fixed income and equity markets. Broad coverage, robust analytical tools, multiple delivery platforms • Global coverage of 36,000+ publicly traded firms, 1,876 entities with daily credit default swap (CDS) spreads, and 237,000+ bonds helps you manage your portfolio with confidence. • Over 11,700 defaults covering 50 years in our global database contributes to the high statistical accuracy of our EDF model. • Powerful analytical tools include peer analyses, screening and benchmarking capabilities, scenario analysis, extensive alerts, robust charting and reporting, customizable Microsoft Excel add-in templates, and more. • Multiple delivery platforms, including the CreditEdge website, Microsoft Excel Add- in, data file service (DFS), and application program interfaces (APIs), help facilitate your daily workflow. • Leverage our team of specialists to create custom solutions and for one-on-one product training. April 23, 2019 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 154 of 156